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Serial Killer suspect arrested
GMM water problems intensify
Leranto Nkutha
Themba Shongwe A suspect in the deaths of at least four children in eMbalenhle has been arrested. Themba Shongwe appeared in the Evander magistrates court on Monday, 14 January, on several charges including Murder, Rape, Kidnapping, Attempted Rape, Attempted Kidnapping and Attempted Robbery. The case has been postponed until Tuesday 15 January. The Bulletin reported on several occasions about children that disappeared in eMbalenhle and were later found murdered. The names of the four children are: Mihle Zinganto, Cynthia Masilela, Leranto Nkutha and Nokulunga Nkutha. Mihle Zinganto was found murdered in November 2018 and Leranto Nkutha was found murdered in May of 2018. Cynthia Masilela and Nokulunga Nkutha were found murdered in 2017. The following is an excerpt from the article in the Bulletin dated 18 May 2018: “At about 06:45 on 9 May, the police received a complaint from a member of the community who claimed that
there was a body lying in one of the yards in extension 15 eMbalenhle. The police went to the scene and the body was identified as that of the missing child, Leranto Nkutha, who was 11 years old. The body was certified dead on the scene and it was discovered that her lower lip was missing. All role players were summoned to the scene. The community of eMbalenhle is outraged at the death of Nkutha, with many of them crying out for something to be done. Social media is swarming with not only messages of condolence to the family, but the urge for the community to take matters into their own hands. At the moment, it is not clear what this would entail.“ The parking area outside the court in Evander was packed with people singing and chanting against Themba Shongwe. The courtroom was packed with friends and relatives of the deceased children and when Shongwe returned to the holding cells they started shouting at him. There was also a lot of finger pointing at him. One informant told the Bulletin that the story that is told in eMbalenhle of how they found
Robert washes in cold water while Chris manages the stream of water. Full story on page 3. him is as follows: “Someone wanted to borrow a wheelbarrow. He approached Shongwe’s mother and she showed him a wheelbarrow in the shed. The person found a child’s shoe in the wheelbarrow. He took it to one of the parents of the murdered children that recognised the shoe. The community continued to burn Shongwe’s house.” The SAPS took Shongwe into custody for his own protection. Shongwe was
later released and stayed at one of his relatives. He was arrested over the weekend. The Bulletin reported on members of the Police services, NPA and other structures laying flowers and a symbolic stone at the scenes where the victims were found. They were all within a very short distance from Shongwe’s home. Encee van Huyssteen
18 January 2019
Cable theft in GMM has reached pandemic proportions
Mariëtte 083 476 2860
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Cable theft in GMM has reached pandemic proportions resulting in serious repercussions. The phenomenon of cable theft in the municipality has been going on for a very long time now resulting in serious repercussions. Cable theft negatively affects the economic activities of the municipality. Cable theft makes GMM unattractive to business investment thereby crippling our potential with respect to economic growth. Cable theft is a criminal offence that must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. The police should ensure that those responsible for this crime are arrested
and put in jail, period. What is very disturbing is that this crime is committed by people living in our communities and they also complain, like law-abiding citizens, about electricity outages yet they are the perpetrators of this crime. This crime of electricity theft contributes in exacerbating GMM’s electricity challenges thereby fuelling the anger of our people towards the municipality. In order to fight this scourge successfully, the GMM communities should play their civic duties and expose these criminals. GMM communities should take a posture that says ‘WE DO NOT BUY ANY STOLEN GOODS INCLUDING
ELECTRICITY CABLES’ If we can all adopt this community posture against cable theft in particular and all crime in general, we can go a long way in defeating criminals in our midst. The Office of the Executive Mayor will be embarking on a series of programs this year and the Anti-Crime Campaign will form part of these activities. The cable theft crime will be highlighted as one of the crimes affecting the economic development and growth of this municipality because it scares and discourages investors. Benzi Ka-Soko, Chief of Staff, GMM.
