017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Tsalanang Resident cleared
n intriguing tale of deceit, insufficient documents and alleged false arrest surfaced during a recent court case involving a resident of Tsalanang flats, Govan Mbeki Housing Company and the Sheriff of the Court. During 2018 the Govan Mbeki Housing Company obtained a judgement against Mr Walter Ntshalintshali and started proceedings to have him evicted. This is after the Govan Mbeki Council withdrew their support for Govan Mbeki Housing Company (GMHC) in 2012. During a council meeting in 2012, council decided to revoke the agreement with GMHC that entitles GMHC to administer the GMM houses. Although this agreement was taken by the council, after the fact that the municipal houses were so rundown that they had to be sold. The council lost an estimated R10m on the value of the houses due to the poor maintenance by GMM, hence the
decision to terminate the agreement with them. Despite these cancellations, GMHC continued to bill, administrate and “maintain” municipal buildings. GMM does not have the capacity to maintain and administrate the buildings and outsourcing makes good sense but only if the income generated from the occupation of these houses stiffens the coffers of the municipality. During the trial the Deputy Sheriff did not attend a court date and a warrant of arrest was issued. The warrant was withdrawn once the Sheriff settled the fine. He was found guilty of “Failure to appear in court” and given a fine of R500 or 50 days imprisonment. The Magistrate had very harsh words for the Sheriff. According to the defence the Magistrate said: “I feel pity for ordinary people that face sheriffs of this nature.” It was found by the court that the form “RM32 Warrant of execution against property” was
not properly filled in. It is also alleged that while the documents were not in order, the Deputy Sheriff tried to force the warrant on Mr Ntshalintshali. When Mr Ntshalintshali refused, he was threatened and ultimately arrested. Mr Ntshalintshali spent two days in jail for allegedly obstructing the Sheriff in his duties. He has since been cleared. He has now filed a claim against the Minister of Police for wrongful arrest. Mr Ntshalintshali was cleared of any wrongdoing in this matter. The Bulletin contacted the South
African Board for Sheriffs to ask for clarification on the conduct of the Sheriff and the board’s policies. After a discussion, The Bulletin was asked to supply the board with questions for the board to prepare proper answers. The Bulletin agreed to the request as time constraints would not allow for meaningful answers. The Bulletin hopes to bring you more news and insights on the Sheriffs in our area soon. - Encee van Huyssteen
LS Goedehoop’s Warrior Princess a success despite the threatening weather
Yolandi Kotzé still managing a smile despite all the mud. More photos on page 6
1 November 2019
Unbarricaded waste soil causes two accidents Last week Govan Mbeki Municipality workers were cleaning the pavement around eMbalenhle and it has been happening for a long time in almost all the sections. At ext. 17 they cleaned the pavement on the side of the road just before the rainy season started and left the mud on the road. The mud obstructed one lane on a very busy road connecting two taxi ranks. The one on Standerton road and the other one at ext. 17. It was just a matter of time before the soil and all the waste that they were cleaning out of the drains would cause an accident. Sunday evening at about 20h00, a call came in of a vehicle that has lost control and ended up in the waste that is on the road. In that incident, fortunately, no one was injured but the car was seriously damaged. Before midnight another accident was reported. Another car drove at a high speed and the driver tried to avoid a collision with the waste but unfortunately, he knocked down a passer-by who was on his way to work. Fortunately, the person was
Mariëtte 083 476 2860
taken to a local medical facility and was in a stable condition. What is very dangerous is that Govan Mbeki Municipality employees who are working on the roads, try to clean the drains and pavement, don’t enforce safety standards. They just identify the street and start working and they do not barricade the area. When they knock off, they don’t leave any road signs. There are many complaints reported
