Issue 200 - FREE
November 2018
Community News. Original - accurate - first
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Road accidents continue to plague GMM. See page 2 for full story
Celebrating 200 editions! Out of a humble idea a giant was born. September 2014 saw the first steps of the Bulletin. The steps were small but determined and pointed in one direction only; to become the leading source of news in Govan Mbeki Municipality. Today, on our 200th edition celebrations we can proudly say that 25 479 followers on Facebook seem to think so as well. The journey would not have been
possible without the extraordinary support that we received from you, our readers and supporters. The Bulletin can proudly be called a community newspaper! Thank you to each and every one that supported us over the past 4 years. When the Bulletin issued its first edition it was bold steps in a saturated market. Although difficult and facing a number of challenges, the persistence paid off.
As the Bulletin continued to survive it became clear that penetrating the market would not be plain sailing. Staff were increased slightly to alleviate the workload but that also did not bring about the results needed for expansion and growth. The Bulletin’s financial situation did not improve to a point of self-sustainability and needed a desperate new approach to sales.
The pressure of running a newspaper started to show in the decisions made. By mid-2017 the Bulletin reached an alltime low in all aspects of its existence. It was crunch time. All indications were that it should close down! It was time for a rethink on how to run the Bulletin. We cut down on the printed copies from 21 000 to 11 000 to start with. Home distributions were stopped. Continued to page 6
2 November 2018
Road accidents continue to plague GMM Govan Mbeki residents have been rocked by three fatal accidents involving trucks. The accidents happened mostly at the notorius Brendan Village turn off. That section of road needs a desperate redesign to curb the amount of deaths
that occur on that section of road. Two of the three accidents involving trucks happened at the Brendan Village turn off and in the same manner. Motor vehicles slow down (sometimes unexpectedly) to turn off towards Brendan Village, forgetting that the
Saturday’s accident - 3 lives lost
trucks behind them still need to slow down. In both cases the trucks smashed into the back of the vehicles slowing down, tried to avoid it only to lose control and ultimately smashing into approaching vehicles.
Friday’s accident - 1 life lost
Find us on Facebook - The Bulletin -
Theft witnessed First-hand! Sitting enjoying a coffee at Mugg & Bean, one does not expect a robbery to happen right in front of you! Within seconds I realised what was going on, jumped up and followed the security personnel outside. One of the guard’s radios fell off his belt and while I was running I picked it up and ran after them. Upon arriving outside the mall, I ran into the lady whose bag was stolen in
front of the PEP Store, in the mall, by an armed thief. She was very shaken up but glad that the security personnel sprang into action so fast. The security found the thief opposite the loading bay in the veld between the mall and the stadium. Seven men, security personnel and car guards, caught the thief in the veld and locked him in a cell situated in the Secunda Mall. - Ané Prinsloo
2 November 2018
March against racial exclusion a resounding success On Thursday, 25 October, during a protest march in Sandton in which thousands of people participated, Solidarity handed over memorandums to both Sasol and the JSE regarding the trade union’s objections in connection with the Sasol Khanyisa share scheme which excludes white workers based solely on their skin colour. Thousands of people from the public, as well as many organisations from the Solidarity Movement, which include AfriForum, Solidarity Helping Hand, the FAK and the School Support Centre, protested in solidarity with the Sasol workers and against racial exclusion in general. According to Dirk Hermann,
chief executive of Solidarity, the trade union is extremely satisfied with the outcome of the protest action as well as the day’s proceedings. “Today, thousands of people spoke in unison that it is wrong to exclude people based on their skin colour,” Hermann said. “It is sad that we have to approach the court about something which can obviously not be justified morally. The total exclusion of any group of workers may never be justified. This form of racial exclusion also takes place at other companies and therefore we decided to hand over a memorandum to the JSE as well,” Hermann said regarding Solidarity’s further action against Sasol and the memorandum to the JSE.
