Leadership style is designed according to a pioneer 's behaviors, which is enveloped under behaviorist theory. Inside of this class, distinctive examples of leadership behavior are watched and classified as leadership styles. Practicing managers have a tendency to be the most keen on looking into this specific theory in light of the fact that with it leaders can modify their style taking into account the convictions, values, inclinations and society of the association they work for.Leadership can also be conceived as a process where one or more persons influence a group of person to move in a certain direction. The word leadership has been used in various aspects of human endeavor such as politics, business, academics and social works. Messick and Krammer(2004) debated about the degree to which the individual exhibits leadership traits depends not only on his characteristics and personal abilities but also on the characteristics of the situation and environment in which he finds himself. Bill Gates was born in 1955, had a love of computers and began programming mainframe computers when he was 13 years old. The text below will consist of an analysis of the leadership style of bill gates according to an existing leadership style theory.
Bill Gates Bill Gates developed his own version of the BASIC programming language while attending Harvard University. He started Microsoft as a partnership with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Microsoft became an Get
Bill Gates Leadership Style Essay
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Introduction In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.)
"Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but more content...
One mistake that new nurse leaders make is that they believe that the only way to get things accomplished, is to be direct and autocratic (Kerfoot, 2008.) The new leader's fear of failing can influence them to take on the autocratic role to try and earn respect from their employees. However, this is not considered to be very effective among staff. When the professional nurse takes on the autocratic leadership trait and uses it on a daily basis, employees feel micromanaged. When a manager micromanages their employees they take the risk of lowering morale, and losing good workers (North, 2011.) Nurses have a lot of autonomy in their profession. They work independently and take responsibility for their actions. When they become micromanaged by their nurse leader, it takes away that autonomy and creates a work environment that is very low in morale, and can hurt the relationship between manager and employee. Often managers are experiencing a substantial amount of stress from the administration concerning budgets, deadlines, and high performance issues, but this does not justify micromanaging employees (North, 2011.) It is important to give your staff some independence; this lets them know you trust their judgment (North, 2011.) A nurse leader may also change their leadership style depending on if they are dealing with an inexperienced new graduate nurse, or an experienced veteran nurse. Another leadership style that is common among nurse leaders is the democratic
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Leadership Styles in Professional Nursing Essay
Leadership can be defined as the ability to lead a group of people successfully in an organization. Hall, et al (2008) have mentioned that an effective leader has to be visionary, motivating and responsible in order to successfully run a business organization. In business the two key leadership styles, which are widely used in today's corporate world are autocratic leadership and democratic leadership (Johnson, n.d.).
Autocratic leadership may be explained as "a leadership style where the manager sets objectives, allocates tasks and insists on obedience" (Hall, et al 2008 p.g 401). Conversely, democratic leadership encourages "participation in decision making" (Hall, et al 2008 p.g 402). Whilst many people would consider more content...
"The leader must be able to explain ideas clearly to employees and understand any feedback they receive (Hall, et al 2008 p.g 402). Though rate of production with a democratic style of leadership might be slower than in an autocratic due to low supervision, it could be disputed that workers can work more freely as there is less stress to perform. A further aspect of leadership, which can also be believed to have a direct link withcommunication, is decision–making. Both leadership styles are similar in the way that ideas need to be stored before making a business decision. In an autocratic work place "decisions are made independently with little or no input from the rest of the group" (Riley, 2012 n.p.). However, in a democratic society "employees have greater involvement in decision making" (Riley, 2012 n.p.). Both these types of leadership have their benefits and disadvantages with respect to decision–making. In his research on different types of leadership, Joseph, (n.d.) stated that autocratic leadership style could be effective in a business environment as decisions can be made quickly without consulting with workers. According to Cherry, (n.d.) this type of leadership would be advantageous in situations such as the military where decisions need to be taken quickly. Though quick decision–making can be beneficial, it could be argued that it can lead to a demotivated workforce. Employees' motivation decreases
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Participative Leadership Style In providing leadership guidance to employees with the purpose to motive and influence employees, I would use the Participative Leadership Style. The Participative Leadership style addresses the improvements for increasing the productivity of employees as well as providing satisfactory to the employees. A leader can certainly appreciate the Participative Leadership Style because it is orientated to empower the employees by encouraging participation in the decisions process that directly affects the employees. As a manger if I utilize this style I will have the benefits of building trust with the employees, being able to have open communication with the employees and promoting job more content...
