The bulletin newspaper 15 september 2017

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Issue 145 - FREE

15 September 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

R1.7 Billion Investment in Evander

Pan African Resources broke first ground on Friday, 8 September at its R1.7 Billion Elikhulu Tailings Retreatment project in Evander, officially marking the start of construction of the plant which is expected to produce an average of 50000 ounces of gold per year for the next 13 years. Speaking at the sod-turning ceremony, Pan African Resources CEO Cobus Loots said: “Elikhulu’s capital expenditure of approximately R1.7 billion (approximately US$130 million) is a substantial investment in the South African mining industry and is expected to contribute materially to economic development and employment in the Mpumalanga province. Elikhulu is scheduled to produce first gold in the final quarter of the 2018 calendar year and deliver an average of 50,000 ounces per annum for the next 13 years, at an allin sustaining cost of less than US$550/ ounce.” The Elikhulu project entails establishing facilities and infrastructure at Evander Gold Mining (Proprietary) Limited, owned and operated by Pan African Resources, to retreat historic gold plant tailings at a rate of 1-million tonnes per month. Three existing tailings storage facilities will be reclaimed, in the following order: Kinross, Leslie and Winkelhaak. The three tailing facilities will, after processing, be consolidated into a single enlarged Kinross facility, thus reducing Evander Mines’ environmental footprint and associated environmental impact. Pan African Resources’ Evander Tailings Retreatment Plant (ETRP) exploits historically generated gold tailings deposited in the Kinross tailings storage facility and surface sources. It has a capacity of 20,000 ounces of gold per year, and a tonnage capacity of 2.4-million per year. The gold is extracted at a carbonin-leach hybrid plant. The ETRP will continue to operate independently of the Elikhulu project for the next 13 years. Pan African Resources is a mid-tier African-focused precious metals producer with a production capacity of more than 200,000 ounces of gold per annum. The Sod Turning Ceremony was well attended by a number of dignitaries that included the MEC: Finance, Economic development & Tourism in Mpumalanga, Honourable MEC Eric Kholwane. The Director General: Department of mineral resources,

CEO Cobus Loots, MEC Eric Kholwane and DD Advocate Thabo Mokoena

Google Maps view of the Elikhulu Tailings project site in Evander.

Advocate Thabo Mokoena as well as a representative of the National Union of Mineworkers. The NUMSA representative’s message dwelled on the issue of dialogue and that the mine should have a dialogue with the Unions on how it will benefit

its people. Advocate Mokoena spoke mainly about job security and how the challenge of retrenchments can be addressed. The MEC dwelled on the role of traditional leaders and their role in establishing the ANC. He also spoke

about the history of Evander gold mines. The issue of unemployment is also discussed. In a subtle hint of maybe things to come the MEC said that where men leads there have always been wars, maybe it’s time for woman to lead.



15 September 2017

Garden shed fire nearly sets house on fire Simeon Sithole of Munchen Street in Evander had a close call on Saturday 9 September when a fire swept through his garden shed and set his house on fire. Children next door alerted him about the fire. Simeon rushed back from eMbhalenhle to try and save his house. In the meantime, the kids used a garden hose to suppress the flames that leapt from the shed to the house’ roof. They managed to put out these, but could not extinguish the burning shed. A Wendy house in the next yard was also severely damaged. Mrs Sithole sells Tupperware and used the shed as a storage space. The estimated damage according to Simeon is more than R350 000. It is unclear what caused the fire as there was no electrical equipment in the shed that could have caused the fire. Unconfirmed reports states that the children tried to extinguish the fire first, only to phone the fire brigade once they realized their attempts had failed. One of the firefighters said that his advice is to always first phone the fire department before attempting to extinguish the fire on your own. Or get someone to do it.

View video on our Facebook page - The Bulletin

Vehicle overturns near Leandra Eight people were injured on Sunday morning when a bakkie overturned on the R29 near Leandra. Five of the eight injured, are children. When Langamed and other services arrived on scene they found the injured in the veld surrounding the vehicle. Paramedics treated the injured and transported them to Mediclinic Highveld for further care. The exact cause of the accident is still unclear, but common cause suggests that the driver lost control, causing the bakkie to overturn.