Solidarity further stated the following demands in its memorandum to Sasol: • to grant all employees whose employment circumstances are comparable to those of the beneficiaries of the Khanyisa scheme but who are not beneficiaries of the said scheme, the same Khanyisa benefits; alternatively • to grant all employees whose employment circumstances are comparable to those of the beneficiaries of the Khanyisa scheme but who are not beneficiaries of the said scheme, compensation to the same value as received by the Khanyisa beneficiaries. Sasol has not released any press statements in this regard yet, but the Bulletin will make it available when we received from Sasol. Plaaslike kunstenaars samel geld in tydens Wyn-inni-Tyn met ‘n kunsuitstalling. Hier oorhandig Johan Rosslee van Lake Umuzi die tjek, terwaarde van R 7 400, aan Barbara Mitton van Bethal DBV. Louis Trichardt (middel) was die organiseerder van die kunsuitstalling. Baie dankie aan elke kunstenaar wat deelgeneem het aan die uitstalling.
So is die lewe
• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 Wie is ons / Who are we: Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279
Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Mariëtte Prinsloo 083 476 2860 Lizette Groenewald 076 138 8807
Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312 Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg
Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.
Ds Marius Britz ‘n Groot vriend vertel met humor hoe hulle as kinders ‘n huisreël gehad het: in die aande seweuur moes almal aan tafel wees, die kos opgeskep en die radio aan. Dan sê die omroeper: “Dis nou seweuur op Radio Suid Afrika, en hier volg die nuus gelees deur Blomerus Niewoudt.” In daardie paar sekondes voordat die hoofberig gelees word, het sy pa dan vinnig ‘n Nederlandse tafelgebed gebid, wat alreeds uit sý kinderdae kom: “Zegen Heer wat wij eten, laat wij nimmer Uw vergeten. Amen.” En dan volg die nuus, en almal moes in stilte eet en luister. So leer mens maar vele maniertjies aan soos wat jy ouer word. Baie van hulle kom alreeds vanuit jou kinderjare saam. Soos, onder andere, om nuus te luister op die nasionale uitsaaikorporasie se senders. Luister ek toe na die laatnagnuus op RSG, en daarna Jacqui January se program “Werksoek.” En wat veronderstel was om ‘n laataandrustigheid vir my te wees, verander toe in ‘n roerende, selfs ontstellende luisteraarservaring. Want ‘n klomp mense bel in, en hulle is in verskillende stadiums van moedeloosheid en desperaatheid. Agterna oordink ek die oproepe waarin mense hulle soeke na werk bekend maak, en ek besef dat dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross se fases van die rouproses duidelik onderskei kan word in die stemtoon van die verskillende inbellers. Daar was diè wat nog in die ontkenningsfase is: om werkloos te wees, is nie só erg nie. Miskien is daar iewers ‘n pensioentjie, of kontantbedraggie wat uitbetaal is, of polissie wat betaal het. Maar dit blyk nou dat dit nie genoeg is nie. “Jacqui, as mense iemand sou soek wat goed is met administrasie, kan hulle my kontak. Ek het dertig jaar ervaring van kantoorwerk, fakture en boekhouding.” Niks dringends nie, maar tog word
die moontlikheid ondersoek om ‘n ekstra inkomste te verdien. Die bron van finansies word vinnig leeggetap. En dan, die moedeloses in die depressiefase, diè wat vinnig begin hoop verloor. “Jacqui, ek is dringend op soek na enige werk. Ek kan ou mense versorg, en kook en wasgoed was. Ek soek inslaapwerk enige plek in die land, ek is bereid om onmiddelik te verhuis. Ek is 68 jaar oud, maar nog baie gesond.” My hart bloei vir die dame. Eintlik behoort sy self versorg te word. Maar woon waarskynlik in iemand se buitekamer waar sy in ongerief en honger haar dae deurbring. Al haar SASSA-geld gaan vir huur. Of