The Bulletin Newspaper - 22 February 2019

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017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)


Enough is Enough! This chant was heard throughout the DA march on Monday morning 18 February. Jane Sithole, Provincial Leader of the Democratic Alliance in Mpumalanga and DA premier candidate in Mpumalanga, led the march in Bethal to the Bethal Civic centre. “Water is a basic human right,” Jane said in an interview with the Bulletin before the march, “people have been without water for up to 40 days and this is not acceptable!” Jane stated that they have started proceedings with the Human Rights Commission regarding the water situation. Jane also addressed the poor service delivery as well as the spiralling debts of the municipality. “It is unacceptable that the Eskom and Rand Water debts are spiralling out of control. The march proceeded to the Civic Centre where the Municipal Manager, Mr Simon Felani Mndebele, should have been receiving a memorandum. The MM did not receive the memorandum but sent a councillor to represent him. After some deliberation and some serious scolding by both Jane and James Masangu it was decided that Mr Benzi Soko, Chief of Staff in the Office of the Executive Mayor and Political Advisor to the Executive Mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality, would receive the memorandum. The memorandum was read and receipt signed by Benzi. “The Democratic Alliance, accompanied by residents of Govan Mbeki Municipality and together

with other interested and affected parties call for the Municipal Manager to intervene in the issue of poor service delivery” read the first paragraph. “Water is life, it is needed for bodily functions, for hygienic purposes and cooking, however water provision or the lack there of is a constant issue in the municipality and since 2018 Rand Water has throttled the provision of water over unpaid debts. During May and November 2018, the entity throttled the supply by 40% and 20% respectively. In January 2019, residents were left without water for a month if not more. The right to having water is enshrined in our constitution, yet

despite which, the residents of Govan Mbeki constantly go without water for prolonged periods.” The memorandum further states that; “the municipality’s inability to pay Eskom and Rand Water is bringing the municipality closer to the brink of a disaster, especially when one look at the violent protests that occurred recently.” The DA Further: • Demands that the municipal manager tackle the financial crises head on and stick to contractual agreements with Eskom and Rand Water. • Provide water to all of the residents who do not currently have and to specifically ensure that Bethal

Extensions 3 and 8, Bethal Rand and small holdings will never receive total water cut as was the case in December 2018 and January 2019. • To improve revenue generation and revenue collection systems. • To pay Eskom, Rand Water and all creditors within the 30 day period, as determined by the MFMA. • To deal with the issues of no toilets, street lights and high unemployment. • Conduct a forensic investigation as requested by the premier. The DA gave the MM 14 working days to respond positively to their demands. Failure to do so will lead to intensification of their demonstrations.

Photo: Terry-Lee Kleynhans




Mariëtte 083 476 2860


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Cooperation between SANparks officials, Rangers and Protection Services as well as members of the South African Police Service saw four men aged between 23 and 47 being nabbed in the Kruger National Park, early on Friday Morning, 15 February. Information at police disposal revealed that the SANparks officials received information about the four suspects who were reportedly about to exit the Park, travelling in two vehicles. They (officials) pounced on them, with the assistance of a SANparks chopper that had to land on the road in order to blockade the fleeing men’s vehicles. The men, amongst them a SANparks employee, were searched whereupon the following items were found in their possession, a freshly cut set of rhino horns, a hunting rifle and ammunition. They were immediately arrested with all the exhibits and confiscated the two vehicles, the Bulletin was told. The suspects will appear at the Bushbuckridge Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 18 February, facing among others, illegal hunting, possession of a hunting rifle and ammunition without a license as well as trespassing charges. Meanwhile another two men aged 36 and 31 will appear at the Hendrina Magistrate’s Court on the same Monday, facing charges of possession of a firearm as well as ammunition without a licence. Their appearance spirals from their arrest on Friday, 15 February, during a routine police stop and search operation, wherein the suspects were found in possession of a revolver, a toy

22 February 2019

pistol and ammunition. The pair, found walking on the street, were surprised by the men and women in blue and attempted to flee, but it was too late for them. The Provincial Commissioner of the police in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma applauded the teams and urged each and every law enforcement officer in the province to always be cautious in order to remove the rotten elements from society.