Manger should always remember that the goal of the participative leader ship style is to enhance the employees' quality of their work life.
Strategies of Participative Leadership According to the research and reading of (Kristi M. Branch, 2002) " Lawler (1993:174–177) emphasized the strategic benefits of participative management, could be made rapid and flexibly when power is moved to the lowest possible level, and that workers are empowered and motivated by changes. Overhead costs can be greatly reduced, increasing the organization's competitive advantage."
Strategies and techniques t hat I would use in my leadership style of Participative Management would be as followed.
1. I would make employees aware of company economics status through information sharing.
2. I would develop opportunities for employees to train and raise their skill levels.
3. I would allow employees to utilize the skills that they have to enhance the changes in the organization.
4. I would allow employees to make decision on schedule and budgets that concerns them as a group.
5. As a leader, I would put in place an appraisal and Rewards system to the performance and ideals.
6. I would implement power–sharing strategies, through survey feedbacks, or committees that enable employees to apply their knowledge The Participative Management style strategies and tactics
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Essay about Participative Leadership Style
The Theory Of Leadership Styles Essay
The success of a leader depends on the type of leadership style that he or she uses in a situation. We can use the metaphor of leaders as farmers. The type of equipment that the farmer uses take to farm the land and the way that he or she uses the equipment will determine how productive the effort will be. If the farmer takes an axe to plough the land instead of a plough, well, the result will be a disaster. That said, there is a time and place for all leadership styles (Rhea Blanken). In the following paragraphs, we will explain the eight common leadership styles, when to use them, the impact that each has on an individual, the management, and the organization.
According to Rhea Blanken of the Center for Association Leadership, there are eight common leadership styles. They are; Charismatic, Innovative, Command and Control, Laissez–Faire, Pace Setter, Servant, Situational, Transformational Types of Leadership
When to use them
Impact on Individual
Impact on Management
Impact on Organization
Charismatic (example, Oprah Winfrey)
Influences others through personality. Very energetic. May seem to believe more in self than in team.
To expand an organization's position in the market place. To create publicity. To spur others to action. To inspire others.
Individual (such as employees) may feel lost if leader leaves. Management's success is seen as directly connected to leader's presence. Organization is usually in the limelight due to the strong personality of
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3. Among the different types of leadership styles, which style would be suitable to a democratic country like India to become superpower in business? Justify your answer. LEADERSHIP
"The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers." To gain followers requires influence but doesn't exclude the lack of integrity in achieving this. Indeed, it can be argued that several of the world's greatest leaders have lacked integrity and have adopted values that would not be shared by many people today. (Peter Drucker)
Leadership is focused much more on the individual capability of the leader: "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and more content...
HLL has taken much initiative to meet the challenges in the environment.
* Ashvin Dani, Vice– Chairman and Managing Director, Asian paints is a prochanger and innovator. According to him,"anyone who refuses to change and meet emerging challenges will be wiped out." His vision is to become a major player in several emerging economies globally, consolidating APL's position as a strong multinational company. He believes that continuous improvement is the need of time. For him there is always a scope for strengthening the core areas of business. He wants to come out with new products and services with faster pace to keep costs down.
* K.K. Kamath is the man responsible for making ICICI what it is today a top financial institution and a brand 8S ubiquitous and perhaps any in independent India.
He is a man with clear vision He believes in speed
His ambition is to make ICICI a global financial powerhouse.
Essay about different types of leadership styles
He is also an avid reader and an intrepid traveler, besides being a keen observer, always ready to learn.
