017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
19 July 2019
Electrical problems continue to haunt the residents of eMbalenhle Power failure continue to occur despite promises by the GMM leadership that things will get better. There is progress in the building of the supply line from Bracken Mine substation to eMbalenhle, but it will still take some time while the line is
constructed. Unfortunately, three (3) people died in a horrific fire on Saturday night when their house caught fire at about 22H45 in ext. 21 Embalenhle Gate 5. It is believed that the fire was caused by an electrical power outage but the police are still investigating. It is alleged that an electrical appliance was left on while there was no power. Only to overheat when the power returned.
A father and his two children aged between 9 and 10 years old were burnt beyond recognition when they were sleeping in their house. No other information is available at the moment as the forensic team is still investigating. The Bulletin urges Govan Mbeki Municipality residents to treat all electric appliances as on and switch them off when there are outages. It
is speculated that most of the fires in Embalenhle houses are caused by stoves left unattended during power blackouts. If anybody is able to help the family with anything in this time of sorrow, they can contact Councillor ZA Mkhwebane on 082 042 6553. For more info keep an eye on the Bulletin Facebook page as the police are yet to release the full details.
MariĂŤtte 083 476 2860
Masinga is the new Councillor for ward 31 Yet another narrow escape for the ANC (African National Congress) at Govan Mbeki municipality ward 31 Bi-elections. This post became vacant before the National elections held by South Africa 8 May 2019 when the post of ward councillor was left vacant when the former councillor Mr. John Nkosi resigned and joined another political party (ATM) The community from ward 31 was left stranded for a long time as they did not have a ward councillor, said one of the residence, who was on
the line to cast her vote. Former Govan Mbeki Municipality Executive Mayor Miss Lindi Masina was present as an employee from the ANC Provincial raised her concerns about young people who don’t vote as the polls were full of old citizens. She reckons that Elections went well as no incidents were reported. IEC official who spoke to the Bulletin News also confirmed that the elections were free and fair and no incidents were reported. The result saw ANC talking the ward by 611 votes followed by the EFF with 529 votes and the other independent Party Singukukhanya Christian organization managed to get only 12 votes Mr Marius Masinga is the New Councillor for ward 31 at Govan Mbeki municipality Embalenhle. - Sandile Mkhwanazi Find us on Facebook - The Bulletin -
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19 July 2019
Anti-Stock theft action Stock losses have been spiralling over the past few years in our area as the influx of people from rural areas continue. Stock is stolen nearly every week and quickly slaughtered to be sold as meat. Some stock is kept growing the heard. A few farmers contacted the local Stock Theft Units (STU) from the SAPS and a joined operation was carried out on Thursday afternoon. The group divided into 2 groups that targeted different areas, the farmers have extensive knowledge of the various Kraals in the area. The Farmers would then try and identify any cattle or sheep that could belong to them. They would also have to produce the registered markings such as the burn marks etc etc. The SAPS would then arrest those concerned. No cattle were found on Thursday night, but Friday saw some possible results as well as Saturday. There are several ways that owners use to identify their livestock. It is also very important that stock is marked as quickly as possible to deter thieves from taking the stock. Identifying animals throughout the world have historically been to be able to find animals in the case of theft or loss, to make economic or valueincreasing choices regarding livestock production, and to be able to trace, control and eradicate diseases. These same factors motivate identification and monitoring. One of the earliest documented cases of tracing a disease to a specific animal was in 1275. In the South African context; permanent identification marks can be put on animals by means of hot-iron branding, freeze-branding or tattooing in line with Animal Identification Act (Act No. 6 of 2002): • Hot-iron branding: The livestock owner burns a mark on the skin of his animals with a hot-iron. You should not brand calves younger than six months of age; • Freeze-branding: A brand mark can also be put on the animals by way of freeze-branding. Freeze branding is done by means of dry ice and alcohol; and • Tattoo mark: Tattoo tongs and ink are used to mark the animals. Calves can be tattooed from one week of age (South Africa, 2015/2008:np). One advantage of marking is that stock thieves are more inclined to steal animals that are not marked. The marking of animals ensures positive identification, and proof of ownership.