MINISTER NZIMANDE WELCOMES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT FINAL AMENDMENTS TO THE AARTO BILL The Minister of Transport, Dr Blade Nzimande, welcomes the progressive move by the Portfolio Committee on Transport to accept the final amendments on the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Bill. The Bill will now go to the National Assembly for concurrence and will then be ready to be signed into law by President Cyril Ramaphosa. South Africa is a signatory to the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011 to 2020 and expected to reduce road carnages by 50%. “As a country, we are experiencing an average of just under 14 000 deaths per annum, which equates to about 38 people every single day, who lose their lives on our roads,” said Minister Nzimande. The implementation of AARTO is amongst the critical interventions to reduce these fatalities and save lives on our roads. “Through AARTO, we are putting in place an effective, efficient and streamlined system that will take routine traffic offences out of the over-stretched court system and create incentives that increases compliance to road traffic laws, said Minister Nzimande. Minister Nzimande further said that AARTO will enable government to: • overcome the wide discrepancies

in the penalties imposed by different magistrates (or applied in different jurisdictions) for the same types of traffic violations; • ensure uniformity in the different sentencing norms for the majority of serious traffic violations which are generally too low to be adequately prohibitive; • ensure that sentences are more appropriately attuned to the differential capacity of offenders to pay – hence creating the need for alternative sentencing options; • be tough on those who do not pay fines imposed and those who ignore summonses to appear in court. Under AARTO, fines and penalties will be standardised for all traffic violations and will give effect to the Points Demerit System. It will be for the first time that government brings certainty and effective mechanism to ensure that persistent offenders are taken off the road through license suspension/ removal or loss of the Operators’ Licences. The system brings with it improved fine collection procedures and a revenue stream that will be used for improving road safety; as well as more convenient ways of paying fines,” said Minister Nzimande. Minister Nzimande calls on all South Africans to embrace and welcome this development that will usher in a new era in South Africa’s fight against road fatalities.

NOTIFICATION This is to notify all our readers and our advertisers that Lizette Groenewald is no longer employed by the Bulletin as from the end of January 2019. The Bulletin takes no responsibility for any transactions as from the end of January 2019.


22 February 2019


R161m spent on new flats and free electricity charges

Follow us on Instagram: thebulletininsa NO charges for electricity! Free electricity! This is the message for the recipients of new flats in Tsalanang Flats in eMbalenhle. The Bulletin has reported a number of times on the Department of Human Settlements’ project in eMbalenhle. R161m had been pumped into new flats between the old flats at Tsalanang. The residents complained about the poor quality of work during the building operations. Residents were sometimes hard handed forced to move. Promises were made that the residents could move into the new flats if they could afford it, or receive an RDP house if they qualified and lastly if they didn’t qualify for any of the above they could receive a stand. Govan Mbeki Housing Company administer the new flats, this is in contradiction of a council decision taken in 2012 not to use Govan Mbeki Housing Company for the administration of any of the municipality’s properties. The Bulletin obtained a

copy of a monthly account dated 1 February 2019. The Govan Mbeki Housing Company (GMHC) issued this account! An entity that should not be administering GMM properties. GMHC was previously run by Mhela Mahlangu, before being appointed as the Municipal Manager in GMM. (Govan Mbeki Municipality took a decision to sell municipal houses that were administered by GMHC and lost R10m by lowering the prices of the houses due to the poor maintenance by GMHC.) The account from GMHC has no electricity charges! Free electricity. GMM is in dire need to earn revenue from their electricity sales and still residents receive free electricity. GMM owes Eskom more than a billion rand. Rand Water is owed more than R100m. The inability of GMM to adhere to council decisions will, in the long run, only add to the demise of the municipality. The free electricity to municipal flats will also add to the financial woes of GMM.



So is die lewe

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Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account


22 February 2019

Ds Marius Britz “Ek is daardie reisiger / Wat voor U drumpel wag: / Voor my is die deur gesluit, / En agter my is nag.” So sing Coenie de Villiers in sy lied “Die laaste maal.” Dit gebeur in die lewe van elke mens.... daar kom tye in jou lewe wat jy erg gefrustreerd raak met jou omstandighede. Soms voel dit of die las net te lank aanhou. Mense wat leef saam met laatnagte en sirenes en spertye droom dalk soms van ‘n lewe van vryheid en ongebondenheid, soos op ‘n plaas. Die eienaar van ‘n onderneming wat in ‘n hele klomp mense se welsyn moet voorsien, droom soms van ‘n lewe van nieverantwoordelikheid, ‘n lewe waarin hy elke maand ‘n vaste salaris kry. Maar, aan die ander kant, droom die junior klerk ook dalk dikwels dat hy die baas is wat die opdragte uitdeel. Dit is so dat baie mense ervaar dat hulle omstandighede nie altyd rooskleurig is nie, en dit frustreer hulle maklik. Wanneer al hulle pogings om hul situasie te verbeter, misluk, dan voel hulle vasgekeer. En voeg boonop daarby moeilike persoonlike omstandighede: hulle huweliksituasie, gesin, kinders, gesondheid, wat ook al. Somtyds dan voel mens: ek moet groener weivelde gaan soek, ek moet wegbreek. Hier word te veel van my verwag. Dit sal beter gaan as ek elders is, as ek ‘n ander lewe het. In die weermag was dit altyd opvallend wanneer die troepies wat in peletonne hardloop, die lied van Queen gesing het terwyl die sweet en stof op hulle gesigte meng: “I want to break free!” Want dit som die gevoel van baie op: ek wil loskom van my omstandighede, maar ek kan nie. Maar is daardie loskom uit jou omstandighede altyd so

