Issue 132 - FREE
the good news paper
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Thank you Secunda The community, businesses, organisations and churches collected non-perishable food, clothes, blankets and water for people affected by the fires in Knysna. The devastating fires that started in Knysna last week left many people homeless and seven people died as a result of the fires. Several projects have been launched in Secunda to reach out to Knysna. Goods streamed in and DHL Secunda will send a truck with the goods to Knysna this week. The Sasol Junction filling station and
Eagle Logistics also collected goods and will send one truck to Knysna this week and possibly another one next week. Tanya Williams, owner of DHL Secunda, thanked the community of Secunda and surrounding areas for their open hearts. Other businesses and organisations that contributed towards these projects are Roos and Rosslee, the Secunda Angels, Boxes2Go, Five Star Superspar, The Bulletin, the CPF (community policing forum), Secunda Police and others. - Jana Oosthuizen
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Five Star Superspar contributed towards the projects in Secunda to collect goods for the people in Knysna.
Roos & Rosslee sent a truck full of goods to the Sasol Junction filling station.
DHL Secunda will send a truck load full of goods to Knysna.
Hannelie de Jager (advertising consultant at The Bulletin) and Martin van Wyk (owner of Sasol Junction filling station) with goods collected for Knysna.
16 June 2017
Hefpa chooses new chairman Gert Kuhn was officially elected as the new chairman of the Highveld East Fire Protection Association (Hefpa) last Tuesday evening during their annual general meeting (AGM). Gert has been farming near Charl Cilliers for the past four years. He worked as a fireman and a paramedic for 13 years in the occupational health and safety field for 22 years before opting for life on the farm. He also has a business that specialises in occupational safety and helps farmers to comply with the legal processes of staff management. Gert enjoys working with animals and performs sonars on gravid animals, especially sheep and cattle. He has a machine that can show on day 42 of gestation how many lambs a sheep will bear. Gert has been involved with Hefpa for the last couple of years. “The winter is a crucial time for farmers, because it is peak season for fires,” he said. He urged famers to get involved with Hefpa. There is currently about 136 000ha of land in the Govan Mbeki municipal area of which the land owers of only about 10 000ha, are involved with Hefpa. One of the advantages for farmers to join Hefpa is that they will receive free assistance from the fire brigade in case of an emergency. “If a fire starts on your ground and you are a member of Hefpa and the fire spreads to your neighbour’s land, it is the responsibility of the other party to prove that you have not taken reasonable care. “Whereas if you are not a member of Hefpa, then you have to prove that you have taken reasonable care,” said Gert.
Hefpa sends a daily weather report to all their members and give advice on the best times and conditions to make firebreaks. Gert is involved in farm safety and in his free time he enjoys off-road motorbiking. He is a member at a bikers club in Middelburg. To join Hefpa or to get involved, contact Gert at 082 084 6921.
Gert Kuhn and Michelle Kitching (secretary of Hefpa).
Gert Kuhn doing a sonar on an animal.
Eskom nabs two for cable theft Two men were arrested on 4 June at the Eskom substation near Secunda. According to Felix Sebata from Eskom’s media desk, the two men were part of a group of five who had been spotted near the substation. This substation had been a target for cable theft in recent weeks. “When the men realised they had been seen by the security guards on duty, they tried to flee,” said Felix. However, the guards chased them and caught two of the five suspects. The two men were in possession of hacksaws and carry bags. It is believed these items were
intended for cutting and stealing copper cables at the substation. “We decided to beef up security at the Zeus substation following an increase in cable theft in recent weeks,” said Tebogo Rakau, Divisional Executive of Security at Eskom. “Cable theft at the substation and the resultant power outages negatively impact on our customers who are supplied by Zeus substation.” He urged residents to report suspected cable theft. This can be done anonymously by sending a detailed SMS tip-off to the crime line at 32211.
Municipality helps to fix water pipes Businesses in the CBD finally have water again after having to go without water for two weeks. According to Bheki Khubeka, Head of Marketing and Communications at Govan Mbeki Municipality, a pipe burst in Steenkamp Street and affected the area around the Shell Filling Station. However, the water supply in the area around Sasol Gymnasium and other businesses in the CBD was also affected. “The water situation at the Sasol Gymnasium is not a problem caused on the side of the municipality,” said Bheki. “ The problem is with a contractor renovating the adjacent building. “The contractor did an excavation without an excavation permit from the municipality. “They then damaged the major water pipe supplier. “They have been battling to fix the pipe. “However, the municipality has intervened to help solve the problem. “The water team, town planning, acting regional manager and the executive mayor went on site and gave the contractor pointers on how the problem can be resolved expeditiously,” said Bheki on Thursday. However, taps at these businesses remained dry until Monday. “We apologise for the delay in fixing the pipe and for the inconvenience that this might have caused,” said Bheki.
