The Bulletin Newspaper - 25 January

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017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

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Operation Hydrate offers some relief to Bethal Photo: Ané Prinsloo

Tears of joy were flowing along the cheeks of some Bethal residents as they received water on Saturday, 19 January. Bethal has been plagued with water shortages since early December. Residents had no access to municipal water and had to rely on their neighbours with boreholes for fresh water. The Municipality is struggling with huge cashflow constraints and the two largest creditors are Eskom and Rand Water. This debt resulted in water supply restriction from Rand Water. The flow had been restricted to 60%. The restrictions meant that some of the reservoirs ran empty. Once they were filled again GMM opened the valves but could not (or would not) use pumps to pressurise the supply pipelines. Gravity feed was used resulting in residents in lower laying areas having access to water while the supply to higher areas run out before they could fill emergency containers. The infrastructure to supply water at equal pressure to all areas is in a state

of near total disrepair. Govan Mbeki Municipality (GMM) released a press statement praising their negotiating skills, while also stating that a payment has been made to Rand Water. Here is the full statement from GMM: VERY URGENT!!! RAND WATER AGREES TO GMM DELEGATION’S PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION. The GMM High-Powered Delegation has succeeded in persuading Rand Water to reinstate water supply to 80%. We are delighted by this positive development and we hope that our engagements next week will yield more positive results. We need our water 100%. As we argued during the protracted negotiations, GMM is paying the Rand Water debt under very difficult circumstances and conditions. Notwithstanding these challenges, but we are paying on a monthly basis and therefore we deserve to be treated differently and uniquely.

We are calling on our people to continue to have faith in the GMM leadership because we have their interests at heart. Working together with all our stakeholders, we will indeed turn the municipality around for the better. Our love for this municipality makes us not to sleep in search of concrete solutions for all the challenges facing the institution. We will continue to think innovatively in order to manufacture and produce answers to questions, responses to probes, resolutions to disputes and sustainable solutions to problems and challenges. BRAVO TEAM GMM!!! Regards, Benzi Ka-Soko Chief of Staff. The Bulletin posted a small request on our Facebook page for help from the community. Delta1 Rescue Diving read the post and contacted one of their sponsors. Without hesitation the Operation Hydrate team sprung into

action and bottled approximately 20 000l water. The truck arrived Saturday afternoon and were escorted by a number of people. Chaplain Brad Blake, JTR and a number of other cars escorted the truck from Trichardt. The Delta1 vehicle joined the convoy outside Bethal. The bottled water were offloaded at three different drop-off points. Residents came and collected a few bottles each. Water was also offloaded at the church in Bethal Rand/ North. The joy and appreciation on the residents faces spoke volumes. Thank you to all those involved as well as Operation Hydrate for the generous and unselfish supply of water to the residents of Bethal. Please follow the following link to see more about them #crfoperationhydrate. The problems are far from over as GMM still have to pay another amount by the end of January. If the agreements are not met, Rand Water will have to recourse but to restrict water supply again. It will be back to square one again.



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Crime snippets Dogs maul a child to death and murder and rape suspects sought in Nelspruit. A five-year-old girl was fatally attacked by two vicious Pitbulls on Tuesday, 15 January 2019, at approximately 17:00, at White River near Nelspruit. Information at police disposal revealed that a 51-year-old woman who is the owner of the dogs and also neighbours with the victim’s parents were reportedly coming from work, accompanied by the little girl. As soon as she opened her gate, the dogs were reported to have suddenly attacked the young girl, fatally wounding her. All role players were called and she was certified dead at the scene. A case of culpable homicide was opened and an investigation is underway. Meanwhile, police in Calcutta, near Hazyview, are looking for a 37-yearold woman who allegedly stabbed her 17-year-old son in the early hours of Tuesday morning. It is alleged that the mother and son had an argument over an Identity Document, before stabbing the boy to death. He was found by community members lying on the street. Police were called to the scene and are investigating a murder case. In another incident, a 17-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, on Tuesday, 15 January. It is reported that the girl was on her way to school with her friend when she met her ex-boyfriend along the way. He allegedly pointed at her with a firearm and threatened to kill her if she did not comply with his instructions. He then

dragged her to his house and forcefully raped her. The suspect is still at large and police are requesting anyone with information concerning his whereabouts to contact Warrant Officer Ekson Maluka at 082 469 2940. Regarding the mother and son case, police request anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect to contact Lieutenant Colonel Dudu Shabangu on 082 469 2569 or the crime stop line number 08600 10111. POLICE LOOKING FOR FIVE ESCAPEES in Nelspruit. Members of the South African Police Service at Nelspruit in conjunction with the ones from Skukuza, are looking for five suspects who escaped from lawful custody Thursday, 17 January 2018. The five, aged between 33 and 50, were part of fifteen awaiting trial prisoners who were being transported from Skukuza to the Nelspruit Correctional Services facility and ten escaped.