Enormous Dagga plantation destroyed An intelligence-driven operation carried out in Nelspruit by an integrated law enforcement team led to the destruction of a large dagga plantation worth millions of rands. The operation which was carried out on Wednesday, 09 January 2018, by members of various units of the South African Police Service, viz Provincial Visible Policing, Nelspruit Airwing, Elukwatini Visible Policing and Ermelo Crime Intelligence as well as members of the South African National Defence
Force and the Songimvelo Game Reserve Rangers destroyed a total of 21 910 plants, estimated at R21.9m street value. These plants were at various stages of growth, ranging from juvenile to fully grown plants. The Provincial Commissioner of the Police in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma commended the joint efforts by all role players involved: “Our priority as the SAPS is to keep our
communities safe and clean from any kind of danger that threatens the amity of our people. Follow up operations will be executed as and when dagga fields are identified,” said General Zuma. No arrests have been made yet and police request anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of responsible suspects to contact the SAPS Crime Stop line on 08600 10111 or visit their nearest police station.
18 January 2019
Lizette 076 138 8807
Above and Below: Residents of Bethal joing in the “fun” at Bethal Dam.
GMM water problems intensify speak to a Rand Water official he would only state that he is tired of being part of GMM lies and that he cannot say any more. Residents will have to rely on gravity feed when Rand Water eventually starts to pump water into the reservoir as a result of the state that the pumps are in. This will hamper the supply to the higher areas and it are those areas that suffer the most. One resident that stays next to a reservoir says that there is either no water or the water overflows for a long time and a lot of water is wasted.
For the latest news, photos and videos go to our facebook page - The Bulletin or visit our website www.thebulletin.co.za.
off and the shower drains blocked. Some resorted to using the fire hydrant to wash themselves. The Bulletin visited different reservoirs and pump stations on two different occasions and found the state of the reservoirs and equipment appalling. Pumps were missing and electrical cables stolen. Control panels were open and in some cases had cables hanging loose with others cut. When questioning the situation, residents were told that Rand Water is not supplying the full pressure. Govan Mbeki Municipality owes Rand Water over R135m and as a result Rand Water is restricting the flow to GMM. “The strange thing about the water supply is that the reservoir at the southern end of town always has adequate water supply to supply that area of Bethal” says Jan van der Spuy (resident of Belthal). “If Rand Water is throttling waterflow to GMM it should affect the whole municipality. Not just a few areas.” Rand Water did not reply to any enquiries that the Bulletin sent them and when the Bulletin was able to
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Residents of Bethal, Kinross and Eendracht are fed up with continual water shortages. Eendracht residents have been experiencing water shortages for a very long time. Sometimes for weeks on end. Residents have been complaining about GMM officials closing valves but the Bulletin could not verify this statement. The reservoir at Eendracht is a daily discussion point as the reservoir is either empty or overflowing. The supply pipes are extremely old and are bursting on a regular basis. The water supply also stops on a regular basis. Kinross is no better off than any other town in GMM. The supply problems started as short periods but as time went on, increased in length. Residents held numerous meetings with councillors and even the Mayor, but to no avail. Water just became scarcer and scarcer. Some residents have started to draw comparisons between the new extensions that are being developed. Tankers at the new development are drawing water from a new hydrant pipe line that has been installed. These hydrants are not coupled to any meters. This free water is effectively being sold back to the Department of Human Settlement. This water is water that GMM residents are paying for. The problems at Bethal just compounded the whole water issue. Water is not being pumped into the reservoir at Bethal Rand. When water is finally pumped into the reservoir it is only for a short time or only until it is full. The reservoir then has to feed a large section of Bethal and soon dries up. Some residents have been without water for over 26 days! In a symbolic way of protest the affected residents assembled at Bethal Dam to bath in the dam. Unfortunately, they could not do this due to raw sewage that is draining directly into the dam. The next option was to bath in the Caravan park’s ablution blocks only to find that the hot water has been turned
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• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 encee@thebulletin.co.za admin@thebulletin.co.za Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279 ane@thebulletin.co.za news@thebulletin.co.za
BEMARKING / ADVERTISING 017 631 1845 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860 mariette@thebulletin.co.za Lizette Groenewald 076 138 8807 lizette@thebulletin.co.za
PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 artwork@thebulletin.co.za
FINANSIES / FINANCES Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 elmarie.vh@telkomsa.net Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. co.za. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.
