The bulletin newspaper 25 november 2017

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Issue 155 - FREE

25 November 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Police raid illegal mine Zama Zama (illegal mining) operations are now openly being conducted at various locations around Evander. The police raided several areas on Friday and confiscated a lot of equipment. A few arrests were also made. The Bulletin was present when the illegal mining operations at the old Evander dumping site were investigated. The extend of the mining operations is not visible from the road, but an extensive digging operation have been uncovered. It is extremely dangerous to walk in the area as it is inundated with holes in the ground. These holes and excavations vary from large diggings to holes of about 1,5m x 1m. It is estimated that some of the holes reach depths of more than 20 meters. The police can certainly not execute a raid at night as it is too dangerous. The miners even uses hosepipes as ropes to decent into these holes or pits. Side shafts are sometimes dug without proper support of the earth above. The tunnel roof can cave in at any given moment. Soil is placed in bags and brought to the surface. It is then washed and separated on site, rolled into cloth as fine gold particles and transported to eMbahlenhle where the gold is extracted with a mercury process which is also very poisonous. It is quite evident that the illegal operations have intensified over the past few years with Zama Zamas even digging in broad daylight and in clear view of the public. A police helicopter could be heard for days and police visibility was high during a operation to catch illegal miners, or the Zama Zama’s as they are commonly known.

In July this year, police arrested 197 illegal miners around Evander, eMbalenhle and Osizweni informal settlements. These Lesotho nationals were between the ages of 16 and 68. Two unlicensed firearms, aluminum and brass pipes, picks and shovels were confiscated during this operation. The 150 pipes were suspected of having been stolen from surrounding mines and suspects were detained at Evander, Secunda and eMbalenhle police stations. They appeared at the

Evander Magistrate’s Court. 46 Suspects appeared in the Evander Magistrate’s court in October last year In 2015 five illegal miners were rescued a month after they entered the Evander Gold Mine after allegedly renting access cards from mine employees. In 2014, police arrested 109 Zama Zama’s, consisting of Zimbabwean, Lesotho and Mozambique citizens. The Lesotho nationals were fined R1200 each or two months imprisonment.

In July 2014 a shooting incident at Winkelhaak Mine in Evander left 18-year-old Sanele Mokane dead and five others hospitalized after a fight broke out while they were mining. Illegal miners (total 117) were arrested and all victims were believed to be from Lesotho. “The police are doing everything in their power to deal with the Zama Zama’s in the area,” Captain Betina Zondo, Secunda police spokesperson said.



25 November 2017

ANC neglects Bethal Town Hall Find us on Facebook - The Bulletin -

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The Democratic Alliance are concerned about the safety hazards that arose from the neglect of the Bethal town Hall. The Govan Mbeki Municipality has, under the leadership of the ANC, neglected the Bethal Town hall to the point that it has become a safety hazard. This is according to DA Councillor Marietjie Fourie. In a statement released by the DA, a number of faults are highlighted that are all due to the lack of maintenance. During a recent oversight visit to the town hall, we found that it had become unsafe due to a lack of maintenance by the Govan Mbeki Local Municipality. We also observed the following; electrical wiring was not secured; floors, walls and ceilings were damp with water; all the fire extinguishers’ inspection dates had expired in February 2017; hall floors had holes and posed a tripping hazard; stairs to the stage were loose and a definite tripping hazard, ceiling boards were missing in the hall, stage and back stage; toilets that could not flush had faecal matter and urine fermenting in them; The room used for storing of files on the lower level still contained

files dating back to 1992; and dead rats were also found. The municipality charges private individuals R2 000 to use the hall, despite its deplorable conditions and safety hazards. “It is clear that the ANC has forgotten about the people of Bethal and is not even concerned about the health and safety of those who continue to use the town hall.” says Marietjie, “On 7 July this year, the DA reported the state of the town hall to council and to the Executive Mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality. We requested that they suspend all official and private activities until the hall had been repaired but there has been no response to date.” The Bulletin have recently learned of people renting Bethal Town Hall only to find that there is no electricity to light the stage. “Until this municipality is able to manage its finances and hire skilled and experienced individuals to fill critical posts, infrastructure will continue to crumble while service delivery slows to a halt, states Marietjie, “the people of Govan Mbeki need a new beginning under a DA-led

government that will always put service delivery and the people first.” Read the full statement on our website

Man falls to his death One man died and another two men were seriously injured after a Eskom high line structure collapsed behind Extension 16 in Embalenhle. It is believed that they were busy erecting new power line structures when the incident occurred. The three men were according to reports on top of the structure when it collapsed. The exact cause of the incident is currently under investigation. One man was declared deceased on arrival and the other two men were rushed to a nearby hospital for further care. The Bulletin has not received Eskom’s respons to our enquiry at the time of going to press. Eskom is also still investigating the incident.

ANC pushes uniform purchases The Democratic Alliance (DA) is concerned that the ANC-led Govan Mbeki local municipality is prepared to waste money buying uniforms for bylaw enforcers, instead of training them. In a recent extra ordinary council meeting, the ANC proposed that they will buy uniforms for the by-law enforcers, but the DA objected to this proposal because the by-law enforcers are not doing their job as expected. The DA proposed that the money spent on uniforms must rather be used for training and “capacity building”. But the DA’s proposal was rejected. The DA also proposed that the money must at-least be used to buy safety wear for general workers like the grass cutters who don’t have gloves and safety eye protection. But the ANC is still determined to buy uniforms for by-law enforcers.

