The bulletin newspaper 14 july 2017

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Issue 136 - FREE

14 JUly 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Rhinos are adapting well

Sasol bought two white rhinos in May in an effort to support the company’s general drive towards the conservation of rhinoceroses. The rhino bull is seven years-old and the cow is six years-old. The animals were dehorned as a means to protect them from poachers. They were bought from a private game

farm in Limpopo and are in excellent condition. With the purchase of these rhinos, Sasol also contributed to their game camp biodiversity. “Sasol is proud to play a part in rhino conservation and towards improving the environment in which it operates,” said Alex Anderson, spokesman of Sasol.

The BMW the suspects used in the robbery at MTN in Secunda Mall on Firday, 7 July.

Gunmen target MTN shop

Sasol is home to two white rhinos. They were bought in May and seem to be settling in well in their new home.

The MTN Shop in Secunda Mall was robbed on Friday, 7 July at about 9:45. It is alleged that four men walked into the shop and pretended to be customers. According to Lieutenant Bettina Zondo, spokesman of Secunda Police, one of the suspects went to the manager and told her he wanted to buy a cell phone. He then held her hand and showed her he had a firearm and that she must keep quiet because a robbery is taking place. He took the manager to the back

of the shop and two of the other suspects joined two shop assistants. The suspects took 88 Samsungs, five Sony’s and 99 Huwei cell phones of an estimated value of R1 million. They locked the staff members in the back and ran away. The mall’s security guards noticed the suspects in a BMW and a white Golf 7. They gave chase and the police joined them. The BMW got a puncture and one suspect was arrested. Three suspects are still on the lose while the one suspect appeared in Secunda Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 10 July.



14 July 2017

Court sentences robber Isaac Tladi (33) was sentenced in the Bethal Regional Court on 30 June to 15 years’ imprisonment for robbing the Govan Mbeki municipal offices in Bethal. The accused accosted and robbed Bethal municipal offices in 2015 when he broke the safe and took an undisclosed amount of money. According to Capt Dineo Sekgotodi, spokesman of the Mpumalanga Hawks,

no information about the suspect was available after the robbery. The Hawks pursued the case and the suspect was later arrested. Mpumalanga Provincial head, Major General Zodwa Mokoena acknowledged the incredible persistence attained by the investigating officer W/O Daniel Thembinkosi Nkambule.

AfriForum lei buurtwag op One man died and another one was taken to hospital after an accident early on Saturday morning (8 July) in Helen Joseph Street. The vehicle overturned and there were three other people in the vehicle. Langamed South Ambulance Services attended the accident scene.

A vehicle burnt out after an accident on Saturday night (8 July) on the road between Evander and Kinross. The driver of the other vehicle involved was trapped in the vehicle. The provincial ambulance took the patient to Evander Hospitial.

AfriForum se buurtwag op Secunda het onlangs opleiding ontvang. Volgens AfriForum se streekskoördineerder vir Mpumalanga Wes, Hillel Coetzer, is dit die eerste van talle opleidingssessies vir die buurtwag om sodoende hul eie veiligheid, asook dié van die gemeenskap te verseker. “Die buurtwag vorm deel van AfriForum se plaaslike takstruktuur en het ten doel om die gemeenskap in samewerking met die polisie in tye van nood by te staan,” het Hillel gesê. Nico Venter, voorsitter van AfriForum se buurtwag op Secunda, het gesê:

“Opleiding is belangrik vir enige veiligheidstruktuur en die buurtwag se hoofdoelwit is om ons gemeenskap te beveilig. “Ons is hier om ’n verskil te maak en wil graag saam met ander veiligheidstrukture werk om dít te verwesenlik.” Hennie Pretorius, voorsitter van AfriForum se Secunda-tak, het die gemeenskap aangemoedig om by die tak en die buurtwag betrokke te raak. Om betrokke te raak, stuur ’n SMS met die woord ‘buurtwag’ na 45350. ’n SMS kos R1.

Lede van AfriForum se buurtwag-tak op Secunda ontvang opleiding.