The escapees allegedly freed themselves at an intersection just before the Nelspruit Correctional Services and the manner in which they escaped is yet to be investigated. After the incident, the SAPS management immediately implemented the 72 Hour Activation Plan, hence five of the ten escapees were brought to book shortly and the other five, Samson Mkansi, 34, Reckson Mashabane, 50, Isaac Ngobeni, 34, Given Zitha, 33 as well as Simon Mhlanga, 34, are still being sought. The suspects are all facing charges of illegal hunting, trespassing, unlawful possession of a firearm and will now each face an additional charge of escaping from lawful custody. Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspects is urged to contact Colonel Ernest Maoka on 082 318 9843 or the SAPS Crime Stop number 08600 10111.

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25 January 2019

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25 January 2019

Rose under pressure again at WWTW The Kinross Anti-Unemployment Forum at the WWTW near Kinross



Lizette 076 138 8807

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Employment of local contractors are not a priority for outside contractors that render services to Govan Mbeki Municipality. The Kinross Anti-Unemployment Forum (KAUF) protested in the road leading to Ethokomala at the Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) on Friday 18 January. The ward councillor, Cllr Rose Nkabinde, was accused by the forum of interfering with the hiring of locals. Rose appointed the CLO and the steering committee according to the protestors. It is not the first time that allegations have been made against Cllr Nkabinde. In May 2018 the Bulletin reported on protests in Kinross that saw a truck completely destroyed. The following is a quote from May 2018: Residents took to the streets demanding that she be replaced. “We didn’t vote for her,” said one resident. “Why must she be here?” As well as: The meeting ended with more frustrated residents and ignited the decision to protest. The protests continued throughout Thursday night until late on Friday. Some shops were looted on Friday morning. Police dispersed the protesters. On Friday night the Mayoral Committee promised the community that they would hold a meeting with them but did not attend the meeting that they initiated. Cllr Nkabinde had been accused of corruption at this time. KAUF is also now voicing allegation of corruption and nepotism against Rose and said that Rose promoted her own preferred contractors to the main contractor and that none of them are local. During the protests at Kinross WWTW, Rose requested a meeting with KAUF and scheduled it for Sunday 20

January at 09H00. KAUF requested the presence of the Bulletin. Upon arrival the Bulletin was told that Rose requested that the MMC Technical, Cllr Dan Nhlapo, should address KAUF and that they should proceed to a nearby tavern. KAUF refused and Dan arrived shortly thereafter. The Bulletin introduced Dan as the MMC to which he objected. An argument ensued between the Bulletin’s Editor and MMC Dan Nhlapo.

KAUF refused to continue with the meeting as Dan did not want to address them. What shocked the Bulletin the most is the state of the municipal buildings in Thistle Grove, Kinross. The small hall that was used for the meeting was dilapidated and nearly everything was stolen. There was no proper flooring and all the windowpanes were gone. It showed clear signs of neglect just as most of Kinross does.




So is die lewe

• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903

Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279

BEMARKING / ADVERTISING 017 631 1845 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860 Lizette Groenewald 076 138 8807

PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

FINANSIES / FINANCES Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Ds Marius Britz So ry ek van Langebaan af na die Kaapstadlughawe op ‘n helder, oop dag. Die oomblik wanneer jy uit ons straat afdraai na die Weskus Nasionale park, sien jy dit reeds in die vêrte: Tafelberg, een van die bekendste landmerke in die wêreld. Hoe verder jy suid ry op die R27, weg van die weskus af, hoe meer prominent word hierdie asemrowende gesig. Dit groei soos ‘n toneel waarop jy inzoem. Die berg so plat soos ‘n tafel, met Duiwelspiek en Leeukop soos twee falankse wat hom bewaak. Wanneer jy Kaapstad binnegaan, is die berg oorweldigend. Selfs die drie toiletrolwoonstelblokke teen sy hange lyk peteuterig afgeëts teen die kolos. Kaapstadlughawe is ‘n miernes van bedrywighede. Van vroegdag af is daar mense wat met plaaslike vlugte reis na OR Tambo, Lanseria, Durban, waar ook al. Gesoute pendelaars. Met slegs aktetasse of rugsakke vir bagasie woerts hulle heen en weer vir die dag om besigheid te gaan doen, vir vergaderings, selfs inkopies. Hulle is die gereelde reisigers; hulle kyk nie meer vir die berg of die see as die vliegtuig oor die hawe draai en sy neus noordwaarts stoot nie. En ek, synde ‘n romantikus en dromer, onthou die eerste keer toe ek die Berg gesien het. Eintlik was een van Springs se mynhope die rede. Ons het met ons groen 1962 Volkswagen Variant (die stasiewa, TS 61021) verby ‘n mynhoop gery, toe die uwe die versugting uitgespreek het dat hy en sy Voortrekkerspannetjie eendag daardie berg moet gaan uitklim. Die verste wat ons as gesin toe al gereis het, was Durban. En Pa en Ma besluit terstond: dis tyd dat Ouboet en Kleinboet rêrige berge moet sien. In daai vêr, vêr plek anderkant die maan. Kaapstad. (Die plek wat wemel van skelms, volgens Pa.) En goed ses maande voor Pa en Ma se verlof (in daardie tyd is dit nie vakansie genoem nie!) het pa begin

voorbereidings tref. Eerstens is oom Cas se rooi selfgemaakte sleepwa geleen, en met groot moeite het Pa ‘n staalkoepel ontwerp, oorgetrek met dik sink en swart geverf, sodat ons aardse besittings nie gesteel word nie. Dit het ongeveer ‘n Gideonsbende en ‘n vurkhyser geverg om diè spesifieke dakkie op die waentjie opgelig te kry, maar ewenwel. Probleem twee: die ou Volkswagen het nie plek gehad vir ‘n trekstang nie, omdat die enjin agter sit. Maar Pa, synde ‘n ambagsman, ontwerp toe ‘n aanvallige stel dik staalstampers voor en agter wat die Volkswagen se chroomstampers vervang. Agter is ‘n reuse knop vasgesweis, so groot soos ‘n tennisbal, en voor twee kontrepsies wat lyk soos gekrulde varkstertjies weerskante by die hoofligte, om goingwatersakke op te hang. Die water sou dan yskoud bly gedurende die rit, want Pa het gehoor die karoo kan nogal warm en droog raak. Omdat die Kaap so duur is, het Pa nog ‘n plan beraam. ‘n Dik groen spons is laat sny om agter in die Volksie te pas as die 3 sitplekke afgeslaan is, en dit sou ons karavaanparkslaapplek wees vir die vyf dae lange rit. Aande lank het Pa gemeet en geboor in die garage, en uiteindelik gordynreëlings in die kar opgesit. Ma, wat nooit eintlik ‘n naaldwerkster was nie, het gordyne gemaak om al die vensters te bedek, selfs die gaping tussen die voor en agtersitplekke. Blikke vol koekies en beskuit is gebak. Alles wat kon saamgaan, moes saam. Tot ‘n (geleende) baaikostuum vir my, geleende opblaasbranderplank, en Pa se FM-pie dat hy darem op hoogte kon bly van wat in die Transvaalse Republiek aangaan as ons in die Kolonie is. Ons het vier nagte oorgestaan. Sonder om die leser te verveel, die eksodus na die Kolonie toe was vyf dae lank. Net die Israeliete op hulle tog deur die Sinaiwoestyn het die Britze getroef. Op die eerste oorstaan het pa se tant Doggie in Vereeniging vir ons ‘n koekblik vol eiers oneetbaar blougekook, en ek en broer kon onsself vermaak deur die eiers in die Karoo op die teerpad te gooi en kyk hoe hulle soos gholfballe in alle rigtings hop. By oorstaan drie het die