snippets Breakthrough in wildlife poaching offences On 18 October the Skukuza Regional Court sentenced Carlos Sithole (38) to 20 years direct imprisonment after he was convicted for trespassing at Kruger National Park, possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of a firearm with intent to commit a crime, pointing of a firearm and possession of a prohibited firearm with no serial number. The court heard that in 2015 the rangers apprehended Sithole and his two accomplices. Sithole pointed a firearm at the rangers. The rangers shot at him in self-defence. His accomplices escaped and Sithole was arrested. During trial Sithole denied his involvement and told the court that he was picking herbs as he was studying to be a traditional healer. Advocate Ansie Venter led evidence of two rangers who arrested Sithole and that of a ballistic expert. The state further led evidence of a San Parks Senior Investigator, Freek Roussouw, who attended the crime scene as well as evidence of other experts. Sithole was found guilty as charged. In aggravation of the sentence, Advocate Venter addressed the court on the plight of rhinos, the immense strain on rangers, the detrimental effect on the economy and the
regarding the municipality digging up the holes on the side of the road and leave them unattended for a long time. That is a huge safety threat in the community. Angry community members said that they will open a case against Govan Mbeki Municipality for carelessness which endangers their lives on daily basis. When the ward councillor was contacted by The Bulletin for
comments, he made it clear that he was not aware of it or he never heard of anything about CLEAN-UP service rendered in his ward. If that waste and soil is not collected or removed soon, we might have another incident. - Sandile Mkhwanazi
brutality of killing of rhinos. Sentencing Sithole, the Magistrate, BM Lesufi said that there is a national and international outcry against poaching. The accused showed no remorse for his actions as he was alleging that he was framed, although the evidence proved that he was poaching. Sithole was sentenced to 20 years direct imprisonment. The NPA is satisfied with the sentence as it sends out a strong message to the society that any harm caused to wildlife will be dealt with harshly.
Advocate Ansie Venter addressed the court that poaching is prevalent. She said that this type of crime was planned and it puts the lives of the rangers in danger. “The accused had a job in Mozambique but came to South Africa illegally to poach out of greed. The only reason the accused did not kill a rhino that night was due to the intelligence the rangers had received.” The presiding officer, Magistrate Lesufi, considered all the relevant factors and sentenced Mkhonto to 18 years direct imprisonment. Mkhonto was declared unfit to possess a firearm. He said: “Wildlife poaching has grave consequences for targeted species and their habitats. Besides, it has clear environmental implications, which illustrate how our environment is connected to our well-being and economy, as this illegal activity negatively affects ecosystems and the prosperity of the local community.” The NPA welcomes the sentence.
Another lenghty imprisonment term for Skukuza poacher The Mhala Regional Court recently sentenced Alfred Mkhonto to 18 years direct imprisonment after he pleaded guilty of trespassing at Kruger National Park, possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of a firearm with intent to commit a crime and possession of unlicensed ammunition. Mkhonto was also charged for being in South Africa illegally. The evidence reveals that in 2017 Mkhonto and his two accomplices were found walking between Skukuza and Pretoriuskop when he was apprehended by the rangers. One of his accomplices pointed a firearm at the rangers. The rangers fired first and killed both poachers. Mkhonto was shot in the leg and was arrested. At first, he denied the allegations levelled against him and told the court that he was taking a short cut from Mozambique to South Africa. He later pleaded guilty. In his guilty plea, he testified that he was recruited from Mozambique and stayed in the house of one of the deceased accomplices in South Africa. Arguing for a harsh sentence,
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D812 Road claims three lives Three people have been killed on D812 Road between Rockysdrift and Kabokweni during a head on collision between a light delivery vehicle (LDV) and a sedan. The crash occurred on Saturday, 26 October, just before 18h00. Three of the deceased included the driver of the sedan and his two passengers. They are all males. They died at the scene. The driver of the bakkie sustained serious injuries and is received treatment at the Kiaat Private Hospital in Mbombela. The cause of this collision remains unknown and it will be investigated by the police.
Accident near Brendan Village Turnoff on R546
Captain Dineo Lucy Sekgotodi, Spokesperson for Mpumalanga Hawks was awarded a Special Provincial Award for Best Women of the Year during the annual DPCI Provincial Prestige Awards held at Fortis Hotel Witbank on Friday evening. Dineo kept the media updated with crime during the year and is a pillar in news (crime) information. Congratulations Captain on your achievements from an elated Bulletin team.
The driver of a green vehicle lost control and veered into a veld on Saturday, 26 October, at around 19H50. His vehicle overturned, damaging it beyond repair. He suffered minor injuries.
