Industrial sourcing fair brochure

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The one source for every industry and applications.

31 July > 3 August 2008 BITEC Bangna, Bangkok Thailand. Hall 103 The first step to GREEN Sourcing

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Organized by :

Supported by :

Official Publication :


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We are pleased to welcome all exhibitors and visitors to ìINDUSTRIAL SOURCING FAIR 2008î : The one source for every industry and applications. This is our first show that being hold at Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Center (BITEC). With 5,240 sq.m. of exhibition floor space in use this fair will enhance your pleasure and increase your business opportunities with over 300 Exhibitors as leading industrial product suppliers and other related services providers. They are classified into sixteen significant categories : Adhesive & Sealants, Automation & Electronics, Chemicals, Custom Manufacturing & Fabricating, Electrical & Power Generation, Engineering Software & Consulting, Hardware, Instrument & Control, Machinery tools & supplies,Material Handling, Metal & Metal products, Plant & Facility Equipment,Plastics & Rubbers, Process Equipment, Pumps & Valves, Services. Under the theme ìThe first step to green sourcingî which highlights the effectiveness of our activities, especially business matching program, and this will guarantee that major of our target visitors will meet their exact suppliers. This is the starting point of development in the industrial sourcing from upstream to downstream of all industry which will be able to fulfill most buyersí need. Finally, we extend a warm thank you to our partners, ...and our another alliance associations for their unfailing support and assistance holding this fair. On behalf of SE-EDUCATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED, we wish you will have fruitful visit and looking forward to welcoming you for our show.


About SE-ED

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Industrial Magazine Department, a part of SE-EDUCATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITEDës Magazine business. We are the largest industrial media publisher in Thailand. Nowaday, We published INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY REVIEW, MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL SOURCING MAG, which provide the industrial product knowledge to Thaiís industrialists more than 14 years.



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Industrial Sourcing Fair as the international trade fair of industrial products for all of sourcing and support every industry and applications. with giving the product knowledge, technology, standard and environment .



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1. To open opportunity for industrial product and services of manufacturers, suppliers meet potential buyers from Thailand and Other countries. 2. To up skill for sourcing activity of entrepreneurs, management, purchasing manager and all of potential buyers with knowledge and management techniques. 3. To support local buyers and sellers trade off more for industrial products and services.


Global Sourcing Trends:

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Today, Global warming situation is the big challenge all of mankind. Everyone are helping to reduce effect and prevent after shock. The Industry Sectors is a parts of this problem , so all of participants like a manufactures, suppliers, buyers and end-users must solve this problem together. By the manufacturers must design product by environment concern such as reduce energy consumption, recycle and reduce chemical ingredient For Buyers should be select eco label product ROHS, WEEE, REACH compliance or so on show green products and select social responsibility suppliers which will get return waste electrical and electronics equipment (WEEE)

General Information: Exhibition Information :

Exhibition Projection:

Title: ™◊ËÕß“π Venue: ∂“π∑’Ë Date/show time: «—π∑’Ë/‡«≈“· ¥ß

No. of Exhibitors: ®Ì“π«πºŸå· ¥ß ‘π§å“ Countries: ª√–‡∑» Exhibition Size: æ◊Èπ∑’Ë· ¥ß ‘π§å“ No. of Visitors:

Admission: Ì“À√—∫ºŸå™¡ß“π

INDUSTRIAL SOURCING FAIR 2008 Õ‘π¥— ‡µ√’¬≈´Õ√è ´‘Ëß·ø√è 2008 BITEC BANGNA, THAILAND ‰∫‡∑§ ∫“ßπ“ ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ 31 July-3 August 2008 / 10.00-19.00 hrs. 31 °√°Æ“§¡ 3 ‘ßÀ“§¡ æ.».2551/ 10.00-19.00 π. For Trade visitor only


300 Companies 300 ∫√‘…—∑ 10 Countries 10 ª√–‡∑»∑—Ë«‚≈° 5,240 Sq.m. gross 5,240 µ“√“߇¡µ√ more than 20,000 trade profressionals from 10 Countries. ¡“°°«ã“ 20,000 √“¬®“° 10 ª√–‡∑»∑—Ë«‚≈°

Exhibitor Profile: The Fair will feature a wide range of industrial products. Major exhibits include: ÍÔ¹´ÑÊàµÃÕÂÅ«Íà ʫÔè§á¿Ã ä´Œ¹íÒÊÔ¹¤ŒÒÍصÊÒË¡ÃÃÁ¤ÃºÇ§¨ÃÁÒáÊ´§ «Öè§áº‹§à»š¹¡ÅØ‹ÁËÅÑ¡ 16 ¡ÅØ‹Á´Ñ§¹Õé

Adhesive & Sealant

Machinery Tool and Supplies



Automation & Electronics

Material Handling

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Metal & Metal Products



Custom Manufacturing & Fabricating

Plant & Facility Equipment

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Electrical & Power Generation

Plastics & Rubbers


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Engineering Software & Consulting

Process Equipment


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Pump & Valves



Instrument & Control




Visitor Profile:

Visitor by position

By Role Manufacturers, Distributor, Wholesaler, Reseller, Services, Dealers

By Industry All industry such as automotive, electronics, food & packaging, oil & gas, petrochemical, energy, transportation & logistics, textiles, assembly, By Job Function Top Corporate Management* Sourcing Manager* Purchasing Manager* Staff of Purchasing* Manufacturing Manager* Plant Manager* Industrial Designer and Consultant* Maintenance & Engineering Manager Remark: Trade only. Attendees must be 18 years and above. All trade visitors must provide three (3) copies of their business card to gain entry to the event.

