The bulletin newspaper 25 august 2017

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Issue 142 - FREE

25 AUGUST 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Boer se verkoolde liggaam gevind

Anton Smuts (64) ’n boer van Kinross, is Saterdagaand op sy plaas dood. Sy bakkie en verkoolde liggaam is omstreeks 19:40 op sy plaas gevind. Volgens sy seun, Henri Smuts, was dit sy pa se gewoonte om op Saterdagmiddae om die plaas te ry en die lyndrade na te gaan. Hy is vermoedelik geskiet waarna die aanvallers vermoedelik met hom ’n ent in sy bakkie gery het en dit later aan die brand gesteek het. Henri het gesê hulle sal sy pa as ’n goeie mens onthou wat altyd bereid was om ander te help. Hy het ondernemings gehad, maar het die laaste paar jaar afgeskaal en voltyds geboer. Anton laat sy vrou, Mariaan Smuts, twee kinders en vier kleinkinders na. Begrafnisreëlings sal eers oor twee weke getref kan word omdat die nadoodse ondersoek dan eers afgehandel sal wees. Volgens, Kol. Mtsholi Bhembe van Kinross Polisie, het Anton sy huis op Leandra verlaat om na die plaas naby Kinross te gaan. ’n Ander boer het glo gesien iets brand en ondersoek ingestel waarna hy op Anton se brandende bakkie en verkoolde lyk afgekom het en die polisie in kennis gestel het. Die polisie ondersoek nog die saak en enige iemand met inligting, kan konst. Tlaishego Makgopa skakel by 017 687 0033 or 072 781 0131. - Jana Oosthuizen.

Anton Smuts (64) se verkoolde liggaam is Saterdagaand gevind.

Municipality appoints new MM and CFO Many councillors of different political parties are upset about the hasty appointment of the new CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and the new MM (Municipal Mayor) during a special council meeting held on Tuesday, 15 August. BM Mhlanga was appointed as acting Municipal Manager and BB Sithole as the new Chief Financial Officer. The current acting Municipal Manager, ME Michele, will return to his normal position as Regional Manager. DA Councillors said this memo was only given to them at the council meeting and not beforehand as it is supposed to be. They suggested that the council handle it at the next meeting on 29 August, but the ANC majority council went ahead and appointed the MM and CFO anyway. Encee van Huyssteen, Caucus Leader for the DA said there is certain procedures that needs to be taken when appointing new officials that was not followed. “The council did not follow any of the procedures, they just said these officials were appointed,” said Encee. “The new CFO has a questionable background. We will investigate it further and if this appointment was against the law, we will open a case.” The DA opened a case

against the previous Municipal Manager, Mmela Mahlangu, but nothing came from it. Freedom Front Plus Councillor, Aranda NelBuitendag, is also not happy about the way things were handled at this meeting and said if the municipality handled it at the next council meeting, it would have given all councillors the opportunity to gain more information about the applicants and see a short list of candidates before any decisions are made. “Although the interview process took place earlier this year, there was never any report-back to council before a final candidate was identified”, said Aranda. According to her, the short-list for the new CFO consisted of six candidates. “The report brought to council regarding the appointment of a CFO, stated that the appointment of a CFO is in an effort of the municipal executives to bringabout an institutional transformation. “There were no documents with a CV or any of the new CFO’s qualifications attached for council’s perusal. “Although the new CFO is set to take up office on 1 September, the matter of the appointment must still be presented to the MEC of COGTA (CoOperative Governance and Traditional Affairs).”



25 August 2017

Cemetery is delapidated Residents are not happy with the state of the Secunda Cemetery. There is allegedly no electricity at the cemetery and the building where the chapel once was, now has broken windows. “The bathrooms are dirty and cannot be used at all,” said one of the residents. According to him there is also a problem with traffic when three or four funerals are taking place at the same time. “There is only one entrance and no exit.

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“The municipality can just make another entrance or exit so that the traffic can flow.” Residents were upset with the municipality last year in September when a notice was put up that tombstones that did not comply to certain requirements would be removed to make maintaining the cemetery easier. Bheki Khubeka, Head of Marketing and Communications at Govan Mbeki Municipality at that time said: “Most of the transgressions identified, are in violation of the cemetery policy.”