Lede van die Secunda VLU-tak het op Donderdag, 6 Julie vergader. Hulle het ‘n kuierdag gehou waar hulle geskilder, gebrei en gehekel het. Hiér is Teresa de Wet, Estelle Boshoff, Maryna Hartman, Sophie Hugo met Christelle Louw, Elbie Wessels, Magda Schwab en Erika Viviers.


14 July 2017


MEC visits eMbalenhle residents MEC of Human Settlements, Speed Mashilo, visited residents of eMbalenhle last week during an Imbizo (public participation programme). An Imbizo is a platform where the community can directly interact with government officials on service delivery issues. The Imbizo focused on the overall human settlements delivery in the municipality, departmental achievements and plans. Governments uses Imbizo as a twoway platform to share information that demonstrates responsiveness to the needs of the people. According to Freddy Ngobe, from the communications services of the Department of Human Settlements, a detailed report on pressing service delivery challenges at Govan Mbeki Municipality will be developed for urgent government intervention. “Scores of residents from the municipality interacted with the MEC

and the Executive Mayor, Flora MaboaBoltman,” said Freddy. “Most concerns raised by residents were aging infrastructures, electricity being shut down for a long time, land invasion, slow pace of issuing title deeds and illegal selling of RDP houses allegedly by officials and councillors.” Speed said: “The Imbizo is a basis for sustained dialogue between government and people and a mechanism for fact-finding by government to align services with the needs of the people. “It helps us in realising an efficient, effective development orientated public service and empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship through a well-functioning communication system that also proactively informs and engages the public about what the government is doing to improve their lives.” Speed urged the mayor to consolidate

Kinders geniet Jeugweek Die N.G. Kerk op Kinross het verlede week hul jaarlikse jeugweek by die kerk aangebied. Kinders het die geleentheid gehad om saam te sing, opvoerings te hou, kuns te doen en artikels te maak en om aan boeresport deel te neem. Jeugleiers het vir die kinders allerhande speletjies geleen en hul gesigte laat verf. Estelle Coetzer het in 1996 vir die eerste keer die Jeugweek aangebied. Jeugweek is interkerklike en kinders vanaf Graad 1 tot Graad 12 is welkom. Kinross Jeugweek se span maak op borge en donasies. As jy wil help of betrokke wil raak by volgende jaar se jeugweek, skakel Estelle by 082 412 0196.

Minette Lottering by die Jeugweek by die N.G Kerk op Kinross verlede week.

Johanette Joubert en Carla Purves was jeugleiers by die N.G. Kerk op Kinross se jaarlikse Jeugweek.

Mia du Randt geniet Jeugweek by die N.G Kerk op Kinross verlede week.

all the service delivery concerns into a report with a view to arrange an urgent meeting with councillors. This report will enable the Department of Human Settlements to develop short and longterm interventions. “Despitee the challenges of bulk infrastructure and lack of building sites in the area, too much focus is on helping the elderly, the disabled and child-headed families to get decent and quality houses,” said Speed. Government handed over 500 houses and more than 600 title deeds to deserving beneficiaries form various parts in the Govan Mbeki municipal area. The municipality plans to deliver 3 000 housing units, 287 gap market housing, 500 rental housing units and

MEC Speed Mashilo, at the Imbizo. social amenities through the delivery of another integrated human settlements project during the 2017/2018 financial year.

Baba Luke gaan huis toe Klein Luke Britz is uiteindelik ná meer as 20 weke in die hospitaal ontslaan. Hy is op 14 Februarie 12 weke te vroeg gebore. Hiér gee sy pa, Jimmy Britz, hom ‘n bottel by die huis. Luke weeg nou 2.04kg. Hy is steeds aan ’n asemhalingsmasjien gekoppel. Luke se hospitaalrekening beloop R1,6 miljoen. Die gesin het reeds R40 000 betaal.