* R. K. Krishna Kumar, the CEO of India Hotels, is a man of crisis. His peers describe him as a strong, focused and articulate professional and also one who knows how "to disagree agreeably" and he believes in fostering team spirit and building commitment through leadership by example. His vision for Get more content
21st–century organizations are different, and the pace of change is even faster. This has given rise to new ideas about where leaders need to put their energies. Perhaps this means less vision and more connectivity (Esther and Mike 2004). Today, organizations are in a continuous process of transformation. Change became the norm of organizations not an exception. If organization is traveling on the rout of success then its possible destinations are change management, adoption of new technologies and phenomenon (Joachim and Ralf 2008). Today the key challenges are advancements in technology, pace of competition, globalization, cost control and increasing efficiency regarding customers' expectations. This more content...
The reason is rapid changes in the technology. If any organization is not compatible with the changes it will be very difficult to survive. It is established fact that e–commerce is the demand of the time and in near future that ignores this fact will be in loss even out of the competition. Now organizations are taking e–commerce as competitive advantage. Here question arises who is most responsible person to deal with this challenge? Simply the answer is leaders of organizations who give the direction and manage whole scenarios. So there is need to find what difference between leaders is who adopts changes and who don't. It will help to find reasons which make the difference. I found gape in literature on this topic.
1.3 Purpose of Study
In today's business environment the most challenging task is to be a effective leader. In this era social and business structures are changing rapidly. Last two decade's most popular issue and phenomena is e–commerce. The way leaders react with technological changes is the purpose of this study. This study finds the association betweenleadership styles and e–commerce adoption.
The primary purpose of this study is to find correlation between leadership style and e–commerce adoption, which specifically emphasis on Private Sector of Pakistan.
Research Question:
What is the association between leadership styles and e–commerce adoption?
To answer this question
Essay about Leadership Style
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Leadership Style Analysis Examples
During the following year, I will be facing major changes in my life, and clearly what is expected from me is discipline and hard work so I will be able to achieve my goals. Based on my "Leadership Style Analysis Paper" I realized that sometimes I am extremely relaxed, carefree, and unable to stay focused on formal studies so I knew I had to change. In the future, I don't want to be recognize by those "attributes". I want to be known for being efficient, proactive, thorough, committed, trusting and determined and my desired identity is defined in three two–word phrases: 1. efficiently proactive, 2. thoroughly committed and 3. trustingly determined. At the end, myleadership brand statement end up as follow: "I want to be known for being efficiently Get
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Reflection Paper On Leadership Style
This paper is a reflection of my leadership style. In order to understand my leadership style, I need to understand the origins of leadership concept. This paper will take you back in history. We will discuss different leadership theories. Then we will conclude with a reflection of my own leadership style.
History of Leadership
The search for the characteristics or traits of a leader has been going on for centuries. Three main theoretical frameworks have dominated leadership research at different points in time. According to Nahavandi (2012) leadership studies can be divided into three general era or approaches: the trait era (1800 to Mid–1940s), the behavioral era (Mid–1940s to early1950s), and the contingency era (1960s to present). more content...
Behavioral Approach
Because the trait approach did not yield the expected results, researchers turned into behaviors rather than traits as a source of leadership effectiveness (Nahavandi, 2012). Unlike the trait approach, behavioral approach does not seek for traits that individuals are born with. This approach focuses on what the leader does and how they act. It draws a correlation between specific behaviors and leadership effectiveness. There are two different dimensions of leadership behavior: task and relationship behaviors. The task aspect of the leader's behavior focuses on job accomplishment or goal achievement. Leader behaviors here would demonstrate concerns regarding production, the exercise of directive leadership, efforts to initiate structure and supervision or oversight. The people focus or relationship behavior would be demonstrated by concern for people, offering supportive leadership, focusing on the feelings of individuals, their comfort, showing appropriate appreciation and making efforts to reduce stress.
