19 APRIL 2019
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Steven Colin (CEO, Sasol), Pierre Jordaan (SVP Mining Operations, Sasol) and Minister Gwede Mantashe Impumelelo mine opened in January 2011 and the mine’s official opening was on Friday, 12 April. Today there are about 1760 workers and the completion of Phase 2 of Sasol’s R5.6 billion investment in the project sees the mine’s capacity at about 10.5 million tonnes per annum. The cool morning on Friday saw the opening of the mine awaiting the arrival of the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr Gwede Mantashe. Once the Minister had arrived, everyone took their seats and waited in anticipation for the speech of the Minister. Mr Mantashe was born in the village of Lower Cala in the Eastern Cape. He received a B. Com degree from the University of South Africa (Unisa) in 1997 and completed his B. Com Honours degree in 2002. Mr Mantashe
worked at Matla Coal where he joined the trade union movement. He became the Witbank branch chairperson of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in 1982, a position he held until 1984. He was then elected NUM Regional Secretary in 1985. After this he was further elevated when he was elected as National Organiser for the same union in 1988. From 1994 he served as the Assistant Secretary-General of NUM until March 1998 when he was elected as the General Secretary. He was elected as a local government councillor in 1995 and served until 1999. In 1995 Mantashe became the first trade unionist to be appointed to the Board of Directors of a Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed company, Samancor, a position he still holds
today. The money Sasol has spent on technology at the mine to ensure the safety of their employees is well spent. Some of the technology that was mentioned is the Proximity Detection Systems on electric trackless production machines. The system warns and stops the machine from operating when people get too close to the machines. Another safety measure is the electronic trigger LED flickering light system. This system assists in the underground safety precautions by drawing the miner’s attention to the fact that there is movement in the roof. Sasol released the following statement: “Impumelelo is one of three worldclass mines Sasol has constructed in
the last decade as part of its R14 billion mine replacement programme and includes Thubelisha and Shondoni. “In addition to sustaining some 4000 jobs, the new mines are critical to securing coal supply to Sasol Secunda Synfuels Operations up to at least 2050,” said Sasol Joint President and CEO Bongani Nqwababa. “Sasol’s mining business, which falls under its upstream portfolio, is the third largest producer of coal in South Africa with an output of some 40 million tonnes per annum. The business contributes 13% to Sasol’s earnings and is integral to the global integrated chemicals and Energy Company’s long-term sustainability.” Impumulelo means success in Nguni. May this mine be a huge success to Sasol! - Ané Prinsloo
Mariëtte 083 476 2860
snippets Accused sentenced for
bank card fraud
Ephraim Ngutane (38) was found guilty on 18 counts of Fraud and Theft by the Nelspruit Regional Court on Wednesday 10 April. In June 2018 the accused committed fraud and theft by using various cloned bank cards to purchase tyres and motor vehicle parts at different motor vehicle dealers in Hazyview and Nelspruit with the total amount close to R100 000.00. The court has sentenced Ngutane to R20 000.00 or 5 years imprisonment, with additional 5 years suspended on condition that the accused is not convicted on fraud during the period of suspension.
Alleged fraud fugitive detained
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A 56-year-old suspect Micheal Chimazi, formerly sought by the Hawks, has been remanded in custody by the Nelspruit Regional Court on Thursday after he handed himself in at the Hawks’ provincial offices in Mpumalanga on the same day. Chimazi was circulated as sought through the media a week ago, for alleged fraud and money laundering offenses committed between 20132014 whereby Eskom allegedly incurred losses of almost a R1.3 Million. The case has been postponed to Thursday 17 April for his bail application to be heard. Hawks’ investigations have linked Chimazi to four other accused in this case, David Mthethwa (71) and wife Boniswa Mthethwa (54), who are suppliers and two former Eskom
employees, Mwabisa Ngxoba (35) as well as Cenderella Moropane (37). It is alleged that between 2013-2014 Chimazi and the Eskom employees worked in cahoots with the suppliers (the Mthethwas) whose authorisation certificate had apparently expired, they submitted fraudulent invoices to Eskom for fabricated services. The money paid into the suppliers’ account was then transferred in a series of unlawful transactions into the syndicate’s different accounts including that of their family members. The initial arrests were effected in January 2018 and the group were charged accordingly. The four suspects are out on R5 000.00 bail each and their case is expected to resume on the 10th of June.