Windows of what used to be a chapel at the cemetery are broken.

Residents found the cemetery in this state recently.

The bathrooms at the cemetery are dirty.

Farmers receive fire training Hefpa (Highveld East Fire Protection Association) held a training session on 11 August for all Hefpa members in the region. The Head of the Secunda Fire Department, Shelly Shabalala, spoke to the group, thanking everyone for their commitment and help when there are



fires. Gert Kühn, Chairman of Hefpa, opened the event. The aim of the training was to teach farmers and their workers the correct methods to control and extinguish veld fires, and the importance of wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) in all fire related cases. The group was also taught why unnecessary fires should not be started and the dangers and effects of unnecessary fires. The group also learnt how to work together with the Fire Department, the community and farmers when a fire breaks out. Sasol Fire Brigade and WOF (Working of Fire) conducted the training and the management of Hefpa thanked them for their input.

Members of Hefpa and their workers attend fire training organised by Hefpa (Highveld East Fire Protection Association).


25 August 2017

Pietertjie Brits benodig hulp Pietertjie Brits (4) van Bethal, is in 2013 met ’n baie rare velsiekte gebore. Dié siekte, LCMN (Large Congenital Melonchytic Nevus) veroorsaak dat Pietertjie swart kolle op sy hele lyfie het. Hy is met dié kolle gebore en sy ouers, Pieter en Michélé Brits, het groot geskrik toe hy gebore is. “Ons het baie vrae gehad,” het Michélé gesê. “Ek het myself afgevra of ek iets verkeerd geëet het, of te veel spanning beleef het, of te hard gewerk het.” Dokters het nie geweet wat dit was nie en Pietertjie is na ’n velspesialis in Pretoria verwys. Die tweede velspesialis wat hy gaan sien het, het gesê Pietertjie ly aan ’n rare velsiekte wat net een uit sowat 500 000 mense kry. Michélé het die kolle, wat nou bruiner is en nie meer swart soos toe Pietertje gebore is nie, beskryf soos geboortevlekke, maar net dieper en dit kan nie soos geboortevlekke met laser-behandeling verwyder word nie. Pietertjie het vier verskillende tipes kolle op sy liggaam en mag nie in die son kom nie. As hy in die son kom, kan die UV-strale van die son lei tot velkanker. Sy ma sit vir hom baie sterk sonbrandroom aan as hy buite gaan speel en sy het ook klere laat maak van spesiale materiaal wat Pietertjie se lyf teen die son beskerm.

“Hy is vir ons mooi net soos wat hy is en ons is lief vir hom,” het Michélé gesê. Pietertjie gaan na ’n kleuterskool op Bethal en hy het drie boeties, waarvan die jongste drie maande oud is. Pietertjie is vroeër vanjaar met epilepsie gediagnoseer ná hy verlede jaar tekens van epilepsie begin toon het. Hy is tans op medikasie vir dit. Hy kry sowat twee aanvalle daagliks en hy is verlede week weer na die dokter nadat sy aanvalle erger begin word het. Die dokter het Pietertjie se medikasie aangepas

en ook vir hom medikasie vir hiperaktiwiteit gegee. Pietertjie moet nou vir ’n maand op dié medikasie bly en as dit nie verbeter nie, sal die dokter hom weer sien en moontlik ’n operasie doen as die epilepsie met die velsiekte verbind is. Pietertjie sal nou ook jaarliks vir brein-skanderings moet gaan. Die gesin het ’n mediese fonds, maar dit dek nie al Pietertjie se mediese uitgawes nie. Besoek www. thebulletin. vir meer besonderhede.


