Issue 151 - FREE
27 OCTOBER 2017
the good news paper
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Car ablaze on N17
A VW caught fire and completely burned out on the N17 between Secunda and Bethal on Sunday night, 22 October. The driver (who wants to remain anonymous) said the fire started in the engine compartment and spread from there. According to the motorist, he was on his way to his home in Bethal. It took the driver nearly 15 minutes just to get one of the passing cars to stop and assist him. He also claimed that the fire engine took a very long time to arrive at the scene. The fire engine only arrived after there was nothing left to save. They merely extinguish the fire. A firefighter tried to extinguish the fire with a nozzle that creates a circular spray pattern, only to resort to bending the nozzle and using the spray from the broken hose to cool down the fire and eventually extinguish it. Langamed South Ambulance Services were also on the scene to help. Police also responded and were on the scene to regulate the traffic. “The Govan Mbeki Municipality is currently facing a huge financial crisis and it is quite evident if one looks at the state of the fire equipment that was on the truck,” said a bystander on the scene. DA Councillor Ciska Botha said it is critical that the rescue and emergency equipment is kept in pristine condition to ensure its full functionality. “It is very difficult for the firemen to do their work if they don’t have the correct equipment that is in full working order.
27 October 2017
Egg market collapse Secunda is beginning to see the effects of the deadly H5N8 - Bird Flu that has been ripping through 7 provinces. An outbreak on a Leslie chicken farm has left some local retailers with either empty table egg shelves or turning to other suppliers. A local supermarket was forced to turn to a supplier in Johannesburg which caused a R1/ dozen price increase. The outbreak that happened in July is one of 11 confirmed cases in Mpumalanga. Over 4 million chickens have been culled countrywide since the first outbreak was reported on an Astral breeding farm near Villiers in June. Two months later it has spread to a layer farm in Standerton. Ever since these two outbreaks, the PDMA has confirmed 77 additional outbreaks throughout the country. The Western Cape was worst hit with 50 reported cases, Gauteng 13, Mpumalanga 11, North West province with 2, and Free State, Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape followed with one each. This information was the latest from the Poultry Disease Management Agency (PDMA) and was accurate up to 28 September but it can be much worse by now. H5N8 is mainly
spread by infected migratory birds. “I immediately phoned the state veterinarian when I found 2 000 dead chickens on a Sunday morning,” the farmer said. The state veterinarian has placed the farm under quarantine for an unknown period and the future is unsure. This rapidly spreading flu caused the culling of about 7 500 of the farmer’s chickens, the destruction of 39000 eggs and several job losses.
“I delivered to local supermarkets and lost a total of 48 clients,” the farmer said. Fortunately, the food that do reach the shelves are safe to eat. The Director of the (PDMA), dr. Ziyanda Majokweni, said: “The food and
meat in supermarkets go through stringent quality and safety evaluations which remain in place, so the food is extremely safe to eat. The infected birds and their eggs are destroyed and do not enter the food chain at all. That said, this particular strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is not known to cause disease in human.” Senzeni Zokwana, the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, said in the national council of provinces that was held on 17 October negotiations about vaccinating against the flu are still ongoing. In June he stated that he consulted with experts and vaccination will not be in the best interest for the country or poultry producers as this will affect the exports. “Vaccination of birds will create an endemic situation, affect surveillance efforts and affect our export certification because all our trade partners only want products from a country that is free of avian influenza where vaccination is not practiced”. He also said that a formula to compensate farmers who had to cull healthy chickens in order to try and limit further outbreaks, was recently created in a consultation with national treasury. It is still unsure what the amount of compensation will be. It’s imperative that now, more than ever, poultry producers and farmers should be on high-alert and take extra precautions by stepping up on bio-security measures and keep wild birds away from their flock. See our Facebook page for preventative measures and symptoms or visit ( If you see any of these symptoms, contact your closest state veterinarian immediately. The closest state vet office for Govan Mbeki is in Standerton -017 712 1384. - Gwendie Venter
Commercial Chickens
Commercial Ducks
Wild birds
North West Province
Free State KwazuluNatal
Eastern Cape
Western Cape Northern Cape
Avian flu can spread quickly and negatively affect the health of chickens within hours. In severe cases, chickens can die within a day. Common bird flu symptoms include: • Edema in the comb and wattles • Purple discoloration / cyanosis of the wattles, combs, and legs • Diarrhea • Nasal discharge
• Soft-shelled or misshapen eggs • Decreased egg production • Coughing and sneezing • Lack of coordination • Swelling of the head, eyelids, wattles, hocks, and comb • Lack of energy and appetite • Pinpoint hemorrhages on feet and shanks • Ruffled feathers
27 October 2017
Waar daar ‘n wil is…..