1 November 2019
Water crisis in Embalenhle extension 15 It has been over a year since there was a complaint from the community in eMbalenhle regarding the water with worms running in the taps. The municipality decided to renew and clean the water tank in extension 15 but until this is done, the community has been left without water for quite some time now. Speaking to The Bulletin, one resident, aged 70, said that the last time she had water was in February this year. Since then she only gets water when her grandchildren visit her and they bring water for her. “When we complain to the municipality, they always tell us that the reservoir is still filling up. How big is that reservoir for it to take so long to fill up? Once there is no water life nearly depends on water.” The ward 31 councillor refused to make any comments regarding the water crisis in eMbalenhle and said that it is not his place to comment about it because water comes from Rand Water. We all know the situation with the municipality and Rand Water. The municipality is behind on their bill. “Now we don’t know whether its water restrictions or it’s a Rand Water issue but its negatively affects us as a community especially when we must prepare for the funerals and we face a crisis of no water,” said one of the angry community members. If you walk around in eMbalenhle extension 15 and parts of extension 14, you will come across people with buckets fetching water from other
Annalie 082 906 0546
neighbourhoods. Businesses are complaining, they are losing business because people don’t want to rent on that side of eMbalenhle. Some people are leaving the area every month and tenants complain about the shortage of water all the time. The Bulletin went to the water tank
to investigate the matter only to find the entrance gate’s padlock broken. Young children can enter anytime. It’s just a matter of time before there is an incident. Sometimes children climb to the top of the tank to see what is up there. Groups of people use it as a hideout. When will this problem end? - Sandile Mkhwanazi
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• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279 Sandile Mkhwanazi 072 182 0142 eMbalenhle News
BEMARKING / ADVERTISING 017 631 1845 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860 Annalie van der Merwe 082 906 0546
PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
FINANSIES / FINANCES Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander, Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin.
Ds Marius Britz Pa trek die voordeur so minuut voor sewe-uur toe, en maak seker dat die Trellidor-veiligheidshek stewig gesluit is. Hy sit die spreiligte reg rondom die huis aan, ook al die buitekameras wat die huis en voorhek bewaak. Op die skerm in die gang sien mens die kameras neem die insekte af wat rondvlieg om die sterk lig. Hulle lyk amper soos die Japanese aanval op Pearl Harbour as hulle so warrel en duik. Die goggas is lastig hier in ons huis in die somer. Presies om sewe-uur speel die bekende wysie van Kyknet se aandnuus op die televisie. Ma staan by die tafel, mooi gedek soos elke aand, met die wit tafeldoek en vyf borde gedek by die tafelmatjies saam met die messe en vurke wat Pa laas kersfees vir haar by Mr. Price Home gekoop het vir ‘n kersgeskenk . “Kom eet”, sê Ma. “Ek wil net gou die hooftrekke kyk”, sê Pa. “Kyk net hoeveel mense is alweer vermoor vandag! Misdaad neem verskriklik toe. Kyk hoeveel werklose mense bedel by die robotte. Geen wonder ons geld is niks werd nie!” Maar Ma sê: “Die kos word koud! Kom eet!” Ons gaan sit toe aan by die tafel. Soos elke aand. Maar iets is anders vanaand. Skielik besef ek: Pa en Ma was gisteraand lughawe toe met Ousus. Sy het verlede jaar haar graad in bemarking by Tukkies klaargemaak, en het daarna vir die een na die ander pos aansoek gedoen. Die meeste plekke het nie eers geantwoord nie. Die wat wel geantwoord het, het net een ding gesê: “Sorry.” Toe kom daardie advertensie vanuit Nederland. Ousus doen aansoek, en kry die werk. Pa en ma wou eers niks weet nie, maar toe hulle dink aan al die studieskuld, en Ousus se frustrasies omdat sy nie kan begin werk nie, het hulle uiteindelik toegegee. Dit was al opsie wat oorgebly het. Gisteroggend het Pa en Ma haar lughawe toe gevat met al haar