The vehicle that overturned. Photo - Langamed South Services

A vehicle overturned on the main road between Graceland and eMbalenhle on Sunday morning at about 05:00. A man sustained moderate injuries and was taken to hospital by Langamed South Ambulance Services. The cause of the accident is still unclear and will subject to further investigation. Photo Langamed South Services

Worker dies on the way home Patrick Mpayipheli, a service provider employee at Sasol Secunda Operations, collapsed and passed away on his way home after an evening shift on Sunday morning, 10 September. Emergency medical services were immediately called to the scene.

Local police and all other relevant authorities have been notified of the incident, and an investigation is currently underway. Mr Mpayipheli’s next of kin has also been notified. Sasol extends heartfelt condolences to Mr Mpayipheli’s family, friends and colleagues.


15 September 2017


GMM runner up in Greenest Awards Govan Mbeki Municipality is the first runner up in the 6th Greenest Municipality awards (Local municipalities). The Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs, Ms Barbara Thomson has announced, on Tuesday 29 August 2017, the winners of the 6th Greenest Municipality Competition (GMC), with the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and the Polokwane Local Municipality being crowned the greenest municipalities in South

Africa, after winning the overall prizes in the Metro and Local categories, respectively. The overall winners will receive R3.5 million; first runner up R3 million and the second runner up R2.5 million each, which will be given through funding of infrastructure projects aimed at protection of the environment. The prize is tied to implementation of Waste, Climate Change and Green Economy related job creation projects. Funding the competition is of greater

Roundtable BGM Summer conference The Roundtable BGM Summer conference was recently held at Boesies at Lake Umuzi. The three areas that participated were Bosveld (Pretoria to Mussina), Mpumalanga and Gauteng. A range of topics were discussed such as projects completed, projects to plan and funds generated. One of these projects is the “Winter Knights” project. ARTSA (Association of Round Tables of South Africa) have generated close to R2 M for this project alone. Winter Knights aim is to provide food, warm clothing and blankets to less fortunate people. Round Table is a fantastic young men’s organization, providing a platform for personal development, networking, local and international travel, community service, as well as the

support of local and national charity organizations. Comprising of 52 associations and over 30 000 members worldwide, Round Table is a global organization. Round Table Southern Africa consists of all of the Round Table clubs within South Africa and Namibia. They believe in bringing about positive change in ourselves and our communities. A Table is a local club. They meet regularly, plan and organize functions and events for themselves and others, which focus on community service, raising funds for charitable causes, personal development, as well as fun and fellowship. Together they form an international network of bright young men. Their Motto is ADOPT, ADAPT, IMPROVE.

Voor is Jacques Visagie, Alan Malan, Andrew Lea ( Round Table RSA President) Sean Trautman, Alex Mcarthur en Jacques Rowe. Agter is Louwrens Lombard, Stefan Grobler, Christ Bezuidenhout, Mark Powel ( Mpumalanga Area-voorsitter) Hilton Mcgaw, en Neville Kotze (Secunda 231-voorsitter)

strategic importance as it helps galvanize municipalities to initiate projects that address their integrated development plans (IDPs) and forged links with our Extended Public Works Programme mandate of creating temporary employment and offering skills development opportunities. The Greenest Municipality Competition has evolved into a significant contributor towards a collective response to the challenges posed by climate change and the government’s course towards a sustainable future. It focuses on sustainable development in areas such good waste management practices, efficient energy use, sustainable water use, public participation and best practice of

municipal leadership. The National Climate Change Response Policy recognises the role local government plays in building climate resilience through planning human settlements and urban development; the provision of municipal infrastructure and services; water and energy demand management; and local disaster response among others. Speaking at the GMC awards, Deputy Minister Thomson acknowledged the role played by South African Municipalities in embracing the concept of green economy, through implementation of long term sustainability policies and strategies in partnership with local communities.

