Cherished Magazine May 2016

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May 2016

Do y o u a l l ow your j ob t o d ef in e

who you are?

W alk it out!

Get r ea dy --it is y o u r t ime t o

F lourish!

No m at t er w h at em o t i o n s y o u ' r e f eel i n g , w e h av e an o i l f o r y o u . Vi si t Tr easu r ed Nest .co m / o i l s May 2016


W alk it out

Does your job Define you



departments I f we had coffee...


26 Cherished Style

Time to Flourish

May 2016


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Wow! An entire year has just flown by. My mother told me when I was younger to appreciate your days because when I got to be her age (I think she was in her 40's) time would fly by. I have often told her how right she was! Cherished Magazine is officially one year old. I look back with big heart of gratefulness. We have had so many amazing authors, bloggers and speakers grace our pages. I am also extremely grateful for our readers! We have received so many encouraging words. With the anniversary of the magazine, I feel some changes may be coming. I don't know what that looks like--yet. What I do know whatever it is, I have God by my side. I am most grateful that I have Him in my life, guiding me every day! Take a "look back" moment yourself and take note of all that you are grateful for and embrace the changes tomorrow may bring! You are amazing!

May 2016

Sh er y l

By Grow Bloom Inspire Co Editor in Chief Sheryl Siler Advertising Adam Siler Contributing Writers

Cynthia Ruchti Sheryl Lynn Siler

Views expressed in CherishedMagazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the staff to ensure accuracy of the publication content. We do not guarantee the absence of errors or omissions. No responsibility can be assumed. Š CherishedMagazine.

Š GrowBloomInspire Co

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May 2016


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Do y o u a l l ow your j ob t o d ef in e

who you are? A n interview with Cynthia R uchti, A uthor of Song of Silence What ?s t he f irst t hing ment ioned when int roducing t wo st rangers? Typical l y, one person int roduces anot her by saying t he individual ?s name, f ol l owed by his or her vocat ion. ?This is my f riend, Bob. He?s an airpl ane mechanic.? ?I?d l ike you t o meet Sal l y. She?s a t riat hl et e.? It ?s nat ural f or peopl e t o derive t heir sense of sel f f rom what t hey do, not who t hey are. In her l at est novel , Song of Silence (Abingdon Press/ April 5, 2016/ ISBN: 9781426791499/ $14.99), award-winning aut hor Cynt hia Rucht i reminds us God t akes a dif f erent approach when it comes t o ident it y and expl ores what happens when ident it y can no l onger be l inked t o an occupat ion or l if e?s passion. May 2016

In Song of Silence, readers meet Lucy and Charl ie Tut t l e who, despit e t heir dif f erences, can agree on one t hing:

T hey?re committed to each other for life. The t roubl e is neit her of t hem expect ed l if e t o l ook l ike this. Charl ie ret ired earl y, but Lucy has been compl et el y devot ed t o her l ong-t erm career as a music educat or in a smal l Midwest ern school . . . unt il t he day she has no choice. Now what ?

H ow will she survive the gravest disappointment she can imagine when ?who she is?issilenced? Q: Your charact ers are usual l y based on peopl e you know or have met . Can you t el l us about t he woman who inspired t he main charact er, Lucy, in your new book, Song of Silence?

Some teachers leave a lasting impression on our lives and ? deeper than that ? on our souls. When my family moved to southwest Wisconsin when I was in fifth grade, I met a vocal and general music teacher who helped feed my passion and appreciation for vocal music. Lucy (her real name that I asked permission to borrow) taught the children entrusted to her not only the enriching importance of music in life, but its elegance and ability to May 2016 | 7

communicate. She drew out of us the kind of emotion, excellence, and love for vocal music that my father succeeded in evoking through his role as the instrumental teacher at the school, a respected role he held until his death in 1993. He was the one who fueled my love of instrumental music and so much more. The storyline in Song of Silence is not the story of that vocal music teacher?s life. She moved from music to another creative art: co-owner of a flower shop known for its stunning, stirring arrangements and its sensitivity to the needs of the human heart. In that role, years later, Lucy created my wedding flowers ! But the Lucy of my childhood and the Lucy of the story share the same passion and the same ability to leave a lasting imprint on hearts. The real Lucy blessed me to my toes when she attended a book signing near her area. Reconnecting with her that day underscored the inspiration for Song of Silence.