By-laws are not enforced in Govan Mbeki municipality by this unit that was established a year ago (to enforce by-laws), so buying uniforms for them is not going to get the job done. These people must first do their job by enforcing by-laws. The ANC showed its arrogance when it’s member of the mayoral committee (MMC) Ethel Nkosi stood up and said that they (we the DA) must understand that it doesn’t matter what we say, they will push it through. This has been their attitude with everything the DA proposes or suggests. The DA will continue to monitor developments and we will do whatever it takes to get value for tax-payers’ money. It must not be used on meaningless things like uniforms for people not doing their jobs. “It is ludacris that the ANC thinks that they are not accountable to the people” says DA Councillor Encee van Huyssteen, “we have workers with no PPE and they want to buy uniforms at every expence!” “We are sitting in council meeting after meeting and the ANC thinks that this is one big joke. Especially the mayoral committee. “ said Encee


25 November 2017


10 000 Jobs in three years by Eskom Eskom plans to create about 10 000 temporary and/or permanent jobs in the Mpumalanga Province over the next three years as part of its development initiative. These will be available in various trades within the energy sector and will largely include infrastructure maintenance and development projects in the region. Eskom has identified local business growth and development opportunities

at all of its sites in the Province that will enable the implementation of its Mpumalanga development strategy in the short term. In addition to the jobs that will be created, we have also identified commercial opportunities in the area that will see more than 194 contracts of varying durations available to interested parties in the current financial year ending in March 2018. There are also 335 bursaries available

and 680 learner development opportunities for young people in Mpumalanga. This is in an effort to develop much needed skills in the province. Eskom is ideally positioned to not only support the economic development in Mpumalanga but social development as well. And as such, more than 90 Corporate Social Initiatives largely driven by the Eskom Development

Foundation, have been budgeted for across sites in Mpumalanga for the current financial year. “As Eskom, we believe it is important to contribute to improving the lives of the communities in which we operates. We will be engaging the community in an effort to inform them on how they can participate in these opportunities,� says Eskom’s interim group chief executive Sean Maritz.

Grifizzi entertainment for young and old



So is die lewe

• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903

Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Gwendie Venter 082 896 4660

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin.

Ds Marius Britz Toe tref kerstyd ons mos ook toe hier op die Weskus. Dit besef ek toe ek in die Mall in ‘n bekende winkel instap en ‘n kort, vet elektriese kersvader my welkom heet met sy skuifeldansie. Die ene liggies en kekkellaggies, sy flitsende neus so rooi soos sy rendier Rudolf s’n. En skielik spoel die ou, ou gevoel van kersfees deur my. Kersfeeste van jou lewe. Is dit nog dieselfde, wonder jy. En hoe gaan dit vanjaar wees? Miskien was dit die hartseerste Kersfees wat ek ooit beleef het. Daardie een. My brein trek ‘n deur oop van een van die kamers in my kop waar ek lanklaas ingegaan het. Doelbewus nie wou ingaan nie. En terwyl Stille Nag in die winkel speel, onthou ek weer. Sy naam was Johan. Arm seuntjie uit ‘n arm gesin. Op laerskool al was hy die een wat altyd alleen was, eenkant gesit het. Niemand wou met hom speel, of hom in hulle span gehad het nie. Eendag, toe ek speeltyd my kosblik oopmaak met my grondboontjiebottertoebroodjies, was hy skielik langs my. Kan ek asseblief een kry, ek is so honger, het hy gesê. En so het ek op ‘n manier sy beste vriend geword. So gaan toer ons in standerd vier Natal toe. En hy wou bitter graag saam, want hy het nog nooit die see gesien nie. Maar sestien rand, wat die toer gekos het, was net te veel vir sy pa. Hy begin toe

om in mense se tuine te werk, karre te was, middag na middag, totdat hy sy toer kon betaal. Met groot opgewondenheid het hy in die bus met sy kartontassie gesit en kyk wanneer kom die see. Maar toe ons by Margate aankom, wou niemand gehad het hy moes saam met hulle in die kamer slaap nie. Jy stink, jy was nooit nie, het die kinders gesê, met monde vol sjokolade en biltong wat in oorvloed saamgegee is van die huis af. En so kry hy skielik ‘n bynaam, Sappi. Die naam van die papierfabriek in Springs wat soms so vreeslik gestink het as die wind verkeerd waai. En daardie vakansie het die wind vir Johan verkeerd gewaai, want op die ou einde moes hy op die vloer in die kombuis slaap, want daar was nie vir hom ander plek nie, en hy was te bang om vir Meneer te sê. Die eenkantseuntjie. Al wat sy oë laat blink het, was die see. Een keer op hoërskool, toe hy die gespot en verniel nie meer kon vat nie, het hy een van die belhamels uitgedaag vir ‘n vuisgeveg in die parkie. Natuurlik was dit groot nuus! Sappi gaan met Carl baklei. (Wat, terloops, later op die grens gesterf het). ‘n Groot skare kinders het gekyk hoe Sappi die pak slae van sy lewe kry. Sappi se afsondering was verseël daarna.