Ds Marius Britz Uit die bloute, so vyf jaar terug, kry ek ‘n boodskap op facebook. “Hallo, jy ken my nie, my naam is Cornè. Wil jy nie asseblief my kontak nie?” Die profielfoto is van ‘n laggende, blonde vrou so in haar vroeë veertigs. Nou, synde nuuskierig, kontak ek haar toe. Sy skryf aan my dat sy my naam gekry het by ‘n bekende skrywer in Kaapschehoop, met wie ek ook bevriend is. Cornè en haar man bedryf in die geheim ‘n Christelike radiostasie iewers in ‘n Moslemland. Hulle woon anoniem saam met haar tienerseun uit ‘n vorige huwelik in ‘n klein dorpie, aangesien die Moslemwette in daardie land genadeloos is met enigiemand wat die Christelike geloof verkondig, of selfs daaroor praat. Daarom leef hulle deurentyd in groot vrees, omdat hulle onder andere ook nie toestemming het om ‘n radiostasie te bedryf nie. Haar borrelende persoonlikheid verbloem aanvanklik die werklike omstandighede van hierdie roeping wat hulle van die Here ontvang het. Sy vra my om ook betrokke te raak by die radiostasie as omroeper, wat ek per internet vanuit my studeerkamer kan doen. Die stasie is in sy kinderskoene, en hulle het ‘n visie om die stasie te laat groei om meer en meer mense te bereik wêreldwyd. En só kruis my pad met diè van die radiowêreld. Die seën op die stasie se werk is groot, en ons saai al hoe meer uit, sodat daar naderhand 24 uur per dag programme in meer as tien tale is. Suid Afrikaners regoor die wêreld begin kennis neem van hierdie internetstasie, en meer en meer luisteraars kom by. Op die hoogtepunt is daar luisteraars in 174 lande wat gereeld inskakel. Ons besluit om die stasie se nette wyer oop te gooi, en naas godsdienstige programme en eredienste, ook sekulêre programme uit te saai. So begin
Afrikaanse musiekprogramme, laataandmusiek waarin ons van Pink Floyd en Led Zeppelin tot die Vier Transvalers se musiek speel. En ook Sondagaande, na die eredienste van die dag, ‘n musiek oor klassieke musiek. Die stasie gedy. Cornè en haar man, selfs haar seun, werk 24 uur per dag om die administrasie, bemarking en tegniese instandhouding van die stasie te doen. Cornè se kookprogramme is baie gewild, haar borrellaggie verklap geen teken van die uiters moeilike omstandighede waaronder hulle werk nie. Sy bied heerlike kookprogramme aan oor eksotiese geregte, vis en vleis, terwyl hulleself dikwels nie meer in die huis het as roosterbrood nie. Maar sy maak haar hart soms teenoor my oop, gestroop van alle maskers. Die spanning om heeltyd gesoek te word deur die polisie, raak ondraaglik. Drie keer moes hulle in die middel van die nag vlug, en alles behalwe hulle rekenaartoerusting net so los. En daar is nie ‘n vaste bron van inkomste nie. Hulle leef van donasies. Soms is daar ‘n meevallertjie in die vorm van ‘n kontantinbetaling in hulle rekening. Dan kontak hulle my laataand en vra dat ek beheer oor die stasie moet neem vir ‘n tydjie, want hulle gaan kyk of die “dobbelmasjien uitbetaal”, bedoelende die kitsbank. En uiteindelik beland