The bulletin newspaper 23 june 2017

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Issue 133 - FREE

23 JUNE 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Karen wins fitness title Karen Gräbe (36) won the Mrs Fitness title at the Mrs Universal competition in Georgia in Europe. It was the first time Karen entered a beauty pageant and she finished fourth overall. “Fitness is my real passion and I am glad the judges also saw that,” said Karen. She competed against women from 12 countries. Karen’s mother joined her on the trip. “It was a privilege to share this experience with my mother.” Their days were filled with rehearsals and photoshoots from 07:00 to 22:00 and they had little time to themselves. Karen fell ill on her second day. “Because everybody smoke indoors, I thought that caused my chest pain and sore throat.” She could continue with the pageant and only after the final day of the pageant she seeked medial care. After her return to South Africa, Karen was diagnosed with pneumonia and was on bed

rest as a result. She recently returned to work and is again teaching her bootcamp class. “I enjoyed my experience in Georgia very much and would love to go back one day to see more of that beautiful countryside and city centres,” said Karen. She used the opportunity in Georgia to create awareness about Lupus, an illness she was diagnosed with five years ago. But Karen believes God healed her of this illness. Lupus causes the body’s immune system to attack its own tissues and organs. She inspires women and helps them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Next for this fitness enthusiast is opening her own gymnasium, KG Fit Gym this October. It will open next to Crawdaddy’s at Terra Nova in Trichardt. It will actually be a health and fitness facility providing various professional related services. For more information, visit the gymnasium’s Facebook page at KG Fit.

Henko ry veld op saam 1stes Hoërskool Secunda se eerste rugbyspan wil nie net beter rugbyspelers wees nie, maar ook beter mense. Hulle het dus besluit om ‘n vir Henko Naudé, ’n graad 9-leerling aan Hoërskool Secunda wat in ’n rolstoel is, die geleentheid te gee om saam met die eerste span op die veld te ‘ry’. Henko het ’n spiersiekte en kan nie self rugby speel nie, maar hy is ’n groot sport-geesdriftige en dit was vir hom ’n wonderlike geleentheid om saam met die eerste span op die veld te gaan. Die span het ook vir hom ’n rugbybal gegee met al die spanlede se name op en hy het

gedurende die hele wedstryd teen Hoërskool Bergvlam wat op 20 Mei plaasgevind het, saam met die reserwe spelers op die bankie gesit. Hoërskool Secunda het dié wedstryd met 76-26 gewen. “Ons span het vanjaar nog nie een wedstryd verloor nie,” het JJ Hennop, die eerste span se afrigter, gesê. “Dit is goed om te wen, maar met dié gebaar het die spelers iets anders geleer - iets meer as net rugby. “Mense moet opkyk na die eerste span as nie net goeie rugbyspelers nie, maar ook goeie mense. “Dit is ’n kultuur wat uitgebeeld word, een van ons waardes is om om te gee.”

Henko Naudé het in Mei die geleentheid gehad om saam met die eerste rugbyspan van Hoërskool Secunda op die veld te gaan.



23 June 2017

Dean needs help locating toolbox Dean Daniels came from Durban to Secunda to find a job as a boilermaker, but his toolbox was stolen and he cannot find a job without his toolbox. “I had to go to a social worker on 26 April and I left my toolbox with a guy in the CBD,” said Dean. While Dean was with the social worker, the police and municipal workers cleared vagrants in the CBD and took Dean’s toolbox along with some of his other belongings. “They also took my blanket and my bag containing my ID book, passport and glasses,” said Dean. He went to Secunda Police and opened a case of theft. The police told Dean they dumped all the stuff at Secunda dumping site. “I went to the dumping site to look for my belongings.

I only found my bag there, but everything inside my bag and my blanket and toolbox are gone. “Somebody helped me to buy new glasses, but I want my other belongings back, especially my toolbox.” The toolbox Dean is looking for is a Gedore toolbox with a small square, a big square, a combination square, a bevel square, two hammers, three tapes, a pipe wrench, a shifting spanner, two chalk lines, a lighter, a nozzle cleaner, a small calipher, a chizzle, G clamps, a hack saw, screwdrivers and other tools inside. “That is my means of working and earning a living, I need my toolbox urgently,” said Dean. If anyone can help Dean to find his toolbox, contact him at 076 479 8923.