Theory X, Theory Y, and LMX Theory of motivation and management. Douglas McGregor in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise published in 1960 examined behaviors of individuals at work. He developed two contrasting set of theories about individuals behaviors at work. These two theories he calls
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Leadership Style And Personal Strengths Essay
Using Leadership Style and Personal Strengths to Succeed in a Doctoral Program
Leadership is an important outcome of the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program (Zaccagnini & White, 2014). Measurement tools are available that identify leadership style (Clark, 2010) and personal talents, called Signature Themes (Gallup, Inc., 2010). When leadership style and personal strengths are identified, they can be maximized to achieve success (Clark, 2010; Gallup, Inc., 2010). This paper provides both a framework about the importance of leadership in the DNP curriculum and several examples of how I will use my leadership style and Signature Themes to succeed in the DNP program.
Leadership in DNP Program Curricula
Prior to the development of the DNP degree, several practice–focused doctoral programs existed in the United States; however, they did not have uniform curricular standards (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2004). An AACN task force (2004) studied the programs and recommended they be consolidated into one practice doctorate, called the DNP. The AACN task force found that leadership preparation was a common curricular thread in each practice doctoral program (AACN, 2004). In 2006, the AACN published The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice to establish guidelines for DNP curriculum development. The emphasis on leadership
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This report is attempting to delve into the systemic differences autocratic, democratic and laissez–faire styles of leadership has on an individual, class, department or institution. As a nursing student, I believe it is important to understand the distinct differences inherent to each style as well as the benefits and disadvantages associated with the various styles of leadership.
From my studies and observations an autocratic leader is less likely to use the opinions or suggestions of others; in fact they could be a working dictator. They are very hands on and believe their way is the only way. Autocratic leaders are normally inflexible. Working with or for this type of person could make for a very long day. (Lewin & Lippitt, 1938) more content...
In class or when I visit any hospital it is easy to spot the various leadership styles all you need to do is take a moment and observe the floor. Autocratic leaders are normally focused and many are micro managers for the lack of a better term(Lewin & Lippitt, 1938). We were told by the medical team at Cincinnati that my mother was brain dead and that as soon as she was taken off of life support she would transition quickly. The doctor was hurried, blunt and to the point when he addressed the family. I am convinced that he was and is an autocratic leader. This man seemed to look right through us to his next case. Autocratic leaders are take control focused and they get the job done under stressful situations (Lewin & Lippitt, 1938).
We were all in such poor sprits hearing the bad news about my mother. It was refreshing when a very positive nurse began to explain my mother's situation after the doctor left the room. I notice that although she was our attending nurse she was also in charge of the floor. Even though she would be assisting us she would from time to time assist her subordinates. She would use words and phrases such as how can "We..." (G. Pearson, personal communication, DATE). The democratic leader welcomes the opinions and suggestions of their subordinates. (Lewin & Lippitt, 1938)
G. Pearson, the RSN nurse also worked at the Hamilton Get more content
Essay on Leadership Styles
Essay on Leadership Styles
Leadership Evaluation and Philosophy: An Appraisal of Angela Merkel's Leadership during the Euro Crisis and My Leadership Philosophy
Kelly Bullard BSN RN Grand Canyon University: MGT 605 October 8, 2014 This dissertation will discuss Angela Merkel's Leadership style and ethics during the Euro crisis. It will also compare Angela Merkel's leadership style to servant leadership style. It will also describe how servant leadership may or may not change the outcomes of the Euro crisis. In the closure of the dissertation, I will discuss my own leadership philosophy. Angela Merkel Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany. Last fall, she was elected to her third term as chancellor of Germany, making her one of the only more content...
