The bulletin newspaper 16 february 2018

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Issue 163 - FREE

16 FEBRUARY 2018

Community News. Original - accurate - first

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Stop Dreaming Mayor! Kinross Ratepayers Association did not mince their words when they scolded the Mayor, Councillor Flora MaboaBoltman (Flora) and the GMM administration regarding the state of Kinross and Thistle Grove. Cllr Dan Nhlapo acted as MC for the meeting. At the start of the meeting it became very clear that the Kinross Ratepayers Association (KRA) is upset with the treatment that they are getting from GMM. Cllr Antony Makhaye greeted the evening meeting with a good morning. Objections immediately followed, scolding him for not respecting the people in attendance. It is not morning but good evening would have been in order. Flora made an opening speech. “I have spoken to someone and would dearly like to meet him” says Flora, “I am very pleased to be here even if that person and I, in our dreams could not see one another.” She also said that she came because of a letter that Deputy Director Kamesh Rohan has written to her.

The point was made that the residents have a right to know what is happening with their money that they are paying. Donovan Frederics (Chairperson of the Kinross Ratepayers Association) said that KIRA have been formed during last year to discuss and address the problems of the area. He started off by saying that the meeting have not been communicated to everybody and if they have not heard by chance of the meeting, they would not have attended the meeting. “In regards to the dreams that you were talking about” Said Donovan, “I’m not sure if your office is a dream.” He continued to state that there is solid evidence of communications

between KRA and the Mayors office regarding previous meetings as well as postponements. As well as several of the Councillors namely Cllrs Ben Makola, Rose Nkabinde and Irene Masuku but follow up meetings do not happen. It seems that there are no channels of communication. “To find out at 16H00 that there is a meeting that evening and that the Chairman of KRA does not even know about the meeting is unacceptable” said Donovan. Donovan continued to reprimand the Mayor on her lack of commitment in dealing with KRA. She does not attend meetings and also does not inform KRA of any cancellations or postponements. The community of Kinross is not happy. Donovan spoke about the water problems in Kinross. Kinross had no water for days on end and when they do, it is intermittent. The call centre responded to queries by telling the people that there is no water truck available. They also said that the residents should buy JoJo tanks. “There are people here that started Thistle Grove” said Donovan, “but they now saw it deteriorate to a ghost town.” Donovan again said “the Mayor lives in a dream, not him.” The point was made that the residents have a right to know what is happening with their money that they are paying. They are paying for services such as refuse removal, sewer reticulation, street lights and closed manholes. Questions arose regarding the Sasol investment into Thistle Grove park. Cllr Dan Nhlapo wants to look at the snag list first before Sasol hands over. It did not seem that there is a snag list yet. A few other residents also raised their concerns. They want answers now and not later in the year. GMM administration responded in their usual manner by speaking about the budget and IDP. They also explained the current problems that GMM are facing. Continued to page 2

Rion Havenga (20 maande) van Cullinan, geniet ‘n toffie appel tydens die Hinterland Ekspo Kinross. Sien berig op bladsy 3.



16 February 2018 From page 1

Stop Dreaming Mayor “If we have staff members that do not acknowledge community members, said Flora, “we have a problem.” Flora also explained that she is very busy. She is a field worker that must do what her job requires and go to the people. She went on to explain that she inherited an Eskom debt of about R450m and a budget that had R3m for service delivery. The Mayor said that they are under immense pressure to pay Rand Water and if they do not pay in time, Rand Water would restrict the flow with a further 20%. No minutes have been kept of the meeting and that also upset the residents. The only real promise made at the meeting is that there will be improvement. The meeting continued for over two hours with tempers sometimes rising within the residents. The problems were raised again and again but no clear action plan could be given by GMM. Bruno Makola says that he has been staying in GMM for 30 years and what they are telling the meeting is Mumbo Jumbo! The meeting adjourned with residents feeling more frustrated than ever. The only positive point is that the Mayor actually attended the meeting. Keep reading the bulletin to follow developments in this regard.

Municipal workers unhappy A recent document named “Govan Mbeki Municipality up for Sale” was circulating within the municipality on Friday. A copy of this letter was also sent to

various stakeholders. The letter is aimed at the Acting Municipal Manager stating that the appointment of the Municipal Manager Mr. Tisha Mhlanga is to the detriment of Govan Mbeki Municipality. The Bulletin has not been able to contact the writers of this letter yet and would appeal on the writers of this letter to contact us. We would keep all conversations and identities strictly confidential.

Donovan Frederics Chairman KRA

Councillors Irene Masuku, Flora Maboa-Boltman (Hon. Exec. Mayor) and Rose Nkabinde listening attentively to residents

Councillor Dan Nhlapo adressing the community


16 February 2018


Werner Venter (Bestuurder Hinterland) en Mari Minnaar (Sanger).