Drug dealer denied bail A prominent drug dealer, Kinsly Chimezi, was denied bail after he was arrested for being in posession of Tik, Cat, Moonrock Cocaine and dagga to the value of R21 600. Cash to the amount of R4 670 was also found in his possession. His Volkswagen Polo valued at R89 000 was seized. Chimezi was arrested in March this year for dealing in drugs and he was granted bail. However, he was recently rearrested for the same offence and was now denied bail. He has two pending cases against him for dealing in drugs. The case was postponed to Tuesday (20 June) for further investigation.

Dean Daniels is still looking for his toolbox to be able to find a job as a boilermaker.

Tina dood aan kanker Tina Mülke is op 15 Junie dood aan kanker. Sy het vir jare as sekretaresse by Davieshof gewerk en inwoners het ’n spesiale kruis en ruikers by haar kantoor opgerig. Tina se roudiens is Maandag vanuit die Volle Evangelie Kerk gehou. Haar familie en geliefdes het suster Antoinette Sutton, Marie van den Heever en Martie Bakenberg wat haar sedert April versorg het, bedank. Hulle het ook vir dr. Visser en dr. Ingrid Craig wat haar behandel het, bedank.

Cops nab two for dealing in Cat Members of SANEB, CIG Secunda, StratconRisk Tactical team and the medical unit in Secunda, arrested two suspects for conspiracy to deal in drugs on Tuesday, 13 June. The undercover agent was asked to meet with the suspects, Dewald Kruger (25) and Mich van Rensburg (27) to buy drugs (Cat). According to Capt Dineo Lucy Sekgotodi, spokesman for the Mpumalanga Hawks, the agent successfully bought seven packets of Cat in the OK Grocer parking area. A Mazda 2 and seven bags of Cat were seized, valued at respectively R50 000 and R2 000. The suspects appeared in the Secunda Magistrate Court on Wednesday, 14

June and they were granted bail of R1 000 each. They will appear in court again on 21 July.

Mich van Rensburg was arrested for conspiracy to deal in drugs.

Dewald Kruger was arrested for conspiracy to deal in drugs.

Four adults and a child (about 7 years-old) died in a head on collision on the N17 road between Trichardt and Bethal on Sunday night. The accident happened about 10km outside of Bethal at about 23:30. The highway was closed for several hours to clean up the scene. Langamed South Ambulance Services was at the scene.


23 June 2017


Piet is handig met hekel

Niks kry vir Piet Marais (65) onder nie. Hy het net een been en is in ’n rolstoel, maar hy gee steeds terug aan die gemeenskap. Hy woon in ’n sinkdakhuisie naby die Evanderklub en verwyl sy tyd deur kombersies te brei en hekel. Hy het eers dié kombersies verkoop, maar het besluit om dit nou aan Gosh4Cancer te skenk wat dit dan aan kankerpasiënte uitdeel. Piet het in 2014 sy been verloor nadat hy in 2010 as sekuriteitswag sy been beseer het. Hy het gehardloop, op ’n klip geval en sy been so erg beseer dat hy vir maande met staalpenne in sy been moes loop. Hy het bloedvergiftiging in die knie gekry en moes destyds gereeld Evander Hospitaal en Witbank Hospitaal toe gaan vir behandeling, maar daar was later niks meer wat dokters vir hom kon doen nie. “Die wond wou nie genees nie en die dokers het vir my gesê hulle kan die been amputeer of ek gaan die res van my lewe so sukkel,” het Piet gesê. “Hulle het eers ’n knie-vervanging gedoen, maar my liggaam het die nuwe knie verwerp.” Weldoeners in die gemeenskap het vir Piet ’n rolstoel geskenk waarmee hy toe as motorwag by ’n parkeergebied op Evander gewerk het. Hy het egter intussentyd verhuis na die sinkdakhuisie naby die Evanderklub waar hy nou woon en nou is dit te ver vir hom om met die rolstoel te gaan na

waar hy as motorwag gewerk het. Sy vrou wat in 2012 dood is, het hom destyds leer hekel en brei.