Sy kersie het uitgewaai. Toe skryf ons matriek, en ons word agttien jaar oud. Die toekoms lê en wag vir ons almal. Verder studeer was vir Sappi nie ‘n opsie nie, hy moes weermag toe. Vir die eerste keer in sy lewe nooi hy ‘n vriend uit na sy verjaarsdagpartytjie toe, so paar dae voor kersfees. Vir my. Daar was koek en tert en groen koeldrank en lekkers. En as jy ‘n homp deurgewerk het, skep sy ma nog ‘n gul porsie op jou bord. En sy pa sê: eet, voor die oorlog kom! En ons het geëet en gepraat oor alles wat wag. Maar die blink wat die see in sy oë gebring het, was daardie aand nie daar nie. Laataand op sy agttiende verjaarsdag, met vuil glase en vuil koekbordjies nog in die wasbak, hang Sappi homself in die motorhuis op. Toe is ook dit verby. Daardie Kersdiens, ‘n paar dae daarna, het ek in die kerk gesit, ‘n puisierige seun met donsbaard, en gehuil toe Stille Nag gesing word. Nie lekker goed om te onthou as jy in die hysbak ry, tussen klomp mense met hulle vol trollies nie. ‘n Gedig spring op in jou kop: jou kamer ruik na salf/boererate/ samboksalf vir spiere/Lennons se druppels/pille vir die en daai/ jy omring jouself/met perskoppe wat soos jy/die dood probeer

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

vermy/jy bekyk jouself in die mall se hysbak se spieël/jy het oud geword/jou oë is moeg/jou skouers hang/jy sê vir jouself:/ my magtig/ek is alles/wat ek eens gesê het/ek nooit gaan word nie. En ek weet skielik wat ek hierdie kersfees gaan doen. Ek gaan baie Kersmusiek speel op die radiostasie waar ek ‘n omroeper is. Nie musiek oor jingleklokkies en sleë nie, maar musiek oor die Kind van Betlehem. Vir al die Sappi’s in die wêreld gaan ek Kersmusiek speel. Oor die Een vir wie daar nie plek was in die herberg toe hy gebore is nie. Die Een wat in ‘n krip in ‘n stal moes slaap. Die Een wat gespot en gespoeg is. Die Een wie se dissipel Hom verloën het vir dertig silwerstukke. En die res van sy dissipels weggehardloop het toe Sy swartste uur aangebreek het. Een het selfs drie keer in een nag ontken dat hy Hom ken. Die Een wat so eensaam was dat Hy aan die kruis uitgeroep het: Eli Eli lèma sabagtani. Elkeen wat eensaamheid en verwerping ken, moet in hierdie Kerstyd Sy woorde hoor, amper soos ‘n sagte fluistering in die wind: Ek het jou op jou naam geroep, jy is Myne. En ek gaan aan Johan dink.

Bestuurskool open op skoolterrein Die moeite om ‘n bestuurderslisensie te bekom gaan minder wees noudat leerlinge bestuurderslesse in skooltyd kan neem. SA Driving School het oefengronde op Hoërskool Oosterland se skoolterrein oopgemaak sodat leerlinge

af periodes beter kan benut. Leerlinge kan van dié periodes gebruik maak om vir hulle leerlinglisensies te leer of bestuurslesse te neem. Hulle kan ook na skool van die geleentheid gebruik maak. “Dit het baie voordele. Leerlinge mors nie skooltyd

COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

25 November 2017

WHAT’S UP 25 December. SAM 100 Rally, NRC Delmas

nie en as die lesse na skool plaasvind word hulle na die les by die huis afgelaai. Ouers weet sodoende waar hulle kinders is en het die gerief dat hulle nie onnodig hoef te ry nie,” het André Pretorius, eienaar van SA Driving School, gesê.

25 November. Garden of lights @Graceland. Elsa, Anna & Olaf opening the function. 16:00 – 19:00 26 November. Fast Fest @ Redstar Raceway, Delmas. 8am – 17pm. Contact Isabel – 083 766 6606 Laerskool 2 Desember. Kruinpark-gholfdag, Graceland. Kontak Anita de Beer – 017 634 8242 9 December. Markdag by die Eendedammetjie. 14:00 - 20:00 Rails for Tails 14:00 At the Eendedammetjie

25 November 2017



“Dik wees is nie vir sissies nie” Dit was die woorde van Cobus Storey, ‘n Secunda inwoner wie se ontmoeting met ‘n plaashek besig is om opslae te maak. Alles het begin op ‘n mooi somersdag in Maart verlede jaar, toe Cobus besluit het om ‘n nuwe geweer op ‘n plaas buite Secunda te gaan uittoets. Al wat tussen hom en sy doelwit gestaan het was ‘n plaashek wat nooit van tevore probleme gegee het nie. By dié hek gekom het Cobus stilgehou, maar wat ‘n doodeenvoudige takie moes wees het pyn, lyding en ‘n iewat gebroke ego tot gevolg gehad. Die aanvanklike plan was om genoeg spoed toe te pas sodat die hek ten volle kan oopswaai en sodoende sou Cobus onnodige loopwerk uitskakel. Minwetend dat die boonste skanier meegegee het, het hy al sy kragte ingespan, maar alles tevergeefs. Cobus het na die aarde getuimel en bo-op die hek te lande gekom. Geskok het hy vir ‘n paar oomblikke

2 People died 9 injured Yet another accident occured on the Evander/Emba road. This accident happened in front of Evander Golf club. Two people were killed and 9 people injured when they travelled in a Toyota bakkie towards Embalenhle. 2 of the injured were critical. Langamed transported 2 injured. ER24 transported 1 injured. Provincial ambulance services transported 6 injured.