Q: Music is al most a charact er it sel f in t his book. How do you use music and song t o t el l t he st ory?

Music and story share so much in common. Rhythm. Pace. Lyricism. A ballad-like quality. There?s the risk that some readers for whom music does not play a strong role in their lives would assume Song of Silence is a book about music. May 2016

Though music does play the role of a character ? present in many scenes, voicing its opinions, interacting with other characters ? music could also be seen as part of the setting around which the action and interaction flows. Lucy?s passion could have been neuroscience or clean eating or lace knitting, and the tensions and disappointments she experienced would have put her through some of the same emotions. Even those who aren?t musicians are often appreciators of music, or they subconsciously turn to music as a salve, a motivator, a comfort, or an accompaniment to life?s celebrations. Why?

B ecause music moves us on a deeper level than many other elements of life. In Song of Silence, readers can ?hear? when the music fades for Lucy. They pick up on the subtle rhythms that hint at hope?s crescendos and diminuendos as she faces a future not at all as she planned. The most satisfying musical pieces use moments of discord and harmony. Chords resolve. Life

resolves. Not always in the same key. May 2016 | 9

Q: What rol e has music pl ayed in your personal st ory?

I grew up in a musical family, and road trips in the station wagon with my parents and four siblings often became songfests with at least four-part harmony. As Johnny Cash sang in an old country song, ?Daddy sang bass. Mama sang tenor. Me and little brother(s) (and sisters) would join right in there.

"Singin' seems to help a troubled soul.? Many of the songs we sang were hymns or our parents? era music, such as ?Skinnamarinky dinky dink, Skinnamarinky do, I love you!? and other deeply meaningful classics. As children of a music educator, all five of us siblings learned to play at least one musical instrument. Among us, we played clarinet, bassoon (me), French horn, flute, trumpet, tuba, piano, guitar, and bass drum in the marching band (me, again).

May 2016

But playing music wasn?t the point for my dad or for any of us.

Communicating emotions such as joy, peace, exuberance, sorrow, strength, courage, and grief through music was the goal. Music is expression rather than notes. One of Lucy?s repeated messages in Song of Silence is that we are to play the rests ? both in music and in life ? with as much intensity and intentionality as the notes on the page.

Q: As in music, rest s or pauses in l if e pl ay a key rol e in Song of Silence. Some rest s are wel comed, whil e ot hers can f eel l ike cruel int errupt ions. Have you ever experienced an imposed rest , and how did you handl e it ?

My husband was forced into early retirement. Twice. He embraced that challenge much differently than I would have, but observing the fallout of those life changes informed some of the elements of Song of Silence. For a writer, any time she is between contracts feels like an unnatural or unwanted pause, holding her breath until it becomes clear whether another opportunity will present itself May 2016 | 11

to share another story with readers. Writers keep writing intentionally, with intensity. But will the story find its way into readers?hearts or just our own? In other ways, I?ve experienced those imposed rests through different health issues throughout the years. Lyme disease knocked me flat for an extended period of time when I was a young mom writing and producing a radio broadcast. Back issues kept me couch-bound a couple of times. Foot and knee surgeries landed me on the same couch. My world shrank to that two-foot by six-foot space . . . and the pain-wracked distance to the bathroom and back. During those imposed rests, I did some things right and wasted other opportunities. I tried to strike a balance of rest and work, not letting the rest keep me from caring about and for people, not letting it silence my ability to keep my mind alert and ministry moving forward. But I did not fully embrace the quiet as I should have.

Our souls heal best in the quiet of stilled waters, God tells us. May 2016

Like many, I probably erred on the side of trying to accomplish something during those imposed pauses rather than soaking in the deep meaning of the rest.

Q: One of t he ot her major t hemes in Song of Silence is ident it y. From where do you t hink most peopl e derive t heir sense of sel f ? What does a heal t hy ident it y l ook l ike?

This was a tough lesson for Lucy. Many Americans introduce people to one another with a name followed by a job. ?This is my friend, Bob. He?s an airplane mechanic.? ?I?d like you to meet Sally. She?s a triathlete.?