Graceland gave R27 745 to Cansa in the form of hosting a Cansa Golf Day at Graceland Golf Club. Graceland also entered a team at the Relay for Life and raised R12 640. Here are Charné van der Merwe (Cansa admin), Nadia Swiegers (Cansa project assistant), Paul Enslin (Graceland), Henry Simelane (Graceland), Constance Maseko (Graceland), Tamra McDonald (Graceland) and Heinrich Britz (Graceland).

PJ Pretorius needs your vote

Piet Marais is dolgelukkig in sy sinkdakhuisie waar hy kombersies hekel en brei.

Local music sensation and worship leader, PJ Pretorius, has made it through to the next round of The Voice SA. Viewers can still vote for PJ until 22:00 on Tuesday (20 June) to keep him on the MNET television programme, The Voice SA. PJ tried out for Idols several years ago, but never made it past the first audition. He has been in Johannesburg for the past four or five weeks, since the live voting started. PJ sang John Lennon’s Imagine on Sunday evening and viewers will have to wait until this Sunday night to hear what he sings if he makes it through to the next round. According to his agent, Annalise du Toit, PJ is busy with recording songs, rehersals, learning more about social media, voice coaching and hunting for

clothes while in Johannesburg. He chose Karen Zoid as his coach and he said he has learned a lot from her. Vote for PJ before 22:00 on Tuesday by a SMS with the number 07 to 33692 (R1.50 per SMS) or by WeChat where you get 100 free votes.

PJ Pretorius made it through to the next round of The Voice SA.



23 June 2017

Dié prokureurs hou dag vir vroue Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Alette -Johanni Winckler het vroue in ligte luim gehad op Donderdag, 15 Junie tydens Cronje, De WaalSkhosana Inc Prokureurs se vroueoggend wat by Willow Creek in Terra Nova op Trichardt gehou is. Die doel van dié vroue-oggend was om die eiendomsagentskappe, banke en huisleningskonsultante te bedank vir hul getroue ondersteuning. Cronje, De Waal-Skhosana Inc het hul deure in 1977 oopgemaak toe Gawie Erasmus besluit het om ’n prokureursfirma op Secunda te open. Sedertdien het verskeie prokureurs al gekom en gegaan. Karla van Deventer het onlangs by die span aangesluit. Sy is die eerste vrou wat deel vorm van die span se senior-afdeling. Alette-Johanni het gesê alle vroue steek iets weg - of dit hul diepste

Awie Small (65) boer nie net met gewone duiwe nie, hy boer met sierduiwe. Hy het op ‘n plaas grootgeword en geboer vandat hy 18 jaar oud is. Hy en sy vrou het einde verlede jaar na Trichardt verhuis om af te tree. “Ek was nog altyd baie lief vir die plaasdiere en daarom geniet ek dit nou om met die sierduiwe te boer,” het Awie gesê. Hy het sowat 600 duiwe van 24 verskillende rasse. Om met sierduiwe te boer, verg goeie beplanning en harde werk. Op die kompetisies, waar daar met die duiwe gespog en geskou word, kyk die beoordelaars na die standaard van die duiwe. “Daar is verskeie standaarde waaraan die duiwe moet voldoen,” het Awie gesê. Hy berei tans sy duiwe voor vir die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap wat in Julie in Pietermaritzburg plaasvind.

Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Alette-Johanni Winckler was die gasspreker op Donderdag, 15 Junie by Cronje, De Waal-Skhosana Inc se vroue-oggend.

Awie pronk met duiwe

Finansies / Finances

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to

hartsgeheime, seerste seer of inkopieverslawings is. “Baie kere steek ons goed weg, want ons lewe in ontkenning,” het sy gesê. “My hart, as dit by vroue kom, is by wat aangaan in jou binnekant? “’n Pa se rol in die gesin is so belangrik. “Hy bring die identiteit in ’n kind. Dit is hy wat eerste vir sy dogtertjie moet sê sy is mooi en sy is ’n prinses.” Alette-Johanni het tydens die ete vir vroue wenke oor kleredrag en bykomstighede gegee. “’n Vrou se skoonheid kom van binne, maar om goed aan te trek volgens jou liggaamsbou en kleur-palette maak jou ook mooi van buite,” het AletteJohanni gesê. Hotel@Secunda het vir Alette-Johanni gehuisves en Michelle du Preez van Fresh Ideas het die dekor hanteer.

