Under Age Drinking Essay

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Underage drinking has always been a problem and it's only getting worse more and more throughout the years. Underage drinking impacts many people and the situation that they have easy access, alcohol can cause health issues, and also that children don't know the affects and consequences of underage drinking is a real problem in today's society. Thus, underage drinking is a problem that requires a good solution to solve this problem. To start off, raising prices can be a reasonable solution for underage drinking. Many underage children drink because "Many youth may have easy access to alcohol" (National) Alcohol can be easily given to them like by afamily member or even a friend. With increasing prices on alcohol it has "been found to...show more content...

Also with family factors, families can start to create a closer bond with one another and children will start opening up to their families when they have a problem and need support. Unfortunately, many children won'twant to open up to their families or some parents don't really care what their child does, some parents even lets their own child drink. Lastly, another solution would be to educate underage children about the dangers of drinking. Many children don't know the consequence of drinking like the affects that can happen after drinking that contributes " to violence, unintentional injuries, risky sexual behavior, and suicide" (Consequences). Underage drinking affects everyone and children should learn about why it's an important issue. These children need to acknowledge how it affects their health and behavior. With education it helps " people learn about the latest research on underage alcohol use. Includes information about the dangers of youth alcohol use for teens and others. An informed public is key to ending underage drinking" (Surgeon). With educating children about drinking it make children think twice about drinking because now that they know the facts they don't want to risk anything. Also, with children knowing the effects and consequences of underage drinking they can tell others like friends and families about what they learned and help others to stop drinking or prevent them from drinking. On the downside, Many children won't want to go

Underage Drinking Essay
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Under Age Drinking: A Big problem

"' Were seeing kids coming in with blood alcohol see levels in the mid–.3s, even .4, which four to five times the legal limit for driving. That's the level at which 50% of people die,"' says Dr. Mary Claire O' Brien, an emergency medicine physician and associate professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Underage drinking has become an issue in young teens. Teens are drinking large amounts ofalcohol in short periods of time. The effects of alcohol in adolescents are much more life threating then an adult. In the article "The Underage Drinking ", Emily Listfield acknowledges that binge drinking is common in adolescents, it causes long term effects, physical injury and death. Binge drinking is the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time, consuming when teens drink is, "' to get drunk as possible, as quickly and cheaply as possible."' (Listfield). Teens are gaining a standard for hard liquor. "'Hard Liquor is increasingly replacing beer in drinking games. (Listfield) '"Kids easily drink seven or eight shots at a time."' (qtd by Gabby). Binge drinking is very common in teenagers. Teenagers believe the more you drink, the faster you get drunk and...show more content...

" We found that one high dose of alcohol caused significant loss of brain stem cells." Says Dr. Brien. Loosing brain cells at an early age is a serious issue. Teens can lack social skills and develop social anxiety, as well as depression. The suicide rate in teens have gone up tremendously in the past few years, consuming alcohol in under aged teens is a huge factor. Under aged drinking has become an ongoing issue, parents need to sit down with their children and address the seriousness of drinking irresponsibly, because not only will it affect their bodies long term, but they also one day may subject their parents to having them bury their

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Under Age Drinking Essay

Underage Teenage Drinking

It's 1:00 AM on a school night and she is finally home. She opens the door quickly but quietly as a creak fills the whole house. Her body feels heavy and as she stomps to her room; she feels as if she is going to puke. She goes to her room and vomits the alcohol from her system and then falls asleep. Alcohol Poisoning can be seen by High School and College students who are under twenty–one and who every so often drink alcohol, and a majority of them drink habitually. "Furthermore, underage college students who drink heavily are more likely to miss class, fall behind in school, sustain an injury, have unplanned or unprotected sex, drive after drinking, or have contact with campus police. (Dedel)" Parental consent of underage drinking should not be allowed because it can lead to alcohol addiction, a loss of health, and driving under the influence. Drinking alcohol as a teen can many times steer to addiction as an adult. Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a fixed thing or activity. Alcohol can change the way you feel and...show more content...

Minors are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol rather than adults. Teenage brains are still developing so the alcohol affects their brains differently from how it affects the adult mind. One study showed that teens who had consumed "at least two drinks a day for two years were able to remember 10 percent less on memory tests than non–drinking teenager" (Uschan). The alcohol affected the teenage brain, which was still developing, and it interrupted social and academic advance. On July 27, 2011, police in Las Cruces, New Mexico arrested the father and stepmother of a fifteen–year–old boy who died from alcohol poisoning after drinking with them on July 14" (Uschan).The thought of children being safer drinking at home under parental consent was then proven wrong. If you have over the BAC level of alcohol can give you alcohol poisoning or even kill Get more content

Underage Drinking

The primary idea of this paper is, how alcohol effects high school students academically. To calculate this measure of achievement, they measured the student's grade point average. Williams Powell, and Wechsler studied the association between alcohol consumption, and GPA. Versus DeSimone, and Wolaver's investigated the effect of underage drinking with high school students. Throughout the latter study, a negative association was found among drinking and high school students. Research on adolescent brain development stated that, the physical development of the brain structure could be affected negativity by excessive consumption of alcohol. The national Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health employed data from a couple of waves that contained...show more content...

