Issue 160 - FREE
26 JANUARY 2018
Community News. Original - accurate - first
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
A house was completely destroyed by fire in Evander on January 2017. See page 2 for full story.
SOS essentials The Bulletin has reported on a number of accidents over the past few months. The N17 from Leandra to Ermelo reached the top 20 most dangerous road in South Africa. The R546 Evander to Embalenhle road produces its fair share of accidents. A number of them fatal. All the photos posted shows various ambulance services at the scene of the accidents. So which ambulance to use? It is simple! The choice is yours! There was an interesting case that served before the Council for Medical Schemes and a class judgement was made on December 22, 2017. A number of medical aid schemes appointed Netcare 911 Prefered Service Provider. It appears from the court application lodged by Mr Oliver Wright, Chief Executive Officer of the South African Private Ambulance and Emergency Services Association (“SAPAESA”) that there had been serious irregularities with these appointments. It also seems that medical schemes were refusing claims by other Emergancy Services (EMS) and even referred them to Netcare 911. Oliver alleged that the medical
schemes listed in the complaint were acting unlawfully and contravening the Act in the manner in which they dealt with claims submitted by members of SAPAESA. Oliver alleged that the Respondents (the medical aids contracting netcare 911) were supposedly enabling Netcare 911 to act as an administrator on their behalf notwithstanding the fact that it is not an accredited administrator in terms of the Act and Regulations. He further alleged that Netcare 911 was allegedly receiving funds through a capitation agreement entered into with each of the respective Respondents whereupon it performs claim administration on their behalf. Netcare 911 allegedly accepts, clinically adjudicates and pays out claims for Emergency Medical Services (‘EMS’) rendered by other third party private ambulance service providers. Oliver also raised the issue of Netcare 911 being pitted as a Designated Service Provider who not only renders emergency medical and evacuation services but also receives, assesses and effects payment of EMS claims to SAPAESA members on behalf of the Respondents.
The Council ruled that contracts with Netcare 911 is essentially null and void as some of the stipulations within the contract is not in accordance with the law and therefore the whole contract is not correct. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS. The Registrar finds that: (a) The Respondents have enabled Netcare 911 to perform functions which in terms of the Medical Schemes Act and Regulations, it is not entitled and empowered to perform. (b) The role of a DSP as defined in Regulation 7, does not countenance validation, processing and payment of claims. If Netcare 911 is an appointed DSP, it cannot usurp this function. (c) A person or entity not accredited by Council as a managed health care organisation cannot enter into a valid capitation agreement. (d) The Respondents must not continue to allow Netcare 911 to perform functions which require accreditation, for which it has not been duly accredited by Council. (e) The Respondents have no legal basis on which to decline acceptance of claims submitted by third party EMS providers and/or members of
SAPAESA. (f) The Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd (“DH”) obo Bankmed contract with Netcare 911 may be in contravention of rule 23.4 and 20.8 of Bankmed registered rules in that DH signed this contract on behalf of Bankmed without authorisation by the Board. The Council has given the respondents leave to appeal. It would appear from this case and ruling that some Medical schemes were forcing emergency services to work through Netcare 911 as administrator, adjudicator and paymaster for claims submitted to them. This now seems unlawful. This is a class ruling that is applicable to every EMS. The Council ruling changes the landscape for Emergency Medical Services and hopefully the beneficiaries will be you, the Patient. Emergency Medical Services in Govan Mbeki Minicipality Langamed Services South - Tel no: 0730999929 ER24 - Tel no: 084124 Provincial EMS - Tel no: 10177 of 112 from your Cellphone.
26 January 2018
House destroyed in fire The house of Christo and Ansie Janse van Vuuren was completely damaged in a fire on January 17. The fire started in their home at 19 Canterburry street in Evander when both Christo and Ansie were at work.
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The actual cause of the fire is still unknown although there is unconfirmed reports of electrical malfunctions. Evander has been plagued by power disruptions and the night of January 16 was no exception when a cable
fault caused disruption to a large section of Evander. “I can only think that a short in the electrical circuit occured as a result of the power outage we had” said Christo. “Our baby Yorkies did not survive the fire” a very distraught and emotional Ansie said, “fortunately the two adults were rescued”. There were 5 little Yorkie puppies in the house when the fire started. None of them survived the fire. The emergency services of Govan Mbeki Municipality responded very quickly but were unable to extinguish the fire. A number of fire engines arrived on the scene to help extinguish the
fire. The emergency services mentioned to the Bulletin that residents should take care not to obstruct access to houses as this hampers the work of rescuers and emergency personnel. When the response team arrived, they found a crowd of people that gathered on the lawn. This is very unsafe as people might have been hurt. Fortunately no cars were parked in the driveway and emergency services could access the scene quickly. A gas bottle exploded whilst the fire fighters were trying to extinguish the blaze. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the explosion.
