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A straightforward question, what is good art? A complicated answer, but that is good art. How does a certain piece of artwork become recognized as "good?" What are some of the traits that make art good? What simply makes art good, and what makes art bad, in general? Does having a recognizable art or design "style" limit one's creativity? Is an exact reproduction as good as the original? It used to be that anything called "Art" had certain meaning attached to it. Art was assumed to be beautiful, intricate, and expensive, crafted with care by a master. Sometimes it told a story, or marked a special day or event. Art was universally revered, instantly recognized, and generally approached with awe, while today it is looked at much differently....show more content... They tell a story, they solicit assessment and beckon all to view. Good art must have something to do with being able to please the masses. No matter color, texture, media, shape or size; good art must be pleasing to the greater majority of viewers to be considered good art. Some people like a particular work simply because it pleases them. The colors, the shapes, the composition, all of it appeals to their senses. Or, they might enjoy a painting or sculpture because it's worth a lot of money. They can feel the importance, the history of it, in the price tag or estimated value. And of course, an individual may like a work of art because a friend or expert has told them it's good, and they just accept it. A person may dislike art for even the same or opposite reasons: It just doesn't look nice; it's not worth very much money; or someone has already told them that it's not very good. In addition, it's very easy to compare works of art, and dislike one based on your feelings for the piece hanging on the wall right next to it. Possibly the easiest reaction to have, disinterest can be caused by confusion when looking at the work, or the viewer deciding that it doesn't fit their idea of art and discounting it. It can also come from a decision against making the effort needed to understand the artwork, or just the fact that the piece doesn't capture their attention. Unfortunately, with art being as commonplace as it is, many artists and art

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What Makes Art Good or Bad?

Trash Waste Essay

A simple chore: "take out the trash". Take the trash bag full of junk, place it in the bin, and let it sit till it's taken away. Now try to picture doing this with the junk in your brain, complicated huh? Reality is, you could never fit all the trash you have ever owned into one trash bag. Our brain is just the same, one trash bag will not fix the full garage of junk we have in our brain. The problem we face as humans are how we compare taking out the literal trash and mental trash. That single trash bag isn't all the trash we have stored in our minds. The first bag of trash is only the light layer upon layers underneath. One thing that strikes my brain while visualizing trash being taken out is, we wait until it's taken away! We are waiting for someone else to pick up our own garbage and take it. It takes years and hard work to empty your trash on a daily basis. In my personal experience, taking out the trash is no easy task. Through the past 3 months of health scares and injuries, I have come to realize that I was never emptying my trash, but I was only moving it to the back of my brain. My family and I went out to New Mexico to hopefully heal what was broken inside. Dr. Hao said something that I refused to believe at that point in time because at sixteen I should have life figured out right? He clearly stated, "You aren't letting anything go." Quickly my brain fired back with this, "what do you mean, I've talked about my problems with counselors, my parents, teachers,

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Mlomeister has given me a link to this site. One day I am not going to get so angry at these types of things. It's a fact of life and an age–old issue, one that is almost pointless to fight and refute because it is an incredibly emotional topic and requires a lot time and effort to understand. Not only that, but there are hundreds and hundreds of sites like this, each one gathering information from each other so they've created their own religion against religion. Not too many people will delve into the 'why's and how's of things like this, it's way easier to just nod and shake your fist, close your eyes and form your opinions without doing anything to make sure that your opinions are based on literal fact, on truth. I was definitely,...show more content...

But I can certainly see how others might, when they are twisting and misconstruing information. Here is an example. I wrote, "It's like saying "all Muslims" are terrorists, when obviously they all aren't. " Snip off the last part of that sentence, and suddenly I am someone who just made a really unfair and untrue statement, "All Muslims are terrorists." But someone makes a webpage about it, and all of a sudden its "Scarlett Is Anti Muslim" and then that statement has babies and all of a sudden I'm misrepresented. Really easy to do. Here is an example taken from the page that started this whole thing for me: "Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23–24 NAB) If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." It is clear that God doesn't give a damn about the rape victim. He is only concerned about the violation of another mans "property". That last bit is the author of the webpage's opinion. ( I did a quick search on this fellows page to see if I could find out his accreditations, not surprisingly there are none. Also not surprising is his unwillingness to respond to his emails that he gets generated from his site. Oh but you can Get more content

Longest Paper Ever

What Makes Art Art Essay

Art 1030: Art Appreciation

Instructor: Steve BishopEssay One Josalyn Cook1/26/2011

What Makes Art Art?

