The bulletin newspaper 26 may 2017

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Issue 129 - FREE

26 MAY

the good news paper


017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Classic car wins rally Photo: Encee van Huyssteen

Photo: Rolin Booysen

History was made at the Secunda rally this weekend as it was the first time that a classic car won the overall race. The overall winners were driver Lee Rose and navigator Elvene Coetzee in their Ford Escort. Scrutineering took place on Friday morning to make sure that the cars were all in good order and complying with all the regulations. Friday afternoon saw the official start to the rally from Mastercars in Trichardt. The first car off was the VW Polo of George Smallberger and Chris Brandt, followed by Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle in their Toyota Etios. All hope however, was pinned on local driver AC Potgieter and navigator Nico Swartz in their VW Polo. Stages one to five on Friday set the tempo for Saturday with the competitors having to show their skills through various stages such as the fast stage at Holfontein or the winding stages of Lake Umuzi and Graceland Casino 1 that saw numerous competitors ending in the stream at last year’s event. After a short visit to the service park it was time for the night races at Graceland. These two stages saw the driver’s race against the clock on tar while spectators braved the cold and filled the banks on the side of the track. Saturday morning saw the drivers pitted against each other as they

drove in pairs on the super-fast Kosie Super Special stage. This is very exciting as two cars would race each other on a circuit that crosses over so that they both drive the same circuit without getting close to each other. It is normally a sprint to the finish! The TW Stene stage proved too much for several cars as they had to contend with a long stage, lots of dust and finally a race in the quarry. The quarry had a small water section that attracts a lot of photographers every year as water is splashed everywhere. Unfortunately this was the nemesis of a number of cars as the water got in everywhere. AC Potgieter had the second of two crashes at the water and had to retire. The stages at Tjorrie Kruger and Kosie van der Merwe gave the drivers a chance to make up lost time as they were all fast stages. The stages at Graceland Casino and lastly at Lake Umuzi saw the competitors trying to make up for lost time, others cementing their positions on the podium. Local driver Kosie van der Merwe and Coen van Zyl won the open class with locals Luné Snyman and Edward Strydom finishing second. Kosie and Coen were less than ten minutes behind the overall winners. Natie Booysen and Rudolph Pretorius finished third in the classic class. - Encee van Huyssteen



26 May 2017

Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

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Dit is die Here wat die wysheid gee, uit sy mond kom die kennis en die insig. Spreuke 2:6

The tandem horizontal boring mill is fully automated and programmable.

Boring mill is unique Installation of the new tandem horizontal boring mill – which can perform multiple tasks simultaneously – will be complete and fully operational by July, enthuses project services corporation Hydra Arc. “The machine, which is being manufactured by Czech Republicbased machining manufacturer TOS Varnsdorf, is fully automated and programmable and can easily accommodate small, detailed and intricate work, as well as heavy pieces,” says Hydra Arc Group company Sky Hill Heavy Engineering supervisor Mark Green. (Manufacturer) Sky Hill machine shop superintendent Gert Swanepoel adds that the machine is housed inside bay four of Sky Hill’s fabrication facility in Secunda, Mpumalanga, and can automatically do a tool change in the milling head. He notes that this is quite rare in these types of machines. “The horizontal boring mill also includes a cutting fluid tank with a capacity of 10 000 ℓ, with a high-

pressure coolant of 120 bar. This helps for chip removal and tungsten carbide inserts lasts longer,” he explains, adding that the spindle diameter is 150 mm, with a maximum speed of 2 500 rpm. One of the biggest milling heads on the machine weighs 1.2 t and the two rotary platforms can handle 60 t and 40 t each respectively. “Machine tool supplier, Machine Tool Promotions is overseeing the installation at the Sky Hill facility and worked with our fully trained staff to ensure that installation is done in adherence with all safety standards and according to the exacting requirements of the installation, every step of the way,” Swanepoel explains, noting that three electricians, as well as two mechanical and several installation engineers from the TOS Varnsdorf factory have also been involved in this process. He adds that Hydra Arc has been “hands-on” since the tandem boring mill’s inception, during procurement and the installation process. “Hydra Arc played an integral part in the installation process, such as laying the precision foundations – which alone took more than 18 months – and fabricating some key elements necessary for the installation of the machine.” Meanwhile, Swanepoel notes that extensive research and development (R&D) were invested in the machine development. “One of the biggest challenges with the R&D was to get both machines of the boring mill to work together. Either machine can work the full 33 m of the x-axis travel individually or both machines can work on 16 m travel on the same axis simultaneously.” One of the biggest challenges in the industry is exporting big work pieces such as this, owing to the lack of machine capacity in the country. Swanepoel further adds that work needs to stay in South Africa to help grow the economy, noting that the installation of this machine will help that process, which will allow for more work to be done locally. “With the expansion of our machine shop, at the end of June, we hope to attract and train young learners and experienced machinists to assist in filling this gap, thereby addressing the skills shortage and simultaneously empowering learners with new, indemand skills that are so desperately needed in our country.” Hydra Arc believes that once the installation is complete, that the company will be able to offer a service that no other company can, and accommodate bigscale projects that previously would have been completed internationally.