idillies as wat mens jou maklik kan verbeel? Is ‘n lewe sonder verpligtinge, sonder inperkings en verantwoordelikheid, werklik so lekker? Is dit hoegenaamd moontlik? Jare gelede het ek ‘n lang gesprek met die wyse filosoof prof. Piet Dreyer gehad oor die sin van die lewe. Hy kon met sy fenomenale intellek moeilike filosofiese konsepte in eenvoudige voorbeelde verduidelik. Een herfsdag, in die ou Spookhuis op Tuks (Geesteswetenskappegebou, vir alle alumni van alternatiewe instansies...) het hy my vertel van ‘n koshuismaat van hom. Sy bynaam was Doppies, omdat hy so kort was dat hy tydens ontgroening op ‘n dopemmer moes staan. Hy het vinnig in die onderwys gevorder, totdat hy op ‘n relatiewe jong ouderdom ‘n skoolhoof was. Op ‘n dag het hy vroegoggend in sy kantoor ingestap, die lessenaar en leêrs een kyk gegee, en omgedraai en uitgestap. Hy het alles net so gelos, en ‘n straatloper geword. Die hartseerste, het prof Piet gesê, was die enkele keer wat hy hom in Heidelberg sien bedel het by ‘n robot. Die sin van die lewe het hom bly ontwyk. Diè storie is van toe af in my kop inge-ets. Ek het altyd ‘n besondere deernis met hawelose mense gehad. Soveel van hulle het my pad gekruis. Daar in die Karoo het ek dikwels te doen gehad met Ouboet, ‘n baie kleurvolle karakter. Hy was op ‘n stadium van sy lewe getroud, het talentvolle kinders, en was die erfgenaam van ‘n lieflike Karooplaas. Die opstal is vandag nog langs die N12, en elke keer as ek daar verbyry, bars die onthou in my los. Daar was ‘n onrustigheid in hom wat nie eers in die stilte van die Karoo tot vrede kon kom nie. Hy was baie intelligent, met ‘n breë algemene kennis, en het ‘n wonderlike manier gehad om ‘n storie te vertel. Uiteraard het hy ‘n onuitputlike bron van stories gehad oor sy wedervaringe op die langpad. Hy was ook ‘n mensekenner by uitstek, en het volmaakte tegnieke ontwikkel om te oorleef. Een daarvan was om eerstens as hy op ‘n dorp aankom, die dominee te gaan opklop, en hom binne oomblikke

om sy pinkie te draai. Hy het die Bybel aan moedersknie bitter goed leer ken, en hy kon meesterlik preek. Hy het met groot humor vertel hoe hy op dorpspleine en parkeersentrums preek dat almal in die gehoor huil, dan stuur hy een of twee van sy medereisigers met ‘n hoed om te kollekteer onder sy “gemeente”. En as hy amen sê, is hulle alreeds terug met hulle vloeibare voorraad van innerlike versterkings. As hy by vriende en kennisse aangekom het, was dit nie lank nie, of al die los werkies in en om die huis was gedoen. Sy hande het vir niks verkeerd gestaan nie, en sy opregte, besorgde familie het alles in hulle vermoë probeer om hom ‘n ander lewensstyl aan te leer. Maar na ‘n maand of twee het

die onrustigheid hom weer beetgepak, en hy het die pad gevat. Op ‘n keer sien ek hom in die naaste groot dorp met ‘n vol bottel hardehout in sy hand. Ek was oombliklik kwaad, ná al my pogings en gesprekke. Ek laat hom toe agter op die bakkie sit, en ry so drie kilometer na ‘n tehuis vir haweloses toe met hom. Met die wegtrek draai hy die prop af en gooi dit weg. Toe ons daar stop, is die bottel leeg. “Drink jy?”, wou die opsigter weet. “Nee!”, was sy antwoord. “Wanneer het jy opgehou?” kom die vraag toe. “Nou net!”, sê hy. Ek en almal wat hom ken, het baie lank laas van hom gehoor. Soos Koos Doep sing: “waar jy vanaand is, / kan ons maar net raai.” Leef die lewe wat jy het, voluit!