hulle in die hartjie van die woestyn in niks meer as ‘n tydelike skuiling nie. Die ondraaglike hitte en die omstandighede veroorsaak dat sy ‘n ernstige gesondheidprobleem ontwikkel. Maar daaroor praat sy nie. Die radio en sy groei is haar passie. Sy lèèf om ander mense gelukkig te hou. Haar man, haar kind, haar ouers in Suid Afrika. Die stasie. Op daardie stadium moet ek dringend ‘n vervanging van my defibrillator kry. Ek is moedeloos, want ek het nie ‘n mediese fonds nie. Maar Cornè spring in, stig ‘n fonds, kontak sonder my medewete honderde mense op my facebook vriendelys, kontak selfs een van my helde, Gert Vlok Nel, en vra dat hy gratis ‘n konsert hou vir die fonds. Die geld stroom in, en uiteindelik is die bykans twee honderdduisend rand vir die operasie beskikbaar. Ek kry ‘n nuwe kans om te leef
as gevolg van Cornè se inisiatief en deursettingsvermoë. Maar juis in daardie tyd loop dinge vir hulle heeltemal skeef. Die veiligheidspolisie spoor hulle op, en sluit die stasie. Hulle verloor alles wat hulle besit, hulle motor ingesluit. Haar man word in hegtenis geneem, en in uiters moeilike omstandighede in die tronk aangehou. Cornè en haar seun vlug na die Suid Afrikaanse ambassade, en met groot moeite kry ons dit gereël dat sy gedeporteer word na Suid Afrika. Ek praat ‘n paar keer met haar op die foon, en die borrelende stemmetjie is bang, en moeg. Uitendelik land sy en haar seun op OR-Tambo lughawe met net die klere aan hulle lyf, terwyl haar man bykans elke dag aan die mees ekstreme vorm
van ondervraging en intimidasie blootgestel word. En dan die onverwagte, die ironiese. Slegs ‘n paar dae nadat Cornè uit haar Alcatraz ontsnap het, sterf sy in ‘n Pretoriase staatshospitaal. Die ontberings en swaarkry het haar liggaam en gees geknak. Haar seun word wees gelaat, en luisteraars oor die hele aardbol is verslae. Ek bied ure ná haar dood ‘n huldeblyk op die radio aan, met haar gunstelingmusiek, en klankinsetsels van haar programme en huldeblyke van al die omroepers. Ek kry dit nie reg om self ‘n huldeblyk op die lug te doen nie, want ek snikhuil. ‘n Paar dae later word sy vanuit ‘n gemeente in Pretoria begrawe, en ons saai dit lewendig uit. En ons laat haar vry, vry om na die Vader te gaan vir Wie sy so lief was.
Tannie Poppie se: Koue avokadosop Baie lekker as ‘n voorgereg op daardie snikhete dae. Tannie Poppie sê: “Sit voor saam met brood wat in blikkies gebak is.” 3 avokado’s, kleiner gesny ½ knoffelhuisie, fyngekap 1 groot ui, fyngekap 250 ml room 250 ml beesvleisaftreksel ‘n knippie sout en peper Worcestersous na smaak
Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
18 January 2019
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
5 ml suurlemoensap ‘n bietjie peper en room vir garnering 1. Verwerk die avokado’s, knoffel, ui, room, aftreksel, sout, peper, Worcestersous en suurlemoensap saam in ‘n voedselverwerker tot glad. 2. Skep avokadesop in klein bakkies. 3. Sprinkel peper oor en roer room by in elke bakkie.