Reën demp nie Ekspo nie Hinterland (Afgri) Kinross het die afgelope Saterdag ‘n baie suksesvolle somer ekspo dag gehou. Oud en jonk het vroegdag opgedaag en gesmul aan heerlike pannekoek, pap en kaiings, kerrie en rys en alles wat nie te goed is vir die figuur nie. Verskaffers het stalletjies gehad en hulle boereprodukte uitgestal en egte plaasbotter, melk, heuningprodukte en vele meer was te koop aangebied. Mari Minnaar van Rustenburg was die gaskunstenaar en sy het die skare behoorlik vermaak. Sommige mense kon nie die versoek weerstaan om sommer saam litte los te maak op maat van

“Footloose” ens nie. Mnr Werner Venter (takbestuurder) van Hinterland, het gesê die dag was suksesvol en hulle gaan definitief weer in die toekoms sulke pretdae reël waar die publiek genooi word om die dag te kom geniet. Hy is baie entoesiasties oor die toekoms van die tak en sy doel is om die boere en publiek uitstekende diens te bied . “O stuur ons net so bietjie reën….my oom het n tenk vol diesellin” het in my ore gedraal toe ek wegry en besef so ‘n dag sou net nie dieselfde gewees het sonder die welkome bui reën wat geval het nie. - Hannelie de Jager

Voor: Lindiwe and Harriet. Middel: Mallissa, Christopher, Anzel, Sihle. Agter: Louis, Werner, Hano



So is die lewe

• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903

Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Gwendie Venter 082 896 4660

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

16 February 2018

Ds Marius Britz Militêre veterane kuier by Kruik

SAWV eet Ontbyt Lede verbonde aan die SA Weermag Vereniging vergader elke tweede Saterdag van die maand, by die AGS Kruik se restaurant, vir ‘n lekker ontbyt en gesels. Die groep is oop vir alle mense wat grensdiens verrig het, en verbonde aan die SAW/SANW, SAP/D of Korrektiewe Dienste is/was. Dit is ‘n gesinsbyeenkoms waar vroue, kinders en naasbestaandes almal welkom is. Kapelaan Johan Smit(Ds), nooi graag enige belangstellendes uit om saam te kom ontbyt, en dan te besluit om aan te sluit by die Vereniging. Daar is finansiële voordele ook vir lede van die Vereniging, onder die Wet op Militêre Veterane. Kom geniet gerus ‘n lekker oggend saam, voordat jy dorp toe gaan op 10 Maart 2018. Saluut!

Om te toer, is lekker. Daai opgewonde gevoel as jy met jou sakkie lekkergoed en jou Coke in die bus klim op ‘n skooltoer see toe! Die esprit de corps onder maats, die laatnagkaperjolle in die vakansiewoonplek wat die onderwysers angsaanvalle sou gegee het as hulle geweet het wat aan die gang was. Dit het jou menswees gevorm. En dan is daar ander toere. Senior burger toere. Nou, moenie my verkeerd verstaan nie. Dis ook hèèrlike toere. Behalwe as jy die toerleier en organiseerder is. Iewers langs die pad het ek vele sulke toere georganiseer en gelei. Van die middel van die land af, daar waar die Karoo en die Kalhari (sic) in mekaar vloei, waar die wonderlikste mense woon. Maar omdat die meeste van hulle boere was, was luukshede soos vakansie hou dikwels nie hulle prioriteit nie. Want eerstens kon mens nie die plaas so lank alleen los nie, diere moet versorg

word, daar moet geplant en besproei en gestroop word. En tweedens was plekke met eksotiese name soos Sun City vir hulle, konserwatiewe plattelanders, sinoniem met Sin City. Tot hierdie domineetjie in die gemeente kom, en hulle vertel van die wonderlike plekke anderkant die maan. En almal is dit eens: Ons moet gaan kyk hoe dit daar lyk! Die eerste toer was Sun City toe. Nou, as jy elke aand ‘n Listerenjin moet aansit vir elektrisiteit en water, dan oorweldig Sol se paradys met sy duisende liggies jou so effens. Op ‘n Dinsdagoggend tienuur is die casino gepak met hierdie Noord Kapenaars van die seniortoer, en hulle ontdek die ekstase van die eenarmbandiete (Dis al wat daar was daardie tyd) En elke keer as daardie bandiet tekere gaan soos ‘n roomyskarretjie buite beheer en ‘n paar sent uitspoeg, dan skree hulle kliphard daar in die hart van sonde: Dominee! Kom kyk wat het ek gewen! En toe durf ons die volgende paar jaar die weskus aan. En die mense van Plooysburg en Douglas en Griekwastad is diep beindruk met die pragtige blomme. Maar veel meer met Klub Mykonos in Langebaan, wat hulle laat voel hulle is in die hartjie van Griekeland. Donkies met hoedens, balalaikamusiek en borde wat gebreek word in die restourant en al. Maar nou moet jy jou Mykonos ken. Die calivas, of wooneenhede, is baie ergonomies gebou. Met die gevolg dat die bad piepklein is, om plek te maak vir alles. En die eerste aand, op pad eetsaal toe daar bo teen die bult, is daar ‘n benoude geroep: Dominee, tannie A, E en S (om die betrokkenes te beskerm), is nie in die bus nie. Ek is met ‘n onwaardige spoed na hulle caliva toe. Daar gekom, is dit ‘n bleek, pieringoog tannie wat die deur oopmaak. Tannie A sit vas in die bad. Jare se skaapvet en heerlike vars aartappels en tuisgebakte brood en beskuit het noodwendige gevolge op haar liggaamsbou gehad. Nou wat nou? Ek kan nie sekuriteit of die kompleksbestuurder roep nie, om voor-die-handliggende redes. Daar is net een opsie. Die een tannie druk my oë toe, die ander een bind ‘n handdoek om tannie A se bolyf, en ek sê: een, twee drie