Bundu Inn rapist sentenced to 25 years direct imprisonment Phillip Mfana Mthimunye (21) of Bundu Inn was sentenced to 25 years direct imprisonment by the Kwaggafontein Reginal Court on Monday, 08 April, after he was convicted of raping an eight-year-old minor in 2015.
19 April 2019 The court heard that in December 2015, the victim visited her grandmother for Christmas in Bundu Inn where the victim’s grandmother is a neighbour to the accused. The victim was sleeping in her grandmother’s house, when the accused entered and dragged the victim out of the house to the toilet, undressed and raped her. The victim immediately reported the incident to her father and he was able to identify the accused and he was arrested. During trial, the accused pleaded not guilty, he denied the allegations. Regional Court Prosecutor, Nicky Coetzee, led testimonies of the victim, evidence of several other witnesses and the evidence of the victim’s father to whom the rape ordeal was reported to before alerting the police. A victim impact report indicated that the victim was traumatised and the accused was found guilty as charged. The accused was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment and the court ordered that the accused’s name be entered into the Sexual Offences Register. The accused was also found not fit to work with children and was declared unfit to possess a firearm. The NPA will continue to strive for justice for vulnerable women and children in our society.
Police need help identifying bodies The police in Kinross are appealing to people for help in identifying the bodies of two unidentified men. They have released the following information: Kinross Cas 23/09/2018. The body of an unknown African male was found at Loerie Street in Kinross on 2018/09/09 at 08:30. Deceased was wearing a Blue Sasol Overall.
Kinross Cas 4101/2019. The body of an unknown African male was hit by a vehicle on 2019/01/26 at 22:00 Ext 25 Kinross entrance. Aged between 40 to 42. Lentgh 1.60m; weight 68kg. No clothes description. Both bodies are unclaimed at Evander Mortuary. Please contact Cnst Sikhosana at Kinross SAPS (017) 687 0033/1313
ama-Gorilla appears in court The past few weeks saw a lot of mixed emotions in Evander. First it was of fear when masses of people swarmed the streets of Evander. The fear turned to astonishment as members of the ama-Gorilla community forum stormed the houses of suspected drug dealers, confiscating ingredients used in the manufacturing of drugs. Or so they say. During this process, many properties and vehicles were damaged. The South African Police Services (SAPS) decided to step in and arrested 42 members of the group. The preparation of court papers took a long time and the 42 suspects appeared in court on Monday, 15 April. Supporters and family members gathered at the court last week demanding to see their family members. This could only happen once they have formally been charged. The supporters of the ama-Gorillas
as well as members of the group gathered at courts in Evander on Monday, 15 April. The Black Land First (BLF) movement came to support in numbers. They dominated the scene, an EFF flag or two were feebly waving in the wind. 33 members of the group were released on bail of R500 each on condition that they not enter Evander without the express approval from the investigating officers. The rest of the accused were remanded in custody for formal bail applications. The group gathered outside when the court was over and under the leadership of one of the BLF leaders started chanting freedom songs: “Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer,” as well as “One Bullet, One Settler.” The release of those with bail were not finalised at the time of writing this article.