‘n Toppressteerder op skool met onderskeidings in wiskunde, wetenskap, rekeningkunde, inligtingstegnologie en Engels en ‘n onlangse prestasie wat wenkbroue laat lig. Hoewel die 18-jarige Johannes Karsten volgens dokters nie veronderstel is om te kan loop nie, het dié lewenslustige slimkop alle verwagtinge oortref en op 20 Oktober sy kode B-bestuurslisensie gekry. ”Ek was op my senuwees, maar het kalm gebly ten spyte van klein foute wat ek gemaak het. Ek het nie lank gewag voor ek gehoor het nie,” het Johannes opgewonde gesê. Sy ma, drie sussies en sy kat Nu-Nu is baie bly en verlig dat hy ook dié belangrike mylpaal in sy lewe behaal het. Dit was omtrent ‘n proses om tot by hierdie punt te kom, want ná sy ma vir hom sy eie kar in Maart gegee het, moes dié motor eers vir sitplek- en pedaalverstellings gestuur word. Daarna was hy vir twee maande by Purple Turtle-bestuurskool in Secunda. “Enige dag wat ons ‘n afspraak kon maak, het die instrukteur na my huis gekom en ons het met my motor geoefen,” het Johannes dankbaar gesê. Kifose Skoliose is op 20 maande by hom gediagnoseer, maar selfs dit keer dié Kriel-inwoner allermins om ‘n sukses van sy lewe te maak. Hy is tans besig met sy matriekeindeksamen en is reeds vir volgende jaar by CTU in Pretoria ingeskryf om
‘n IT program-ontwikkelingskursus te loop. Volgens sy ma, Magda Karsten, is hy uiters goed aangelê in rekenaargeletterdheid. “Die dokters het gedink ek sou verstandelik gestremd wees en nie my dertiende verjaarsdag sien nie, maar God se genade is oor en oor in my lewe bewys,” het Johannes gesê. Dié
Hoogenhout-leerling het reeds sy tweedejaar Bybelskool in Teologie klaargemaak. Ná die afsterwe van sy pa in ‘n motorongeluk in September 2013 maak hy staat op sy ma en die Here vir ondersteuning. “My familie behandel my nie anders nie, maar die publiek doen. Dan vertel ek hulle hoe oud ek
is en ignoreer dit,” het Johannes gesê. Ten spyte van drie onsuksesvolle rugoperasies, is Johannes nog lank nie van plan om handdoek in te gooi nie. As die eksamen verby is, kan hy vir eers met sy gunsteling TV-speletjies ontspan voor hy die volgende groot uitdaging aanpak. - Gwendie Venter
• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Gwendie Venter 082 896 4660
Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529
Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
Psalm 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.
27 October 2017
Secunda Mall turns 4 Secunda Mall recently celebrated their 4th birthday. The bash kicked off with their annual Tenant Awards at John Dory’s on Thursday evening. The Secunda born- and raised PJ Pretorius, who was one of the top 16 finalists from The Voice this year, was responsible for the entertainment, while Supersport presenter, Xola Ntshinga, handled his Master of Ceremony duties with natural suave. Hundreds of spectators gathered to see stilt walkers, a magic show and a fire entertainer, who is originally from Canada. Cansa had a big part in the celebrations with their car jail-and-bail project where the challenge was to sit in from early morning until 19:00. Giséle Bosman (Cansa community mobiliser) and Sophia Grobbelaar (Cansa volunteer and cancer survivor) challenged Michelle Nell, (Secunda Mall Centre Manager) and Theo Kruger (Trisec Autohaus Volkswagen dealer principal) to the car sit-in. With this project Cansa aimed to raise R30 000, the price for which Michelle and Theo could be bailed out. Although they did manage to raise all the money, the four decided to nevertheless wait it out and in the end R43 000 were raised. The money will be used for cancer research and awareness. There were lots of freebies and Elsa (Letticha Potgieter), Anna (Jamey-Lee Erasmus) and Olaf (Jason-Lee Erasmus) from Frozen walked around to entertain kids and raise awareness for Cansa. The annual Tenant winners are:
Spec Savers - In recognition of valuable contribution to Secunda Mall activities Wouter Burger - Best shop front Cape Union Mart - Excellence in customer service
Spur - Excellence in the community Queenspark - Excellence in digital involvement Pep - Excellence in training and development Meat@ZA - Best performing tenant
Meat@ZA - Tenant of the Year Spur - Restaurant of the Year Ster Kinekor - Most Improved store of the Year Vodacom 4 U - People’s Choice award
Michelle Nell and Theo Kruger during the Cansa car jail and bail.