Dit is die eerste SuidAfrikaanse kampioenskap waaraan Awie se duiwe sal deelneem en hy gaan vier van sy duiwe vir dié kampioenskap inskryf. Hy het in Mei ses duiwe vir die Oostelike Streekskou op Ermelo ingeskryf en vyf van sy duiwe het gewen. Van die voorbereiding sluit in dat die duiwe weekliks moet bad, hul toonnaels en vere geknip moet word en dat hulle afgerig moet word om in die loophokke te loop en te pronk. Duiwe kan aan skoue begin deelneem as hulle sowat agt maande oud is hoewel sommige duiwe eers op 12 maande ontwikkeld is en dan skou toe kan gaan. Broeipare word selektief deur die duiwe-boere uitgesoek om mekaar te komplimenteer. “Ons noem dit wetenskaplike teling,” het Awie gesê. “Ons kyk ook na die duiwe se bloedlyne as ons broeipare soek.”


Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

Ek is die Here jou God, Ek vat jou hand, Ek sê vir jou: Moenie bang wees nie, Ék help jou. Jesaja 41:13

Thank you to Sussa Pelser from Kriel who sent us this photo of soya harvesting. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.

Awie Small in een van sy duiwehokke.


23 June 2017


Young entrepreneurs benefit here Sasol appointed Tushiyah, in partnership with Govan Mbeki Municipality, to implement a youth entrepreneurship programme that would contribute to addressing youth unemployment in the area. The programme that is being implemented has two streams, youth wanting to start a business (start up businesses) and youth already owning a business (existing businesses). This programme was run in 2015 with 24 existing businesses and 28 start up buisinesses. The programme started in March this year and will continue until the end of September. Existing businesses in the programme have been operational for a minimum

of two years and are taken through business skills training, mentoring and coaching while on the programme. Start ups range from those with an idea to those who have already begun operating. In addition to business skills training, coaching and mentoring start ups also spend time shadowing a seasoned entrepreneur. In addition, both groups are presented with market and finance access opportunities. Sasol hosted the first of three networking events for this year at the Sasol Club on Tuesday, 13 June. “Networking events such as this one allow the businesses on the programme and those that have

The class of 2017 existing businesses at the networking session held on Tuesday.

Much to do at Secunda Mall Secunda Mall started with their Gifts of Grace project on 20 June. With this project they will collect casual clothes, school clothes, non perishable foods and sanitary items for Marietjie School in Secunda. The above mentioned items can be dropped in front of Spitz in the mall from 20 June to 16 July. This is part of the mall’s celebrations for Mandela Day. Secunda Mall will look like a Winter

Paradise this holiday season with their holiday programme. There will be entertainment for the children from 30 June to 22 July. There will be a snow slope, a snow play area and animals of the Ice Age exhibition. It will be open daily from 10:00 to 20:00. Tickets are R60 per session and R40 for children under the age of three. To pre-book, send an e-mail to

Famsa, Tutela and Mental Health also opened their hearts and donated food and clothes towards the Knysna projects. Here are Ayanda Nkosi and Karlien Bierman from Famsa with the donations.

graduated from the programme to share experiences and grow their own networks,” said Sizakele Masilela, of Sasol’s communications department. Stakeholders such as Govan Mbeki Municipality, Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) are also encouraged to meet with the businesses and engage business owners. Mashudu Ndou, Senior Manager: Sasol Social Investment and Ikusasa welcomed the guests and Lehlohonolo Ramongalo, founder and managing director of Figtory Digital, was the guest speaker. He shared his entrepreneurial journey.

Lehlohonolo Ramongalo, founder and managing director of Figtory Digital, was the guest speaker at Sasol’s networking session.


