The bulletin newspaper 22 september 2017

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Issue 146 - FREE

22 September 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Oom Piet oorstelp van vreugde “Kyk hoe bewe ek nou” is al wat Pieter Marais uitkry terwyl hy sy hande uithou. Gert Pienaar, eienaar van We Move You, was besig om ‘n splinternuwe rolstoel uit sy afleweringsvoertuig te gaan haal. Ná die rolstoel deeglik ondersoek is en met ‘n kennersoog bekyk is, het Pieter (Oom Piet) sy sit in die rolstoel geneem. “Ek kry sommer hoendervleis, kyk net hier” sê hy terwyl hy na sy been wys. Kort-kort praat hy van sy hoendervleis en lag dan lekker. Gert sit op sy knieë by Oom Piet terwyl hulle bespreek wat kan verander word of aangepas word om by Oom Piet te pas. Skielik sit Oom Piet regop en vra vir Gert “kan ek jou ‘n druk gee?” Hy was oorstelp met vreugde. ‘n Oomblik volg waar alle gebrekke, bekommernisse of ontberings vergete is. Oom Piet borrel en Gert Glimlag tevrede van oor tot oor. Mense gee nog om vir mekaar! Die Bulletin het betrokke geraak toe hulle ‘n storie gehoor het van ‘n man in ‘n rolstoel wat raakgery was. ‘n Besoek aan Oom Piet het aan die lig gebring

dat net die rolstoel beskadig was. Oom Piet vertel dat hy soos gewoonlik sy stoel agter toe stuur terwyl hy die verkeer dan kan sien aankom. Hy het net een been en sy een arm maak nie reguit nie. Dit maak dit dan makliker om sy stoel te kan beweeg. Terwyl hy dan so beweeg het, het ‘n voertuig te na aan hom beweeg. Hy het so groot geskrik dat hy, volgens hom, “ ‘n Olimpiese sprong uitgevoer het” om weg te kom. Dit is toe dat die stoel beskadig is. Die Bulletin het toe die eienaar van die voertuig, Gert Pienaar, geskakel en dit was baie duidelik dat hy nie van die voorval bewus was nie. Een van Gert se werkers het die voertuig bestuur. Gert het dadelik voorgestel om die stoel te vervang. Ná ‘n paar logistieke reëlings getref is, het Die Bulletin Gert ontmoet en na Oom Piet geneem. Graag wil Die Bulletin vir Gert bedank vir die stoel wat hy aangekoop en aan Oom Piet geskenk het. Hy het ook een van sy werknemers gestuur om die ou stoel te herstel sodat dit gebruik kan word indien nodig.



TO ADVERTISE CALL 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Hannelie: 082 789 2529 Clive: 082 724 5165

22 September 2017

View video on our Facebook page - The Bulletin

Practical & Radical Economic Transformation (PRET) marched to Sasol Secunda Club today to voice their grievances with Sasol. A 1500 strong crowd gathered at the Lilian Ngoyi Centre and at about 10H45 the march was in full swing. The crowd sang and danced their way to Sasol Secunda Club where they forced the way onto the premises. The crowd was well behaved and listened to the marshals. There were a strong police presence throughout the march and demonstration. At the club threats were made and PRET demanded that Moureen Mbashane address them or they will sleep there according to John Nkosi ANC Councillor at Govan Mbeki Municipality.

He was representing PRET. A meeting with Sasol ensued of which the outcome was not available at the time of going to press. Sasol remains committed to the safety of its employees, contractors and the community. All stakeholders are encouraged to make use of structures the company has in place to proactively discuss all stakeholder-related issues says Sasol spokesperson Matebello Motloung. PRET have yet to release a press statement to the media regarding their demands and the outcome of their negotiations with Sasol.

