Issue 168 - FREE
23 MARCH 2018
Community News. Original - accurate - first
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
eMbalenhle runs dry “Water is life!” a little boy shouted as a water-laden truck was offloaded at Tholukwazi Primary School in eMbalenhle. By then, residents of the town had gone without water for six days, during which the municipality worked on repairing a burst water supply pipe between Evander and eMbalenhle, beginning on Friday 9 March. The water drop-off was an initiative of PWC, The Bulletin Newspaper, Roos & Rosslee and Secunda Marathon Club that included water left over from refreshments handed out to participants of the Kosmos 3-in-1 marathon. Numerous boxes were sent to the school, as opposed to being returned to their supplier. The situation has epitomised the term ‘crisis’, and proven that water is indeed life, interrupting even the most mundane daily activities of eMbalenhle residents. Learners have missed school, laundry has gone unwashed, and getting the recipe right is no longer the greatest challenge involved with cooking. eMbalenhle resident, Silindile Khumalo, said that it had become unbearable. “Even a simple thing like washing our pots is difficult. They sit in the kitchen for days and stink up the house because we do not have enough water for everything, even if we collect some from the trucks,” she said. These trucks were dispatched by the council of Govan Mbeki Municipality in an attempt to provide relief to the community. Daily, hundreds of locals queue hours before the arrival of the water trucks, bearing buckets, bottles and wheelbarrows. Khumalo’s colleague, Siboniso Mabuza, said the water crisis could no longer be viewed as just a minor inconvenience. “We have to come to work everyday without having bathed properly, and our uniforms need to be washed, too; it is uncomfortable,” he said. As daily commuters who travel between eMbalenhle and Secunda for work, Khumalo and Mabuza have resorted to buying 5 litre bottles of water after work and taking them home in the evenings. “It is becoming expensive for us, but we barely have a choice,” Khumalo said. Perhaps the most pressing effect of the ordeal is its disruption of school
activities. On several days, learners were sent home early because without water, schools are less conducive for learning. With hundreds of students attending each school, it became an increasingly alarming situation, particularly in the way of hygiene. Mrs Ramphisa, a teacher at Tholukwazi Primary School, expressed concern over the use of lavatories during the crisis. “So many students and staff use the toilets during a single school day.
It is unhygienic, considering the fact that we can neither flush nor wash our hands,” she said. The school also has a feeding scheme for learners, but because water is such a necessity in the preparation of food, this was also interrupted. Eventually, students were no longer being let out early, but rather told to stay home altogether. Without clean school uniforms, meals at lunch time and adequate sanitation, the
predicament demanded the suspension of school activities. As such, it was a hindrance to the already pressured curriculum. Apart from these inconveniences, the water crisis posed a threat to the community’s basic human right to water. At the time of publishing, water supply had been restored to most of eMbalenhle, but the people of extensions 14, 15 and 21 were still in dire need of relief. – Rorisang Rathebe
“Secunds” – Dorp van die jaar? “Secunda is bekend vir sy ‘exciting’ naglewe, mooi natuurlewe....Die son wat sak deur ‘n ligte mis, gebring met die komplimente van die myn.” Dit was die woorde van Radio Raps in sy ‘Dorp van die week’-video oor ons pragtige en terselfdertyd morsige dorp. Werkers is ernstig besig om die dorp op te ruim, of dit is omdat die Burgemeester bedank het en of dit is om Kwêla se ‘Dorp van die jaar’-kompetisie te wen en of hulle
uiteindelik die finansies en lus het om iets te doen is ‘n ope vraag. Secunda is een van die finaliste in die Dorp van die jaar-kompetisie van Kwêla, wat aangebied word in samewerking met, KIA en NAASA (National Accommodation Association of South Africa). As ons as wenners gekroon word, wen die dorp R1-miljoen se bemarkingswaarde van kykNET en Homebrew Films sal ‘n 45-sekonde advertensie oor die dorp
verfilm wat gedurende advertensietyd op TV uitgesaai sal word. Daar sal ook ’n groot KIA-dorp-van-die-jaarmakietie in die dorp gehou word met beloofde musiek, kos, pret en baie wendorp-gees! Kwêla sal dit ook verfilm en later vanjaar uitsaai. Dit sal alles afhang van die stemme. Ons kompetisie in die finaal is egter Barberton en Wakkerstroom met hul natuurskoon. Bladsy 2
23 March 2018
SA celebrates Human Rights day The Sharpeville massacre that took place on 21 March 1960, was a turning point in a long and difficult battle for human rights in South Africa. Today, the South African Bill of Rights ensures citizens the right to equality, freedom for all and human dignity. On 21 March 1960, black South Africans gathered in the townships of Sharpeville to protest against the apartheid government and in particular the pass laws, which resulted in police firing into the crowd of prostestors, killing 69 and wounding 180 people. According to parliament, the Pan
African Congress (PAC) proposed an anti-Pass campaign that was set to begin on the day the massacre took place. Black men gathered at Sharpeville without passes and presented themselves for arrest. The order was apparently given to disperse and shots were fired at the men, women and children. Following this incident, a number of black political movements were banned by the government, but continued to operate underground. “On Human Rights day, South Africans are asked to reflect on their rights, to protect their rights and the rights of
all people from violation, irrespective of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, whether they are foreign national or not – human rights apply to everyone, equally,” Parliament said. What are your rights? In terms of the Bill of Rights: -Everyone has the right to citizenship and security. -Persons and groups are entitled to freedom of assembly, association, belief and opinion, and expression and they have the right to demonstrate, picket and petition. - All persons have a right to privacy and to exercise political rights.