WHAT’S UP 30 June – 22 July

Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to

Secunda radise at a P r te in W now play w slope, s e Ice Age o n S . ll a M f th r animals o area and R60 per session fo . n n re io d it il r ch exhib nd R40 fo Send an a r e d ri ll e. a fu age of thre d. under the okings@snowworl o b e-mail to .za to book. co

15 Julie

edag Cuppa-famili Kansa bied ’n Plaas aan. Dit by Holfonein 3:00 0 en sal tot 1 begin om11:0 kos R120 per s duur. Kaartjie R20 per kind en e n se as volw dom van vyf. bo die ouder s en vermaak Sop, broodjie ie prys. Die d is ingesluit by aan Kansa. Vir n aa g s g n opbre g, skakel meer inligtin . 017 631 2857

14 July 2017 26 July

nnual ve their a a h l il w A C 7:30 Bethal SP eeting (AGM) at 1 e m eerd general e Gereform treet in th t a 0 :0 for 18 anyoni S idents ibitso Sib Kerk in Ts PCA invites all res to S er e Bethal. Th this meeting in ord tween d e to atten tionship b n the rela public. The e th g n e tr s and the up. the SPCA d with a cup of so n e th l t il c e meeting w information, conta For more at 017 647 5360. SPCA

Ondersteun húlle Die Helpende Hand Secunda-tak het Donderdagaand by John Dory’s ’n Terug Skooltoeaand aangebied om geld in te samel. ’n Deel van die wins wat John Dory’s gemaak het, sal aan Helpende Hand geskenk word. Van die projekte wat dié tak beplan, is die Kamerdiensprojek waarmee hulle op 20 Julie die inwoners van Davieshof gaan bederf. “Ons wil hulle die gevoel laat kry dat hulle in ’n hotel is,” het Geraldine Stoffberg,

voorsitter van Secunda Helpende Hand, gesê. “Ons gaan hulle bedien met kos en geskenkpakkies.” Dié tak bied op 24 Julie ’n Cowboy-aand by Spur aan vanaf 17:00 tot 21:00 en op 23 Augustus ’n Griekseaand by Panarotti’s. Ondersteun dié tak deur op dié twee aande by Spur en Panarotti’s te gaan eet. Die tak gaan kos en komberse insamel. Vir meer inligting, skakel Geraldine by 072 967 9991 of besoek Helpende Hand se webwerf by www.

Die Helpende Hand Secunda-tak se lede en bestuur by personeel van John Dory’s verlede Donderdagaand toe Helpende Hand en John Dory’s ’n Terug Skool toe-aand aangebied het.


COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

Loof die Here, o my siel, en vergeet geeneen van sy weldade nie! Psalm 103:2

Thank you to Anita Smit who sent us this photo of a pony. These ponies and much more can be seen on Lizelle Fourie’s Zandfontein farm near Brendan Village. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers. Congratulations to our June winner Mr Jacques van der Westhuisen who shared his “flour” photo.


14 July 2017



Michelle boer met miniatuur-perde Michelle Kitching het van kleins af van miniatuur-perde (Falabella) gehou. Sy het dié stokperdjie egter eers onlangs begin beoefen en het tans ses miniatuur-perde en een oppad. Sy het vier jaar gelede haar eerste ponie gekoop en later die miniatuur-perde. ’n Ponie is 1m en hoër terwyl die miniatuur-perde kleiner as 1m is. Haar miniatuur-hings, Sagrys, is tans die tweede kleinste geregistreerde miniatuur-perd in Suid-Afrika. Hy is skaars 68cm hoog. Die kleinste een is 64cm hoog. Een van haar merries, Nicky, gebruik sy vir kinderpartytjies en sy beplan om haar miniatuur-perde van vanjaar af aan kompetisies te laat deelneem. Hul eerste kompetisie is in September en die miniatuur-perde moet dan karretjies trek en oor hindernisse spring. Dié klein perde verg baie tyd en moet gereeld versorg word, veral om hulle in ’n goeie toestand vir kompetisies te kry. Nickey is 76cm hoog en is ook geregistreerd. Die merries word gewoonlik groter as die hingste en kan tot sowat 95cm hoog word. Michelle se ander miniatuurperde is nie geregistreer nie. Daar is tans sowat 1 200 geregistreerde miniatuur-perde in Suid-Afrika. Michelle probeer so klein as moontlik teel en gebruik dus die kleinste hings en merrie om ’n kleiner geslag miniatuurperde te teel. Twee van Michelle se perde was maer en uitgeteer toe sy hulle gekry het, maar hulle is nou rond en gesond. Haar miniatuur-perde moet egter gewig verloor voor die kompetisie in September.

Een van Michelle Kitching se miniatuurperde.