Annalie 082 906 0546
By marking animals, the policing of stock theft can be more effective, and a better recovery rate is ensured. Legal identification marking is very useful and, in cases where stolen or lost animals are found, it is possible to determine who the owner is. Stock theft is also one of the most difficult cases to resolve. • Vacant positions in the SAPS create capacity problems. • The STUs play a huge role in combating stock theft, but capacity problems do exist. • A lack of knowledge exists among officers of the SAPS, and prosecutors. • Developing producers, who own at least 40% of all stock, are the most affected by stock theft. • Stock theft has become a business, and there are clear indications of syndicate involvement. Criminal syndicates are involved in a major way. The Bulletin reported on the 8th of May of the arrest of a Lawyer from Pretoria as well as several accomplices. • Lower success rates, in terms of guilty findings versus court cases - which culminate in producers’ not reporting stock theft cases. Farmers have lost their trust in the SAPS, and the Criminal Justice System (CJS). • In many cases stock theft destroys high-potential genetic material. • The Republic of South Africa (RSA) is a net importer of red meat, and stock theft threatens the country’s food security. • Due to stock theft, the local red meat industry cannot be competitive internationally; and • Stock theft has a negative impact on the industry, and agriculture, in general. If stock theft could be addressed, it would make a huge contribution to South Africa being selfsufficient. Most farmers and cattle owners
Suspected stolen cattle found near Evander cemetery
are happy to allow the SAPS and supporting farmers to inspect their stock. Cattle (informal sector) in the GMM area are kept in makeshift kraals close to the grazing areas. This makes it difficult to locate and identify different kraals. The group visited a few kraals in the area between the Evander Cemetery and the Gold Mine shaft. Most people did not even know that there were kraals. The successes of the STU are sometimes limited as the stock are quickly slaughtered and sold for consumption. The difficult terrains (no roads) also impact the searches. Thank you to the staff at Hinterland, Kinross for the food and cold drinks provided to the Police and farmers before the joint action. Source (partly) php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0301603X2016000200022
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• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279
BEMARKING / ADVERTISING 017 631 1845 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860 Annalie van der Merwe 082 906 0546
PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
FINANSIES / FINANCES Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.
Ds Marius Britz Ek het twee ma’s. Of eerder, ek het toe ek jonk was een ma gehad, en het nou ‘n ander een. Die eerste was ‘n dinamiese, professionele vrou wat weens omstandighede vroeg in haar lewe reeds skool moes verlaat en begin werk om as oudste suster twee jonger sussies te laat studeer. Elke oggend, winter en somer, moes sy, terwyl dit nog stikdonker was, die trein op Heidelbergstasie haal om betyds by haar werk in Johannesburg se middestad te wees. Hier is sy opgelei om met syfers te werk, begrotings op te stel, besluite en voorraadstatistieke onmiddelik te verskaf, sonder om eers te gaan rondkrap in notas. Sy moes deeglik boekhou van kostes, inkomstes noukeurig beheer en dokumenteer. Hierin het sy het haar onderskei met ‘n besonderse skerp aanleg vir syfers. As kind kon ek my verwonder hoe sy by kasregisters elke item in haar kop optel terwyl die kassiere dit oplui. Vele kere het sy hulle op foute gewys, en ook presies waar hulle foute gemaak het. Sy kon twee kolomme syfers naas mekaar vinnig skandeer, en enige foute onmiddelik identifiseer. Hierdie ma se toewyding, vermoë om bitter hard te werk en uitstaande presiesheid en trots op haar werk het uiteindelik belonings ingehou. Ten spyte van haar gebrek aan formele kwalifikasies, het sy op ‘n jong ouderdom reeds ‘n senior pos beklee, met voordele soos ‘n kleretoelaag en maatskappyvervoer. Daarom was sy altyd baie professioneel aangetrek. Hoëhakskoene, die mooiste kantoordrag wat deur ‘n kleretoelaag bekom is, keurige snyerspakke wat sy nie met haar salaris sou kon betaal nie. Sy was die ruggraat waarom haar werkgewer se hele besigheid gedraai het. Sy het nooit nodig gehad om name, telefoonnommers, syfers, statistieke, bestuursbesluite ensomeer op te soek nie. Sy kon