W e derive our identity from what we do, not who we are. When what Lucy did was stripped from her, she flailed and floundered. When her husband gave up what he did, she wasn?t sure how to relate to him anymore. God takes a different approach to identity. Who we are and whose we are, because of who He is, eliminate long-term identity crises. No matter our position, station, work, or lack of it, I am His beloved child, and He is my loving Father. The rest are mere details.

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Q: Why did you choose t o writ e about a coupl e who has been married f or 30 years in t his book, when so many peopl e are used t o reading about young l ove?

Thousands of books about young love line our shelves. If young love stayed young, that would be sufficient, wouldn?t it? But where are the stories that show how to cope with the middle of the plot of a lifelong love? Where are the stories that show the realities of toughing it out through decades ? not months ? of struggle or conflict? Who feeds us stories that invite us into the lives of those who wrestle with the issues that challenge relationships long after the honeymoon stage? My prayer is that young readers will find courage for the long haul in Lucy and Charlie?s story, that those in the stage of their relationship when raising children consumes their energies will look ahead and set themselves up for success years down the road, and that those in or near retirement years will finish Song of Silence with insights that will help sweeten that time in their relationship. I?m convinced couples nearing retirement need pre-retirement counseling just as we expect pre-marital counseling (spiritually, emotionally, financially, and relationally) for a bride- or groom-to-be. May 2016

Song of Silence is a novel, a story. But even in the editing phase, the truths embedded in its lines and between the lines made an impression on my marriage.

Q: What l essons can coupl es approaching a l at er season of l if e l earn f rom Lucy?s rel at ionship wit h her husband, Charl ie?

When we?re first married, most of us go through a period of adjustment that isn?t always comfortable. The way he squeezes the toothpaste tube. The fact that he likes catsup on his tacos. The cloud of hairspray she leaves in the bathroom when he?s trying to trim his beard. Then there are the more serious issues about handling money, responding to crises, or how long each of us needs to process information before discussing it. Too few of us realize that after the children are grown and gone, or at the point of retirement, another period of adjustment awaits us. For Lucy, it was the sense that ?he?s home all the time.? Sounds romantic, doesn?t it? But when I say that line to women of all ages, I get the same response: an immediate and knowing ?Ohhhhh.? Whether May 2016


work-at-home, | 15


work-away-from-home women, we understand the unique tensions in the 24/ 7 aspect of a relationship, even with someone we dearly love. The kitchen feels smaller. Our thoughts seem to have no room to breathe. A measure of independence is crimped, needing to accommodate the other person in the relationship once again in as dramatic a way ? or more so ? as when we went from single to married. We have to find ways to move in sync with each other, to value the other person?s core values, to allow for differences, and to remind each other what we love about each other. So many challenges, but so great a reward!

Q: Each of t he charact ers in Song of Silence t akes a unique pat h in deal ing wit h his or her disappoint ment s. What have you l earned f rom your own l et downs and f rust rat ions?

For me, a key element has been retaining or recapturing a sense of humor about what can otherwise seem to be labeled as irritation or inconvenience.

U nmet expectations don?t just affect new couples starting out; sometimes they fester and rupture later in life. May 2016

Treating every incident as a single event rather than as one more in a long list is so much more manageable, livable, and survivable. It doesn?t come naturally, but seeing frustrations and letdowns through the other person?s perspective makes a huge difference in our ability to emerge intact.

Q: Lucy?s grown chil dren move home again because of l if e changes, which is somet hing we see more and more in t his day and age. Do you t hink a parent ?s job is ever real l y done?

Never. Parenting evolves into new phases, including the phase when parents begin to need counsel from their grown children! How do we navigate that stage with grace? At one time I thought, ?If we can just get our kids through high school without major damage to either them or us. . . .? I honestly thought my prayer labor could let up a little after that stage. They?d lived through toddlerhood, adolescence. Job well done, right? Parenting takes on a whole new challenge when the decisions they make are life-changing decisions, and then when they?re deciding not only for their own futures, but the futures of our grandbabies. May 2016 | 17

We hold our offspring tight to our hearts forever. We care about how they feel, what they do, who they love, how they love, and the crises they face whether they?re pre-born or near the end of their lives. But love is what compels us, so we?re grateful for the assignment.

Q: How were you emot ional l y impact ed whil e writ ing some of t he very t ender scenes in Song of Silence?