Diabetes in pets Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases in our cats and dogs, especially those carrying extra bodyweight. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas; it allows glucose in the blood to enter cells, allowing the body to function properly. Just like humans, pets can suffer from type 1 diabetes (which is the lack of the production of insulin) or type 2 diabetes (which is the impaired production along with an inadequate response to the
hormone). Symptoms of diabetes differ from increased water consumption, increased urination, lethargy, weight loss, change in appetite, vomiting, dehydration, pungent breath with a chemical smell resembling sweet fruit, chronic skin infections or dullness of the eyes. It is unknown what exactly causes diabetes. Some situations result from autoimmune response, genetics, deposits of protein in the pancreas, obesity, lack of exercise, diet, curtain medication or chronic pancreatitis. When your pet shows signs of diabetes, it is best to take your pet to your vet to have
blood and urine tests done. This will determine if your pet has diabetes and what type. Your vet will be able to teach you how to do regular glucose tests and thereby allowing you to keep accurate records for your veterinarian in case some changes to the treatment needs to be made. The best prevention for diabetes would be regular checkups, correct diet and adequate exercise. With females, it is advisable to have them spayed as the female hormones can have an effect on blood sugar levels. If diabetes is left untreated, it will result in cataracts, severe urinary tract problems and eventually death.
26-28 October. School of Dancing dance show at Johannes Stegmann Theatre. Tickets – R100 p/p 27 Oktober. Hand-marathon by die Rondekerk. Inskrywings is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar. Skakel
die kantoor by 017 631 3470. 27 October. Mpumalanga Comedy at Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. Contact Graceland @ 017 620 1000 27 Oktober. Johan Badenhorst van Voetspore faam gesels oor Indië. Plek: Secunda Vliegveld klub huis. Kaartjies teen R250 per persoon. Ete ingesluit. kontak Pieter 0832337246 28 October. Radio Raps by Graceland Hotel, Casino and Country Club. Contact Graceland @ 017 620 1000 28 Oktober. Die Rondekerk hou weer lekker Rondefees (basaar) 09:00 tot 13:00. Die ingang na die basaar is verniet. Die aand geniet ons lekker potjiekos en dan vermaak Pietman (van Oppiestoep) ons met sy stories en sangtalent. Kaartjies is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar teen R250 (potjiekos ingesluit). Skakel die kantoor by 017 631 3470. 3 November. @ 16:00. Spanish Tapas & Vino Feast. Augusta Club Lounge, Graceland. Tickets – R180 p/p. Whatsapp Chantel – 072 594 0513.
27 October 2017
Storm wreaks havoc Saturday night saw severe winds lashing across Secunda. Most of it was concentrated across Lake Umuzi and Sunset park areas, although heavy winds blew across the whole of Secunda.
A lot of destruction was caused. Trees were blown over and branches were broken. A number of roofs were blown off, most noticeably that of the Rondekerk, Eastvaal Motors and Eish!! The roads were scattered with
View our facebook page for more photos of the storm damage. - Don’t forget to like our page. - The Bulletin
debris. Some businesses doors had been blown in and glass broken. A number of emergency calls went out on various groups and a number of people responded to help with securing the various properties that were damaged. The Bulletin would like to thank the following groups for their support
(this list is not complete but as we could gather at the time of going to print): Afriforum Buurtwag, Stratcon, Langamed Services South, ER24, various tow companies and some members of the community. It was a team effort that responded to an emergency within a few minutes. The clean up operations continued during Sunday and the Municipal trucks were spotted removing trees and rubble on Monday.
27 October 2017
Water continues to leak
Water flowing from fault in the Emba supply line near Evander
A water leak has been reported to Govan Mbeki Municipality around October 17 by Evander resident, Mark Annets. It appears to be one of the main supply lines to eMbalenhle and therefore cannot be closed off. “The technical department do not have the necessary spares”, according to a source within the municipality. The same source has told the Bulletin that Sasol have now been asked for help in fixing the problem. “It is really unacceptable, especially with the water situation in the country”, says Mark. At one stage temporary measures were put in place but the correct fittings could not be sourced and the water continued to flow. Residents are asking “Who is going to pay for this wastage?”. “The municipality have been losing about 35% of all bulk purchases”, says DA Councillor Ena van Rooyen. She also states that the debt owed to Rand Water is also growing monthly. “When are the leadership of this municipality going to realise that they have to manage the municipality well?” asked Ena. The Bulletin will continue to monitor this situation and will provide feedback as it gets available. GMM have not responded to this article at the time of going to press.