For the latest in breaking news go to www.thebulletin. GMM fire fighter fighters taking a break after extinguishing the fire
Robbers sentenced 18 January 2018 Four robbers received lengthy sentences while one is still at large. The Palm Ridge High Court has on 18 December 2017 sentenced John Mokhele (47), Mphumelelo Biyana (40 ), Sifiso Mbhele (44), and Mandla Phanyeko (43) to lengthy prison terms for murder and armed robbery with aggravating circumstances as well as possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition. On the evening/afternoon of the 1st September 2010, at Kinross Mpumalanga, a group of about twelve armed suspects stormed into three business premises and committed the robberies, they took valuables which included firearms, cash and jewellery. They also assaulted the victims before they fled the scene with a get-away vehicle. The police attempted to intercept the vehicle near Devon and the suspects started shooting at the police who retaliated and returned fire fatally wounding six suspects, six suspects managed to escape. They were later traced to Springs where five suspects were apprehended. While being arrested, they shot and fatally wounded a (35-year old) motorist whom they tried to hijack in an attempt to escape. One suspect managed to get away at this stage. Further investigations by the Hawk’s Serious organised crime unit led the arrest of the outstanding suspect and the recovery of numerous firearms, which included R5 rifles and hand
guns. The group was sentenced as follows; John Mokhele received 81 years imprisonment of which he is to serve 22 effective years. Nqcobo died during trial. The accused was out on R10 000.00 bail and committed another armed robbery where he was shot and fatally wounded. Siphiwe Mbonani (39 ) was convicted on all charges but the accused never returned to court for sentencing, a warrant of arrest has been authorised for his re-arrest. Mphumelelo Biyana was sentenced to 60 years imprisonment of which the accused must serve effective 20 years. Sifiso Mbhele was sentenced to 60 years imprisonment of which he has to serve an effective 20 years. Mandla Phanyeko was sentenced to 60 years imprisonment of which the accused will serve effective 20 years. Members of Secunda Hawks requests all citizens of the Republic of South Africa to assist with information which can lead to the arrest of Siphiwe Mbonani who is still at large. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Investigation Officer, Detective Warrant Officer Jacob Ras of Secunda Hawks @ 0824620760 The Acting Provincial Head of the Hawks Mpumalanga Brigadier Obed Ngwenya expresses his appreciation for the outstanding performance rendered by the investigating officer. In addition, Brig Ngwenya also expresses his appreciation for the contribution of the 88 witnesses who testified willingly
26 January 2018
Davieshof verkies nuwe bestuur Davies Hof het Saterdag hulle Algemene Jaarvergadering gehou waartydens nuwe direksie gekies is. Hoewel alle inwoners nie dié belangrike vergadering bygewoon het nie, het dit nietemin voortgegaan. Die meerderheid inwoners het hul vertroue in die huidige bestuur gestel en hulle weer verkies. Ena van Rooyen het haar egter nie weer vir verkiesing beskikbaar gestel nie en Nick Stapelberg, sakeman en Secunda inwoner, is in haar plek verkies. Die kommittee bestaan tans uit André Viljoen, Naomi Victor, Jackie van Dyk, Glenn Mitton en Koos van der Berg. ‘n Inwoner, Buks Pretorius, is as verteenwoordiger van alle inwoners gekies en sal ook toekomstige vergaderings bywoon. Sommige inwoners van Daviescourt en hul kinders is ontstoke oor briewe wat 7 van dié lae-kostebehuisingskema se inwoners van GMM ontvang het. Dié briewe stipuleer dat inwoners 30 dae kennis het om alternatiewe verblyf te soek aangesien hul as verswakte bejaardes uitgewys is. Sommige inwoners en hul kinders beweer dat