18 January 2019
Netflix and chill… dren
It is a common thing with the youth of today to Netflix and chill. Everyone knows what it means but no one thinks of the consequences it holds. Amy MacDonald explains very well in her song Youth of Today: Maybe if you were some spearheaded guy I would listen to what you have to say But you're just some incapable figure Thinking you're bigger than me, but you're not Yet you don't know a thing about the youth of today Stating your opinion making it ring in my head all day… Children today get dragged up, not brought up in most of the older generation’s opinion and get told that in their day if they did this or that, the consequences were immense. As children grow up and run through the different stages of life, parents and other adult figures in their lives forget that they went through the same stages too. The only difference is that the times have changed... In the days they grew up, it was safer to play outside until six o’clock and there was no such a thing as a cell phone or the technology available today. With the technology growing at a rapid pace in today’s world, it is easier and, most importantly, safer for parents to hand the children tablets, leapfrogs, etcetera. Children are more tech savvy than what they let on and can play dumb very quickly. This is all fine and good, but as grownups we forget the emotional side of things with children. The emotional readiness and intelligence of children are as equally as important as being tech savvy. With all the new information at your fingertips and everyone wanting to bring their two cents to the table, it is understandable that it is difficult, to decide how to bring up your children. This person says that if a child cries, leave the child, they will sooth
themselves. Another one says pick the child up. The confusion is completely understandable. Other excuses are that the parents work and are tired when they get home or that only one parent decides how to bring up the children. Was making the child not a team effort? So, should the upbringing not then be a team effort? Fathers in the olden days were not as involved as they are in today’s world. It is normal to hear of a stay at home dad with the mother being in a high-profile job. It is also normal to see fathers walking with their little girls with scrunchies in the father’s hair, make up applied all over the father’s face and toe nails and finger nails painted. It is also normal to see mothers kicking a rugby or soccer ball on the field and knowing the rules of the games their sons play better than the referee. This all amounts to being present in your child’s life and nurturing the emotional development
they so crave. Coming home from work dead tired and still taking that ten minutes to spend quality time with your child ensures that they would not go look for it elsewhere. Amy MacDonald’s song continues: And maybe if you had a true point of view I would listen to you But it's just your one-sided feelings They keep getting in my way… Children grow up faster and learn about things they should not at an early age because of the technology available. Parents try to protect their children, but forget that open and honest communication about everything will bring them closer to their children and will also make the children understand where the parents are coming from e.g.: explain why they cannot have the latest iPhone or PlayStation like their friends. Why, if their friends go to parties, they
can only attend these parties from a certain age and only after the parents know exactly where the partiy is and if an adult will be present. Everyone has been to the movies with the new boyfriend or girlfriend. Everyone knows the yawn move, the “you’re the only one for me…” and the “I won’t tell anyone…” moves. Peer pressure jumps into play when it comes to this point and because the one popular person has done it, it cannot be that bad. Love is the conqueror of all conquerors. Express your love to your children and each other and teach your children with a Christmas bed on a Friday evening that Netflix and chill is just that - Netflix and chill… Not Netflix and chill… dren. – Ané Prinsloo
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18 January 2019
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A five year old boy’s life was saved on Sunday afternoon, 14 January, by emergency personnel at Mediclinic Highveld. The little boy nearly drowned in the swimming pool at Sasol Club. His desperate parents took him to
Mediclinic Highveld. He had no heartbeat nor did he breathe when they arrived at the emergency unit at the hospital. Emergency staff resuscitated him for 20 minutes before a pulse returned. He was in a stable condition but not
completely out of danger on Sunday night. The boy was transferred to the Netcare Garden City drowning unit. Thank you for not giving up. Our prayers are with him and his family. Encee van Huyssteen
Young cyclist collides with bakkie
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1 Slaapkamer woonstelle met toesluit motorhuise. Binne stapafstand van CBD. Langtermyn huurkontrak.
The little boy’s bicycle that was hit
1 Slaapkamer woonstel met afdak. Naby Brandweer. Langtermyn huurkontrak.
Kontak Martin v Wyk. 082 554 5542.
A little boy (six years old) was hit by a small Nissan bakkie on Friday afternoon, 11 January, on Nelson Mandela Drive. The small boy sustained minor injuries. A scuffle ensued when the father of the small boy arrived on the scene alleging that he is a traffic officer. He allegedly assaulted the driver of the bakkie shouting racial slurs.