R1.5 million for mayor’s new ride Several councillors questioned Govan Mbeki Municipality’s priorities after a meeting where the possibility of a new car for the mayor, Flora MaboaBoltman was discussed. It is alleged that this new vehicle will cost more than R1.5 million. The council also wants to buy a new vehicle for the Speaker. The mayor’s current vehicle, allegedly has 151 000km on the clock and after 150 000km officials are due to receive new vehicles, but considering the municipality’s debt to Eskom and other suppliers, councillors are questioning if new vehicles should really be the highest priority at this stage. Govan Mbeki Municipality’s debt is about R750 million of which R420 million is owed to Eskom. “The municipality’s financial situation is so bad, we cannot even afford it to replace faulty streetlights,” said Mariaan Chamberlain, DA councillor. The municipality has 22 refuse removal trucks of which only nine are in operation. These nine trucks are divided to service the whole Govan Mbeki municipal area including Secunda, Trichardt, Evander, eMbalenhle, Kinross, Bethal, eMzinoni, Leslie, Eendracht and Lebohang.


WHAT’S UP 25 Augustus

Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12

ndaente Secu NG Geme bied ’n basaar op Goedeho gaan verskeie a aan. Da r koop wees en te kossoorte die kinders. Die ir v e it e ek van aktiwit op die ho aat. ë le e g is str kerk n Stanford Lategan e ligting, skakel Vir meer in kantoor by die kerk 6351. 017 634

21-28 September

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25 August 2017

23 te Sep mber bied l Secunda Hoërskoo Biltong & Braai se hul jaarlik it sal by die skool D . n a a nog Fees en daar is Vir rd o w u o h aar. ge te beskikb l Paul im u lr ta s it e u ting, skak meer inlig rg by 079 358 e van den B 035. 9

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30 - 31 August

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As a parent, follow these tips on your child’s matric farewell: • Ask your child to let you know if his plans for the evening changes.

Lede van die Secunda Suikerbekkies het op Woensdag, 15 Augustus by Davieshof bymekaar gekom en Venessa Erasmus het vir vroue gewys hoe om met ’n spesiale kwas om borduurwerk op koeke te doen. Hiér wys van die vroue die koeke wat hulle vir die maandelikse kompetisie ingeskryf het. Hulle is (voor) Magdaleen Steyn, Amanda Mostert en Janete Bosman. Agter is Venessa Erasmus, Erith Hall, Alta van Wyk en Annelie Kruger. Dié tak vergader weer op Woensdag, 13 September. Besoek vir meer besonderhede.

• Make sure all cell phones are charged and has airtime. • Do not drive the children crazy and text them every five minutes, but do ask

them to text you when they move from one venue to the next. • Make sure that the lifts to and from the various venues are sorted out and confirmed and tell them to contact you if any of their lifts do not arrive. • Make sure your child has enough money with them in case of an emergency. • Do not forget to have ‘the talk’ with them about being responsible about drinking, driving, drugs and safe sex. • Suggest that your daughter pack some flat or comfortable wedges for the after-party.

25 August 2017



Prosecutor talks about sexual abuse Estelle Swart (cancer activist), Tracey Keen -Horak (Public Prosecutor at Secunda Court) and Nontobeko Mazibuko (Social Worker at Thutuzela Care Centre at Evander Hospital), visited Evander High School on Friday, 18 August. They celebrated Women’s Month and spoke to the girls about rape and abuse. “There are different kinds of abuse,” said Nontobeko. She urged the girls to report abuse and especially sexual abuse as soon as possible. Thutuzela Care Centre provides counselling to the rape survivor and also supports the family. Tracey said it is important to report these matters so that the perpetrators can be caught and sent to prison. She said cell phones are the playgrounds of paedophiles. “We like to post selfies and if you post a photo on Facebook, it is public and anyone can look at your profile and your photos,” said Tracey. “Then you start chatting to someone on Facebook. “Do you know who you are talking to? “Should you be talking to strangers?” She asked the girls if they take naked photos of themselves and send it to their boyfriends. “According to law you are a child until you are 18 years old, so if you are taking a naked photo of yourself, you are manufacturing child pornography. “If you send that photo to your boyfriend, he is in possession of child pornography. “These are criminal offences and you can go to prison for it.