19 April 2019
Sasol and Mpumalanga government signs MOA On Thursday, 11 April, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Provincial Goverment and Sasol. This would not be the first Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two parties, but the first signed by two women: Honourable Premier R.M. Mtshweni and miss Charlotte Mokoena, Executive Vice president, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs at Sasol. The evening was well attended by members of council, Sasol vice presidents and other dignitaries and everyone was dressed for success. Honourable Premier R.M. Mtshweni said the following after she had welcomed and greeted everyone: “SASOL undertook the responsibility of assisting the Provincial Government to
effect socio-economic transformation, not only to reverse the legacy of inequality, but also to put Secunda and the Province of Mpumalanga on a developmental trajectory that will meet the needs of all our people.” “This progressive approach has resulted in SASOL putting aside funds to invest in basic, social and economic infrastructure within Govan Mbeki Local Municipality. The achievements of the initial 5-year MOU period include among many others; • The upgrade of a Pump Station, • The establishment of a sewer reticulation network, • Waste water reticulation in eMbalenhle, • Upgrade of the Secunda electrical substation, • Upgrade of the Bethal electrical
substation, • The construction of 33 Houses for the elderly, vulnerable and orphaned; and • Clinic upgrade in Ext 14 eMbalenhle. • Capacitating municipalities on financial management to assist them to improve on their audit outcomes. As indicated earlier, these are but a few highlights.” “Programme Director, the desire to improve the lives of our people is the cornerstone of the covenant entered into by the ANC led government and the people of Mpumalanga and more specifically the people within the ambits of Secunda and its surrounds every 5 years. As we renew our covenant with SASOL today, we are in the same vein preparing to renew our covenant with our people next month, which will see
a democratically elected government coming to power and continuing where the current administration would have left off.” After the Premier spoke, everyone was thanked and a small question and answer session was held for the media. The Premier and miss Mokoena sat and answered the questions from the journalists. The Bulletin asked how these projects were maintained that GMM and Sasol work on together, but no clear answer was given before the time for questions was over. – Ané Prinsloo
Annalie 082 906 0546
Honourable Premier R.M. Mtshweni
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Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
19 April 2019
Ds Marius Britz Dit was ongeveer in die jaar 14 n.C. wat ek gebore is. Ek het by my streng tante grootgeword, want my ouers is oorlede. My kinderjare was diep ongelukkig, en ek was bly toe ek by die Romeinse leër kon aansluit. Ek is geplaas onder majoor Josefus in Jerusalem, 'n harde en ongenaakbare man wat geen emosie getoon het nie. Dit was ontstuimige tye, want die Jode het gereeld in opstand gekom teen die Romeinse oorheersing in hulle land. In 33, die Vrydag voor die paasfees, het daar iets vreesliks gebeur. Daardie hele week het 'n groot stroom toeriste te voet, te perd, op kamele, esels en muile, of selfs in drastoele die hoofstad binnegestroom vir die fees. Ek was aan diens in die paleis van Herodes, want daar was 'n baie belangrike hofsaak aan die gang. Die aangeklaagde was Jesus van Nasaret, wat ook Christus en Rabbi genoem is. Van Hom het ons al hoe meer gehoor. Hy het ongeveer in die jaar 30 begin preek. Hy het 12 dissipels gehad, en het al hoe groter skares getrek. Volgens wat vertel word, het talle mense gesien hoe Hy siekes gesond maak, hoe blindes weer kon sien as Hy hulle aangeraak het, en verlamdes weer kon loop. Daar was selfs getuienis dat Hy dooies opgewek het. Maar volgens wat ek verstaan, was die Joodse Rabbis en Skrifgeleerdes baie kwaad vir hierdie man, want Sy skrifkennis en insig was baie groter as hulle s'n, en Hy het met Sy wonderwerke en vernuwende preke groot aanhang onder baie mense gehad. Koning Herodes het al hoe meer klagtes van die Joodse leiers af gekry oor Hom, want volgens hulle het Hy gelaster deur te sê dat hy die Seun van God is. Baie mense het Hom ook dan Here genoem. Hulle het bevind dat Hy moet sterf. Daarom het hulle Hom oorgelewer aan Pilatus, sodat hy die doodsvonnis kon bekragtig. Pilatus het Jesus