almal wat briewe gekry het nié verswak is nie en dat almal wat verswak is nie briewe gekry het nie. Inwoners is ook ongelukkig met die tydsberekening van die briewe. “Ons het die brief op ons huweliksherdenking gekry,” het ‘n inwoner wat verkies om anoniem te bly, gesê. Sy en haar man, met wie sy meer as 50 jaar getroud is, moet nou ander heenkome vind nadat haar man bedleênd geword het na ‘n beroerte. Die enigste klinieksuster van Davieshof, Antoinette Sutton,sê egter dat dit onmoontlik vir haar is om mense daagliks te help versorg terwyl haar pligte eintlik kliniek-gebonde is en sy nie veronderstel is om die kliniek te verlaat nie. Ena van Rooyen,(nou) gewese kommitteelid van Davieshof, het gesê dat die inwoners GMM kan nader om vir uitstel te vra. Die persoon by GMM wat die kontrakte hanteer was egter met verlof tot 22 Januarie. Van die kinders wil nie hê hul ouers moet verhuis nie omdat hulle vrees dat hul ouers nie die aanpassing sal oorleef nie. ‘n Ander probleem wat
kop uitsteek is die tekort aan plek in ouetehuise en versorgingsentrums in die omgewing. Die koste vir sulke behuising is ook heelwat meer as wat hul tans betaal. Inwoners wat kennis gekry het moes reeds op 13 Januarie gereël het vir alternatiewe akkomdasie of vir opname in ‘n versorgingsentrum. Jackie van Dyk, voorsitter van Davieshof, het tydens die vergadering onderneem om die saak met Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit uit te klaar en dan terugvoer aan die inwoners te gee. Dit is deur die meerderheid inwoners aanvaar as ‘n billike oplossing vir nou. Soos dit maar gaan met algemene jaarvergaderings, het verskeie vrae opgeduik. Die finansiële state van Davieshof was onder druk bespreking, waarop die Direksie antwoorde moes gee. ‘n Spesiale ete vir die inwoners is ook bespreek en met groot entusiasme begroet. Die Bulletin wil die nuwe bestuur sterkte toewens met die uitdagende taak wat voorlê. Die bestuur het dit baie duidelik gemaak dat hulle daar is
Die nuwe direkteure van Davieshof is, agter: André Viljoen, Glen Mitton, Jackie van Dyk en Nick Stapelberg. Voor is Buks Pretorius en Naomi Victor. Koos van der Bergh was afwesig.
ter ondersteuning van die inwoners van Davies Court. Die verskil tussen Davies Court en Davieshof. Davies Court val onder munisipale beheer en sluit die wooneenhede in. Dit is geregistreer as laekostebehuising vir mense bo‘n sekere ouderdom en nie as ‘n ouetehuis of versorgingsentrum nie. Davies Hof is as ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie geregistreer en bestaan uit ‘n kliniek, die saal en ‘n goederewinkel wat van die perseel af bedryf word. Skenkings van die publiek word aan die winkel geskenk, tensy skenkers spesifiseer dat dit aan die inwoners moet gaan word die items aan die publiek verkoop om fondse te genereer om uitgawes van Davieshof te help dek. - Gwendie Venter
• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Gwendie Venter 082 896 4660
Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529
Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.
So is die lewe
UP Sasol Hydra-Arc Rugby Practice @ Sasol Club - Every Tuesday and Thursday @ 18:00 to 20:00 Contact: Theuns Kruger Club Captain on 082 602 4035. Oppiestoep met Pietman en Andries - 2 Februarie om 18:00 by Curro Secunda Skool saal. R 10 000 per tafel van 10, Ete en Drankies ingesluit. Navrae: 017 634 8355. Lions Visiting Secunda- Dinner with your favourite Lions player @ Boesies, Lake Umuzi 05 Februarie om 18:00 R2800 for a table of 8, Spitbraai included as well as a cash bar. Bookings contact Elmarie on 082 461 3821. CANSA Relay for life - 17 – 18 March @ Highveld Ridge Primary @ 16:00 to 04:00. Contact: Natasha on 079 404 4196. Tydlose treffers. Hoërskool Secunda bied aan: Tydlose treffers met Laurika Rauch. Saterdag 24 Maart. Sluit gekookte ete in asook wyn op tafel. R500p/p of R5000 vir tafel van 10. Besprekings by Paul 079 358 9035 of Battle of the Youngsters uithourit vind op die plaas Moedverloren plaas Saterdag 27 Jan. Vanaf 5uur die oggend Pieter 0825661374
26 January 2018
Ds Marius Britz Dit was Jesus self wat die verhaal vertel het van die verskoningmakers wat gesê is om Hom te volg. Die een ou het gesê: laat my eers toe om my ouers te begrawe. En Jesus het gesê: Laat die dooies hulle eie dooies begrawe, maar volg my. Jesus se woorde klink hard, maar eintlik het die man gesê: ek het ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid wat ek moet nakom, wat omtrent al my tyd en energie vat. Ek pas my bejaarde ouers op. Ek het nie nou tyd vir enigiets anders nie. As jy ‘n bejaarde ouer versorg, groei jou simpatie met hierdie verskoningmaker. Want dit is ‘n groot werk, en nog groter verantwoordelikheid. Die tekens is daar dat jy nie lank meer die taak sal kan nakom nie, al is jy hoe toegewyd en al is jou liefde vir jou ouer onbegrensd groot. Jy sien die tekens een vir een. Die skouers wat hang. Die hande wat lomp raak en kort-kort ‘n koppie of glas laat val. Die gedagtes wat kort raak. Die oë wat amper deurskynend