waentjie se staalkoepel Ma teen die kop getref toe sy iets wou uithaal, en moes sy steke kry. By oorstaan vier in die Boland in het die Volksie se oliekoeler gebars, en Pa moes in loco die enjin uittrek om dit te vervang. Gelukkig was daar plek vir sy hele garage se gereedskap in die vyftonwaentjie. Tussendeur het die Volksie se ou Blaupunktradio ‘n paar oophandklappe gekry omdat hy net MW kon opvang, en dikwels sein verloor het net wanneer Blomerus Niewoudt opgekom het met die nuus op Radio Suid Afrika. En toe, skielik sien ons dit na vyf dae: die Berg. Op Bloubergstrand het Pa uitgespring, ons net daar gelos


en in die see ingehardloop. Vir ‘n boerseun van Vaalwater was dit net te veel water om te glo. Soos Johannes in sy evangelie geskryf het: “As dit een vir een beskrywe moet word, dink ek, sou die hele wêreld nie genoeg plek vir die boeke hê nie” (21:25). So sien ons die Kaap. Pa haal oral waar ons stop die Volksie se wieldoppe af, en sit dit weer terug as ons ry. Vir die skelms. Daai Kersfees raak Pa toe roekeloos. Ons gaan eet in Seepunt in ‘n hotel. Heerlike viergangmaaltyd. Met ‘n massiewe rekening: R10-00. En Pa verklaar driftig: “Dis die laaste keer wat enige Britz sy voete in die Kaap sit!” Sela.

Tannie Poppie se: Vinnige Pizza As jy ‘n dun kors verkies, kan die deeg gehalveer word. Gebruik jou verbeelding en skep jou eie pizza met enige bestanddele wat jy het. Kors: 500 ml gesifte koekmeelblom 150 ml kookwater 75 ml sonneblomolie 10 ml bakpoeier ‘n knippie sout Bolaag: 85 ml tamatiepuree 5 ml marjolein 3-4 tamaties, in skywe gesny 200 g sampioene, in dun skyfies gesny 4 spekvleisrepe, fyngekap Berei die kors: 1. Voorverhit die oond tot

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account


25 January 2019

Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee

200 oC (400 oF). 2. Plaas die koekmeelblom, water, olie, bakpoeier en sout in ‘n plastiekhouer met die deksel wat seël. 3. Skud die houer tot die deeg ‘n bal vorm: 10 keer van die kant tot kant en dan 1 minuut lank op en af. 4. Maak die houer oop en druk die deeg in ‘n gesmeerde pan. 5. Bak 10 minute lank en bedek dan met die bolaag. Berei die bolaag: 1. Meng die tamatiepuree en marjolein saam. Smeer oor die halfgaar pizzabasis. 2. Rangskik die tamaties, sampioene en spekvleis bo-op. 3. Rangskik die pynappelstukke bo-oor. 4. Strooi die kaas bo-oor. 5. Bak nog 30 minute


25 January 2019

Sasol Highveld Photography Club hosted first meeting for 2019

In last week’s newspaper the Bulletin reported on the Sasol Photography hosting their first meeting in 2019. This week the Bulletin is publishing the rest of the photos. Above: “Female surfing the wave” by Pierre Jordaan received a special mention by Jenny Stilwell. Left: “Nature in the late afternoon” by Sussa Pelser received a special mention from Jenny and also received a certificates of merit. Jenny Stilwell was the guest judge from Sandton Photo Club.

Registreer om die ANC & EFF koalisie van korrupsie te stop Verbeel jou dat die regering jou ontneem van die huis waarvoor jy so hard werk om af te betaal… Die ANC & EFF probeer om hul plan vir die onteiening sonder vergoeding van grond, huise, en besighede deur te druk in die Parlement – en nou het die ANC ook planne om jou pensioen te steel! Beide is bevoordeel deur die rooftog wat die bestuur van die VBS op hul eie bank uitgevoer het, terwyl arm mense en bejaardes hul geld verloor het! Verder gebruik die ANC steeds belastingbetalers se geld om Zuma se regskostes te betaal. Die ANC & EFF koalisie van korrupsie sal ons land vernietig! Net die DA is groot genoeg om hulle te stop, so moenie jou stem op ’n kleiner party mors nie. Vir tien jaar het die DA by die Grondwethof geveg om te sorg dat Jacob Zuma nou uiteindelik in die beskuldigdebank staan op klagtes van korrupsie. Ons sal aanhou veg om ons Grondwet te beskerm teen die wat ons huise, besighede en pensioen wil vat!

Registreer om DA te stem sodat jy jou reg tot eienaarskap kan beskerm!