Readers’ view on this Audry van der Merwe - Thank you Sasol! I hope the R3m goes straight to the Eskom account Preston Pillay - Sasol should have won that money. They anyway fix the roads and clean up the area. GMM can’t even fix street lights or prevent sewers overflowing into and contaminating the dams and rivers Hlengiwe Ngcongwane - You must be joking or u bribe the judges, I have never seen a dirty place like this Govan Mbeki won ,no

Zanelizithembiso Nkosi Hebanna hope it goes towards Eskom... Pay your bills like Emba citizens do!!! Stephen Nyarirangwe - With sewage flowing direct into the river extension 5 eMbalehle. The roads are now not drivable with sewage flowing in the streets. Who gave that award m sure someone must have been payed



Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Veterane kom bymekaar Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermagvereniging se Sektor 1 Kosmos het Saterdag weer een van hulle gereelde ontbyte gehou by die Kruik Kafee in Secunda. Dié gereelde veteraanbyeenkoms het ten doel om die veterane, wat aan albei kante van die grens-oorlog geveg het, die kans te bied om saam met hulle gesinne te deel in die wedervaringe van ʼn oorlog, geëindig meer as 25 jaar gelede. Dit is ook om “Sigbare en Tasbare erkenning te verleen aan al sy lede vir diens gelewer tydens die bestaan van die UVM en die SAW vanaf 1946 tot 1994”, en om erkenning te gee aan die opofferinge gemaak nie alleen deur die soldaat-vader-broer-verloofde nie, maar ook die families-broer-susteroupa-oma-verloofde.

Die gesellige byeenkomste word elke tweede Saterdag van die maand gehou by die Kruik Kafee in Secunda om 08:00. - Aart Reedyk

15 September 2017

WHAT’S UP 15-17 September. Warriors for Christ will be hosting the Hope Men’s Conference at Holfontein Farm. For more information, contact Kosie van der Merwe at 082 524 8823 or Ockie Els at 082 774 7718. 21-28 September. Marietjie Skool se jaarlikse Lentemark vind plaas by die skool in Third Lane, Silkaatskop. Vir meer inligting, skakel Anna-Marie Kruger by 084 513 9803. 23 September. Hoërskool Secunda bied hul jaarlikse Biltong & Braai Fees aan. Vir meer inligting, skakel Paul van den Berg by 079 358 9035.

Henry Buÿs oorhandig ‘n sertifikaat van erkenning aan Mike Diedericks.

Congratulations to Dr Leon Pelser who was our August photo competition winner for his photo “Missing Punch”. He is the winner of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of his winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.

30 September. Die Mpumalanga Bulldog klub hou hulle eerste byeenkoms om 8:30 te Holfontein Plaas. Kontak Yvette Bodington by 064 905 8154. 27 Oktober. Hand-marathon by die Rondekerk. Inskrywings is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar. Skakel die kantoor by 017 631 3470.

Motor beskadig by wassery Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Ek het vandag my motor vir die eerste keer na ‘n motorwasery in Evander geneem. Ek het my motor daar gelos met die vertroue dat hul my motor sal skoon was en poets soos belowe is deur die assistant wat daar werk. Ek het R80 betaal en gewag. Met aankoms by my voertuig was my voertuig nie skoon nie.Toe ek die deur oopmaak, was daar ‘n baie groot oliekol op die voorste passasierssitplek. Op die agterste sitplek was daar ‘n nog groter oliekol. Ek vra toe wat daar aangaan. Nee sê die dame sy sal alles gougou “fix”. Ek het gevra om met die bestuurder of eienaar te praat, waarby ek meegedeel was dat hy met ete was. Die vrou het ‘n deurweekte spons gebruik en met water en ‘n lap die agter sitplek probeur was. Ek het gesê sy kan nie dit doen met daardie hoeveelheid water wat so in my voertuig vanuit die spons loop nie. Maar sy het net aangegaan en haar nie gesteur aan wat ek te sê het nie. Tuis gekom het ek my man vertel en gewys en hy is na hul toe. Hy het teruggekom met die boodskap dat die mense daar sê die eienaar was nie in vir die dag nie. My man het hulle gewaarsku dat ons dit nie net so sal los nie, toe lag hul hom net uit. Ek verwag ten minste dat die eienaar van die onderneming die skade aan my duur motor sal betaal. Susan Gross Briewe hier geplaas weerspeel nie die Bulletin se opinie nie, maar sleg die van die skrywer - RED