After an investigation, the Bulletin can confirm that the boy’s father is a qualified traffic officer that works for the Mpumalanga Government at the Bethal testing station. Govan Mbeki Traffic arrived as well as the SAPS. This resulted in the father of the boy as well as a friend of the father arguing the merits of the incident. The traffic was severely
affected and one lane was closed and rerouted. The Bulletin would like to caution parents to have responsible supervision at all times when venturing into the traffic. Small children’s actions are very unpredictable and can have disastrous consequences. Fortunately, this boy did not suffer serious injuries.
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GMM procured a brand new refuse truck allocated to Evander and Kinross. Here is Phillip Showe, Cllrs Estelle Swart and Ben Makola.
18 January 2019
Sasol Highveld Photography Club holds first meeting for 2019
The Sasol Highveld Photography club held their first meeting of the year on Friday ,11 January, in the Time Master Hall at the Sasol Recreation Club. Our guest judge was Jenny Stilwell from the Sandton Photo Club. The AGM was held with the financial planning, upcoming events and set subjects for the year were discussed. The biggest highlight of 2019 will be the National Congress that the NEP region, of which the Sasol Highveld Club is a member of, will be hosting. The Congress will be held in Sabie from 22 September to 27 September 2019 is open to anyone who is interested in photography. Several workshops will be included in the programme with some of the best photographers in Southern Africa. For
082 461 3821
more information on the Congress, please visit the PSSA (photographic association) website. A new judging method was introduced and attempted for the first time on Friday night. The winning photos that were selected were “Valencia Arts and Science Centre” by Danie Smit, Junior winner and “Focus on Landing” by Johan Coetzee was the Senior winner. The following photos received a special mention from Jenny and also received certificates of merit: “Alhambra Staircase” by Danie Smit and “Nature in the late afternoon” by Sussa Pelser. Sussa Pelser’s photo “Argitektuur” won the set subject category. “Female surfing the wave” by Pierre Jordaan received a special mention by Jenny.
Top: “Focus on Landing” by Johan Coetzee, the Senior winner. Bottom: "Valencia Arts and Science Centre” by Danie Smit, the Junior winner
Leslie taxi strikes continue
SERVICES TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845
18 January 2019
Date:14 January 2019 Press Release…
Ended 2018 with a
It was a great pleasure for Capro head office – Johannesburg, to be graced with a surprise visit by CoreXalance on the 13th December 2018, where The Media Financial Manager Awards 2018 were given. Capro walked away with six Amazing CoreXalance Awards: Winner of the Overall Credit Excellence of the year award Winner of the Credit Professional of the year award Winner of the How Low Can You Go award Joint Winner of the Hands-On award First Runner Up for the Most Improved Debtors Book award Second Runner Up for the Most Consistent Improved Debtors Books award “Hard work and dedication pays off! It’s absolutely fantastic to be acknowledged with not just one award, but six. These awards clearly speak to our strategy. Words cannot express my satisfaction. This is a remarkable achievement and I pride myself in having such great staff who are passionate and driven. A huge thanks to CoreXalance for the recognition.” Arashaad Saint General Manager
As Capro we highly appreciate CoreXalance for all the support and tremendous industry knowledge shared with us throughout the year. With no doubt we look forward to building a much stronger relationship with CoreXalance going forward and to receiving many more of these motivating awards.
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Left-Mandy Kayser (CoreXalance CEO) & RightDeveshni Ramanna (Capro Financial Manager)
The Zamokuhle Taxi Association continued their protest action over the past weekend. Late Saturday evening the strikers started to blockade the roads in Leslie. No roads were accessible to normal traffic. The taxi drivers and owners were joined by members of the public and burned tyres in the roads. A truck was burned by angry taxi drivers. The truck drove from the N17 to the shell garage and saw the burning tyres. The truck driver turned around and tried to drive away. The taxi drivers (not owners according to our sources) chased after the truck and set it alight. The cab was completely destoyed in the blaze. The protest died down during the night and Sunday saw no protest actions.