Tannie Poppie se: Skaappotjie met Ansjovis Hierdie is ʼn besondere potjie want daar kom geen geurmiddels, sout of peper in nie. Die vissies geur die vleis. Tydens een van my eerste optredes ná die KykNET kookprogram Kokkedoor het “Steff”, die prokureur in die TVprogram Villa Rosa, die potjie saam met my gekook. Koekmeelblom 1 kg skaapskenkels 350 ml balsamiese asyn 1 bottel (750 ml) droë rooiwyn

15 klein aartappels 10 klein uie 15 jong wortels 1 blikkie (50 g) ansjovisfilette 1. Plaas die koekmeel in ʼn plastieksak en skud die skaapskenkels daarin tot bedek. Skud die oortollige meel af. Pak die vleis in ʼn kastrol. 2. Gooi die helfte (175 ml) van die asyn by die vleis. 3. Voeg die helfte (375 ml) van die wyn by. 4. Kook die vleis oor matige hitte – sowat 45 minute lank. 5. Haal van die hitte af en toets of die vleis sag is. Gooi nog asyn en wyn by as die sous te min is. 6. Voeg die aartappels, uie en wortels by en laat prut sowat 20 minute lank. 7. Gooi in die helfte van die ansjovisfilette en die helfte van die visolie by. 8. Prut nog 10 minute lank, proe en voeg nog vis en visolie by, indien verkies.

Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee

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22 February 2019


Crime against Women and Children Crime against women and children is a priority crime and it is important to report such a crime immediately. If a crime occurs it must be reported to your nearest Police Station. On arrival at the Police Station the victim will be interviewed in a private room where a statement will be obtained and a docket opened. The victim will be taken for a medical examination depending on what happened. It is very important in a case of rape to report it within 72 hours for the police to be able to obtain possible evidence like DNA etc. The victim will be taken for a medical examination at

the Thutela Care Centre where there are trained forensic sisters and doctors who will be available to do the medical examination. In rape cases it is important for the victim to take extra clothing and to be assisted by the family. The clothing of the victim worn at the time of the incident will be collected and will be sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory. It is very important not to change clothes and not to bath. Here are signs of a woman who is possibly being abused. A person can be verbally or physically abused. Sometimes verbal abuse can

be just as emotionally damaging as physical abuse. • Physical appearance • Withdrawal from society • The person would often lie about bodily marks (e.g. she would tell you her blue eye came from falling down the stairs) • The person would sometimes be very emotionally unstable Here are signs of a child who might be abused • Change in behaviour (e.g. moody, irritable). • Physical appearance (marks on body, underfed etc.).

Representational Image (Photo: Getty Images)

Sasol Highveld Photography Club February winners


Best Senior: Leon Pelser -Shembe Gathering on Farm

Best Junior: Danie Smit - Al Hambra

• Relationship problems - always looking for a fight with friends. • Unusual interest in sex. • Unusual knowledge of sex (e.g. if a 3 year old child knows too much about the sexual act). • The child is unusually sensitive and cries a lot. • The child withdraws from all activities. A child or a woman can either be verbally or physically abused. People tend to think that verbal abuse isn’t as damaging as physical abuse, but a verbally abused woman or child can be just as emotionally damaged as a physically abused woman or child. Always remember it isn`t your fault and there are people who can and will help you. Most of the reasons why crimes are not reported: • Closeness of a family. • Ignorance of children regarding these rights. • Fear of the perpetrator, outcome of a case (removal of children, imprisonment of breadwinner). • Feelings of guilt, shame etc. If a child is being abused you need to report it as you can be charged for failure to report. We would like to encourage the community to work closely with the Police to protect our women and children. Remember men can also be victims of these crimes and are not excluded!!! - Capt. L Koekemoer (Commander FCS Secunda)



22 February 2019

Mev. Elize Ferreira, Mnr Neels Ferreira (Oud-Skoolhoof), Mnr Etienne Rossouw (Voorsitter Beheerliggaam), Mnr Philip Meyer (Waarnemende Skoolhoof)

As jy kan lees, kan jy presteer! Honderd-en-veertig karakters, dit is al wat jy nodig het om jouself verstaanbaar te maak in die tegnologiese wêreld van vandag. Skokkend as jy in berekening bring dat die Afrikaanse HAT 2,1 miljoen woorde bevat! Wanneer na hierdie getalle gekyk word verbaas die statistiek van die PIRL-studie glad nie. In 2016 het hierdie studie bepaal dat 8 uit 10 Graad 4’s glad nie met begrip kan lees nie. Hierdie lae syfers plaas Suid-Afrika laaste op die lys van 50 deelnemende lande. Wat beteken dit dan as jou kind nie met begrip kan lees nie? Dit beteken dat wanneer ‘n kind ‘n betrokke stuk lees hulle die woorde kan uitspreek, selfs vlot lees, maar wanneer daar na die tyd vrae gevra word kan hulle dit nie beantwoord nie omdat hulle nie kan onthou waaroor die betrokke leesstuk gegaan het nie. Dit word veral waargeneem wanneer begripstoetse geskryf word. ‘n Begripstoets moet met begrip gelees word om die vrae voldoende te kan beantwoord. Wetenskaplikes kon onlangs eers bewys dat kinders wat sukkel om met begrip te lees nie ‘n geheue het wat optimaal funksioneer nie. ‘n Probleem wat aangespreek en opgelos kan word.