tasse en rugsak. Bo in die tas was Snuffels, haar speelgoedbeertjie wat sy van kleintyd af saam met haar in die bed laat slaap het. “Sy was vol glimlagte, en het vrolik gewaai toe sy deur die doeane gaan”, het Ma vertel toe hulle terugkom. Pa het soos gewoonlik niks gesê nie, maar mens kon sien hoe die spiertjie in sy wang spring. Toe ons aansit, vra Kleinboet: Mamma, hoekom is hier vyf borde? Ons is mos nou net vier. Ousus het mos oorsee gegaan. Pa kyk na ma vir ‘n lang tyd, vou sy hande, en sê “Kom ons bid.” Waar hy altyd lank bid, vir Ma, vir al die kinders, die familie, die kerk en die regering, sê hy net vanaand: “Dankie vir die kos, Here. Amen”. Ons begin inskep en ma vra uit oor ons huiswerk. Pa sê niks. Hy skep in: kookvleis, groente, rys en aartappels. Nadat hy halfpad geëet het, vra hy vir Ma: “Het jy van Ousus gehoor”? “Ja”, sê Ma. “Sy het op die selfoon gebel. Hulle het so drie-uur by Schiphol aangekom. Die sein is egter swak en die oproep baie duur. Ons kon net vinnig praat”. “O”, sê Pa. “En wat sê sy van die vlug?” “Die kos was nie sleg nie, sê sy”, antwoord Ma. “Sy was nog honger nadat sy klaar geëet het. Sy soek nou na die regte moltrein om na haar huurkamer toe te gaan. Amsterdam is blykbaar verskriklik groot. Sy weet nog nie wat sy vanaand gaan eet nie, alles is vreemd vir haar. Sy sê daar is vreeslik baie mense, en net so baie fietse wat oral op straat staan. Sy sê sy verlang verkriklik na ons, en wens ons was daar om haar te help. Sy het gelukkig vir Snuffels by haar.” Pa hou op om te kou, en staar na die kos in sy bord. Daar is ‘n lang stilte om die tafel, terwyl die ekonomiese aanwysers en weervoorspelling op die agtergrond blêr. Net daarna volg die kenwysie van Binnelanders. Ousus het altyd dit so geniet om die reeks te kyk. Met haar pajamas en pantoffels aan het sy haar opgekrul op die bank, en haar ingeleef in die storie. Sy was nooit eintlik iemand vir kuier en partytjies nie. Was maar altyd half sku vir vreemde mense en plekke. “‘Pa stoot sy halfgeëete bord kos weg. “Ek is versadig. Dit was lekker, dankie.” sê hy vir Ma. “Ek is nie vanaand lus vir
Binnelanders nie,” sê hy. “Ek wil eerder musiek luister.” Hy staan voor sy cd-versameling, haal David Kramer uit. Hy sit dit in die Cd-speler, en soek na ‘n spesifieke snit. Hy draai die volume hard, en staan skewekop en luister. David Kramer sing: “Wat maak ek in die dorpie, / hier kan ek nie bly nie / ek bly nou in Toronto, / maar Toronto is nie vir my nie / die somers is bedompig en die winters is te
koud / jou hele lewe hardloop jy, en eendag, eendag is jy oud. ” Pa se wangspiere spring. “Die hek is nog dieselfde, maar die stoep is ‘n ander kleur / jammer maar ek’s ‘n vreemdeling hier en my hart is in twee geskeur,” sing David. Toe, net toe, loop pa na die deur, sluit dit oop en maak dit agter hom toe. In die veiligheidslig op die stoep klap hy al sy sakke op soek na sy sakdoek. Die goggas laat sy oë traan vanaand.
Tannie Poppie se Pasta resep met `n verskil 250g spaghetti 2 repe ontbytspek/2 strips bacon. 1uif fyngekap/1 onion chopped 1/2 soetrissie gekap/1/2 sweet pepper chopped. 100 ml tamatieroomsop/ 100ml tomato creme soup. 100 ml tamatie sous/100 ml tomato sauce 250 ml gekapte sampioene/250ml slice mushrooms Sout en peper na smaak/salt and pepper to taste. 1 blik pitmielies gedreineer/1 tin drained corn kernels. 50ml kookolie/50 ml cooking oil. 250 ml gerasperde kaas/250ml grated cheese METODE/METODE 1 Kook spaghetti in soutwater tot sag en dreineer./Boil spaghetti in saltwater and drain. 2. Braai spek, uie en soetrissie
COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
1 November 2019
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
saam./Fry bacon, onions and chillies together 3. Voeg die tamatiesop,sous en sampioene by en laat kook./Boil tomato soup, tomato sauce and mushrooms together. 4. Meng die spagetti en mieliepitte en olie saam/Mix spaghetti and corn kernels together with oil. 5. Voeg die tamatiemengsel by en meng goed met spaghetti/ Mix the tomato mix and mix with spaghetti. 6. Strooi helfte van kaas op bodem van oondpan/Sprinkle 1/2 the cheese at bottom of an oven dish. 7.Gooi spaggetti bo op en bedek met kaas./Put spaghetti on top of cheese. 8. Bedek met oorblywende kaas/ Put rest of the cheese over. 9. Bak op 180° vir 20-25 min./ Bake on 180° for 20-25 min.