15 September 2017


Berty Visser veg terug toe gaan, het gekraak. Ek was opgeneem in Eugene Marais Hospitaal in Pretoria en het 5 dae daar bestee.” “Die dokter het my van oor tot oor op my haarlyn oopgesny, my kopvel afgerol tot by my neus, my oë effens uit gehaal, vier plaatjies en agt skroewe ingesit, my sinus skoon gemaak en my weer toegewerk. Ek het 52 krammetjies gehad op my kop om die wond toe te hou. “ Ná ‘n maand van herstel is die krammetjies uitgehaal en was berty weer toegelaat om te gaan werk en liggies te oefen. “Ek het toe besluit om vir eers op te hou met rugby speel.” Hy het aan die einde van verlede jaar met ‘n paar vriende wat vir Sasol speel kontak gemaak. Hy het toe kans gesien om weer sy tokse aan te trek. Hy het by Sasol ingeskakel asof hy al jare hier speel. Die afrigter, Werner Joubert, veduidelik: “Berty is ‘n fantastiese mens op en van die veld af. Hy het al op ‘n hoë vlak gespeel, maar is baie nederig werk 100% saam met wat ook al die span aanpak. Sy ervaring en leierskap het ‘n groot impak in die klub. Berty is ‘n individu wat ons waardes en kultuur uitleef en bevorder. Hy is vir ons ‘n groot aanwins.”

Hier is die interresante feite van die week: • As Berty die week gekies word in Sasol se 22 teen Impala, dan sal hy uitdraf teen die span vir wie hy gespeel het toe hy sy skedel gekraak het. • Berty sal homself bevind in dieselfde span as Jannie van der Merwe – die einste speler wat in in 2014 Berty se skedel getref het. • Berty en Van der Merwe (opponente in 2014) het in menigde wedstryde die jaar uitgedraf as die vleuel-paar vir Sasol.

Die dokter het Berty Visser van oor tot oor op sy haarlyn oopgesny.

Snowy has a passion for racing Snowy reaches speeds of 195km/h on a 400m strip of road. While a few others may reach speeds that exceeds 246km/h, Snowy’s achievement is made more remarkable by the fact that she has never driven a car until about five months ago. She doesn’t even have a driver’s licence, but is taking lessons for that. Growing up in the rural settlements around Burgersfort there were no opportunity for Snowy Hlongwane to drive any car - let alone to learn how to drive. The first car in which she could sit behind the steering wheel was a Mini Cooper. Isabel Greyvenstein, Snowy’s employer, asked Snowy to help with the cleaning at one of the drag races that Isabel hosts. “I was hooked, I didn’t do my job but kept on running and cheering next to the track” says Snowy. “Afterwards I told Isabel that this is something that I want to do and that she must teach me”. Although Isabel did not take Snowy as serious, she eventually gave in and began teaching Snowy in her garden with the Mini Cooper. At first just pulling away and then braking. Being a quick learner Snowy was thrown into the deep end about a month after she started learning. “It was time to tackle the tar on a drag strip” says Isabel. Her first run was 18 seconds on the quarter

mile distance, 2nd run was 12 seconds and with her third she surprised everyone with a run of 11,7 seconds at a speed of 195km/h. Snowy currently drives Isabel’s Nissan GTR 3,7 twin turbo that is capable of a top speed over

400m of 221km/h. That is 10.6sec for the distance. When asked about her future, Snowy is adamant that she is here to stay and that she would work hard on becoming the first black female champion in South Africa.

Isabel Greyvenstein with Snowy Hlongwane.

Berty Visser in aksie.