Cook, Moore, and Yamada concluded that excessive drinking can affect the completion of high school and college. Wolaver concluded that binge drinking among males and females could risk receiving a lower GPA. A negative correlation was said to be found among females in college, versus a positive one on females who attended high school. With the use of standard regression analysis, by DeSimone, and Wolaver, they were able to find that GPA was lower by 0.4 for binge drinkers. The studies on GPA effected by drinking concluded that it had negative effect. First GPA was concluded by self–reported, second a cross sectional data was used. Add Health was used to study health – related "behavior of adolescent in grades 7 through 12"(Balsa). The study consisted of interviews that were done at home, and were re interviewed a year later (Balsa). "The main interest of this study was abstracted from GPA in school transcripts, which had a linkage to the respondents at each wave" (Balsa). CAPI/CASI questions were used during this process. Although results in males were negative, alcohol still had an effect on GPA. However, for females the coefficient was smaller for binge–drinking and excessive drinking. Male's excessive alcohol use of 100 drinks per month was related with an increase of 4 % probability of difficulty in school. In "females the coefficient was positive and larger than males and out of four, five were statistically significant"

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Underage Drinking Essay example

Underage Drinking

In the article Why the Drinking Age should be Lowered, Ruth Engs believes that the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or 19. Engs is a Professor at Indiana University in the Health and Sciences department. In this article Engs makes a valid point in that "responsible drinking could be taught through role modeling and educational programs." Engs also states facts about the different drinking ages in other countries, and that the United States has the highest legal purchasing age for alcoholic beverages in the world.

According to Engs's research all of the irresponsible behaviors involving drinking such as: fighting, drinking and driving, students missing class because of hangovers, or vomiting after...show more content...

In these cultures young people learn from their parents about drinking and the responsibility that comes with it. Engs suggests that we need to change the current prohibition law and teach "responsible drinking techniques" for people that choose to consume alcohol. Engs states facts, suggests alternative solutions, and relates the past from the present; this is why her article is believable.

Engs does have many valid points in this article; however the drinking age probably won't change any time soon. The problem with drinking and driving would greatly increase, if the prohibition were to change the law of purchasing or consuming alcohol. Society would break out in madness and there would probably be many riots, and reports of violent behavior would increase. I believe that Engs has a fantastic argument; however the government probably won't change their drinking laws in the near future.

Engs obviously has a great experience with this topic because she is a professor at Indiana University in the Health and Science department. However, I am not sure why she is trying to argue for the drinking age to be lowered because she is obviously over the age of 21. She has many strong points and can tell she has done a serious amount of research on this topic. Engs does give many examples about how college students drink responsibly.

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Underage Drinking Effects

Underage drinking has long been, and continues to be a serious public health issue in today's society. It is broadcasted on televisions, talked about on radios, in public places, etc. The reality is that alcohol is often the cause of many problems among young people. Many students know about local stores that may sell alcohol to underage customers, or they know someone who will purchase alcohol for them, and many utilize fake identification cards to purchase alcohol (Phipps,2013). This study will cover the effects of underage drinking and how it is a controversial issue in the country's development.

First, it's important to know about the effects that alcohol has on the human body. Although drinking may induce a temporary warm and happy ...show more content...

Alcohol often results in teens having risky sexual behavior. Rapings, unplanned pregnancies, HIV infections, and sexually transmitted diseases are possible consequences of being intoxicated (Walitzer). "In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that nearly 50 percent of the 19 million new STD infections that occur every year involve young people between the ages of 15 and 24" (Sydner 58). Most teens do not plan on having sex, however, drinking alcohol impairs their judgement and sometimes it even leads to rape. It has been reported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism that drinking played a role in more than 97,000 cases of sexual assault or date rape on college campuses each year (Sydner 62). From all types of health problems to the bad decisions one makes while under the influence such as drinking and driving, to the depression and sadness it can bring. There are a countless number of effects it has on the body physically, mentally, and emotionally. As mentioned earlier, alcohol affects almost every organ system, either directly or indirectly. Unfortunately, drinkers often do no think about what kind of effect alcohol will have on them when they get older; so many people end up learning the hard way after developing serious problems with their

