Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption (Core Studies)

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Asian Architecture [ARC 2213/2234] PROJECT 1: CASE STUDY

Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya








9TH JUNE 2015

Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya Table of Contents


Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3 1.1

The relationship between carbon emissions & the building sector ...............3

2.0 Sustainable architecture ...................................................................................... 4 2.1

GBI rating system........................................................................................ 5

3.0 Malaysia’s first GBI Platinum rated house – S11 House ...................................... 6 4.0 Roof insulation..................................................................................................... 7 4.1

Roof u-value & OTTV .................................................................................. 7

5.0 Sun shading strategies ........................................................................................ 8 5.1

House orientation ........................................................................................ 8


Trees & plants shading................................................................................ 8

6.0 Cooling strategies ................................................................................................ 9 6.1

Stack ventilation .......................................................................................... 9


Evaporative cooling ................................................................................... 10

7.0 Active design strategies..................................................................................... 11 7.1

Rain water harvesting................................................................................ 11


Wind turbine .............................................................................................. 14


Photovoltaic panels ................................................................................... 15

8.0 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 16 9.0 References ........................................................................................................ 17

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

Abstract The main objective of this research paper is to investigate how sustainable architecture could contribute to lowering energy consumption in residential buildings. Carbon emissions are the primary cause in global climate change today. High energy consumptions in the building sector is the main contributor to carbon emission in the world. The effects of global climate change are hostile and major reconsideration needs to be done in the architectural industry. In recent years, green building rating systems has been set up all over the world to counteract this issue by promoting sustainable architecture, such as LEED (USA), BREEAM (UK & EU), BEAM (Hong Kong), CASBEE (Japan), Green Mark Scheme (Singapore) and many more. (, 2015) Locally, we have the Green Building Index rating system. For this research paper, the first GBI platinum rated residential building in Malaysia - S11 House which is located at Petaling Jaya was referred to as a case study. GBI platinum rated buildings are highly measured by its energy efficiency. One of the most significant differences between a GBI approved residence and a normal residence is its energy consumption. Hence, this research paper focuses on several passive and active strategies used in S11 House. Furthermore, digital recordings in forms of voice recording, videos, photography, and document analysis from case studies, books and online resources were used as investigation approaches to complete this research paper. Several systems worked together to enable S11 House achieve its GBI platinum status. Other than that, good building placement and sustainable building materials are also used in S11 House to attain maximum comfort with less energy. The following strategies will be discussed further in this research paper: building orientation, pitched canopy roof, stack ventilation, wind turbine, rain water harvesting, solar hot water heating and evaporative cooling. Passive design strategies not only do not consume energy and also enhance user comfort levels; active design strategies produces energy while enables owner to save electricity bills. As a whole, these sustainable architectural design approaches used in S11 House was effective in lowering energy consumption. Sustainable architecture is no longer a luxury but a necessity in this century.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

1.0 Introduction 1.1 The relationship between carbon emissions & the building sector

Figure 1.0: Evidence that shows atmospheric CO² has increased since the Industrial Revolution based on the comparison of atmospheric samples enclosed in ice cores and latest direct measurements. (Source: Vostok ice core data /J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record)

The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. There have been already seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat in just the last 650,000 years. Around 7,000 years ago, the last ice age came to an abrupt end, which marks the dawn of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. The graph shows how drastically the number of carbon dioxide in our hemisphere increased in just a mere 64 years when it has not gone above the 300 parts per million mark for more than half a million years. Scientists are highly confident that global temperatures will continue rising for times to come, mostly due to greenhouse gasses created by human activities. The warming trend of today is significant because most of it is very likely humaninduced and happening at a rate that is unparalleled in the past 1,300 years. There is no doubt that the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to global climate change, causing the Earth to warm in response. Health, energy, agriculture, and more would be affected by extreme heat. The economy and environment





decreased clean water availability. The

Figure1.1: U.S. CO² Emissions by Sector (Source: U.S Energy Information Administration)

adverse effects list goes on. ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

Based on figure 1.1, the building sector makes up the most of the carbon emissions. A whopping 44.6% was produced solely from this sector alone in United States of America. Also, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the Building Sector consumes nearly half (47.6%) of all energy produced in the United States. Seventy-five percent (74.9%) of all the electricity produced in the U.S. is used just to run buildings. Internationally, these statistics could go even higher. These information showed that carbon emissions and energy consumption are interrelated. This calls for a major reassessment on the way we design, build and operate buildings. (, 2015) Residential buildings hold so much potential as it is one of the biggest subdivision in the building industry. By lowering energy consumption in residential buildings through sustainable architecture, we could lower the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, also indirectly decelerating global climate change. Therefore in local context, this paper will study the strategies used in lowering energy consumption in GBI platinum rated residential building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya by responding to the following research questions: 1) What is GBI and why was it initiated? 2) How did S11 house achieve GBI platinum rating? 3) How efficient is S11 in terms of roof insulation, OTTV and roof U value? 4) What are the passive design strategies used in S11 house? 5) What are the active design strategies used in S11 house?

