AscensionLife April 2021

Page 8


The natural Law of Polarity

Pair of Opposites

The natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pair of Opposites is intertwined with the Law of Gender but is not to be confused as the same thing. Essentially, it means that things that may appear as opposites are actually varying degrees of positive and negative poles or one of the two sides of the same thing. There are two sides of polarity that exists within everything. Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, and the opposites are identical in nature but exist in different degrees.

The natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pair of Opposites is intertwined with the Law of Gender but is not to be confused as the same thing.

When we can see both sides of these polarities operating in the world, we can elevate above the opposing energies and the issues they may generate, by observing them from the neutral state. We can transform our thoughts and transform the situation by simply raising our vibration from out of the polarized state, by holding neutral or Compassionate Witnessing. All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles. So, taking this intoconsidieration, every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity in particle matter and its double in anti-particle matter, and that combination is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. Ultimately our spiritual goal is to unify and link up the particle matter and anti-particle matter of our Consciousness and body via the process of polarity integration. Polarity Integration is identifying and locating that consciousness content we have which may be unable to link and bond together, and then intending to unify them through the witness in the neutral point or through the love vibration. This practice is the art of mental alchemy and transmutation of the lower vibration of fear. This is also represented within our physical gender bodies, which express as a polarity in matter form, when incarnated in a male or female body. While our physical body may appear to exist in one polarity form in matter, our internal and external energies exist in both male and female principles simultaneously. Femanale! 8

One will notice the same repeated polarity patterns appearing in some configuration that is in absolutely every energetic force or matter form and that this pattern repeats itself throughout multiple dimensional layers. As an example, all dimensional layers in the Harmonic Universes have interconnected building blocks of matter and anti-matter that are created from positive charge, negative charge, and neutral or Zero Point energy potential.

To create circuits of feedback loops for multiplying open source energy supply, or for directing the finite energy supply to something or somewhere, these charges must attract, link and bond together. The positive or negative charge in the energies are inherent in the forces that are governed by the Law of Gender and the Law of Polarity, and this is the architecture which everything is created from in this Universe. Through the Law of Polarity, there are many soul formation groups on evolution journeys that are primarily weighted in the negative or positive polarity, which can also describe the Service to Self and Service to Others orientation in a specific group consciousness. Balance your energy by looking at both sides of polarity.

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