Issue 140 - FREE
11 AUGUST 2017
the good news paper
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Baba Luke is dood
Baba Luke Britz is Vrydagaand (4 Augustus) omstreeks 23:55 in Steve Biko Hospitaal dood. Klein Luke is sowat twee weke gelede uiteindelik uit die hospitaal ontslaan ná hy op 14 Februarie te vroeg gebore is. Volgens sy ouma, Estie Smit, het Luke begin opgooi en die dokter het gesê hy moet dadelik opgeneem word. Hy was eers in Witbank Hospitaal en is toe na die Steve Biko Hospitaal in Pretoria oorgeplaas. “Die dokter het gesê dit lyk soos obstruksie in sy magie,” het Estie gesê. Luke het aanvanklik nie gereageer op antibiotika nie, maar hy het later begin beter lyk en selfs Vrydag weer begin melk inneem. Hy het egter later Vrydagaand opgehou asemhaal en dokters kon hom nie weer bykry nie. Luke was sedert hy ontslaan is twee weke terug, steeds aan ’n asemhalingsmasjien by die huis
Klein Luke Britz is Vrydagaand (4 Augustus) in Steve Biko Hospitaal dood.
gekoppel. Die gesin kon teen druktyd nog geen begrafnisreëlings tref nie omdat die nadoodse ondersoek nog nie afgehandel is nie. Die Britz-egpaar moet steeds die astronomiese rekening by ’n privaathospitaal op Trichardt, wat tans sowat R1.6 miljoen beloop, betaal. Hulle skuld ook van die dokters nog sowat R80 000. Luke se oupa, pastoor Hannes Smit, is op 1 Mei aan ’n hartvaanval dood toe hy en Estie oppad was om vir Luke te gaan kuier. Pastoor Smit was die hoofbroodwinner van die gesin. As jy wil help, skakel Estie by 074 601 6312. Die bankbesonderhede van die rekening wat die gesin vir Luke gestig het is: Capitec Bank Secunda, Luke Britz, spaarekening, rekening nr – 151 424 3545.
Raymond Mube (Floor Manager) Danie Brand (Assistant Store Manager) Yanni Carzis (Store Manager) and Gerhard Vermaak (Assistant Store Manager).
SuperSpar wins award Secunda SuperSpar recently won the prestigious Store of the Year South Rand and award. Over 200 stores compete for this illustrious award. Factors such as customer service, store hygiene, efficiency, variety on products and freshness of products are considered when adjudicating the award. This inhouse accolade is awarded by Spar Southrand Regional Operational Managers. By winning this award, Secunda SuperSpar is now in the run for the top honours of Store of the year South Africa. Only six stores across South Africa competes in this competition. Winning this competition will ensure that Secunda can boast at having the best Spar
store is SA. Chris Chistodoulou and Tharno Manitsas had humble beginnings with a small store across the road from 5 Star SuperSpar more than a decade ago. They grew the small store into the first SuperSpar in Secunda namely 5 Star SuperSpar. 5 Star won Store of the Year SA in 2014. Secunda SuperSpar was launched in May 2016 and have managed to win the Store of the Year South Rand in a year. The Management and staff of Secunda Superspar thank all their customers for their continual support. “Without them this could not have been possible,” says Gerhard Vermaak, assistant store manager Secunda SuperSpar.
11 August 2017
Baby dies in Evander Hospital
TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845
The Motaung family wants answers after their baby died in Evander Hospital. According to Mokone Jonas Motaung, grandfather of Thakane Motaung who was born in Evander Hospital on Monday, 24 July, the baby girl was perfectly healthy at birth, but died the next day. “The hospital called me on the Tuesday and said my granddaughter died,” said Mokone.
“I went to the hospital and they said I could not see the body of my grandchild. “I went to the hospital again on Wednesday and again they said I cannot see the body.” Mokone eventually saw the body of his grandchild, but by then a post mortem had already been done to determine the cause of death. However, by Monday (7 August) the hospital staff could still not tell the
family what caused Thakane’s death. According to Mokone, staff told him the doctor who can help him was not on duty when he was there to find out what happened. Mokone now wants to open a case at the police, but he says he needs a case number from the hospital and hospital staff told him they cannot provide such a number yet as they are still investigating the cause of Thakane’s death.