26 May 2017


Graceland wedding expo Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club in association with Blast Parties, hosted a Wedding and Matric Farewell Expo on Saturday, 20 May.




26 May 2017

Pupils learn lots at engineering expo

To advertise in this space call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529 or email:

Sasol hosted an exhibition, World of Engineering and Artisanship, at the Sasol Club in eMbalenhle on Saturday, 13 May. Pupils had the opportunity to spend 30 minutes at each stall where an engineer or artisan explained his exhibition in detail. Engineers and artisans volunteered to showcase their various career disciplines. A total of 341 pupils attended the exhibition and they also took part in a quiz where they were asked questions on the content discussed in the various exhibition stands. Precious Skhosana of Ikhethelo Secondary School won a tablet at the quiz. “By taking part in career days at schools made us aware of how uninformed pupils at schools are about a career in engineering,” said Ntombifuthi Macheke, Specialst at Public and Regulatory Affairs at Sasol Chemical Operations. “We realised that without a frame of reference with respect to engineering and artisanship, a pupil would hardly be drawn to a career in engineering. “For those who do not have parents in engineering that share their knowledge with their children, there is almost no opportunity to build an understanding of an engineering or artisanship

career as the equipment used to demonstrate all the interesting science and maths principles are no longer available to teachers. “Science and maths became the dreaded boring subjects to many pupils who find it difficult to see the sense in learning it.” The aim of the open days is to create an exhibition where pupils can spend a whole day witnessing and participating in displays and events that demonstrate the science and maths principles they learn at school and to show them how these principles are applied in real life ‘things’ that they can relate to. This exhibition targets the Grade 12’s in order to entice them to make the right career choice and if they see a possibility in a career in engineering or artisanship. It’s an engineering / artisanship awareness and motivation which SAIMechE (The South African Institute for Mechanical Engineers) Sasol, Osizweni, MegChem , PDPS and SAIIE (South African Institute for Industrial Engineers) and Graceland Hotel and Casino partnered in collaboration to make it happen. A committee was formed to plan and build the equipment needed for the 13 exhibitions that covered all disciplines of engineering and artisanship.

Oosies se Wieleskou vind die naweek plaas Die Hoërskool Oosterland/Iemas Wieleskou vind op 26 en 27 Mei by Graceland Casino plaas. Daar gaan iets wees om te doen vir oud en jonk wat ‘drifting’, reksprong vanaf ’n 40m hoë hyskraan, ’n rolstoel-uithouwedren, ’n sterkmankompetisie en ’n modelkompetisie insluit. Daar gaan ook ’n teetuin wees, ’n slangvertoning, ’n wetenskapvertoning met eksperimente en ’n Lego-kompetisie. Die Wieleskou skop Vrydag om 14:00 af met Hoërskool Oosterland se orkes gevolg deur die rolstoeluithouwedren met Matthys Roets. Die kinders en jongmense kan om 15:00 aan die boot camp deelneem en Laerskool Goedehoop se trompoppies tree om 16:00 op. Toegang is R50 per persoon vir volwassene en R30 per kind. Vir meer inligting, skakel Liné de Vries by 082 786 0134.


26 May 2017


Donate blankets now for project The House of Mercy project kicked off in 2013 and women involved in this project teach jobless women life skills as well as skills in sewing. With this project, they also collect blankets for another leg of this project, namely Winterhoop. The community can still support project Winterhoop by collecting

blankets until 15 June. The women get together every Thursday at the Ronde Kerk and learn sewing skills. They have made shopping bags as well as clothes for themselves and they also learnt how to knit. There are about 20 women and the project is dependent on donations.

“We also have to organise transport for these women,” said Elsa Blom who is involved in the House of Mercy project. If you want to support this project by donating money, material, sewing machines, wool, thread or anything else needed when making clothes or knitting, contact Elsa Blom at 082 904 9469.

Aletta Esterhuyse has been involved with the project since it started in 2013

Women learn sewing skills at one of the House of Mercy projects.

PROPERTIES eiendomme

Sasol handed over a cheque of R3 million to the Highveld East Aids Project Support (HEAPS), an NGO that is implementing the project for Sasol and partners for which government is one of them. The money will be utilised for the screening, testing, counselling and referral for treatment as well as promoting testing and adherence to treatment, as they will be done for the benefit of the community. Here are representatives of the different stakeholders involved in this project.