1 November 2019
PJ’s new single drops on Friday
Secunda Mall tenant awards
Carlo (co-owner at Resilient Properties), Wendy (@Home Manager) and Danelle (Secunda Mall Marketing Manager) On Thursday, 24 October, The Bulletin was invited to the prestigious Secunda Mall Tenant Awards. The dress code was formal and everyone invited was dressed to the tee. Symphony’s hosted the awards and the food was to die for: fillet with Blue Cheese and pepper sauce, Buttered Chicken, beans and broccoli and salad. The desert was almost fought over as it was put down on the tables. The evening was hosted by funny man Schalk Bezuidenhout and he definitely had everyone in stitches. He is best known for his stand-up shows on Comedy Central. He also had a few jokes about The Bulletin’s editor, Encee van
Huyssteen, who apparently looked like 007. Here are the winners of each category: The Secunda Mall Tenant Awards winners were: Excellence in Customer Service - Trappers People’s Choice Award - Vodacom 4U Excellence in Staff Training and Development - Placecol Best Shopfront - Truworths Good Neighbour - @Home Excellence in the community Oregon Spur Valuable contribution to Secunda Mall activities - PNA Most Improved Store of the Year Side Step Tenant of the year - @Home
This Friday, 1 November, PJ Pretorius will be releasing his brand new single produced by Daniel Baron. This single will also be released on all the major radio stations throughout South Africa. The Bulletin is proud to announce that we will also release the single at the same time. PJ said the following on social media: “I am excited beyond words to be sharing this news with all of you. I have been working alongside Daniel Baron on a new single called ONE that will be released on all major music platforms on 1/11 at 1am!! I have a strong belief that a lot of people will be inspired by the message of the song!! Be sure to check it out and give it a listen!! Go to The Bulletin’s Facebook
Page to listen to the link when the single drops!” PJ rose to fame when he entered The Voice in 2017 and ended in the Top 6. He has since teamed up with his manager, Anton van Wyk and started a two man show. Anton is an award winning musician and used to be in the band Van Diens Af. Anton said the following about PJ’s new single: “This is a new style for PJ. He is also moving into a new direction with his music. If you did not know the song was sung by PJ, you’d definitely think it is an international artist. We would like to thank Daniel Baron for having the opportunity to work with him.“ - Ané Prinsloo
1 November 2019
Warrior Princesses in deep mud
1 November 2019
Laerskool Goedehoop spog met prestasies Find us on Facebook - The Bulletin -
PROPERTIES EIENDOMME TO ADVERTISE CALL Die volgende redenaars het uitgeblink tydens die Radikale Redenaars Nasionaal Finaal wat plaasgevind het op Saterdag, 12 Oktober te Pretoria. Voor: Elri Jacobs (5de – Span), Calene Grobler (4de – Afrikaans), Kayla Hurter (4de – Engels, 6de – Afrikaans, 5de – Span). Agter: Me. Janette Coetzee, An-Eunè van Niekerk (6de – Afrikaans), Nika Thomas (5de – Span), Wernich Rossouw (5de – Span), Wilmie Lyons (5de – Afrikaans, 5de – Engels)
Die Graad 1-, 2- & 3-maatjies het aan Goedehoop se Junior Algemene Kennis-Kompetisie deelgeneem. Voor: Logan van Graan (2de – Graad 1), Mia Loock (2de – Graad 3), Jacques du Preez (1ste – Graad 3), Amy-Leigh van der Merwe (3de – Graad 3), Chanel Grobler (2de – Graad 2), Christelle Louw (3de – Graad 2). Agter: Lianke Luwes (1ste – Graad 1), Michael van Niekerk (3de – Graad 1), Adianca Brummer (1ste – Graad 2)
Op Saterdag, 21 Oktober 2019 het die Super 12 Atletiek te Hoërskool Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp plaasgevind. Voor: Hazel-Mari Bellingan (1ste – 60 m, 3de – 80 m), Cheyenne Erasmus (3de – Langafstande), Ila Raath (1ste – Gewigstoot), Danankia Lesch (2de – Langafstande), Minay Campher (1ste – 80 m, 1ste – 100 m) Agter: Liam Olivier (2de – Langafstande), Jessica van Rooyen (2de – Verspring, 3de – 80 m, 3de – 100 m), Roxy-Lee Fick (2de – Langafstande), Elri Kruger (3de – Langafstande), Micaela Berman (3de – Diskus), Ruben Bester (3de - Hoogspring)
Laerskool Secunda: Elke kind is 'n wenner
Laerskool Secunda se leerder Andoré Doman het op 11 Oktober haar Yellow Star Tap Eksamen met ‘n onderskeiding van 91% geslaag.