Initially Merkel was against giving bailouts. Thus with the Greco–European crisis being the forefront, Merkel pushed for greater private–sector investors to absorb some of the rescue burden. She saw to it that European Union bureaucrats went to Athens where they quietly insisted on simple but important things like shortened vacations for the civil servants, higher taxes on swimming pools and lower expenditures on public housing (Applebaum, 2013). In consideration of these reforms, Angela Merkel stated at political rally in Germany "It's not just about getting any further into debt in countries such as Greece, Spain and Portugal, people should not be allowed to receive pension before their German counterparts. We all have to put in some effort. This is important, we cannot have the same currency, yet some have an abundance of holiday leave and others have very little."The German Chancellor continues "We cannot stand by these countries and allow them to act the way they have up until now. Germany will help, but only if these countries demonstrate they are putting in the necessary effort"(Asymptotix, 2011). Merkel made multiple attempts with banks and governments to reform policies to prevent taxpayers from absorbing the burden of paying bailouts to the indebted countries. Unfortunately, her efforts failed, and European taxpayers suffered the burden of rescuing the Euro (Engelen, 2011). Merkel stated "the reforms that Get more content
"Traditional methods and styles of leadership must change to meet the changing environment "(Sims, 2002, p.242). Sims (2002) argues that organizations can ensure success by developing individuals in leadership positions as leaders and managers. There is a perception that leadership is a level above management. McConnell (2006) states that there are differences between leading and managing. In short, "people obey managers because they must or they expect to; people follow leaders because they want to" (McConnell, 2006, p.147).Therefore, leadership can be defined as "the act of influencing others to work toward a goal" (Bauer & Erdogen, 2009, p.285) and can be considered "more art than science" (McConnell, 2006, p.147). In more content...
Ismail et al. (2010) refer to consultative leadership and participative leadership as humanistic– based leadership styles. Participative leadership is often described as "bottom–up or 'we' (all of us together) management" (McConnell, 2006, p.149). McConnell (2006) describes such leaders as people oriented, and the participative leadership style has subsets, such as the consultative and delegative modes. Regarding the consultative mode, Bauer and Erdogen (2009) and McConnell (2006) state that participative leaders involve employees in the decision– making process. Although participative leaders trust their employees in decision– making, Sims (2002) states that participative leaders retain the authority to take action whenever necessary. In the delegative mode, participative leaders share responsibilities and tasks with employees, clearly communicating with their employees. Participative leadership and consultative leadership are quite similar. Ismail et al.(2010) state that consultative leaders tend to always request employees' opinions and ideas in establishing goals and task assignments. They believe that the participative and consultative styles would motivate employees and their commitment to their organization, which leads to higher job satisfaction. Madlock (2008) also believes that leadership styles such as participative leadership and consultative leadership that promote Get more content
Essay on Leadership Styles
Reflection On Leadership Styles
Reflecting on my one specific leadership style is difficult because my leadership style can change depending upon the particular employee I am leading, the situations I am faced with and what I am trying to accomplish. Being second–in–command of a small police agency with only twenty–two sworn officers, as well as six non–sworn employees, they all have small differences from one another. These differences vary widely from generational, skill sets, needs, wants and personal motivations. One style may work well with one employee get them to complete a specific task, while that same style may cause another employee to resist or shut down. I believe one characteristic of a strong leader is the ability to recognize and appreciate the differences between my subordinates, then lead them based upon the style that they will best respond to in order to succeed.
In saying this, I believe the style I most closely align with and follow would be transformational leadership. In researcher Bernard M. Bass' Bass's Transformational Leadership Theory, he states: "Transformational leadership can be defined based on the impact that it has on followers. Transformational leaders are those who stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. Transformational leaders help followers grow and develop into leaders by responding to individual followers' needs by empowering them and by aligning the objectives and goals of the individual followers, the leader, the group, and the larger organization." (Bass, Riggio, 2008)
I believe I adhere to transformational leadership because I am always trying to motivate and inspire those under my command by maintaining a positive attitude towards their job, our agency and the citizens we serve. In these difficult times of policing, this is not always an easy task, but I feel that if I maintain and exhibit this positive attitude, those I lead will follow my example, benefiting our agency and community. Additionally, I continually try to emphasize teamwork and ask for input from employees on projects, so that they feel they are contributing to our agency. I also challenge employees with tasks to build
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Collaborative Leadership Essays
Collaborative Leadership Leadership can take many different forms, depending on the person and the situation in which it is needed. Collaborative leadership is a leadership style in which a leader brings together a large group of people, with a variety of backgrounds, to make a productive decision and act upon it. According to Chrislip and Larson (1994):
...they are the ones who have the credibility to get the right people together to create visions, solve problems, and reach agreements about implementable actions. They are not the leaders who tell us what to do. Instead, they are the ones who help us work together constructively. (p. xx)
This paper is intended to explain where collaborative leadership is used, what characteristics more content...