raak en dikwels betraand is oor onthou-dinge. Die skuifelstappie met die loopring. Die bord kos wat ongeëet weggestoot word. Die vergeet van hoeveel pille gedrink is, en kort-kort weer verkeerdelik gedrink word. Sodat jy moet ingryp. Pille uitdeel. Besigheid doen namens hom of haar, inkopies gaan doen, sorg dat daar brood en melk en toiletpapier is. En magteloos toekyk hoe die een trotse mens, altyd onberispelik versorg, verskrompel tot ‘n hopie bene wat op die bed lê en die vertes instaar. Dan, die BESLUIT. Die een wat jy uitstel en uitstel. ‘n Vrou kan nog haar ma versorg tot die uiterste, maar ‘n man kan nie sy ma so versorg nie. Skielik bevind jy jouself voor die deur van die versorgingsoord. Jy ruik die ontsmettingsmiddels en ander reuke. Jy sien die tannietjies en oompies wat vier-vier in ‘n kamer lê en na die deur staar. Iewers hoes iemand ‘n roggelhoesie. Iemand skuifel in die gang by jou verby. Iemand lui aanhoudend ‘n klokkie. Almal kyk vol afwagting na jou, asof jy die teken is waarvoor hulle gewag het. Asof jy spesiaal gekom het om een van hulle te kom verlos uit hulle eensaamheid. Jy maak jou oë toe, sluk aan die knop in jou keel en gaan haal die aansoekvorms namens jou ma by die kantoor. Jy maak ‘n punt daarvan om nie links of regs te kyk nie. Reguit voordeur toe, weg, weg, van die naakte realiteit wat jou hier trompop konfronteer. Maar iemand roep jou voordat uitloop. In die ingangsportaal sit ‘n tannie, netjies aangetrek, handsak op die skoot. Ek wag vir my seun, sê sy, hy kom my haal om by hulle te gaan kuier. Hy is so oulike man. Hy is geleerd, hy het grade en ‘n belangrike werk. Hy ry so mooi kar, en woon in ‘n groot dubbelverdiepinghuis. Hy dien op allerande rade en direksies. En maak verskriklik baie geld. Sy kinders studeer almal. My seun gaan my netnou kom haal. Dan gaan ek so paar dae by hulle kuier. Ek is so geseënd om sulke wonderlike en suksesvolle kinders te hê! Jy glimlag saam met haar, deel haar kortstondige vreugde. Sy word die fokus van jou hoop. My ma
gaan net so positief soos hierdie tannie wees, oortuig jy jouself. Sy gaan hier gelukkig wees. Almal gaan vir haar goed wees. Op ‘n manier word die besluit vir jou makliker. Moenie dink aan die negatiewe nie. Die mense word met liefde en deernis daar versorg. Die personeel is toegewyd en bekwaam. Hulle verstaan die uitdagings van bejaardeversorging baie beter as jy. Hulle het ‘n passie vir hulle werk. En jy begin om jou ma voor te berei op die moontlikheid dat sy beter versorging nodig het as wat jy kan bied. Jy vertel jouself dat dit vir al die betrokke partye, jou ma inkluis, die beste opsie is. Jy vul die dik bundel dokumente in. Verslae van die dokter. Mediese geskiedenis. Medikasie gebruik. Naasbestaandes. Die woord naasbestaande maak jou bewerig. Jy dink aan ander kontekste waarin dit gebruik word. En na so twee weke is die aansoek gereed om ingedien te word, en jy dapper genoeg om dit in te dien. Jy stop weer voor die versorgingsoord, hierdie keer meer oortuig van die meriete van jou saak. Maar wanneer jy by die voordeur instap, is dieselfde tannietjie van twee weke terug weer daar op haar pos. Dieselfde netjiese blommetjiesrok, selfgebreide truitjie aan, ten spyte van die hitte, en dieselfde afgeleefde handsakkie op die skoot. Sy kyk stip na die straat voor die gebou, maar herken jou skielik as jy inkom. More tannie! Jy groet so hartlik en vrolik as wat jy kan. Het tannie toe lekker by tannie se seun gekuier? Vra jy, al weet jy by voorbaat. Ag jong, hulle is so besig, hulle kon toe nie by my uitkom nie. Jy weet, al die verantwoordelikhede en vergaderings. Maar hy is vandag hier naby vir ‘n belangrike vergadering, en sal kyk of hy na die tyd my kan kom haal. En sy kyk weer na die karre wat in die straat verbyry. Jy weet hy gaan nie opdaag nie. Ek staan met ‘n groot pak ingevulde vorms in my hand. Kan ek u help, meneer, vra ‘n verpleegster my as sy verbyloop. Nee dankie, sê ek. Ek het net kom kyk hoe dit hier lyk.
Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
Evander SAPS together with ABSA, donated a wheelchair and book to Ntombiziba Motlaung (21) from Enkomeni Farm on 16 January. “Evander SAPS embraces disability” Sgt. Sibusiso Mbuli, Evander SAPS spokesperson, said.
26 January 2018
26 January 2018
Reckless Driver gets final written warning A G4S technician driver attended a disciplinary hearing on Friday morning and has been issued with a final written warning after overtaking on solid lines on the R29 between Leandra and Kinross on Tuesday. The driver of the Chev utility bakkie was speeding and overtaking cars and trucks on several dangerous occasions. Other motorists had to reduce speed to avoid accidents. After dangerously overtaking on solid lines 4 times in less than 5km, The Bulletin contacted media spokesperson for G4S, Wendy Hardy, who were eager to assist. “The technician’s vehicle has been flagged and he will be closely monitored going forward,” she said, “Thank you for bringing this to our attention and affording us the
opportunity to take the necessary disciplinary steps in order to ensure the safety of our staff and the public at large”. While some people lost their lives, others were critically injured in horrific accidents on local roads last year, mostly because motorists didn’t adhere to road rules. In November last year a man lost his life and his mother were left critically injured after a head-on collision on the N17 between Kinross and Trichardt. According to bystanders at the time, the driver of an Audi was speeding and driving recklessly for kilometers before overtaking on a curved solid line and colliding with the vehicle of the mother
and her son. The driver of the Audi also died in the accident. How to be a safe driver: -Don’t drink and drive! You may think you are okay, but if your blood alcohol level is more than 0.05mg per 100ml of blood, you are over the limit. The legal breath alcohol limit is less than 0.24mg in 1000ml of breath. - Adhere to speed limit; they are there for a reason. Speeding won’t necessarily get you to your destination sooner and financially it doesn’t make sense -Ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy. Check wipers, brakes, tires, lights and indicators regularly. -Put away your phone, don’t text while
Brahman shot after attack A Brahman Bullock calf was shot in eMbahlenhle after causing havoc and attacking several people. It all started when the bullock somehow found his way into the eMba Sasol club on the morning of 15 January. When Jenneth Geel and the rest of the Highveld Ridge SPCA team arrived, they found the calf’s right front leg and neck shackled together with a piece of webbing belt. “This caused the animal distress and as I was trying to get closer to see if I could help him, it stormed me,” she said. “I knew I could never get out of its way as he turned in the direction I was moving and rushed me,” she said. “I knew what was coming so I braced myself. I knew that he would trample me if I fell over,” she said. She received a first blow to her hip and a second on her wrist and sustained a few bruises. The SPCA together with eMba SAPS, eventually got the bullock out of the
club grounds. “But instead of going to the field, the animal headed into eMba town where it attacked another 8 to 10 people. We decided to rather put it down before it caused more damage,” Jenneth said. After being shot, people rushed to the scene to gather meat for dinner. “Emba Saps were really good on scene. They were very professional and helpful and I also have a great team,” Jenneth added thankfully.