“At your age, that boyfriend is not going to be your boyfriend forever, don’t send him those photos.” She urged the girls to fight back if they are raped. “Only fight back if the rapist does not have a weapon,” said Tracey. “When you report rape, we need evidence, report the rape before you take a bath or shower and bring your underware with, that is evidence. “Rape victims usually feel guilty and think it was their fault. “It was not your fault.” According to Tracey, 60% of rape victims get raped by people they know, such as an uncle, grandfather, stepfather or a neighbour or family friend. “If somebody in your family or circle of friends raped you, you tell your mom. “If she does nothing about it, it is an offence. “If you cannot talk to your parents, tell a friend or a teacher.

“You have a voice and nobody is entitled to do something to you that you do not want them to do.” Estelle spoke about a virus known as the Human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. This virus can cause cancer and Estelle described it as the silent cancer. It is spread through sexual contact and according to her, usually by the time women find out they have this virus, it has already developed to Stage 4. “At that stage, it cannot be treated anymore. “Girls aged between 16 and 26 can now have injections against this virus.” She showed the girls how to do a selfexamination to prevent breast cancer. Estelle is collecting handbags with toiletries including sanitary towels, soap, wash cloths, towels, deodorant and more for the Thutuzela Care Centre for the rape victims. Visit for more information. Nontobeko Mazibuko (Social Worker at Thutuzela Care Centre at Evander Hospital), Estelle Swart (cancer activist) and Tracey Keen -Horak (Public Prosecutor at Secunda Court) spoke to girls at Evander High School on Friday, 18 August.


PROPERTIES eiendomme TO ADVERTISE CALL 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845



25 August 2017

25 August 2017






NEWs To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

25 August 2017

Fotograwe kom byeen Lede van die Hoëveldsefotografieklub het op Vrydag, 11 Augustus vergader en fotograwe het hul beste foto’s vir die maand ingeskryf. Martin Barber was die beoordelaar vir die aand en het ook van sy foto’s met lede gedeel. Dr. Leon Pelser was die wenner in die voorgeskrewe onderwerp-afdeling met sy foto There was Life.

Die voorgeskrewe onderwerp vir die maand was Low Key. Pierre Jordaan was die wenner onder die senior fotograwe met sy foto Luiperdwyfie en Koos Janse van Vuuren was die wenner onder die junior fotograwe met sy foto Two Kudu. Die Hoëveldse-fotografieklub vergader weer in September by die Sasol-klub. Vir meer inligting, besoek www.

Dr. Leon Pelser se foto There was Life was die beste in die voorgeskrewe onderwerpafdeling.

Pierre Jordaanse foto Luiperdwyfie was die beste onder die senior fotograwe..

Koos Janse van Vuuren se foto Two Kudu was die beste onder die junior fotograwe..

25 August 2017


For more news, photos or video clips, visit our website: www.

Landsdieners van Laerskool Goedehoop en Laerskool Secunda, het Saterdag met DA-lede van Wyk 30 hande geneem en die gebied by die Eendedam op Secunda opgeruim en vullis opgetel. Pieter’s Dail-A-Bin het die vullissakke weggery. Wyk 30 se DA-lede beplan om weer so ’n aksie te reël. Laerskool Hoëveld hosted a mini hockey day on Saturday, 19 August. Here are teams of Laerskool Hoëveld and TP Stratten Primary School in action.

To Advertise Call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529

Laerskool Goedehoop se o.13-dogters hokkiespan het 11de geëindig in die Super 12 Hokkie-reeks wat vanaf 4 tot 5 Augustus by die Tuks Sportkampus in Pretoria plaasgevind het. Hiér is die span saam met hul afrigter, Irene Lausberg.

These pupils of Evander High School excelled at the Eisteddfod that was held at Hoërskool Secunda on 11 and 14 August. They are Rose Thanjan (solo verse 85%), Naledi Dibodu (solo verse 90%), Nomsa Tshabalala (solo verse 74%), Noluthando Mazibuko (Hip-Hop 85%) and Sisi Tsunke (1st place Hip-Hop 95%).