Nkosinathi publishes poem book Life’s circumstances are the inspiration for the first anthology of poems by local poet Nkosinathi Hleza (25). This book called Souvenir Mind Yoke was published last year. Nkosinathi Da Poet as he refers to himself, grew up in eMbalenhle without a father. His mother sold liquor to make ends meet. In general, life was tough and money was tight. At the tender age of eight, Nkosinathi saw late President Nelson Mandela in person and listened to Madiba at the official opening of the Maphala Gulube Primary School in eMbalenhle in 2000. The school was built under the instruction of Madiba and was named after an endearing community member, Maphala Gulube. She informed the government about the need for schools in eMbalenhle and Madiba decided to build a new school. Nkosinathi was a pupil of this new school. “Seeing this iconic man, made me want to aspire to also be great,” said Nkosanathi. Although he discovered his poetic talent only when reaching high school, Nkosinathi’s business sense developed long before then. He was still a primary school pupil when he began earning money by selling sweets and cakes. This young entrepreneur also used his uncle’s public phone to make money. He charged people R1 per phone call.

Later, he operated his own spaza shop (tuckshop). “I had to make a plan because there was no food at home. “Many times I came to my shop to find the structure was destroyed and I had to fix it. “Because of my mother’s business, my two brothers and I could complete school and studies.”

when his father contacted him. He wrote a poem about his father and posted it on Facebook. “I called him a monster in my poem because he abused my mother and he wanted to kill us while she was pregnant with me.” It was after this that Nkosinathi decided to publish his poetry and founded the NDP (Nkosinathi Da Poet) Foundation in 2015. Nkosinathi The aim of this foundation is studied to eradicate poverty and help in Cape those who are coming from a Town for disadvantaged background in a year and the form of bursaries, school uniforms and more. He also started the ISABA organisation that focuses on support groups and life coaches for poets and actors. Nkosinathi also runs his own marketing business from home. He prints business cards, CVs, posters and loans people money. He also manages a netball team for Nkosanathi Hleza, published his first high school grills poem book last year. he established in 2012. He later started obtained a certificate in a soccer team and now still radio broadcasting and coaches this team, as well as a business management. selection development soccer He tried to begin his own team. music company when he Nkosinathi’s long-term dream returned to eMbalenhle after is to build an orphanage and his studies, but times were an old age home. tough. He is currently looking for a Writing is not Nkosinathi’s only space for sport facilities. talent. For more information, or He also has an affinity for rap to order his anthology of music which he began to poems, send an e-mail to explore in Grade 9. or He heard his father’s voice for contact Nkosinathi at 079 661 the first time in his life in 2014 0467.

Michelle Kitching by die nuutste toevoeging tot haar perdefamilie, ’n vulletjie.

Michelle is new manager

Secunda Mall appointed a new centre manager. Michelle Nell has been part of the centre management team since the mall opened its doors in 2013. She walked into her new position as centre manager on 1 June. “Her dedication to hard work, constant professional and personal growth has led her to the position of centre manager,” said Jani Zaayman, marketing manager at Secunda Mall. “Reaching one of your longterm goals is not something many achieve,” said Michelle. “I am tremendously honoured to have reached my goal in becoming the centre manager of Secunda Mall. “I believe that with hard work and an amazing team like ours we will achieve everything we Michelle Nell is Secunda set out for.” Mall’s new centre manager.

Support Secunda Mall’s project

Michelle Nell (Centre Manager) and Jani Zaayman (Marketing Manager) at the box in front of Spitz in Secunda Mall. The mall started with its Gifts of Grace Project on 20 June and people can still donate casual clothes, school clothes, non-perishable food and sanitary items by dropping it in one of the boxes no later than 16 July. The items collected will go to Marietjie School and is part of the mall’s celebrations for Nelson Manadela Day.



14 July 2017

14 July 2017






To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

Sell any products at affordable prices

14 July 2017

Graceland gives towards building Graceland Hotel Casino and Country Club together with the Southern Highveld Community Development trust (SHCDT) has donated R1.5million rand to build a school hall at the KI Twala Secondary School in eMbalenhle. The building will be constructed by SSZ Civils & Allied (Pty) Ltd. Groundwork preparations already began on 4 July and the estimated completion time for the

project is three months. The faculty and pupils are excited about the project and the hall will be used to write exams and to accommodate large classes and school events. The school will hire the venue out to churches and for community events. The income generated will be used to further upgrade the school facilities. Graceland also donated 20 televisions to the school.