TREK! Dan trek ons. Na so paar verbete pogings, maak die bad sjlooeeep. En daar is tannie A bevry uit haar nood, en ek toe oë en al daar uitgeboender. En toe toer ek saam met hierdie selfde groep van 40 Senior burgers Namibië toe. Van Ai Aixs af tot by Etosha. Nou is hier opsigself ‘n klomp stories waarvoor ek te min plek het. Soos die venster van die luukse toerbus wat op die Karoogrondpad uitgeval het die eerste dag, en al die tannies se mooi gesnyde en gekleurde kapsels waai deurmekaar. Of die toilet op die bus (‘n wonderlike deel van my toerbemarkingstrategie, aangesien die meeste van ons verbruikers van waterpille was) wat na dag een glad nie meer wou spoel nie, en naderhand ook nie meer so vroom geruik het nie. Die ergste onthou van daardie toer was die verskriklike aanval van jig wat ek gekry het. Ek kon nie beweeg nie. Gelukkig het die meeste van die seniors saam met my op die toer aids gehad (looking aids, hearing aids en walking aids). So ek kon oral kieries en stootkarretjies by hulle leen om my gebroke liggaam van die bus af te verwyder. Waar dit moeilik was, was toe ons een Sondagmiddag tussen Hentiesbaai en Swakopmund in die woestyn gaan staan het sonder diesel. Geen toilet, geen boom, geen bossie, geen karre wat verbygaan nie. Net son en sand en moerige plattelanders. En ‘n verleë busbestuurder. Uiteindelik kom daar ‘n ou met ‘n groot motorfiets verby wat stop. Hy luister my jeremiades uit, en sê: klim, ouboet. Met my goutbeen en al vlieg ons so 200 kilometer per uur Swakopmund toe, ek agterop sonder ‘n valhelm. Dis waar ek die krag van gebed leer ken het. En veral met die terugry na die bus, met ‘n twintigliter kan diesel tussen my en die motorfietsryer agter op die saal. Teen dieselfde spoed. En die grootste pret van daardie toer? By Okakuejo, in Etosha, worstel ek van die bus af om die chalets se sleutels te gaan kry. Loop skuifel-skuifel, kreun-kreun. Wie is jy, vra die ou by ontvangs. Die toerleier van die senior burger groep, sê ek. Hel, sê hy, as jy so lyk, wil ek nie weet hoe die res van die groep lyk nie.

Sasol Hydra-Arc Rugby Practice @ Sasol Club - Every Tuesday and Thursday @ 18:00 to 20:00. Contact: Theuns Kruger Club Captain on 082 602 4035. Tydlose treffers. Hoërskool Secunda bied aan: Tydlose treffers met Laurika Rauch. Saterdag 24 Maart. Sluit gekookte ete in asook wyn op tafel. R500p/p of R5000 vir tafel van 10. Besprekings by Paul 079 358 9035 of 2 Maart - Hoërskool Secunda bied aan. Denim & Diamonds Dans Boesies @ Lake Umuzi 18:00. 017 634 7707. 24 March - Cosmos 3-in-1. 3 Races in 1 day. Ultimate 100km - Lake Umuzi. 084 804 8749.