die gedempte stem, die ma wat êrens vanuit ‘n wegkruiphoekie in die huis, of dalk die tuin bel. “Jacqui, ek soek werk vir my seun, enige plek. Hy is baie goed met sy hande. Hy kan weld en boilermaking doen, en hy is ‘n mechanic ook, hy kan pype en dreins regmaak. Hy kan verf ook. Asseblief, enigiets!” Die ma wat elke dag kyk na haar seun in wie se oë die lig van vreugde dowwer en dowwer skyn. Hoe sy skouers meer en meer hang, en hy stiller en stiller raak. Jy kry ook onwaarskynlike inbellers in hierdie kategorie: “Jacqui, ek is ‘n 58-jarige opgeleide, geregistreerde ingenieur met ‘n meestersgraad in meganiese ingenieurswese. Ek het gespesialiseer in die ontwerp van strukture. Ek is bereid om enigiets te doen!” En dan drie oproepers op een aand, in een program, wat duidelik dit verloor het. Hulle aggressie en woede word op die arme omroepster uitgehaal. Die gesprek begin normaal. “Jacqui, ek is ‘n drywer. Ek het langafstandlorries gedryf. En dan, onverwags, totaal uit die bloute, skel hy die programaanbieder met die vieslikste woorde. “Jou f&@# so-en-so.” Asof hulle omstandighede haar skuld is. Sy hanteer dit met groot waardigheid en professionaliteit, en sny die inbeller onmiddelik af. Dan ook die kansvatters wat werk aanbied. “Almal wat soek na werk, kan my bel. Veral kinders wat spesiale skoolonderrig gekry het. Ek het sweiswerk en so vir hulle. Ek sal hulle help.” Mens wonder onwillekeurig: Watse soort werk is “en so?” En hoeveel is die betaling? Is dit nie dalk maar ‘n
moderne vorm van slawerny nie? Dan is daar die onderhandelaars in die rouproses: “Jacqui, ek werk baie hard, en het oral waar ek gewerk het, sukses behaal. Ek kan elke boer se produksie verbeter met my boerderymetodes.” En die inbellers in die aanvaardingsfase, met gelatenheid van diegene wat al aanvaar het dat daar niks is nie, dat hulle maar so sal sukkel tot hulle doodgaan. Nogtans vat hulle maar wèèr ‘n kans, al was daar al vele vrugtelose oproepe op soek na werk. “Ag Jacqui, ek soek nog steeds werk as panelbeater en spraypainter.” Omdat hy al so baie sy storie op die lug vertel het, doen hy dit nie weer nie. “Mense kan my maar bel.” En dan rammel hy sy
nommer af. In die manier waarop hy dit doen, hoor jy dat hy geen verwagting het nie. En ek verstaan in die middernagtelike ure. As afgetredene wat self al deur al hierdie fases gegaan het, hoor ek die harte van elkeen van hierdie inbellers. Ek kan nog, ek wil nog. En die ergste, al kan en wil ek nie, ek móet nog. En ek besluit terstond: Nooit, maar nooit, gaan ek weer die “like” knoppie op facebook druk van al die plasings van honde wat bene in die lug lê, of deur-die-slaap mense wat kerm: “Dis Maandag, ek moet al weer gaan werk” nie. Ek wens al daardie aand se inbellers kon sê: “Halleluja, dis Maandag! Kom ons gaan werk toe!”
Tannie Poppie se: Beesstert-in koffie Hierdie was pa Dolf se gunsteling dis by spesiale geleentheid. Vroeër jare was dit die armman se ete en vandag is dit rykmanskos. Die vleis moet só sag kook dat dit van die been afval. koekmeelblom 2 kg beesstert 50 g seldery, in skywe gesny 30 ml olyfolie vir braai 500 ml rooiwyn 250ml soetwyn 250ml sterk koffie 6 x 250 ml (1.5 l ) beesvleisaftreksel Sout en peper na smaak 3 lourierblare
Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
2 November 2018
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
100 g wortels, in skywe gesny Fyngekapte pietersielie vir garnering 1. Plaas die koekmeelblom in ʼn plastieksak en skud die vleis daarin tot bedek. Skud die oortollige meel af. 2. Braai die vleis en seldery in die olie tot bruin. 3. Voeg die wyn, koffie, aftreksel, sout, peper en lourierblare by. 4. Kook sowat 3-4 uur lank tot sag (die vleis moet nog nie van die been afval nie). 5. Voeg die wortels by en kook 30 minute lank tot sag. 6. Garneer met pietersielie.