Lees maak die wêreld vir ‘n kind oop! Saam met Harry Potter verslaan hulle vir Voldemort, vlieg saam met Peter Pan deur die sterrehemel en vaar op avonture saam met Kaptein Hook. Tussen die bladsye van ‘n boek lê ‘n towerwêreld wat wag om besoek te word. Die realiteit is dat wanneer kleinding lees hul woordeskat uitgebrei word, hul verbeelding verbreed en hulle leer hoe om te kommunikeer. In 2005 het Goedehoop se eerste leeslaboratorium sy deure oopgemaak. Leerders vanaf Graad 4 tot 7 het vir die eerste keer die geleentheid gekry om deur middel van Reading Rocket, wat deur Stimulus Maksima onderskryf word, op hul eie tempo met begrip te lees en te vorder. Aan die einde van elke kwartaal het die ouer ‘n rapport gekry wat volledig verslag doen oor die vordering en stand van die kind se leesbegrip. Daar was duidelike

verbetering in kinders se punte in alle vakke. Hoekom? Want die kinders het geleer hoe om met begrip te lees en kon die vrae beantwoord. Selfs in vakke soos Wiskunde was vordering sigbaar, want die vrae kon met begrip gelees en korrek beantwoord word. Vir kleinding vanaf Graad 1 tot 3 word die Cami-program gebruik. Cami fokus op perseptuele vaardighede en kom in die volgende vorme van leer voor: visuele persepsie, ouditiewe diskriminasie, ouditiewe geheue, hand-oog-koördinasie, dominansie, kruising van die middellyn, voorgrondagtergrond, vorm persepsie en ruimtelike persepsie. Ook kry hulle kwartaalliks ‘n rapport wat hul vordering aandui. Die Graad 0’e kry die geleentheid om op Seewêreld hul vaardighede te ontwikkel en hulle doen dit speel-speel. Wonderlik hoe tegnologie gebruik kan word om by ons kinders ‘n liefde vir lees te kweek,

sonder dat hulle dit besef. 2019 het begin en saam met die nuwe jaar maak Goedehoop se tweede rekenaarsentrum sy deure oop! In die verlede kon leerlinge slegs elke twee weke die geleentheid kry om die rekenaarsentrum te besoek. Met die opening van die tweede sentrum kan leerlinge nou die geleentheid kry om weekliks, in beide Afrikaans en Engels, hul leesvernuf op te skerp. Wat die tweede sentrum nog meer spesiaal maak is dat dit ingerig is vir die kleiner maatjie, Graad 0 tot 3, met laer tafels en kleiner stoeltjies sodat hul gemaklik die muis en monitor kan maneuvreer. Soveel inligting aan die punte van hul vingers – of dit nou via die internet is of die ou staatmaker, boeke! Dit maak nie saak op watter manier gelees word nie, lees verbreed jou kennis en gee kinders die selfvertroue om opstelle te skryf, mondeling met gemak voor te berei en hul sê te sê. - Juanita Fourie

Matthys Lobser

Me. Amelia Fourie en Donté Trigo

Maruschka Groenewald


22 February 2019


Saturday School Funding Handover On Friday, 15 February, in a small community close to Tutuka power station, a new science centre was opened for underprivileged children at Zikhetheleni Secondary School. The ceremony was opened by the school’s choir and their voices filled the air with a sweet melody and the boys’ bass voices ensured that everyone who was listening, had goose bumps. The programme director, Bongani Thabethe, opened the handover ceremony by welcoming everyone and explaining what the event entailed. Mr Ncube, Zikhetheleni Secondary School’s principal, welcomed everyone at the school.

Up next was Dr Sello Rapule, who spoke gracefully, explaining that the partnership between Osizweni, Komatsu and the Department of Education was like a three-legged pot and that without one leg, the pot would fall over. He also explained that he could not wish the students good luck because, as he said: “…luck follows hard work.” Mrs Dinah Williams, Transformation Director of Komatsu, spoke about how important it was to give back to the community to ensure that the future of our industries was filled with bright young ladies and gentlemen. The science centres in rural areas

provide the same opportunities for these children as what the children in towns and cities enjoy. It also minimises travelling to and from the towns and cities and saves bus and food money should they have to go to Saturday school or attend extra classes during holidays. These centres assist in the education and development of tomorrow’s youth. Mrs Bohata, Department of Education Second Manager, explained that, due to the multigrading background most of the children come from, a centre like this is extremely important and when used correctly, it will produce the leaders of tomorrow. Multigrading,