Contractors allegedly damaged a huge water pipe, causing businesses in the CBD to be without water for two weeks. The municipality finally intervened and helped the contractors to fix the pipe.
16 June 2017
Sasol shows off new Shondoni Mine Sasol took the media on a tour of their latest mine operation, the Shondoni Mine, on Thursday, 8 June. Construction of this mine started in February 2012. Phase 1 was completed in August last year and phase 2 will be completed in September. A budget of R5.5 billion was approved to construct this mine and the estimated cost at completion will be R5.2 billion. Sasol Mining operates one of the largest underground coal complexes in the world comprising of six coal mines that supply feedstock to Secunda (Sasol Synfuels) and Sasolburg (Sasolburg Operations). While the coal Sasol supplies to Sasol Synfuels is mainly used as gasification feedstock, some is used to generate electricity. Some of Sasol’s mines, including Twistdraai, Brandspruit, Middelbult and Syferfontein reserves are nearing the end of economical mineable life. Sasol already started with the rehabilitation projects of these mines. According to Sasol’s spokesman, Alex Anderson, to mine the available Sasol Mining reserves remain the most economical coal supply solution to the Secunda Synfuels Operations. Mining by Sasol provides for flexibility in supply, while maintaining reliability and sustainability Shondoni Mine provides employment to 1 119 people, including 41% locals, 40% skilled labourers, 27% semi-skilled labourers and 33% unskilled labourers.
16 June 2017
Hulle bedien met lap en gare
Waar druk ons / printing done at
André en Magda Greyling, eienaars van Bernina op Secunda, maak ‘n gedugte naaldwerk-wenspan. Bernina op Secunda vier vanjaar hul 10de verjaarsdag. André en Magda het vertel ‘n prediker het ’n paar maande vóór hulle dié winkel gekoop het, oor Magda geprofeteer dat sy haar eie winkel sou besit. Sy het op 1 Junie 2007 by Bernina ingestap en oorgeneem as nuwe eienaar. Magda het naaldwerk begin doen toe sy 10 jaar oud was en het haar eie rok vir Sondagskool gemaak. Haar pa het haar geleer hoe om naaldwerk te doen. “My ma het ’n hoender-boerdery besit en dit het haar nogal besig gehou, so my pa het my gehelp om my eerste rok te maak,” het Magda gesê. Haar pa is dood aan ’n hartaanval toe sy 13 jaar oud was, maar sy het steeds aanhou klere maak. Magda het op skool naaldwerk as vak gehad en ná skool het sy klere gemaak vir ’n ekstra inkomste. Sy het ook trourokke en matriekafskeidrokke gemaak. “Dit is ’n talent wat die Here vir my gegee het,” het Magda gesê.
Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.
Send your community photos for publication
Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903
Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966
Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845
Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529
Clive Singh 082 724 5165
Produksie / Production
Kerry Bird 017 631 1903
Finansies / Finances
Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to
The Bulletin is looking for your photos. Especially your photos that portray the world of our readers around them. This is a golden opportunity to get involved with The Bulletin and be unofficial journalists. Public journalists, with their smartphones, tablets and digital cameras, play an important role to bring the news to the newspaper. Show The Bulletin what is happening in our area. It can be anything. It can be a service delivery issue, or someone that makes a difference in our community, or sport or just something that you find beautiful.