2 November 2018
Arc-en-Ciel auction The Arc-en-Ciel Brahman auction took place on Wednesday, 24 October, on the farm Driefontein (137 Driefontein) between Evander and Secunda. The Bulletin visited the farm a few days before and was surprised by the operations that were here on our doorstep. A video can be watched on our Facebook page. The Brahman cattle of the Arcen-Ciel stud are all free of any illnesses and are highly prized. Excitement was in the air as preparations were finalised for the auction and true to the way that the operations are run on the farm, attention was given to every small detail. On the day of the auction, everybody’s nerves were gone as the auction time drew closer. The auctioneers from Vleissentraal took their places and the auction tent filled up with potential buyers and friends. The first production auction is always the most difficult and this proved to be no different. Buyers were slow to put in their bids and prices struggled to reach the right amounts. The cattle on display were of outstanding quality with bloodlines that can be traced back several generations. 63
cows were pregnant just before the auction but that changed as two cows calved just before the auction. The auction was conducted very well and efficient. Cattle entered the show kraal through one gate and were paraded before the buyers. Once the sale was done another gate would open and the cows would leave back to their respective pens. It was always very exciting to see the big bulls come into the arena. They would walk in with their big bodies and thick necks before scratching the floor.
One incident was particularly funny, although not for the recipients thereof, when one of the bulls turned his rear towards the buyers, coughed and sprayed a few people with his stomach contents. Dung flew everywhere! Once the auction finished, lunch was served to all those who attended. The next auction would be one that no one should miss as the Arc-en-Ciel brand is there to stay and will grow into one of the most sought-after brands in the country.
CANSA bailed out of bakkie On Friday, 26 October, the CANSA team, volunteers and survivors all came together and took shifts being locked in a bakkie sponsored by National Cars. The morning started off early with a breakfast sponsored by Spur before the fun started. After breakfast was done and dusted, they got into the bakkie to be locked in for the first session. The bail out was based on donations, so every time one of the captives wanted a bathroom break, someone had to pay so they could relieve themselves. Spectators enjoyed the interactive involvement, even though they were locked inside a bakkie. Toktokkie (CANSA’s mascot) made an appearance and the kids
loved the mascot handing out high fives! Lunch was sponsored by Cappuccino’s. The lunch made it well worth while sitting in a car for cancer for a few hours. Later during the day, a local celebrity, PJ Pretoius showed his face and sat in the bakkie. He sat with friends in the bakkie until generous friends bailed him out. With all the effort from CANSA’s Gisele Bosman and Natasha Philpott organising the event, it turned out to be a huge success! The monies donated by the public will go towards research and helping cancer patients in the area. A whopping R 5 000.00 was raised! Well done CANSA Cosmos and thank you to all the volunteers! – Ané Prinsloo
2 November 2018
Celebrating 200 editions!
The Newspaper had to be stabilised at 16 pages. And then the big move! A total restructuring of the Bulletin followed in August 2017, this included a staff restructuring. This total reorganisation, however, was instrumental in establishing the Bulletin as a household name in GMM. A new editor was appointed and a more aggressive and bolder way of bringing the news was introduced. It worked! The Bulletin is now bringing the news to our readers on various platforms just as you would want it. Firstly there will always be the printed paper, which is the backbone of our paper. Secondly, the Bulletin utilises the Facebook platform extensively as well as our web page. Thirdly we introduced Instagram into our platforms. The Bulletin has a Twitter account but is not
really active yet, it will follow in the New Year. Facebook has become one of our major successes over the past year. Our Facebook page could only muster up 4 386 “likes” over the first three years of its existence. This had to change! Our Facebook approach had to change. While the printed paper is only a weekly paper, Facebook is immediate, quick and on everybody’s phone. As our reporting skills grew, so did our Facebook. Our readers started to see more and more of the Bulletin with accurate and sometimes very bold reporting. Over the past 14 months, our Facebook page grew with 20 606 “likes”. It is simply amazing. The Bulletin Instagram account is a new addition that started nearly two months ago and it already has a following of 369 people. This phenomenal growth could not have been possible if it wasn’t for the support of our readers. Thank you to everyone. With an initial staff of 6 not much has changed. Today the Bulletin has 6 full-time staff members and two parttime staff. We also make use of some freelance writers as well. Our staff consists of: Sales: Mariette Prinsloo and Lizette Groenewald. Finances are handled by
Elmarie van Huyssteen. Graphic design is done by Kerry Bird. Ané Prinsloo is our youngest addition as a reporter and our editor is Encee van Huyssteen. Aart Reedijk (Ex Founding member) is still writing part-time for the Bulletin and Jan Ferreira writes for our sports section. There were some good milestones over the past year. The Bulletin reported about the poor conditions in Evander Hospital when a young man was hospitalised with a broken back. The story of Calvin, the dog, that was lost for a week and how the community tried to find him after his owner, Wouter and his mom were involved in a car accident on the N17. We told the story of Wouter and his recovery and we arranged that he could meet all the people that helped save his life. We even arranged for a helicopter flight on the day he was released from the hospital. The Bulletin broke the stories of maltreatment of animals by the Highveld SPCA although this was highly controversial. The eMbalenhle strike that saw the burning of the eMba Mall was reported on extensively and very boldly. We did not just receive support but also gave a lot of support. The Bulletin became the media partners for a number of events such as the local rally as well as the recent Fightstar event. During the runup to the Fightstar36 event at Graceland, a staggering R144 000 worth of adverting costs were carried by the Bulletin. Next week we will be launching our annual Box project and have some exciting partners. Please watch this space! As we continue in our commitment to bring you news that is Accurate, Original and First, The Bulletin would like to extend our thanks to our readers and supporters, especially those supporters that believed in us and would help at the drop of a hat. The Bulletin will continue to be YOUR Community paper!