For the latest in news
Laerskool Secunda se leerder, Marli Prinsloo het gekwalifiseer om D.A.N.C.E internasionaal te verteenwoordig.
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1 November 2019
Hoërskool Secunda skitter in sport, akademie en kultuur Hoërskool Secunda het vyf seuns en twee dogters wat verkies is tot hulle afsonderlike Mpumalanga Titans krieketspanne. 0/15 Titans Seuns
Harmand Aucamp 0/17 Seuns Orion Reddy en Michael Rossouw 0/19 Seuns Silindile Radebe en Lerato Mokoena
0/16 Dogters Bianca Brummer 0/19 Dogters Nicolien Janse van Rensburg Baie geluk almal!
TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 MARIËTTE 083 476 2860 ANNALIE 082 906 0546
Harmand Aucamp
Orion Reddy, Michael Rossouw
Silindile Radebe, Lerato Mokoena
Sonél de la Rey ‘n Gr. 11 leerder van Hoërskool Secunda en die nuwe hoofdogter vir 2020, het Saterdag aan die Nasionale ATKV Spelathon deelgeneem in Bloemfontein. Sy het uiters goed presteer en ‘n 7de plek behaal. Die kompetisie strek oor die hele Suid-Afrika asook Namibië. Dit na sy die oggend aan die Nasionale Radikale Redenaars in Pretoria deelgeneem het.
Nicolien Janse van Rensburg
Laerskool Trichardt sport is tops
Deané Jansen en Henco Coetzee is gekies vir die Hoëveldrif Golfspan wat aan die Mpumalanga kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Bo: Die volgende 4 leerlinge van Laerskool Trichardt het ‘n eerste plek met die Zero voorgee afdeling tydens die Hoëveldrif Golfliga behaal. Hulle gaan aan die Mpumalanga Finaal deelneem.
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Links: Die 0/13 krieketspan van laerskool Trichardt wen die Mpumalanga finaal.
Bianca Brummer
Hoërskool Secunda se Meriete Aande het onlangs plaasgevind, waar al hulle toppresteerders erkenning gekry het. Dit is ‘n regte spog-week vir die skool waar die kinders vir al hulle harde werk beloon word. Top Toekennings vir 2019:
Kultuurdogter: Juané van Zyl (Gr.8)
Kultuurseun: Henri Viljoen (Gr.10)
Sportdogter: Nicolien Janse van Rensburg (Gr.11)
Sportseun: Wilbur Mettler (Gr.12)
Lewenshouding: Marco Scheepers (Gr.12)
Mees Dinamiese Dogter: Kaylie Strydom (Gr.12) Veelsydigste Gr.12 Leerder: Kaylie Strydom Top Akademiese Prestasie: Kaylie Strydom (Gr.12)
1 November 2019
Laerskool Krielpark sport prestasies
Vier van Laerskool Krielpark se hengelaars het 15 Oktober NOM gaan verteenwoordig by die Geheel Transvaal Kampioenskappe 2019. Hengelaars het ‘n lang warm dag langs die Vaaldam gehad, maar hulle vaar steeds uitstekend. NOM Streek se 0/13 A span waarvan Jandro Venter deel was het derde geeindig in hul afdeling. Daar was ses spanne wat teen mekaar gekompiteer het en dit was harde werk vir die span om met die Brons weg te kon stap! NOM Streek se 0/13 B span waarvan Lizanie van Der Westhuizen en Stephan Liebenberg deel was eindig ook derde in hul afdeling tydens die All Transvaal Kampioenskappe. Hierdie span is ook baie gelukkig om Laerskool Krielpark se hoof, Mnr Max Nel, as afrigter te kan he. NOM Streek se Jonge Dame span waarvan Twane Venter deel was loop ook weg met die brons.
