The bulletin newspaper 30 june 2017

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Issue 134 - FREE

30 JUNE 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Woman survives bullet in head

“A miracle!” That is how doctors described the fact that Emily Mhlonyane is still alive. Emily was shot in the head on Friday, 5 May while she was travelling in a taxi from Secunda to Kinross. Her doctors only realised four days later that the bullet was still lodged in Emily’s head. It was eventually then removed. Emily said on the day of the shooting, the other passengers in the taxi had to ask the taxi driver more than once to slow down and drive more carefully. “They pleaded with the driver to stop and let them out, but he ignored them and just continued driving.” According to Emily, the taxi driver also made it impossible for another motorist to overtake the taxi. Eventually the other motorist drove up next to the taxi. A heated argument ensued between the motorist and the taxi driver and they were yelling at each other while at the same time, driving their vehicles at high speed. Emily said the motorist suddenly stopped his vehicle. “Those of us in the back seat of the taxi were curious why the man had stopped. “We saw him get a gun from his vehicle and shooting in our direction. The taxi driver merely continued driving.” Emily did not immediately realised that she had been shot. “I felt something on my head, but thought nothing of it. Only when the taxi stopped and I stood up to get out, did I notice the blood. “Oher passengers said I should lie down while they call for an ambulance.” Emily lost consciousness then. She was rushed to Evander Hospital and was later transferred to the Witbank Hospital where the bullet was eventually removed from her head.

According to Emily, she went to Kinross Police Station three times after she was discharged from hospital to give a statement, but every time she was told the investigating officer was not available The taxi driver and the man who shot Emily, both drove away from the scene. Policemen at Kinross Police Station said they did obtain a statement from the taxi driver. The gunman was described as a well-built young white man with a moustache. He was wearing a white shirt and driving a white Ford Kuga with Gauteng registration plates. The Bulletin contacted Kinross Police and was told they would contact Emily and follow up the case. Emily now suffers with regular headaches and tired fast. She also now refuses to travel to Kinross by taxi as she fears for her life. Emily is a domestic worker in Secunda and because she tires so quickly, she depends on her sister’s help to complete her daily chores. - Jana Oosthuizen

Emily Mholnyane was shot while travelling in a taxi from Secunda to Kinross on Friday, 5 May.

Siyongqoba Performing Arts group from eMbalenhle provided entertainment at the SHCDT awards evening held at Graceland on Thursday, 22 June. Here are one of the group’s young dancers in action. Read the full story on Page 5.



30 June 2017

Fanyana sows into his community Fanyana Sibanyoni believes in sowing into his community. He started several feeding schemes at schools in eMbalenhle and he buys groceries on a monthly basis for 163 needy families. He also buys school uniforms each year for pupils in 11 different schools in the region. Fanyana is the chairman of the Vukanini Taxi Association, but he has never driven a taxi in his life. Members of the taxi association also have projects where they care for the needy. They also dress up in formal attire twice a week. Fanyana grew up around eMbalenhle. He only started school at the age of 12 years old because he lived on a farm and there were no schools near the farm. Fanyana first worked as a paramedic during which time began purchasing taxis. He now owns several taxi’s and busses. He only finished matric when he was 22 years old and he wanted to be a

lawyer with all his heart, but his parents never had the money to send him to university. After matric, he bought, repaired and then resold old vehicles. He also tried his hand in the music industry and organised several gospel concerts. Soccer is one of Fanyana’s passions. He owns a local soccer club, The Secunda Stars, and is also a member of the National Executive of the South African Football Association. He was the president in the Gert Sibande Region of the South African Football Association in 2006 and he was elected as the President for Mpumalanga for this association in 2009. He is currently developing a shopping centre in eMbalenhle that will open its doors in September. This brand-new shopping centre will have a hair salon, supermarket, bottle store, butchery, a coffee shop, a gymnasium and a VIP lounge.

Fanyana Sibanyoni wears many hats, one of them being the chairman of the Vukanini Taxi Association.

Bobby trap drie-beenspore in almal se harte Bobby die drie-beenhond gaan lê nie sommer nie. Die diere-organisasie, Little Paws Big Hearts, het vir Bobby in ‘n plakkerskamp gekry in 2014. Volgens Louis Kempen van Little Paws Big Hearts, kon Bobby nie loop teen die tyd wat hulle hom gekry het nie. “Dit was toe reeds twee jaar nadat hy raakgery is en hy kon nie staan nie omdat hy soveel pyn gehad het,” het Louis gesê. “Ons moes hom motor toe dra.” Hulle het hom veearts toe geneem en sy agterpoot kon gelukkig gered word,