Art is an object or piece of work that brings one pleasure. Art is also something you see or feel and you cannot even begin to describe the ways you like it or how it makes you feel. Art is something that portrays beauty and happiness. Art lets you see the world through another person's perspective. Most art seems to tell a story about where a person has been and the things they have encountered along the way. It lets you connect with the artist and see things through their eyes. Art is a way of expressing one's self without words. When I think of art, I think of paintings, portraits, sketches, and sculptures....show more content...

The scene has two snowmen at the entrance to the covered bridge. It fills your heart with warmth and holiday spirit just to look at it. Portraits to me are art in a different sense. Some of my favorite portraits are by Martin Waugh. It is what he calls LiquidSculpture. He uses high speed photography to capture drops of liquid as the splash into lakes and other bodies of water. To me there is just something so soothing about his work. It is amazing how a tiny drop of liquid can create such a beautiful work of art. His work impresses me, because I never really thought of liquid as art before I saw one of his photos.

The formal qualities of art work are somewhat important. I like paintings that flow smoothly with very fine brush strokes. I think some of the most beautiful art work is produced with a combination of canvas and oil paints. I like portraits that capture images I normally could not see otherwise. Portraits that capture the colors you can see when light reflects on a ripple of water amaze me. I do not know a great deal about art, but art seems to be much more opinion than

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Construction of the Self

How does one create the "self"? How do we form as individuals? Whether a person is male or female, white or black, rich or poor, tall or short, pretty or ugly, fat or skinny, the most important factor is the development of the "self". The self refers to the unique set of traits, behaviors, and attitudes that distinguishes one person from another (Newman 283). To distinguish between oneself from others, one must be able to recognize their unique traits and characteristics. One must be able to differentiate between one's own physical appearance and another's. There are many components such as gender, race, ethnicity, and social class, which shape and influence our values, beliefs, and impression of life....show more content...

The differentiation between sex and gender are important because it reminds us of the differences in actions and/or experiences one may have between males and females. It allows us to separate "masculinity from maleness and femininity from femaleness, which makes it possible for people to stray from cultural notions of gender without having any impact on their sex (Newman 289)." An analysis of socialization would be incomplete without examining the process by which we develop ones gender. Our health and our career choices are linked to gender in someway. When individuals present themselves to society, they are instantly associated by assumed gender roles. People act in a certain way to give an impression on society. For example, when infant girls are born, they are wrapped in a pink blanket to exemplify their femininity upon the public. When infant boys are born, they are wrapped in a blue blanket to show society they are male. This is the gender that they wish to convey to society, because that is what is deemed to be correct. Society is very apt in recognizing images seen in commercials and printed ads and accepting these images as standards of social behavior. It is easier for society to construct their view on life based on images presented by the media rather than taking the time to analyze the bias and untrue nature of these images. Societal ignorance clouds the mind and Get

Essay about Construction of the Self
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Racism is one of those unusual things which seem to escape the understanding of clear and to the point definition. Racism is a system of racial discrimination and prejudice. The concept of race as classifying people can be seen as misleading people and prejudicial as far as it's involved in the quality of human life. The term race has been quite confusing because of its four principle connotations.

1. Physical anthropologists have called races the various subspecies of the human race characterized by certain phonotypical and genotypic traits.

2. Laymen have profusely used the word race to describe a human group that shares certain cultural characteristics such as language or religion.

3....show more content...

Racism is never pushed to the side. For example when a white law school student at Georgetown reported that black students were not as qualified as white students, it made a big controversy about racism. If the student would have murdered some one it would have caused less attention. Racism is an obsession. Universities are always on top of it, newspapers and politicians reject it, churches are against it, and America is strained with it.