2 November 2018
Filling station celebrates 20 years Sasol CBD Filling Station celebrated their 20 year anniversary on Friday, 26 October. It was a well organised and great event for the KFS (Kruger Filling Station) Group. There were lots of activities for everyone to enjoy. The main event was held behind the main building where guests were
treated to fine food that was all prepared on site. The atmosphere was festive under the tent. A few speeches were given, but mostly everybody enjoyed the 20 year milestone of the Sasol CBD Filling Station. Some of the staff received certificates for long service.
There was a lot to do for the kids with Werner Joubert of Survivor fame keeping them busy with a small survivor course. The Bulletin would like to congratulate Sasol CBD on their first 20 years. This filling station set the standards over the past 20 years and will no doubt continue to do so.
Downs Syndrome is not a disease Downs Syndrome has been in existence for many years and still no one knows why or how it develops. Some scientists and doctors believe it is a genetic “disease” whereas others would refuse to call it a “disease”. “Down syndrome (DS or DNS), also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic
disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability.” (Source: syndrome) There is no cure for Downs Syndrome. During the years, with technology and awareness improving, people have realised that proper care and attention have to be given to children with Downs Syndrome. They are exactly like any other child except their development is slower. In the olden days the life expectancy of a child with Downs Syndrome was approximately 35 years of age. Now, it has been recorded that they can get as old as 85 years old. In modern society, amongst us, many people have Downs Syndrome and very few people take notice of them. If they do take notice
people stare at them, point fingers and inappropriate comments are made. Imagine the fear that a child with Downs Syndrome must feel, with rejection. Imagine the anger and disappointment in fellow human beings the parents feel along with helplessness. In Trichardt there is a family that brings support and awareness about Downs Syndrome to light. They have been involved with Downs Syndrome for the last two years because of their beautiful little boy Shaun. When they were told by the doctor that their son was born with Downs Syndrome, they were taken into a private room. The doctor was scared that they would take the news badly but to the doctor’s surprise they were not phased by it at all. Shaun has been visiting with various therapists to assist him in his development and has even been a part of a modelling show called: Beauty in the Genes. The Naude family has been very supportive towards other families and have been putting them in contact with the right people to talk to if they cannot assist or help other families (Downs Syndrome South Africa). They started a Facebook page and they deliver business cards to the various hospitals in the area. – Ané Prinsloo
Gin Tasting hosted by MOTH's The MOTH’s Mukumbura Shellhole in Secunda presented a Gin tasting
event for their members and visitors. An exquisite dinner was part of the well-attended and
organised evening. The Gin tasting was exhibited by Smanga Memela and his wife. He first of all explained the origin of Gin and then advised those in attendance the way Gin could be enjoyed with different mixes, vegetables and more over with cucumber slices. Old Bill Brian Wickes told the Bulletin that all the proceeds will be used to benefit the different welfares in need of support.