eers vrygespreek, omdat hy geen skuld by Hom kon kry nie. Die skare wou dit nie aanvaar nie, en het woedend geskreeu: “Kruisig hom!” Ons moes uiteindelik Jesus weglei sodat Hy gekruisig kan word. Toe ons buite die paleis kom, was die skare woedend. Die midde-oosterse son het genadeloos neergebak. Die berig oor die vonnis van Jesus het oraloor bekend geword. Die straatjies van Jerusalem wat gewoonlik stil was, het gewemel van die mense. So vêr as wat ons geloop het, het hulle na Hom gespoeg en aanmerkings geskreeu. “Kyk, dit is ons nuwe koning”, het die Jode gespot. Hulle het 'n kroon gevleg van doringtakke, en op Jesus se kop gedruk. Ek sal nie vergeet hoe die bloed oor Sy voorkop geloop het nie. Die onderoffisier het Hom 39 houe op die rug geslaan met die gèsel, 'n sweep van rieme waarin daar stukke been en yster ingevleg is. Op hierdie rou wonde het ons toe die swaar balk van ysterhout vasgemaak. Ons het vir Jesus gevat na Golgota, die plek van kruisiging. Die skare het glad nie eers die bloed oor Jesus se voorkop, of die bloed wat teen Sy rug afloop, gesien nie. Sy gesig was natgesweet. Ek kon sien dat Hy baie moeg was. Toe ons om die draai kom by die mark, het daar 'n man met die naam van Simon van Ciréne gestaan. Ek het hom beveel om Jesus te help om die dwarsbalk van die kruis te dra. Ons het by Golgota aangekom; 'n koppie net buite die stad. Dit was die vuilgoedhoop; die talle gate was ideaal om die afval in weg te gooi. Die gate was die rede waarom dit “Skedelplek” genoem is. Ons het drie kruise gereedgekry. Jesus sou in die middel gekruisig word, tussen twee misdadigers. Die lang spykers is deur die sagte vleis in Sy polse en enkels geslaan. Hy het Sy gesig vertrek van die pyn. Bokant Sy kop het ons geskryf: Dit is Jesus, die koning van die Jode. Die mense het gelag en geskreeu. Die soldate het begin om Jesus se klere uit te loot. Soos Jesus daar gehang het, het Hy nie soos 'n koning gelyk nie. Daar was bloed wat steeds oor Sy voorkop gestroom het van die doringkroon. Daar was bloed op Sy rug van die gèselhoue, daar
was bloed aan Sy polse en enkels. Hy het slegs sewe keer gepraat. Ek kan goed onthou; dit was net voor twaalfuur toe Hy gesê het: “Eli, Eli lèma sabagtani”. Ook hieroor het die mense gespot. Maar dit was skielik asof dit doodstil was. Ek het so eensaam gevoel. Daar het 'n doodse stilte toegesak oor die mense. Almal was bewus van 'n vreemde ervaring van alleenheid. Dit was asof ons van God verlaat was. Vir oulaas het Hy met 'n harde stem uitgeroep: “Dit is volbring!” En skielik was dit chaos. Die aarde het geskud, asof 'n hand van God die heelal tot nadenke wou ruk. Dit het stikdonker geword, in die middel van die dag. Die grafte
het oopgegaan, en mense wat al lank reeds dood was, het tussen ons rondgeloop. Majoor Josefus, die harde, ongenaakbare soldaat, het met trane wat oor sy wange stroom, na die middelste kruis gekyk. “Waarlik, Hy was die seun van God”, het hy gesê. En skielik het ek vrede gekry. Ek het geweet wat Jesus bedoel het toe Hy uitgeroep het: Dit is volbring. Ek het geweet. My moeilike kinderjare, my bitterheid, my pyn en hartseer, al die dinge het verdwyn. God het my ook lief. Hy het ook my skuld vergewe en my innerlik genees. Hy het my skuld betaal. En toe begin ek vir die eerste keer werklik leef.
Tannie Poppie se: Skaapstowegereg Stowevleis Koekmeelblom 1kg skaapskenkels 45ml olyfolie vir braai 5ml bruinsuiker 375ml vleisaftreksel 2 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap 3 uie, fyngekap 1 blik (410g) tamatiesmoor Klein aartappels Kluitjies 250ml koekmeelblom 5ml bakpoeier 5ml sout 25ml botter of margarine 5ml droë gemengde kruie 1 eier, geklits 60ml water Berei stowevleis: 1. Plaas koekmeelblom in ‘n plastieksak en skud die vleis daarin tot bedek. Skud die oortollige meel af. 2. Braai die vleis in die olie tot bruin. 3. Voeg die suiker, aftreksel, knoffel, uie en tamatiesmoor by. Laat prut 1½ uur lank. 4. Voeg aartappels by. Prut 30 minute lank tot sag. Berei die kluitjies: 1. Sif die
koekmeelblom, bakpoeier en sout saam. 2. Vryf die botter of margarine met jou vingerpunte in tot dit soos mieliemeel lyk. 3. Voeg die kruie, eier en water by. Meng en vorm kluitjies. 4. Plaas die kluitjies op die vleis, bedek die kastrol en kook 10 minute lank sonder om die deksel op te lig.