PROPERTIES eiendomme

Berty Visser het ‘n skedelbreuk in 2014 oorkom en speel nou weer rugby - hierdie keer vir Sasol in die Gold Cup-toernooi. Berty het in 2014 vir Impalarugbyklub uitgedraf. Sy skedel is destyds gebreek in ‘n wedstryd teen Witbank Ferros. Die skedelbreuk was net bokant sy oog wat sy sinusholtes beskadig het. Daar was ‘n lang herstelpad, maar Berty is nou volkome genees. Dié voormalige Luiperd- en Goue Leeus-speler het 2017 aangesluit by Sasol-rugbyklub. Berty se lewensreis tot by Sasol is baie interresant en vandeesweek is ‘n betekenisvolle week in die voltooing van dié dramasiklus. Sasol draf Saterdag uit teen die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenklubspan: Rustenburg Impala. In 2014 het Berty juis vir Impala verteenwoordig in die SARU Gold Cup-kompetisie teen Ferros. Berty vertel hy het dié dag ‘n speler van voor af geduik en het in die slag sy oogbank beseer. “Daar was gelukkig ‘n dokter op die toneel en hy het aanbeveel dat ek dadelik hospitaal toe gaan. Die dokter daar het my ingelig dat ‘n stuk van my skedel bo my oog na binne gebreek het en die muur wat na my sinus




15 September 2017

Skenking aan Palmoord se Alzheimereenheid Vrydagaand 8 September het die gemeenskap van Bethal en omliggende gebiede hulle harte oopgemaak en R50,000 bymekaar gemaak om by te dra tot die ontwikkeling van die Alzheimereenheid van Palmoordouetehuis. Marius en Carina Scheepers het hulle pragtige geriewe by die Blue Gum Country Lodge in Bethal beskibaar gestel met ‘n ete vir 200 gaste terwyl David Hall en Assosiate van Old Mutual in Secunda vir Jannie Putter, die motiveringspreker en spansielkundige van die Leeusrugbyspan, gereël het as spreker vir dié Pa en Seun-aand. Jannie Putter het almal gebind met sy lewensverhaal as gewone mens wat deur die Here aangegryp is en vandag sy vol en suksesvolle lewe in afhanklikheid van sy Skepper se krag en leiding leef. Jannie is betrokke by verskeie atlete, maatskappye en groot sportspanne, maar sy gesin is vir hom baie na aan die hart. Na sy suskses by die Blou Bulle en sy laaste paar

jaar se betrokkenheid by die Leeus, wat uitmuntend gevaar het in die tyd wat hy by die span betrokke is, gaan Jannie nou ook by die Orlando Piratessokkerspan betrokke raak waar hy ‘n verskil wil maak. Alzheimer se siekte gaan deur soveel as sewe fases waar die person wat geaffekteer word aan verskillende vlakke van geheueverlies en later selfs geheue oor hulleself en hulle direkte omgewing verloor. Eenvoudige take en basiese aktiwiteite soos kosmaak word problematies, aangesien die lyer later nie meer instaat is om te onthou wat hulle moet doen of waarmee hulle besig was nie. “Omdat mense langer leef, sien ons dat daar baie meer vroue as mans in ons omgewing is wat baie swaarkry as gevolg van die toestand. Die frustrasie, sielkundige impak en die voltydse versorging weens die onvermoë om gewone aktiwiteite te verrig, affekteer die lyers intens,” deel Daphne de Klerk van Palmoord Marthie van der Walt en Daphne wat namens Palmoord die tjek van R50,000 ontvang het, was baie dankbaar dat die

gemeenskap hulle harte oopgemaak het om die hulp te gee wat die Palmoordspan die geleentheid gee om verder te gaan met die ontwikkeling

van die Alzheimereenheid. Enigeen wat skenings of bydraes tot hierdie eenheid wil lewer, kan Palmoord kontak. - Jackie van Zyl



Marius Scheepers, Daphne de Klerk, Jannie Putter, Marthie van der Walt en David Hall.