Two of Laerskool Krielpark’s learners who are part of the Kriel Shukokai Karate Club participated in the Karate Inter-school 2019 competition this weekend and did extremely well. Congratulations to Divan Bainton who came 1st in kumite and 1st in kata and Ndumiso Mokwena who came 1st in kumite and 2nd in kata.
Laerskool Kruinpark hokkiespelers
The following athletes participated in the Sub-Youth athletics 25 October Lethabo Malaza came 3rd in the 100m he is U/12 but participated U/13 Siboniso Ngubeni came 1st in the turbo javelin Die volgende Leerlinge behaal die Mpumalanga Span en behaal ook die volgende: Simone Mare behaal ‘n 2e plek in gewigstoot Jaques Malan behaal ‘n 3e plek in gewigstoot Well done to each one of these athletes. We are very proud of you!
Die volgende Kruinpark Hokkiespelers dring deur na die Mpumalanga Veldproewe wat op 9 November by Ligbron in Ermelo plaasvind. Dominic Geyser, Willem Weber, Armand Underhay, Janko Visser, Celine Burger en Bianca Alberts.
1 November 2019
Sasol Cricket in Mpumalang T20 finals Sasol 1 travelled to Nelspruit on Sunday, 27 October, to play in the Mpumalanga T20 Final against Nelspruit. Sasol lost the toss and was sent into bat first. Sasol was in trouble early on when they lost 5 wickets for only 28 runs. Sasol managed to score a
competitive score of 119/9 in 20 overs. Xolani Buthelezi scored a quick fire 31 runs from 10 balls and Dewald Erasmus kept the innings together with a well worked 38 runs from 31 balls. Sasol kept on fighting and Nelspruit required one run of the final ball of
Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge results
the match. The match almost went to a super over. The final ball was put down after a fantastic effort by Sasol’s fielder but unfortunately Nelspruit managed to scrape through the run and won with 2 wickets. Ignus Koekemoer took 2 wickets for 12 runs in his 4 overs. It was truly
a nail biter and a fantastic game to be part of. Sasol would like to congratulate Nelspruit on the win. We will now move to 50 over cricket starting on Sunday. The match in Piet Retief between Sasol 2 and Piet Retief was abandoned due to rain. - Ignus Koekemoer
Panda's Darts Club performed well
FLTR: Wendy van Vuuren, Terrence van Vuuren, Karen Anthony and Rees Naidoo. Pandas Darts Club came 3rd in a Bikers open tournament held at Purple Plum in Delmas on 19 October.
Sabelo Stars midfielder Phumuzo Lukhele tried to beat a Power United player in the Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge. Sabelo Stars won the match against Power United 2 – 0. The game was played in ext. 16 at Maphalagulube Primary School. Other games that took place over the weekend were: Emba Home Boys 0 – 0 Intoroses and Carara Kicks 0 – 1 Emba Ghetto.
Wendy van Vuuren and Karen Anthony came second in the doubles Bikers Open Tournament.
Laerskool Kruinpark bied damesoggend aan
Dansers genooi na Amerika
Die afgelope naweek het Laerskool Kruinpark ‘n damesoggend aangebied met die tema: Om die rok in die huis te dra. Die gasprekers Johnré van Huyssteen en Sunet Vermaak het die dames op hulle tone gehou en laat skaterlag. Die tafels was opgemaak
Twee dansers van Secunda is onglangs uitgenooi om in Amerika te gaan dans volgende jaar. Hulle is Lechè Oelofse (Hoërskool Oosterland) en Casha Steyn. Die twee dansers het deelgeneem by The International ARTS Talent Showcase by Silverstar Casino op 27 - 28 September. Hulle gaan 18 – 23 Julie 2020 na Amerika om deel te neem aan die IMTA 2020 (International Modeling and Talent Association) kompetisie. Sunet Vermaak
met die mooiste rangskikkings en die die eetgoed het mens se mond laat water. Die oggend reën het gesorg vir ‘n uitstekende atmosfeer en ‘n varsheid in die lug wat mens nie kan beskryf nie. Die oggend was terdeë geniet deur almal.