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
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19 April 2019
Dazzle the nine lives kitten Dazzle is a 4-month-old adopted kitten. Juanette Joubert adopted Dazzle through Little Paws Big Hearts and as soon as she saw little Dazzle’s face, she knew that there was nowhere else the kitten belonged but with her! When Dazzle was found, she only weighed 400 g and was severely dehydrated. With healing hands Dazzle was nursed back to health by Santie Combrink from Little Paws Big Hearts. Through her care Dazzle survived. Once Juanette adopted Dazzle the spoiling began. She is after all her mother’s baby… Until one gloomy Thursday morning when an unfortunate accident occurred. As Juanette reversed out of her garage, she ensured her baby Dazzle was not nearby and closed the automated garage doors. Then with shock and terror brewing inside her she realised the garage door closed on Dazzle! She jumped out of the car and immediately tended to Dazzle. She phoned her husband and he came straight from work and took the shocked cat mother and kitten to the Evander Animal Clinic. Upon arrival Dr Gemma did everything she could but Dazzle’s chances looked bleak. The x-rays came back and Dazzle’s chest and lungs were filled with blood, but luckily nothing was broken. The hurdle was when Dazzle had to stay on oxygen and there were no night staff to stay with Dazzle. The phone calls started and everyone
jumped in to help. Yvette and Shayne van den Heever, from Langamed, heard the outcry for help and decided to assist in this unusual situation. The oxygen machine they used is portable and this assisted Juanette to keep an eye on Dazzle at her home. The machine costs R700 per day to rent normally. After just two days on oxygen, Dazzle was ready to play again! The dark cloud lifted and the end line was crossed… Dazzle survived again! – Ané Prinsloo
Dazzle’s chest x-ray
Dazzle the sleeping beauty
Dazzle at the Evander Animal hospital
19 April 2019
Sasol Highveld Photography Club Winners
James Harris - Mamba portrait
Sussa Pelser - Lets Dance - Best Junior Leon Pelser - The wheel
Pierre Jordaan - Luiperd in nag Best Senior
Danie Smit - Alcazar Ambassadors hall
Handover of food parcels The Premier visited Govan Mbeki Municipality on Thursday, 11 April. The Premier handed food parcels to the elderly. The Bulletin attended the event and it was clear that the premier was using the opportunity to campaign for the upcoming elections. The premier started by handing the elderly an apple then an orange. MTN donated many food buckets that were
clearly not enough for the magnitude of people that were bussed in from eMbalenhle. The elderly filled the hall, patiently waiting for the premier. ANC officials proudly displayed party colours. ANC branded apparel were then handed to the people, this while the official banners of the province were on display and the event was branded as an official event.