26 & 27 Januarie | 08h00 – 17h00 | Skakel 0861 22 55 32 | Besoek Hierdie advertensie is deur die Demokratiese Alliansie betaal.




25 January 2019

like ould e w , s r e es read ns on th t the l a y ur lo ntac pinio , as o s your o ree to co : u o y s f f I pre eel letin to ex please f f the Bul , o s i r tn r lette Edito thebulle r@ edito The following two letters are published as received by the Editor. These letters were received from individuals who wish to stay anonymous. The views expressed in these letters (or elsewhere as quoted) does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin Newspaper but are those of the authors of the letters. The first letter reads as follows: “So certain members of a certain company decided to place some nonsense on Facebook the other night. Those are members who are NOT trained medically or registered response personnel. The problem we are facing is the members of the community want to be on both Zello groups. Secunda 911, Secunda 911 assist 24/7 (Jtr and Gtr), Chaplain Brad and Langamed are working together. These are the only Zello groups working together. The rest of the Zello groups have nothing to do with these groups. Due to these politics from certain groups, they try to stop medical personnel from the 911 groups to enter scenes and to assist where possible. Yes some are not medically trained, but are working hand in hand with Langamed. Please look at your own backround and how you are operating in this community before sharing a lot of nonsense. Your members are NOT medically trained for certain scenes and also not registered according to law for certain “operations” you are running. The rest of the information I would like to keep to myself, but please be aware that there are alot more you are failing to comply with. These are also members that are sending messages to Emergency personnel after these personnel tried to get to a suicide scene ASAP to assist the family just to be told they are driving like idiots, but drive like idiots themselves without emergency


vehicles. Private vehicles being used as “response vehicles” remain illegal you idiots. First aiders are NOT paramedics you idiots. Thank you to #Secunda911, #Secunda911assist24/7, #ChaplainBrad and #Langamed for always being there for the community 24/7. I know it is a passion for you guys.”

cursing at innocent people. I am left with no choice but to ask the EMS to stand down. We, as the Trauma Response Team, get lambasted because of using sirens to respond. As an EMS team we should all be working together however, this is not the case. There seems to be a group of people who think they run everything. They bad mouth the teams that

The second letter reads as follows:

respond to assist. There are a few Zello groups in Secunda for the community by the community (Secunda 911 and Secunda 911 Assist 24/7). After responding to a scene that came through on one of these channels it was deemed appropriate by a certain group of people to place a Facebook comment bad mouthing the response team from the Zello channels. Yes not all responders are qualified medics however they respond and assist the medical teams that are on scene, they assist with scene safety and various other functions. In the beginning it was this same Zello channel and EMS

“To The Editor So in the last few weeks life within the EMS (Emergency Medical Services) has been a very difficult and challenging journey. There seems to be a team of people that are clearly above the rest of us. While responding to scenes we are tailed and followed by certain EMS personnel who try to take over the scene from myself and then when the person who has asked for assistance says no to the EMS, the EMS starts to rant and rave in public shouting and

company that assisted them to get started in our town. Another bee in my bonnet is security companies that drive onto scenes and then over the scenes and by doing this they are contaminating evidence. Politics between the various organisations have seem to taken control of who is who when it comes to scenes. Each and every individual, no matter which organisation, has a role to play when it comes to any form of scene management. However, it seems to be appropriate to rather bad mouth an organisation and its members who respond to scenes with no reimbursement in any way or manner, while they are paid to do their job. It is with these same volunteers that the scenes that are attended are made safer for the EMS crews and other emergency services that are on the scene. The politics between the various divisions need to come to an end in Secunda. As long as there is “Politics” involved we are all going to suffer and not be able to perform our duties as we are required to do. We all took the Hippocratic Oath and this calls upon us to be compassionate in all we do and to treat our fellow humans with dignity and respect. It is time for professionalism to take over and the pathetic and sometimes childish and irresponsible behaviour to stop. It is time for healing and not breaking down. It is time for all differences to be put aside. It is time for the past to be buried and the future to be smiled upon without any prejudice or hatred for each other. It is time for the Emergency Services to shine in Secunda and be the Family that they should be. Whether we are called on a Zello channel or called directly we should all stand together and be one.”