Govan Mbeki municipal rates go up Govan Mbeki Municipality recently started using new budget reforms introduced by the National Treasury for compliance with legislative regulations, municipal standards charts of accounts. “It was deemed necessary for the municipality to change the financial system,” said Bheki Kubheka, Head of Marketing and Communications at Govan Mbeki Municipality. He said there are currently delays with the billing because the alignment of
the tariff structures to the new financial system, including the block tariffs and the fixed charges combined, are challenges. The municipality also experience difficulties with the integrated water and sewer tariffs and alignments of rate payers’ email addresses to the new system for ease of statements distribution. “These challenges are being given the highest priority and it is anticipated that the challenges will be resolved soon,” said Bheki. “The municipality would like to apologise for the inconvenience it
might have caused to the rate payers, in the interim consumers are urged to make payments based on previous months’ rates and consumption balances with the average percentage increase of 7% to cover the yearly rates increases. “All adjustments will be made in the subsequent consumers accounts which will be issued in August.” Tariffs increases for the financial year of 2017/2018 have been approved and electricity will go up with 1.88%, water with 10.2%, sewerage with 10.2%, refuse with 6.4% and property rates with 6.4%.
AfriForum gryp in
Twee verskyn in hof
Lede van die AfriForum-tak op Secunda het, in samewerking met Sibathathu Construction BK, op Donderdag 3 Augustus, spoedhobbels op die dorp geverf. Volgens Hillel Coetzer, streekskoördineerde vir AfriForum Mpumalanga-Wes, het hulle besluit om in te gryp omdat die Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit versuim het om die nodige instandhouding te doen. Volgens Nico Venter, voorsitter van die AfriForum-tak op Secunda, is twee spoedhobbels in Generaal De Wetstraat en een in Tugelastraat geverf. “Padveiligheid is ’n prioriteit vir AfriForum,” het Nico gesê. “Onsigbare spoedhobbels hou ’n veiligheidsrisiko vir alle motoriste in.” “Die tak beplan om nog talle soortgelyke selfdoenaksies in dié dorp aan te pak en doen ’n beroep op die plaaslike gemeenskap om betrokke te raak sodat selfs nóg meer in Secunda vermag kan word,” het Hillel gesê. Raak betrokke deur ’n SMS met die woord ‘Verf’ te stuur na 45350. ’n SMS kos R1. Vir meer inligting, skakel Nico by 082 858 1433.
Juanita Venter en Omega Schoeman, is op Dinsdag, 1 Augustus op Secunda in hegtenis geneem op aanklagtes van sameswering tot moord. Dit kom nadat Paul Car in Oktober verlede jaar in hegtenis geneem is en in die hof getuig het dat Juanita en Omega hom gehuur het om Juanita se eks-man, Jacques Venter dood te maak. Juanita en Omega het op Donderdag, 3 Augustus in die Evander Streekshof verskyn en hul saak is uitgestel sodat hulle regshulp kan kry. Hulle verskyn oor twee weke weer in die hof.
Werknemers van Sibatathu Construction BK verf die spoedhobbels verlede Donderdag.
11 August 2017
Techno X kicks off
PROPERTIES eiendomme
Sasol Techno X 2017, Sasol’s flagship career and education event that aims to encourage high school pupils to choose Mathematics and Science as subjects, officially kicked off on Tuesday, 1 August. The executive mayor, Flora MaboaBoltman and other officials and VIPs attended the opening ceremony and went for a tour at the Techno X before enjoying lunch at the Sasol Club. This event took place in Secunda for the second time at the Sasol Recreational Club and ended on Friday, 4 August. “Sasol Techno X provides a convenient, one stop shop where pupils are exposed to relevant subject matter, information on tertiary education, career guidance, bursaries and learnership opportunities,” said Gerrit Viljoen, Sasol Senior Vice President: Capital Projects at Group Technology. Sasol’s aim for this year was to host pupils from more than 250 schools within the five districts in Mpumalanga. “It is our hope that through Sasol Techno X, we will be able to open the eyes and minds of these pupils
to a world of possibilities in the fields of Mathematics, Science and Technology,” said Gerrit. To date, Sasol Techno X, which initially took place only in Sasolburg, Free State, has attracted more than 360 000 young enquiring minds, inspiring them with talks, displays, workshops, and hands-on activities, revealing the endless possibilities in science and technology. For Sasol, the event is one of the many ways that the company is demonstrating its commitment to developing South Africa’s future leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics related fields. “I must commend Sasol and other big businesses that have made time and space to avail their career opportunities to our young learners,” said Reginah Mhaule, MEC for Education in Mpumalanga. “As government our obligation and priority is to improve the lives of the people of this province and we are highly appreciative of the privatepublic partnership that is at work now.”
Die Onbeskaamdgroep het die naweek by die Lewende Woord Kerk opgetree en ook ’n kursus in lofprysing en aanbidding aangebied.