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Underage Drinking

Underage Drinking Introduction Underage drinking has long been, and continues to be, a serious public health concern. "Teen alcohol use kills more than 4700 people each year and high school students who use alcohol or other drugs are five times more likely to drop out of school" (MADD, 2014) than kids who do not. There have been years of underage drinking prevention programs to curtail the use of alcohol by those under 21 years of age and yet alcohol is the most widely used drug by adolescents in the United States (Wagoner et al. 2012). Underage drinking is a real problem in all 50 states, even though there are laws in place to prohibit anyone under 21 years of age from drinking alcohol. Parental involvement might be the...show more content... 2012). Because of the growing issue of parents supplying alcohol to minors, 35 of 50 states currently have Social Host laws in effect. This means if an adult is supplying minors with alcohol in their home, they can be arrested and charged. These laws are an attempt to decrease the number of adults hosting underage parties and supplying alcohol to minors (Wagoner et al. 2012). In addition to social host laws, laws concerning restricted licenses for teens and limiting teen driving at night seem to have had an impact on underage drinking. Additionally, license suspension laws for alcohol violations are making kids think twice before they consume alcohol and drive (Hingson, 2014). Yet underage drinking remains a nationwide concern and must continue to be addressed. Methodology This study will use cluster sampling to get a good base of individuals and not just those from one area of a city or country. We will use five regions, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest and Southwest. We will contract with 30 parents in each region (150 total) who have children ages nine to nineteen, and are willing to actively participate in a longitudinal study. The purpose of the study will be explained to everyone in a question and answer meeting. Those who Get more content

Underage Drinking Alcohol

Drinking Alcohol Should Be Banned On Young People

Underage drinking alcohol contributes to the death of approximately 5,000 people every year the violence, injuries, aggressive behavior and deaths that can result from underage drinking. Drinking alcohol among teens, college students and adolescents is a major health problem in the United States, and it is a public concern. As a result, the community is affected by the loss of young people lives, lost productivity and significant health care costs. Thus, drinking alcohol should be banned on young people.

Alcohol consumption by young adults leads to increased risk of accidental and violent injury. When teens early exposure to the behavioral pattern of alcohol consumption of parents of family history of alcohol problems, this will cause to increase the risk of behavioral drinking in adolescence. For instance, young people who exposure to physical and sexual abuse during childhood, consequently they turn later to drinking behavior as a solution to their trauma. Moreover, a heavy and binge drinking by young people can be a mechanism for coping with stress or anxiety. This will lead to engage in fights in public and at the school. Besides, alcohol is...show more content...

When young people early exposure to behavioral pattern of alcohol consumption of parents of family history of alcohol problems, this will cause to increase the risk of behavioral drinking in adolescence. For instance, young people who exposure to physical and sexual abuse during childhood, consequently they turn later to drinking behavior as a solution to their trauma. Moreover, a heavy and binge drinking by young people can be a mechanism for coping with stress or anxiety. Adolescents are also more likely to get involved in a fight when they drink alcohol, compared with when they were calm. Besides, alcohol is a major factor in fatal traffic crashes that cause of death among

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Drinking Under Age

At the age of 16 American citizens are given the responsibility to drive. At the age of 18 kids are classified as adults. When a kid turns 18 they are given the rights to vote, serve in the military, buy tobacco, and that's a small portion of rights that 18 year olds are given. The word adult means, a person that is fully grown or developed. If a person at the age of 18 is able to drive, vote, serve jury duty, fight for our country, get married, and live on their own.

Why is the drinking age set at the highest age in the world? The new adults are supposedly given a voice in our countries government, but that voice we are given is hidden behind the harmful views that our government has made. These views have hidden the voice of the people that laws actually...show more content... Adults under the age of 21 are not going to stop drinking because of a law, obviously it is going to force it underground, hence prohibition. Drinking under age for 18–20 year old adults can be looked at in two different ways. It can be accepted, giving this age group a

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responsibility, or enforced and digging a hole even for something that is already dug too far to get out of.

Why not improve these problems with drinking under age. Lower the drinking age to 18 with guidelines. Anyone under the age of 21 has to take analcohol class and pass, before legally purchasing or consuming alcohol. No person still in high school can be allowed to take this class until they have graduated high school, or turns 19. If a person that does not have an alcohol license and is caught will be punished with an even higher fine, and the school and law will have higher punishments for these actions.

Drinking while driving. Raise the punishment of drinking and driving period. Raise it even more for anyone under the age of 23. Create mandatory classes in high school and college devoted to the importance of not drinking and driving. Tell MADD (Mothers Against

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Under Age Drinking

Today, in our modern society, drinking alcoholic beverages among young people isn't surprising anymore. Under aged drinking is very common around the world as we become more liberated every passing year. According to HelpGuide.org "More than half of American youths ages 12 to 20 have tried alcohol. Girls are nearly as likely as boys to experiment with drinking." Drinking alcohol can have a serious effect in one's physical and cognitive health, excessive use of alcohol can be very dangerous as it may lead to accidents, violent behavior and alcohol poisoning. Drinking at a young age can lead to alcohol problems later in life.

Ethyl Alcohol or Ethanol is the ingredient found inbeer, and wine that causes drunkenness. Alcohol is formed when Get

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