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25 January 2019



Bullying: the silent killer... Left: This image explains the affects of cyberbullying on children. The definition of cyberbullying is as follows: the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. If one looks at these statistics it does make one wonder: is this happening to my child? “Cyber bullying is bullying. Hiding behind a pretty screen doesn’t make it any less hateful.” Unknown Below left: This image explains what affect bullying has on children. The definition of bullying is as follows: seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable). Most children that are being bullied are too scared to speak up as they are scared that if they do the bullying will get worse and no one will believe them. "If you turn and face the other way when someone is being bullied, you might as well be the bully too." Unknown These statistics were taken from the website: ying/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjbXCe3wIVDUPTCh1PnAcEEAA YAiAAEgLdyvD_BwE Bullying is a subject that keeps popping up in a lot of conversations and a subject the Bulletin has reported on many times before. It does not only happen in schools, but is prevalent on social media, chat rooms and online games – so much so that kids commit suicide because of being bullied. Parents are often unaware of the torture their kids go through at the hands of their peers and do not always know how to deal with the situation. Bullying is not only physical, but includes emotional and verbal abuse as well. If something happens, kids are scared to say anything because they get told that no one will believe them or they are intimidated. The old saying of monkey see, monkey do comes to mind when one brings up bullying. The Childline website gives the following advice to parents: “People are just too different so there really is no one best way to bring up children. However, everyone loves to be praised and loved so if we give our children encouragement and love and define and reinforce clear boundaries in respect of acceptable behaviour, they will grow up emotionally healthy and happy.” Going back to the old saying monkey see, monkey do, is it not worth while to consider the respect people afford each other and their children? If a little boy or girl sees their father’s or mother’s abusive behaviour towards each other or towards others, this behaviour will be copied as being the norm. How people bring their children up is a personal choice, but what if it was your child being bullied? The consequences are not always clear nor does one always realise what these consequences can be. Most harm caused by bullying is preventable. The evidence speaks for itself. Sources: bChMIjbXCe3wIVDUPTCh1PnAcEEAAYAiAAEgLdyvD_BwE Ané Prinsloo

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SERVICES TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845

25 January 2019

The Trichardt Academy for ADHD “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is characterised by multiple symptoms, including trouble paying attention, being easily distracted, jumping from one activity to another, procrastinating, disorganisation, forgetfulness, fidgeting, talking excessively, impatience, interrupting and difficulty completing tasks. There are three subtypes of the disorder: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive and combined, which includes both of the other types.” Years ago, when a child was diagnosed with ADHD the solution was to put your child on medication that would help them sit still and concentrate. Technology and research have now taught us that medication is not always the path to walk and that there are other options. Trichardt Academy for ADHD is one of the solutions in the TEKS area. The Trichardt Academy is a learning centre specialising in helping children with ADHD. They opened their doors on Wednesday, 16 January. The Trichardt Academy follows the Impaq curriculum. “Impaq provides a comprehensive set of educational products based on a CAPS aligned curriculum for Grades R – 12 in English

and Afrikaans. Our curriculum and related solutions are designed to enable individualised learning and are used to educate learners at home.” The classes at The Trichardt Academy only have seven children per class. The reasons for that are that they focus on individual attention for each child and they believe in providing sufficient sensory stimulation to each one as needed. Over and above that they have a resident play therapist, they offer Tomatis in English, Afrikaans and Zulu and also offer child kinetics through Beaux-Arts (Kids Kraftz). (Tomatis is a stimulation programme for all ages that improves motor, emotional and cognitive abilities through music). A learning centre like The Trichardt Academy is an amazing asset to the community. People do not realise that children suffer from bullying in ordinary schools and that children with ADHD are left behind. Now there is a safe haven where they can receive quality education without being or feeling judged. Sources: health/add-adhd/difference-betweenadd-and-adhd/ https://www.impaq. Ané Prinsloo

Above: Teacher Nicolene Nel and Teacher Delene with their students

Thuthuzela Care Centres give hope and comfort Rape, according to the Collins dictionary, is as follows: If someone is raped, they are forced to have sex, usually by violence or by threats of violence. Ravish means the same thing… In our society it is a shameful thing. Women get demeaned by men so that they can get their way. In earlier years wives and daughters had to ask permission to open bank accounts or if women wanted to work. The times have changed, but still, if a woman, man or child gets assaulted or raped, for some reason, it is their own fault. Today we are very lucky to have centres like Thuthuzela available for women. Thuthuzela is the Xhosa word for comfort and these centres embody the word in all aspects. “Thuthuzela Care Centres are one-stop facilities that have been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s anti-rape strategy