10 For more news, photos and video clips, visit our website: or our Facebook page: The Bulletin


25 August 2017

Drie gekies vir ‘Great North’ George van Diggelen, Sensei en stigter van die Warriorskopboksklub op Kriel, en twee van sy studente, Sean du Plessis en Terrance Follwell, is gekies vir die MASA Mpumalanga-span. Die Warrior-skopboksklub het sy deure nege maande gelede geopen. Die studente neem eerskomende Saterdag aan die ‘Great North’-kampioenskap wat in Pretoria gehou gaan word, deel. Dié kampioenskap is dan ook die voorloper van die SAKA Mpumalanga-uitdunne sal wees om aan SAKA se Suid-Afrikaanse uitdunne deel te neem. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Skopbokskampioenskappe vind volgende jaar in die Kaap plaas. George beoefen al gemengde gevegskuns vandat hy sewe jaar oud is. Sy studente beoefen skopboks en Muay Thai. Hy het met karate begin en het later na judo oorgeskakel. Hy het nog later met die ander gemengde gevegskunssoorte geeksperimenteer. George was 25 jaar oud toe hy destyds besluit het om dié sport te staak, maar sewe jaar later het die gogga weer gebyt. Hy is nou die voorsitter van die MASA (Martial Arts South Africa se Mpumalanga-beheerliggaam). In dié amp het George al

verskeie kwessies bevorder. Dit sluit in om instrukteurs te verplig om polisieklarings te kry vóór hulle as volwaardige instrukteurs kan kwalifiseer, en om noodhulpkursusse vir instrukteurs verpligtend te maak. Gemengde gevegskunste is eintlik net één van George se liefdes - hy is voltyds ’n pastoor by die Victory Life Kerk op Kriel. Hy het ’n moeilike pad gestap vóór hy pastoor geword het. “Ek moes begin werk om die familie te onderhou. “My pa was afwesig en later met my stiefpa het ons swaar tye op Belfast beleef,” het hy gesê. Hy het tot bekering gekom nadat ’n buurvrou hom saam kerk toe genooi het. “Dit het daardie dag gevoel asof die pastoor my lewe gepreek het en ek is daar verlos van rook, drank en dagga.” Hy het besef hy het ’n hart vir kinders en hy het al 19 kinders in pleegsorg gehuisves en deur matriek gehelp. Hy het ook sy eie onderneming waar hy kursusse aanbied en leerlinge help met ekstra klasse

in onder andere wiskunde en wetenskap. Een van sy toekomsdrome is om ’n tandheelkundige ambulans te begin wat spesifiek op die gemeenskappe fokus wat nie by tandartste kan uitkom nie. George het ná skool vir 13 jaar vir Sasol gewerk as ’n seniorproseskontroleerder voordat hy deur die Volle Evangelie Kerk vir pastor begin studeer het. Hy het ná Bybelskool voltyds in die bediening begin werk en het later op ’n wildsplaas in Limpopo gaan boer, maar dit het nie uitgewerk nie en George is nou al vir sowat ’n jaar weer terug op Kriel. Hy het gespesialiseer daarin om mishandelde kinders en kinders wat deur trauma is, te help. “My hart is om mense deur opleiding te bereik.” Hy het vertel van ’n meisie wat die staat destyds as onopleibaar geklassifiseer het, maar George het ekstra tyd en moeite met haar ingesit en haar deur matriek gehelp. “Sy sit vandag met verskeie diploma’s agter haar naam,” het George gesê.

Dié vegters van die Warriorskopboksklub is vir die Mpumalangaspan gekies. Hulle is Sean du Plessis, George van Diggelen en Terrance Follwell.

Twee van George van Diggelen se studente in aksie tydens ’n kompetisie.

Pool players compete The MPCS Rules Cup playoffs took place this weekend and Flaming Gringo’s and Gringo’s Killers from Hendrina took the first and second places. Marco’s Pool Club beat the Panda’s Cue Sport team and finished third. The score was 13-8.