Sy het vir André leer naaldwerk doen en hy is deesdae net so gemaklik agter die naaldwerkmasjien as Magda. Hy het altyd gesien hoe sy ma en susters naaldwerk gedoen het en het dus so bietjie van naaldwerk geweet voor Magda hom onder hande geneem en touwys gemaak het. Die egpaar het in 1990 vanaf Pretoria na Secunda verhuis en André het destyds by Sasol as instrumentmeganikus gewerk. André het vir Magda haar eerste omkapmasjien gekoop. “Ek het gesien hoe lief sy vir naaldwerk is en het besluit om vir haar die masjien te koop,” het André gesê. Magda leef haar liefde vir lap uit en dit wat sy met mense kan deel en vir hulle kan gee, is vir haar belangrik. Sy bied weekliks naaldwerkklasse vir beginners, asook klasse vir meer gevorderde naaldwerkers. “Ons wil tevrede kliënte hê en kliënte wat met ’n oop hart na ons toe kom,” het André gesê. “Ons sien die winkel as ons bedieningsveld. Ons staan in die Here se diens en Bernina moet ’n plek wees waar vroue heen kan kom en net hulself kan wees.”
A monthly prize of R300 Eish!! Meal voucher ,as well as a framed copy of the winning photo from Secunda Picture Framers to the value of R500 is up for grabs! Send all photos to admin@thebulletin. or The subject line should read: Photo competition Photos should be bigger than 1MB and should be in jpeg format. Give a short description of where the photo was taken and what the story behind the photo is. Remember to include the photographer’s full names and details as well as the town in which he/she presides.
Magda wil ’n helpende hand vir vroue wees op Secunda. “As vroue sukkel met iets, kan hulle dit hier kom klaarmaak, ek sal hulle help,” het sy gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Bernina by 017 634 1244.
Magda en André Greyling is ewe tuis agter die naaldwerkmasjien.
Please note, not all photos will be published. Photos will undergo an editorial selection process. The Bulletin reserves the right to publish the photo and/or to edit the photo or copy thereof. Copyright will still remain with the author but by sending your photo to The Bulletin you agree that The Bulletin can use the photo on their website, social media pages as well as publish the photo in The Bulletin newspaper. The Bulletin reserves the right to use the photographers as well as the photos for promotional purposes in relation to this promotion.
COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.
Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
Ek is die brood wat lewe gee. Wie na My toe kom, sal nooit weer honger kry nie. Johannes 6:35
Thank you to Jacques Van der Westhuizen who sent us this photo of Evander High School Land Service children having fun at the Boeresport day that was recently held. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.
16 June 2017
Dié skape is Johan se trots Johan Roarty 68), ’n boer van Kinross-omgewing, het verskeie pryse ingeryg met sy skape. Dié boer se skape het 14 plekke behaal by die Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg wat op 29 Mei gehou is. Die grootste prestasie is egter sy agt maande-oue Il de France-ooi (van Europese ras) wat as die reserwe grootkampioen aangewys is. Sy het dié prys voor 122 ander ooie weggeraap. Johan se ander skape het vyf eerste plekke, vier reserwe plekke, vier tweede plekke en een derde plek behaal. Een van sy ander skape is as die reserwe kampioen vir slaglammers aangewys in die Europese ras-afdeling. Sy skape wen jaarliks pryse en verlede jaar was een van Johan se skape ook as die slaglam-kampioen by die Royal Show aangewys. Johan boer vandag steeds op dieselfde plaas waar hy grootgeword het. Hy het in 2006 met Il de France-skape begin boer en het toe net10 ooie besit.
Dit het as ’n stokperdjie begin, maar vandag is dit ’n volskaalse boerdery en daar is 72 ooie en vier ramme in sy stoet. “Die Il de France-ras het my oog gevang omdat dit ’n dubbeldoel-ras is,” het Johan gesê. “Dié ras kan vir wol én vleis gebruik word.” By die skou word daar na sekere standaarde gekyk waaraan die Il de France-ras moet voldoen. Johan berei tans sy skape voor vir die volgende groot skou wat in September op Standerton plaasvind. Hy maak sy eie mengsel voer aan wat hy vir sy skape gee. In sy vrye tyd speel Johan graag rolbal en kyk rugby. Hy het sy vrou, Vicky Roarty, asook sy seun en skoondogter, Hugh en Zelmi Roarty vir hul ondersteuning bedank. Hy het ook PM Erasmus van Moedmar Voere op Leandra, bedank. “Sonder die genade van die Here sou ek dit nie kon regkry nie,” het Johan gesê.
Plaaswerker, December, by Johan Roarty en die wenskaap.
Johan Roarty met sy ‘n paar van sy Il de France-skape.
Cansa held the launch for their Cuppa for Casa projects on Saturday morning. Volunteers met to discuss Cuppa projects for this year. The volunteers said it is important for cancer patients to have support groups. Cansa Cuppa’s will focus on eating healthier this year. Here are Miems van der Mescht and Shirley Coetzee at the launch.