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for prevention, response and support for rape victims.” These Thuthuzela Care Centres are allocated at public hospitals near communities where the rape statistics are particularly high. They are also linked to police stations and other relevant offices. When someone reports a rape, whether it is a man, woman or child, they will be transported (for free) by the police to a Thuthuzela Care Centre. There they are welcomed and trained personnel take over to comfort the victims. A doctor is on call to assist in these situations and also to ensure the privacy and comfort of the patient. The patient is given a consent form to give permission to the doctor to take blood samples and perform other necessary examinations. The patients have the opportunity to bath and shower after all examinations have been performed and all the

relative authorities have been notified. After being examined the patients do not always have clean clothing to wear. That is where Estelle Swart stepped in and made a plan. Estelle and a group of women are collecting handbags, underwear, body wash etcetera to donate to the Thuthuzela Care Centre in Evander. If you would like to be part of this initiative, please contact the Bulletin for more information. Below: Estelle Swart handing over some of the care packages to some of the wonderful staff of the Thuthuzela Care Centre at Evander Hospital. These packages were collected by members of Kruik Gemeente in Secunda. If you would like to get involved please contact the Bulletin Office at: 017 631 1903.


25 January 2019


Hoërskool Secunda Onderwysers vereer

Tydens Sasol Matriek Meriete funksie ontvang Hoërskool Secunda die volgende toekennings: Me Magda Viljoen en Me Liesl Pretorius – Overall Best Educators in Physical Science in Govan Mbeki District and Overall Best Educators in Physical Science in Gert Sibande District. Me Susan Venter en Me Martie de Beer – Best Educators in Maths in Govan Mbeki District and Overall Best Educator in Maths in Gert Sibande

District. Hoërskool Secunda wen algehele tweede plek in Mpumalanga vir Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskap.

Technology: Woodwork. •

Die volgende Gert Sibande District Municipality erkennings was ontvang: Hoërskool Secunda eindig eerste in die streek in die volgende: •

English (Home language and First Additional Language), Maths, Physical Science, Accounting, Civil

Laerskool Secunda se Victor en Victrix Ludorums Laerskool Secunda se Victor & Victrix Ludorum is Maandag, 21 Januarie aangekondig. Hulle is: Junior Victor Ludorum: Brand du Plessis Junior Victrix Ludorum: Mione Joubert Senior Victor Ludorum: Eben Binneman Senior Victrix Ludorum: Matshidiso Makgato

Die volgende onderwysers ontvang toekennings – Me Magda Viljoen en Me Liesl Pretorius: Beste Fisiese Wetenskap onderwysers in die streek; Me Elsabè Cilliers – Beste Rekeningkunde onderwyser in die streek. Die skool ontvang ‘n toekenning vir meer as drie agtereenvolgende jare vir ‘n slaagsyfer van meer as 90%. Die volgende leerders ontvang top

toekennings tydens Gert Sibande District Municipality Awards: •

Amelia Orsmond – Eindig Nr 2 onder die Top 10 presteerders in die streek

JF Rademeyer – Eindig Nr 5 onder die Top 10 presteerders in die streek

Fiona Venter – Top presterende Gr 12 leerder met Ingenieurs Grafika en Ontwerp – Me Marie du Rand was haar onderwyseres.



Laerskool Goedehoop het hulle Bybelvasvraspan vir 2019 aangekondig. VLNR: Cayla Rossouw, Marelise de Jager, Calene Grobler, Kayla Hurter

25 January 2019

Me. Illse Jordaan en Me. Nelize Joubert het beide ‘n Silwer Prestasietoekenning by die Landsdiensbeweging verwerf. Om te kan kwalifiseer vir hierdie toekenning moet ‘n persoon ‘n minimum van twee jaar aaneenlopende aktiewe diens aan die Landsdiensbeweging lewer. Hulle moet toegewyd, pligsgetrou en aktief leiding neem en die doelstellings van die Landsdiensbeweging onderskryf. VLNR: Me. Illse Jordaan, Me. Nelize Joubert

Nicole Samuels (links) en Julian Cosmo (Regs) in aksie tydens Goedehoop se interhuis sport

Bookings are essential Book no later than 11 February 2019 Subject to availability OPTION 1 ~ R 450.00 per couple

