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Meet the Crystal Skull Collective By Sia-Lanu Estrella

About the Author Sia-Lanu Estrella, is the channel of ‘The Rainbow Tablets: Journey back to wholeness.’ Australian-born, she spent three years living in the Peruvian Andes while the sacred mountain spirits helped her to rediscover the great mysteries. When Sia-Lanu met the Rainbow Race, they told her it was time to restore the deep cosmic remembering to Earth. And it marked the Return to Unification. To find out more about SiaLanu and The Rainbow Tablets, visit www.sialanuestrella.com.


“Oh look, they have the Indiana Jones movie about the crystal skulls. That’s set here in Peru. Let’s watch that,” I said to my neighbour. He nodded enthusiastically as he nestled into the sofa. The nightly sirens of the curfew had died down. We could almost pretend that life was normal as we dug into a bag of crisps.

When the elongated crystal skull appeared on screen, my body jolted. Since I had gone through my starseed activations, it was common for my body to register cosmic memories. I recalled watching this movie as a teenager. It had evoked a sense that I needed to remember something important. I had sworn that the skulls were real and I would go to Peru to find one.

Now, two decades later, I was in my third year of living in Cusco. So much magic and mystery had been revealed to me. But I had long ago forgotten about the skulls. My body jolted again. I felt something stirring. The time was nearing. But I could never have known how deep my connection with the Crystal Skull Collective would be.

Sia-Lanu Estrella Author | Multidimensional Healer w: www.sialanuestrella.com e: sialanuestrella@gmail.com

What is the Crystal Skull Collective? In the beginning, there was a vast consciousness, which is referred to as The All. It wished to experience itself, so it broke apart into the Rainbow Race. They are our Unified Selves – etheric beings that exist outside of time and space. They are completely whole with no birth, death or gender.

They are the essence of divine love, the Rainbow Frequency. After some time, a decision was made to have a deeper experience. Each Rainbow Unified Self would break apart into many fragments. And all would enter a grand experiment in separation. The purpose was to experience and co-create. Each would forget that they were The All, so they could have the joy of rediscovering this through a journey of remembering. Yet, the experiment was not intended to last forever. To ensure these fragments were not suspended in infinity, it was necessary to create form. We know this now as time and space, which is held by the container of the multiverse.

And so, the Crystal Skull Collective was brought into being. They were tall beings with elongated crystal skulls. They were the architects of time and space. They designed the multiverse and created everything from sound – using vibration and frequency as the fabric of the multiverse.

What are their abilities? The Crystal Skull Collective are masters of multidimensionality, for they created it. They hold the wisdom and secrets of the multiverse. They are the ultimate time travellers, moving through dimensions with ease. There are very few on Earth who can communicate with them. Their frequency is so powerful that it can overload the brain and nervous system. However, they share small fragments of their wisdom through the crystal beings on Earth – at the level that our bodies can handle. You can connect with them through any crystal. Some find it easier to work with carved crystal skulls.

Not all skulls are created through purity and connection. But those that are can be used as gateways. They offer glimpses into the mysteries of the multiverse. And they can assist with navigating multidimensional space. This could be to clear for other timelines (past, parallel or future lives). Or to connect with other fragments of your Rainbow Unified Self, to discover your greatest gifts and wisdom. And they can be gateways to other realms – from the elemental realms to the higher dimensions.

Once you reach a high enough frequency, you can also connect with the Crystal Skull Collective through sound, frequency and vibration. But this is of such an elevated awareness that it must be experienced rather than communicated.

How did I meet them? As well as offering online courses and activations, I work with clients through personalised mentorship programs. One of my clients was very far along in her multidimensionality. She came to me because her Earth and Galactic service required the two of us. Our paths were woven together.

Quite unexpectedly one day, the Crystal Skull Collective appeared. Even though I had greatly elevated my frequency and been through my DNA upgrades, the experience was intense. It felt ‘too much’ for me to hold. Yet, they continued to work with us over a period of months. When we were ready, they revealed that both of us were members of the Crystal Skull Collective. And they asked us to embody these higher self aspects. At first, I resisted. I had already embodied so much. Yet, it seemed this was written in the stars. The momentum had started. Now we have both integrated these higher selves. My Crystal Skull higher self told me, “You’re just getting started.” And now I know there is so much more to discover.

A channelled message from the Crystal Skull Collective

“You are not in a race. One of the human traits we see around the Great Awakening is impatience. The feeling of remembering can be so glorious, that you desire more and more. It will come. But we ask you to remember that this has been a journey of eons. Lifetime after lifetime.

“We invite you to breathe out and relax into the remembering. There is nothing you need to force. It is important that you allow your mind, body and spirit the time to adjust and prepare. If we were to share it all with you right now, it would cause you harm. Your physical vessel needs time to adjust. Nurture and support it.

“We invite you to embrace patience and appreciate the beauty of the unfolding. Let it be wondrous and joyful. Notice the revelations that are brought to you and enjoy uncovering the pieces of the puzzle. The purpose of this entire experiment was experience. Now you are at the best part – the remembering. Savour every moment. All will be revealed in divine alignment.”

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