CEO/MD Purchasing Mgr. Engineering Maintenance staff R&D Other

Visitor by role

Manufacturing Wholesaler Reseller

Distributor Services Dealer

More than 100,000 products from 300 Suppliers in Thailand come to show and sale Sourcing Game, Challenge your duty get prize. Save more than 70% from hot products. Got products sample from main sponsors when pre-registration. Join free seminar more than 10 topics in this exhibition. Convenient for visiting with the best services from organizer Learn more sourcing strategies from expert with free seminars PR Services for any product launches or press conferences at the fair.



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Free seminar for all visitors:

Gift set for pre-register visitor, as sample product of our main sponsor. More than 1,000 visitors come to this fair will be get the sample bag which contain the lastest sample product support by our main sponsor to testing.

At this fair, all of visitors can join more than ten topics of seminar from experts which supported by member of Associate and Institute, including technology management strategy for sourcing industrial products and services activities.

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Special price product, discount more than 50 %

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Industrial Sourcing Fair 2008, will be change everything for visitors and exhibitors with special program for purchaser. This fair will prepare quality products but save price.

Sourcing Game, to increase potential of purchaser. At this fair , every visitors will be enjoy with sourcing game to get prize from organizer and get experience from this game to up skill purchasing and sourcing activities.

Mass Media Coverage ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁâôâªÇ ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àå·πã„®‰¥å«ã“ºŸå™¡ß“π‡ªá“À¡“¬ ´÷Ëß ã«π„À≠㇪öπ¿“§Õÿµ “À°√√¡°“√º≈‘µ ®–‡¢å“√ã«¡ß“π ºŸå®—¥ß“π¡’·ºπ®—¥°‘®°√√¡‚√¥‚™«èµ“¡π‘§¡Õÿµ “À°√√¡À≈—° Õ“∑‘ π‘§¡Õÿµ “À°√√¡¡“∫µ“æÿ¥ π‘§¡Õÿµ “À°√√¡Õ¡µ–π‘§¡Õÿµ “À°√√¡π«π§√ ·≈–Õ¬ÿ∏¬“‰Œ‡∑§ „π√Ÿª·∫∫°“√ —¡¡π“æ√åÕ¡™¡π‘∑√√»°“√·∫∫¬ãÕÊ ®“°ºŸå π—∫ πÿπ ¢Õ߇√“ æ√åÕ¡‡ √‘¡§«“¡√Ÿå„À¡ãÊ ∑“ߥå“πß“π®—¥´◊ÈÕ®—¥À“ ‘π§å“Õÿµ “À°√√¡ ·°ãºŸå‡¢å“√ã«¡ß“π

Road show activities. To make sure visitors come to this fair , we plan to road show to Industrial Estate Authority Thailand by selective the main industrial estate only such as Maptapud, Amata, Navanakorn and Ayudhaya to present about this fair and transfer know how about sourcing strategy.

Newspaper : Advertisement will be placed in local newspaper such as The Nation, Krungthep Turakij, Bizweek, Bangkok Post, Post Today, Than Settakij, Prachachart Turakit, Manager Weekly e-newsletter : Industrial Sourcing Fair eNewsletter is blasted out monthly to more than 100,000 buyers database around the world. Featuring a section on "Exhibition Spotlight", Exhibitors will be able to make use of this section to showcase their products and services before the fair. Radio & TV Broadcast : Industrial Sourcing Fair 2008 will be featured and promoted in major radio station and †TV Channel across Thailand. Direct Mailer Invitation : Industrial Sourcing Fair 2008 invitation flyers will be mailed to over 10,000 potential buyers in Thailand cover all industry to attend the show. Outdoor Media : The big cut-out display. Mobile Advertising Solution : Selective by location

Application Guidelines Cost of Participation Space Only (min 18 sqm) 6,500 THB/sq.m. Shell Scheme (min 9 sqm) 60,000 THB (This Price Exclude VAT 7%)

Application deadline : 31 March 2008 Deadline for Exhibition Fee : 30 April 2008

Shell Scheme Package Stand

Inclusive of 3 side/back walls, company's name on fascia, 1 Information desk, 2 Chairs, One 5-amp socket, 2 Fluorescent Lights, Punched Carpet *Value Added Tax (VAT) is additional at 7%

How to Apply? FAX REPLY TO 0-2739-8117-8 INDUSTRIAL SOURCING FAIR 2008 Booking Area Form. Yes, I am interested in Exhibiting. Without any obligations, please reserve .............................................. sq.m. for my company Visiting. Please send me more informaiton about the event. Sponsoring. Please send me more details on the sponsorship packages.

Mr / Ms / Mrs (please circle) Name: .................................................................................................................................... Designation: ......................................................... Company: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Country: ..................................................................................................... Tel: ............................................................................................... Fax: ........................................................................ Mobile phone: ....................................................................................... Email: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Website: ..................................................................................................... Product Range: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Getting There

Exhibit Assistance To help your arrangements go smoothly, we provide the following assistance. Planning, setting up, and dismantling of booths Creation of display decorations Customs clearance and shipping services Interpreting and translating services Organizing and refering local staff Travel arrangements Organizing and referring accommodation Organizing and referring local transportation Environmentally related site visits As for more information, please contact the secretariat e-mail:

Organizer contact details SE-EDUCATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED. 1858/87-90 Floor 19th Nation Tower, Bangna-Trad Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260

Tel: 662-739-8111

Fax: 662-739-8117-8

Space reservation Ms. Benchamaporn Ms. Wannapa Ms. Nichapa Ms. Bawornnan Ms. Viparath Secretariat

please contact: ext 8123 ext 8124 ext 8125 ext 8126 ext 8121 ext 8165

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