dit foutloos uit haar fenomenale geheue oproep. Tydens vergaderings kon sy enige navrae aangaande finansies en kliënte summier en korrek beantwoord. My eerste ma was ook ‘n uithalerkok. Skaapboud en groente, braaiaartappels en gebakte poeding was dikwels ons Sondagmiddaggereg. Sy kon verjaarsdagkoeke bak wat soos kastele gelyk het, kinderpartytjies reël, paaseiers wegsteek, en die mooiste kers- en verjaarsdagpersente optower. Sy het ook ons huisfinansies, wat maar skraps was, met ‘n ysterhand geregeer. Ek ontdek anderdag ‘n grootboek waarin sy maand vir maand ‘n volledige begroting opgestel het, met skoolfonds van 20 sent, pa se rookgeld, R5-00 vir brandstof, R3-50 vir vleis en R2-50 wat maandeliks opsygesit word vir Desember se vyfdagvakansie in Durban volledig opgeteken. Elke maand het daardie begroting geklop. Geen geld is onnodig uitgegee nie. ‘n Ma wat ook diep spore in die kerk getrap het. Vir jare was sy die tesouriere van die vrouediens wat jaarliks die finansiële state foutloos aan die ouditeure oorhandig het. Maar so paar jaar terug het ek ‘n ander ma gekry. Ek het haar huis in Springs, waar sy ná pa se dood agtergebly het, gaan oppak. Want sy het verswak en vereensaam geraak. Sy kon nie meer alleen bly nie. Terwyl ek en broer vêr gebly het, was daar dae wat sy nie kon opstaan nie. Wat sy nie geëet het nie, nie kon ry om kruideniersware gaan koop nie, niemand gesien het nie. Ek het van die Kaap af gegaan, en deur die huis gestap. Die huis, wat altyd netjies skoon was, georganiseerd en gevul met ‘n leeftyd se besittings en onthou, was verwaarloos. My eens trotse ma het siek en verswak in die bed gelê, nie in staat om op te staan nie. Ek het instrumenteel in haar tweede lewe geword. Al haar besittings, wat oor jare met moeite en swaarkry afbetaal is, het ek in ‘n stoorplek gebêre. Bloot omdat ek te sentimenteel en sag is om dit te verkoop. En die bitterste: ek en broer het ons kinderhuis verkoop, waarvan elke hoekie en draaijtjie bekend was. Haar laaste greep op onafhanklikheid, haar motor, was noord, oos, suid en wes vol duike en stampe, en dit het ek vir ‘n appel en ui verkoop. En skielik
het my ma die kind geword, en ek die ouer, toe sy by ons huis intrek. Nou is dit my voorreg om te sorg dat sy drie keer per dag haar korrekte medikasie kry. Dat sy elke dag ten minste een warm bord kos kry. Nou het ek my tweede ma. Dis reg ma, as ma soms aandring, en kans sien, om self winkel toe te gaan, en dit ma twee uur lank vat om aan te trek en gereed te maak om SPAR toe te gaan. Waar ma vir drie ure lank rak op en rak af loop met die loopraam en alles omstamp, verskeie items optel en weer terug sit omdat dit te dùùr is, en uiteindelik slegs met ‘n bruinbrood en liter melk daar uitstap. Om geskok te vertel hoe duur dit in die Kaap is. In Springs het die melklorrietjie toentertyd melk teen 25 sent per liter op die sypaadjie afgelewer, hier in die Kaap kos die melk R29-99 vir twee liter. Nie omdat ma nie
genoeg geld het nie, maar omdat ma gewoond is om beskeie en spaarsamig te lewe. Dis reg ma, as ma dikwels ure lank praat oor die karakters in Binnelanders en die slapies aftel voordat Boer soek ‘n vrou weer begin. Dit is reg as ma aanmekaar praat oor die verlede, oor ma se kollegas wat lankal dood is, oor pa wat so hard gewerk het en gesukkel het om die reuk van die fabriek uit sy oorpak en skoene te kry. Dis reg as ma dae lank in pajamas rondloop. Dis reg as ma oor broers en familie praat asof hulle nog leef. Dis reg as ma elke nag van ouma droom. Dis reg as ons almal klaar geëet het en ma is nog nie eers kwart met ma se kos nie. Dis reg as ma se woonstel soos ‘n ouetehuis ruik. Dis reg as ma stadig loop en oral aan my vasklou. Dis reg as ma dieselfde stories oor en oor vertel. Ek het twee ma’s, en altwee is myne.