What’s Up

23 June 2017

Dingalings are here 24 June. The Dingalings will be performing at Graceland Casino. Koobeshan Naidoo, one of South Africa’s leading Indian entertainment stars teamed up with Henry Ramkissoon who featured in Leon Schuster’s movie Mr Bones and will be performing their

stand-up comedy show, Laughalicious. Tickets are R130 per person and are available at the winner’s circle desk. The show starts at 20:00 and the doors will open at 19:00. For more information contact Graceland at 017 620 1000.

30 Jun e. Givin g will be hosting Hearts a Fiesta evening a Secund t John Dory’s a 21:30. A from 17:00 to ll go to G proceeds wil l iving=H earts w helps th h o en clothes eedy with and foo d.

euwel e. Die H ddy’s 30 Jun by Bu es tree Hul sal Fantasti thal op. e B p o nuwe Pub van hul g in s s e liedji kay!’. album ‘O



30 June – 2 2 July. Winte r Paradise at S ecunda Mall. Snow slope, snow play area an d animals of the Ice Ag e exhibition . R60 per session for a full rider and R40 for children und er the age o f three. Send an e-m ail to bookin gs@ snowworld.c to book.

Riaan en Marthalene Jonker, eienaars van Bosveld Lapa, het die lede van die Evander Seniorburger-klub bederf met ’n ete op Donderdag, 15 Junie vir Vadersdag. Hiér is die eienaars saam met die seniorburgers.

Suikerbekkies vergader Lede van die Suikerbekkies het op Woensdag, 14 Junie vergader. Trudie Whittaker het vir lede gewys hoe om ‘Russian Nozzels’ te gebruik. Die koek wat sy

gebak en vir lede gewys het, is uitgeloot om die tak se fondse aan te vul. Die Suikerbekkies vergader weer in Julie. Vir meer inligting, skakel Venessa Erasmus by 082 824 0775.

Die koek wat Trudie Whittaker gebak het wat by die Suikerbekkies se vergadering uitgeloot is.


23 June 2017

Help pours in for disabled pupils Mariëtte Botha, a teacher at Basizeni Special School in eMbalenhle, wanted to help a pupil in her class, Retshepile Mbonani, with a wheelchair. Retshepile is a triplegic and is rapidly losing muscle tone. Mariëtte saw a photo on the internet where a cyclist raised money by pulling a wheelchair behind his bike. “To raise money for a wheelchair for Retshepile, Happy Magagula and I thought we could do the Jacaranda 94.7 cycle race in this way. Many others shared our vision and volunteered to help,” said Mariëtte. “But in reality, I am not a cyclist and finding time to exercise was a problem for me.

“But when Retshepile fell in class I knew something drastic needed to be done.” That very same week Liné de Vries from Hoërskool Oosterland asked Mariëtte if she knew of someone who needed a wheelchair. Oosterland was hosting a wheelchair challenge at their anual Wieleskou and they wanted to help someone who needed a wheelchair. “I thought it was an answer to prayer,” said Mariëtte. Pieter Botha, orthotist and prosthetist, examined Reshepile and her father’s medical aid helped in organising Reshepile a motorised wheelchair. Retshepile received R8 000 from

Oosterland’s Wieleskou which will now be used for Naledi, another paraplegic pupil in need of a wheelchair at Basizeni Special School. He currently relies on someone at school to help him, he needs a motorised wheelchair or a shop rider unit. Fundraising projects will continue at the school to make up the balance needed for Naledi’s mobility. Xolisiwe, a pupil with cerebral palsy, was blessed with a walking frame to help her at home. “We will never stop praising God for every blessing and for all the amazing miracles that are constantly happening at our school,” said Mariëtte.

Smart meters are coming

Retshlpile Mbonani are surrounded by everyone who helped her receive a wheelchair.

Govan Mbeki Municipality will soon install the first 6 000 smart electricity meters. These smart meters are at the top of the municipality’s list as solutions to curb the electricity theft and losses. The municipality will first target 2 000 businesses considered as large power users in the municipal area and 4 000 households that are still on conventional electricity meters. This action is part of phase

one of the project which is targeted to be completed by the end of August. An audit will be conducted from 19 June, targeting these 2 000 businesses. “The service provider will be identified through the letter of instruction from the Municipality during this audit,” said Bheki Khubeka, Acting Head of Marketing and Communications at Govan Mbeki Municipality.