Five Star SuperSpar donated pet food to Little Paws Big Hearts. This donation was part of the Ice Festival held at Lake Umuzi recently to raise funds for nonprofit organisations. Here are Nick Mathios (manager at Spar) with Jacqueline Erasmus, Chantel Vorster and Louis Kempen from Little Paws Big Hearts. Nick thanked all Spar’s clients for the donations.




To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

26 May 2017

Leerlinge geniet mini-lab Leerlinge van Laerskool Secunda het die geleentheid om van Graad RR af al wetenskap- en ander eksperimente te doen. By Laerskool Secunda se minilaboratorium, waar Charyn Janse van Rensburg (onderwyseres) is, word eksperimente in chemie, fisika , biologie, geologie, tegnologie en sterrekunde gedoen. Die doel van

die laboratorium is om spesifiek op leerlinge vanaf Graad RR tot Graad 3 te fokus omdat leerlinge eers vanaf Graad 4 wetenskap as vak neem. “Ons wil hulle van jongs af blootstel aan wetenskap om reeds n liefde te kweek,” het Charyn gesê. “Ons wil die leerlinge ook ’n goeie agtergrond gee. “Ek glo ons leerlinge gaan ’n voor-sprong hê wanneer hulle in Graad 4 kom.”

Leerlinge en Charyn Janse van Rensburg in die mini-lab by Laerkool Secunda.

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Goedehoop het deurgedring na die tweede rondte van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie wat op 9 Junie op Middelburg plaasvind. Hulle is (voor) Suzaan Thomas, Lana Hyman, Chizelle Rossouw en Karli van Schalkwyk. Agter is Cayla Rossouw en Calene Grobler.

Twee leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is gekies om in Julie aan Talent America in New York deel te neem. Ivan Botha (graad 12) het in die April-skoolvakansie drie goue medaljes op die Suid-Afrikaanse talent-kampioenskap verwerf en is aangewys as een van die top 5-deelnemers in die Instrumentale-afdeling. Casha Steyn (graad 11) het twee goue medaljes op die SA’s verower en het reeds provinsiale en nasionale kleure in dans verwerf.


ACCREDITED INSTALLER Aerial + DSTV Installations Single HD Decoder (Fully Installed) R 799 Sales and Testing. Terms & Conditions Apply. E-MAIL:

Tel: 017 634 5014 • Shop 2 Medical Centre, next to Biltong Paleis

TO ADVERTISE CALL: Hannelie 082 789 2529 or Clive 082 724 5165

26 May 2017


“It will only upset your Frank da Ascencao, a man with stomach. 20 Comrades silver medals to his “Eating breakfast is name, was the guest speaker at the important before the Secunda Marathon Club’s annual race, but the amount Comrades braai held of food to consume at their clubhouse on is up to individual Saturday night. preference. “I prefer He is a well-known to run on an empty coach in the running tummy, so I might eat a world and with 27 slice of toast. Comrades races “I avoid eating along completed, Frank the route as it makes deems qualified to me feel bloated and host training camps heavy.” for groups of runners Frank provided course to prepare them for a tips to Secunda’s successful Comrades. runners. “Although there is According to him, the not much time left for Wilna Jordaan (Secunda up run is much more training before this Marathon Club chairman) with strenuous and gruelling year’s race, there are Frank da Ascencao (guest because of the rapid still a few things you speaker) at the club’s annual altitude climb of more can get into place than 700m. His advice Comrades braai. before hand,” Frank for runners is to hold told the Secunda back during the first 42km from the Marathon Club members on Saturday. start in Durban. “Look after your health and avoid “Hold back your energy as far as falling ill before the race. possible without cutting your own “Get race ready by cutting your throat. toenails at least a week in advance to “If you are pushing yourself too much avoid discomfort on the race day, get in this first part of the race, you will not to the race well on time, and make be able to complete the race.” sure you pack your running bag and Secunda Marathon Club is sending gear wisely. 37 runners to the Comrades this year, “And remember the Vaseline!”. of whom 9 are novices who will be Frank advised the runners to start running their first Comrades race. carbo loading by eating only pastas Danie Jacobs and Deon Smith are and carbohydrates for at least three both running with double green days prior to the race. numbers (20 Comrades or more), “Cut out all proteins. “If you plan to drink shakes, stick to the Guy Shepstone will attempt to obtain his double green number and Wilna recipe prescribed on the container. Jordaan aims to complete her 10th “Do not add an extra scoop and think Comrades. you will fare better.

These are the runners from Secunda Marathon Club who will be taking on the Comrades on 4 June. In the middle is Ronald Robinson from Murray & Roberts who sponsored running shirts for the event.