Water flowing into the stream from the leaking pipe
A green pasture have formed with all the fresh water flowing into the feld
27 October 2017
27 October 2017
Weggooigoed... Ds. Marius Britz In die klein, intieme BoKaroo-gemeente sien ek die Sondagoggend ‘n vaagbekende gesig. Hier ken almal vir almal, vir geslagte reeds. Maar hierdie gesig, agter in die kerk, is bekendvreemd. Ná die diens gaan groet ek die man, en dit tref my tussen die oë: wiskundeonderwyser, en kadetorkesafrigter by die Hoëskool. Hy tuur heeltyd half skuinsweg oor my skouer, of kyk na die grond, terwyl ek met hom praat. Hy is skaam toe ek hom direk vra of dit wel hy, mnr So-en-so, my oud onderwyser is. Hy skud sy kop bevestigend, sonder om iets te sê. Ná kerk maak ek werk om uit te vind wat aangaan. En ek hoor dat een van die lidmate op pad van Kimberley af hierdie man sien loop het langs die pad met ‘n plastieksak vol klere en persoonlike goedjies in die een hand, en ‘n hondjie in die ander arm. Hy het toe uiteindelik vir hom ‘n slaapplek uitgeskrop in die stoor van die lidmaat wat hom opgelaai het. Dit kon ek nie toelaat nie. ‘n Ander lidmaat het ‘n ou nagmaalshuis op die dorp wat leeg staan, maar mooi onderhou is. Hy gee toestemming dat die huis gebruik mag word, kosteloos. En ek bel en bedel en leen en steel byna, maar kry alles bymekaar om die huis in te rig: bed, bedkas, hangkas, stoof, breekgoed, beddegoed, selfs van my storieboeke. ‘n Radio. ‘n Ou swart-en-wit televisie. Reël vir hom staatspensioen. ‘n Ou selfoon. Weet jy watter geweldige identiteit gee ‘n eie selnommer aan ‘n bestaanlose, identiteitlose eensame wese? En so word oom Onnie ‘n inwoner van die dorp. Ek het selfs vir hom ‘n ou Morris Minor by ‘n kollega in Kimberley away from Secunda. Residents enjoy all persent gekry wat ons met groot the amenities and luxuries of a vibrant gevaar en dreigende lewensverlies town, nestled in the rolling hills of gesleep het na ons dorpie toe. the countryside. Residential units and Stuk-stuk trek ek die storie uit hom uit homes are available in three different terwyl ons koffie drink op sy stoep. estates, starting from as little as R465 (Hy altyd, oral, selfs in die plaaswinkel, 000 for a one-bedroom apartment. In verberg agter ‘n reuse sonbril) Ná ‘n addition to residential properties, Terra besonderse traumatiese insident is hy Nova has also grown to include the vir ‘n onbepaalde tydperk verwys na very popular Crawdaddy’s restaurant, die Weskoppies-psigiatriese hospitaal Hotel@Secunda, conference and in Pretoria. Hier het hy sy vaardighede wedding facilities and a gym (Which gebruik om ‘n houtwerkbesigheidjie all will not be affected by black te begin. Briljante skrynwerker, outs). Early 2018 a shopping centre hoogs kreatief, brilljante digter en comprising more than 20 stores, OK woordkunstenaar ook. Maar onder dit foods and liquor will be open to serve was daar ‘n troebel gefolterde gees. the community of Terra Nova and En die hospitaal het sy menswees surrounds. totaal afgebreek. En hy het, vindingryk If you have any questions about any en soms slu soos wat hy was, eendag of the developments within Terra daar weggeloop. ‘n Drie jaar-lange Nova, please do not hesitate to visit reis as padloper het begin, en hy the Sales Office at the offices of Terra wou net Karoo toe. Daar het hy ‘n Nova or call 074 000 0009 or visit www. fenomenale kennis opgedoen van die karooplante, die sterre, die heelal. En dit in die mooiste gedigte verwoord. (Die handgeskrewe bundel lê terloops steeds in my lessenaarlaai. Ek het die enigste kopie daarvan). Ek ry Pretoria toe, gaan sien die superintendent by die hospitaal, kry al die prosedures in plek: Hy word voorwaardelik ontslaan onder my voogdyskap as predikant. Ek het aangegaan met my bedel, leen en ampersteel-veldtog, en vir hom begin houtwerkmasjinerie bymekaarmaak. Die mooiste meubels het gevolg: Jonkmanskaste, tafels, stoele, speseryrakke. En op ‘n dag: houttrekkertjies en pophuise, ‘n houtskopgraaf vir ‘n seuntjie en houtwiegie vir ‘n dogtertjie se pop. En elkeen van die meubelstukke het ‘n plakkertjie gekry: Hierdie is J s’n.