Tannie Poppie se: Rissie-sjokolade-beesfilet 1 beesfilet Bokmelkkaas Rissie-sjokoladesous 250 ml room 1 pak (80 g) sjokolade, in blokkies gebreek 2 ml rissiepoeier 1. Seël die beesfilet aan albei kante en braai volgens smaak tot gaar (verkieslik lig-medium gaar). Sny in skywe van sowat 2 cm 2. Haal van die vuur af en bedek elke skyfie vleis met ‘n sirkel kaas
Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
19 July 2019
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
3. Plaas terug en braai tot die kaas gesmelt het (nie oor warm kole nie, want die vleis moet rus) Berei die rissie-sjokoladesous: 1. Verhit intussen die room tot warm in ‘n pot op die vuur (dit moenie kook nie) 2. Haal van die vuur af en voeg die sjokoladeblokkies by 3. Roer goed tot die sjokolade gesmelt het 4. Voeg die rissiepoeier by 5. Haal die vleis van die vuur af, gooi die sous oor en sit voor
19 July 2019
Sasol hosts GMM multi-stakeholder engagement session and Corporate Social Investment (CSI) funding handover Sasol hosted the Govan Mbeki Municipality multi-stakeholder, engagement session at Sasol Secunda Club on Friday to provide feedback to Sasol-supported social investment initiatives. The event was attended by several dignataries including the District municipality’s mayor. Several presentations were made. Sasol Vice President: Secunda Corporate Affairs, Maureen Mboshane said, “NGO’s often doesn’t get the support and recognition that they deserve. Sasol would like to thank them for the work that they do.” She further said that they know that it is not enough but please accept the donations as tokens of their appreciation. “Non compliance is also a major stumbling block in obtaining donations.” At the event, Sasol also handed over funding to beneficiaries of its corporate social investment (CSI) projects. Sixty three civil society organisations from Govan Mbeki, Lekwa and Dipaleseng were invited. Among the organisations that received funding were: • Inkazimulo Stimulation Centre, which supports children with learning disabilities, and the Ithembelihle Protectective Workshop, which skills youth living with learning and physical disabilities. The organisations received R450 000 and R350 000 respectively.
• Topsy Foundation received R700 000 towards its Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Care and Support programme while the Mpumalanga Addiction Rehabilitation Centre, received the highest donation – R1,5 million to assist in its Youth Drug Prevention and Morale Regeneration programme. Sasol also donated R800 000 to the Siyakhula Trust, which is responsible for institutional capacity building for NonProfit Organisations.
Water problems still the norm? Ask anybody in Bethal about water and be prepared to face a barrage of negative comments. Water is such a rare commodity in Bethal now a days that tempers are running high. The worst is that there is no clear answer as to why the problems persist. Answers that the Govan Mbeki Municipality gives ranges from water being stolen to broken pipes (according to the various parties working on the issue). Residents are also speculating about the cause of the water shortages. A common retort is that Rand Water has not been paid. This is despite assurances by GMM that the account has been paid. There are numerous burst pipes and GMM are struggling to fix the leaks. Michelle Viljoen FF+ candidate for Bethal have been helping people with water supplies. She has organised various water pickup points. She also persuaded a security guard at the municipal camping grounds to allow
a group of people to fill up water containers. “I would like to thank Mr Zweli from the water department for his continual feedback and the work that he and his team are doing,” Said Michelle, “They are working under tremendous pressure, without all the necessary equipment and tools.”
Sasol Vice President: Secunda Corporate Affairs, Maureen Mboshane said: “Sasol fully appreciates its accountability to play a meaningful role in its fence-line communities as an active corporate citizen and a force for good. We strive to be a credible partner that works collaboratively with our stakeholders, including other businesses, government and communities to identify solutions that bring about inclusive growth and
development.” Thandiwe Ngxonono, Executive Mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality touched on the electricity situation in eMbalenhle, “Let us hope that this winter will be the last winter that our people have to suffer with electricity.” Various recipients of last years donation had an opportunity to tell the guests what they have done with their donation and how it changed the lives of some people.
19 July 2019
Doing the most for others has become a norm for most of the South Africans during Mandela month
It started years back where all South Africans were urged to do something for the less fortunate, The initiative was started and named (Mandela 67 minutes). Individuals, churches and organizations take part in doing or helping the less fortunate people where they donate be it food or clothes even time in Nelson Mandela name. “That is exactly what inspires the Christian church group called Healing Mercy choristers (EMSENI) from Embalenhle to identify schools and old age peoples homes that they visit and planning to visit during this Mandela Month (July). They hand out Sanitary Towels to the girls and other things to young school
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children, just to emphasize that not even one child should miss a day in the school calendar.” Said the group spoke’s person Mr Bafana Mbatha. Thursday 11 July 2019, they took time to visit Thomas Nhlabathi High School in Embalenhle to motivate, sing and hand out Sanitary Towels to girl children and it was a very prestigious event attended by The Bulletin. The event left many school children motivated and revived. One of the teachers from the school who spoke to the Bulletin News said, “It is a good initiative and the community needs to start being involved with organizations like this, just to help in moral regeneration of our children in the community.”