19 April 2019
SADFA monthly veteran's breakfast at Kruik In the SADFA meeting held on Saturday 13 April Chaplain Brad Blake delivered the following message to open the Project Kolgans SADFA breakfast. “Joshua 1:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” So how does this apply to us in this modern day and age? After all, this is a command that was given to Joshua by God. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” To answer the question, yes, it does in one sense apply to us as the Modern Christians even though this was specific to Joshua as a leader of the Israelites just as we are leaders that have a role to play in leading and guiding us towards Christ. (Our Promised Land). Even though the promise God made was specific to Joshua, the principle of this promise applies to us. Firstly, God expects us as his followers to live a strong and courageous life. We hear this in other passages of the Bible: In the New Testament, we find the apostle Paul telling Timothy, “The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love
and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). In Acts 1:8 Jesus told His followers, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” “In addition to living bold and courageous lives as Christians, we are called to live without fear. Jesus taught, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28). When Paul was imprisoned, he wrote, “Because of my chains, most of the brothers and
Chaplain Brad Blake
sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear” (Philippians 1:14). While there is a sense in which we are called to fear God, meaning to live in respect and reverence of Him, Scripture is clear that we are to live with confidence in God’s promises and power.’ God-promise-Joshua.html Thirdly God assures us of being with us wherever we go, this is also seen in the great commission (“Matt 28:20 Surely I am with you always to the end of age”). Also, in Hebrews 13:5 God
has said “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” In closing, while Joshua 1:9 was a promise made to Joshua this scripture is affirmed elsewhere in Scripture as being applicable to us as believers today. We are called to live courageously, unafraid and in the firm belief that God is always with us.” The breakfast was well attended and a new member, Kevin Haywood was welcomed and introduced. After all the pleasantries were over everyone enjoyed the company and the chat. – Ané Prinsloo
Kevin Haywood and Henry Buys
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19 April 2019
Wynand du Toit besoek Secunda ’n Uittreksels van: Dit moes so gebeur het…deur Suzette van der Heijden Okt. 12, 2017 - Blog Die naam kaptein Wynand du Toit het ’n onuitwisbare indruk op Suid-Afrikaners in die tagtiger- en negentigerjare gemaak. Hy was die leier van ’n Spesiale magte span wat in Mei 1985 op ’n militêre sending na Angola gestuur is, maar weens ’n sameloop van omstandighede het die sending nie volgens plan verloop nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse soldate was teen dagbreek omsingel deur verskeie Faplagroeperinge. Kaptein Du Toit en sy span was 45 minute lank in ’n geweervuur geveg teen sowat 120 Fapla-soldate. Twee van kaptein Du Toit se kamerade, korporaals Rowland Liebenberg en Louis van Breda het tydens die skermutseling gesneuwel en ’n swaar gewonde kaptein Du Toit is eers na Cabinda en later na ’n hospitaal in Luanda geneem. Die oorblywende ses Recces, onder wie twee gewondes, het hergroepeer en kon veilig na Suid-Afrika terugkeer. Kaptein Du Toit is daarna twee en ’n half jaar lank as krygsgevangene deur die Angolese regering aangehou en deur die Kubaanse magte bewaak voordat hy in September 1987 tydens ’n ingewikkelde uitruiltransaksie, soos
ooreengekom tydens die BrazzavilleProtokol, vrygelaat is. Hy was vir die volle duur van sy gevangenskap van 837 dae in ’n Kubaanse militêre tronk in eensame aanhouding opgesluit. Vertel Ons Van Die Boeke Wat Jy Geskryf Het Die eerste twee boeke, Judasbok en Josefskleed, is my lewensverhaal, met ander woorde dít wat voor, tydens en ná Cabinda gebeur het tot waar ek in 2014, tydens die vyf-en-twintigste herdenking van die ondertekening van die Brazzaville-Protokol, uitgevind het wat werklik 30 jaar tevore tydens Operasie Argon gebeur het. Die boek wat ek in aanhouding begin skryf het, het ek op 14 Mei 1987 in die tronk in Angola voltooi. Ek het besluit om dit vanjaar, dertig jaar later, ook te publiseer met die titel The Long-lost Grave.Die ander twee boeke, S-98 en Destiny, handel oor die grensoorlog en is fiksie wat op feite gebaseer is. Jou Boodskap Aan Lesers? Die lewe was nooit veronderstel om maklik te wees nie. Gebeurtenisse, hetsy goed of sleg, is juis daar om ons as gelowige mense te vorm en te lei – om sodoende ons beste te gee ongeag waar en hoe, in
’n andersins baie kort lewe.https://www. Kapt. Wynand du Toit is die spreker by Mukumbura Shellhole, Secunda, op 27 April 2019 om 15H30 vir 16H00. Waartydens van sy boeke te koop is. Meer inligting by Gerhard 082 327 2530 of Brian 082 490 5368
Kaley Pieterse van Laerskool Kruinpark het Saterdag 13 April aan ‘n Solo Sport Dance kompetisie deelgeneem. Sy het Bhangra, Slow, Hip Hop en Energy (NRG) gedans. Kaley het deurgedring na die Juvenile NK NRG Finaal waar sy algehele tweede plek verower het!