Capro Team
Pep Store Robbed
Roman Alarms received a call at approximately 08:40 on Mon, 14 Jan. 4 Males robbed Pep Stores in Evander at gun point. Two wore yellow overalls and two light blue. Cell phones and money was taken.
GMM Soccer Promotional League started The GMM Soccer Promotional League started this weekend with two games played at Sasol Club in Kinross. The first game was between Sasol Thistle Grove and Rising Stars. The game
TO ADVERTISE CALL Mariëtte 083 476 2860
The goalie of Qoboxi unable to stop the ball this time
ended in a draw with 1-1. The second game was played between Qoboxi FC and Young Stars. The second half ended with 2-1 in Qoboxi’s favour. The final score was Qoboi 3 - 2
to Young Stars. Edgar Rodger Maseko (no 11) of Young Stars played an excellent game on the wing. There will be a number of games played over the next few weeks.
18 January 2019
Sasol awards top achievers of 2018 On Thursday night, 10 January, Sasol and Osizweni hosted the top achievers of the class of 2018 and the 24th annual merit awards at Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. A strong wind blowing outside, blew away the worries and fears for the top achievers to enjoy and bask in the night’s celebrations of their achievements. It was an honour for the Bulletin to have been invited and to have experienced the celebration of these students. Not only were the top achievers in Dipaleseng, Govan Mbeki and Lekwa municipalities honoured, but also the teachers from these municipalities. Sometimes the teachers are forgotten, but that night these educators and their dedication were remembered and honoured. The night’s programme was hosted by Nivashnee Francois and funny guy Lolo Mokoena aka Abuti Lolo. The two hosts welcomed the students and teachers, rallied up the crowd and encouraged everyone to relax, sit back and bask in the celebrations! Mr Simon Baloyi, Acting Senior Vice President, Secunda Synfuels Operations, opened the
event and welcomed all. The starter was served with live entertainment by the band, Music 97, a local band that has been performing with top artists such as Lira. The motivational speaker, Prince Ndlela, spoke about how to manage success and he was followed by Cllr Sakhile Mahlangu, MMC Special Projects, Govan Mbeki. After all the formalities were dealt with, the stars of the evening were called up to shine brightly. The first stars were the best educators of the three municipalities. They were lauded and awarded for their dedication to Mathematics and Physical Science. The next generation of stars was awarded next. Their shining smiles looked like the Milky Way in the dim lighting. Sasol released the following statement to the media: “A total of 82 learners received merit award certificates, as well as cash prizes for their outstanding performance. Awards were handed out in the following categories: · Top 15 achievers (Level 6+) in Mathematics and Science from
Quintile 1 – 3 Sasol supported schools (non-fee schools) in Govan Mbeki Municipality (GMM) · Top 10 achievers (Level 6+) in Mathematics and Science from Quintile 1 – 3 Sasol supported schools in Lekwa Municipality · Top 5 achievers (Level 6+) in Mathematics and Science from Quintile 1 – 3 Sasol supported schools in Dipaleseng Municipality · Top 5 achievers in Mathematics and Science in Quintile 4 schools · Overall best educator in Mathematics · Overall best educator in Physical Science · Best Educator in Mathematics from Quintile 1 – 3 Sasol supported schools · Best Educator in Physical Science from Quintile 1 – 3 Sasol supported schools · Overall best educator in Mathematics (for each of the six circuits) · Overall best educator in Physical Science (for each of the six circuits). Sasol Secunda Management Excellence awards for: · 2018 Top 3 most improved schools in Quintile 1 – 3 supported schools
· Overall most improved school: IM Machu (Dipalaseng Circuit) with a variance of 37% improving from 55.9% pass in 2017 to 92.7% in 2018 · Top performing school in Mathematics and Science · Overall best performer school per municipality · Top achiever learner from Quintile 1 – 3 supported schools (all circuits) · Overall top achiever: Thanjan Rose Jerry for achieving an Average Percentage of 92% with seven distinctions in Accounting, Afrikaans, English, IT, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Each top achiever received a sum of R15 000 towards registration at institutions of higher learning. Learners who obtained more than three distinctions received R1 000 for each distinction. “Sasol views education as an enabler to improving the lives of people in our communities.” said Simon Baloyi, Acting Senior Vice President: Sasol Secunda Synfuels Operations.” Well done to the Class of 2018 and all the best for the future. – Ané Prinsloo
18 January 2019
Laerskool Kruinpark skitter in atletiek
Amelia en Katelyn Shaw het die afgelope Saterdag deelgeneem aan die Sasol Club se Atletiek Kampioenskap vir 2019. Amelia behaal 2de pleik in die Verspring en Hekkies. Katelyn behaal ‘n 3de plek in die Gewigstoot en Hekkies.