The Healing Mercy choristers (EMSENI) will once again host an event at extension 18 community hall Embalenhle on 27 July 2019 at 9H00 and till late where they want to raise funds to keep on donating to the needy people. The tickets are already up for sale and will also be available at the event. The price is only R40. There will be various up and coming artists entertaining the guests. The stakeholders from Govan Mbeki municipality at large are urged in helping the group with donations and funds. Those who are interested can contact Mr Bafana Mbatha on 076 247 7870 or even go to their Facebook page Healing Mercy (Emseni) - Sandile Mkhwanazi
Graceland sewer pipeline repaired Graceland Hotel Casino and Country Club is pleased to announce that the sewer pipeline has been repaired to prevent further pollution. The dam was also rehabilitated to prevent further wildlife from dying, and to limit further damages. Chemicals were delivered to treat the contaminated water. Additional water was pumped into
the river, reed beds were opened, fish were removed from contaminated areas and placed in other areas. “We are still in the process of rehabilitating the area. Graceland would like to thank the following companies for their assistance – Sasol, WCL Staalwerk, Govan Mbeki Municipality, Agri Enviro lab and Buckman Chemicals,” says Pieter de Villiers, General Manager.
19 July 2019
Human trafficking hotline 0800 222 777 Human Trafficking: It’s the illegal trade of human beings. It’s the recruitment, control and use of people for their bodies and for their labour. Through force, fraud and coercion, people everywhere are being bought and sold against their will, right now in the 21st century. It sounds a bit far-fetched? The Bulletin recently reported on a Lesotho national that was lured to South Africa on the pretences of a job. She escaped from slavery. The Bulletin also reported on illegal miners, up to 300, living underground at, the now demolished, 6 shaft. reports that there are millions of slaves in the world today, more than ever before. A shocking fact is that only 1% of victims are ever rescued. They also state that Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, generating more than $150 billion USD every year. There are various types of trafficking. Sex trafficking – Forcing, deceiving or coercing a person to perform commercial sex. Forced labour – Forcing a person to work in captivity for little or no pay. Bonded labour – Forcing a person to work for low wages to pay back an impossible dept. Involuntary Domestic Servitude – Forcing a person to work and live in the same place for little or no pay. Child soldier – Forcing a child to
participate in an armed force. Traffickers use different methods to recruit victims. When we know how they are trafficked, we are given the power to stop slavery before it starts. Known ways 21 survivors were trafficked globally– False job advertisement, Sold by family, Loverboy, Tricked by friend, Abduction, False immigration, and other methods. There are several sighs to look for when dealing with a suspected victim. Victims are normally controlled by another person, they have controlled movement, Lack of earnings, unfamiliar with the language, there might be signs of physical abuse and substance abuse, there would also be a lack of trust, the list are a little longer. The fact is that Human Trafficking is a reality! It is an even bigger threat to our children as international travel are more and more accessible to everyone. It is very easy to be vulnerable in a foreign country and to respond to friendly people. A recent film called taken is a prime example of how people can be taken. A21 has a very good saying: If you suspect it, report it. There is a national hotline that are operated and manned by A21. They will assist it helping anybody to escape from human trafficking. The Hotline number is 0800 222 777. Memorise the number. You might be able to save someone one day.
The A21 organisation hosts a “Walk for Freedom” every year. Walk for Freedom is their global fundraising and awareness event, rallying tens of thousands of people, taking millions of steps, in hundreds of cities all over the world. They walk to disrupt the existence of slavery, shaking its very foundation with each step. It’s an outward expression of A21’s inward desire to see slavery abolished everywhere—in our cities, in our communities, and in our world. One step at a time and one rand at a time, they fundraise and walk to see a world without slavery. Last year, they showed up in 475
locations in 50 countries, reaching 70 million people through social media. Each step mattered. Each step made a difference. But there are millions who have yet to be freed—and this year they continue to walk, to show up, to raise awareness, to fight—for the victims in our cities and around the globe still trapped in slavery. The Bulletin has partnered with A21 as their media partner for this years “Walk for Freedom” in Secunda. We will be bringing you more over the next few weeks on how you can make a difference and how you can get involved.