2 November 2018
SERVICES Weekend buzzed with entertainment To advertisE call: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 MariĂŤtte 083 476 2860 Lizette 076 138 8807
Find us on Facebook - The Bulletin -
2 November 2018
Sasol Secunda: Bring a child to work The week of 22 – 25 October Sasol hosted an event called: Bring a child to work. The event was well received by all. The children learned about all the career options Sasol has to offer and how processes in the Sasol plant work. The children were taken through the processes of how many different products can be produced just from coal! The importance of communication and safety were highlighted during the whole day. When the children arrived, they had a chance to write down what safety means to each of them. sAt the newly renovated training centre, a whole new and exciting world awaited the children, from the career passage to the refinery room and the virtual reality room. The classrooms are all equipped with tablets, as everything is electronic. The major highlights on these days were the visual reality room and the Riaan Rademan Mock Mine at Twistdraai mine. The visual reality room was developed to afford children and trainees of Sasol the experience of being on the plant and understanding how everything works. The mock mine experience was led by Mr Tim Denny. Mr Denny was extremely interactive with the children and did not only make mining sound fun, but included each child in his presentation, making the child feel and know they are important. The mock
mine was built with moulds that were taken from a real underground mine. The mock mine also has everything that would be in a real mine: safety ropes that lead people to the rescue chamber, glow sticks to tell the workers not to pass a certain point (last entry/danger ahead), roof bolts (roof support) to secure the roof (roof bolts are drilled 2 m into the roof and strengthened with cement that dries in 30 seconds) and a Rescue Chamber. The Rescue Chamber consists of: emergency protocols, numbers and communication systems, emergency oxygen supply, first aid equipment and many more safety features. This chamber can accommodate 35 people. The mock mine is also fully ventilated as it would be underground. Sasol stated the following: “The purpose of this initiative was to encourage learners to pursue Mathematics and Physical Science subjects in order to increase the pool of rare skills in the country. The objective of the initiative was to afford learners an exposure to Sasol’s careers and opportunities, especially in artisanship, engineering and learnerships. The targeted audience is GS TVET (Gert Sibande TVET College) learners, Grade 10 and 11 learners with Mathematics and Physical Science not younger than 16 years of age. 220 learners were expected to attend the sessions.” – Ané Prinsloo
Mall awards tenants Secunda Mall would like to congratulate their 2018 Tenant Award winners! These winners were announced at an awards evening at Symphony's Café on 25 October: People's Choice - VODACOM 4 U In recognition of valuable contribution to Secunda Mall activities - STER KINEKOR Best shop front - BOGART MAN Good neighbour award - MTN
Excellence in customer service @HOME Excellence in the community - SPUR Excellence in digital involvementCAPPUCCINOS Excellence in training and development - SYMPHONY’S CAFE Restaurant of the year - WIMPY Most Improved store of the year ACKERMANS Tenant of the year - QUEENSPARK
Carlo Render (CoOwner: Resilient Properties), Vusi Jaku (Queenspark) & Robyn Escreet (Queenspark). Photo by Zoom-In Photography
Dan Kutumela Secondary School and Ekangala Comprehensive School.
2 November 2018
Curro Castle is in the Jungle Lights, Camera...Action! On Friday evening, 26 October, the Curro Castle School, which is the preschool, had their In The Jungle concert. It was a delightful affair. Each student in the Castle participated. The teachers and students worked hard on their performances and it showed. The evening was opened by Mrs Charlene Botha with a beautiful message. Mr Jungle Man, performed by Kai van Niekerk-Tromp, opened the concert. Group 2, the youngest from the Castle, followed Mr Jungle Man. Their theme was Birds and was performed to a song from the movie Rio. Groups 3 A and E performed next and had a ball dancing along with their teachers and the music. The groups were aptly named: Lions and Zebras. Group 4 E, the Meerkats and Warthogs, enthusiastically danced to Timon and