I cry through several scenes every time I read them. Rewriting. Editing. Final proofreading. I think the scene between Lucy?s son, Sam, and Sasha in the small chapel is one of my favorites ever for its emotional impact. Can?t wait until readers get there to see if they feel the same way.

Q: Do you t hink t he art s shoul d be a more prominent part of modern educat ion?

It is a debate that raises its head often. It?s hard to find just cause to disagree with the flood of evidence ? scientific, May 2016

medical, academic, and anecdotal ? that shows a strong correlation between the arts (including music) and stronger brains, stronger compassion and empathy, stronger problem-solving skills, and richer lives.

Q: You?ve said t he church smal l group you part icipat e in wit h your husband al ways pl ays a rol e in t he writ ing of your books. How is t hat ?

They?re invested. They pray for each book as it?s written and after it launches. They care about the readers and are diligent encouragers. They pray me through tight deadlines and enthusiastically talk about the books with others. I often test-drive book concepts with them or draw from the insights I gain from their lives and wisdom. Our whole church community is like that, but it?s intensified in our life group.

May 2016 | 19

Q: What is t he number-one message you hope readers hear f rom t he words of Song of Silence?

Hold onto hope even when life?s song is silenced, even when unexpected and unwelcomed pauses interrupt the music.

Learn more about Song of Silence and Cynt hia Rucht i at www.cynt hiarucht, Facebook (Cynt hiaRucht iReaderPage), Twit t er (@cynt hiarucht i), and Pint erest (cynt hiarucht i).

May 2016

W alk it out! f O s t i f e n Be h t l a e H y The Man al k W A r o F Goi n g

TreasuredNest .com

There are a lot of good reasons to go for a walk. It?s fun, it?s relaxing, and most important it?s good for your health.

your walking schedule until you start to see results.

B ut what exactly are the health benefits of walking?

No matter how fast or slow you walk, walking gets you outside and in the fresh air. This alone will make you feel better as your body absorbs the oxygen and sunshine. Both are important for your health and well-being.

I hope this article convinces you that heading out for a walk each day is a great idea and that it motivates you to stick to May 2016

Wal king Get s You Out side In The Fresh Air and Sunshine. | 21

You will find the air quality outside, particularly if you go for a walk on the beach or in a park, will be much better than the air inside your house. Of course, the sunshine outside will help your body product all the Vitamin D it needs.

Wal king Can Hel p You Get To And Maint ain A Heal t hy Weight Walking particularly at a quick pace and doing it regularly can help you get to and then maintain a healthy weight. Yes, you still need to watch what you eat and aim for a healthy diet, but walking can be another tool to help you drop those extra pounds.

May 2016

The nice thing about walking when you?re overweight is that you burn a lot of calories, even on short and slow walks, simply because you?re carrying so much weight around with you. As you start to lose the weight, your overall strength and endurance increases, allowing you to walk longer, further, and faster.

Wal king Improves Your Sense Of Bal ance And Coordinat ion As you walk, particularly when walking over rougher terrain, you?re also working on your sense of balance and coordination. Just getting in the habit of going for a daily walk will help. But you can work even more on your sense of balance by moving your head around.

Turn your head to the right and left as you walk for a count of 30. Then move your head up and down for a count of 30. If you do these simple exercises once or twice as you walk each day you'll get even more benefit.

Wal king St rengt hens Your Bones and Muscl es Even though walking is a low impact form of exercise it helps to strengthen and tone your body. If you?re just starting out, it is all you need to start to get into better shape. As you get more fit, consider adding weight lifting exercises in addition to your daily walks to continue to get stronger and help develop strong muscles and bones.

May 2016

Wal king Wil l Boost Your Mood and Fight Depression Last but not least, the exercise of walking releases endorphins that will help lift your mood and can even reduce depression. Give it a try. The next time you?re feeling tired or are in a bad mood, lace up your sneakers and go for a brisk walk. It works like a charm. | 23

May 2016

Click Here May 2016 | 25

Go To Website May 2016

I f w e w er e havi n g cof f ee am azi n g l ady , I w ou l d r em i n d y ou to bl oom w her e y ou ar e pl an ted! No m atter w hat ci r cu m stan ces, season of l i f e or l ocati on y ou ar e i n l i f e i s m or e beau ti f u l i n f u l l bl oom . May 2016 | 27

We want to know what you would tell your coffee buddy or what you would love your coffee buddy to say to you!