Verkope van enige produkte teen sakpas pryse

Henry Simelane (Graceland HR Manager ), Ngodwane (KI Twala principal) , JP Mlangeni (SHCDT Chairman), Nkululeko Ndzekeni (SGB Chairman KI Twala school), Zolani Nayo (SSZ Civils & Allied, Director ) and Willem Van Rooyen (Graceland General Manager) at the construction site last week.

Aged visit Sasol plant Senior citizens of the TEKSEL association had the opportunity to go on a plant tour of Sasol on Friday, 29 June. About 120 seniors from Trichardt, Evander, Kinross, Secunda, eMbalenhle and Leandra went on the tour. According to Alex Anderson, Head of Group Media Relations at Sasol, the purpose of the tour was to engage and build strong relationships with Sasol’s stakeholders and

to expose them to facets of the business. Vice President for Corporate Affairs at Sasol Secunda Operations, Maureen Mboshane, welcomed the elderly and acknowledged the vital role that they play in shaping the country’s future through the wealth of wisdom they pass on to the youth. The seniors enjoyed the tour and something to eat and Sasol donated blankets to them as a token of appreciation.

Senior citizens of the region went on a plant tour at Sasol recently.

To Advertise Call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529


14 July 2017


Sasol hosts teacher’s conference Sasol hosted its Technical Teachers conference in Mpumalanga for the first time from 29 June to 1 July at the Sasol Recreation Club. The Sasol Inzalo Foundation focuses on boosting vocational skills pool for the country to meet the National Development Plan 2030 target of 30 000 artisans through its Technical Schools of Excellence Network programme. The foundation has invested in 5 500 pupils and their teachers from five technical schools since 2015. These schools are in Mpumalanga, the Free State and Gauteng and the

foundation’s aim is to develop schools to technical excellence and build a pipeline for artisans, STEM technicians and technologists. This will be realised by increasing the numbers and calibre of pupils doing technical subjects and upgrading the equipment status in the technical workshops. An Inaugural Technical Teachers Symposium brought together various role players last year in the technical education field, including government departments, technical high school practitioners from seven provinces, industry partners, SETAs and artisan training academies.

Dr Aaron Nkosi (Director Research at Department of Basic Education), Jannie Pretorius (Deputy Principal at Gert Sibande TVET College), Justice Magagula (Vice President Sasol Social Development), Maureen Mboshane (Vice President Sasol Secunda Corporate Affairs), Flora Maboa-Boltman (Executive Mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality), Enver Surty (Deputy Minister of Basic Education), Cynthia Malinga (Sasol programme manager Technical High Schools) and Enoch Rabotapi (Director Department of Basic Education) at the conference.

Laerskool Goedehoop het op 7 Junie ’n interne drama-aand aangebied en dié leerlinge het in hul onderskeie afdelings plekke behaal. Hulle is (voor) Nica Buckle (tweede), Theo Kriel (derde) en Amy-Leigh van der Merwe (eerste). In die middel is Stephan Serfontein (derde), Karli van Schalkwyk (eerste), Melanie Slabbert (derde), Cayla Rossouw (eerste), Juandri Fourie (eerste en tweede), Mielan Prinsloo (eerste) en Suzaan Thomas (tweede). Agter is Carla Jacobs (tweede), Calene Grobler (derde), Chizelle Rossouw (eerste), Nika Thomas (derde), Dioné van Rooyen (derde), Surike Jonker (derde), Johnke Prinsloo (derde) en Lana Hyman (eerste)

Marietjie School’s netball team obtained a second place at the Sasol Disability Games recently. The team are (in front) Sandizwa Hlatshwayo, Luyanda Mtombeni, Mbali Dlala, Petunia Tsotetsi, Nomusa Makhathi and Sizakele Kunene. At the back are Fatiema Sibande and Annaretha Fourie.