PROPERTIES eiendomme


23 June 2017

DJ Ossewa by inniPark Fees

Find-It Sell any products at affordable prices

Verkope van enige produkte teen sakpas pryse Services

TO ADVERTISE CALL: Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165


To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165




Laerskool Secunda bied vanjaar op Saterdag, 26 Augustus hul jaarlikse inniPark Fees in die groenstrook teenaan die Sasolklub. Dit sal die derde jaar wees wat Laerskool Secunda dié fees aanbied en dit beloof om, soos die vorige jare vir hope vermaak te sorg. Verlede jaar het sowat 4 000 mense dié fees bygewoon. Vanjaar se hoogtepunt is DJ Ossewa se optrede. Ander kunstenaars wat gaan optree, is Gerhard Steyn, Ray Dylan, Dirk van der Westhuizen en Secunda se eie sangsensasie, PJ Pretorius wat tans op The Voice SA op M-NET te sien is. Vir die kinders gaan daar ook vermaak wees wat ’n vertoning deur Babalela insluit, asook springkastele, ponies, trekkertjie-ry en kinderspeletjies. Daar gaan ook ’n Mnr. en Mej. Feeskompetisie gehou word. Toegang is R80 vir volwassenes, R50 vir hoërskool-leerlinge en pensionarisse en R30 vir laerskoolleerlinge en kleuters. Kaartjies sal by die hekke te koop wees en daar is nog stalletjies beskikbaar teen R350 per stalletjie. Daar sal ook ’n fietswedren plaasvind en kinders tussen 7 en 14 jaar oud kan deelneem. Wen twee kaartjies vir die fees deur na die inniPark Fees se Facebook-blad te gaan. Belangstellende ondernemings kan as borge vir die fees optree en sodoende blootstelling kry. Vir mere inligting, skakel Lizelle van Zuydam by 017 634 7612 of stuur ’n e-pos na

DJ Ossewa is vanjaar die hoogtepunt by Laerskool Secunda se inniPark Fees wat op 26 Augustus in die groenstrook teenaan die Sasolklub plaasvind.

For more news, photos and video clips, visit our website: www.


23 June 2017


Laerskool Trichardt se o.12netbalspan het die eindronde van die Mpumalanga-liga gewen op 9 en 10 Junie in Nelspruit. Die span bestaan uit (voor) Machela van der Merwe en Jana Rosslee. Agter is Kghalisa Buthelezi, Lebogang Rekgalakane, Maretha Louwrens, Suné Stander, Chadé Erasmus en Retha Spies (afrigter).

Laerskool Goedehoop se o.10A-rugbyspan het op Maandag, 19 Junie as die Mpumalanga-wenners uit die stryd getree. Hulle het gelykop gespeel teen Laerskool Nelspruit in die eindronde. Die span bestaan uit (voor) Christiaan Jonker, Jaydon Roberts, Simeon Rudolph en Jeandré Beukes. In die middel is Andrew Steyn, Avon Smith, Zander van der Merwe, Franco de Lange, Alberto Volschenck, Jayden Mansfield en Ryan Lottering. Agter is JD Steyn (afrigter), Janco Roos, Bismarck Jansen, Walt Vorster, Zander Steyn, Eljay van Heerden, Kylé Nagel, Hanlo Hugo en Abrie van Zyl (afrigter).

Dié rugbyspelers van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die Bokkies-rugbyspan (o.14 en o.16) gekies. Hulle is Etienne Pretorius, Justin Jacobs, Ruben Beyleveldt, Hanco Pretorius, Rikus Pretorius, Jarod du Toit, Ruben Silvo en Rhegard Scheepers.

Dié graad 11-leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die ATKV Jeugberaad wat in die Julieskoolvakansie by Klein Kariba plaasvind, gekies. Hulle is Jannitha van den Berg, Corlia van der Bank, Eliz-Mari Sullivan en Chaldon Fourie. Kayelihle Masuku of Evander High School won the Young Hotelier category of the Young Chef and Hotelier competition that was held at the school on 10 June. This competition is aimed at Grade 12 pupils interested in this industry and it is organised through a partnership between the Fortis Hotel Group and the Capital Hotel School under the auspices of the Mpumalanga Department of Education. Karabo Selakho finished second. Here are the winners with Meri Lodewyks from the Capital Hotel School.