Kinross dumping site burns Residents have been complaining about the dumping site at Kinross for a long time. There are complaints that the operators are not being paid and that there is no control over the dumping site. A number of reports have circulated about people dumping their waste in the road leading to the dumping site and even the municipal trucks dumping there too. The Bulletin has recently been contacted again regarding the state of the dumping site. When The Bulletin visited the site, we found that the site has been burning for almost two weeks with no attempt made to extinguish the fires. There is no operator, nor any equipment on site. Papers and plastic bags have been blown over a large area and even into Kinross Dam.

When speaking to residents of Kinross it was clear that the dumping site is of great concern and a health risk. Residents are complaining that they can’t sleep at night as a result of all the smoke blowing into town. The dam and surrounding areas are being polluted with rubbish blown from the dumping site. “Although all indications are that there is no licence to operate this dumping site, the municipality should still maintain the area,” said Mariaan Chamberlain, DA Councillor. “It has been maintained by GMM until a few months ago when the operator stopped working, claiming that the municipality is not paying them. It is unclear why the operator left the site. The DA will take this matter to the relevant parties and investigate as to why the dumping site is not maintained.”


22 September 2017


Marie en Hendrik 50 jaar getroud Marie en Hendrik Prinsloo het op 9 September die groot mylpaal van 50 jaar getroud gehaal. Die familie het besluit om die egpaar te verras met ‘n verrassingstroue. Hier het hulle ‘n herbevestiging van hulle beloftes aan mekaar gemaak. Met vier kinders is hulle ook oupa en ouma vir 13 kleinkinders en ses agterkleinkinders. Charlene Jordaan vertel dat haar oupa en ouma hul wenresep graag deel: ‘’Om mekaar lief te hê met Jesus se liefde, want liefde oorwin alles.’’ Hendrik se raad aan sy kinders is dat ‘n mens nooit kwaad moet gaan slaap nie en dat mens nooit moet opgee wanneer iets gebroke is nie maar eerder die stukke optel en dit saam weer aan mekaar sit. Weke se voorbereiding het en eindbeplanning het vir n groot sukses gesorg sê Charlene, maar die dag was ook nie sonder ‘n bietjie drama nie. Hierdie keer was dit die “bruidegom” se skuld dat die bruid laat was vir die troue. Die trou-reëlings moes alles in die geheim plaasvind en daarom het Marie en Hendrik niks daarvan geweet nie. Die kinders het toe maar vertel dat daar ‘n foto-sessie gereël is en dat die egpaar vir dié geleentheid moes optof. Sowat ‘n uur voor die tyd is die Bruid gaan haal met die verduideliking dat die Bruidegom later opgelaai sal word. ‘n 1970 Volvo 122S is spesiaal gereël om vir Hendrik te vervoer, maar met

die aankoms by die huis was Hendrik skoonveld! Dit het ‘n groot gesoek afgegee om hom op te spoor. Hierna het alles klopdisselboom verloop. Die enigste verskil tussen die egpaar se troue in 1967 en 2017-troue

is dat Marie en Hendrik se nageslag die geleentheid kon meemaak en in hul geluk gedeel het….en dat Hendrik hierdie keer die ring onthou het. Die familie wil graag die volgende borge bedank wat hierdie dag so ‘n

groot geleentheid gemaak het: Pieter de Frey – 1970 Volvo 122s; Liefling Photography; Panarottis Secunda Mall; Montagu Secunda Mall; Pick n Pay Secunda; Cappucino’s Secunda Mall; SterKinekor Secunda Mall.



• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903

Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg

22 September 2017

WHAT’S UP 21-28 September. Marietjie Skool se jaarlikse Lentemark vind plaas by die skool in Third Lane, Silkaatskop. Vir meer inligting, skakel Anna-Marie Kruger by 084 513 9803. 24 September. Celebrate Heritage Day with a Potjie competition at Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. Contact Graceland @ 017 620 1000 23 September. Hoërskool Secunda bied hul jaarlikse Biltong & Braai Fees aan. Vir meer inligting, skakel Paul van den Berg by 079 358 9035. 30 September. Die Mpumalanga Bulldog klub hou hulle eerste byeenkoms om 8:30 te Holfontein Plaas. Kontak Yvette Bodington by 064 905 8154. 27 Oktober. Hand-marathon by die Rondekerk. Inskrywings is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar. Skakel die kantoor by 017 631 3470. 27 October. Mpumalanga Comedy at Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. Contact Graceland @ 017 620 1000 28 October. Radio Raps by Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. Contact Graceland @ 017 620 1000 28 Oktober. Die Rondekerk hou weer lekker Rondefees (basaar) 09:00 tot 13:00. Kaartjies is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar teen R250 (potjiekos ingesluit) Skakel die kantoor by 017 631 3470.