The discussion is an open–process, meaning that the decision making is done amongst the group members, not just the leader. Unlike an authoritative leader, the leader of this group allows the members to be a part of his or her final say. By doing this, it helps to keep everyone on the same page and moving forward in the same direction. Most every community organization functions best when collaborative leadership is in place, but with any leadership style, there are advantages and disadvantages of using it. One of the first advantages of using collaborative leadership is the buy–in among members of the group. When a leader makes use of collaboration, it gives the members a sense of ownership and value, which in turn builds commitment to the organization. With this loyalty, the leader can then assume a greater willingness from the members to be involved in the implementation of their final plan. Another advantage of using this leadership style is the high levels of trust building within the group. Being that this is an open process, members are encouraged to speak and think freely without judgment from other members or the leader. In the words of Chrislip and Larson (1994):
"It is a shift in the practice of democracy from hostility to civility, from advocacy to engagement, from confrontation to conversation, from debate to dialogue, and from separation to community." (p. 4)
When members feel that their voices are heard, it can also help to Get
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The article of Leadership That Gets Results provides the six leadership styles for individuals to understand how leadership styles influence on an organization's climate. Furthermore, the six leadership styles are consisted of the emotional intelligence: self–awareness, self–management, social awareness, and social skill. Therefore, these three concepts, such as the six leadership styles, the elements of emotional intelligence, and an organization's climate, will influence each other because the research found that individuals with different emotional intelligence competencies will have distinct leadership styles. Subsequently, with the distinct leadership styles, leaders will utilize their own leadership styles to lead their group, team, division, or corporation. Thus, it will bring about a unique impact on an organization's climate and in turn, on its financial performance (Goleman, 2000, p.79). Moreover, leaders with their own emotional intelligence competencies might own one or more leadership styles. There are six leadership styles, such as the coercive style, the authoritative style, the affiliative style, the democratic style, the pacesetting style, and the coaching style. These leadership styles have a major impact on organization's climate. The following paragraph will be discussing how three concepts, such as the six leadership styles, the elements of emotional intelligence, and an organization's climate, will influence each other. Daniel Goleman strongly
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The Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
It is suggested that leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed growing demanding to managers' leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by using similar styles. The leadership style, according to Newstrom and Davis (1993), is the ways and approaches of offering targets, fulfilling plans as well as inspiring subordinates. Based on the types of individuals the leader works with and various personality traits hold by the leader, the leadership style differs. There are several leadership styles suggested by different researchers such as autocratic, democratic, laissez–fair, transactional and transformational. Some of leadership styles are no longer suit for current marketplaces especially for those organizations which want to attract talent person from all over the world and exploit global markets. Therefore, this essay aims to focus on transactional and transformational styles, then take Baidu and Google as examples to make a comparison and contrast between these two styles as well as illustrate which one may generate better outcomes than another.
2.Literature review
Max Weber (1947) stated that there are three types of
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QUESTION 1 (500–550 words each)
There are three types of leadership styles. The first style of leadership style is Autocratic Style. According to Awan (2010, page 253–266) autocratic leaders make independent decisions 'to complete a singular objectives' and to rule over other team members. The second style is Democratic Style. This style of leadership encourages and allows team members to have an input based on anything to work related, but the team leader will always make the final decision (Robbins 2011, page 297–299). And the third leadership style is Laissez–Faire Style. According to Van (2004, page 1–13) a Laissez–Faire Style leader does not have any control over the members of the group, allowing the group totally free to decide more content...
Expert Power was found to be the main source of power used, as through out the two–hour meeting Terrill had with the engineers, Terrill allowed the engineers to state any issues they had about the way they work. The engineers stated the reason why they were not producing was because they spent most of their time writing reports for the top manager, which does not take the time to read the reports. From the input Terrill received from the engineers, Terrill was then able to make a final decision based on the feedback received. Terrill's final decision was to, instead of sending the day's reports to the headquarters, send them straight to his office. This is where Terrill used Legitimate Power as another primary source of power.