O/12: Rochelle Mostert, Mischa Oosthuysen, Franzelle Nortjé, Bianca Alberts, Nicole Bhika. O/13: Marelize van Niekerk, Simoné Stemmet, Ninette Grobler, Zené de Klerk
Oosterland PUK wenners
1st Seuns hokkie span
2de Dogters hokkie span
19 April 2019
Fly in at Teksa Radio Model Club
Jaco Volschenk
Model enthusiasts converged on the small airfield outside of Trichardt on Saturday. There were various aircraft on display. The trusty “Stick” dominated the field. Some of the larger aircraft boasted engines of 120cc. There were even electric engines. At one stage there were three planes, that looked the same, in the air at the same time. This made it extremely difficult to follow your own plane. The spectators were treated to some excellent flying. Unfortunately, one of the large kit planes were lost when it dove into the ground just after doing a slow fly by. It takes a long time to assemble or even build a plane, the loss of such a
Laerskool Secunda se netbaldogters
Sewe van Laerskool Secunda se netbaldogters wat op 8 April aan die eerste rondte van die netbalproewe by Laerskool Secunda deelgeneem het, het deurgedring na die Gert Sibande-streekproewe wat op Maandag, 15 April by Curro Secunda plaasvind. Links na regs: Carla Krugel (0/13), Anina Joubert (0/12), Matshidiso Makgato (0/12), Shereé Visser (0/13), Clarice Janse van Rensburg (0/13) , Karla Rossouw (0/13) ,Mecayla Mudrovcic (0/12 afwesig)
Paul van den Berg (Verhoudings en Reklamebestuurder by Laerskool Secunda) is gekies as Mpumalanga se kandidaat om Krieket SA se Vlak – 3 afrigtingskursus by te woon. Hierdie kursus is slegs per uitnodiging en die proses het reeds begin met Paul wat die afgelope week die gevorderde Vlak – 2 kursus bygewoon het by Krieket SA se Hoë Prestasie Sentrum by Tukkies in Pretoria.
Wernich Rossouw, ‘n Graad 7 leerling van Laerskool Goedehoop, is na afloop van die jaarlikse Interprovinsiale Tennistoernooi in
Bloemfontein gekies as lid van die Suid Afrikaanse Skole tennisspan. Die span bestaan uit die 8 beste laerskole tennisspelers in die land. Hulle sal van 17 – 29 Augustus na Amerika toer waar hulle onder andere ‘n oefenkamp by die Universiteit van Illinois in Texas gaan bywoon, Suid Afrika in 2 toernooie verteenwoordig en die Amerikaanse Ope tennistoernooi in New York gaan besoek. Wernich speel reeds van 6 jarige ouderdom tennis, en het Mpumalanga op onder 13 vlak verteenwoordig vandat hy 11 jaar oud was. Hy was reeds op 12 jaar oud die nr. 1 laerskole tennisspeler in die provinsie, en is die eerste seun uit Mpumalanga wat die SA Skolespan haal.
Kolskoot Liza Liza Roux, Graad 7 van Laerskool Kruinpark, het van die 5de tot die 13e April deelgeneem aan die SABU Skietkampioenskappe in Bloemfontein. Sy het 1ste plek verower vir die O/19 Suid-Afrikaanse Bisley Unie Skiet.
plane is felt by everyone at the airfield. As the sun set in the west, planes were disassembled, radios put in their boxes and everyone revelled in the success of yet another fly-in by TRMC.
19 April 2019
TP Stratten golfday a huge success Follow us on Twitter: @thebulletinsa Follow us on Instagram: thebulletininsa
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On Saturday, 13 April, TP Stratten held their golfday at Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. The previous night had everyone highly stressed as the rain poured down. Luckily, the golf continued the next day with great golfing weather, the only down side was that no carts were allowed on the course and all the players had to walk. The day turned out to be a great day for golfing. The format that was played was IPS.