2.0 Sustainable architecture Sustainable








development and sustainable design. (, 2015) Before the 1970s, sustainable architecture has been around in forms of vernacular architecture. Until recently, sustainable architecture has evolved into the so-called “green” buildings. According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from sitting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. (Henderson, 2012) 1) Green buildings consume less energy. Compared to the average commercial building, the LEED Gold buildings in the General Services Administration’s portfolio generally: 2) Consume 25% less energy and 11% less water ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

3) Have 19% lower maintenance costs 4) 27% higher occupant satisfaction 5) 34% lower greenhouse gas emissions


Green Building Index (GBI) Rating System

Figure 2.0: The GBI rating system (Source:

Green Building Index (GBI) is Malaysia’s green rating tool for buildings and towns, created to encourage sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness of environmental issues amongst developers, architects, engineers, planners, designers, contractors and the public. Developed specifically for the Malaysian-tropical climate, environmental and developmental context, cultural and social needs, the GBI rating tool consists of 6 key categories as shown in figure 2.0. Energy efficiency is highly emphasized. It states that buildings are to improve energy consumption by optimizing building orientation, minimizing solar heat gain through building envelope, harvesting natural lighting, adopting best practices in building services including the use of renewable energy, and ensuring proper testing, commissioning and regular maintenance. (Green Building Index, 2012)

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

3.0 Malaysia’s first GBI Platinum rated house – S11 House

Figure 3.0: S11 House south facade (Source: Cheah, E. (2015). Photograph, Petaling Jaya)

Located established






Petaling Jaya, the S11 house used to be an old house built in the 1960s. Architect and owner – Dr Tan Loke Mun has gave this dilapidated building a new life by refurbishing it into a new green tropical house built along the lines of the tress. The S11 Figure 3.1: Residential building GBI assessment criteria (Source: Tools/GBI%20RNC%20Residential%20Tool%20V2.0%20Final. pdf)

House was planned to achieve the highest level Platinum rating of Malaysia’s Green Building

Index (GBI). In order to achieve Platinum status, the building has to score 86 and above out of 100 points in the 6 key categories mentioned earlier. As shown in figure 3.1, energy efficiency has fairly high points next to sustainable site planning and management.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya


Roof insulation One way to reduce electricity con

sumption would be to



envelope that could limit heat gains entering the building. The smaller the value of OTTV, the less energy is needed for cooling. We shall first look Figure 4.0: Roof section (Source: Cheah, E. (2015). Diagram, Petaling Jaya)

into the energy efficiency performance of S11 House based on OTTV and roof uvalue.

Constructed of lightweight recyclable profiled steel metal sheets coated in a light off-white colour, the large tree-like canopy roof is built to reduce heat absorption. Shown in figure 4.0, 200mm thick 50kg/m3 Rockwool and two layers of heat reflective foil makes up the roof insulation. In order to further improve heat insulation, a 200mm thick ventilated air space is left between the metal ceiling lining and the Rockwool. (Dr. Tan, 2015)

Figure 4.1: Residential building GBI assessment criteria, energy efficiency sub category (Source: %20Tool%20V2.0%20Final.pdf)

4.1 Roof u-value & OTTV The overall roof U value is a notable 0.14. According to figure 4.1, S11 House has scored full marks in EE1 and EE3 (B). Other than that, the 9.38mm thick low-E safety laminated glass is of a 90% operable area, making ventilation controllable. The ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

overall building envelope OTTV is a whopping 29.63. Based on figure 4.1, S11 House would have recorded full points again in EE3 (A).


Sun shading strategies 5.1

House orientation

Figure 5.0: S11 House orientation diagram (Source: Cheah, E. (2015). Diagram, Petaling Jaya)

As shown in figure 5.0, with a clear north-south orientation, the S11 house limits its openings and windows to avoid the eastern and western sun. Intentionally void of any major glazed openings, the east and west walls were constructed of well insulated aerated light weight concrete blocks. Hence, due to these reasons, the main living area where the users spend time most at needs less mechanical ventilation (only fans, no mechanical air conditioning system was needed). Indirectly, it helps lowering the energy consumption of the house.