1 November 2019
All Africa Pool Championships at Panda’s, Lake Umuzi
Panda’s at Lake Umuzi hosted the All Africa Pool Championships at Lake Umuzi from October 24 until October 28. 4 Countries participated in the event: Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Uganda and South Africa. The Zambian and Kenian teams could not participate as they could not obtain visas in time. The event started on a sad note as news broke that the Somalian team were killed in a landmine accident. The Bulletin would like to extend our condolences to the family friends and team mates of the Somalian team. The event takes place every two years. The 2021 will also take place in South Africa. The All Africa Championships comprised of Chinese 8 Ball Pool as well as Black Ball Pool. Mandi Mente from eMbalenhle represented South Africa in the Black Ball division, ending his tournament in the top 16. Joseph Mtsweni and Jakobus le Roux played in the
Chinese 8 Ball Pool. Joseph was the runner up in the singles tournament (2nd). Jakobus le Roux received a gold medal with his team in the Chinese 8 Ball Pool. South Africa won the men’s Black Ball
Malboer does it again!
Smit “Malboer” Steyn fought a hardfought battle this past Saturday at AMMA 5 (Alpha Mixed Martial Arts) in Florida Johannesburg. His opponent, Nkosi Doyisa was the MFC Amateur middleweight champion from Durban with an impressive 8 - 1 record. Unfortunately, his belt wasn’t on the line because it was a different
promotion. None the less, Smit won the fight by decision. His coach Cedric said: “Smit is doing great and I’m proud off his progress. All the Glory goes to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Who gave us sport as a vehicle to not only in enrich our skills but our lives too.” - Cedric Doyle
(Gold) and bronze in the woman’s division. South Africa took gold for both men’s and women’s in the singles Black Pool and the Chinese 8 Ball. Approximately 90 players participated in the tournament.
Panda’s would like to thank their main sponsors namely Lake Umuzi, Panda’s and Joy Billiards SA. “Without them this could not have been possible,” said Henry Erasmus, owner of Panda’s. - Encee van Huyssteen
ARRO Round 5 Secunda National Rally
Due to the MSA rally cancellation, #teamnatie decided to enter the local ARRO rally, a one-day event at home in Secunda. Rally started with a 24car entry on Saturday morning and at 05:45 the service park opened. Then documentation and scrutineering. Recce planned to start at 08:15 but all along the weather was building and with a rain forecast of 70% things were not looking sunny. The recce got under way at 08:20 and all competitors in private cars were in a convoy. During Stage 1 the heavens opened up and the rain bucketed down. The soil around Secunda is mainly black turf, that gets slippery as hell once rain hits it. Needless to say, the recce was cancelled halfway through Stage1 and all competitors were called back to HQ Service park. The rally was delayed by initially 2 hours but the rally being in Secunda with 4 weather changes in an hour after 45 minutes the starting time was updated to 11:38 as the sun was out and roads drying fast enough. The rally started at Stage 2 as Stage 1 was cancelled. The roads were dry and dusty in some places. Stage 2 had a very tricky instruction close to the end: a hairpin left to a flying finish. This was because Stage 1 and 2 shared the same roads in parts of the rally. Most
cars didn’t get the hairpin correct and they were penalised with 10 minutes for deviating from route. Team Natie’s car was going well but had a fuelling problem. Stage 3 was a great new stage with Team Natie going strong but the fuelling problem was still an issue. During the service, after Stage 2 & 3, the service team changed jets on the carburettors and Team Natie proceeded to Stage 4 & 5. Stage 4 & 5 is the repeat of Stage 2 & 3. Team Natie’s car was running much better after the fuelling problem was resolved. Their stage time also improved a lot. Service was after Stage 4 & 5 just to check that the car is in good condition. The last stage, Stage 6, was the repeat of Stage 1 that was cancelled and not knowing what to expect after the morning rains. Team Natie started the stage just to see that the roads dried out completely and dust was a reality. With the car back at park farm, it was time to wait for the provisional and final results. At the price giving, Team Natie claimed second overall and 1st in group D. Once again, a great rally for a great team! Team Natie would like to thank all their sponsors for making the rally such a success. - @teamnatie