15 September 2017


Reuse Reier - Pierre Jordaan, First place senior

Photographers excell at club The Sasol Highveld Photography Society held its monthly photographic event on Friday 8 September. The judge for the evening was the well-known sport and photojournalism photographer Christiaan Kotze. During his illustrious career spanning more than 25 years he won numerous awards like the Beeld Photographer of the Year (which he won several times), Fujifilm Photographic award in Wildlife and the Sasol media Springbok Photographer of the year. Kotze covered the 1995, 2007, 2011 and 2015 Rugby World Cups and was the only South African Photographer that was allowed to cover the Bejing Olympics in 2012 and the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in 2016. Kotze covered the panning technique he used during the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in his interactive presentation which included a panning shot of Usian Bolt when Jamaica won the relay. The junior winner for the evening was Danie Smit with the title “Vasgevlieg”. Danie took this photograph of a silhouette in his window after a dove has flown into the window. Pierre Jordaan was the winner of the senior category and the set subject for the month with the theme street photography. The respective title of the winning pictures are “ Reuse reier” and “ Need a helping hand”. The photograph of the heron was taken early in the morning at the Marievale Nature Reserve and that of graffiti was taken in Melbourne. The following photographers also

received a certificate of merit award for their respective photographs: Jan Ferreira for “ Kleintjie”, Koos Janse van Vuuren for “ Woodland Kingfisher in flight”, Sussa Pelser for “Sade” and “ Skeeloog”, Leon Pelser for ”Dragline” and Johan Coetzee for “Spraying the crop”. The next meeting will be held on the 6 October at Scrum Inn at the Sasol Club. Any photographer that would like to join is welcome.

Need a helping hand - Pierre Jordaan, First place set subject.


Vasgevlieg- Danie Smit, First place Junior.

Hannelie 082 789 2529 or Clive 082 724 5165




To Advertise Call Clive: 082 724 5165

To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

15 September 2017

MvN dring deur na nasionale kompetisie Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk neem vir die 13de jaar deel aan die nasionale Bybelvasvra-kompetisie wat in Oktober gehou word. Die skool se spanne het al verskeie kere tweede en derde gekom. In 2015 is die skool gekroon as die nasionale wenners. Vanjaar is die kinders in die skool se A-span Juanita de Alcantara, Bianca Long, Nicole Meyer en Elandri Swart. Die lede van die B-span is Chrizanne Joubert, Lecia Long, Michael van Eck en Imke Venter. Laerskool Goedehoop was eerste en Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se twee spanne was in die tweede en derde plekke in ‘n interskolekompetisie wat in Mei vanjaar gehou is. Die Interskole-kompetisie het egter geen invloed op die nasionale

kompetisie nie. “Die nasionale kompetisie vind plaas oor twee rondes. Die eerste ronde vind in Mei plaas en die tweede ronde in Augustus. Die spanne se punte vir die twee rondes moet onder die Top 10 wees in die land om in Oktober aan die nasionale kompetisie deel te neem,” verduidelik Marina Dreyer. Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se twee spanne is onderskeidelik eerste en tweede in Mpumalanga en albei spanne is ook onder die Top 10. Hulle gaan die naweek van 20 Oktober deel neem aan die nasionale Bybelvasvra-kompetisie by Oliflant River Lodge by Middelburg. Die personeel en leerlinge bedank Juffrou Marina Dreyer vir haar toegewydheid en harde werk.

Juanita de Alcantara, Bianca Long, Nicole Meyer en Elandri Chrizanne Joubert, Lecia Long, Michael van Swart. Eck en Imke Venter.

Hannelie: 082 789 2529

Dano Sadie

Brian Marais

Dano Sadie en Brian Marais van Hoërskool Oosterland het tydens die naweek se Mpumalanga-uitdunne deurgedring na die Radiale Redenaars se nasuinale eindstryd. Oosterland het dus nou 7 deelnemers wat aan die nasionale kompetisie gaan deelneem.


017 631 1903 017 631 1845

Hoërskool Oosterland neem elke jaar deel aan die Junior en Senior Afrikaanse Olimpiade. Dit is ‘n ATKV-projek. Mienke Heine in Gr 11 is onder die top 20 in Mpumalanga aangewys. Sy het ‘n 8ste plek behaal vir Huistaal: Afrikaans.