- All persons have rights when they are arrested, detained and accused and must have access to courts. - All have a right to freedom of movement, residence, trade, occupation and profession. - Anyone has the right to a basic education. - The Bill of Rights also specifies the rights of persons belonging to cultural, religious or linguistic communities. - Protected rights include a healthy environment, housing, health care, food, water and social security. -You have a right to cultural, religious and linguistic communities.
Cold puts damper on relay The annual Cansa relay was met with cold and windy weather. This event is held every year not only to remember those that is no longer with us but also to celebrate those that survived cancer. This year Highveld Park Primary played host to the event. The relay started with the usual survivor function. Although it was not as well attended as it could have been, it proved to be a great success. The survivors were entertained by some singing and a few testimonies. At the function it once again became very clear that cancer do not affect only a select few. Anyone can be affected by the disease. At the end of the function, every survivor were handed a purple balloon. The procession then moved to the main area (rugby/soccer field) where they were greeted by a guard of honour, formed by the Adler Fahrers motorcycle riders. At the field they all released their balloons before doing a lap of honour. The drum majorettes from Laerskool Secunda performed for the crowd
at the official start of proceedings. A festive atmosphere filled the area with everybody being busy finalising their stalls, some starting to walk around the track. Purple pancakes were baked at the Cansa tent while other types of food were also prepared. The Luminaria ceremony took place as the sun lost its power, maybe as a symbolic sign that some lost their fight against a terrible disease. It was a time to reflect on good times with friends and family. A time to think of those that are fighting against cancer at the moment. But most of all, to remember
those that are no longer with us. At the ceremony a candle was lit and placed in a white bag. This was then placed around the field. The word hope was spelled with the candles on the pavilion. The night grew colder and just before midnight it became extremely cold and unpleasant. This forced a number of people to abandon the relay and head home. The weather cannot be planned but the fight against cancer can. Let everyone join in the effort of Cansa next year to bring attention to the fight against cancer and the wonderful work that Cansa is doing.
• Vanaf bladsy 1
“Secunds” – Dorp van die jaar? Die SMS-stemlyn het reeds Vrydag gesluit en die wendorp sal op 17 Junie aangekondig word. Dis ‘n feit dat inwoners gedurig kla oor vullis, verkeersligte, munisipale rekeninge en nog ‘n magdom ander goed, maar ons dorp bly ons dorp en dis in ‘n mate waar wat Radio Raps gesê het: “Dis moeilik om iemand nie te sien lag in Secunda nie, party omdat hul onder die invloed is, maar ander omdat hulle die vreugde van Secunda uitleef. Baie van die mense in Secunda gee hulle lewer vir die dorp, dis mense met goeie harte en sterk longe. Lank lewe Secunds!”
Radio Raps tydens ‘n optrede van Dingetjies en Goetertjies wat Oktober verlede jaar by Graceland gehou is. “Lank lewe Secunds”
23 March 2018
Educators tired of ‘empty promises’
Educators under the Department of Higher Education and Training protested outside PTA Technical College on Monday 19 March
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Choppies Secunda was closed for two days last week due to health and sanitation reasons, following an inspection and complaints from customers. It is now open and resuming business activities under conditions of the health inspection. Management of the store was unable to speak to media, and representatives of the municipality were not available for comment.