Le t us k now ! May 2016

Click here and download the graphic! Use it as a screensaver, print it out and stick it on your mirror or print it on card stock and use it as a card for someone!

Click to Like us!

Click to follow!

Click and follow!

May 2016 | 29

3 Ideas for Your iCherish Cards: 1. Stick one in an envelope with a Birthday Card or Thank you Card. 2. Leave one with your tip at a restaurant. 3. Going to the doctor? Leave a few in the magazines. May 2016

Here's a few cards of encouragement to get you started. Sponsored by

Click the image above to download this month's free printable .pdf file. We suggest printing on cardstock. Enjoy! May 2016 | 31

Get ready --it is your t ime t o

F lourish! Have you ever been given a word of encouragement, only to quickly dismiss it when the excitement you felt faded and insecurity swiftly crept in? I have. Let me tell you about my experience. Years ago I was described as a closed flower ? a delicate bud abounding in beauty and great potential inside, patiently waiting for the right time to bloom. I was given a word that God wanted me to ?open into a May 2016

beautiful blossom? and that He would use me mightily ?if I would allow Him to develop and flourish in me.?

Never did I realize I would embark on a ten year journey of growth. This vision was spoken to me after I timidly went forward to speak to the group of women at an overnight retreat I was co-leading. My discomfort in speaking was apparent. My words traveled a mile a minute

and as a result I closed my talk in record time, finishing entirely way too early for the time allotted. I panicked. My head was spinning as I tried to grasp for words or ideas to fill the time. Regrettably, not a single thought came to me. Thankfully, my co-leader stepped in and began speaking words of encouragement to several ladies in the room. She then announced she had a special word for me. I heard snippets of words ? . bud ? . flower ? . open ? . use me? .. but all I wanted was to escape from the room. In an instant, I began to hear the power in each of these promising words. My excitement began to grow. To think, these powerful and dynamic words are being spoken over my life. I pondered ? what would be next in my life?

May 2016

I al l owed anxiet y and doubt t o hinder me f rom savoring t his promise over my l if e. Wait? .what was I thinking? What did the audience really hear while I was speaking? Certainly they did not find it beneficial? What am I really supposed to be doing? I would love to tell you in that exact moment of hearing the word of encouragement, an instant life changing experience began for me. If you were watching a movie, this moment would cue inspirational music increasing in intensity and I would be seen rising up with a new determination on my face. However, there was No music? No look of determination. My head was still analyzing my failed attempt at ?public speaking?. In that instance, I accepted failure and consequently I sealed the horrific memory, forcing my | 33

bloom shut. I moved on with my life and rested comfortably in the safety of my little world of being mom, children church teacher and Girl Scout leader. A place where I knew I could measure up, get it right, and drift through life without disappointment and failure. Though I played it safe, I am able to look back and see how much growth (no pun intended) took place from that day as a co-leader for the quaint women?s retreat. The leaders in my church selected me to oversee our campus? children?s ministry department. This allowed me great opportunity, as I interacted with other leaders and pastors on our leadership team. On a personal level, my involvement with families increased as I would meet and greet parents May 2016

and cultivate relationships through our time together. There were also many opportunities to be on stage with microphones and countless ?It?s Showtime? moments. Looking back I now see the lack of sizable vision and clarity on how I should be serving. This season of growth was necessary, not only in learning who I was, but also refining my talents and gifts. During this season, an extreme makeover commenced focusing on my self talk which created a burning desire in me to be more than the homeschooling mom, wife and children?s church leader.

I l ike t o cal l it a season of conf idence boost ing.

Throughout this time, I was invited to attend an internet marketing conference. At the close of the conference I was inspired and my eyes were open to a whole, new world. I settled in my mind to start a business online, but was unsure of the direction. I embarked on the ?start and stop? season of my journey. I created a ?mommy type? blog featuring kids? activities, yet I was not passionate to maintain a consistency day in and day out. I thought, Maybe scrapbooking ? . yep? I love scrapbooking. As I consulted with trusted peers, several people agreed scrapbooking would be an excellent May 2016