Terra Nova keeps power on With power cuts looming for the residents of Secunda, and the greater Mpumlanga, residents of Terra Nova Private Town can rest assured that they will not be affected. Every home in Terra Nova is supported by backup electricity generators. These generators supply dependable power during outages, ensuring that in Terra Nova the lights will be kept on. ( 4 lager generators = 1MVA) In addition to the generators, all homes are connected to Terra Nova’s gas reticulation and come standard with a gas stove and oven, a gas geyser and a gas heater. These unique features contribute to more efficient energy use and contributes to a lower monthly energy bill, in conjunction with the use of power saving lights and the excellent thermal properties of the insulation installed in every unit. Terra Nova Private Town is situated close to the N17 and only minutes
(Sy seun) Hierdie is E s’n (sy dogter, wat saam met my matriek was). Hy het hulle nooit weer gesien nadat hy opgeneem is in Weskoppies nie. Nog nooit sy kleinkinders gesien nie. Ek het besluit om hulle te soek en te bel. Julle pa is hier op ons dorpie, het ek hulle gesê. Maar hulle wou niks weet nie. Ons gee nie om nie, stel nie belang nie. Later het Seun se gewete bietjie gepla, en hy het sy pa gebel. Oor twee weke kom ek daar verby vir besigheid, het hy belowe. Dan kom slaap ek oor. Daardie hele week het oom Onnie gewoel en gewerskaf. Speelgoed gemaak, die huis silwerskoon gewas, die skilfers wat afdop is afgewit (Tot my frustrasie, want ek het sy persoonlike aankoper en verskaffer geword). En ek moes bedel onder die boere vir vleis: ‘n skaapboud, pocket-aartappels, groente. En dalk so lekseltjie wyn. Maar Seun is skatryk, en al oom Onnie se armoedewanhoop was gefokus op Seun se beloftes om ‘n koevertjie vol kontant saam te bring. Die Vrydag wat Seun sou arriveer het oom Onnie vroeg al reeds met ‘n baadjie en das (wat ek by die Hospicewinkel vir hom aangeskaf het), op die stoep gewag. Een koppie koffie na die ander. Die bitter lyne om sy mond en die naakte seer in sy oë toe hy daardie aand in die huis ingaan, met geen teken van boet nie, sal ek nooit vergeet nie. Boet het wel so maand daarna gebel om te sê hy het ongelukkig nie sy draaie gekry nie. Dalk ‘n ander keer. Sus wou niks weet nie, wou nie eers haar pa se nommer hê nie. Maar steeds het hy voortgegaan om meubels te maak, en plakkers op te sit. Toe kry hy ‘n hartaanval, en lê in die staatshospitaal in Kimberley. ‘n Hopie verwese, vervalle beendere wat eensaam sterf. Ek kon nie daar wees nie. Tydens sy begrafnis was daar ‘n handjievol mense. Nie Boet of Sus of hulle eggenotes en kinders was daar nie. Net ‘n huis vol opgegaarde besittings: meubels en speelgoed wat hy gemaak het, aanmekaargeflansde stoele en beddens en breekgoed, persoonlike goed soos sy pyp. Dit, saam met sy digbundel, was my erfporsie. Ek bel die kinders, en sê dat hulle pa die mooiste meubels vir hulle gemaak het, en hulle dit moet kom haal. Nee wat, ons wil dit nie hê nie. Ook nie die kinders se speelgoed nie. Watter seuntjies speel in elke geval vandag nog met hout-speelgoed? Gee dit maar vir iemand, deel dit onder die plaaswerkers uit, was hulle opdrag. Ek het die foon neergesit. Morningside, the old man died. Neil Diamond het in my kop gedreun.
27 October 2017
Local beauties off to Bulgaria & Brazil Two Secunda beauties will be representing South Africa in the Little Miss Nations next year. Malindi Zinhle Mthetwa (15) and Noluthando Precious Hlope (16) competed in the national Miss Teen contest in Tzaneen on 14 October. Malindi, a Highveld Park High School student, will take her beauty to Bulgaria after she was chosen as the new Miss Pre-Teen Planet SA. Noluthando won
the Miss Teen Nations SA title and will represent the country in Brazil. “I am very proud of them. They’ve worked hard to prepare themselves for this big challenge”, Bernadine du Plessis, their modeling coach, said. “Now they have to work even harder for the international contest where they will compete with 25 other countries. Opportunities like this comes once in a lifetime, if you are lucky enough”.