she explained, is when there are more than one grade per class. This occurs because the schools in the rural areas do not have the resources or too few children who attend the school, as it is a small farm school. When the children then join a bigger secondary school, it seems that they are a bit behind in some subjects and with the science centre and Saturday School available close to home, they are able to catch up. The event was closed with another song from the choir and a big surprise of R 100 000.00 from Komatsu for the science centre. – Ané Prinsloo Far left: Children of Zikheleteni Secondary School with the cheque for the new science centre. Left: Dinah Williams, Transformation Director Komatsu and Croyden Walters, Marketing Director Komatsu. Below: The stakeholders with the cheque: Osizweni, Komatsu and the Department of Education.

Graceland welcomes Tshililo Madiba as Casino Tables Manager Tshililo Madiba has been appointed Tables Manager at South Africa’s first official licenced casino: Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. Madiba, who brings 22 years of experience with the appointment, is responsible for ensuring guests enjoy worldclass gaming experiences at the Secunda-based resort. He has held a number of senior positions at other prominent gaming institutions in South Africa, including the position of Tables Manager at Khoroni Casino in Thohoyandou, part of the Peermont Group prior to joining the team at Graceland. “Customer service will be my main focus, and growing Graceland’s market share in the hospitality and gaming industry will be an interesting challenge too. I am excited at the opportunities presented to me in the new role,” says Madiba. “I look forward to creating a platform for my team to shine, and further instilling the same pride that I have to be associated with Peermont. Pieter de Villiers, acting General Manager at Graceland said that the management team were more than pleased with Madiba’s appointment, and look forward to seeing him thrive and help take Graceland to new heights. “We believe Tshililo

is the ideal candidate for this role as he has tremendous experience and success in managerial roles in the past, including an extensive background in the Tables department.” de Villiers said. He concludes by saying that the position entails commitment, hard work and initiative, which Tshililo has shown tenfold during his time in management roles.



A Diamond in the Rough

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22 February 2019

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Highveld Park High —The Jewel of the East — is geared for success this academic year! Having received an 88.5% Matric pass rate, and 3 rd position in the Highveld East and West circuits combined, Highveld Park has their eyes focused on the number one spot! This year, HPHS has introduced the theme of Academic Success Under Construction, where all components, such as learners and teachers alike, will be polished to shine even brighter. Having achieved 100% pass for grade 12 Life Orientation, Computer Application Technology, Engineering Graphics and Design, Accounting, Tourism, Visual Arts and Dance, Highveld Park foresees 100% in all learning areas for grade 12 in 2019. This year, learners of Highveld Park will be involved in academic programmes over holidays and weekends, sporting activities and new exciting skills such as Scrapbooking,

Jukskei, Glee Club etc just to mention a few. Also under construction, is their massive property. Highveld Park High is making their school even more conducive to learning. Being one of the most technologically advanced schools in the Secunda area, most classes are taught via Interactive Smartboards and

data projectors — for real time interactive learning that beats the black and white of textbooks and is favourable towards 21st century students. Highveld Park High has many fundraisers planned, and looks forward to welcoming all members of the community to participate.

Dominator’s Den ready to dominate the MMA in 2019

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L to R: Paul “Piksteel” Ronge, Vince “His Majesty” Nkosi, Coach Cedric “The Dominator” Doyle, Stefan “The Bezerker” Diedericks, Smit “Malboer” Steyn and Kobus “Koevoet” Kruger

Dominator’s Den is kicking off the year with a bang! Fight camp has already started for the fighters and Coach Cedric Doyle is taking every precaution to ensure that the fighters are ready to rumble on their respective fight days. The first upcoming fight will be on 23 February at Weltevreden Park. This event is promising the best in amateur fighting and Secunda’s own Stefan “The Bezerker” Diedericks will compete in this EWC 8-man elimination tournament. This EWC 8-man elimination tournament will see eight men fighting for one title over the course of three nights. The winner will

have the title of EWC Welterweight Champion. The next fight night will be on 2 March in Benoni. Fightstar 38 will see Vince “His Majesty” Nkosi, Kobus “Koevoet” Kruger, Smit “Malboer” Steyn, Stefan “The Bezerker” Diedericks and Secunda’s favourite son, defending his Featherweight title, Paul “Piksteel” Ronge fighting. “Piksteel” will be defending his title against Chukwumo “Chuks” Okoli from Valhalla MMA SA. With a year kicking off with one title up for grabs for “The Bezerker” and one title being defended by “Piksteel”, it seems that 2019 is going to be a great year for these brave men! - Ané Prinsloo