15 September 2017



9 Highveld Park High School’s first cricket team recently played against Piet Retief. Weather interfered and as a result the match ended undecided. Their next match is against Ligbron Academy of Technology.

Hoërskool Hoogenhout het onlangs hul hoofleiers vir 2018 aangewys. Voor is Jenna Danckert (koshuis) Sjanike Lloyd (kultuur), Franci Louwrens (hoofmeisie), Marizelle Venter (sport) en Milé Klaasee (akademie). Agter is Gerrie Erasmus (koshuis), Ruan Neethling (kultuur), Coetzee Richter (hoofseun), Jacques Roelofse (sport), Phillip Rheeder (akademie).

Damian de Beer van Marietjie van Niekerk het onlangs die eerste seun van dié skool geword wat in meer as 20 jaar provinsiale kleure verwerf het. Damian is gekies vir die o.10Mpumalanga-krieketspan.(Titans). Hy neem in die vierde kwartaal deel aan ‘n interprovinsiale toernooi.

Marietjie van Niekerk hou Wildsfees Marietjie van Niekerk het Saterdag hul gewilde wildsfees op die skoolterein in Bethal aangebied. Die aand was a reuse sukses met meer as 480 mense wat die fees besoek het. ShoNeill, Touch of Class en Dewald Wasserfall het die gaste vermaak met optredes uit die boonste rakke. Gaste het gereeld opgespring en sporadies gedans op die maat van die musiek. Terwyl vure hoog gebrand het, het die gaste gesmul aan heerlike unieke wildsfees-kabanossi en ‘n 3 gang-

maaltyd. Borde was tot oorlopens toe vol. Die aand het ‘n ongelooflike bosveldatmosfeer gehad met verskeie vure wat gebrand het en gaste wat tot laat in die Bomas gekuier het. Die skool het die wildsfees vir baie jare aangebied, maar dit het later doodgeloop. Sowat twee jaar gelede het twee paartjies, Adriaan en Sonja Joubert, en Johan (Swannie) en Annemarie Swanepoel besluit om die fees weer nuwe lewe in te blaas.

Hierdie was dan die tweede “Nuwe” fees. Dit kan beskryf word as ‘n besigheidsfunksie met geleentheid vir individue om ook betrokke te raak. Besighede kan dan ‘n lapa huur waarheen hulle dan van hulle kliënte kan nooi. Alle spyseniering word verskaf, asook alle ander benodigdhede. Dit is ‘n funksie waarna daar elke keer uitgesien kan word. Alle geld word dan in die koffers van die skool gestort.




15 September 2017

Photos by: Encee van Huyssteen

Air show captivates spectators The recent air show held at Rand Airport proved to be a spectacular event. Spectators were treated to a 10 aircraft formation, as well as the oldest flying aircraft in South Africa. The ground were packed by spectators that braved a cold spell to watch the planes. The area behind the spectators were packed with stalls selling a range of items. The food was outstanding. The event was very well organized and ran smoothly. Brian Emmenis from Capital Sounds provided captivating commentary all through the day. The first highlight of the day is seeing the oldest flying aircraft in South Africa flying. The Aeronca

C3 was carefully restored to its flying condition today by John Illsley. The full description of this restoration can be read at arn0000472 A brilliant formation by radial engine aircraft had everybody cheering as 10 Harvards, 1 Beechcraft 18 and one DC3 (Dakota) flew in formation. The Flying lions sponsored by Puma Energy is always a crowd pleaser. Led by the very experienced Scully Levin, the air roars into live as the Harvards are put through their paces. Although they are old aircraft, they are kept in pristine condition and flies like a dream. Little Annie, an Antonov AN-2

wowed the crowd with an extremely short take-off and very slow turns and flying. Of course no display would be complete if Mustang Sally did not fly. Mustang Sally is an American P51 plane that saw action from the latter parts of ww2 until the Korean war. There were helicopter displays, races between aircraft and even a Lear jet display. It was a beautiful show that was enjoyed by all. Scully and his team will do a Harvard night display on the 29th of September as well as a display on Sat 30 September in Secunda. They will also do displays on Friday and Saturday, 6 and 7 October. This will all be part of the Umuzi week of Festivals.

