Your Friendly Playmate
Cady is a toy that allows children with dyslexia to learn reading, writing and spelling through more than one sense.
ABOUT DYSLEXIA Dyslexia, also known as reading disability, is one of the Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) with impairment of reading. It is the most common of all neuro-cognitive disorders. There are four types of dyslexia in general which are phonological dyslexia, surface dyslexia, rapid automatic naming dyslexia, and double deficit dyslexia. An inability to read, write and comprehend is a major obstacle in a child‛s learning process. Children with dyslexia may have long-term educational, social, and economic consequences due to the learning disability.
RESEARCH According to the International Dyslexia Association (2017), there is about 13% to 14% of the school population nationwide has a handicapping condition that qualifies them for special education.
of those in special education are dyslexics
which means
There is about 1 in 10 people affected by dyslexia.
OBJECTIVE The reading and achievement gaps will get widen significantly if a child struggling with dyslexia does not receive early intervention approach. The gaps may cause the dyslexic child to feel negatively about school and reading. The literacy difficulties associated with dyslexia can result in many children becoming demotivated in school especially when the teachers are using the traditional teaching method. Therefore, the research objectives will focus on how to help dyslexic children at the beginning of their learning stage.
How to comb linguistics-li
bine the intervention of cognitive functions and iteracy skills for children with dyslexia as a learning aid?
“Learning disabilities are failure. With the right guidance and support, the individuals with L
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e not a prescription for t kinds of instruction, ere are no limits to what LD can achieve.�
eldon H. Horowitz, Ed.D.
Interactive and Technology Cady toy is a learning tool that helps children with dyslexia enjoy the learning process through interaction and technology.
Tangible Play Cady toy provides hands on play time that engages all senses, an essential component of your child‛s development.
Toys that Evolve Cady toy is an innovative, educational, fun and purposeful for not only dyslexic children, but also children who are under the learning age range.
MEET CADY Your friendly playmate
Cady is a cute caterpillar that teaches your child in recognizing 26 English alphabets, practice writing the alphabets, spelling words using alphabets and reading the words by engaging your child‛s all senses. Cady has two parts which are head and 6 body segments parts. Its head part will interact with your child with sound, light and colour while the body segments will display the English alphabets.
Body segments
HOW IT WORKS Step 1: Connect mobile phone to the toy
Parents and teachers are required to download an app connected to cady toy.
Step 2: Type in alphabets for body segment
On the app, parents and teachers can type in and decide the alphabets for each body segments. The alphabets will then appear on the touchscreen feature in the body segments.
Step 3: Write on the touchscreen
Children can practice writing skill on the touchscreen feature by using finger. The alphabets will turn green from white color following the finger movement.
Step 4: Arrange & joint all the body segments
Children can practice spelling skill by arranging the body segments with alphabets in a sequence. Besides, the jointing mechanism will develop their motor coordination skill.
Step 5: Joint the body segments to head
The antennas will light up in white or red color for the word being spelled correctly or wrongly. While the head will read the correctly-spelled word in phonetic way, teaching your child to read as well.
Step 6: Learn, enjoy & repeat!
Children can learn all vocabulary as many as possible with cady toy as each body segments has included 26 English alphabets information and data.
FUN & INTERACTIVE Multisensory Elements Tactile Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic
Technology IoT (Internet of Things) Technology User Interface (UI)