Fireplace Roadhouse het Laerskool Kruinpark se o.6-rugbyspan se truie geborg. Hiér is die span saam met afrigters Ernie Junius, Danie Eksteen, Tienie Olckers, Elvio Bettencourt (eienaar van Fireplace Roadhouse) en Ivan Theron.


Dominator invites youngsters Fighters of the Dominator’s Den Fight Club took part in the Fight Star 23 Amateurs competition held in Alberton on 6 May. Only one of the fighters of Dominator’s Den, Paul ‘Piksteel’ Ronge won his fight while the other competitors lost their fights. “There is no third or fourth places in this sport,” said Cedric ‘The Dominator’ Doyle, owner of Dominator’s Den. “We don’t shy away from defeat, we stand up and come back and do it all again. “My fighters and I made mistakes and we learn from our mistakes. “We live and we learn.” He thanked God for keeping them

safe and for putting the passion in them for practicing this sport. “It is a mentally, physically and emotionally challenging sport and not everybody can do it.” Doyle urged all parents of troubled teenagers who have problems with aggression or addiction to enrol them in this sport as it changed Doyle’s life. He thanked the club’s main sponsor, Roman Alarms for their continuous support. Dominator’s Den offers classes for women as well. For more information, like their Facebook Page at Dominator’s Den or contact Andries Lee at 072 335 4442.

Rudolph ‘Biscuit’ Pretorius, Cedric ‘The Dominator’ Doyle and Paul ‘Piksteel’ Ronge of Dominator’s Den Fight Club.

Students from the Victory Taekwondo Family Centre competed at the Arnold Classics Africa earlier in May in Johannesburg and came home with 27 medals. Chad Kriel and Donavan Lapacz did a demonstration for Arnold.

Spelers van Laerskool Kruinpark en Laerskool Trichardt meet kragte Saterdag by Laerskool Trichardt se Pumaki-rugby- en netbaldag.

26 MAY



Keolebogile ropes in skipping awards Keolebogile Mokolopo (33) knows how to handle a skipping rope. This young mother of a two-year-old boy and Business Partner for Sasol Group Functions, started taking part in rope skipping as a sport when she was at university. But to her, rope skipping is more than a sport. “It is not just about skipping, you have to do a combination of hand cross tricks and summersaults, and be very creative and dance while jumping,” said Keolebogile. “Rope skipping is all about creativity.” She did gymnastics as a child and when organisers introduced rope skipping in South Africa, they targeted gymnasts first as it is one of the disciplines of the South African Gymnastics Federation. “It was easier for me to practice rope skipping than gymnastics at university, because all you need for rope skipping is a platform and a rope. “Artistic gymnastics made it very easy for me to catch on,” said Keolebogile. She took part

in rope skipping before becoming a qualified coach. In 2005, she won her first national title at the national Rope Skipping Championships. She held this title until 2012 when she retired from rope skipping and focused on becoming a coach in this sport. Rope skipping took Keolebogile to Canada in 2006 where she took part in the World Rope Skipping Championships. She was the only woman in the seven person-team representing South Africa in the championships. They won a gold medal. She took part in her last World Rope Skipping Championships in 2010 in England. “Even though one would think rope skipping is more of a sport for girls, in those years there were more boys participating,” said Keolebogile. When she did the course to become a coach in rope skipping, there was no qualified coaches in South Africa. Her teacher was Maarten Goedemé from Belgium. “He visited South Africa to introduce rope skipping as a sport here,” said Keolebogile. She opened a club in eMbalenhle in 2009 and currently has the strongest girls rope skipping team in South Africa. Anybody is welcome to join her club, Rize Up Skippers, at the Sasol Club in eMbalenhle. The strongest women’s rope skipper in South Africa, Mbali Nyundu (23) also comes from Keolebogile’s club. Mbali, Keolebogile and Amanda Msongelwa, one of Keolebogile’s junior jumpers, will be going to Florida in the USA at the end of June to take part in the World Jump Rope Federation Championships. “We are hoping to come home with a medal,” said Keolebogile. She and some of her club members met Arnold Schwarzenegger at a sports weekend he held recently in Johannesburg. “Arnold gave Mbali a personal word of inspiration,” said Keolebogile. “I actually met him at Arnold’s Classic Africa 2016 last year, but this year I sat next to him. “My team performed an item for him and it meant so much more than just seeing him from a distance. “I mean what more can a coach ask for.” - Jana Oosthuizen

These members of the Sasol Rhythmic Gymnastics Club took part in a competition in Johannesburg on 14 May and obtained medals. They are (in front) Abigail Opperman, San-Marie Kruger and Elsje Heiberg. In the middle are Carla Hurter and Fatso Boloko. At the back are Mienke Fourie, Kayla Hurter, Denise Lombaard (coach), Esmerelda Nienaber-Kozma (coach), Leigh-Ané Kruger and Kristyll Brummer.

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