Lecturers of community learning centres picketed outside PTA Technical College on Monday 19 March. Bearing signs that exhibited phrases like “Give us our monies!” and “DHET is full of corruption”, protestors were supported by a few members of the Economic Freedom Fighters. “This protest is about the problems we’ve been facing,” said Phiwo Nqayi, a lecturer at a local tertiary institution. “Since the shift from the Department of Basic Education to the Department of Higher Education and Training, we have been promised standardised salaries.” Protestors dubbed these promises as empty, from the moment they were made in April of 2015. They said that some directors from the Department of Higher Education and Training stated that the implementation of standardised salaries would begin in 2016, yet it has still not happened. “They said that the minimum salary one would receive would be R24 000, based on their newly drafted document of standards and norms for community education and training colleges,” Nqayi said. Recently, lecturers received a circular from the department, postponing the implementation of the new
standards and norms. The educators have, however, already been working according to the newest standards, which they have not been compensated for as per the document. “We feel as though we are being treated like animals,” Nqayi said, “exploited without being compensated.” Protestors are also considering taking legal action. “If need be, we will take this to the highest court there is,” Nqayi said. For now, protests will continue until a response to the issue has been received. – Rorisang Rathebe
So is die lewe
• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903
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Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin.
23 March 2018
WHAT’S UP Sasol Hydra-Arc Rugby Practice @ Sasol Club - Every Tuesday and Thursday @ 18:00 to 20:00. Contact: Theuns Kruger Club Captain on 082 602 4035. 24 March - Tydlose treffers. Hoërskool Secunda bied aan: Tydlose treffers met Laurika Rauch. Sluit gekookte ete in asook wyn op tafel. R500p/p of R5000 vir tafel van 10. Besprekings by Paul 079 358 9035 of bemarking@hs-sec. 24 March - MTB Cosmos 3-in-1. 3 Races in 1 day. Ultimate 100km Lake Umuzi. 084 804 8749. 24 Maart - laerskool Secunda/ Lynco bied ‘n vroue oggend aan met gas spreker Ian Wessels en vermaak deur Dieter Uken by Graceland arena. Toegang:R150. kontak Lizelle by 0176347612 24 Maart - Laerskool Trichardt se Golfdag te Walker park. Van vroegdag tot laat. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Sonet Beukes by 0824116046
Die skrywer Irwin Shaw is een van my gunstelinge. Een van sy bekendste boeke is as ‘n televisiereeks bekend: Rich man, Poor man. Die verhaal van twee broers, Rudi en Tom Jordache. Rudi was die uitblinker, die presteerder. Hy was voorbeeldig, van kindsbeen af bestem om suksesvol te wees. Sy pa, ‘n bakker, en sy ma het net vir hom geleef. Op universiteit was hy een van die leiers, en toe hy gegradueer het, het werksaanbiedings ingestroom. Hy is ‘n miljoenêr voordat hy dertig is. Uiteindelik word hy een van die jongste senators in Amerika. Die ander broer, Tom, was die bakleier, die moeilikheidmaker. Sy pa het hom op sestien uit die huis uitgejaag. Eers word hy ‘n bokser, en nadat hy moeilikheid met die Mafia gekry het, ‘n matroos. Uiteindelik het hy vir homself ‘n boot in die suide van Frankryk gekoop, en sy hele lewe het verander. Dan die ironiese einde van die verhaal: Rudi is die een wat op veertig afgeleef en ontnugter is, sonder enige sin in sy lewe. Tom is die een vir wie almal lief is, wat oral gewild is. En dan red hy sy miljoenêrbroer se besope vrou uit ‘n agterstraatse kroeg uit die hande van ‘n booswig, Falconetti, en word vermoor. Tom, die een wat uiteindelik iets van sy lewe gemaak het. Die ironie van mense se lewens. Ironie is waar omstandighede totaal anders uitdraai as wat ‘n mens sou verwag het. Ons is oral daardeur omring: die man en vrou wat saam uitsien na aftrede, en