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Kruinpark het op Vyrdag, 9 Junie aan die Mpumalangaeindstryd van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie op Middelburg deelgeneem en onder die Top 10 geëindig. Hulle is (voor) Janko Visser en Jan-Adriaan Louw. Agter is Chana Dunn en Jan-Hendrik Groenewald.



23 June 2017

Highveld Ridge Primary School’s U/12 soccer team won the 7-a-side soccer tournament held at Summerfields Primary School in Boksburg on 26 May. The team are (in front) Junior Nkosi, Thabiso Nkomande, Yomi Aloa (coach), Liso Goge and Lunga Madzwili. At the back are Thato Motheilane, Loyiso Mabusa, Sandile Mtetwa (assistant coach), Nhlakanipho Maseko and Nthutoko Phunwayo.

Highveld Ridge Primary School’s U/10 soccer team won the 7-a-side soccer tournament held at Summerfields Primary School in Boksburg on 26 May. The team are (in front) Sekwanele Maseko, Bonga Radebe, G Kotze (coach), Matokozisi Mndebele and Njabulo Miya. At the back are Sphesihle Mahlangu, Fortune Makhumpetsi, Sandile Mthethwa, Oratile Mpete and Tumelo Molefe.

Highveld Ridge Primary School’s U/13 soccer team won the 7-a-side soccer tournament held at Summerfields Primary School in Boksburg on 26 May. They are (in front) Mthobisi Ngobe, Bhuti Khumalo, Frank van Papendorp (coach), Ndumiso Maseko and Karabo Ngobeni. At the back are Tumelo Mpete, Tokollo Lekhuleni, Sandile Mthetwa and Tumelo Khoza.

Dié leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die o.16-Mpumalanga-rugbyspan gekies. Hulle is Warren Pretorius, Martin Venter, Frans Stander, Ruan Steyn and Maarten van den Heever.

Jandré Mathee van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die o.19-Bokkies-rugbyspan gekies.

Dié leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die o.18- en 0.19-Mpumalanga-rugbyspan gekies. Hulle is Emuel de Lange, Brandon Potgieter, Evan Wessels en Renaldo Alberts.

Marietjie School’s U/15 soccer team won a soccer tournament that was held recently in Welkom. The team are (in front) Vusi Khumalo, Thuso Mkhwanazi, Louise Schoombee (coach), Thabang Skepe and Sechoba Xaba. At the back are Mduduzi Dladla, Sinenhlanhla, Mayisela, Lethu Mahlangu, Bongani Mahamtse, Tomas Oliviera and Walter Mbonani.

Marietjie School’s soccer team obtained a second and third place at a soccer tournament in Welkom recently. The team are (in front) Siphesihle Radebe, Yonela Mahanjana, Thabo Ngwenya, Vusi Khumalo and Tokolo Sibeko. At the back are Vusi Sibeko, Thulani Sigasa, Skhumbuzo Mkomo, Thabang Morwana, Simphiwe, Tebogo Ndaweni, Thembalethu Masilela and Seuntjie Mahamotsi.

23 June 2017






Sasol-spelers laat drieë inrol

Aldrie spanne van Sasol Hydra Arc-rugbyklub se spanne het hul wedstryde Saterdag gewen. Sasol 1 en 2 het met Middelburg 1 en 2 kragte gemeet op Middelburg en Sasol 3 het met Standerton kragte gemeet op Standerton. Sasol 1 se wentelling was 48-32 en die Spelers van die Wedstryd was Jannie van der Merwe en Ruan van der Golff. Die puntemakers was Christiaan Wessels wat twee drieë gedruk het, Stretch Streicher, Lourens Basson, Wessel Booysen en Steven Jacobs wat elk een drie gedruk het. Van der Merwe het ses drieë verdoel en twee strafskoppe deur die pale gestuur. Sasol 2 se wentelling was 48-10 en die Spelers van die Wedstryd was Edmund Soule en Mills Moyikizo. Die puntemakers was Jacobus Byleveldt wat drie drieë gedruk het en Gert Pieterse, Ruben Lello, Johan van