Warriors reflect on lives The Warriors for Christ men’s conference was held at Farm Holfontein the past weekend. Although it was a busy weekend in Secunda, the attendance was good and the men enjoyed themselves listening to wellknown gospel singers. There

were times for messages of hope and sermons. There were also times to reflect on your life. Men recommitted themselves to living God’s way, and for some there were opportunity to give their hearts over to God and to commit for the first time

to serving God according to His Gospel. Sunday saw a cold wind blowing across the Highveld, but it did not stop families to join in praise as the Gospel band was singing: Halleluja, Praise the lord, God is great, I am yours Lord!

Moenie Biltong en Braai fees mis nie Hoërskool Secunda en Goudveld Slaghuis bied op Saterdag, 23 September, hul gewilde Biltong en Braai Fees aan vir Nasionale Braaidag. Die feesprogram is soos volg: 08:00 Feeshekke maak oop 08:15 Laerskool Secunda Trompoppies 09:10 Hèlene Bester en Kristi Kat 10:20 Anru Fulscher 11:00 Superhero Color Run 11:10 Renaldo Alberts 12:00 Deca 13:00

Refentse 14:00 Kaskarre Prysuitdeling 14:30 Kurt Darren 16:10 Elvis Blue en ‘band’ Deurlopend: Standard Bank Mark, Standard Bank waterpark (R30 per kind vir heeldag), Iemas 4 x 4 Family Fun Day, PWC Braai Restaurant, Aquatan Fishing Dam, Merry-go-round, REMAX Familie braaiarea en kunstenaar cd verkope/foto’s Toegang vir volwassenes is R60 en vir kinders R10.

Daar is ook n Superhero Color Run wat 11:00 die oggend plaasvind by die fees. Mense kan tussen 08:00 en 10:30 kaartjies vir die color run koop by die PWC Start/ Finish Inflatable. Die afstand is 5km. Volwassenes is R30 en Kinders R20. Vir meer inligting kontak Paul van den Berg 079 358 9035 |

Skaap boere presteer Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

Wie nederig is, dien die Here en ontvang rykdom, eer en lewe. Spreuke 22:4

Die Nasionale Lamkarkasstreekkompetisie het Vrydag, 15 September tydens die Standertonse Hoëveld Landbouskou plaasgevind. Inskrywings is vanuit Secunda, Standerton, Bethal, Ermelo en tot sover as die Noordwes Provinsie ontvang. Johan Maritz, ʼn beoordelaars van die South African Meat Industry Company (SAMIC) het die beoordeling behartig. Jan-Jan Steyn van die Charl Cilliersomgewing naby Secunda het ook lamkarkasse vir die kompetisie ingeskryf. Wilco en Regina Harmse van die plaas Uitgezocht naby Ermelo het egter

met die Kampioen en Reserwekampioen uit hulle RCH Ile De France-stoet weggestap. Die Harmse-egpaar is ondermeer bekend vir die top gehalte lamsvleisproduksie wat die boerdery lewer. Die Kampioen-lamskarkas het op 20,1 kg uitgeslag en die Reserwekampioen op 17.4kg. Karkasse wat op meer as 24kg uitslag, word gediskwalifiseer. Punte word toegeken op grond van massageskiktheid, onderhuidse vet-verhouding, vetheid en bouvorm. Karkasse wat vir die kompetisie ingeskryf is, is by Ermelo Abattoir geslag en geweeg. - Adele Smit

Johan Maritz van SAMIC nasionaal by die Kampioenlamkarkas wat van die RCH Ile De France-stoet van Regina Harmse in die Ermelo-distrik is.