2019 10 - 12 MAY

Bookings: 076 990 4468

Romantic 3 course meal, buffet style O P T I O N 2 ~ F RO M R 1 4 7 0 . 0 0 p e r c o u p l e





Bookings: 087 233 5082

Romantic 3 course meal, buffet style Hotel room with romantic turn down Buffet Breakfast

Mussel pot and chicken nuggets with sweet chilli mayo

Beef Fillet medallions with caramelized onions Butter Curry Chicken Mash Rice Naan bread Cauliflower Au Gratin Country Veggies Greek salad Carrot and Pineapple salad Sambals

Passion fruit panna cotta with ice cream topped with grilled orange and peach segments Dual of chocolate mousse with a chocolate brownie served with vanilla ice cream

25 January 2019



Laerskool Secunda bied vriendskaplike atletiek aan Die afgelope Vrydag, 18 Januarie, het Laerskool Secunda ‘n vriendskaplike atletiek byeenkoms aangebied op Hoërskool Secunda se gronde. Die dag het vyf skole bymekaar gebring: Laerskool Secunda, Laerskool Kruinpark, Laerskool Trichardt, Curro Secunda en Laerskool Standerton. Daar was kinders wat rekords probeer breek het en ander wat vir die eerste keer deelgeneem het. Die dag was ‘n groot sukses al het die reën die atletiek kort geknip.

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The Bulletin

Graceland Golf and Country Club AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Graceland Golf and Country Club took place on Wednesday, 16 January, in the Augusta Lounge at Graceland. The meeting was attended by only about twenty five members of the club to elect a new committee for 2019. The twenty five members only represented about 10% of the membership. The new committee representing the club members consist of the following office bearers: The Club President: Andrè Blom for a fourth term. The Chairman: Marthinus Venter for a second term. The new Club Captain: Peet van Zyl. The Club Secretary and Treasurer: Iberne Du Preez who returns to the committee after an absence of two years. The new Vice Captain: Jacques Siebrits. The new Handicap Master: Graham Cupido. Marketing and Juniors is again Francois Trollip. Social Media: Fienie Siebrits The ladies members will soon elect the new Ladies Captain for 2019. The outgoing committee congratulated the incoming committee members and whished them all the best for the new year. - Jan Ferreira

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26 January 9:00 - 14:00

078 398 9188




Mpumalanga Cue Sport Men trials at Panda’s Cue Sport at Upstairs Panda’s Cue Sport at Upstairs hosted the Mpumalanga Cue Sport Men’s trials 19-20 January. Hendry Erasmus said that this was one of the largest mens trials in years. Most of the players who participated also play in the league for Panda’s Cue Sport. Hendry Erasmus (Panda’s) finished in the nr. 1 seed at the MPCS Men trials. Once again Panda’s Cue Sport dominated the Mpumalanga teams. 9 of the 15 players represented Panda’s Cue Sport. They will be participating in the SACCS National Blackball Championships in Empangeni in March 2019. Hendry Erasmus said that the next events are: MPCS Championships, 26 January, at Panda’s Cue Sport, Secunda U/14 & U/18 trials, participation of 60 players from schools in and around Secunda are expected. On Sunday, 27 January, Panda’s Cue Sport will be hosting the Womens trials.

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Men A Team l to r: Darren Barnard (Panda’s), Hendry Erasmus (Panda’s), Mandi Mente (Pandas), Kyle Jonker (Panda’s) and Charles Wahlstrand (Full Moon, Ermelo)

Men B Team l to r: Peter Nwaila (Panda’s), Piet Skosana (Gringo’s, Hendrina), Hein Heine (Full Moon, Ermelo) Shane Nolan (Gringo’s, Hendrina) and Paul Khumalo

Hendry Erasmus (Panda’s Cue Sport) finished in the number one seed spot at the MPCS Men’s trials. Men C Team l to r: Sanele Jozina (Panda’s), Willem Roos (Riverbank, Witbank), Abdul Gani (Gringo’s, Hendrina), Adam Nel (Panda’s) and Jaco Pretorius (Panda’s)

This advert was paid for by the Democratic Alliance.

To register for the first time: Visit your local polling station on 26 or 27 January between 08h00 and 17h00 with your green barcoded, smart or temporary ID.

To check or update your registration details: Visit | Call 0861 22 55 32 Whatsapp 084 000 2019 | Visit your local polling station


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