Trees and plants shading

Trees planted carefully could save up to 30% of a building’s total energy requirement. Other than that, trees could also help in decreasing solar radiation, wind and precipitation. Hence, vegetation is very sustainable and economical tools for shading. (, 2015) In our Malaysian hot and humid tropical climate, plants and trees planted in front of a window lowers solar radiation while the evaporation process also aids air cooling. As for S11 House, five significant trees fill up the site. There are three longstanding and sculptural frangipanis, a big star-fruit and a coconut palm tree. The new house was carefully designed around these trees without destroying any of ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

them. The main living hall at ground floor and family hall at first floor is shaded by the large frangipani tree as seen in figure 5.0.


Cooling strategies

Figure 6.0: Stack ventilation diagram at S11 house (Source:


Stack ventilation

Warm air rises and exits through openings at the top in a room cooled by stack ventilation. The vertical distance between the inlets and outlets, their size, and the difference between the outside temperature and the average inside temperature over the height of the room influences the rate at which air carrying heat away with it moves through the room. (Brown & DeKay, 2001) When combined with Bernoulli's principle, the two types of passive ventilation work together and use air pressure height differences to pull air through the building as illustrated in figure 6.1. Bernoulli's principle operates by wind speed differences to move air. In architectural context, outdoor air further from the ground is less clogged,

Figure 6.1: Lower air pressures at

so it travels faster than lower air, and thus has lower

higher heights can passively pull air

pressure. This lower pressure helps to suck fresh air through the building. By implementing Bernoulli’s principle with the stack effect is highly advantageous ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

through a building. (Source: http://sustainabilityworkshop.autodesk.c om/buildings/stack-ventilation-andbernoullis-principle)


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

as it doubles the efficiency of wind ventilation. Also, stack ventilation does not require wind in order to work when joined with Bernoulli's principle. It works just as fine on still, breezeless days when it may be most required. (, 2015) A suction zone (highlighted in yellow in figure 6.0) in the middle of S11 house is created by wind flowing over the building from the north and south façade. The warm air is channeled upwards by the negative pressure formed at the center of the building, while cool air sinks in each level naturally cooling the building. The northern and southern façade are also less obstructed, which allows Bernoulli’s principle work together with stack ventilation to maximize the cooling effect. This allows the main public areas to not depend on mechanical air conditioning. Hence, it reduces the need for energy consumption.

6.2 Evaporative cooling

Figure 6.1: Evaporative cooling diagram at S11 house (Source: Cheah, E. (2015). Diagram, Petaling Jaya)

Evaporative cooling through ponds and pools utilize indirect evaporative cooling combined with convection and radiation to the sky. This system is suitable in places with high relative humidity due to the system’s cooling nature without elevating water content in the air. (Givoni & Roche, 2015) The potential of evaporative cooling is testified when Ar. Tan Loke Mun showed us the dry bulb thermometer fixed in the living room at ground floor. Average temperature at Petaling Jaya is 27°c. With evaporative cooling occurring from the extreme north and south façade, the overall house temperature dropped as much as 1.3°c, which is a 5% decrease in overall temperature. So, the living area is well ventilated and cooling without consuming large amount of energy. ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya


Active design strategies 7.1 Rain water harvesting

Figure 7.0: Rain water harvesting diagram at S11 house (Source:

United States of America’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that if one out of every 100 American homes was retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures, about 100 million kWh of electricity could be saved per year and avoids adding 80,000 tons of greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. (, 2015) Founded in Asia and Africa ancient civilizations, rainwater harvesting is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater from rooftops, the land surface or rock catchments using simple techniques such as jars and pots as well as more complex techniques such as underground check dams. The system consists of three main components: the catchment area, the collection device, and the conveyance system. (, 2015)

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

Figure 7.1: Location of rainwater harvesting tanks in S11 house (Source: Cheah, E. (2015). Diagram, Petaling Jaya)

The amount and quality of rainwater collected depends on the area of the main catchment area which is the rooftop and type of roofing material. S11 house has flat profiled steel roofing which is ideal for rainwater harvesting and covers 1,100 square meters of area. Roof catchments are cleaned regularly to remove dust, leaves and bird droppings so as to maintain the quality of the rainwater collected. Rainwater is collected in simple vessels at the edge of the roof as shown in figure 7.0. Then, rainwater collected in the gutters will flow down through a series of down-pipes and diverse the rainwater from the gutters to rainwater harvesting tanks for sedimentation control before conveying to the storage container for the domestic use as illustrated in figure 7.1.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