Only 29 seats still available
VLU maak armruikers Die Secunda VLU-tak het op Donderdag, 8 Junie vergader en Sophie Hugo het vir lede gewys hoe om armbande en armruikertjies van blomme te maak. Die VLU se produk vir die jaar 2016 was eiers en Alzu het by die VLU betrokke geraak en ’n kompetisie geborg. VLU-lede van Mpumalanga moes resepte instuur en 12 resepte is gekies
16 June 2017
• From page 1
om in ’n resepte-boek te publiseer. Sophie het ’n tweede plek behaal in dié kompetisie behaal met haar Fritatta wat sy Saterdag tydens die kompetisie op Middelburg moes maak. Juan Bothma, wat in 2017 aan die WFF Mr Universe in Brasilië gaan deelneem was een van die gaste op Middelburg. Secunda VLU vergader weer op 6 Julie. Vir meer inligting, skakel Estelle Boshoff by 072 233 0335.
Members of the CPF, the police and the public collected goods for Knysna residents. They are (in front) Antwanai and Sharona Wright, Chantelle Prinsloo and W/O Oosie Oosthuizen. At the back are Elmarie van Huyssteen, Bjon and Marieta Wright, Lena van der Merwe and Capt Phillip van Zyl.
Sophie Hugo en Juan Bothma by die kompetisie op Middelburg.
Die blomme-armbande wat VLU-lede gemaak het.
Elmarie van Huyssteen (co-owner of The Bulletin) with Jenneth Geel (Senior Inspector of the Highveld Ridge SPCA) with the goods Kriel SPCA collected towards projects to reach out to people in Knysna.
16 June 2017
Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se senior-koor het die trofee gewen vir informele kore tydens die streeksuitdunne van KykNet se ‘Sing in Harmonie’-kompetisie. Dié koor dring dus deur na die eindronde wat in September plaasvind. By die koor is hul afrigter en begeleidster, Linda van der Merwe en dirigent, Marisa Joubert. Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se o.12netbalspan is die Mpumalangawenners. Dié span bestaan uit Wilanie van Staden, Madelein Erasmus, Aby Botha, Izel Janse van Rensburg, Martie Coetzee (afrigter), Imke Venter, Chrizanne Joubert, Sonika Kotze en Anje van der Merwe.
Jim van Tonderskool se o.14-rugbyspan was die Mpmalanga LSEN ligawenners. By die span is hul afrigters, Ludi Pretorius en Immuel Cilliers.
Laerskool Goedehoopse o.13-netbalspan het die Mpumalanga-netballiga gewen. Die span bestaan uit Sharona Klein, Chizelle Rossouw, Zelri de la Rey, Anke Pretorius, Michelle Jacobs, Caylin Loock, Simoné Botha, Emmarentia Viljoen, H. Venter (afrigter) en M. Pelser (afrigter).
Dié personeellede van Hoërskool Secunda is as afrigters van Mpumalanga netbalspanne vir 2017 aangewys. Hulle is Natasha Malan (o.17 A1 Pumas), Mari-Louise Visser (o.16A2 Pumas) en Elè van den Berg (Mpumalanga skeidsregter)
Dié leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die Bokkies hokkiespan gekies. Hulle is Rachel van Tonder, Renè Beukes, Ruchelle van Heerden en Petra Steyn.
Jiim van Tonderskool se o.16-rugbyspan is die Mpumalanga LSEN ligawenners. By die span is hul afrigters Jaques Booysen en Niel Bornman.
Jim van Tonderskool se tweede rugbyspan is die Mpumalanga LSEN ligawenners. By die span is hul afrigters Gerhardt Engelbrecht en Hennie Roux.
Nicolien Jansen van Rensburg is tydens die Titans/Mpumalanga prysuitdeling aangewys as die Titans/Mpumalanga Senior Dames se ‘Most Valuable Player’ aangewys.
Laerskool Goedehoop se o.11Anetbalspan is die Mpumalangawenners. Die span bestaan uit (voor) Lea Goosen en Nika Thomas. In die middel is Amelia Brummer en Elri Jacobs. Agter is Tuané van der Walt, Kyleigh van der Walt, Kayla Hurter, Simoné van den Berg en L. Van Rooyen (afrigter).