Lucy Moyane, from the Department of Education, assists in an experiment with a shark at Sasol’s Techno X last week.
Secunda Mall collected various items for Marietjie School as part of their Gifts of Grace Project. They handed over the items to the school last week. Here are the Mariane Uckermann (School Principal), Sante Barnard (Deputy Principal), Michelle Nell (Centre Manager at Secunda Mall) and Jani Zaayman (Marketing Manager at Secunda Mall) with a load full of items for the school.
WHAT’S UP stus
11 Augu Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966
Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165
Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903
b grafieklu ldse Foto kse e v ë o H Die maandeli 0 by bied hul 18:3 s aan om m Inn. m o k n e e by Scru l-klub by rp die Saso onderwe e w skre e n rg e o ’ o y v e K Die ow aand is ‘L r m e k ie re d p ir s v ar en la e e rd o die beo ir meer Barber. V ordaan is Martin rre J skakel Pie 48. , g n ti g li in 65 02 by 082 4
19 Augu
for ning Day e re c S a s ce in Can ansa’s offi ela C t a n e Wom n Mand ta, Nelso 4:00. Besterec 9:00 to 1 0 m o fr e erson Driv 200 per p des R is r e e Papsm ent inclu ppointm . Contact and an a mination 0346. a x e t s a a bre 211 er at 079 Ilse Coop
Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312
Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.
26 Augu
t bied rk Trichard arke K G N Die lkerp ag by Wa al in ’n gholfd D . aan it s gholfklub espeel word aat g IPS-form is R120 ingsgeld w ry k s in en inligting, Vir meer r. le e p s r 88. pe 4 259 17 skakel 07
23 er Septemb
nda/ ool Secu k rs ë o H Die iltong & laghuis B S ld e v d it sal by Gou d plaas. D daar in v s e e F Braai ord en l gehou w eskikbaar. die skoo b l stalruimte is nog uit ligting, skakel Pau in 5 r 3 e 0 e 9 358 Vir m rg by 079 e B n e d van
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to
11 August 2017
Weermagvereniging bied inligtingsdag aan Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermagvereniging se eenheid op Secunda, Kosmos Sektor 1, bied op Saterdag, 12 Augustus as deel van Projek Gompu, ’n spesiale geleentheid in die Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk aan. Dit begin om 15:30 en almal is welkom. Ds. Marius Cornelissen, ’n afgetrede kapelaan generaal van die weermag, is die spreker en kapelaan van die SAWV, Marius van Rooyen, Roelf Schoeman (direkteur van die Elehosbediening) en Frans van Staden (voorligtingssielkundige) gaan ook daar wees. Volgens Aart Reedijk, lid van die Kosmos Sektor 1, is veral oud dienspligtes nie ondersteun om by die veranderinge van die oorgangstyd te
kon aanpas nie. “Baie van hulle sit vandag met onbeantwoorde vrae oor die sin en betekenis van die oorlog en van hulle ondervind steeds die negatiewe effek van onbehandelde oorlogstrauma,” het Aart gesê. “Die realiteit is dus ’n negatiewe invloed op hul persoonlike lewens en hul families.” Met Projek Gompu wil die vereniging saam met die gemeenskap werk aan SAWVA se leuse wat lui: ‘Ons skep ’n beter toekoms.’ “Daarvoor het ons die ondersteuning van ons veterane en die vrywilligers in ons gemeenskappe nodig,” het Aart gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Aart by 082 457 3646 of 072 596 9822.
Marietje Skool Lentemark kom nader Marietjie Skool se jaarlikse Lentemark vind plaas by die skool in Third Lane, Silkaatskop op 21-28 September. Die mark sal daagliks oop wees vanaf 09:00 tot 19:00 en daar is baie nuwe uitstallers. Van die ware wat by die stalletjies te koop gaan wees, sluit in skilderye, badbederfies, tuingereedskap, lekkers, toffies, verskeidenheid kase, braaigerei, borduurwerk, geroeste
items, glas-dollas, klere, Heuningprodukte, handsakke, ‘scrapbooking’, rame, tuisgebak, speelgoed, biltong, houtmeubels, juwele, boeke, koue vleise, leerwerk, vinitage-ware, glassware, Nguni-velle en staalwerke. Daar gaan ook ’n springkasteel wees vir die kinders en ’n teetuin en wegneemetes. Vir meer inligting, skakel Anna-Marie Kruger by 084 513 9803.
Die Secunda VLU-tak het op Donderdag, 3 Augustus vergader en Magda Schwab het vir lede gewys hoe om blommerangskikkings in ’n raam te doen.
COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.
Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
1 Timothy 6:7-8
Thank you to Sussa Pelser who sent in this photo of down town Kriel. The photo captures the reality of life in a poverty stricken township. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.
11 August 2017
Ané impresses with cooking skills Ané Jordaan is a poised 24-year old foodie on the brink of spreading aromas of culinary deliciousness in her beloved hometown. Born and raised in Trichardt Ané’s passion for cooking was ignited by several influences that have roots even in her childhood. From her grandmother’s famous pumpkin tart, her auntie’s ‘boere’ rusks and her mother’s delicious hot-pots to her own fantastic creations – she has proven to be able to bring 5 star quality dishes and desserts to the table. She is known by family and friends for her big heartedness, her deep sense of spirituality and her passion for all things weird and wonderful. Ané was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012 which came as a massive shock to those who know and love her. This diagnosis has altered her life in every sense of the word. Specialist visits, brain scans and medication have become a usual component of her daily life, yet she is battling like a true warrior with prayer and ambition as her weapons of success. Ané has dibbed and dabbed in several
fields, which have all had its own special contribution to her magnificent je ne sais quoi. These include special effects make-up, cake decorating and chef courses. The difficulties and set-backs Ané has endured due to the MS, appears to not only encourage her to live life fully and follow her dreams, but her health consciousness is embodied in several of her dishes and snacks as well. Her beautiful cake decorations and
mystical chocolate moulded creations appear to be able to come to life and are reflections of a person who has seen much of the world and wants to squeeze as much from it as she can. Her dream is to display her delightful foods in her own coffee shop one day. Ané’s moto in life is: ‘No matter how bad things are it will come to pass.’ Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you.
Retha Brooks and Ané Jordaan hosted a demonstration on Saturday.
Ané Jordaan’s Chicken Pesto Pasta.
Verloor gewig voor die somer Margie van Straaten het die Slender Slimming Clinic nege jaar gelede op Secunda en Standerton oopgemaak. Mense is Margie se passie en dit is hoekom sy al vir die afgelope nege jaar mense met gewigsprobleme help om gewig te verloor en weer goed te voel oor hulself. Volgens Margie, speel ’n mens se liggaam tog ’n belangrike rol in jou selfbeeld. Sy meen elke mens het goeie en slegte eetgewoontes en gewigsverlies was nog nooit maklik nie. Wanneer ’n mens iemand het wat jou bystaan, ondersteun en help, is dit gewoonlik makliker om deur te druk met gewigsverlies.
Die geheim rondom gewigsverlies is om te leer om gebalanseerd en gereeld te eet en om ’n gesonde leefstyl te volg waarvan water ’n kernrol speel. Vetsug is ’n abnormale, onstabiele toestand van die liggaam waarin oortrollige voedsel in die liggaam in die vorm van vet geberg word. Vetsug lei tot gesondheidsprobleme wat hoë bloeddruk, cholesterol en diabetes insluit. Die oorsaak van vetsug is gewoonlik lae liptienvlakke in die liggaam. Liptien is ’n proteïen-hormoon wat help om te keer dat die liggaam vette stoor, dit help ook om honger en belustigheid te beheer. Wanneer ’n mens se liptienvlak-
Eleonora Theron het 53kg in nege maande verloor by die Slender Slimming Clinic.
ke laag is, is jou liggaam geneig om vette vinnig te stoor en bly jy honger. Daar is verskeie redes hoekom ’n mens se liptienvlakke daal. Dié redes sluit in hormoonverandering onder vroue, swangerskappe, spanning en trauma en eetgewoontes. Liptienvlakke in ’n mens se liggaam kan weer herstel word deur ’n kombinasie van die regte aanvullings en ’n gebalansseerde lae GI-eetplan te volg. Sodra ’n mens se eetgewoontes weer in plek is, vervaardig die liggaam weer sy eie liptien. Die somer is om die draai en as jy graag gewig wil verloor op ’n gesonde manier, laat Margie jou help. Skakel haar by 082 450 4176.
Janika Smit het 10kg in ses weke verloor by die Slender Slimming Clinic.
For more news, photos and video clips, visit our website:
11 August 2017
To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165
Laerskool Goedehoop se landloop-atlete het op Vrydag, 28 Julie aan ’n aflosbyeenkoms in Kemptonpark deelgeneem en hul o.13- en o.11 seuns- en meisiespanne het hul wedlope gewen. Hulle is as die algehele wenners gekroon. Hiér is Goedehoop se landloopspan.