Kinross dumping site expanded to the edge of town
Kinross dump site expanding The Kinross dump site have now expanded to the edge of town with no control over dumping. Residents have recently complained about the dump site burning with no attempts made to extinguish the fires. Heavy winds have also blown the rubble to the old Golf course. The dump site does not have a license to operate and are in the
process of closing down. The Bulletin have reported on this in the 22 September issue. There is still no operator or equipment to maintain the site. “It is now a month later and the site looks even worse that ever” says DA Cllr Mariaan Chamberlain. “We have not been able to ascertain why the site is not being maintained”.
Vagrants at the dumping site.
Malindi Zinhle Mthetwa and Noluthando Precious Hlope with their coach, Bernadine du Plessis
To advertise call: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 or Hannelie 082 789 2529
27 October 2017
Toptoekennings vir Gr 12 leerders Leerders van Hoërskool Secunda het op 13 Oktober toptoekennings tydens ‘n merieteoggend ontvang. Arno Buys is die Sportseun van die Jaar
Charnè Naudè is die Kultuurmeisie van die Jaar.
Ivan Botha is die Kultuurseun van die Jaar. Hy het ook die Lewenshoudingtoekenning ontvang.
Lanè Coetzee is as mees dinamiesie en as veelsydigste matrikulant aangewys
Leandri Lamprect is Sportmeisie van die Jaar
To Advertise Call 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845
Hannelie: 082 789 2529
Tenniskampioene gekroon Laerskool Goedehoop se tennisspan is as A-ligawenners gekroon. Laerskole Kruinpark, Trichardt, Oranjegloed, Leandra, Curro, Goedehoop, Secunda
en Marietjie van Niekerk het in dié liga deelgeneem. Goedehoop se span het ook op 16 Oktober die Gert Sibandestreek se naaswenners-titel verower.
Die Gert Sibande-naaswanners. Voor is Jarno Haarhoff, Charissa Stapelberg, Wernich Rossouw, Ané Botha en Simeon Rudolph. Agter is Zander du Preez, Chené de Bruin, Carla Stoltz, Chizelle Rossouw en Emile Pelser.
27 October 2017
27 October 2017
Nasionale status vir plaaslike redenaars Vir maande is daar voorberei, voor die spieël geoefen en aan kompetisies deelgeneem. Ronde na ronde het hulle as wenners uitgestap. Eers was dit die streeksuitdunne, daarna die provinsiale uitdunne en uiteindelik het gladde monde van Suid-Afrika in Garsfontein, Pretoria, saamgedrom vir die Nasionale Radikale Redenaars. Laer-en Hoërskool leerlinge het op 17 Oktober by Hoërskool Garsfontein aan dié besonderse geleentheid deelgeneem. Poesië en prosa is voorgelees of voorgedra en redenerende toesprake is gelewer. Die taal-kategorieë waarin deelgeneem is, is Afrikaans of Engels as eerste taal, Afrikaans of Engels as addisionele taal, tweetaling en eksperimenteel.
Gr.8 - Henri Viljoen (Hoërskool Secunda) het ‘n tweede plek gekry vir Notokoza Mbokane van Hoërskool sy redenaarstoespraak (Afrikaans as Oosterland het ‘n eerste plek behaal eerste taal). vir haar eksperimentele toespraak.
Gr. 11 - JF Rademeyer (Hoërskool Secunda) het eerste plek gekry vir die voorlees van Engelse Prosa.
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PROPERTIES eiendomme
Gr.11 - Tlotlisa Mashaba (Hoërskool Gr.12 - Ivan Botha (Hoërskool Secunda) Secunda) het tweede plek gekry vir die het ‘n eerste plek vir die voorlees van Afrikaanse poësie. voorlees van Engelse poësie.
Melissa Delport van Hoërskool Oosterland het ‘n derde plek vir haar voorbereide toespraak (Engels; Addisonele taal) gekry.
Laerskool Kruinpark het ook hope talent opgelewer. Amelia Shaw (gr.2) het ‘n derde plek behaal; Janko Visser (gr.4) met ‘n 6de plek; Lara du Toit (gr.7) met ‘n 4de plek; Zandré Teron (gr. 3) met ‘n 5de plek; Katie van der Walt (gr.3) met ‘n derde plek en Imke van der Lith (gr.1) met ‘n derde plek. Voor staan Miané van Niekerk (gr. R) wat ‘n eerste plek gekry het.