maar die veearts moes sy voorpoot amputeer omdat dit toe reeds skeef aan gegroei het. Die publiek het binne twee dae geld vir Bobby se opeasie ingesamel. Little Paws Big Hearts moes die eienaar se toestemming kry om Bobby se beene te amputeer en later het die eienaar hom afgeteken en hy was voltyds in Little Paws Big Hearts se sorg. Dit kry Bobby egter nie onder nie. Volgens sy baas, Belinda Pienaar, hardloop Bobby op drie bene rond en is hy die dankbaarste hond wat sy al teëgekom het. “Ons het ons hande vol om hom stil te hou,” het sy gesê. Bobby moes twee weke gelede vir die tweede keer ‘n operasie ondergaan. Die veearts moes die skouerblad van die geamputeerde been uithaal omdat dit gedurig sy vel stukkend gemaak het. Volgens Belinda, het Bobby se operasie dié keer nege ure geduur en sy is dankbaar om haar honde-kind weer veilig by die huis te hê. “Die eerste keer toe ek hom gesien het, toe Little Paws Big Hearts gesê het hulle soek ‘n permanente huis vir Bobby, het hy so op sy rug gelê en vir my geyk,” het Belinda vertel. “Toe het ek dadelik gesê ek vat hom.” Sedertdien het Bobby diep in al die harte van Belinda se huismense, die Little Paws Big Hearts-lede en die veearts, dr. Talitha Lubbe van die Eendedam Dierekliniek, gekruip. Bobby het in 2015 gif ingekry toe verskeie honde in die straat vergiftig is, maar Bobby het dit ook oorleef.

Bobby voordat Little Paws Big Hearts hom aangeneem het.

Bobby het al in vele inwoners se harte gekruip en is gelukkig by sy huis van die afgelope drie jaar.

Finance MMC dies The MMC of Finance for Govan Mbeki Municipality, Themba Mtsweni, died on Sunday, 25 June. He apparently suffered an asthma attack about a week ago, followed by heart attack. He died in hospital. Sbu Hlolweni from SAPROMA, said they

will miss him and cherish all the happy memories. Encee van Huyssteen, DA Caucus leader, said he found Themba worthy of his title as Honourable and the DA and SAPROMA extended their condolences to his family.


30 June 2017

Police awarded The best local cops were awarded on Friday, 23 June at the Secunda Cluster Excellence Awards held at the Sasol Club. The award for the Station of the Year went to Secunda Police Station, Col Willie Nel received the award. He also received the Cluster Commander Special Award. The Man of the Year award went to Const Thomas Mogadime and the Woman of the Year award went to W/O Oosie Oosthuizen. The executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality, Flora Maboa-Boltman, gave the key note address at the awards and said: “Through

God we will succeed in fighting crime, we must work as if God is watching.” She quoted Proverbs 11:2 that reads: ‘When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.’ She further said: “If we serve others, God my creator will reward us. “I will not allow pride to enter my heart. “I will be humble and clothed with wisdom.” She said the municipality has collected more than R1 million on the outstanding electricity account since they started with Project Kodiko.

Col Willie Nel received the award for Secunda being the Station of the Year and he also received the Cluster Commander Special Award. Here he is with the executive mayor, Flora Maboa-Boltman.

Const Thomas Mogadime receives his award from the executive mayor, Flora MaboaBoltman.

W/O Oosie Oosthuizen receives her award from the executive mayor, Flora MaboaBoltman.

The Voice-road ends for PJ Pretorius PJ Pretorius is out of The Voice SA, but he finished among the Top 6. He did not get enough votes to continue in the live rounds, but he is grateful for the opportunity he had. “It was an amazing experience and last week I had a feeling that I was not going through, so I was prepared,” said PJ. His weeks are packed with radio interviews and he already featured on Groot FM and Mitch FM and there is a chance that Universal Studios might sign a contract with him. He now wants to focus on his career as a musician and The Citizen newspaper booked him to perform at their Gala

evening in September. He will also still perform at local events, including the inniPark Fees that will take place in August. He said how further he went in The Voice SA, the more stressful and lonely it was. However, it was part of his dream and he is glad that his dream became his reality. “Adrenaline junkies get a rush before jumping out of an airplane, for me I get that feeling before I walk onto a stage to perform,” said PJ. “I am living my passion now.” He thanked everyone who supported him and said they will still see and hear a lot of him.

PJ Pretorius finished among the Top 6 in the reality show, The Voice SA that was broadcasted on MNET.




30 June 2017

Senior citizens enjoy Bingo Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

The Secunda Senior Citizens’ Club held a meeting at Davies Court on Wednesday, 21 June and held a cakeless cake sale. With this type of sale, seniors had to donate the money they would have used for ingredients to bake a cake. They also enjoyed a game of Bingo.

This club will meet again on Wednesday, 5 July at 10:00 at Davies Court and W/O Oosie Oosthuizen will do a demonstration with a snake and talk about safety. Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting. For more information, contact Pam Kotze at 082 466 5757.

TO ADVERTISE CALL: Clive 082 724 5165 or Hannelie 082 789 2529

Produksie / Production

Jeanette Wheeler at the senior citizens’ club’s meeting on Wednesday, 21 June.

Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Terry Goodwin plays Bingo at the Secunda Senior Citizens’ Club’s meeting on Wednesday, 21 June.

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to

Piet Marais hekel komberse en het ’n projek begin om dié komberse aan kankerpasiënte te skenk. Hiér oorhandig hy dit aan Estelle Swart, wat dit aan die pasiënte gaan uitdeel. Piet benodig wol om nog komberse te hekel. As jy wol wil skenk, skakel hom by 061 154 5926.