net voordat dit gebeur, sterf een van die twee. Ouers wat soveel drome vir hulle kinders het, net om te sien hoe alles skeefloop. Of sterf voordat hulle hul eerste kleinkind gesien het. ‘n Paartjie wat met sterre in hulle oë vir ewig trou sweer aan mekaar, net om ‘n paar jaar later in ‘n bitter hofgeding gewikkel te wees oor wie wat kry tydens die egskeiding. Koning Dawid se lewe was ook ironies. In Israel was hy die roemrykste koning. Wanneer mens lees oor sy lewe, dan leer jy ‘n uitnemende leier ken. ‘n Man wat respek afgedwing het met sy leierskapstyl, wat wyd en syd bekend was vir sy bestuursvermoë, en wat gevrees was deur sy vyande. Sy Psalms is aangrypend. Liedere, gedigte, gebede. Dawid was ‘n dapper man, ‘n krygsheld, ‘n letterkundige, ‘n digter, briljant, gesalf om koning te wees van Israel. Gaan kyk jy egter na sy gesin, dan sien jy die ironie. Dawid was ‘n mislukking as pa. Dit maak nie saak wat sy eienskappe en talente was nie. Sy seun Amnon pleeg die afskuwelike daad om sy halfsuster Tamar met ‘n slinkse plan in sy kamer in te lok, en te verkrag. En nadat hy dit gedoen het,
verwerp hy haar. Dawid se ander seun, Absolom, haat sy broer Amnon met ‘n intense haat hieroor. Uiteindelik laat hy sy broer vermoor met ‘n fyn uitgewerkte plan. Absolom slaap ook saam met van sy pa se vroue. Dit dwing hom om te vlug na koning Talmai van Gesur. En as hy uiteindelik terugkeer na Jerusalem, is hy en sy pa twee jaar in dieselfde stad sonder dat hulle ooit met mekaar praat. Want uiteindelik het Dawid se seuns sy voorbeeld begin volg: Dawid het die vrou van Uria gevat wat nie aan hom behoort het nie. Amnon sien by sy pa dat jy maar kan vat wat jy wil hê, al kom dit jou nie toe nie. Daarom verkrag hy sy eie halfsuster. Absolom leer dieselfde beginsel by sy pa. En daarom rig Absolom sy oë op sy pa se ryk. Hy begin met ‘n oorlog teen sy eie pa om koning te word. Al is dit sy pa se ryk, het hy geleer uit sy pa se voorbeeld. En dit het uiteindelik Dawid se oënskynlik suksesvolle lewe laat verbrokkel totdat daar min van oor was. Hy besef dit. Daarom skryf hy in diep pyn Psalm 13 (my parafrase): O Heer! Dit raak nou te veel. Dit voel so lank al asof of U my nie wil raaksien nie. Ek ervaar dit dat U U ore toedruk as ek huil en roep, en anderpad kyk as ek voor U staan. En ek begin glo dat dit vir altyd so sal aangaan. Ek maak desperaat my eie planne, maar hulle werk nie een nie, en dit maak die stres daagliks net al hoe meer en meer. Hoe lank gaan die lewe en mense my kwes en verniel? Luister tog nou, My Here. U is tog my Verlosser van altyd af! En praat net asseblief, sodat ek kan weet U hoor!!! U weet wat ek wil hê: Gee my tog net nuwe lewenskrag. Ek wil nie nou al doodgaan nie, want dan sal my mislukkings en foute bly voortleef, en die enigste spore wees wat ek nalaat. En mense sal daaroor vir my lag. Ek hou nog al die tyd vas aan u liefde, soos ek dit leer ken het. Ek weet dat U alreeds ‘n uitkoms het vir my probleme, en daaroor juig ek. Ek wil steeds lofliedere sing oor my Here en my God, almal vertel van Hom, want eintlik was Hy nog net goed vir my. Die ironieë van ons lewens. As mens versigtig na jouself kyk, eerlik, objektief, kan jy, soos Dawid, jou Anker herontdek. En ware vrede kry oor ‘n ironiese lewe. Dalk kan jy selfs nog regmaak wat verkeerd geloop het. Dis nooit te laat nie!
Evander High School Land Service Clean up Area
COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
John 1:16
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.
On 15 March 2018, the Evander High School Land Service learners embraced the real essence of what Land Service is about. Armed with black refuse bags, they, along with the teachers in control of the Land Service club, set out to pick up litter on the outside of the school grounds. Hopefully, this action will teach learners and members of the community not to be litter bugs and to care for our precious environment by discarding their litter in rubbish bins. A big thank you for the Land Service club on such a huge endeavour.