The Brahman’s temperament. The Brahman is somewhat shy, but extremely intelligent. Its excellent memory can make it a cattle owner’s best friend or worst nightmare. Which role it assumes generally depends on the type of treatment it receives. Few breeds respond with as much docility and loyalty as the Brahman when handled kindly. If handled roughly or infrequently, however, the Brahman will react with either extreme nervousness or aggression. While kindly treated Brahmans are usually gentle, beginners should beware of the occasional unstable animal. Also, cows with calves can be dangerously protective. Source: Homestead on the Range
Jenneth Geel, trying to help and calm down a Brahman calf. The calf was later shot after all attempts to help remained fruitless.
driving and use hands-free mode if you want to make a call. -Buckle up! -Turn your cars lights on when the sun starts setting as well as in foggy and rainy conditions. Don’t blind people with the headlights. If you get blinded, use the markings at the side of the road as a guideline. -Observation is extremely important; remember to check your blind spots and use the indicators when turning. A Secunda resident pleaded guilty in Evander magistrate’s Court on a charge of reckless driving. He failed to do a proper lookout and made a u-turn on the N17 between Kinross and Leandra in February last year. In his defence, his lawyer reminded the court that his client has no previous convictions. The driver’s Peugeot, on which he did not have insurance, was written off and an ankle, broken in three places, were amongst the injuries the driver sustained. His lawyer requested the court not to suspend his license as he is working shifts and his family will suffer if he can’t work. He had a choice between a fine of R15 000 or 5 months in jail. It is unsure which option he took.
The Elderly Humanity life’s and living cycle commences at birth and end in passing. But in between these two life’s boundaries are several phases that all of us must experience in one way or another. Perchance is this sequence not the same for anyone, not with the same intensity, love, hate, and other phycological occurrences. Undeniable is the fact that certain periods can be identified in between the boundaries of birth and death. The interludes of infant, pre-teen, puberty, teenager, young adult, adult and elderly. An infant, helpless, requiring constant care and love, and subsequently so do all the other junctures in life’s cycle. The one chapter which we do not want or are scared to discuss is the chapter of reaching the so called “elderly stage”. This stage frighten us for quite a few reasons: will I be sick, will I be able to support myself, will I be able to stay in my house, will my children deposit me in a facility for the elderly, and many additional such questions? For which there seem to be no answers. However one question that hovers in furthermost elder person’s intellect is: What will happen to me when I am classified as being “frail?” Who will decide my fate? My children? The institution and or old age home, in which I have to reside, due to circumstances? Their supervisory board into which the we do not have an input or say? The board who’s member’s consist of younger persons and so called experts who do not understand or are the blind to recognize our plight? Do we as society really understand the quandary of the frail? Or are we as the proverbial ostrich and stick our heads in the sand? Not wanting to see the hurt and the phycological scares that are a consequence of our egoistic view point and actions?
26 January 2018
Wine Guild donate to SADFA The Secunda Goblet Guild held their first wine tasting evening of 2019 at a very successful evening at Graceland Casino and Country Club. Wines presented where from the Glen Carlou Wine Estate, based in Simondium Paarl and some 44 wine enthusiasts had the privilege to taste nine of the best wines produced at the estate. The South African Defence Force Association (SADFA) received a donation of R5000, 00 from the Secunda Goblet Guild towards their project “Suikerbekkie”. Chairperson Henry Buÿs of the SADFA Cosmos Sector 1 Secunda, said that the veterans want to make a difference in the
community and that project Suikerbekkie is one of many such projects specifically created towards change in society. “Project Suikerbekkie is the identifying of persons and or schools that need assistance”, “the person/s and or school are then adopted and by the SADFA local sector”, for assistance and support” he said. “We have identified and adopted Primary School Trichardt’s children hostel worthy of our project Suikerbekkie”, said Henry. “We, Cosmos Sector 1 Secunda wish to extend our gratitude to the Secunda Goblet Guild for their donation for this project and is as per our slogan “veterans creating the future”, Henry said.
Brian Wickens (chairperson Secunda Goblet Guild) Henry Buÿs (chairperson Cosmos Sector 1) Pieter Swanepoel (Regional Sales Manger Glen Carlou) Aart Reedijk (sergeant major Cosmos Sector 1)
Ouma gee skool Sonet Beukes is ‘n gr.2 onderwyseres by Laerskool Trichardt, maar wat haar situasie so besonders maak, is dat sy daagliks omrig is deur 5 van haar 7 kleinkinders. “Ek hou al 27 jaar hier skool, so ek weet dat die grondslag hier uitstekend vasgelê word,” het Sonet
gesê. Haar ander twee kleinseuns is in Pretoria woonagtig en sy sou hulle ook graag by haar wou hê. “Ek het nooit die voorreg gehad om vir my eie kinders skool te hou nie, maar dit is ‘n voorreg om my kleinkinders te onderrig.... met baie meer geduld,” het dié trotse ouma laat hoor. Hier is Jahno (gr.4), Linka (gr.1), Bernich (gr.3), Lejané (gr.1) en Ghide (kleuterskool) saam met hulle ouma.