22 February 2019



Laerskool Hoëveld hou Valentynsdag met ‘n “twist” Hoërskool Driehoek se tragedie het ons almal in die land geruk. Dit het ons laat besef dat ons almal verantwoordelik is vir ons land se kosbaarste besittings, ons kinders. Omgee strek baie verder as net die mense om jou. Ons skool het besluit om verder as ons hier en nou uit te reik. Ons Valentyndag se kleur is verander na die pers en geel van Hoërskool Driehoek. Die fondse word aan die leerders geskenk wat beseer is tydens die tragedie. Hierdeur leer ons ons leerders om vir mense om te gee en Jesus se liefde op ‘n tasbare wyse te toon. Leerders het geld gebring en ‘n muntlegging in die vorm van ‘n geel en pers driehoek, is gehou. Die mooi bedrag van R 5 272 is ingesamel. Mag hierdie gelde vir elke leerder van Driehoek baie liefde en seën bring.

Laerskool Hoëveld was the overjoyed recipient of sportswear donated by Isibonelo colliery. “We are ecstatic with the donation.” Said Mrs Stuart, Headmaster of Laerskool Hoëveld, “Thank you to Isibonelo Colliery for the donation to our netball teams.” The children gathered in the hall and two of the girls dressed up to show their new clothes. FLTR: Mr Matimba Kubayi, Ms Fikile Mokweng, Mrs Marietjie Stuart, Payton Pretorius, Shea Schambreel and Ms Mandie J v Rensburg.

Ons atlete skitter by MUSSA Voor VLNR: Tyra Newman, Borga Msimang, Giselle Botes Agter VLNR: Mev M Stuart, Toriq Schambreel, Mej A Ponting, Nkanyiso Mashiteng.

Saterdag se gholf sterre Andile Modise, grade 3, who was run over by a car, is back at school. He was admitted to hospital for two weeks, had two operations and is still walking with a frame due to the fact that there are still pins in his leg. His mother confirmed that the pins will be removed at the end of February. We are very thankful that he is back at school with all his friends.

Logan Strydom het 7de plek met 133 punte, Nathan de Beer 6de plek met 132 punte, Aiden Graham het 4de plek behaal met 129 punte, Stephan Pienaar behaal 6de plek met 132 punte in hulle onderskeie afdelings.



Walker Park hosts Mpumalanga Junior Golf Open “Mpumpalanga Junior Golf Foundation held the annual Walker Park Junior Open on Sunday, 17 February. It was doubted that the weather would change on Sunday after the lovely rain on Saturday. Proven wrong, Sunday turned out to be a fun filled and sunny day for golf. Except for the continuous search for golf balls, the players enjoyed it enormously. The day was won by Darren Neyt with a total of 146 points. In the second place was Jacques van der Merwe and third Drikus Joubert with 147 points and 149 points respectively. MJGF would like to thank the sponsors of the day: Lucas Potgieter, Skills College and Dave Hall from Old Mutual.” Darren Neyt with the President of MGJF Gerrit Buurman.

22 February 2019

Laerskool Goedehoop se rugby afrigters leer by die beste

Die naweek van 11 tot 12 Januarie het 10 van Goedehoop se manspersoneel die Puma Rugby Indaba te Mbombela bygewoon. Die kursus word aangebied deur Rassie Erasmus, Matt Proudfoot, Stick, Carel du Plessis, Jimmy Stonehouse en MJ Menz en is daarop gemik om rugby-afrigters die opleiding te gee om hul spanne optimaal af te rig. Voor: Steven Steyn, MJ Adendorff, Deon Pruis, Solly Jansen van Rensburg, Abrie van Zyl Agter: Ruben Lello, Marnus Meiring, Gys van der Merwe, Danie Breed, Righ Potgieter

Laerskool Goedehoop se atlete het deelgeneem aan die Top 15 atletiekbyeenkoms Links: Die atlete wat deelgeneem het aan die Top 15. Voor: Luan Greyling, Danankia Lesch, Kyleigh van der Walt, Roxy-Lee Fick, Ila Raath, Minay Campher Agter: WJ Engelbrecht, Elri Kruger, Chenel Badenhorst, Ryan Eramsus, Lee-Rynn Sinkfontein, Jessica van Rooyen, Charissa Stoop, Liam Olivier, Cheyenn Erasmus

Woensdag, 13 Februarie 2019 het Laerskool H.M. Swart die Top 15 Atletiekbyeenkoms te H/S Hoogenhout aangebied. Atlete moes meer as 800 ASA-punte behaal om te kon deelneem. Slegs 15 atlete per skool word gekies om aan ‘n totaal van 30 items deel te neem. Goedehoop behaal ‘n algehele 2de plek met skole wat deelgeneem het soos Curro Secunda, L/S C.R. Swart, L/S Delmas, L/S H.M. Swart, L/S JJ van der Merwe, L/S Klipfontein, L/S Krielpark, L/S Kruinpark, L/S Marietjie van Niekerk, L/S Middelburg, L/S Oranjegloed, L/S Pionier, L/S Standerton en L/S Goedehoop.