These learners from Evander High School are the new RCL for 2018. They are Sthembiso Mabena (deputy head boy), Zelda Jacobs ( deputy head girl), Chanel Ullbricht ( headgirl) and Xavier Vermeulen (headboy).
27 October 2017
Manne en vroue hengel groot Saterdag was dit sonskyn en later het ‘n paar druppels geval, maar die manne het elk geval gekuier by Radio Kragbron se hengelkompetisie wat by die Hoëveld-hengelklub se waters by die Trichardtsfonteindam plaasgevind het. Die kompetisie is deur Witbank se Pensioenaris-hengelklub geadministreer. Hoewel die pryse laat opgedaag het, was die wag die moeite werd. Gerhard Strydom van Witbank het die R10 000 kontant-prys vir grootste karp gewen. In die mansafdeling het Danie Luies van Secunda ‘n eerste plek gekry vir sy karp van 3.42kg en Japie Vogel ‘n tweede plek met sy karp van 3.34kg. Marie Louis Vobeck van Trichardt het voorgeloop onder die vroue met ‘n karp van 1.705kg, Anita du Toit (Witbank) was tweede en Cherée Vogel (Kinross) was derde. Marku Engelbreght van Middelburg (2.15kg) en Dylan Venter van Trichardt (1.75kg) het onderskeidelik eerste en tweede plekke in die junior-afdeling gekry.
Danie Luies van Secunda het die eerste plek verower in die mansafdeling. Hier staan hy saam met Husain Gani van Ganis Angling World, Witbank, wat die pryse geborg het.
Nico pak seniors ook Die SA Stoei-proewe het op Saterdag, 21 Oktober, in Pretoria plaasgevind om SA-spanne te kies om aan die Statebond-stoeikampioenskap deel te neem wat van 14 tot 17 Desember by Carnival City in Brakpan aangebied word. Dié spanne sal ook van 8 tot 11 Februarie aan die Afrika-stoeikampioenskap in Nigerie deelneem. Nico van den Berg, ‘n stoeier van Sasol Secunda-stoeiklub – het deelgeneem in die Vrystyl-afdeling vir Juniors en Seniors. In die Junior-afdeling het Nico teen vier ander stoeiers kragte gemeet en almal geklop. In die Senior-afdeling het Nico teen sewe ander gestoei. Nico het in die eindstryd verloor en het tweede geëindig, alhoewel hy nog ‘n Junior-stoeier is. Die gekose SA-stoeispanne sal binne twee weke aangekondig word.
Johan van den Berg –president en afrigter van Sasol Secunda-stoeiklub is trots op Nico se prestasies.
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TSA tournament played in SecunTennis players from Gauteng, Limpopo, Lesotho and Mpumalanga gathered from 20 – 22 October to participate in the Tennis South Africa (TSA) Mpumalanga Spring tournament. Highveld Junior Tennis hosted this event, which forms part of a series of tournaments played across the country throughout the year. The tennis courts of Sasol Club, Hoërskool Oosterland and Laerskool Oranjegloed accommodated 72 players from as far as Gauteng, Limpopo and Lesotho. Players earn ranking points based on their final placings in the respective age groups (U/10, U/12, U/14, U/16, U/18), which is then used to rank players in the country. The top ranked players will then advance to the elite invitational tournaments which will be held in Cape Town in October next year. Local players that achieved top 10 placings, are Wernich Rossouw (2nd place, U/12); Jacques Slabbert (3rd place, U/12), Michael Semple (5th place, U/12); Aldo Strydom (7th place, U/12); Chizelle Rossouw (3rd place, U/16); Jaizelyn Matome (5th place; U/16); Ansoné du Toit (9th place, U/16) and Wian Strydom (9th place, U/10).