Crime Snippets...

• A theft case was opened at the Secunda Police Station on Monday after two males were robbed by four ladies. It is alleged that the two men, aged 33 and 32 respectively, were driving from eMbalenhle when they offered the hitch-hiking ladies a lift. They all decided to go to a pub in Evander for some drinks. The ladies later went home with them. The guys are living in separate flats and each took two ladies to his own flat. The 33 year old man was offered some drinks but refused and but took some sweets that were offered to him. He fell asleep and woke up on Sunday at 14:30, just to find that the ladies were gone and his clothes, shoes, cell phones, TV and watch, all worth R30 000 were gone. His 32 year old friend, woke up on Monday morning after he was offered a drink and also got robbed of his clothes, shoes, laptop, phones and watch, all worth about R14 000. A case of theft is being investigated by D/ const Chapole. The police offered a stern warning to residents and motorists to not pick up hitch-hikers and not to take any pills, sweets or drinks from unknown people. • Secunda Crime Intelligence arrested two Nigerians near Nesto Lounge in Evander on Friday. They were caught with and estimated R4700 worth of cocaine and drug dealing. • A-32-year-old pastor, Menzi Mavus was expected to appear before the Eerstehoek Magistrate’s Court on Friday after he was arrested for an alleged human trafficking offence. The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Unit followed-up on information received after a 22 year-old undocumented

victim was allegedly smuggled into the country from Swaziland. The pastor allegedly promised the victim a salary to play musical instruments in his church. When the victim realised that he would not be paid, he wanted to return to Swaziland but was apprehended by immigration officials when he tried to cross the border near Oshoek. The matter was referred to the Hawks. The suspect is also from Swaziland. The case is postponed to 23rd November 2017 for formal bail application. • Two G4S security guards were injured during a cash-in-transit heist that happened on the N4 between Kaapmuiden and Nelspruit on Friday. No cash were taken. The police are looking for a group of more than ten men. The armed attackers travelled in a Toyota Hilux D4D, an Isuzu bakkie and a Jeep Cherokee and opened fire at the security vehicle until it came to a halt. The villains forced the driver and his crew out of their vehicle and assaulted them. No arrest was made. Police urge any person with information to contact w/o Zephaniah Phiri at 082 449 0339 or Crime Stop at 08600 10111.

gehuiwer oor hoe hy moet reageer voor hy met sy orige waardigheid opgestaan en die hek opgetel het. Dit was nie die einde van die storie nie want toe Cobus tuis kom onthou hy van sy dashcam. Sy vriende en familie het ook dié beeldmateriaal onder oë gekry en gedreig om dit op Youtube te sit maar Cobus het hulle voorgespring en self die skreeusnaakse video vir Kwêla funnies ingeskryf en sy geluk het gedraai. Die video is as een van die finaliste vir Kwêla Funnies en Feite en Geite-kompetisie 2017 gekies en

PROPERTIES eiendomme TO ADVERTISE CALL 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845

Cobus staan nou die kans om ‘n week vakansie in Mauritius te wen. Die video is verlede Maandag op Kwêla uitgesaai en kan ook aanlyn gesien word op Youtube of Kyknet se webwerf. Stuur ‘n sms na 33157 (R1,50/sms) as jy Cobus wil ondersteun. Jy kan 30 keer stem en staan ook die kans om ‘n 3 dae vakansie in Paternoster of Stellenbosch te wen.


Christmas 2017

Message from the editor A

nother year has passed and we have reached that time of the year again. That time when Christmas decorations adorn our shopping malls, Christmas specials in every advertisement and final holiday preparations are made. It is also a time to reflect on the past

year and to make New Year’s resolutions that most likely won’t be kept. This past year saw The Bulletin passing the 3 year mark and looking forward to an exciting fourth year. While print media is under continuous pressure worldwide, community newspapers such as The Bulletin continue to thrive and grow. Wikipedia says it nicely “Community journalism is locally-oriented, professional news coverage that typically focuses on city neighbourhoods, individual suburbs or small towns, rather than metropolitan, state, national or world news.” That is what makes The Bulletin unique, it is a true community newspaper that brings fresh and original news to you, our readers and supporters. We concentrate on local news. The past year saw a management style change that brought about a different reporting and writing style that is now evident in our paper. Facebook also saw approval from our readers with “likes” and “follows” skyrocketing. We are all looking forward to taking this momentum into 2018. We will encourage readers to engage more directly with The Bulletin as we see this as your community newspaper. A few new features will be added in next year as we continue to grow. Keep an eye out for them as the year progress. The summer holiday season is starting in a few weeks. It is also a very dangerous time for South Africa. We have been

reporting on a number of accidents the past few weeks and they are likely to increase tenfold in the coming weeks. We, the staff at The Bulletin would like to urge everybody to take extreme care whilst driving, even if just to the local store, and exercise patience on the roads. One moment can change your life, and those around you, forever. Crime would also be on the rise as houses will be left unattended for long periods at a time. Please make sure that your security is of a high standard. It might be a good idea to employ house sitters. As people all over the world are celebrating Christmas, the true meaning of Christmas should not be forgotten. Although the exact date of Jesus’ birth cannot be pinned, December 25 gives us as Christians, a date in which to unite in celebration of our Saviours birth. A date that we can all refer to and when on our knees, we can pray and say thank you Lord for Your sacrifice and Your love. We can also pray, as we should every day, for our beautiful country. And we can pray for our families. Let us make this Christmas, a Christmas of love. The Bulletin staff would like to thank every one of you, our readers and advertisers, for your loyal and growing support. Without you, nothing would have been possible.