23 March 2018
GMCF battling unemployment Members of the Govan Mbeki Community Forum (GMCF) have adopted a proactive stance to combat unemployment in the community. On Wednesday 14 March, representatives of the forum approached various companies in the area to confront them about recruitment policies. Amongst these were M&S, NOVA, MegChem and Hydra Arc. The main criticism of the day was that companies in the area often hire ‘outsiders’, as opposed to members of the local community. As a result, unemployment and the drawbacks that are attached to it are plaguing the community, and, in particular, the community of eMbalenhle. GMCF believes that unemployment is the root of eMbalenhle’s current condition. “It is disheartening to see young and old people, formally and informally trained people, being so helpless and hopeless,” said Tshepo Ngcongwane, secretary of the GMCF. “Most end up making bad decisions, such as abusing drugs and alcohol, committing suicide, or joining gangs.” “You will blame them until you hear their anguish, then you will know the true story behind a face,” he said. Members of the forum said that they don’t hate those who seek employment from outside Govan Mbeki, and that they would never wish unemployment on others, simply because they are not locals. “We only ask to be prioritised in terms of job opportunities,” Tshepo
said. Having presented this request to various companies in the area, a common response that the forum received was that applicants tend to forge residential addresses, and recruiters cannot tell those who really live in eMbalenhle apart from those who are from QwaQwa, for instance. Thus, on 14 March, the GMCF approached these companies, asking for the databases containing all details of job applicants, in order to conduct its own investigations to set the real locals apart from those who are only locals on paper. This, they suggest, will ensure that companies give priority to GMM residents, before turning their gaze to potentials who are further out of range. Over the past few months, the GMCF has also been in extensive communication with Sasol, to which it presented a memorandum in November of 2017. The memorandum articulated the main issues of access to employment opportunities at Sasol, skills development and community development. In a follow up
meeting on 22 January 2018, the forum reiterated the concern that Sasol’s suppliers brought in people from areas outside of Govan Mbeki Municipality, which they considered unethical behaviour from the recruitment agents. “We are perplexed as a community by Sasol’s perpetual emissions, which pollute the air we breathe, resulting in long term illnesses and mostly affecting our children, yet they allow labour brokers and service providers to deny employment to the very same people who are affected by their operations,” a member of the forum said. Sasol representatives responded to concerns by explaining that it has a recruitment process in line with its IR policy, and that recruitment is done via the Department of Labour. Furthermore, they stated that Sasol, as an organisation, does not have the capacity to employ all unemployed residents of Govan Mbeki Municipality
but, with the minimal opportunities that do arise, locals are prioritised. “Ultimately our aim is to prevent people from losing their tempers and expressing their anger in a violent way,” Tshepo said. As such, the forum plans to continue in the culture of negotiation and deliberation until their pleas are heard and adequately addressed. – Rorisang Rathebe
23 March 2018
23 March 2018
Projek Suikerbekkie ontferm
Henry Buÿs (voorsitter Sektor 1 Kosmos) ontvang van Verpleegsuster Anna Taljaart materiaal houers vir die kinders se toiletware.
Projek Suikerbekkie is maar een van die projekte wat deur die veterane van die SAWV onderneem en bestuur word. Die projek se doel is om ‘n persoon/e of instansies aan te neem en na hulle welsyn om te sien. Die SAWV se Sektor 1 Kosmos, met die ondersteuning van Mukumbura Shellhole, het na grondigeondersoek, Laerskool Trichard se koshuis geïdentifiseer as hulle Suikerbekkie projek. Daar is ongeveer 30 kinders in die koshuis en behoefte is baie groot om die kinders van die nodige basiese behoeftes te voorsien. Danksy baie skenkings vanaf verskeie organisasies, slaghuise, skryfbehoefte verskaffers, die wat die yskaste kom regmaak het, die skenking van beddegoed, gordyn materiaal en so meer, was die projek in staat om in die lewens van die kinders ‘n enorme verskil te maak. Daar is nog baie wat nodig is en wat gedoen moet word om aan die kinders te toon dat daar nog oop harte is vir diegene wat minderbevoorreg is. Kom asseblief in aanraking met die voorsitter van Kosmos Sektor 1, indien daar organisasies, sakemanne of individue is wat wil deelneem aan die Suikerbekkie projek vir Laerskool Trichardt se koshuis. - Aart Reedijk
Henk Louw (koshuisvader) ontvang van Henry Buÿs (voorsitter Sektor 1 Kosmos) van die 24 kussings wat deur die Rhodesian Association of South Africa geskenk is.
To advertisE call: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 or Mariëtte 083 476 2860 Mari 084 483 0280
23 March 2018
Residents perform CPR Little Swimmers swimming school hosted their first CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) day to equip locals with life-saving skills. Kevin Daykin, a professional paramedic, led two 3-hour sessions at Sasol Club on Saturday. Hoërskool Secunda learners also participated and everyone received manuals and certificates, valid for a year. 24 people participated over the two sessions. Participants learned all about chest compressions, rescue breaths and recovery positions. Little Swimmers is planning on holding more such days in the future.
Why CPR? When someone drowns, the lack of oxygen will soon render the person unconscious, which may cause the heart to stop beating and cut off blood supply to the body and brain. If the brain doesn’t get oxygen in five to six minutes, it will cause brain damage and eventually brain death. CPR is life saving techniques used in cases of cardiac arrest (not only caused by drowning). With CPR you take over a patient’s heart and lung function until professional help arrives. Later steps include rescue breaths and chest compressions and can literally save a live.