Spar car giveaway
Sbusiso Ngubeni won a brand-new Hyundai i10 in a recent competition. Here is Sbusiso with Staff from Spar. FLTR: Caroline Mahlangu, Yanni Carzis, Sbusiso Ngubeni, CollenShidlomole and Thethiwe Maketekete
Hoërkool Secunda se Juffrou Sanette Blignaut en van haar kunsleerders het hul kreatiwiteit op die proef gestel en Die Boekspens se muur in Koen Brits str geverf as deel van hul gemeenskaps projekte. Dankie aan elke leerling wat so hard werk. Dit gaan beslis 'n bekende baken wees in Secunda.
eMbalenhle electricity upgrade progresses well The transfer of electricity from the Bracken Mine substation to the eMbalenhle substation is progressing. A service provider is currently on site putting the poles next to the road. The Govan Mbeki Municipality appointed Bigen Africa Services as the service provider to address the current electricity challenges in eMbalenhle. The work is expected to be completed in October. The service provider will build two 11kV Double Circuit Lines from the Bracken Mine substation to the existing municipal ring, switching stations to address the current capacity shortage of 10MVA. eMbalenhle is supplied solely by
Langverwagcht Substation which is fed from the Eskom MTS Sol 132/22kV by two 20MVA transformers using two 22kV Wolf lines. The lack of transmission capacity on these lines and delayed response to an increase in electricity demands, has led to an electrical challenges within the area. Rotational load shedding is currently being applied to deal with the existing shortage of capacity of approximately 10MVA during peak hours. Residents are requested to lower their consumption and assist in reducing the risk of load shedding. A collective reduction on the electricity load could make a difference.
19 July 2019
SERVICES Winter Consert in Stegman Theatre TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 MARIËTTE 083 476 2860 ANNALIE 082 906 0546
“It’s a beautiful noise, Made of joy and of strife, Like a symphony played, by the passing parade, It’s the music of life” one of the stanza’s in Neil Diamond does well know song what a beautiful noise. These words would fit the musical concert by three of the best high school bands in the RSA like a clove. The significant audience that were in attendance in the Stegman Theater, Saturday, were treated to spectacular performances by the talented Oosterland Hoërskool band under the baton of Karel Marais, the Springs Boys High School Brass band under the baton of Moses Ramadepe and last but not least Oos-Moot Hoërskool under the baton of Danie Smith. The elevated musical quality and production of the participating orchestras were outstanding with some most difficult musical pieces accomplished to perfection.
The performed program specifically complimented the different categories of musical instruments employed by the unique musical sounds and cords of the different bands. One of the highlight of the evening’s performance was the playing of the
well-known Hymn “Abide with me” by the mass bands, under the baton of Danie Smith. Congratulation to all the participants’ and the organizers of this well attended and successful musical experience. – Aart Reedijk
Kruinpark Sport - Skiet en Skaak
Liza Roux van Laerskool Kruinpark het die afgelope Saterdag, 13 Julie 2019, in Middelburg die “Jock of the Bush Bisley Klub” gaan skiet. Sy het 3 Goue Medaljes gewen in die dames-span vir die volgende: Vir lang afstand 900m. Vir kort afstand 700m en 800m. Het die “Grand Total” ook gewen!
Dogters skaak span Laerskool Kruinpark se Skaakleerders het Vrydag, 12 Julie 2019 in Leandra deelgeneem aan die Hoëveldgroep Skaak. Die leerders het baie goed gespeel en die uitslae is as volg: O/7 2de, O/9 3de, O/11 1ste, O/13 3de, Dogtersspan 2de en B-span 2de. Daar was 8 deelnemende skole en Laerskool Kruinpark is opgewonde vir die Seisoen wat voorlê.
Sasol Highveld Photography Club July Winners
“Take Off” by Encee van Huyssteen (left) is the Junior winner and “Wow” by Leon Pelser (below) was judged as the best senior photograph for the July meeting
Sasol Highveld Photography Club showcased their photos at the monthly meeting. Peter Cavanagh from Middelburg was the judge for the evening. Peter showed his collection of photographs from a recent photographic safari into Sabi Sands. Peter’s photographic love is sport and wildlife but have also done most categories
19 July 2019
Oosterland speel op hoë noot
Die Eerste seuns hokkiespan sit hulle sege voort en wen Hs Secunda 2-1 vir plek in die Mpumalanga finaal. Hulle speel gelykop in die wedstryd teen HTS Middelburg 2-2 en deel die Mpumalanga eerste plek. ‘n “Penalty shootout” teen HTS Middelburg het bepaal hoe hulle in die Noordvaal poel moet indeel. Oosterland gaan dus deur na Noordvaal A in Klerksdorp - 25-27 Julie.