Pumba from The Lion King. Some of the children even freestyled and had the crowd cheering them on. The Bears, Group 4 A, jumped and shook around on Bear Necessities and were followed by the Monkeys, Group 5 E-1. All smiles and dancing ready, they entertained everyone! Group 5 A and Group E-2, were respectively the Tigers and Elephants. The Tigers performed to the Eye of the Tiger. All the groups recited a poem about the animal they were performing as and for the Finale they ended with a bang: Million Voices. Mrs Charlene Botha thanked everyone after the show for participating and encouraging the children. Curro Castle set a high standard and well done! – Ané Prinsloo
Vanjaar het Laerskool Kruinpark “Lights, Camera… Action!” as hulle revue tema gehad. Die hele skool het die jaar deelgeneem, al 700 kinders. Die revue was die breinkind van Stefan Nienaber, ‘n onderwyser by die skool. Elke tweede jaar word ‘n revue opgevoer. Hierdie jaar het die kinders en onderwysers twee maande lank hard geoefen en gesweet om dié revue suksesvol te maak. Me Mariana Victor het geopen met ‘n pragtige verwelkoming en verduidelik dat 18 verskillende flieks gebruik is om die revue uiteen te sit. Die revue is geopen met Mary Poppins se “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” en
is gevolg deur treffers soos: “I can’t stop this feeling” van “Trolls” en “The Greatest Show” van “The Greatest Showman”. ‘n Verrassende en snaakse optrede is deur die onderwysers opgevoer voor en na die pouse. Almal het saam geklap en hulle aangemoedig. Die onderwysers het “Mamma Mia” en “Footloose” uitgebeeld. Van die flieks wat gebruik is, was: Mary Poppins, Toy story, Trolls en vele meer. Al die kinders wat deelgeneem het, het wonderlike optredes gelewer en dit terdeë geniet. Die revue het Maandag tot Donderdag geduur en was ‘n groot sukses. – Ané Prinsloo
Laerskool Trichardt se 0/13 krieketspan is gekroon as Mpumalanga wenners.
Laerskool Secunda se 4 leerlinge het baie goed gevaar by die WOW Spelfees Nasionaal wat op 20 Oktober in Stellenbosch plaasgevind het. Agter: Carmen Rebolo (19de) en Anja Smith (6de) Voor: Ruben Strydom (20ste) en Abigail Barnard (15de)
2 November 2018
Secunda parkrun turns four Bosvarkskiet by Koos Kruger Skietbaan The Secunda parkrun turned four on Saturday and celebrated in true parkrun fashion with another run! The Secunda parkrun had 4638 people participate over the last four years with an average time of 42 minutes to complete the course. There were a number of first timers that came to run the course as well as a number of people running their 50th parkrun. The following is quoted directly from the parkrun SA’s website. “parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free and are safe and easy to take part in. These events take place in pleasant parkland surroundings and we
encourage people of every ability to take part; from walkers or those taking their first steps in running to Olympians; from juniors to those with more experience; we welcome you all. Using the events page, select the event you are most interested in and review all the information about the course, local news items, the photo gallery and information about volunteering. Also, take a look at the extensive results page where you will find an incredible amount of information about your past performance.” There are currently 1979 clubs across the country with 589595 runners. So join the fun and outdoors and come and run your first parkrun. The parkrun is everyweek.
Sasol Stoei klub presteer in Pretoria Op Saterdag, 27 Oktober 2018, het die NoordVaal President Stoei byeenkoms plaasgevind in die Noord Gauteng Stoeisaal, Pretoria. Noord Gauteng, Oos Gauteng, Sentraal Gauteng, Limpopo en Mpumalanga het aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem – vir stoeiers onder 20 jaar. Nico van den Berg en Jordan Webb albei stoeiers van Sasol Stoeiklub, het vir Mpumalanga Stoei deelgeneem. Elma Webb was Spanbestuurder en Lollie van den Berg het by die byeenkoms se admin gewerk, albei ook van Sasol Stoeiklub. Daar was baie goeie stoei en Nico van
den Berg het al vier sy wedstyde by die byeenkoms gewen. Dit was Nico se laaste Noordvaal byeenkoms. Jordan het goed gestoei in sy eerste Noordvaal Byeenkoms en kan net verbeter in die toekoms. Die Stoeijaar se byeenkomste is afgehandel vir die jaar en al wat nou oor bly is jaarvergaderings en prysuitdelings. Sasol Stoeiklub het ‘n baie goeie jaar beleef en daar gaan beslis ‘n paar trofees na Sasol Stoeiklub se kant toe kom tydens die Mpumalanga se prysuitdeling wat op 10 November 2018 plaasvind in die Sasol Ontspanningsklub.