PROPERTIES eiendomme
Find-It Sell any products at affordable prices
To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165
16 June 2017
Oosies vaar goed in winterliga Hoërskool Oosterland het die wintersport-seisoen op ’n hoë noot afgesluit met hul o.16A-rugbyspan en tweedes span wat na die eindronde van die Mpumalanga proewe deurgedring het. Veral Oosies se o.16-span het wentellings behaal wat aandag getrek het, hulle het Volksrust geklop met 55-0, Hoogenhout met 28-8, en het in die halfeindrondte teen Lowveld High School met 32-0 geseëvier. Dit is die derde agtereenvolgende jaar wat die o.16-span deurdring na die eindrondte. Dié seuns was in 2015 en 2016 die wenners in hul ouderdomsgroep en spog met vyf Puma-spelers. Heinrich Eksteen, Gerhard Engelbrecht, Nico du Plessis, Eurian Fourie en Elmar Coetzer speel vir die Puma’s. Die afrigters, Andries
Labuschagne en Herman Swart berei tans die span voor vir die Mpumalanga eindrondte wat in Julie plaasvind. Dié twee afrigters, rig ook die o.18 en 0.20 Suid-Afrikaanse Rhino Sewes-spanne af wat in Julie na Amerika gaan toer. Een van Oosterland se o.18spelers, Katlego, is deel van die o.18 Rhino-span. Drie van Oosterland se seuns hokkiespanne het ook deurgedring na die Mpumalanga uitspeelrondtes en die o.15dogtersspan het tweede in Mpumalanga geëindig nadat hulle 2-2 gelykop gespele het teen Uplands. Die eerste seuns hokkiespan en die o.15-dogters hokkiespan was die wenners van die Puk 16-reeks. Die o.14- en o.15netbalspanne het na die Mussa eindrondte deurgedring.
Verkope van enige produkte teen sakpas pryse Services
Hoërskool Oosterland se o.16-rugyspan in aksie.
For moree news, photos and video’s, visit our website: www.thebulletin. and our Facebook page: The Bulletin
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Secunda het aan die Artisticulta-redenaarskompetisie se nasionale eindronde wat op 3 Junie in Pretoria plaasgevind het deelgeneem en presteer. Hulle is Gabriella Stemmet (derde), Jordan Jacbos (eerste), Zantè Venter (eerste), Carli Venter (tweede) en Chezelle Brand (eerste).
16 June 2017
16 June 2017
Sasol se 3rdes klop eMba se eerstes
Sasol Hydra Arc Rugbyklub se derde span het Saterdag op hul tuisveld vir eMbalenhle se eerste span met van 58-19 geklop. Sasol 3 se Spelers van die Wedstryd was Lourens Basson en Given Thabalala. Die puntemakers was Basson en Sphelo Jama wat elkeen twee drieë gedruk het. Jaco Jacobsz, Yonela (Ezy) Vula, Karel
Pieter de Jager, Tiaan Habig, Gert Pieterse en Jaco de Vos het elkeen een drie gedruk en De Vos het drie drieë verdoel terwyl Wilco de Wet een drie verdoel het. Sasol se eerste en tweede spanne het ’n rusnaweek geniet. Sasol 1 en 2 se volgende wedstryde word op Middelburg gespeel en Sasol 3 se wedstryd word op Standerton beslis..
The cold did not stop runners and walkers to do the parkrun in their pajamas.
Runners don PJs for park
Organisers of the Parkrun held their first Parkrun community project on Saturday. Runners and walkers had to complete the Parkrun in their pajamas on Saturday morning. The aim of this project was to collect warm clothes and blankets for the needy. Runners had to bring an item of clothing or a blanket. Some of the goods were already
donated towards projects to help people in Knysna and the rest will be donated to local homeless people. Secunda’s event was not the only parkrun held in aid of the needy. Several other parkruns in Mpumalanga also took part and parkruns in Johannesburg and Pretoria will join in soon. Adele Enslin, organiser of all the parkruns in Mpumalanga said this is the first of many similar projects.
Here are Sophia Grobbelaar, Hannetjie van Tonder and Amelia Pretoruis at the pajama parkrun on Saturday. Sophia completed her 100th parkrun on Saturday.
Hoërskool Secunda het Saterdag die Spur-bergfietswedrenne by die skool aangebied. Fietsryers het in verskillende ouderdomsgroepe deelgeneem. Hiér is die o.6-o.7-groep by die beginpunt.