22 September 2017





22 September 2017


22 September 2017

N17 on deadliest road list The Road Traffic Corporation (RTMC) has published a list of the most dangerous roads to travel in South Africa The list is based on which roads where the most fatal crashes take place, and the roads which provincial authorities have identified as needing a higher concentration of resources to prevent crashes. According to the AA, 2016 saw 14,071 people die on South Africa’s roads – a significant jump from 12,944 deaths recorded in 2015, a 9% increase, with over 1,120 more people dying, yearon-year. This is the highest annual road death toll since 2007 when 14,920 people died on South African roads. In 2006, 15,419 people died on the country’s roads, the AA said. The report found that the largest proportion of accidents in South Africa occurring between 19:00 – 20:00 in the evenings (9%), when visibility has been reduced but work traffic flows are still

relatively heavy. In comparison, fewer accidents (3%) occur during off-peak hours such as 04:00 – 05:00 in the early morning, or between 9:00 – 10:00 when most motorists are already at work. The N2 near Umtata is the worst with 1st and 2nd place, and taking up 6 spots altogether making the whole stretch of the N2 the worst road to travel on in South Africa. The N17 between Leandra and Ermelo are 20th on the list.

Fatal accident near Kinross this past weekend

Don’t share fake news Fake news is more prevalent than ever now that all the different media platforms are accessible to everybody. Fake news website is springing up like Daisies at the west coast after a good rain. The South African National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) says it has noticed an alarming trend of fake news websites publishing inaccurate information under the guise of news. Such inaccurate reports by websites masquerading as credible news sources are highly damaging and hurtful to those involved and their families, the forum said. They also did a great disservice to legitimate news websites and the news industry as a whole. Sanef also urged all South Africans not to perpetuate false news cycles by sharing such stories on their social media networks. “We ask that greater attention be given to the source of news before simply retweeting or sharing.” It is a growing trend for people share these articles and messages as news without checking them first. Every message and article should be checked for authenticity first before sending. Sending fake news could actually cost

someone their life. Coligny is a prime example of where fake news were circulating like afire. While there were serious problem areas, fake news was difficult to distinguish from real news that resulted in the emergency services being stretched to the limit. There were violent public protests in Coligny that lead to a number of shops and houses being destroyed. Only use news from trusted sites. http//www.…ricalstories/ is a good place to start. Here are a few South African fake news sites: African News Updates, CitySun, Gossip Mill Mzansi, iMzansi, Live Monitor, News24-TV, Pretorialive, Sanenews247., South Africa Latest News, The Southern Daily, Mzansi Live, Mzansi Stories The biggest concern for most people is the fake news on whatsapp. This platform is the most trending way to let any fake news spiral out of control. Common answers are that the message is send from someone they know. Knowing the sender does not make fake news credible. Always check your facts!

N17 Between Leandra and Ermelo - Google Maps



22 September 2017

22 September 2017




22 September 2017

Lake Umuzi lewer naweek vol pret en plesier Die afgelope naweek was gekenmerk aan baie pret en plesier by Lake Umuzi se Kamp Oase. Nie alleen was dit Laerskool Goedehoop se Warrior Princess nie, maar daar was ook lekker gebraai en musiek gemaak deur van ons land se beste kunstenaars. Almal kon lekker sing en dans saam met gewilde kunstenaars soos PJ, Lizel Pieters, Dave, Bobby van Jaarsveld en die alombekende en

gewilde Jo Black. Nog meer kan verwag word tydens Lake Umuzi se Misty Waters-musiekfees wat plaasvind van 29 September tot 1 Oktober. Alternatiewe Rock groepe soos Majozi, Just Jinger, Watershed, Wonderboom, Good Luck, Short Straw en nog vele meer om maar net ‘n paar te noem, gaan die feesgangers van heinde en verre vermaak. Vir meer inligting google Umuzifest nou.