T20 Mpumalanga Krieket finale Sondag, 28 Oktober, was die Mpumalanga T20 finale. 1ste het Nelspruit teen Witbank Snipers gespeel. Snipers het 122/6 aangeteken. Nelspruit was uitgeboul vir 77. Snipers wen dus met 45 lopies. In die 2de Wedstryd was dit Sasol Secunda teen Nelspruit. Nelspruit het 103 aangeteken. Sasol jaag die telling in 14 beurte en wen die wedstryd met 8 paaltjies. Die laaste wedstyd van die dag het die liga bepaal. Sasol wen die loot en stuur Snipers in om te kolf. Snipers kon slegs 91 aanteken. Sasol jaag die telling in 16.4 beurte en wen met 4 paaltjies. Sasol wen dus die Mpumalanga T20 liga
en speel volgende Sondag, 4 November, tuis in die Titans Franchise semi finaal teen die wenners van die Easterns liga. Saterdag se uitslae. Sasol 2 Bulldogs speel ‘n 50 beurte wedstryd teen Bethal Bears. Bears kolf eerste en word uitgeboul vir 142. Sasol haal die telling in die 30ste beurt en wen Bethal Bears met 3 paaltjies. Saterdag Promosie Liga (nog nie tellings ontvang nie) Sasol 3 het wel verloor teen Piet Retief 2 in Piet Retief. Sondag Promosie Liga Sasol Kinross speel teen Breyton Cheethas. Sasol Kinross slaan 382 en boul Breyton uit vir slegs 35 lopies.lukwatini het punte gestuur vir die Sasol Akedemiespan.
Op Saterdag, 27 Oktober 2018, het SAJWV se Houtkapper tak (Secunda) ‘n groot skietkompetisie gehou op die Koos Kruger Skietbaan buite Trichardt. Slingervel en Arms was die hoofborge en meer as R44 000 se pryse was beskikbaar. Daar het 93 skuts deelgeneem en hul het ongeveer 180 teikens geskiet. Die warm son het nie die deelnemers se entoesiasme gedemp nie. Die kompetisie was ‘n Bosvarkskietkompetisie. Die afstand waarvan geskiet is was eers op die dag bepaal Die wenners was: Derrick Du Preez met ‘n voltal. 2de plek was Arno Theron huidige voorsitter, in die 3de plek was Jean-Pierre Janse van
Rensburg (JP). Die 4de Plek het gegaan aan Stefan van der Linde van Inyathi wie die teikens geborg het en 5de plek aan Emil Jacobs. Ons Junior wenner was Liza Roux en die Dames wenner was Liezel Brits. Die oogskootkompetisie is gedeel tussen JC Bezuidenhout, Pieter Langenhoven en Wimpie Brits. Al die ander pryse is uitgedeel per gelukkige trekking. Omtrent almal wat die prysuitdeling bygewoon het, het iets gekry. Corner Bakery in Evander (Pieter Hattingh) het die hele dag gesorg vir uitstekende verversings teen baie bekostigbare pryse. Slingervel bedank al die deelnemers en baanoffisiere wie die dag moontlik gemaak het.
2 November
Ermelo Rally fatal for Rally Championship hopes
Photo: Susan Vacy-Lyle Drama at the Ermelo rally! With Team Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle facing off against Team AC Potgieter and Nico Swartz for the championship honours, it was bound to be a tough race. Team AC was plagued with problems and mishaps from the first stage. During stage one, AC reversed into a farm gate that was lying around that
ruptured the VW’s brake lines. Team AC had to fix the tube between stage one and two as there were no service breaks. They arrived 5 minutes late and was penalised with 50 seconds. At a later stage, they hit a small berm on the side of the road that bumped the rubber completely of the rim. As they were trying to replace the wheel the veld caught fire and AC and
Nico had to push the car off the grass. A large section of veld was lost in the fire. The engine then failed to start due to the smoke. On another stage Team, AC managed to claw back a number of seconds as they raced at neck-breaking speed down the stage. They caught up with two cars on that stage. Guy also had some car problems but
managed to get spares from their teammates. Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle were worthy winners and were crowned National Champions for the 5th year in a row. AC Potgieter and Nico Swartz ended second in the Championship. Well done to AC and Nico. We are very proud of your achievements and we are backing you for the 2019 season!