16 February 2018


Photographers held monthly meeting The Sasol Highveld Photography club held their monthly meeting at Sasol club on Friday, 9 February. Willem Botha was introduced by Pierre Jordaan (Club Chairman) as the evening’s guest. Willem gave an informative presentation on light and light sources. Willem is a Grand Master at the Alberton Camera club and have been the chairperson for the past 7 years. He has 2 APSSA honours (Associateship of The Photographic Society of South Africa) and specializes in Studio

photography and portraits. The second half of the evening was dedicated to the judging of the members’ photographs and once again, images of very high standard were entered. Jaco Linde was awarded the “Best Junior” with a magnificent photograph of a sunset at De Voetpadkloof. Pierre Jordaan’s “Driemanskap” of three buffaloes was judged best senior. The Set Subject winner was James Harris with his “White Rose”. The set subject for the evening was High Key Photography.

Best junior- De Voetpadkloof Sunset - Jaco Linde.

Best senior - Driemanskap - Pierre Jordaan.

Pierre Jordaan (Club Chairman) and Willem Botha.

VACANCIES VAKATURES Sectri Auto Body recently invited various emergency personnel to join them at Sasol Junxion. The aim was to create awareness of emergency services around the teks area.

ATKV verkoop kolwyntjies Die ATKV Kosmosrand tak het Saterdag in Secunda Mall kolwyntjies verkoop om mense in nood by te staan. “Ons wil graag die mense bystaan met kanker wat finansieël sukkel,” het Martie Zerwick gesê, “Party mense moet Pretoria toe gaan om by Steve Biko behandeling te kry en kan dit net nie bybring nie.” Volgens Tracy van Wyk het hulle ongeveer 1600 kolwyntjies gemaak. Die tafel was getooi in kolwyntjies wat in baie verskillende kleure en patroontjies versier is.



16 February 2018

McDonald’s and the bloody burger Excited and hungry, a Secunda family went to McDonald’s, one of their favourite family restaurants. But excitement soon vanished when the food arrived and Catherine Olivier saw the food that she has been served. “When I opened the container, it was bloody on the inside. I took apart the burger and the bun was also full of blood,” Catherine said. She called the manager who apparently ripped her burger apart and said “look our burgers are not bleeding.” Catherine took the burger to the table to show her husband, Andries. When she took a photo, the manager apparently rushed to the table to remove the food. When asked, the store manager of McDonald’s, Clara Mokwena, invited The Bulletin to walk through their kitchen to show us how their food is prepared, cooked and tested daily. She said that this never happened before and cooking time for a patty is between 39 and 71 sec. She also assured us that all meat and eggs are tested every morning before they serve customers. Clara put us in contact with head office, which responded almost immediately. “I must say, although we are highly disappointed with this incident, the service we received from head office was excellent,” Catherine said. This restaurant is a favourite of many

and caused big commotion on social media, especially after certain other national restaurants were in the media for rumours of food containing human blood. Luckily, it seems like this was an unfortunate and isolated incident containing no human blood. “As McDonald’s South Africa, we always endeavor to go the extra mile to give our customers a valued experience. We regret any inconvenience caused to our valued customers at our Secunda store. We remain mystified by this alleged incident as the burger was discarded and not preserved to be investigated further for the alleged contaminant. However, a full internal investigation was conducted and we can confirm that no incident relating to an injury to our crew was found. At McDonald’s we adhere to the strictest food quality and safety standards and regard all reported incidents relating to our restaurants as of the utmost importance,” Daniel Padiachy, Chief Marketing officer at McDonald’s SA said. It seems like this was an isolated and very unfortunate event that happened at the Secunda store. The staff, managers and head office was extremely helpful and apologized profusely for the event. Many people still vowed to support the store and said they never had something like this happen before.

The bloody burger that was a disappointment for a Secunda family.

Tuin met vreemde verskynsels verstom “Kom pa, kom, pa gaan vir julle kos gee.” Dit is soggens en saans die woorde van ‘n getroude paartjie wat elke oggend en aand sorg dat die wilde voëls wat hul huis besoek iets te ete kry. Dié voëls is ook moontlik die oorsaak vir die rare verskynsels in die vrugbare tuin van Maureen en Duif Slabbert van Secunda. Maureen het ‘n gewone pampoen in die agtererf geplant en rekordgrootte botterskorsies het in die voortuin opgekom. In ‘n ander geval is niks geplant nie en varkore het opgeskiet. Verbeel jou jy plant ‘n gewone tamatie, maar skielik het jy ‘n oorvloed van ‘n ander soort. Die nuutste geval van Secunda se wondertuin is egter ‘n verskynsel wat jy nie daagliks

te sien kry nie. ‘n Roosboom wat twee verskillende rose dra, rose wat verskillend ruik en lyk. Aan die een kant is die Candy Stripe, ‘n donkerpienk roos met wit strepe, en aan die ander kant ‘n gewone ligpienk een. “Ons het 15 jaar gelede ‘n oranje roosboom uitgehaal wat gevrek het en vyf jaar daarna die Candy Stripe meters van die oorspronklike boom geplant.