Tyre pressure tips... Safe travel! Correct tyre inflation pressure and where can I find it? The tyre pressures specified for your vehicle are agreed between the vehicle manufacturer and the tyre producer. The recommended tyre pressures for your vehicle/tyre combination can be found in your vehicle handbook, inside the fuel filler flap or on the driver’s door post. Tyre pressure influences many important characteristics of the vehicle performance, such as: driving comfort, directional stability, cornering and braking grip, plus the general handling behaviour. Driving with incorrect tyre pressure will have a negative influence on one or more of these important characteristics. How should tyre inflation pressure be checked? Your tyres must be inflated to the pressure specified by the vehicle and tyre manufacturer. This normally varies depending on the load and service conditions. The specified pressure always refers to the COLD tyre and must not be allowed to fall below this value. The pressure inside warm tyres will be higher due to the fact that driving causes heat build-up. So never reduce the pressure inside warm tyres. Because, when they have cooled down their pressure could fall to below the minimum tyre pressure. The tyre pressure (including the spare if you have one) should be checked and adjusted every 14 days. Especially important is to check and adjust your tyre pressures before going on a long journey or on holiday, where the additional load may require the tyre pressures to be increased according to the specification. Nitrogen in Tyres Nitrogen is sometimes offered as an

alternative to air for tyre inflation. Nitrogen is an inert (non-flammable) gas – basically, nothing more than dry air with oxygen removed. Air contains about 78% nitrogen. Because of nitrogen’s inert properties, it is often used in highly specialized tyre service applications and/or demanding environments such as aircraft and mining applications. Nitrogen is also often used in motor racing. For normal tyre service applications, nitrogen tyre inflation is not required. However, nitrogen tyre inflation does not harm tyres and may marginally contribute to reductions in tyre inflation loss by permeation. Nevertheless, nitrogen will not prevent any tyre inflation loss caused by punctures, tyre/ rim interface (bead) leaks, valve leaks, valve/rim interface leaks, wheel leaks, etc. Whether inflated with air or nitrogen, regular tyre inflation pressure maintenance remains critical and necessary. Use of nitrogen alone is not a replacement for regular tyre inflation pressure maintenance. Source: https://www.continental-tyres. tyrelexicon-3-0/tyrelexikon-3-1

Christmas 2017

Cookies for your dog Spoil your pups for the holidays with this super easy cookie recipe. Truly, it’s the only recipe you’ll ever need – it’s simple and completely customizable! Ingredients: • 2 cups whole wheat flour (or, if your dog has wheat sensitivity, switch it for another flour) • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder • 1/3 cup peanut butter (smooth, crunchy, doesn’t matter) • 1 cup hot water Optional ingredients: • Dried blueberries, honey, a dash of cinnamon, flax or chia seeds, the sky’s the limit Get started: Preheat the oven to 190oC. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper, or you can coat them in a light layer of olive oil if you don’t have parchment on hand. In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients: the flour and baking powder, and any other seeds or seasoning you decide to throw in. Then, drop in the peanut butter, add the hot water, and stir. This is the tricky part about this dough; you want it to be like bread dough, neither too sticky nor too dry. If it’s too wet, add a pinch more flour. Too dry? Add a splash of water. With this batch, I was a smidge short on peanut butter, and the dough was too dry. Instead of water, I added

honey. You can really do just about anything you want with this recipe! Roll it out on a floured surface. Use holiday cookie cutters – or bone shapes or the opening of a cup – to cut it out. Spread the shapes across the cookie sheet. They’ll expand a bit, so make sure to leave a little space between each cookie. Bake for 20 minutes. Even though your dogs were probably drooling through the whole process, allow the cookies to cool completely before serving. I usually pop them in the fridge while I clean up the kitchen, then let them taste-test. Store the cookies in an airtight container

As Kersfees kom A.G. Visser

As Kerfees kom – geseënde tyd – Dan word ‘n droewe wêreld bly, Gaan harte oop, stand eure wyd Al waar die milde invloed sprei Van vrede, vrindskap, goeie wil, Wat meng in soete harmony – Die boodskap laat ons harte tril… Maar môre gaan ons weer baklei! As Kersfees kom en vrind’likheid In goeie Sinter-Klaas-livrei, Heers wyd en syd beminlikheid In kerke en stande streng geskei. Dan, blykbaar, is daar geen verskil, Die Vredevors al toegewy: Warm word ‘n wêreld doods en kil ... Maar môre gaan ons weer baklei! As Kersfees kom, wyk kleinigheid; Vergeet een ieder sy party; Wyk wanguns en venynigheid Wat broeders van malkander skei. Dan swyg die dwarstrek-geeste stil Voor vrede-engelesang en -rei Dié kom so graag as ons net wil ... Maar môre gaan ons weer baklei! l’Envoi Die Kersfeesgees, die goeie wil, Die spreek tot U, die spreek tot my: Sy boodskap laat ons harte tril ... Maar môre? - Gaan ons weer baklei?