Laerskool Goedehoop het vanjaar skaak in die klaskamer vir hul leerlinge aangebied. Skaak vorm deel van die kurrikulum vir die grondslagfase. Hiér is Melanie Slabbert in aksie.

Marietjie School’s soccer team finished second in the Sasol Disability Games. The team are (in front) Thabo Ngwenya, Yonela Mahanjana, Tebogo Ndaweni, Vusi Sibeko (coach), Tokolo Sibeko and Thembalethu Masilela. At the back are Thabang Morwana, Siphesihle Radebe, Skhumbuzo Mkomo

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14 July 2017

Canoe club prepares for race Members of Sasol Canoe Club practices on Trichardt Spruit on Saturday. They paddled 8km and a few paddlers fell over. They cleaned the river the previous Saturday and used Saturday’s practice session as an opportunity to test the river for an upcoming competition. Sean Boyley, chairman of the Sasol Canoe Club, said it was Anton Verwey’s first test on a river and he succeeded. The Sasol Dam- to-Dam competition will take place this Saturday (15 July). The starting point is at Trichardtsfontein Dam and the finish line is at Syferfontein Dam. For more information, contact Sean at 082 462 0057.

Anton Verwey fell over while he was practisign for the Sasol Dam to Dam race.

Lucille wins golf tournaments patients I have seen,” said Lucille. Lucille Lyon (62) recently won the “I have learnt a lot from my journey so women’s trophy of Gold Rush Golf far.” Tournament at Walker Park Golf Club. In her free time, Lucille enjoys gardening This tournament is held over three days and she is a keen traveller. and, according to Lucille, in very cold Her favourite places to travel to are Italy, weather. France, the Seychelles, Namibia and the She has been the women’s club Victoria Falls. champion at Walker Park Golf Club Lucille enjoy anything outdoors such twice and played in leagues at as cycling, rock climbing, bridge Walker Park, Graceland and swinging, hiking, sky diving, Ermelo. quad biking, deep sea fishing She was also part of and flying in microlight planes. the Interzone team in Next on her bucket list is to do Middelburg and travelled to kite surfing in the Cape. Nelspruit last weekend to Lucille is also a bridge player play in the Interzone team. and said the art of finesse, She has won the BMW helps her to outwit her regional golf tour three opponents. times and BMW sponsored her to play at the Arabelle Lucille Lyon takes the game of Golf Estate near Hermanus, golf seriously. Sun City and George to name a few. “The competition there was tough and it was a privilege to take part in that tournament,” said Lucille. She began playing golf when she was 28 years old when her husband, George Lyon, gave her his old golf set. He taught her the basics of golf, but a woman from America taught her the finer details. However, she stopped when she started with a family. When her children were grown and left the house, she started playing golf again. “It was when I started playing in leagues that my golf improved.” She has taken part in golf tours in Vietnam and Turkey and several other countries. Turkey has the second oldest golf course in the world. Lucille was diagnosed with cancer when she was 40 years old and again when she was 50 and 60 years old. “I always felt I was not as sick as other cancer

Nico is SA Stoeikampioen Nico van den Berg van Sasol-stoeiklub is as die Suid-Afrikaanse Stoeikampioen gekroon. Hy het op 7 en 8 Julie aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Junior- en Seniorstoeikampioenskappe in Pretoria deelgeneem en al sy wedstryde gewen. Hy het Saterdag aan die Suid-Afrikaanse GriekseRomeins-afdeling en die Suid-Afrikaanse

Senior Vrystyl-afdeling deelgeneem en goud ingepalm in die junior Griekse-Romeins-afdeling en silwer in die senior vrystyl-afdeling. Hy is nog ’n junior-stoeier en al sy teenstanders in die senior-afdeling is reeds senior-stoeiers. Die bestuur van Sasolstoeiklub is trots op Nico en het hom geluk gewens met dié prestasies.

Johan van den Berg (afrigter) en Nico van den Berg met die medaljes wat Nico die naweek ingeplam het.

Hendry wins championship Hendry Erasmus won the Mpumalanga Cue Sport Blackball Singles Championship title for men held in Ehlanzeni in June.