Die 0/15 dogters was ook na Nelspruit vir Mpumalanga uitspele. Hulle het Ligbron 3-1 gewen. In die makro-skole poel het hulle teen Hs Nelspruit vasgeval maar des nie teenstaande ‘n uitstekende vertoning gelewer. Eerskomende naweek speel hulle in die kwartfinaal.
Laerskool Goedehoop leerlinge ryg prestasies in Daar is 24 Top-krieketskole wat deelneem en skole word eers in poele opgedeel en later is daar uitspele vir posisies. Die o/11-Krieketspan het van 1 – 3 Julie aan Super 12 deelgeneem. Die seuns het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt en het 2 van hul 4 wedstryde gewen. Hulle eindig 14de uit 20 deelnemende skole. Die O/13-manne het 3 – 6 Julie deelgeneem en was in ‘n poel ingedeel saam met Randhart, Hennopspark, Wierdapark en Mooirivier en eindig 4de in die poel. Na nog ‘n spogwen teen Laerskool Kollegepark het hulle uiteindelik 15de geëindig in die strawwe kompetisie. Vrydag, 12 Julie 2019 het die Skaak Hoëveldgroep te Leandra plaasgevind. Goedehoop se o/13-seunspan behaal ‘n 2de plek. Voor: Avon Smith, Wernich Rossouw, Richardt van der Walt Agter: Jandrè Beukes, Franco Bester, Vida Mhlongo, Eljay van Heerden
Krieket Super 12 o13 Voor: EJ Venter, Adriaan Greeff, Jarno Haarhoff Middel: Wernich Rossouw, Jouhan Jonker, Wian vd Berg, Simeon Rudolph, Rickardt van Heerden. Agter: Jayden Joubert, Handrè Griessel, Stefan Bezuidenhout, Tiaan Rabie
Krieket Super 12 o11 Voor: Tristan Crouch, Andries Coetzer, Jean Loock Middel: Andries Nel, Rouxvè Herbst, Franna Homan, Lyndon Fourie. Agter: Hugo Fourie, Pieter Kruger, Waldo Schnuir, Rivan Schoonwinkel, Marnus Groenewald
The following learners of Laerskool Hoëveld have been selected to go to the Landservice National Camp. FLTR: Mokgadi Rabotapi, Maria Morena, Ziphe Tshabalala
19 July 2019
Hoërskool Secunda Hockey results Hoërskool Secunda’s under 14 hockey team played in the first round of the elimination rounds this past weekend at Curro. The team played excellent. The first game against HTS Middelburg was a humdinger. Secunda really outplayed the team from Middelburg and made regular visits to the visiting team’s goal area. Secunda was just to strong and ended as victors with a 13-0 win. Their second game was played against Volksrust. The first 5 minutes were nail biters as Volksrust pilled on the pressure and attacked Secunda’s goal with determination. Alas it was not to be for the visitors from Volksrust as Secunda survived the pressure and pushed Volksrust back to score their first goal. Volksrust made regular efforts to Secunda’s goal area but couldn’t break through. Secunda won the game convincingly with 7-0.
Hoërskool Secunda het vier spanne gehad wat gekwalifiseer het vir die Mpumalanga Uitspeeltoernooi en drie van ons spanne het deurgedring na die Mpumalanga Semi en die Finale wat die afgelope naweek plaas
gevind het. Die Eerstespan verloor teen Oosterland in die die semi-finale, asook teen Middelburg Hoërskool en eindig 4de in Mpumalanga. Die O/15 verloor teen Hoërskool Secunda se eie O/16 span in die Semi-finale en speel gelykop 1-1 teen Middelburg Hoërskool vir Posisie 3 en 4. Volgens toernooi reëls deel hulle die derde posisie, maar moet steeds ‘n "8 sekonde-doelskiet" doen om te bepaal in watter posisie hulle in die Noord-Vaal toernooi gaan deelneem. Die O/15 verloor 0-3 en eindig
4de in Mpumalanga. Vusi Gamede is as die speler van die Wedstryd aangewys. Die O/16 klop Hoërskool Secunda se O/15 2-0 in die semi-finale en speel teen HTS Witbank 1-1 in die finale. Volgens toernooi reëls deel Hoërskool Secunda weer die eerste posisie, maar moet steeds aan die "8 sekonde-doelskiet" deelneem om te bepaal wie Mpumalanga 1 en 2 gaan verteenwoordig by die Noord-Vaal toernooi. Hoërskool Secunda oorheers die "8 sekonde-doelskiet" en wen HTS Witbank 3-0 en eindig eerste in Mpumalanga. Kuda Guara is aangewys as die persoon met die meeste doele van die toernooi en Kaptein Sipha Hlophe as die speler van die wedstryd. Die O/15 en Eerstespan gaan aan die Noord-Vaal B-Toernooi deelneem en die O/16 gaan aan die Noord-Vaal A-Toernooi deelneem. Albei toernooie vind plaas op 25-27 Julie 2019.