25 November 2017

25 November 2017



Christmas 2017

Festivities around the world

Armenia - The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates Christmas and the Epiphany (the revelation that Jesus is God’s son) together on January 6th Brazil - Children leave a sock near a window, which Papai Noel (Santa Claus) will exchange for a present. China - People give apples on Christmas Eve and stores have apples wrapped up in colored paper for sale. Colombia - Celebrations and preparations start on the evening of 7 December and is known as Día de las Velitas (day of the little candles). - Houses and streets are decorated with candles, lanterns and lights. - There are a big firework displays and music.

- This day is celebrated by Catholics as the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Denmark - They give animals a treat on Christmas Eve - On Christmas day, people meet with their family and have a big lunch together with Danish open-faced sandwiches on rye-bread. Georgia - Christmas is celebrated on 7 January - On Christmas day, people go on “Alili” (parade in the streets), dressed in special cloths and costumes.

Use sunblock every day! No matter what your skin tone is, sunscreen needs to be an essential part of your skin routine. The Skin Care Foundation of South Africa offers the following advice on how you can protect yourself against skin cancer. Use sunscreen every day: Use a sunblock with an SPF 30 or more. Apply 30 minutes prior to exposure. Re-apply every 2 hours when outdoors. Don’t forget your scalp, ears, neck and back of hands. Even though the use of sunscreen is essential, it needs to be complemented

by other sun safe practices. Plan around peak sun hours: Avoid outdoor activities between 10am and 4pm. UV intensity is determined by ray’s angles not temperature. Ensure you don’t burn: Sunburn can manifest as skin cancer years later. Darker colours and tightly woven fabrics are better options - especially silk and polyester. Ideally choose certified, tested fabrics with a UPF rating (www. Wear a hat: Choose a rim of 4 or more inches (10cm). The right hat reduces UV exposure by 70% for neck and head. Avoid straw hats that aren’t finely woven. Beware of reflective rays. Water, sand and concrete all provide a platform for reflective rays. Protect yourself at all times, even while in shade or on a wintery day. -Gerry Cupido.

25 November 2017






25 November 2017

To advertise call: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 or Hannelie 082 789 2529

Everyone enjoyed the party. With them is David Philander from Dorcas Secunda Kitchen.

Krystopher Ryan Centre hosts Christmas party Physically challenged adults enjoyed streamers, games and a jumping castle at a Christmas party held for them on Friday. Krystopher Ryan Centre hosted the event while Dorcas Secunda Kitchen treated them with hot dogs and party food. Genesis, PPS and Heaton Valves took care of the finances. The center caters for adults, from the age of 18 and up. Beadwork, needlework and baking are some of

the skills that they teach at the center. Biscuits made by the attendees of the center and are sold to the public. You can order your Christmas biscuits from them before 15 December or help as a volunteer any time you wish. Dorcas Secunda Kitchen is a charity organization that gives food to less fortunate people throughout the year. “It’s our way to give back to the community,” said David Philander.

Broer en suster verteenwoordig SA To Advertise Call 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845

Hannelie: 082 789 2529

Die Secunda broer-en susterspan, Marizelle en Druan Meyer van Drumapi Tuisskool,is gekies om Suid-Afrika in 2018 by die International Student Convention vir ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) skole te verteenwoording. Dit volg na hul deelnameaan die All Africa Student Convention wat in Oktober in Bloemfontein gehou is. Ongeveer 800 ACE studente van regoor Afrika en Skandenawië het aan die Konvensie deelgeneem. Marizelle het presteer in houtwerk (konstruksie), houtwerk (draaiwerk), toespraak, instrumentele duet, wetenskapuitstalling, “scrapbooking” en 2D kuns. Druan het weer uitstekend gevaar in houtwerk (konstruksie), houtwerk (draaiwerk), toespraak, instrumentele duet, wetenskaplikeuitstalling, vokale solo en boogskiet.

Tydens die geleentheid is die beste drie student wat items in al vier hoofkategorieë nl. platform, musiek, kuns en akademie, ingeskryf het, bekroon met die gesogte CAP (Communication and potential leadership) toekenning. Druan het die eerste en Marizelle die tweede plek behaal. Marizelle en Druan vorm deel van ‘n groep van 45 studente wat genomineer is om in Mei 2018 na Muncie in die VSA vertrek om Afrika op die internasionale ACE konvensie te verteenwoordig. Dit is die 30ste jaar wat hierdie konvensie vir student tussen die ouderdomme van 13 en 19 gehou word.Ongeveer 2000 studente kom by die Ball State University bymekaar om met mekaar in meer as 150 items te kompeteer. “Hulle is dankbaar dat die voorreg en geleentheid hulle te beurt geval het,” het hul pa, Pieter gesê.


25 November 2017 Daar het groot opwinding geheers toe Laerskool Trichardt se kleuterskool Vrydag hulle atletiekdag gehad het. Kinders van so jonk as 3 jaar het vir dae lank geoefen vir dié groot geleentheid. Die kleuters het soms vergeet hoe om in posisie te kom en ongelyk weggegspring. Die skare wat hulle luidkeels aangemoedig het, was nie tydens die oefensessies daar nie en dit was vreemd vir dié kleingoed wat die wêreld bekyk het terwyl hulle wenstreep toe hardloop. Daar is in die een baan begin en in ‘n ander opgeeindig, geval en opgestaan. Van hulle het belangstelling tydens die resies verloor en ‘n paar meter voor die wenstreep eerder begin stap en elkeen, ongeag van sy prestasies, het ‘n medalje ontvang.