25 August 2017



25 August



Boeta se duiwe is vinnige vlieërs Lede van Sasol-posduifklub het onlangs hul seisoen afgeskop. Nico Britz, voorsitter van die posduifklub, het belangstellendes genooi om by dié klub aan te sluit of om op Donderdagaande om 19:00 by die Sasol-klub te gaan kyk hoe die duiwe ingekorf word. Die Sasol-posduifklub is geafillieer by die Suidoos-Transvaalse Posduif-unie en by die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Posduif-organisasie (SANPO) en hulle ding mee teen ander klubs wat ook by dié organisasies geafillieer is. Die wedvlug-seisoen het vroeg in Junie begin en duur tot einde September. In die begin van die seisoen neem die duiwe aan kort afstand-wedvlugte van sowat 250 tot 400km, deel. Later in die seisoen begin die middelafstande wat sowat 400 tot 600km is en teen die einde van die seisoen langafstande wat sowat 600 tot 800km is. Die duiwe vlieg die afstand vanaf Colesberg terug na Secunda en omgewing binne ’n dag. Volgens Nico, wat self op sy dag aan padwedlope deelgeneem het, moet die duiwe soos atlete afgerig word en gereeld oefen in die vlugseisoen. “Elke persoon het sy eie unieke

metodes wat hy gebruik om sy duiwe af te rig,” het Nico gesê. Duiweboere laat gewoonlik die duiwe eers kort afstande vlieg soos 10 tot 15km en later laat hulle die duiwe al verder van die huis af los om te oefen. “Die duiwe word dan fiks en dit is net soos om ’n atleet te brei,” het Nico gesê. Kos is ’n belangrike faktor met wedvlugduiwe. “As jy die regte balans tussen kos en oefening vir jou duiwe gekry het, het jy duiwesport bemeester. “Die duif kan nie te swaar wees nie en hy moet gemotiveerd wees om terug te kom na sy hok toe.” Duiwesport is ’n gesinssport en volgens Nico kan die hele gesin deelneem. Volgens Nico en Stanley Viljoen, nog ’n plaaslike duiweboer, word die boere baie lief vir hul duiwe. “Hulle word baie mak en eet uit mens se hande,” het Nico gesê. “As hulle verlore raak wonder ’n mens maar altyd waar is jou duifie,” het Stanley gesê. Al die duiwe het ringe om hul pote met die eienaar se telefoonnommer op. Besoek vir meer besonderhede.

Wedvlug uitslae Wedvlug 5 Augustus vanaf Springfontein Duiwe het ’n afstand van 536km afgelê. Afdeling: jaar-oud Boeta Homan: 1,2 Eiber en Neetling: 3,5 Ernest de Nysschen: 4,6 Viljoen-gesin: 7 Britz en Seun: 8 Frik Stander: 9, 10 Afdeling: Ope Boeta Homan: 1, 2,4, 5, 6 Eiber en Neethling: 3 Viljoen-gesin: 7 Kinders van die Wind-span: 8 Hendrikus van den Heever: 9 Jan Badenhorst: 10 Wedvlug 12 Augustus vanaf Gariepdam Duiwe het ’n afstand van 580km afgelê Afdeling: jaar-oud Boeta Homan: 1, 5, 10

Eiber en Neethling: 2,6,7 Frik Stander: 3,8 Buks Snyman: 4 Britz en seun: 9 Afdeling: Ope Boeta Homan: 1,2,3, 7, 9 Eiber en Neethling: 4,5 Viljoen-gesin: 6 Jan Badenhorst: 8 P. Steyn-gesin: 10 Wedvlug 19 Augustus vanaf Gariepdam Duiwe het ’n afstand van 580km afgelê Afdeling: jaar-0oud Ernest de Nysschen: 1 Breet-hokke: 2,6 Britz en seun: 3,4 Buks Snyman: 5,9 P Steyn: 6 Eiber & Neethling: 10 Afdeling: Ope Viljoen-gesin: 1,7,8, 10 Frik Stander: 2,3 Britz en seun: 4,9 Hendrikus van den Heever: 5 Boeta Homan: 6

Nico en sy vrou, Francis Britz voor die duiwehok.

Ernest de Nysschen se duif het die jaar-oudafdeling gewen in die wedvlug vanaf Gariepdam.

Boeta Homan se duiwe het vier Stanley en Alta Viljoen se duif het die ope wedvlug vanag Gariepdam gewen. wedvlugte na mekaar gewen.

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