Sasol Siyazenzela Youth In Business Sasol hosted a networking session for the Siyazenzela Youth In Business programme on Thursday, 14 September. This is Sasol second of three networking events planned for 2017. Networking events such as this one allows the businesses on the programme and those that have graduated from the programme to share experiences and grow their own networks. Stakeholders such as the Govan Mbeki Municipality, Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) are invited to attend and meet with the businesses for face to face engagement with business owners. Sasol appointed Tushiyah, in partnership with the Govan Mbeki Municipality, to implement a youth entrepreneurship programme that would contribute to addressing youth unemployment in the area. The programme that is being implemented has two streams; youth wanting to start a business (start-up businesses)

and youth who are already in business (existing businesses). “Looking beyond our investments in the Siyazenzela Youth in Business programme and the wider community, our focus, at Sasol, is to continue to strengthen our various partnerships. By working together with the stakeholders in the community and governments we will crack the ceiling of economic

deprivation to our youth and unlock the full potential of human resources in within or communities, therefore addressing local content. This can have a wider benefit not only the GMM but the broader region. This initiative increases chances for the youth to gain access to business opportunities, to build youth entrepreneurship capacity - resulting

PROPERTIES eiendomme

TO ADVERTISE CALL Hannelie: 082 789 2529 Clive: 082 724 5165

in young people contributing to job creation in our province and eventually stimulate economic growth,” said Mashudu Ndou, Senior Manager: Social Investment and Ikusasa, Sasol Secunda Operations.

Pets Corner

With the change of season your pet is going to be exposed to many different challenges. One of these challenges is an increase in numbers of ectoparasites due to our warmer weather. After the first summer rains all insect numbers increase exponentially. Fleas, ticks, mites, and lice are examples of these parasites and they normally live on the skin of your pet, hence the term “ecto” as this means “outer” or “external”. Symptoms can range from scratching, allergies, mild irritation to loss of appetite and anaemia. These parasites can make your pet very ill. In some instances, parasites can cause death. In addition to the illness that they cause, parasites can transmit other diseases to the animals that they infect. For example, ticks can transmit Lyme disease or Ehrlichia. However, one of the biggest concerns of parasitism in animals is the potential for spread to humans. Many of the parasites that infect animals can cause disease or illness in people as well. Very few people know that only a small percentage of ticks and fleas live on your pet and the parasites are not always visible during inspection. Only through continuous preventative treatment, can you keep parasites under control. There are many different treatments available these days and it is advisable to speak to your local veterinarian about protection against these parasites. Vets would be able to give you the best information on the most suitable parasite control for pests in your area as well as the safest choice for your pet. - SyrmiaVet

22 September 2017






22 September 2017

To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

Mariska van Biljon van Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk is gekies vir die Mpumalanga Jeugkoor. Dit is ‘n besondere prestasie omdat die koor se lede met die hand uitgesoek word. Dit is ‘n koor met ‘n ryke geskiedenis wat al baie hoogtes bereik het.

To Advertise Call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529

Ivan Botha, ‘n matriekleerling van Hoërskool Secunda het met twee items deurgedring na die nasionale kompetisie van Radikale Redenaars, naamlik Afrikaans Lees Prosa en Afrikaans Lees Poësie. Hy was ook tydens die provinsiale uitdunne tweede met English Additional Language en derde in Afrikaans Huistaal.

Carla Purves van Hoërskool Oosterland is aangewys as een van die landsfinaalwenners in die opstel-afdeling van die Afrikaanse Ekspo.

Charné Naudé, ‘n matriekleerling van Hoërskool Secunda het met drie items deurgedring na die nasionale kompetisie van Radikale Redenaars, naamlik Afrikaans Huistaal, Lees Afrikaanse Prosa, en Lees Afrikaanse poësie

JF Rademeyer, ‘n graad 11-leerling het in twee afdelings deurgedring na die nasionale kompetisie van Radikale Redenaars, naamlik English First Language en English Reading Prose.

Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se o.11-krieketspan is Gert Sibande-wenners. Hulle speel vroeg in die vierde kwartaal in die provinsiale halfeindstryd. Voor is Tredoux Ferreira, Kegan Berry en Jason Venter. In die tweede ry is Pieter Viljoen, Adrien Sturgiss en Nelis Barnard. In die derde ry is Damian de Beer, Dandré Els en Schalk Kruger. Agter is Liam Werth, Franco Ludwig, Heinrich du Plessis en mnr. Senekal.

22 September 2017





22 September 2017

Sasol Rolbalklub is tops Sasol Secunda-rolbalklub is as die wenners van die Hoëveld-viere gekroon ná die wedstryde in Ermelo die afgelope naweek. Die Mpumalanga-eindstryd vind die 30 September in Nelspruit plaas.

Die Sasol Secundarolbalklub se mansspan is Dawie van Zyl, Johann Jansen, Keven Semple en Nick van Huyssteen.

Die vrouewenners is Laurika Steenkamp, Annette van Ryneveld, Susan van Huyssteen en Patrys Becker

Dié landloop-atlete van Jim van Tonderskool gaan deelneem aan die SuidAfrikaanse LSEN-landloopbyeenkoms wat 29 September in Kimberley plaasvind. Voor is Jurieka Peach, Mbalenhle Mhaule, Pretty Makhanya, Tshiamo Mkhumbane en Michelle Goosen. Agter is Promise Motha, Slindile Nkosi, Simon Mnguni, Bonginkosi Bhayi en Thapelo Chwene.

Lesego Matlala, Tertius Steenkamp en Marvin Sibuyi van Jim van Tonderskool is ingesluit by die Mpumalanga LSENkrieketspan

Dié leerders van Laerskool Oosterland het die naweek aan die provinsiale jukskei-proewe bygewoon en is gekies vir die Mpumalanga-jukskeispan. Hulle is Henard Gertzen, Heindrich Visser, Simphiwe Mthethwa, Ané Booysen en Anel Pretorius. Hoërskool Oosterland se leerders en onderwysers kies elke jaar ‘n junior en ‘n senior seun wat die beste maniere en karakter toon in die klas en op die sportveld. Hierdie seuns word dan genooi na ‘n formele geleentheid, waar daar gestem word om die KAVALIER van Oosterland aan te wys. Vanjaar se Senior Kavalier is Dan Sithole en die Junior Kavalier is Eduan Naudé.

22 September 2017






Sasol Hydra-Arc Triumphant Sasol Hydra-Arc beat defending champions Impala 32-29 Saturday in the Gold Cup. The game was played at Sasol club on Saturday. The game kicked off at a blistering pace with Impala (from Rustenburg) putting the first points on the board. Sasol replied shortly after to lead with 7-5. The defences were good throughout the game. Both teams attacked their opponents’ defences

with vigour. The game was hanging on a knifepoint until the end. The first half saw the teams rotate the scoring to have Impala lead at halftime with 15-22. After trailing in the first half with two tries to three, the second half was decided in Sasol’s favour with Sasol scoring three tries to two. An interception by Pieter Streicher in the Sasol quarter saw a brilliant individual

Team Captain Willa Martin dives over score line for another try Photo by Pierre Jordaan

try scored for the home team. Pieter outran all his opponents to score the winning try. The game kept seesawing from one team to another until the end. Converting the tries into the full 7 points proved difficult as a result of strong and gusty winds as well as converting penalties. Sasol Hydra-Arc’s defences were severely tested at the end of the game

as Impala were attacking the home team’s try line continuously, but their defences held and they proved worthy winners in the end. Well done from everyone here at The Bulletin, as well as the whole of Secunda. Mpumalanga made it two out of two today with the Pumas beating Western province. The next game is in Vereeniging on Saturday 23 September.

Pieter Streicher on his way to score the winning try Photo by Pierre Jordaan

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