To Advertise Call Mariëtte 083 476 2860 Mari 084 483 0280
Misty waters is looming The very popular Misty Waters music festival is happening on the last weekend of April. Three days of Rock, Blues and folk music. The line-up features some excellent artists such as Dan Patlansky, Koos Kombuis, Jan Blom, The Black Cat Bones and Albert Frost. “MISTY WATERS, hosted at Lake Umuzi Kamp Oase, is a 3 day open air music festival nestled in an oasis of willows, lakes, lush lawns and orange sunsets. Intimacy in the open is what we’re all about, creating a space where conversations are spurred on in a pub-like atmosphere whilst listening to some of the most authentic SA live acts.” Says Dian Rosslee (organiser of Misty Waters), “Our aim is to create a cultural festival centered around the raw essence of ROCK and BLUES with the added touch of the SA FOLK music pioneers and a hint of contemporary eclectic sounds of INDIE and ALTERNATIVE rock music.” When asked about the festival, Rolin Booysen (head of marketing Lake Umuzi) said the following:
“A place where you get to know that stranger in the tent across from you, having laughs with old mates, new mates and feel free to speak your mind (no judgements). Here you will find artists, fans and musiclovers intertwined in the chaos of kuier. HARDE BAARD MUSIEK VIRRIE MENSE WAT DAARNA VERLANG FUNKIN’ JUMPIN’ DANCIN’ and CHILLIN’ to the eClecticity” The festival main attractions are well known in South Africa and some are even international artists. The festival will be hosted on Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 April. Follow the festival on facebook and read the Bulletin for more news. Pricing and accommodation details to follow in later publications.
SPORT News/School
23 March 2018
Sasol visits top performers Sasol Bursaries ambassadors visited top performing learners of Hoërskool Secunda on 13 March 2018. Students who attended the orientation included Grade 11’s and matriculants who meet the minimum requirements to qualify for the Sasol Corporate Bursary Programme. These requirements are 70% for Maths and Science, and 60% for English. Rated by South African Graduate Employers Association as the employer of choice in Africa’s chemicals and pharmaceuticals sectors, Sasol offers one of the most comprehensive bursaries in Southern Africa. The company is looking for learners who want to study towards a B Eng or BSc Eng in various engineering disciplines, BSc in Chemistry and Accounting (CA route) or learners interested in studying Instrumentation, Mining Survey and Mechanical or Electrical Engineering at a University of Technology. Philisiwe Ndlebe, a Grade 10 learner, was grateful to finally understand what Sasol is really about. “We’ve always had a rough idea, but still we’d ask ourselves what exactly happens there and how we could get there,” she said. “Knowing that you can work hard and eventually get there, even if you don’t come from a privileged background, is
great.” Philisiwe hopes to study Accounting after completing her high school education. During the orientation, ambassadors gave a thorough presentation of what applicants of the bursary could expect. They also opened up the floor for questions from the students. Responses from learners were positive, and excitement mounted as the full scope of the programme was unpacked. Covering registration, tuition and exam fees, as well as accommodation, food, books and pocket money, the bursary caused a plausible buzz amongst those who attended. Andile Radebe, another Grade 10 learner, felt motivated by the orientation. “I feel as though I should work more on my academics. Even though I’m only in Grade 10, time is moving quickly and I should work hard now so that when I get to matric, I can stand a chance at getting this bursary,” she said. Samukelisiwe Tshabalala, a friend of Andile’s, felt
a similar sense of inspiration after listening to the ambassadors. “There are a lot of challenges that I’m facing right now, and I’m really stressed about the future but I know that with this opportunity, I can do a lot with my life,” she said. “It really opened my eyes.” Spirits were high after the briefing, with pupils conveying an eagerness to apply for the bursary programme. Applications are now open and in full swing until 30 April 2018. It all begins with an online registration on the Sasol bursaries website, www.sasolbursaries. com. – Rorisang Rathebe
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Die onnies en die grade Drie onderwysers van Laerskool Trichardt het vroeër vandeesmaand hul grade aan die Noordwes Universiteit, oftewel Pukke behaal. Marné Spies (23), Ria Benson (22) en Leoné Lottering (22) is al drie vars uit die universiteit en het in Januarie by die skool se bekwame personeelspan aangesluit. Marné is ‘n onderwyseres in Natuurwetenskappe en Lewensvaardighede. Sy het BEd intermediêre en senior fase studeer, met Afrikaans as hoofvak en Lewensvaardighede as leerarea. “Ek wou aangaan met netbal en my passie uitleef. Ek het nog altyd ‘n liefde daarvoor en beweeg al van kleins af in die onderwyssisteem. Die oud Hoërskool Hoogenhout leerling het op 7 Maart graad gekry. Sy is ook die dogter van Laerskool Trichardt se skoolhoof, mnr. Spies en haar ma is ‘n Engelse onderwyseres by dieselfde skool. Die 22-jarige Ria en Leoné het beide BEd grondslagfase studeer en ‘n dag voor Marné graad gekry.