27 October 2017
Luné Crowned Champion
Luné Snyman and Edward Strydom in their Toyota Tazz Luné Snyman is not your average rural town girl. Underneath she is made of steel. Receiving the crown of Open Class Champion in the National Rally Championship speaks of someone who is driven with clear targets in mind. Team Lunetic, as they call themselves, received two more prizes, 3rd Regional NR2 class, 3rd National Open Class. This vibrant young woman has her
sights squarely set on being the best that she can be on the rally scene and if the past season is something to go by, she doesn’t have far to go. Luné and her father, Edward Strydom, teamed up to make a formidable team. They have only competed in about 10 rallies and already they have made their presence felt. A fairly shy and humble person, Luné has the greatest respect for her
sponsors. “We are blessed with so many sponsors and we are proud to drive a Liquorice All-sort rally car, backed and supported by the community... one big team,” says Luné, “Thanx for your support and putting our team on the map and opening new doors. The biggest inspiration so far is your faith and patience in our learning curve and rally career.” In a sport where sponsorship is paramount to competing it is becoming increasingly difficult to find sponsors for rallies and rally teams. The costs of competing are growing every year. The list of sponsors for the team this year is Lake Umuzi, Bethal Filter Dienste, Spar Bethal, Deutrans, Sascom, DC Staal, Pronto Signs, Konics Bethal, Geartech Bethal, The Bulletin, Wald Meganies, TW Stene, The Purple Parrot, DCS, Grasslands, Berry Racing, Maritz Scrapyard, Classiq panel beaters and 1st Race or First Race. “We cannot thank you enough!” says Luné “and off course a lot of individuals who helped us out throughout the year”. Edward is the big driving force behind their rally success, according to Luné. “Without his motivation and passion this might have taken five years instead of 1 year. He took what we had, not the best shocks, spares, rims, tools, equipment etc. and build this car to its strongest ability possible. He is growing into a mint navigator. With all of the pressure he had to maintain the car, navigating, planner and servicing ourselves between stages, my father has made me proud,” states Luné. It is really a family affair and Luné is working hard to maintain a balance between married life and rally life. Married life also brought about some farming duties as Gerhard, her husband, runs a small farm. Mostly on weekends. Husband Gerhard and
mother Janine are the ones that have to keep everything going when father and daughter is rallying. They gave a special shout-out to Johannes Potgieter’s service crew (Team Boertjies) who helped them out with the services in between the stages at the recent Carnival Rally. Day 1 they experienced steering problems after hitting a bad rock in stage 1. They lost a lot of time throughout the rest of the day because of the steering... Team Boertjies fixed it on Friday after stage 5 and they managed to make up some time on Saturday Day2. “It is a blessing to be part of the NRC rally family... the passion and motivation is just unbelievable amongst everyone. The organisers is always walking an extra mile for the competitors. We appreciate you,” Luné concluded.
Edward Strydom en Luné Snyman with their trophies
27 October 2017
NRC end year on a high
As the dust settles over the Carnival Rally, Guy Botterill and Simon VacyLyle emerged as the 2017 NRC Champions. The last rally of the National Rally Championship 2017 took place at Carnival City on 20 and 21 October. It proved to be a rally would decide the champion for the year. It also had its fair share of excitement as with all rallies. Day one saw the ceremonial start at Carnival Toyota, just to see the cars race of towards to the first stage of the day. Stage one saw Leeke/Kohne take first place with a lead of 4.3 seconds over local team AC Potgieter/Nico Swartz and 7.1 seconds over Ferreira/Jordaan in 3rd place. Second stage saw team Ferreira/Jordaan overtake Leeke/Kohne to ultimately win the rally in the Class S2000 with their Toyota Auris. The 2L Auris outran the 1600 class R2 cars with a few seconds on every kilometre. They had to compete in the open class. The main battle was in the R2 Class with 9 teams competing. The fourth stage saw a time difference of only 1.2 seconds between Leeke and Potgieter in the overall standings. Unfortunately the Ford Fiesta of Leeke
could not start in the open area and he had to retire, leaving Botterill having to finish third or up to take the championship. The racing did not end there. Stage 5 saw Botterill overtake Potgieter on the overall standings with a 0.7 second lead. The Classic Class only saw three entrants for this rally and only two finished. Lee Rose and Elvene Coetzee took first place. Natie Booysenand Johan Smit took second. Both cars are Ford Escort and both are yellow. Day two started very early with the drivers leaving the Parc Ferme at around 7 o’clock. Dust and high winds would plague the day for the spectators. George Smallberger made a spectacular roll on a straight road at stage 7. Their VW picked up mechanical problems at high speed and at a little bump in the road went back over front. The safety equipment in the car did a magnificent job in securing both driver and navigator. No one was injured. The lead in the R2 Class changed again with Potgieter leading Botterill followed by Scott Howden. AC Potgieter
retained his lead in the R2 Class till the end finishing first. Guy Botterill concentrated in securing at least third place as well as finishing the rally. Final standings were Overall: 1st Joubert/Lourens, 2nd Potgieter/Swartz, 3rd Botterill/Vacy-Lyle. R2 class: 1st Potgieter/Swartz, 2nd
Botterill/Vacy-Lyle and 3rd van Wyk/ Howden Classic: 1st Rose/Coetzee ans local team Booysen/Smit second. LunĂŠ Strydom Snyman and Edward Strydom took 3 prizes. 3rd Regional NR2 Class, 3rd National Open Class and 1st Open Class Champion.