Figure 7.2: Residential building GBI assessment criteria, water efficiency sub category (Source: 20V2.0%20Final.pdf)

Based on assumptions, S11 house would have a 30%-40% reduction in potable water consumption by introducing rainwater harvesting system for toilet flushing, irrigation and car washing. Hence, scoring around 2-3 points in WE1 as shown in figure 7.2. Backwater is treated in the onsite sewerage treatment plant and the recycled water is used for garden irrigation. Assuming this case, S11 House would have scored around 1 to 2 points in WE2 and full marks in WE3. All the tap fittings and sanitary wares have water saving and reduction valves. (, 2015) So, S11 house would have scored at least 2-4 points in WE4. Overall, S11 house has fairly high water efficiency. ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

7.2 Wind turbine

Figure 7.3: Wind turbine at S11 house (Source:

The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory found out that global warming emissions from electricity production could be reduced by approximately 81% if 80% of the country’s electricity were generated from renewable sources by 2050. Not only renewable energy saves the environment, it also lowers energy consumption. (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015) S11 house has implemented 15 wind turbines of 12 inch in diameter




energy as shown in figure 7.3. Due to the reason Petaling Jaya is located at the bowl-like topography of the Klang Valley, wind speed at Figure 7.4: Wind turbine system at S11 house

this area is relatively low which is in


average around 1mph. Ar. Tan Loke

Mun has applied a strategy to counteract this problem when there is no breeze. A steel framed glazed pyramid is fixed at the bottom of the turbine. Air heats up inside the glass box as a result of the greenhouse effect, causing convection to occur and spin the turbine simultaneously. Other than that, the glass box acts as a sunlight portal to light up the home theatre located at the basement as illustrated in figure 7.4.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

7.3 Photovoltaic panels

Figure 7.5: S11 house photovoltaic panels (Source: Cheah, E. (2015). Diagram, Petaling Jaya)

Based on a 2006 report by the UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology, 60g per kWh electricity produced from photovoltaic panels has 10 times less carbon footprint than of the same amount of electricity produced from fossil fuels. Moreover, the total greenhouse gas emissions produced from photovoltaic panels is about 20 to 80g of carbon dioxide. This statistics show that electricity produced from photovoltaic panels is 10 times lower in terms of emissions as compared to electricity produced from fossil fuels which can go up to 1000g/kWh. (, 2015) At the atomic level, photovoltaic is the direct conversion of light into electricity. Photoelectric effect properties exhibited by some materials enable them to absorb photons of light and release electrons. An electric current occurs when these free electrons are captured. (, 2015) As shown in figure 7.5, mounted on the large canopy roof of S11 house, a 5 KW peak photovoltaic installation generates electricity and sells it back into the national electric grid. The solar hot water heaters are also found on the large roof area.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

8.0 Conclusion

Figure 8.0: S11 house feed-in tariff (Source:

Malaysia's Feed-in Tariff (FiT) system obliges Distribution Licensees (DLs) to buy from Feed-in Approval Holders (FIAHs) the electricity produced from renewable resources (renewable energy) and sets the FiT rate. The DLs pay renewable energy provided to the electricity grid for a particular period of time. (, 2015) As shown in figure 7.5, the average feed-in tariff from renewable energy S11 house generated is around RM600-700 per month. A normal house would use approximately RM3000 worth of energy per month as compared to S11 house which uses approximately RM750 only per month. That would be a 74% decrease in terms of energy consumption. With 74% less energy consumed, 11% less water used, 19% lower maintenance, 34% lower greenhouse gas emissions and a higher occupant satisfaction, S11 house is a very comfortable and sustainable residence. There is no doubt; it has scored high in most categories of the Green Building Index rating tool. As a conclusion, these data are significant as it proves that by implementing passive and active design strategies, sustainable architecture could be a solution to lowering energy consumption.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya

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ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


Sustainable Architecture as a Solution to Lowering Energy Consumption: GBI Platinum Rated Residential Building – S11 House, Petaling Jaya,. (2015). Water & Energy Efficiency | Sustainable Infrastructure | US EPA. Retrieved 8 June 2015, from,. (2015). Green Building Standards and Certification Systems | Whole Building Design Guide. Retrieved 25 May 2015, from

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture


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