Win advertising space The Bulletin and Boxes to Go is hosting their Food Bank Project and you can win advertising space in our newspaper! Whether you are a business, non-profit organization, school or individual, you have a chance to become the winner of a free advert to show our readers what you are made of. All you have to do is collect a free box from Boxes to Go and fill it with non-perishable food items. The institute with the biggest contribution wins. Drop your box/es at the office of The Bulletin or Boxes to Go, both situated at Lake Umuzi. This year’s donations will go to

Laerskool Trichardt boarding house. The boarding cares for about 15 less fortunate children that come from difficult home and/or financial situations. Your contribution will help them to keep on providing warm beds, full tummies and schooling opportunities to these children and with your co-operation, we can make sure that they are fed when they are home during the upcoming holiday and when they return next year. So challenge your colleagues to see how many 44cm x30cm boxes you can fill with non-perishable food items and help us give back to the community.




25 November 2017

Boelies kan jou lewe verwoes Die woord “boelie” is ‘n klein woordjie wat hewige nagevolge kan hê. Dit is ook nie noodwendig net fisies nie, maar kan ook verbaal of deur sosiale media plaasvind. Dit stop ook nie by kinders nie en selfs volwassenes en onderwysers kan boelies wees. Die nagevolge kan verreikend wees en kan onder andere ‘n negatiewe selfbeeld, selfmoord gedagtes, nagmerries en ‘n gevoel van magteloosheid en moedeloosheid veroorsaak. “Kinders wat geboelie word of self ‘n boelie is, weet meestal nie hoe om te sê wat fout is of hoe om hul emosies te verwerk nie. Die boelie en die slagoffer bêre partykeer hul negatiewe gevoelens diep in hulle harte en gedages,” het Soleil Kruger, privaat maatskaplike werkster gesê. Verlede week was internasionale antiboelie week en kan enigiemand raak. Hier is ‘n paar antwoorde op vrae oor boelies. Hoe weet jy dat jou kind geboelie word? - Negatiewe selfspraak - Snye op arms of bo-bene - Skoolpunte wat verswak - Maagpyne en kopsere wat nie sin maak nie - Naels word gekou of duime word gesuig - Kleintjies maak weer hul bed nat - Eetgewoontes verander skielik - Persoonlikhede wat verander - Jou kind wil heeltyd alleen wees of wil jou skielik nie uitlos nie. - Verandering van vriendekringe - ‘n Skielike vrees vir skool of geleenthede waarvoor hy/sy nooit voorheen voor bang was nie

- ‘n Vrees of rebellie vir/teen gesag - Jou kind word self ‘n boelie - Woede uitbarstings - Teruggetrokkenheid - ‘n Lae selfbeeld Hoe weet jy jou kind is ‘n boelie? - Jou kind sal aggressief by die huis skool wees. - Boelies is partykeer enkellopend met min vriende of trek ‘n groep vriende aan wat dieselfde negatiewe gedrag toon. - Jou kind maak kleiner kinders of diere seer. - Hulle toon min respek toon vir jou as ouer of ander gesag. - Hulle sal voorwerpe beskadig en nie omgee oor die nagevolge nie. Hoekom word kinders boelies? “Kinders boelie omdat hulle moontlik ‘n swak selfbeeld het of uit haglike huis omstandighede kom. Hulle beskik gewoonlik ook nie oor die vermoë om hul emosies of moeilike situasies te hanteer nie. Kinders voel magteloos en buite beheer en probeer dan beheer oor ander uitoefen,” het Soleil gesê. Hoekom word onderwysers boelies? Onderwysers kan kinders bewustelik of onbewustelik boelie as gevolg van die druk van ‘n vol kurrikulum, stres, moeilike huissituasies, finansiële probleme, ‘n lae selfbeeld of emosionele probleme soos depressie of angs. Sommige onderwysers net van die gevoel wat hul kry deur een kind op sy plek te sit. “Nuwe onderwysers sukkel ook partykeer om dissipline te handhaaf in die klaskamer. Onderwysers voel magteloos en skree en straf, want wat anders moet hul doen? Hulle probeer

die sneeubal effek vermy: Kinders is stout, hulle moet stilbly, as hulle nie stilbly of hulle gedra nie gaan die onderwyser nie deur die werk kom nie en as sy nie deur die werk kom nie raak die spanning net meer en meer,” het Soleil gesê. Hoe om dit te hateer as jou kind geboelie word Ouers moet weet wat aangaan in hulle kinders se lewens, op skool-, emosionele-, fisiese en geestelike vlak. As jy met die onderwyser, die skoolhoof en die boelie se ouers gepraat het en niks werk nie, moet nie opgee nie. Kry professionele raad van ‘n maatskaplike werker of sielkundige. As dinge steeds nie verbeter nie, kan die Departement van Opvoedkunde benader word. Help jou kind om op sy positiewe punte te fokus en leer hulle dat ander mense se opinies nie saakmaak nie. - Wat om te doen as jou kind die boelie is - Laat verstaan jou kind dat sy/haar gedrag onaanvaarbaar is, maar gee hulle ook die versekering dat dit jou nie minder lief vir hom/haar maak nie. - Verseker jou kind dat dit veilig is om oor enigiets met jou te praat en dat dit nie op dowe ore sal val nie. - Gee tyd en aandag aan jou kind, al is hy/sy ‘n tiener met ‘n groot vriendekring. - Nader ‘n maatskaplike werker,