Daar is ook nie ander roosbome naby nie,” het Maureen, wat nog nooit so verskynsel gesien het nie, gesê. Dié huis met sy wondertuin is glo ook meer bekend onder sommige inwoners as Secunda se dieretuin wat met sy eie lewensgrootte gorilla, kameelperd, luiperd, leeu, bokkies, flaminke en dwergies spog. Dié diere is al 47 jaar oud en gemaak van ‘n mengsel van sement en asbes en is so

Maureen by die roosboom wat twee verskillende rose dra.

groot dat hulle agter op ‘n meubelwa veroer is. Rondloperhonde het al voor die erf gestaan en vir die luiperd geblaf en ‘n bejaarde voetganger het R2 op die pallisade neergesit en geweier om dit te vat. “Hy het gesê ons moet dit vir sy oupa gee. Hy het gedink die gorilla is sy oupa,” het Maureen laggend gesê. Hoe meer hulle die man oortuig het dat dit nié sy oupa is nie, hoe meer het hy hom vererg. ‘n Olifant sou ook deel van die versameling uitgemaak het, maar die man wat dié moes bou is oorlede voor die projek voltooi is. Mense het al die besonderse versameling probeer steel en in die proses die sterte en bene van die diere gebreek. “Die oom maak dit dan maar weer self reg met veselglas.” Tussen al die vreemde verskynsels, diere en voëls, is die tuin in Witzenbergstraat beslis die tuin om te besoek.

Die wilde diere, van sement en asbes gemaak, is Maureen en Duif Slabbert se trots.

16 February 2018



Meet your Point Duty Officers Secunda traffic is already a nightmare, but it would’ve been so much worse without the (usually) dancing and laughing Point Duty officers. Sasol realised motorists’ frustration and started the Point Duty Officers’ Project to create job opportunities and promote road safety in and

around the Govan Mbeki Local Municipality area. “This project was initiated to impart skills to local youth and this joint initiative (with GMM) forms part of Sasol’s continuous improvement and efforts to invest meaningfully in the success and development of the municipality’s youth,” Sasol said.

The project placed trained point duty officers at key intersections around town to ease traffic congestion during peak hours, community events and shutdown periods. The project was piloted over a year and created job opportunities for 23 previously unemployed local youth. GMM recruited and trained

local youth before posting them to specific intersections around Secunda, eMbalenhle and Trichardt, while Sasol sponsored uniforms and provided monthly remuneration. Ten of the 23 were given an opportunity to study a one-year Diploma in Traffic Management at the Mpumalanga Traffic College, which they completed in December 2017.

Front, F.L.T.R. Selby Koti Mhlala, Sifiso Mdhluli, Tshepo Nyembe, Vusi Mabena, Mercy Malatji, Lindokuhle Mahlangu, Lucky Noinisa. In the second row is Bongiwe Bhengu, Tsepang Sereba, Vincent Yemde, Seipati Mtshopi, Victor Mahlangu, Lally Mpiti, Sbongile Kwaza, Vhutnakni Mungani, Lehlohonolo Makele (P.I), Joanah Mnguni (P.A). In the third row is Tito Pode (Manager, Sasol Traffic Services), Mfana Mkazi, Sakhile Biyela, Sakhile Gumede, Irwinn Singh, Potego Molimi, Cyril Mtsweni, Justice Mngomezulu, Thoko Pangwayo, Tebugo Masilela, Songezo Duma and Thandekile Mahlangu.



16 February 2018

Kilimanjaro getrotseer – vir ‘n foto!

PROPERTIES eiendomme TO ADVERTISE CALL 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845

John Mullineux (34) wou so graag ‘n foto van die gletsers op Kilimanjaro hê dat hy besluit het om dié berg in Januarie aan te pak, gewigtige kamera en al. Hoewel dié Secunda inwoner van kleins af groot berge wou trotseer, was die hoogste berg in Afrika sy eerste ekspedisie waar hoogtesiekte hom geaffekteer het. John, ‘n Produksie Area Bestuurder by Sasol, het in Januarie dié reus saam met ‘n werksvriend, 33 karweiers en 7 ander klimmers aangedurf. Dit het hulle 8 dae gevat om die hoogste piek,Uhuru, te bereik aangesien hulle die lang roete gevat het. “Dit gee jou meer geleentheid om te akklimatiseer,” het John gesê. Dis ook hier, 5895m bo seespieël, waar John gegly en sy arm gebreek het. Gelukkig was die toer so te sê oor en sy kamera was in sy karweier se hand, want John wou self in die foto wees. Sneeu van ‘n voet diep het op die Tanzaniese berg geval die week voor hul groot staptog en temperature het tot -15° Celsius gedaal. “Ons het voorberei vir -25° Celsius, maar dit was toe nie so koud nie,” het John opgewonde vertel. John is oor die algemeen aktief en redelik fiks, maar as internasionale krieketskeidsregter is hy ook asmaties en moes daarna oplet. Gelukkig word die klimmers se suurstof soggens en saans getoets. “As jy in die bed omdraai, vat dit so 20 sekondes om weer jou asem te kry so uitputtend is dit” Een van John se grootste drome is om genoeg aansien in die fotografiebedryf te hê om toere te lei, al het hy eintlik Proses Ingenieurswese aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch studeer. Hy is ook sterk besig om dié droom te bewaarheid en het al verskeie groot pryse met sy legendariese foto’s losgeslaan. In 2016 is hy as SA Wildlife Fotograaf van die jaar bekroon in Sunday Times se kompetisie waar hy ‘n kamera, lense en ‘n vakansie vir twee in die Okavango Delta gewen het. Hy was ook onder die top 6 finaliste in die Natural History museum se