choice? but no. That became tedious. My mind raced with ideas again - should I become involved again with children?s ministry? I was confident I could plan an awesome Vacation Bible School--another start and stop. How about mixing my faith with scrapbooking ? yes Faithbooking, here I come. However, my confidence level was not in alignment with the depth of my passion. Although I had buried the seed planted all those years ago, I am forever indebted to the amazing lady who encouraged me and brought it back to the forethought of my mind. Out of frustration I attended another business marketing event. My essential goal for the event was to gain clarity on my message and identify my target client. Clarity is was what I got! During the conference, we had concluded an exercise where | 35

we journal our unique qualities ? the good, the bad and the ugly ? you know, the events and circumstances in life that shape and mold us into who we are today. The speaker asked for volunteers to share and in a fleeting moment, I decided to listen to the voice in my head screaming, ?Raise your hand now,? and I am so glad I did. I was selected to share my faithbooking vision and what struggles and obstacles I was experiencing. I shared my personal story as well - my life now married to my husband of 17 years, a homeschooling mom and a children?s church leader. It was evident to me in that moment how much I desired to be transparent, so I began the story of my prior marriage. I candidly discussed my husband?s affairs and the struggles that were birthed through the pain of his infidelity. It had been a long road, constantly feeling May 2016

devalued, daily struggling to overcome the insecurity over never feeling good enough. The clarity came in that moment of honesty. Excitedly the speaker immediately said, ?That?s who you should be talking to. That?s what you should be doing? Do you think you could speak to the women that just do not feel good enough?? After the session was over there was a level of electricity in the room. I was overwhelmed and encouraged as the different attendees came up to offer their thoughts and suggestions. I intentionally looked around to breathe in the experience; my mind raced and the thought I heard over and over was ?This is bigger than me.?

That monumental day unlocked the hidden memory of the speaking engagement where I stood frozen, wanting only to run from the room. The once negative emotion blossomed into a peaceful clearness? the thought was there all along? it just needed a little bit of nurturing, a lot of preparation and an immense amount of light.

Planted Seeds When I panicked at my women?s retreat, I chose to bury deep the seed that was planted that day.

and see how your seed will grow and flourish. I often dismissed dreams, burying them deep down, failing to acknowledge them in my journal because I felt they were unattainable. I charge you to write the dream down anyway. When you take the time to recall the buried treasure of lost dreams, you may be surprised what other nuggets of hopes and dreams you may find. The process of writing down your thoughts will stir emotions and memories inside you to help gain clarity.

What seeds have you been ignoring?

Pushing through the soil to the light

Are there any seeds that others have planted? Any thoughts and dreams you have buried or locked away? I challenge you to invest in a journal and start remembering. Write them down

A plant embryo must grow itself to the surface quickly to reach the sunlight. I see the parallel to when we are first trying to define our vision. We have to grow through the trials of all the options, choices and

May 2016 | 37

possibilities. When we break through our idea is finally in the sunlight. Another interesting fact about plants, no matter what direction in the soil that a seed is placed it always bends so it is reaching towards the light. It reminds me of hope. Even if we are planted in the wrong direction, our vision will eventually lead us out of the ?soil? of options, choice and possibilities to enjoy the sunshine.

Time to Grow Breaking away to receive clarity for your vision is paramount to know what actions are necessary. On the other hand, a vision needs time to grow. The best way to solidify your vision is by taking action, even if you are unsure of the direction. Personally, I would doubt a direction that felt completely May 2016

right because I did not want to fail. You fail your way into success, so seize the opportunity of failure to maximize your growth. Breaking away from the ?rule? of having every action perfect actually caused growth to occur. I began making decisions. I began to step out take risks. It was okay if I needed to adjust and make changes. In turn, clarity began to develop. I started to blog and began sharing topics. From this, I could eliminate areas and topics that would not impact my target market.

Action was the key. Another lesson learned was that your personal growth and education will have a direct impact on your vision, how clearly you define which path to take, and what message to bring. Is there an area where increasing your education would take you to a new place of confidence?

If you are in a place where you are remaining a bud, ask yourself ?Is there a hidden issue stopping me from blooming?

Time to Bloom Once you have gained clarity in your vision? watch out! You will naturally begin to bloom. Your actions become self-assured. When new experiences occur that seem daunting, executing them becomes easier to embrace. Feeling confident of your purpose dispels many of our natural fear responses.