Legitimate Power was used when Terrill told the engineers to, instead of sending the day's reports straight to the headquarters, to send them straight to his office. This was to prove if what the engineers were saying, about the day's report not being read, was true. And it was true, headquarters did not ask for the reports until the end of the month.
QUESTION 2 (500–550 words each)
According to Robbins (2011, page 303) the Hersey–Blanchard Theory was created in order to focus on leader effectiveness and followers' readiness. Allowing leaders to change their leadership style, based on the maturity of the personnel they are leading, and the task (Thompson 2009, page
Three Types of Leadership Styles Essay
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Strength Finder
Strengths Finder 2.0
Using the Strength Finders 2.0 Assessment, I was able to identify my personal strengths, which would identify my personal leadership skills. My strength assessment results where Harmony, Consistency, Empathy, Achiever, and Belief. This paper will identify each strength, how they relate to my leadership style and approach to leadership.
The first strength identified is Harmony. Harmony is defined in the as an agreement in a feeling or opinion (Dictionary, 2009). In Strength Finder 2.0 Harmony is describes as you look for areas of agreement, there is little to be gained by conflict and friction, so you seek to hold them at a minimum (Rath, Strengths Finders 2.0, more content...
Consistency should be a big factor in nursing leadership, people should be evaluated on their work not by how they talk up to the boss. Another important factor of Consistency in the areas of leadership is when employees know what is expected of them they are able to be more productive. Consistency is a big strength in my leadership skills, I look at the work people do and how they treat others, then in how the suck up or show off.
The third strength listed by Strengths Finder 2.0 is Empathy. Empathy is defined by as the identification with and understanding of another's feelings, and motives (Dictionary, 2009). Strengths Finder 2.0 describes Empathy: you can sense the emotions of those around you, you feel what they are feeling, you don't necessarily agree with their perspective, and you don't feel pity for the person's perspective (Rath, Strengths Finder 2.0, 2007). Empathy is a good strength to have it makes you as an individual to be more open to what others are feeling, but with this their feelings can't be a cause of conflict within the workplace.
Empathy can be a good leadership skill to have especially in nursing being aware to what employees are feeling especially through a difficult time can help in how you approach the individual. For my personal leadership skills Empathy has helped me to identify when someone was having a difficult time and to help guide
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The leadership styles of the United States Presidents can make them effective or it can limit their effectiveness. The effectiveness of the President has direct effect on the American people. Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy were two leaders that had major influences in the mid–20th century. Both men played a key role in the United States involvement in Vietnam. The experiences, styles of leading, and characteristics of both President's Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy intensified the level of involvement the United States had in the Vietnam experience. Even though the leadership styles may have differed, the two leaders refused to let communism spread (Moss, 2010). Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy's more content...
President Eisenhower gave the command to intervene in southern Vietnam and replace the French (Moss, 2010). This was to maintain a non–Communist state thereby halting the potential spread of Communism. President Kennedy was interested in multiple perspectives on policy; he listened to different sources on conflicting views and planned for debates prior to decision making (Preston, 2001). Kennedy wanted political rest and peace in Vietnam but knew that without US involvement, the fighting and attacks on Vietnam would increase. Because of this, the United States became more heavily involved which meant more military forces and money being spent. Kennedy had made decisions to violate the provisions of the Geneva agreements of 1954, thereby increasing the U.S. military significantly in Vietnam. "Kennedy was not trying to win in Vietnam: he was doing only enough not to lose" (Moss, 2010). This sense of leadership by Kennedy was devised to protect the U.S. by only having a limited partnership with the Vietnam government. For President Kennedy, as a Director, he kept active involvement in policy process and needed assurance that his own thoughts and ideas would dominate the end result. However, as the Navigator, he trusted his advisory team and kept an open advisory system "characterized by a mixed formal–informal advice network" (Preston, 2001). With the dual leadership style the President called for
Essay on Leadership Styles
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