The rules were also made: In case of rain - the first nine holes would determine the winner and if rain prevents play, the lucky draws would be done. No one was allowed to accept prizes on behalf of someone else. Mr Ourique welcomed and thanked each and every player and also the sponsors of the day. First place with 40 points: W. van Straaten. Second place with 39 point: F. Hennop and third on
a count out was L. Khumalo. Mr van Straaten won an airconditioning unit from PanSolutions and Mr Khumalo and Mr Hennop opted for the Hisense LED 40'' televisions. At the end of the prize giving a lucky draw was made for a wheelbarrow full of goodies. Thank you to everyone that participated, all the organisers, sponsors and Graceland's Heinrich Britz and his team to ensure the course was in top condition. - AnĂŠ Prinsloo
Saturday, 13 April, the Proconics Secunda Cycle team participated in the Maluti Double 90. The team placed fifteenth out of 119 teams. Well done to the Proconics Secunda team for making us proud.
Leslie teams beat eMba teams in Lake Umuzi soccer challenge Leslie teams beat eMba teams in their counter match Lake Umuzi national knockout quaterfinals. Results: Leslie Ocean Spurs 2 - 0 emba getto Leslie Zone 13 - 5 emba homeboys 4 .
19 April 2019
Gauteng Xcross Country Club at high speed
The Gauteng Xcross Country Club hosted an endurance race at Zeekoeigat Farm near the Trichardt Tollgate. A track of 60km was laid out and the riders were given three hours to race across the track. The fastest riders raced around the track four times. The riders were grouped into smaller groups and set off to race against the time. The weather was fairly warm but the
soil was soft from the welcome rain that fell over the past few days. The Gauteng Xcross Country Club is dedicated to developing the Off-Road/ Xcross Country industry by offering these adrenaline filled experiences to all Motorcycle and Quad riders in a safe, fun and competitive environment. Proudly affiliated to MSA, Motorsport South Africa, the GXCC hosts both a Club and the Northern Regional championships, during an 8-round
series within a radius of 200km of Johannesburg. The race over the weekend was the third round of the series. By ensuring that a series is hosted that all levels of riders, in the Northern regional part of South Africa, can complete in approximately 200km radius. The family orientated event in a safe environment, GXCC ensures that any two/four wheel enthusiast can come and enjoy a day out. The GXCC aims
at providing safe, fast but tight and flowing routes at each leg of the series and still utilising each venue’s unique terrain.
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Battle of the giants
Freda van Zyl and Vladimir Moedverloren farm between Leandra and Kinross was a beehive of activity the past weekend. It was that time of the year again. The time when riders and their horses are put to the test. The Battle of the Giants (women) tested every rider and horse to the fullest. This popular endurance race is hosted by LeandraHorse riding club. There were 138 entries of which were mostly women competing. The distances were 40km and 80km. It is quite a technical race. Horses must be kept in a healthy state and veterinarians are always available to help with any health issues. Horses
are cooled down after each leg and their pulse very closely monitored. A pulse of 64 or less should be achieved within half an hour after each leg of the race. The horse is then taken to the veterinarian who will very carefully scrutinise the horses’ condition. After inspection by the vet, the horses have a compulsory resting period of 40 minutes. The novice horses rode on Friday and were restricted to a speed limit of 16km/h. The lady’s winner was Springbok Freda van Zyl. She rode the 80km on her Arabian horse called Vladimir. Vladimir maintained a speed of 40Km/h over the last leg of the race.
Freda did the 80km in a time off 3 hours and 50 minutes. There are a lot of regulations regarding the endurance races and clubs are restricted from arranging the races without following the correct procedures. Any races that are run without the proper approvals run the risk of their races being stopped. The Moedverloren farm of Pieter and Amanda Streicher is a very popular venue for the endurance race. “It is an excellent course,” said Freda, “Maybe even one of the best. Pieter did a wonderful job of preparing the course.” There are a few things for the children to do as well. Some children
took to fishing in the dam next to the Head Quarters. The atmosphere was that of a fete. Enough food was on offer. From a full plate of food consisting of pap, sauce, salad, Boerewors and a steak or tjops to jaffels and pancakes. There was excitement in the air. There was a Ferrier on duty to look after the hooves of the horses. He travels from Pretoria and will cleanup and treat the horse’s hooves. This is a big family affair. There is place to camp, place for the children and places where one could stroke and help with the horses.