Reinhardt Pretorius ontvang 2 goue medaljes vir Verspring Seuns O/10 en 70m Hekkies Seuns O/10 tydens Sasol Club se Atletiek Kampioenskap.
Wian Mynhardt ontvang ‘n silwer medalje vir sy 2de plek in 60m en brons medalje vir 3de plek in 80m vir seuns O/7.
Goedekrant se nuwe redaksie span
Die volgende Gr. 6- en 7-leerlinge is gekies om op die redaksie vir De Goedekrant te dien vir 2019. Voor: Marelise de Jager, Juandri Fourie, Nicola de Beer, Carla Botha, Annelie Steyn Agter: Cayla Rossouw, Lea Goosen, Kayleigh van der Walt, Xander Herbst, Kayla Hurter, Calene Grobler, Duan Kriel
18 January 2019
Laerskool Secunda hou Bokkesport Laerskool Secunda het op 11 Januarie hul Bokkesport (Interhuis) atletiekbyeenkoms aangebied. Die drie spanne is die Gemsbokke (geel), Elande (wit) en die Koedoes (rooi). Mckayla Davies (O/7) maak gereed vir die 60m wedloop.
Johan Kotze (O/11) in aksie tydens die 65m-hekkiesitem.
Top: Curro Secunda U11 cricket team is Mpumalanga winners! They played against Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk in die Mpumalanga final. Curro Secunda U11 cricket team is Mpumalanga winners! They played against Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk in die Mpumalanga final.
Love is in the air...
26 January 9:00 - 14:00 Curro Secunda Inter House Athletics 2019. Congratulations to the following athletes chosen as the Victor and Victrix Ladorum Friday, 11 January 2019. High School Victor Ludorum: Mawandi Masango, High School. Victrix Ludorum: Rachell van Tonder, Primary School. Victor Ludorum: Hlayisani Baloyi, Primary School. Victrix Ludorum: Erin van Tonder. Junior Victor Ludorum: Inako Hole. Junior Victrix Ludorum: Mamello Matsoele
078 398 9188
Sasol Highveld Championships
The yearly Sasol Highveld Championships took place on Saturday, 12 January, at the Lilian Ngoyi Stadium. This first championship of the year was an open championship and anybody from U/7 up to U/70 could participate. The programme has been circulating since November 2018 to clubs in Mpumalanga. Athletes from as far as Pretoria, Groblersdal, Brandfordt and Bethlehem participated. Some used this championship as a “loosener” for the rest of the year. During August 2018, 110 officials received their ASA Level 1 and 2 training. To qualify as officials, they also have to do 4 practical sessions of which 12 January and 9 March are compulsory. “We would like to voice a special thanks to Sasol for preparing the stadium to such a beautiful state,” said Thea Labuschagne, Chairman of Sasol Athletics Club, “we would also like to thank the 45 learners from Highveld Park High for their help at the Championships. They were excellent!”