Insurance Fund of New York made a company pamphlet in which she explains that all whites are racist and that only whites can be racist.(Thomas Jackson, What is Racism? PublishedAlthough some blacks and liberal whites acknowledge that non – whites have been forced into it as self defense because of centuries of white oppression. What would be called racism when done by whites is thought to be normal when done by any one else. The opposite is also true. At a few college campuses, students that disagree with affirmative action have set up a student union for whites, analogous to those for blacks, Hispanics, etc, and have been accused of being racists. Today, one of the favorite slogans that define the unorganized quality of American Racism is "celebration of diversity". People have begun to realize that "diversity" is always achieved at the expense of whites, and never the other way Get

Essay on Racism
What is Racism?
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English 123 is a requirement for almost all majors, including mine. To meet this requirement, I was given a choice a take English Composition CLEP and English 123. I decided to take this course with the hope to improve my writing and critical thinking skills. Even though it was hard to take an English class on deployment, I am very glad that I took it. My time is well spent on this course. Among many things, I learned out of this course, here are a three outcome that is worth mentioning. First, responding orally and in writing to evaluate, analyze, and critically assess the ideas and meaning of diverse texts. Second, making appropriate rhetorical decisions to achieve the purpose of a written work, based on an understanding of ethical issues and underlying assumptions and values in the argument. Third, demonstrating understanding of the interdependent relationship of reading, writing, and thinking and reflect on their thinking as part of a larger community of thinkers.

I learned how to respond orally and in writing to evaluate, analyze, and critically assess the ideas and meaning of diverse texts by composing summary and strong response, and exploratory research paper. Summary and strong response paper taught me how to be firm and fair way to thinking. This is very useful at work. I can use this to improve my...show more content...

Two–description paper mostly confused me at first. Then I referenced my work to the textbook realized what I was doing wrong. Two–description paper taught me how to write interesting and storytelling introductions. The informative and surprisingessay was very useful in learning to present an idea. It will come hand at work. It was also learning process for me to research an interesting Get

Essay On English 123
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Capitalism Essay

By definition, Capitalism is an economic system controlled chiefly by individuals and private companies instead of by the government. In this system, individuals and companies own and direct most of the resources used to produce goods and services, including land and other natural resources labor, and "capital". "Capital" includes factories and equipment and sometimes the money used in businesses (Friedman, 5). Capitalism stresses private economic decisions. People are free to decide how they will earn and spend their income. Companies may choose which goods and services to produce and how much to charge for them. They also compete with one another to sell products. Nations whose economies are based on capitalism include the United...show more content...

But even more than that, we commemorate the birth of Americans as free men. At a single stroke, the Declaration of Independence and its ideas set America free from England, and set Americans free from their own government. The Founding Fathers instituted America's government to protect the freedom of its citizens, and to secure their rights to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

These rights were created to secure freedom of thought and action for all Americans. Freedom of thought is the freedom of an individual to use his mind: to educate and inform himself; to make his own judgments; to reach his own conclusions; to set his decisions; to hold his beliefs; to choose the whole course of his life. Freedom of action is the freedom of an individual to act on his own judgment: to pursue his/her values; to strive for his/her goals; to work and to keep the product of his/her work; to associate and trade with others; to act for the attainment of his/her inner happiness.

The implementation of individual rights had revolutionary effects. The freedom and progress that followed were unprecedented. Individuals, free from government interference, pursued their happiness restlessly and produced tremendous amounts of wealth in the process. Individuals took responsibility for their lives: for their education, their health care, their jobs, their

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For the 123 Test, my results showed that my openness to experience is low, my conscientiousness is very low, my extraversion is very low, my agreeableness is high, and my natural reactions are very high. The descriptions given to me included down–to–earth, spontaneous, reserved, compassionate, and prone to worry. I think that the test describes me pretty well, however I feel that my score on conscientiousness should have at least been in the mid range. I also think that the test is valid and tests what it is supposed to. I don't think the test is reliable in the sense that a person can choose whatever choice they want. I also think that sometimes a person may make different choices, especially on questions that were harder for the test taker to answer.