fotokompetisie . Verskeie ander kleiner kompetisies is al op sy kerfstok en nog kom.

Sy siening oor die lewe? Dis soos Morgan Freeman gesê het, “You either get busy living or busy dying.”

John Mullineux het Afrika se hoogste berg aangedurf vir ‘n foto.

16 February 2018


Oosterland bedank borge Hoërskool Oosterland het Donderdagaand ‘n besonderse funksie gehou om hul borge en ondersteuners te bedank en ook ‘n paar van die skool se toekomsplanne bekend gemaak. Borge het die geleentheid gehad om die skool se orkes in aksie te sien voor die funksie amptelik met skriflesing en gebed geopen is. “Oosterland is vanjaar 30 jaar oud en ons is baie trots op wat ons reeds bereik het. Hier het ongelooflike groei en ontwikkeling plaasgevind,” het Billy Fick, beheerliggaamvoorsitter, gesê. “Die skool kyk na die totale kind en nie net na die individu nie en dit is ‘n goeie belegging om ‘n borg vir dié skool te wees. Buiten vir die borg se eie voordeel, maak dit ook deure vir die kinders oop,” het hy gesê. Die skool bars uit sy nate en in ‘n poging om geen leerder te benadeel nie, beoog die skool om nog

klaskamers te bou en hul orkes en ander aktiwiteite uit te brei. Liné de Vries, bemarkingsbeampte vir die skool, het nie net aan borge gewys wat hul reeds doen nie, maar ook wat hul vir die toekoms beoog. “Ons is in die bevoorregte posisie om persoonlik betrokke te wees by ons kinders. Ons het julle ondersteuning en geldelike bystand nodig, of dit nou R50 of R500 is. Ons wil hê ons kinders moet aanhou groei,” het Liné gesê. Westvaal Isuzu het ook ‘n nuwe bakkie aan die skool geskenk Die formaliteite is afgesluit met heerlike vingeretes, sap en wyn wat gaste die geleentheid gebied het om mekaar van nader te leer ken. Oosterland bedank graag die volgende borge: Fidelity Sekuriteit (Secunda), Seef Secunda, LLL Construction, Perfektum en Westvaal Secunda.


To Advertise Call Elzette Botes en André Schwab van Fidelity sekuriteit

Elzette Botes en Billy Fick van Seef

Hannelie: 082 789 2529

Opwinding heers by atletiek Laerskool Kruinpark het Woensdag die Hoëveldgroep Atletiekbyeenkoms op Secunda Stadion aangebied. Ses laerskole het dié vriendskaplike byeenkoms bygewoon waaronder Laerskool Goedehoop, Laerskool Kruinpark, Laerskool Oranjegloed, Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk, Laerskool Standerton en Laerskool Pionier (Volksrust). Daar was ‘n

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totaal van 84 items wat in 7 fases plaasgevind het. ‘n Slagspreuk wat op hul toegangspamflet te sien was, was bemoedigend op baie vlakke. Dié slagspreuk lui: “Sukses in die lewe word behaal wanneer jy doodeenvoudig weier om op te gee, met ‘n doel so sterk dat hindernisse, mislukkings en verlies slegs dien as motivering.”

Marlize van Rooyen, hoofdogter van Marietjie van Niekerk, het oor die hekkies gevlieg toe sy teen ander o/13 dogters deelgeneem het.