Laerskool Goedehoop se o.13-seuns-hokkiespan het op 4 en 5 Augustus aan die Super 12-hokkiereeks by Tuks-sportkampus deelgeneem en algeheel vierde geëindig. Hiér is die span saam met hul afrigter, Nadine Heine. Dié leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is gekies om Mpumalanga by die Nasionale Landsdienskamp te verteenwoordig as leiers. Hulle is Henru Hugo (provinsiale onderleier), Charnè Naudè (provinsiale leier) en Ivan Botha (provinsiale leier). Altesaam 34 van Hoërskool Secunda se leerlinge is ook gekies vir die kamp en ses is as reserwes gekies.
Hoërskool Oosterland se orkes het Saterdagaand (5 Augustus) ’n vertoning in die Johannes Stegman Teaer aangebied. Die seremoniemeester was Dieter Uken en die 60 orkeslede het ’n keurspel van verskeie liedjies opgevoer en die Final Countdownis opgedra aan die matrieks vir 2017. Die Hoëveld Streekkoor het ook opgetree Gospel-liedre gesing. Brian Boucher wat by albei orkeste betrokke is, het die Springs Boys High School se orkes wat uit 46 lede bestaan, ook gelei en albei orkeste het saam opgetree en met 106 instrumente musiek gemaak. Oosterland orkes berei tans voor vir die Taptoe-vertoning wat op 14 Oktober plaasvind.
11 August 2017
AC and Nico finishes second
The 4th leg of the national rally championship was held in Port Elizabeth recently. R2 Class Richard Leeke (Driver) and Henry Kohne (navigator) were crowned overall winners in their Ford Siesta with Secunda’s AC Potgieter and Nico Swartz in their VW Polo taking second. Chris Coertse & Greg Godrich (Mazda 2) were third The rally championship is now delicately poised balanced with Team Leake just ahead of defending champion Guy Botteril and Simon Vacy-Lylle in their Toyota Etios. In the VWRally Classic, Etienne Malherbe & Robbie Coetzee (Datsun SSS) came first followed by Ashley & Les Mackenzie (Ford Escort). Third was taken by Iddo Steyn & Mark Irvine (Ford Escort). Rally is a popular spectator sport and always promises a lot of action. There is something about cars streaming down a dirt track at 160km/h only to brake at the last minute and make a 90 degree turn. The biggest plus point about rallying in South Africa is that it is free for spectators. Careful planning will ensure that you get the most out of the experience. Spectators should look for turns with
lots of dust or small humps in the road. The humps will surely make cars “fly” as they race over them at high speed. Corners with a lot of dust provides spectacular photographic opportunities. The special stages always have a lot of extra action. Consult the spectator guide for tips and good spots. There is a few rules to observe to ensure your safety and they can be summed up as follow: • Obey all rules of the road whilst following the rally • Obey instructions from traffic authorities and marshals • Stay behind the any other barriers put in place – they’re there for your safety • Look out for flying stones/debris • Keep young children under observation at all times • Do not obstruct traffic flow when parking at a spectator point and walking to and from your vehicle • Do not light fires or litter, and • Keep away from the red areas, they are dangerous!!! The next rally is the Electrothread rally at Bronkhorstspruit on the 18th and 19th August 2017. See you there!
AC Potgieter and Nico Swartz finished second in the 4th leg of the national really championship.
Sasol-spanne ding mee Al drie rugby spanne van Sasol Hydra Arc-rugbyklub het Saterdag gespeel in die uitklopbeker. Die uitklopbeker word hoofsaaklik gebruik om die gaping tussen die Gold Cup en die Liga te vul. Bethal het teen Middelburg gespeel, waar Middelburg oor Bethal geloop het. Sasol 2 en 3 het teen mekaar gespeel. Sasol 1 het teen die Ferros gespeel. Sasol het die wedstryde goed gebruik as proewe vir die Gold Cup en het ook die geleentheid gebruik om van hul eerste span spelers n ruskans te gee. Waar laer spanne teen hoër spanne speel in die uitklopbeker, kry die laer spanne ’n punte voordeel. Tellings: Sasol eeste span 31 - ferros eerstes 45 Sasol derdes 56 - Sasol tweedes 7 Middelburg eerstes 93 – Bethal eerstes 22
Tennisafrigter, Annamarie Meyer, het op Vrydag, 4 Augustus, ’n oefen-tennistoernooi vir haar spelers aangebied. Hiér is Danu Kies in aksie.
Dieter Kruger dien Vrydag, 4 Augustus, tydens ’n oefentennistoernooi wat Annamarie Meyer by die Sasol-klub aangebied het.