Schaik en Steyn van der Heever wat elk een drie gedruk het. Righ Potgieter het vyf drieë verdoel en een strafskop deur die pale gestuur. Sasol 3 se wentelling was 62-0 en die Spelers van die Wedstryd was Pieter Odendaal en Karel Pieter de Jager. Die puntemakers was Jaco (CJ) de Vos wat drie drieë gedruk het en vier drieë verdoel het, Jaun Schambreel wat ook drie drieë gedruk het, Karel Pieter de Jager wat twee drieë gedruk het en Given Thabalala en Sanele Dlamini wat elk een drie gedruk het. De Jager het ook twee drieë verdoel. Sasol 1 en 2 speel Saterdag tuis teen Witrivier. Die wedstryde begin om 16:00 en 14:30 onderskeidelik en belangstellendes is welkom om die spanne te gaan ondersteun. Sasol 3 speel op Bethal teen Ermelo 2 en hul wedstryd begin om 13:00.

Stoeiertjies blink uit Stoeiers van Sasol-stoeiklub het op 20 Mei aan die Mpumalanga Liga-kampioenskap in Nelspruit deelgeneem en verskeie medaljes ingepalm. Nathan Webb en Nico van den Berg het elkeen ses eerste plekke losgestoei en Zak Manaia, Tiaan Carlese, Jordan Webb en Hein Meyer het elkeen twee eerste plekke behaal. Steven Prinsloo het twee tweede

plekke behaal en King Xaba het ’n tweede plek en ’n derde plek behaal. Christiaan Steyn, Reagen Meyer en Hanco Smit het medaljes vir deelname ontvang. Die Pumatjie-stoeiers het ook op 20 Mei aan die tweede Pumatjietoernooi in Nelspruit deelgeneem en goed gestoei en toekennings vir deelname ontvang. Stoeiers wat in Nelspruit presteer het, is (voor) Tiaan Carelse, Christiaan Steyn, Reagen Meyer, Zak Manaia, Hanco Smit en King Xaba. In die middel Jordan Webb en Hein Meyer. Agter is Michael Francke (afrigter), Nico van den Berg, Nathan Webb en Johan van den Berg (afrigter).

Dié Pumatjiestoeiers van Sasol-stoeiklub is (voor) Christiaan Steyn, Du-Handrè Putter en Brüssow Francke. In die middel is Hanco Smit, Hennie Bezuidenhout, Zak Manaia, Reagen Meyer, Tiaan Carelse en King Xaba. Agter is Michael Francke (afrigter), Tyrone Swanepoel en Hein Meyer.

Sasol 1 en 2 het met Middelburg 1 en 2 kragte gemeet en hul wedstryde gewen. Foto: Rolin Booysen

Chris wins Gold Rush again Chris Venter retains the title as champion of Walker Park Golf Club’s annual Gold Rush Tournament. The tournament was held at Walker Park Golf Club this weekend from Friday to Sunday. This is the second consecutive year that Venter has clinched the trophy as overall winner. Playing from an 18 handicap, Venter accumulated the best IPS score over the three days, with his best score of 46 IPS on Friday as the winner of that day. The overall title was won on a count out between Venter and Lulu Khumalo. Khumalo is a 14 handicap golfer. The men’s winner on Saturday was These men have reason to celebrate. Chris Venter won the annual Gold Rush Golf Tournament held at Walker Park Golf Club this weekend. Lance Nel played a hole-inone on the 15th hole on Saturday.

Charles Bodenstein with 42. Danie Enslin was the Sunday winner with 42 points. Lucille Lyon is the overall women’s Gold Rush champion for 2017. She also won the daily match on Friday with 39 IPS. Lyon has a 19 handicap. Ella Theron won the competition on Saturday and Renet van Biljon was Sunday’s winner. Lance Nel delivered the highlight of the tournament with a hole-in-one on the 15th hole. “This is the first hole-in-one I have played in my 11 years as a golfer,” said this Walker Park Club member with a 30 handicap.

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