To advertise call: Hannelie 082 789 2529 017 631 1845
To Advertise Call 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845
Hannelie: 082 789 2529
To advertise call: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 or Hannelie 082 789 2529
Die Vroue Landbou Unie (VLU) het verlede Woensdag 2018 met groot opwinding afgeskop. Sowat 18 dames het by N.G Kerk-Goedehoop se saal bymekaargekom vir hul eerste maandvergadering vir die jaar. 2017 se jaarverslae is gelees en daar was ook ‘n prysuitdeling vir verlede
jaar se artikels. Die eerste 3 plekke in elke afdeling het sertifikate ontvang, terwyl die 1ste plekke in elke afdeling met ‘n trofee weggestap het. Die afdelings het ingesluit: gebottel en gebak, handwerk, naaldwerk, blomme en handvlyt. “Handvlyt is enigiets wat
26 January 2018
jy met jou hande maak, bv. krale werk. Alles wat nie gebrei of gehekel word nie,” het Maryna Hartman van die VLU gesê. Die items word nou verpak om op die jaarlikse konferensie wat op 15 Maart in Bethal plaasvind, beoordeel te word.
Joshua is a “clean” comedian Aquilar Dhlamini, also known as Comedian Joshua, is a 30-year old Evander resident who combined his love for the Gospel and Comedy. “I believe and know that comedy was created by God, but we know the devil is a thief. That is why comedy today is painted with a paint of blasphemy and I shall prove that comedy can be clean, educational and healing,” Aquilar said. Residents will have a chance to see him on 27 January when he will be performing in Emba. “On this day, I will teach people what comedy is all about and you will laugh while you learn vital things. It will be a fresh start to the New Year,” Joshua said. His target audience is Christians. “My job is not really to recruit new souls but to encourage those who are already born again to remain in the Lord. It’s like a soccer game. Some players are strikers and some are goalkeepers. I’m more like a goalkeeper,” Joshua said. On one of Joshua’s posters, it specified that only Christians are welcome. After queries about this, Joshua said that as a Christian comedian, he will be making fun of Satan and sinners. “It is not a comfortable feeling to insult the devil when the devil is one meter away from you. I’m not scared, but if I were to be attacked, I will have to turn the other cheek instead of fighting back,” Joshua said. His previous performances can be seen on his YouTube channel if you search
“Comedian Joshua South Africa”. Here you can watch 40 minutes of stress-free comedy. Joshua was never lucky with employment. He got fired from some and quit the others. “My job record is damaged, but in the midst of my trials in 2015, during a fasting, an angel told me in a dream that the Lord says that my solution is Isaac. I was puzzled, but throughout the day I learnt that Isaac means laughter and I believe it’s my time to shine,” Joshua said. His motto is “shaking the walls of ignorance, foolishness, fear and deception” and that is exactly what he is doing.
Joshua during a performance
26 January 2018
26 January 2018
Biker Blessing 2018 hosted by CMA Bikers! Just the word is enough to conjure up some images of mean, rough, foulmouthed leather clad men on loud mean looking motorcycles. This is if we have to believe every movie we see. This could not be further from the truth! The Bulletin recently attended a Bikers Church and found a warm and loving community. A group of people that really cares about others. Pastor Jackie van Dyk is leading the Mpumalanga Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) and have been serving people for 25 years. Jackie led the service on Sunday and spoke about blessings. The CMA from Johannesburg attended the service and the small hall was packed to the brim with church goers sitting outside to hear his sermon. The group met at Secunda Mall early on Sunday. After a small meeting to
explain the next steps it was time to start the engines. Roaring sounds filled the parking lot as the engines were started. Deep sounds from the Harleys resonating and giving rhythm to the smaller and more silenced engines. It was a mix between nostalgia and performance as they all lined up for a group photo. Most in their club colours, some proudly displaying their CMA colour of yellow and orange on their riding gear. Jackie slowly led them all out from the parking lot for a leisurely ride through Secunda. They rode as a group around town and ended at their church. It took a while to get all seated but everyone stayed glued to their seats as Pastor Jackie delivered his sermon. Bikers have a deep-rooted sense of brotherhood and that was very visible at the service. Even strangers greeted each other with hugs and a huge smile. Over the years we have seen how
committed the riders from CMA Mpumalanga are. They have been involved with a lot of charity work all over Mpumalanga with donations of food or clothes as well as other donations. At the end of the sermon, Jacky asked
James Jamieson from CMA South Africa to hand two certificates to two club Chairmen who are really making a huge contribution towards CMA South Africa. Willie Meyer from Adler Fahrers and John-John Vermeulen of the Voyagers Club received the certificates.