Dié lede van Sasol Stoei-klub het die afgelope naweek aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kadet junior- en seniorkampioenskappe in Pretoria deelgeneem. Hulle is (voo) Nathan Webb en Nico van den Berg. Agter is Manie van den Berg (admin beampte), Lollie van den Berg (admin beampte), Elma Webb (spanbestuurder) en Johan van den Berg (afrigter).

14 July 2017






Jonathan refs at big rugby games Although Jonathan Lottering cannot play rugby anymore, he is still involved in this sport as a referee. This matric pupil of Hoërskool Secunda, had to stop playing rugby two years ago because of a knee injury. “I loved rugby so much and then decided to do a course in refereeing, then I can still be part of the game” said Jonathan. His father, Tommie Lottering and his uncle, Gerrie Lottering, were both referees. “They introduced me to it. “My uncle was a ref for Currie Cup Rugby.” Tommie is the chairman of the Puma Referee Union. “My father is the one who encouraged me to do this and he has always supported me and driven me to all the matches.” Jonathan completed the level 1 refereeing course last year and level 2 this year. He is planning on doing level 3 next year. He appeared on television for the first time on 13 May when HTS Middelburg played against Hoërskool Middelburg and Jonathan was the

assistant referee. The game was broadcasted live on SuperSport. He has also acted as assistant referee for a game between the Pumas and the Valke on 3 June in Middelburg. Lesego Pro Legoete, who is part of the elite panel of referees, watched Jonathan’s games “You have a bright future,” are the words Jonathan will always remember. His hero, Lesego, came to him after a match where Jonathan was the referee and said that to him. He also said Jonathan showed exceptional refereeing skills. “I think that was my best game ever.” Jonathan missed playing rugby last year and said it has happened that he caught the ball and wanted to run, but then he remembered he is the referee and not a player. He wants to study to become a bio kineticist next year. He has already been accepted at three universities and still must decide which one he will attend. His next aim is to get accepted by the South African Academy Squad for referees. The coach and manager of

this squad, Eugene Daniels, has watched Jonathan refereeing at games. Jonathan said he has learnt not to pay much attention to people commenting from the stands. “You always get those people who shout things like: ‘Ref you cannot see etc.’,” said Jonathan. He wants to improve his refereeing skills in every possible way and he always asks the coaches of the teams for feedback after he has blown at a game. His motto in life is Hinc Orior, a Latin phrase that means: From here I arise. He designed a shirt with the logo: ‘Refereeing is my thing, but Jesus is my King.’ Jonathan has refereed at 75 games and his next goal is to do his level 1 course in Sevens World Rugby. In his free time, he watches rugby on television or the real games if it is possible for him to go. He also enjoys playing the piano and spending time with friends. He is a keen Sharks supporter and his favourite referee is Rasta Rasivhenge. “I like the way he handles the players and every situation on the field. “He also smiles when he runs. Jonathan’s ultimate dream is to blow at a World Cup Finals Rugby game. However he handles every game as though it is a World Cup Finals game. “Those players play their hearts out.” Jonathan needs to be fit to be a referee and he runs about 4km daily and exercises in the gymnasium in the afternoons.

Keolebogile Mokolop won a silver and a bronze medal at the 2017 World Rope Skipping Championships in Florida last week.

Keo wins medals Keolebogile Mokolopo from eMbalenhle won a silver and a bronze medal at the 2017 World Rope Skipping Championships in Florida last week. Nearly 800 competitors from more than 30 countries took part in the championships. Keolebogile, who is also the coach for the South African Rope Skipping team, finished second in the individual three minutes speed item and she obtained a third place in the single rope freestyle item. Sonopo Tshilwane from the Free State, and Mbali Nyundu and Amanda Msongelwa from eMbalenhle, are part of the South African team and also took part in the championships. This is the second competition in a row where

these South African jumpers excelled. Tshilwane brought home a bronze medal last year for the triple unders item at the 2016 FISA/IRSF World Rope Skipping Championships held in Sweden. Keolebogile was awarded with a certificate of appreciation for hosting the World Jump Rope Federation competition at the 2017 Arnold Classic, which was a great success in South Africa. Tshilwane finished fifth in the 30 seconds speed item, Msongelwa finished sixth and Nyundu seventh. The management of the South African Gymnastics Federation congratulated the team and especially Keo for their outstanding performance.

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