Ria het haar graad met lof geslaag en wil graag haar honeurs ook doen. “Ek is glad nie sosiaaal nie, ek is meer akademies gefokus,” het Ria gesê. Ria het aan Hoërskool Bergsig in Rustenburg gematrikuleer en bied tans Skeppende Kunste vir gr.7, Engels en Lewensoriëntering aan. Haar poppe moes glo tot vervelens toe in haar “klas” sit en leer. Ria trou op 30 Junie met haar verloofde, Marnes Potgieter en bly tans in Evander. Leoné bly ook in Evander, waar sy ook aan die plaaslike hoërskool gematrikuleer het. Dié saggeaarde blondekop help om die fyn en groot motoriese vaardighede van die Gr. RR’s te onwikkel. “Ek was nog altyd lief vir kinders. Ek wou eers sielkunde doen, maar onderwys het beter in my prentjie gepas,” het sy gesê. Sy oorweeg ook om haar honeurs te voltooi, maar een ding is seker: met sulke bekwame toevoegings tot die personeelspan, het dié Laerskool ‘n wenspan!
Leoné Lottering
Marné Spies
Ria Benson
Cold weather perfect for Bullie show
Cleo's photo by Salaria
Mpumalanga Bulldog Club hosted the club’s second Non-Championship Show at Lake Umuzi on Saturday. “The show was a great success. The day started with rain and wind, but turned out to be a perfect cold day that was ideal for our bullies,” Yvette Bodington from the club said. Pastor Danny Morgan opened the show and local veterinarian, Darko Zupanc created a fun atmosphere. “This is what our club is all about: pure enjoyment of these special dogs,” Yvette said. There were eight categories in the clubs second open show. The club
was started last year and had to host two open shows in order to host a championship show that will also take place at Lake Umuzi on 29 September. Westberg Kennels performed exceptionally well and won both categories of Graduate Dog and Graduate Bitch. The beautiful Madison won first place in the puppy class bitch and was also crowned as the best puppy in the show. Maggie won first place in Graduate bitch and third place in all winners group for bitches. Leah received second place in Graduate bitch category and Dexter won first place in graduate dog.
Meneer Ferreira en Juffrou Elize Ferreira van Laerskool Goedehoop moes op 13 Maart hul trots sluk en daksitters word na hulle ‘n ooreenkoms met dié skool se leerlinge verloor het. Mnr. Ferreira het die belofte gemaak dat hy en Elize op die skool se dak sal sit indien daar ‘n kworum tydens die Beheerliggaamverkiesing is. Eerste pouse is op die lapa se dak deurgebring tot groot vermaak van die gr. 2 en gr.3 klasse en tweede pouse het die gr. 00, gr.0 en gr.1’s hul beurt gekry om die twee “grootmense” op die adminblok se dak te sien.
Wernich Roussouw, ‘n Gr. 6 leerling van Laerskool Goedehoop, is gekies om die Mpumalanga 0/13-tennisspan aan te voer tydens die jaarlikse Interprovinsiale Tennistoernooi. Dié toernooi vind van 27 April tot 1 Mei in Bloemfontein plaas. Wernich het reeds verlede jaar as 0/11 speler, vir die 0/13 span gespeel en ding vanjaar as die nr. 1 laerskole tennisspeler in die provinsie mee. Wernich is huidiglik in die top 10 (0/12) spelers op die nasionale ranglys. Hy neem van 4 tot 10 April aan die Nasionale Junior Tenniskampioenskappe in Bloemfontein deel.
23 March 2018
TP Stratten participated in LSEN Special Classes and Special School’s athletics that took place in Nelspruit on 6 and 7 March. In front sits Anele Mjila and Reante Moodley. In the middle (f.l.t.r) is Mhlengi Nhlapo, Tatenda Kamucha, Mangiwe Ndlovu, Ms Aldi Nel, Ladyfair Mahlobo, Nothando Mahlangu and Lwazi Madida. At the back is f.l.t.r Sicelo Sibeko, Mzwandile Ntuli, Prince Mollo, Samkelo Msiza, Thandolwethu Ngubeni and Fortune Dlamini.
Die Super 12 Redenaars het op 9 en 10 Maart by Laerskool Menlopark plaasgevind. Ses redenaars van Laerskool Goedehoop het individueel deel geneem. Die skool het ook ‘n span (bestaande uit vier redenaars) gestuur om aan die opwindende kompetisie deelte neem. Chris van Schalkwyk (Gr.13), Juandri Fourie (Gr.4-5), Suzaan Thomas (Gr.1-3) en An-Euné van Niekerk het individueel deel geneem en deurgedring na die finaal. An-Euné het ook‘n tweede plek in die Gr.4 - 5 afdeling behaal. “Die span” (Gr.6-7) wat deurgedring het na die finaal het bestaan uit Johke Prinsloo, Carla Stoltz, Lana Hyman en Megan van Schalkwyk. Wernich Roussouw het ook deel geneem.