To advertise call: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 or Hannelie 082 789 2529



16 February 2018

Lions reach new frontiers with Sasol Warren Whiteley and his Emirates Lions Super troopers reached new frontiers at Secunda’s Sasol Rugby club when they beat their understudies 59-12 in a mini trial match. Secunda rolled out the red carpet for the Lions Rugby Company and Whiteley and his men didn’t dissappoint, running in nine tries after a slow start at this beautiful setting. With the smoke and the flames of the Sasol plant in the background, the Super Rugby SupaRugby soon found their rhythm and there was no stopping them. Whiteley played most of the 80 minutes, scored two tries and put his body on the line for his men while the flyer Slakkie Mahuza scored a hat trick with his exceptional pace and staked a claim for a starting berth in the team to face the Sharks. Apart from Mahuza’s hat trick and Whiteley’s duo, center Harold Vorster also scored a brace with Aphiwe Dyantyi and Marnus Schoeman also dotting down. Springbok pivot Elton Jantjies cool and calmly converted seven of the nine tries, some of them tricky shots from the side line. Flyhalf Ashlon Davids opened the day’s scoring when he chased down a kick from Madosh Tambwe and scored a second late in the game after a beautiful pass by Krappies van der Berg. Big Trokkie Janse van Rensburg had a run on the right wing with Ruan Combrinck always close by to give him advice in this unfamiliar position. The other newcomer that challenged for a place in the Starting XV was the blonde Marnus Schoeman, who often turned over possession and was a menace at the breakdown. It was a great hit out for the Super troopers and it was a fitting end to thank the hosts for the red-carpet treatment. - Lions Rugby Co

Photo: Encee van Huyssteen

Photo: Encee van Huyssteen

Photo: Jan Ferreira

Lake Umuzi Soccer results

Sasol 7’s defends their title Sasol 2

Mduduzi Mhlope (Royal Force) challenges Costa Masongayi (Home Boys) The results for the Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge for the past weekend is as follows: Friday Feb 9. Springs United 4 – Brakpan Spinners 1, Duduza Dixeland 0 – Home Swappers 0 F.C. Shakes 1 – Leeds Academy 5, Saturday Feb 10.

Banana boys 2 – Leslie City 0, Sondela 0 – F.C.Shakes 3, Sunday Feb 11. Emba Young Stars 4 – Power united 0, Emba Royal Force 1 – Home Boys 4, The games at Rietspruit were postponed due to rain.

Sasol 1 defended their 7’s title successfully on Saturday when they won the Highveld 7’s in Witbank. They played 6 games and won them all. Sasol 2 played 5 games and won 3 while Sasol 3 played 4 and won 2. Sasol Rugby club had 3 teams in the quarter final that can only show the strength of their club currently. The Lowveld 7’s was also held on

Saturday. The top 4 teams of both tournaments will clash on Saturday Feb 17. The Mpumalanga 7’s tournament will be hosted by Sasol Rugby Club at the Sasol Club ground. Kick off at 08H00. Sasol 1 will be defending their title again against some stiff competition and the day promises lots of action and excitement.


16 February 2018


SA Hunters grouping competition The Houtkapper branch (Secunda) of SA Hunters hosted a 150m 6 shot grouping competition at the Koos Kruger Shooting range. The competition took place on Saturday 10 February. Although the weather was showing signs of rain, hunters and enthusiasts came from as far as Phalaborwa, Marble Hall, Pretoria, Frankfort, East Rand and Southern Mpumalanga. A total of 126 marksmen entered the competition with some competitors shooting two or three times. Danie Koch from the Springbok branch (Kemptonpark) and Peet Grobler from Pretoria East each shot 8 rounds! A total of 870 shots were fired at 290 targets. The day was enjoyed by all and there was an air of excitement between all the participants. The competition was shot in one relay consisting of two groupings of three shots each in a time of three minutes. Rohan Wiese from Slingervel was the overall winner with a rifle that he built himself for his 21st birthday. Rohan represented the Houtkapper branch. He shot two groupings of 7,57mm and 12,45mm with a total of 20.02mm. The groupings are measured from

centre to centre of the two furthest shots. Steven Dyke from the Springbok branch (Kemptonpark) was 2nd with 24,13mm en Cobus Mouton from Houtkapper branch was 3rd with 25.34mm. Linda Adendorff (Bethal branch) was the best female shooter with 29,72mm and Sandra de Jager of the Wilgerivier branch (Frankfort) 2nd with 36,11mm. The best junior of the day was Armand Mahne from Houtkapper with a 64,27mm score. There was also a clay target competition that was won by Pieter Hatting and Pieter Langenhoven took second place, both from Houtkapper branch. A number of prizes were up for grabs ranging from bird hunts to magazine subscriptions, from Blesbuck to cash prizes. A raffle for a handmade knife went to Daniel Coetzee from Secunda. “The day was a great success and 44 prizes were dished out by lucky draw” says Mark Kruger, acting Chairman of the Houtkapper branch, “Without sponsors, competitors and dedicated range officers as well as other branch members that offer their selfless dedication, time and help, such events cannot take place.”