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Laerskool Kruinpark spog graag met stoei en oud leerder Hierdie kinders beoefen stoei en verteenwoordig Kruinpark, alhoewel ons nie stoei aanbied nie. Saterdag, 16 Februarie, het die Oos-Gauteng Ope in Benoni plaasgevind. Ongeveer 500 stoeiers van klubs dwarsoor die land het mekaar die stryd aangesê in die 1ste Ope Kampioenskappe van die jaar. Die volgende Kruinparkers het deelgeneem en hul goed van hul taak gekwyt. LTPD: (ontvang deelname medaljes) Seuns O/7 Du-Handre Putter (Afwesig)

Kampioenskappe: Seuns O/9 Christiaan Steyn - 7de Seuns O/11 Tyrone Swanepoel - 4de Rick Robertson - 7de Seuns O/13 Jordan Web - 3de - Brons medalje Hein Meyer - 7de Skole Presidente: Tyrone Swanepoel - 1ste - Goue medalje Jordan Webb - 2de - Silwer medalje Hein Meyer - 5de, Rick Robertson - 6de

Laerskool Kruinpark het die week die voorreg gehad om Theo Vermaak by die skool terug te verwelkom. Theo was Laerskool Kruinpark se eerste Hoofseun en ook die 1ste rugbyspan se kaptein in 1989, die jaar waarin Laerskool Kruinpark geopen het. Hy het 18 Februarie, Kruinpark se 1ste rugbyspan se "Cap" tradisie kom

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bywoon en het aan die seuns hulle truie uitgedeel. Bo van links na regs Tienie Olckers, Beheerliggaam: Sport, Danie Heese, Skoolhoof: Kruinpark, Theo Vermaak, 1ste Span Kaptein 1989, JC Oosthuisen, 1ste Span Kaptein 2019, Johan Naudé, 1ste Span Afrigter

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22 February 2019



Mixed results for Sasol Digimag Rugby Sasol Digimag Rugby club played a friendly game at Delmas on Saturday and used the opportunity as unofficial trials. Sasol 1 lost 15 -17 to Springs Rugby Club and Sasol 2 beat Nigel Rugby Club with 31 - 7. Saturday, 23 February, will see Sasol Rugby Club’s first home game. Please come and show your support at the Sasol Recreation Club.

Op 9 Februarie neem 19 Laerskool Trichardt leerders deel aan die Gert Sibande atletiekkampioenskappe. 9 van Laerskool Trichardt se leerders dring deur na die Mussa kampioenskappe wat op 23 Februarie te Secunda stadion plaasvind.

After a two week layoff due to rain, the Leslie zone 13 soccer team played their match on Sunday, 16 February. “Aim higher in this season, to win the title of the Lake Umuzi Soccer Challenge,” says Head Coach Sunnyboy Dlongolo.

CrossFit 4 Hope On Saturday, 16 February, the local Grip and Rip CrossFit Gym held their first ever 24 hour CrossFit 4 Hope to raise awareness and much needed funds for Paws 4 Hope. After completing almost 35 000 repetitions of combined mixed movement and exercise types, the team of enthusiasts were tired and were looking forward to a much-needed rest on Sunday morning. The event raised an amount of R7 500 that is to be handed over to Allison at Paws 4 Hope. The team at Grip and Rip had T-Shirts made that they are selling and sponsoring the proceeds to Paws 4 Hope. These can be used by them either to raise more money or to hand out to their volunteers. Kyle, co-owner of Grip and Rip says they did not have as many people as they had hoped for - a total of 17 people attending this event. The Bulletin looks forward to bringing more details to you, our valued readers, on the handover of the funds raised for Paws 4 Hope. To Kyle and the team from Grip and Rip CrossFit, thank you for your dedication and commitment to our community. – Ané Prinsloo

Kyle Howard, co-owner Grip and Rip CrossFit Gym




Highveld Sailing Club first regatta 2019

HSC Highveld Sailing Club held its first regatta of the summer series for the year of 2019. Saturday morning, 16 February, started with little wind and a lot of clouds. The skippers meeting was held with threatening rain in the background. The races eventually got underway in soft rain but with no thunder. Fifteen boats competed and 5 races were held. On Sunday, 17 February, sailing was suspended due to inclement weather (strong gusty winds!). In first place with a well deserved win was Wayne Thornhill, second was Gavin Tintinger and in third place was Eugene Thornhill. Craig van Deventer won as junior sailor and was 6th overall. The strong winds made sailing the regatta very dangerous and only three boats ventured out to test the water. One boat capsized and damaged its sails, but fortunately the boat was saved.

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