Elri Kruger het ‘n derde plek in die 1200m behaal tydens die SA Atletiekbyeenkoms wat in Paarl plaasgevind het. By haar staan mnr. Abrie van Zyl, langafstand afrigter en onderwyser by die skool.
23 March 2018
23 March
Sasol Rugby shows spirit
Sasol tackling proved to be good. a Roodepoort player is taken down unceremoniously by Sasol On a day that will be remembered for negativity by Roodepoort Rugby rather than the positive play by Sasol Rugby club, Sasol ended victors by 28 to 24 points. The cold front made for miserable weather on the rugby field but the high pace of the game and flaring tempers ensured that the players stayed warm. The game started at a high pace with Sasol nearly scoring within the first minute of the game. A badly executed kick from Roodepoort, to start the game, saw Sasol seizing the opportunity and the forwards caught the ball on the middle line. They charged forward only to be stopped at the quarter line. This set the pace for the rest of the game. It was a hard and fast game with both sides attacking as soon as they could get their hands on the ball. Sasol built an early lead of two tries only to see Roodepoort clawing their way back into the game, eventually leading
by 24 to 21 with a minute or two remaining. Sasol scored the winning try in the dying minutes of the game. Roodepoort used their backline to great effect in the early stages of the game, attacking Sasol’s backline with pace. They created a few gaps and it was sheer determination by Sasol’s backline that stopped the breaks. Sasol’s backline proved to be faster and they executed their movements with pace and vigour. This proved a bit too much for Roodepoort and they switched their attack to the front. Roodepoort scored two tries by using the forwards to push over the try line. Sasol did not have an immediate response to the charges of Roodepoort but things changed after halftime. Sasol used the same tactics against Roodepoort and it paid off well. Roodepoort had no answer to Sasol drives and could only resort to collapsing the drives, resulting in penalties against them.
The scrums of Sasol showed some weakness in the front row and it should be addressed in the week’s practices. The lineouts went better with Sasol winning a number of opposition balls, although the throwins were sometimes too low. In all, an improvement from last week against better competition. A point of concern is that the player running with the ball quickly found himself without support, once tackled, at the later stages of the game, giving Roodepoort time to consolidate. Sasol won a number of turnover balls by wrestling the ball from their opponents’ hands and lost only a few. Roodepoort Rugby club resorted to negative play from the beginning. Forwards would barge into the scrums with no arms used, the worst of it is that it did not result in penalties. The blatant obstruction by a Roodepoort forward that continued for nearly 30 meters also were
not punished. A number of other infringements went unpunished by both teams resulting in tempers flaring. Roodepoort received a penalty against them for back chatting. The game should have been handled more strictly by the referee by addressing the infringements quicker, stopping the swearing and generally refereeing a fair game. Rude and crude swearing became the norm of the Roodepoort game. The tempers started to flare between the spectators also and only a request by Willa Martin silenced the Sasol supporters. In a game that should have been a showcase of rugby, the only things that will it be remembered for are the yellow cards, negativity and general bad sportsmanship by Roodepoort players and officials. Sasol stood proud with good control and showed their tenacity by not laying down, playing to win until the end.
Graceland club championships A wet golf course greeted 50 players on Saturday morning, 10 March, to participate in the 2018 annual Graceland club championships. Twenty four millimetres of rain fell on Thursday and water was still standing on some fairways by Friday afternoon.
Heinrich Britz, golf director of Graceland Country Club, said that the wet conditions promised a long and tough day for players on Saturday and Sunday. Other than the wet conditions, the course was in excellent condition with the semi rough not too punishing. Saturday morning, however, the course was dry enough to allow carts being used. It was still overcast with almost no breeze. Players teed off at number one and number ten tees to speed up play. The competition was played over two days in the medal format for the A and B division while the C division played IPS. Sunday morning the players teed off at 08:30 in slightly overcast weather which turned out to be perfect golfing weather. Martin Odendaal with a +1 handicap won the title with a score of 137. Barney Groenewald and Quintin King shared second place with 156. The C division was won by Rhigardt Nolte with 73 IPS points and Johnny
Martin Smalberger tees off van Jaarsveld second with 63 IPS points. The ladies champion for 2018 is Renet
van Biljon with 68 IPS points and Wilma J van Rensburg second with 58 IPS points.