29th Sasol Secunda Marathon

The 29th Sasol Secunda Marathon attracted a record number of entries. This popular race was run on Saturday 10 February and the Bulletin was there at the start. As a Two Oceans and Comrades Marathon qualifier, the race is an important feature on the athletics calendar. This race has in the past attracted athletes from all provinces.

The race is moderate in marathon terms, an easy first qualifier for Comrades. The event has grown in stature over the last couple of years” says Pierre Jordaan (Vice President Sasol Mining) “and the entries increased by more than 200 per year over the last 4 years. Today we have 1600 athletes starting.”

Here are some interesting facts about the race: 150 Marshals and organizers involved, 40 000 water sachets, 2100L of Coke and 200L of Powerade. The 10km winners are: Men - Kathlego Moloi from NAA club with a time of 33:02 minutes. Women - Michelle Parkes from Secunda Marathon club with a time of 43:25 minutes. The 21km winners are:

Men – Thabani Ngwenya from Pietersburg marathon club with a time of 1:09:36, Women – Eunice Nhlapho from the Anglo marathon club with a time of 1:25:42. The 42km winners are: Men – Graham Malinga from the Anglo marathon club with a time of 2:29:12. Women – Jenni Kruse from Massmart marathon club with a time of 2:58:52




Dominators Den dominates

Saturday night the Bulletin visited Fightstar in Alberton. Fighters from Dominators Den in Secunda participated in the Fightstar Fighting Championship. Organized chaos ensued as people drummed in to fill their seats. The night was filled with excitement and anticipation as people waited for the fights to start. Lights were flashing and girls paraded on the stage floor. Backstage, odours of ointments and sweat greeted you as you entered the warmup area. Concentration on the fighters faces in preparation for the fight. Last minute orders are given. One can cut the tension with a knife. Then the first words from the cage. Fight one has been scrapped and all fights moved up one slot. Vince Nkosi from Dominators Den is up first. It is also his first fight. Vince had a very good first round and dominated throughout. In round two, Vince landed an excellent blow that felled his opponent and the fight was stopped with Vince winning the fight with a TKO (technical knockout). Two fights later Bennie Lee entered the cage for his first fight and started the fight on a high note. Bennie dominated his fight from the start and although fighting an opponent 16 years his junior, stood his ground against a fierce attack. Landing some solid blows and dominating on the ground. In the second round, Bennie did not see a right hook from his opponent and it caught on the side of the head, knocking him down out. Bennie’s fight was over but it was a great fight. The excitement reached a feverish high every time a fighter from a particular club would get into the cage and his supporters would cheer him on. Every time a good blow lands the crowd would go wild. The last fight of the evening saw Paul “Piksteel” Ronge enter the ring in a fight that would last for three rounds. Paul likes to take his opponent to the

Vince Nkosi won his fight with a TKO.

View videos on our Facebook page - The Bulletin Bennie Lee in action

ground and work him into submission. His opponent likes to box but his reach disadvantage stopped him from being effective in stand-up fighting.

Best MP pool club does it again There was an excitement at Panda’s Cue Sport Club on Thursday evening as Hendry Erasmus and team members were preparing to host the Mpumalanga Cue Sport Championships (MPCS) over the weekend. This top class venue has the best 9 ball tables in the country and by the look of it, the best players in the Province. 33 of their members participated in the 2017/18 MPCS 8-,9- and 10 Ball Championships which took place from Friday to Sunday. Jacobus le Roux (Panda’s Cue Sport), won his second MPCS 9 ball title, a 14 player double elimination round, on Saturday. He was also crowned the winner of the 8 Ball Championship (10 player double elimination round) on Friday evening as well as the 10 ball championship (a 9 player double elimination round) on Sunday. “Jacobus is a legend in Mpumalanga Cue Sport and developed himself into a title hunter,” Henry Erasmus from Panda’s Cue said.

Kyle Jonker, also a Panda’s Cue Sports member, made the final all three nights and was crowned as the Worthy Adversary. “He will become the next star in MPCS over the years,” Henry said. The third places went to Charles Walhstrand from Full Moon (8 Ball championship), Shane Nolan from Gringos (9 Ball championship) and Timmy Vermeulen from Panda’s (10 Ball championship). Hendry Erasmus took 4th place in all championships. The Top Women MPCS in the 8/9/10 ball championships were Sylvia Pieterse on 6 points, Veronica Wahlstrand on 4 points and AnneMarie Wilson on 2 points. The club thanked MPCS tournament co-ordinator for her hard work with this event. The club is well known for it’s extraordinary performances over the years and 2018 will sure be the year to follow these pool lovers.

Paul Ronge won in the 3rd round by submission.

Paul eventually got his opponent in a stranglehold and forced a submission out of him. The night ended well for Dominators

Den. “I’m very proud of my fighters,” says Cedric Doyle (owner of Dominators Den) “they fought really hard. Well done to all three of them”

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