FLTR: Mynhardt Truter, Willie Meyer, John-John Vermeulen, James and Elize Jamieson, Jackie van Dyk
Alexandra’s Travels... ...Hitchhicking to Paris
By Alexandra Wuzyk My bicycle zips over black canals which reflect rows of shining yellow windows in the chilly night air. I’m on my way home from a late-night restaurant shift in the Netherlands. When I arrive, I start packing a bag, ideas whirling. I have Saturday and Sunday off, almost no money, and I’m in the mood for adventure. I pore over Google maps to find the nearest point of interest: Paris. I’m haIf asleep and half organized in the morning; I get onto the highway yawning, with incomplete plans and no idea where I will be sleeping. Now the fun starts! It’s my first time hitchhiking in Europe, and I stand at the roadside with a huge grin, sticking out my thumb. I catch a ride with a Dutch businessman, followed by a mother and daughter on a family trip. I climb up into the cab of a truck driver from Eastern Europe who speaks no English but offers me a beer and plays incessant 80’s music. In Belgium a richly dressed man in a black sedan cruises to a stop and offers me a ride, not to Paris, but into the centre of Antwerp. Well, why not? He tells me stories in a crinkly Morgan Freeman voice, touching his grey, wellgroomed beard, ‘You know, when I was young, I used to be a hippie!’ Antwerp is beautiful, the city centre looks like an ornamental model city, selling waffles, chocolate and beer. Galleries, fashion houses, food, an ancient red-seat cinema in an alley – it’s delicious to explore. I eat a sandwich at the Cathedral and steal McDonalds
Wifi to figure out how to get onto the highway again. I’m picked up by a smiling Frenchman who speaks broken English enthusiastically through a thick, thick, accent. ‘Paris! is zi most beautiful city in ze world! ze Arch de Triumph, Louvre, is beautiful, beautiful!’ Talking to him is my first introduction to French pronunciation, and when he talks about the shau ze lizey it takes me a moment to realise he means the Champs-Elysees. He drops me in Lille bonjour la France! I’m so close to Paris, but the sun is setting, and the roads are becoming quiet. I’m stuck at a gas station. A wild musician - perfect hair, shiny shoes, guitar, plays jazz – tries to help me out, speaking French to other drivers for me. Eventually a van driver seems to be going in my direction. To Orly – I know a host in Orly! Let’s go. He speaks Portuguese so I attempt some of my broken Spanish, which puts a smile on his face, and surprisingly, works. I borrow his cell and call the Couchsurfing host “Okay, see you then!” I write down the address. I’m chuffed to have a place to sleep, and I watch the dusky sunset with fingers crossed that all will go smoothly. I’m absent mindedly staring at the drivers GPS when I realize... He is going to Orly – I thought I was going to Orly – but my address is in Orsay. No! Ridiculous French names! It’s the other side of Paris! “No, no, I go to Orly” his wife will be angry if he is late, he says… but he ends up driving me all the way to the exact address. Merci, Merci beaucoup! Nice evening! I wander around in the dark; I can’t find the apartment number anywhere, until: “Alex?” Somebody waves from a lighted balcony and I meet my host. He is a French PHD professor working on artificial intelligence, and incidentally has a huge collection of board games. Perfectly at ease, we taste some interesting liqueurs and he teaches me how to prepare artichokes, which we fry up with spaghetti. When I finally drift off to sleep on his couch the morning comes to soon… but I’m up early, because I’m on the metro to Paris city center!
26 January 2018
Sasol Athletics hosts Championships Sasol Athletics club hosted their annual club championships at Secunda Stadium. Schools attended from as far as Pretoria. Athletes had to compete on a warm day and still produced some very good results. The events did not draw a huge crowd but the people that attended enjoyed the athletics. An important announcement to all senior track and field athletes within Mpumalanga was made on the Mpumalanga athletics web page
( track-and-field/) With regards to the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games 2018 that will be hosted in April and the ASA Senior Championships scheduled for 15-17 March 2018, The Board of Athletics Mpumalanga decided the following: There will be no Mpumalanga Senior Championships for 2018. Qualifying standards will be used to select the Mpumalanga Team for the Senior SA’s in 2018.
Hodo Cloete from Hoërskool Secunda sailing through the air at Saturdays event
Cherrèlee Miles from Hoërskool Swarkops running away from her apponents in 400m hurdles
Laerskool Secunda hou interhuis