This confidence allows you to bloom to your full potential. Speaking of blooming have you ever wondered why some plants don?t bloom though although it is what they are designed for? It is not from the lack of its potential to bloom, the result is a hidden issue. The issue could be from the environment, the nutrition available or the lack of sunlight? May 2016

Personally, a huge bloom deterrent was how I was speaking to myself. On the outside I looked confident, but in actuality, my self-talk was demeaning with the use of the word ?stupid?. When I was frustrated I would say, ?Can?t you get anything right?? Once I began to see this negative influence, it gave me a chance to really look at a lot of areas in my life. This revelation opened my eyes to the environment preventing my ability to bloom. I needed to improve my environment, give my brain the proper nutrition of truth, forbid lies and place myself under the proper light! | 39

Time t o Inspire

What about you? I encourage you today to think about these questions while on a hike in the woods or a stroll down the beach.

Once you become clear in your passion, you can not deny the desire to pass that knowledge on to others and I do not mean only your clients. An interesting shift happens; you will not see others as competition, but rather as a resource to help spread the very project, ministry or principle you are passionate about.

Ask yoursel f :

You begin to see things in a brighter light; the message that all people need to hear or need help with and I am unable do it alone.

1. Are their any obstacles in my environment stopping me from gaining full clarity in the vision for my life?

Your desire to help and inspire others becomes the driving force, more than your own success.

2. How am I really treating myself?

Get ready--it is your time to flourish!

3. Do I believe things that are not really true? 4. Do I refuse to let my light shine or even reject other?s light trying to impact my life?

May 2016

Click to Download This Journal Sheet

May 2016 | 41

Click to Download This Journal Sheet

May 2016

Chick en Br occoli Ched d ar Pock et s This is essentially a homemade hot pocket. I love to find ways to create fresh, home-cooked copies of my favorite processed meals. When I make them I know I can pronounce all the ingredients. If I want to, I can control sodium, fat, and calories. Take two large chicken breasts, season well to taste with salt, pepper, seasoning salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and a bit of dry mustard if you like that kind of thing! Bake at 350 until the chicken is cooked through. I like to bake my chicken up on wire racks on a cookie sheet. I find they cook more evenly, and keeping them out of their own liquid makes the breast more appealing overall. It won?t hurt to cook them directly on a baking sheet though. When I check the breasts to see if they are done, often times I will cut them in half to allow the middle to cook through more quickly without drying out the rest of the breast.

May 2016 | 43

To make 4 of these pockets you need a half batch of my bread dough recipe. You can use pre-made dough from the freezer or refrigerated section, but its easy to make your own! Just make sure the dough has gone through its first rise and has been punched down. Next grab a handful of the dough and press it out into a rectangle on a well-floured surface. Using a rolling pin, roll it out into a thin rectangle, approximately Âź inch thick.

Spread 1-2 tsp of cream cheese over the middle section of the dough, and then spread 1ish Tablespoons of homemade alfredo sauce on top of the cream cheese. Jarred alfredo is also okay for this. You don?t want to make it TOO saucy or the dough near the sauce won?t cook properly. Top the sauce mixture with some diced chicken, steamed broccoli, and cheddar cheese.

May 2016

Next fold the two ends up over the filling mixture.

Now fold the other ends up and over the filling mixture, covering completely. Wet your fingers and gently wet the pieces of dough that you will be sealing together and pinch the seams to seal completely. If any part of the outside of the dough is overly sticky, sprinkle it lightly with flour. Flip over and placed on a baking sheet that?s been sprayed lightly with cooking spray. I like to line my baking sheets with tin foil for an easier clean-up. Non-stick foil is great for this! Then there is no need for cooking spray. Using a pastry brush, lightly brush the tops of the pockets with a mixture of olive oil, garlic powder, parsley, and salt. Cut a small steam vent in the center, and let rise in a warm, draft-free place for approximately 30 minutes.

May 2016 | 45

Bake these in a preheated 400 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown. Brush again with your seasoned oil if desired.

These makes a great friendly-family meal! Enjoy! These would be great frozen, thawed overnight, and then reheated the next day for lunch. Ingredients ? 1/ 2 batch, or approx. 4 cups bread dough? 2 large chicken breasts? 2 cups steamed broccoli? 1 - 2 oz cream cheese? 1/ 4 - 1/ 2 cup alfredo sauce? 1 - 2 cups cheddar cheese? various seasonings? 1/ 2 cup olive oil

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