Karel-Pieter de Jager en Wally de Wet van Sasol 3 in aksie op die rugbyveld.
16 June 2017
Bulletin Wilro Dippenaar and Riaan van der Westhuizen won the Womza Arro National Rally Championship.
Racers compete in Arro Champs
Young Namibian crew, Wilro Dippenaar and Riaan van der Westhuizen won the Womza Arro National Rally Championship that took place at Kosie van der Merwe’s farm on Saturday. Their overall finishing time was 1:11,46 in their Toyota. Kobus Marais and Rocco Huzak (Toyota) finished second with an overall
time of 1:17,09 and Rinus Plomp and Corne van Tonder (Subaru) finished third with a time of 1:19,25. Simms and Erlien Rheeder (Toyota) finished fourth with a time of 1:19, 55, Shermohammed and Jordaan (Ford) finished fifth with a time of 1:20,31, Sibirko and Skorobogatyi (Subaru) finished sixth with a time of 1:20,41, Natie Booysen and Louis Menge (Ford)
finished seventh with a time of 1:22,56, Cloete and Vlismas (Subaru) finished eighth with a time of 1:23,56, Nel and Hatting (Zarco) finished nineth with a time of 1:26,39 and Johan Gerber and Piet Venter (Gora) finished 10th with a time of 1:30,8. Marais and Huzak finished first in the Class A category, Plomp and Van Tonder finished second and Sibirko
and Skorobogatyi finished third. Simms and Rheeder was the first team to cross the finish line in the Class B category while Delport and Duasse finished second and Van Wyk and Coetser finished third. Booysen and Menge won the Class C category and Labuschagne and Paulus finished second. Prinsloo and Hartslief won the Class D category.
Locals tackle the Comrades Scores of local runners took part in the Comrades Ultra Marathon on 4 June. As far as can be determined from the official Comrades results, Secunda Marathon Club’s Wiehan van der Berg is the local runner with the best race time this year. He completed the up-race of 86,73km from Durban to Pietermaritzburg in a time of 7:18:55. This result earned him a silver medal. Secunda Marathon Club runners who obtained Bill Rowan medals, are Dirk van den Heever (7:35:51), Natasha Malan (8:09:23), Colin Louw (8:33:34) and Emrie van den Heever (8:54:19). The club’s bronze medalists are Shaun Stander, Razvan Vlad, Pieter de Necker, Sboniso Innocent Dube, David Swanepoel, Deon Smit, Meintjie Jansen, Leoni Burger, Shaun Erasmus, Shantel Strydom, Liaan Kritzinger, Martin Fourie, Jacques Burger, Jolene Carstens and Ian Hogg. (10:57:23). The club’s also has 10 runners who received Vic Clapham medals.
Sasol Marathon Club’s top runner for this year is Absalom Bafana Mthimunye who completed the race in a time of 8:21:45 to receive a Bill Rowan medal. Other club members who also obtained Bill Rowan medals are: Vusumuzi Mnguni (8:38:21), Shellboy Mavuso (8:38:25), Siphamandla Sibisi (8:39:40), Helena Joubert (8:40:30) and Xolani Matangari (8:47:56). Sasol’s bronze medalists are Ntwanano Nobela, Andrew Mabale, Oupa Mwale, Samuel Mofokeng, Khayalami Sithole, Michal Müller, Sbongakonke Ngidi, Nkosana Maduna, Matome Ramaotswa, July Mavuso, Uyanda Funani, Sibusiso Masiteng,
Charles Masekoameng, Tebogo Morata, Lawrance Matsapola, Sicelinhlanhla Dlamini, Paulus Matsimane, Thabang Mokone, Mxolisi Shirindza,Mojalefa Mosikili, Maretha Steyn,Shadrack Maseko, Christian Goosen and Mzwakhe Khanyile. 17 Sasol runners recieved the Vic Clapham medal. Bethal Marathon Club honours Johannes Sibande as their best runner. He completed the 2017 Comrades in 8:20:21 for which he received a Bill Rowan medal. Jan Mabizela and Heinrich Lotz are bronze medalists and Bengani Fannie Mahlangu, Mrietjie Lombard and Corne Ras received Vic Clapham medals.
Wiehan van der Berg won a silver medal.