My score on the Psychology Today test gave me a 47 on a scale of 100 for my success orientation....show more content...

I feel that these scores pretty much match how I actually am. I think I am a bit more organized than the test concluded but the other results were pretty accurate. I think that the test is valid in what it wanted to test, however like the other tests, I think that the reliability is low because sometimes people's answers can change on a day–to–day basis for some of the questions. I think that the three tests supported some of the thoughts that I already had about my personality. The 123 Test and the Big Five test were pretty accurate, however I did not agree with the description given for the Psychology Today test. I think that the test was not beneficial because it gave a score that was only based on scoring above or below the 50th percentile. That means that scores like mine that were at 47 were not as accurate to my actual personality as they could

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123 Test Reflection

Censorship on the Internet

Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact, censorship in cyberspace is unconscionable and impossible. Trying to censor the Internet its problematic because the net is an international issue, there is no standard for judging materials, and censorship is an abridgment of democratic spirit.

Firstly, censorship on the Internet is an international issue. The Internet was constructed by the U.S. military since 1960s, but no one actually owns it. Thus, the Internet...show more content...

Why do people still argue about that?

It is all about personal points of views. Justice Douglas said, "To many the Song of Solomon is obscene. I do not think we, the judges, were ever given the constitutional power to make definitions of obscenity."II. In cyberspace, it is hard to set up a pool of judges to censor what could be displayed on the net.

Thirdly, censorship works against democratic spirit, it opposes the right of free speech and is a breach of the First Amendment. Do you remember Salman Rushdie and his book The Satanic Verses? Iranian government announced a death threat to kill Rushdie and his publishers because his book speaks against Islam.

No one wants that to happen again. If you are one of the Internet users, you should have seen a blue ribbon logo. The blue ribbon symbolizes a support for the essential human right of free speech. Let think about what happen if we lost the right of free speech. How can we stay online?

Who gives courage to the web's designers to put their opinion on the net? On the same day when the 1996 Telecommunication Act signed in law, a bill called House Bill 1630 was introduced by Georgia House of Representatives member Don Parsons. It is so repel that this law even limits the right of choosing email addressesIII.

Censorship on the Internet Essay

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"Freedom of speech on the Internet deserves the same protection as freedom of the press, freedom of speech, or freedom of assembly." said Bill

My Teenage Years

My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our lives.

I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet, a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage

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European Economy Essay 1


The development of the European economy since 1945 to the present day has been significant as much change has occurred during this period of time. The first and possibly most interesting development that occurred during this time that I will write about is 'The Golden age'. The Golden age transpired post World War II in the time period 1950–1973 and was a period of great economic growth within Europe. There were several reasons for the growth and development of the European economy during this time period and I will discuss each in detail throughout my essay with the support of scholarly articles and book chapters relevant to the development of the European economy throughout these...show more content...

Economic decision making as a result is quicker at responding to market impulses as better political institutions are in place. Another major factor in the growth of the European Economy at this time was Disequilibrium. Populations moved from low productivity sectors to high productivity sectors as labour demands were high in these areas. The improvement in manufacturing and the movement of populations into higher productivity areas caused Economic growth to increase rapidly within the Economy. Trade was extremely low during the War and the increase in trade post World War II promoted industrialisation. The Economic restructuring that took place after the War was majorly financed by the increase in trade and with an improved structure in industry and manufacturing created to opportunity for even more efficient trade which promoted higher Economic growth. Cyclical fluctuations were mild and also inflation rates within Europe were socially acceptable (Crafts et al, 1996).Unemployment rates within Europe were low due to the high demand for labour which also contributed to the Economic growth during 'The Golden age'.

Economic development was high from (1950–1973) but 'The Golden age' in Europe then came to an end. The first major reason for the slowdown in economic growth was the closure of the technological gap between the US and Europe. Europe had now stabilised its growth by reaching a

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