sielkundige of berader vir professionele hulp. Hoe om die skool te hanteer? Skole van vandag is meestal toegerus met die nodige vaardighede en hulpbronne om situasies soos boelies te hanteer. Die skool en ouers moet die situasie so ver as moontlik professioneel hou, mekaar nie persoonlik aanval nie en eerder fokus op oplossings. Die boelie én die slagoffer moet in die situasie gerespekteer word en nie verder in die verleentheid gestel word nie. “Dié geleentheid kan ‘n wonderlike oomblik van leer en herstel wees, mits dit reg hanteer word,” het Soleil gesê. - Raad vir onderwysers wat bewustelik of onbewustelik kinders boelie? - Onderwyserss moet tyd maak om hul gevoelens in die gesig te staar en te hanteer. Onderwysers is net mense met dieselfde emosies en gevoelens as ander mense. As jy as onderwyser ‘n rowwe dag gehad het, erken dit en hanteer dit. - Praat met iemand daaroor, kry ‘n professionele persoon betrokke. - As dinge verskriklik spanningvol is, vra vir hulp. - Maak die ouers deel van jou span. - Moet nie dat jou emosies of die hoë werkslading jou onder kry nie. Vat elke dag stappie vir stappie. - Sien die kinders in jou klas raak want hulle sien jou raak.

Laerskool Hoëveld het onlangs hulle leiers aangewys. Voor is Zama Masina, Malibu Mohohlo (Onderhoofseun), Blake Klasen (Hoofseun), Amber Timothy (Hoofmeisie), Siphumelele Vilakazi (Onderhoofmeisie) en Calvin Gloy. In die middel is Lindo Mashinini, Valentino Brooks, Given Mashiloane, Chanel Botha, Jada Prinsloo en Andili Gwebu. Agter staan Megan Martin, Sfiso Doust, Tyrone van Niekerk, Jessica Nkaki, Nothando Sekgoto en Mpilo Goso.

Jan de Jonge van Laerskool Hoëveld is onlangs as Landsdiener van die jaar aangewys.

Viwe Mathebula is as Laerskool Hoëveld se Sportseun van die jaar aangewys.

Laerskool Hoëveld se top preseerders is (voor v.l.n.r) Thandeka Botha (Gr.4) en Sedupe Rapadu (Gr.5). Agter staan Chané Combrink (Gr.7) en Blake Klasen (Gr.6).

Zothile Chonco is Laerskool Hoëveld se Sportdogter van die jaar.

25 November 2017



25 November



Olimpiese spele wink vir Leanco Op dié stadium is 2020 se Olimpiese spele net ‘n droom, maar Leanco Stans (20) van Bethal is vasberade om dit ‘n werklikheid te maak. En dit lyk ook nie na ‘n verregaande droom nie want sy was reeds verskeie kere Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen en ook twee keer die Afrika-Kampioen. “Na my beurs deur UWW (United World Wrestling) in Finland hierdie jaar, het dit my net meer gemotiveerd gemaak om te probeer kwalifiseer vir die Olimpiese spele,” het die blondekop gesê. Sy het ook al aan die Jeug Olimpiese spele deelgeneem en spog met Senior Protea kleure . “Ek is dalk nie die beste nie, maar ek is bereid om die hardste te werk. Daar is nie ‘n “nee” of “ ek kan nie” in my woordeskat nie,” het sy gesê. Dat sy bereid is om hard te werk is duidelik na haar onlangse opname in die Commonwealth span vir wie sy in Desember in Johannesburg sal deelneem. Leanco het ook onlangs aan die Junior Wêreldkampioenskappe en die Junior en Senior Afrika kampionskappe deelgeneem. Sy is in Sandton gebore en het op ‘n jong ouderdom saam met haar oudste broer, Luanco (18) begin stoei. “Ek het nog nooit teruggekyk nie, alles wat ‘n man kan doen, kan ‘n vrou ook doen,”

het sy gesê. As lid van TUKS se stoeiklub is dit ook haar droom om stoei in Suid-Afrika te ontwikkel en sy wil graag BSc Genetika studeer, maar die volgende mikpunt is kwalifikasie vir die Commonwealth Spele van 2018. Om dié mikpunt te bereik oefen sy tans by Ion Bacio stoeiklub in Limpopo. “Dit is ‘n uitdaging om oefenmaats te kry want daar is bitter min senior meisies wat aan stoei deelneem” het sy gesê. Leanco, wat in 2016 aan Morgenzon Landbou Akademie gematrikuleer het sê die senuwees knaag maar as sy die stoeimat betree. “’n Duisend en een dinge gaan deur jou gedagtes.” Sy is ook ‘n kranige leser wat hou van perdry, Brasiliaanse Jiu-Jitsu (‘n tipe gevegskuns) en soetgoed. “Ongelukkig het ek die verkeerde sport vir my soettand gekies.”

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