6 minute read

AscensionLife October 2021


How do I clean my crystals?


There are several methods to energetically clean your crystals.

Cleansing Methods for All Crystals


Smoke -Smoke of sage, incense, palo santo, or smudge sticks waved over the stone at a distance of at least 2 feet away. Just like smoke clears out your home or office space energetically, it is great for clearing out your crystals.


Singing Bowls - Place the crystal in a singing bowl and allow the musical vibration to break apart negative energy buildup and replace it with positive. This can be done in a metal Tibetan singing bowl or a Quartz crystal bowl. You could also take the crystals to a sound bath with you.

Tuning Forks - Activate a tuning forks and wave it over your stone for vibration healing and cleansing. You could also gently place the end of the fork directly on the stone.

Is my crystal okay in Salt?

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Crystals that have a hardness of at least 3 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness are okay in Salt. Salt has a hardness of 2.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, so it will scratch anything below a 2.5. To be on the safe said, we recommend your stones to be at least a 3.

→ Returning to the earth. Burying your crystals in the earth is another favorite. It grounds the energy back to Source and allows your stone to take a little nap. You can bury your crystals in a potted plant, in your garden, or in the sand at the beach.


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→ Kids Love Crystals. Let them feel them at an early age. You can even give them their own to play with. Some may be a little strong for their energy field, so you can test them out first.



What‘s Your Level of Abundance Maintenance?

Maintenance. A wise Soul

once told me its all about the maintenance. That‘s where we mess up, I mean literally things get messy. We start to accumulate more than we need. I know some of you will say, “What? I need all that stuff!“ But, do you?

Living in a world of abundance can

take a little getting used to if you‘re not used to having everything you want, whenever you want it. So we have to start maintaining our abundance.

How you ask? One way

is to know your comfort level of Abundance. Say, you have a wardrobe of maybe 100 items (makes you comfortable). So every time you purchase something new, you set aside one of your 100 items to give away. This way you will maintain 100 items in your wardrobe at all times. (Then hoardering won‘t become a problem.) Again that depends on your Level of Abundance Maintenance. You could only like 20 items in your wardrobe, or 200? Its totally your decision.

You just must know your number.

Don‘t falter from it. Stay on track. Know your space! How does it feel? Does it feel cluttered? Does it feel safe? Only you will know the answer.

Home! Our home is another area

of maintenance. What does that look like? Mine is a mess right now because I have been focusing on getting this magazine done. So I know it gets messy at times. But, if you do one load of laundry a day, clean the dishes everyday (at least throw them in the dishwasher) make your bed in the morning, then you will have a modecom

of maintenance started.

I‘m not saying don‘t take a brake

because we have to take a rest. Even God rested on the Seventh day. Get into a routine of maintenance. Just like you have to brush your teeth everyday or they will fall out. My Dentist says, “Floss the ones you want to keep“. SO I DO!

Now if your an Artist, I believe

you can have an Art Room that‘s full of stuff, because you have to make Art. But you can organize it too. I have a friend who does beading. She made her garage into an office and every bead, of every color is neatly binned.

It saves time and money too! When

your organized and you maintain your organization, you know where things are and can find them faster. (Thus saving time)

Once you get into the pattern

of maintenance, your habits become your lifestyle, your lifestyle becomes easier and part of the New Earth thinking.

Paramahansa Yoganada once said,

“By the thoughts we habitually entertain and act upon, we create the circumstamces of which our life unfolds“. So if you habitually keep up the maintence life gets easier and it becomes second nature.

Enjoy the journey! Remember, we

all have our own journeys, and we are on different understandings of the journey, so don‘t judge our neighbor for where they are on their journey. Stay in the Present for the best results.

Namasté Cherlyn

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