19 July 2019
Netball Fundraiser a Blast In March 2019, after a netball camp at the former Protea Netball Coach, Elize Kotze’s Raloka Netball Camp, three local girls from Highschool Secunda’s First Netball team was selected to an invitational team to compete in the 3rd Annual Mauritius Netball Tournament. Elrize Gräbe, Luné Meyer and Faith Chivas, will be coached by Elize Kotze and Erin Burger, a current Protea Netball player. The exposure and experience the girls will take from this Tournament is enormous and can only further their netball careers. The girls are however responsible to pay the total costs of their tour which is approximately R 28 000 each. In order to assist them in raising the necessary funds, KG Fit Gym and Secunda Action Sport Centre hosted a fun filled Action Netball Tournament on the 13th of July 2019. The motto of the day was “If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table, not a taller fence”!
Thirteen teams entered and it is safe to say, they all had a blast!! The Death Squad Team took overall 1st place with Highschool Secunda’s U/16 team, The Dream Team, taking 2nd place. Highschool Secunda’s U/14 team, Team Roggebou came in third. The ultimately successful event once again showed that when a community stand together, they can achieve great things. Kare Gräbe from KG Fit Gym said that they are looking to make this an annual event in raising funds for local netball players who may also need funds for tours like Elrize, Luné and Faith. The three young ladies expressed their gratitude to every player who gave up their time to enter the event, the organizers, the sponsors and especially Mariska Lubbe from Secunda Action Sport Centre for hosting the event and Mrs Chantelle Opperman who had an enormous influence in all three players netball careers to date.
Secunda Cricket Annual Awards
The Secunda Cricket Annual Awards were held at Eish the past weekend. There were a number of outstanding players and the evening was to honour those outstanding players and supporting staff. Below the list of awards Under 13 Bowler - Nadir Abbas Batsman - Pieter van Niekerk Under 15 Bowler - Harmand Aucamp Batsman - De Wet Burger Captain MCU 2nd Term u15 Runner Up - Harmand Aucamp Under 19
Bowler - JP Austin Batsman - Johan van Antwerpen Captain MCU 2nd Term u19 Winners Michael Rossouw Promotion Bowler - Ruan Jacobs Batsman - JP Bruwer Women Bowler - Nicolien Janse van Rensburg Batsman - Nicolien Janse van Rensburg Captain Winners Gert Sibande - Terry Lee Kleynhans T20 Batsman - George Louw Bowler - Siya Mahima Premier, Bowler - Ruhan Delport
Me. Liani Green van Laerskool Secunda het as SuidAfrikaanse netbalskeidsregter gekwalifiseer tydens die gradering wat op 15 Junie in Johannesburg plaasgevind het.
Batsman - Dewald Erasmus Captain - Mpumalanga T20 Premier Winners and 50 Overs runner up, Neil Salzmann Match Officials Best Umpire - Jacobus Nagel Best Scorer - Carmen Franken Main Awards T20 Player of the Year - George Louw Junior Player of the year - Johan van Antwerpen Newcomer of the year - Gerald Ngwenyama Players Player of the year - Siya Mahima Club Legends - Gawie Nel #7 and Jacobus Nagel #8
Honorary lifetime Membership - Dylan Niemand Women Player of the Year - Nicolien Janse van Rensburg SSCC Player of the year - Siya Mahima “Thank you to Eish Secunda for having us and helping us in making the evening special.” said Ignus Koekemoer, Chairman of Sasol clubPresident Gert Sibande Cricket,”Wonderful people, great food and fantastic service.” We would also like to thank our sponsors that made our Junior Cricket possible this year, Henlo and Eyegame Optometrists.
These learners from Laerskool Hoëveld attended a Hockey clinic at Volksrust during the holidays