Secunda stoeiklub vaar goed Secunda-stoeiklub het goed vertoon tydens die interprovinsiale stoeikompetiesie wat onlangs in eMbalenhle gehou is. Die interprovinsiale stoeikompetisie sal nou ‘n jaarlikse instelling wees waar Mpumalanga, Oos Gauteng en KwaZulu-Natal met mekaar sal meeding. Die eerste byeenkoms is deur Mpumalanga gewen met Oos Gauteng tweede en KZN derde. Saterdag 16 September vind die

Die tweede ronde van die nasionale Bybelvasvrakompetisie het plaasgevind op 12 Augustus in Bethal. Laerskool Goedehoop se A-span staan nou derde in Mpumalanga en die B-span eindig 4de. Hier is die spanlede. Voor is Morgan Blake (A-Span), Surike Jonker (B-Span) en Chizelle Rossouw (A-span). Agter is Chené de Bruin (B-Span), Carla Stoltz (A-span), Ruan van der Merwe (A-span), JD Kotzé (B-span) en Megan van Schalkwyk (B-span).

Nathan Webb van Secunda-stoeiklub pen sy teenstander vas vir ‘n val.

Secunda-stoeiklub se medalje wenners by die Interprovinsiale byeenkoms is (voor): Zak Manaia (Brons). In die middel is Reagen Meyer (LTP), WC Stydom (LTP), Pieter Bezuidenhout (LTP), Jaden Grobler (Silwer), George Polenakis(LTP) en Tiaan Carelse (Brons). Agter is Jacques van Biljon (Brons), Johan van den Berg (Afrigter) en Nathan Webb (Silwer).

Mpumalanga-stoeikampioenskap in die Sasolklub se sportsaal plaas. Vanaf 10 uur stoei die LTP-stoeiers (tussen 6-8 jaar) , en vanaf 14:00 stoei die ouer ouderdomme. Daar gaan ook ‘n Mpumalangajeugstoeispan gekies word vir die SuidAfrikaanse jeugkampioenskap wat op 5 en 6 Oktober in Johannes gehou word. ‘n Span sal ook gekies word vir kadette, junior en seniors wat aan die SuidAfrikaanse proewe gaan deelneem wat op 21 Oktober in Pretoria plaasvind.

Dié atlete van Laerskool Goedehoop het op Saterdag, 2 September, aan die MUSSAlandloopbyeenkoms deelgeneem. Hulle dring deur na SA’s wat op 29 en 30 September in Kimberley gehou word. Voor Ané Botha, Mia du Toit, Elri Kruger en Nika Thomas. Agter is Tiffany Phillipson, Sharona Klein, Caylin Loock, Meceila Brits en Liane Parkes.

15 September 2017







Sasol Hydra-Arc wins first game The Sasol Hydra-Arc rugby team won their inaugural game in the Gold Cup against Human Auto Welkom in the Griffons Stadium. The final score was 40-24. The game started at a fast pace in the heat of the day at a sweltering 34 degrees Celsius. Welkom immediately began attacking the defences of Sasol and managed to score the first try. Sasol retaliated shortly thereafter with a try. Welkom continued to attack and halftime score was 17-7 in favour of the home team. Welkom’s scrum dominated in the beginning but Sasol steadily gained control over the scrums. Welkom created overlaps in the beginning by drawing Sasol’s defence in. Sasol looked a bit rusty after their long layoff

but soon found their rhythm as they started to claw their way back. Sasol’s Centre pair started attacking and Welkom had their hands full to contain them. Sasol also attacked from their Fullback and again Welkom’s defences were tested and breached. The attacking play from Sasol’s Fullback laid the platform for the pattern of the rest of the team. The changed made it the second half to Sasol’s team strengthened the team further and the started playing better and better. Sasol dominated the second half and won the game by 40 to 24. It was a good team effort. The next game will be this Saturday against Newrack Rustenburg Impala. The game will be played at Sasol Club and will start at 15:00.

Sasol Hydra Arc Men of the Match are Lourens Basson and Lenro Vergottini.

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