30 Jun e. Givin g will be hosting Hearts a Fiesta evening a Secund t John Dory’s a 21:30. A from 17:00 to ll go to G proceeds wil l iving=H earts w helps th h o en clothes eedy with and foo d.

COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

euwel e. Die H uddy’s 30 Jun by B es tree ti s ta ul sal n a F al op. H we th e B p Pub o hul nu sing van !’. liedjies kay album ‘O

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

As die nood my oorval, hou U my in die lewe. PSALM 138:7

Thank you to Gerhardt Oelofse who sent us this photo of smoke that hung in the air after a fire in Evander. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.

30 June – 2 2 Paradise at S =July. Winter ecunda Mall. Snow slope, snow play area an d animals of the Ice Ag e exhibition . R60 per session for a full rider and R40 for children und er the age o f three. Send an e-m ail to bookin gs@ snowworld.c to book.


30 June 2017


Top pupils receive excellence awards The Southern Highveld Community Development Trust (SHCDT)’s Awards event was held at Graceland Casino on Thursday, 22 June. The theme of the evening was ‘Torchbearer’ as in the words of the chairman, JP Mlangeni: “We want to encourage all pupils, teachers and schools to set their sights high and produce excellent results.” The SHCDT was established by Graceland as part of their BBBEE structure and as such earns dividends and donations through the business of Graceland. The Trust has, to date, awarded 19 full scholarships and seen 14 beneficiaries graduate with degrees and another three accept alternate bursaries. By offering additional support and mentoring, the Trust is able to help

students at tertiary level to change their lives. Other programmes the Trust sponsors are internships and hosting pupils from the local TVET College in order to complete the practical component of their qualification (18 months). JP said one of the major causes of failure for students in their first year at university is making the incorrect career choices. To this end the trustees agreed to fund a ‘Career Dress Up Day’ for Grade 7 pupils where they dress up in their chosen career. The Fund also sponsors the Go Getters programme where they guide more than 400 high school pupils to select the correct career so that they are able to make sensible choices and plan their tertiary applications. Martha Mkhize was the runner-up in

the Career Dress Up Day competition and Spitsele Ntambo, a Grade 8 pupil at Osizweni Development and Education Centre got emotional when she was called to the stage as one of the winners. She said it is such a privilege and she is thankful for the opportunity. “I am here for my parents and to change the situation at home,” said Spitsele. “No matter who you are and where you come from, just be innovative and prepared for the future.” Spitsele wants to become a jewellery maker when she finishes school. Several employees at Graceland were also awarded. These employees are part of the Trust’s programme and completed the 18 months.

Sphesihle Mtabo was emotional when she was called to the stage at the SHCDT awards evening at Graceland.

PROPERTIES eiendomme

Hilda is nuwe huismoeder by Janelle Huis Hilda Vermaak het op 7 Junie begin as die nuwe huismoeder van Janelle Huis. Sy het vir 40 jaar op Ermelo gewoon en daarna vir ’n paar jaar op Middelburg vóór sy na Trichardt verhuis het. Sy kan nie wag vir die eerste pleegkinders om by haar aan te sluit by Janelle Huis nie. “Ek is gereed om vir hulle onvoorwaardelike liefde en aandag te gee en hulle welkom te laat voel,” het Hilda gesê. Sy het vertel hoe die Here haar deur moeilike tye gedra het toe sy jare gelede geskei is en ook later toe haar vriend dood is in 2015. Haar seun is aan ‘n rolstoel gekluister ná ’n motorongeluk hom verlam gelaat het. Hilda moes later haar motor verkoop

om vir ‘n operasie vir haar seun te betaal. Sy het voorheen op Ermelo in ‘n kinderhuis gewerk en dit was vir haar die lekkerste as die kinders haar “mamma” genoem het. “Ek het my hart en siel in my werk gesit en self kos gemaak . Ek en die kinders het elke aand saam om die tafel geëet.” Sy onthou met hoeveel liefde en omgee haar ma haar en haar nege boeties en sussies grootgemaak het. Hilda se pa is dood toe sy nog jonk was en haar ma moes alleen na 10 kinders omsien. “Ek dink dit is hoekom ek vandag so lief is vir kinders, omdat ons so hegte gesin was en daar soveel liefde in ons huis was,” het sy gesê. In haar vrye tyd, geniet Hilda dit om kos te maak.

Hilda Vermaak is onlangs aangestel as die nuwe huismoeder van Janell Huis.

Lisa begin Kids with Capes-projek Liza van der Westhuizen, ’n gr. 12-leerling van Hoërskool Secunda, het die ‘Kids with Capes’-projek vroeër vanjaar begin. Sy en haar vriend, Zandre Wolmarans, het een Sondagmiddag rondgery en iets gesoek om af te neem nadat Zandre vir hom ’n kamera gekoop het. Hulle het by die Lighthouse Tehuis vir kinders uitgekom waar Zandre al voorheen lekkergoed uitgedeel het as deel van ‘n ander projek. “Ons het lekkergoed en koeldrank gaan koop en vir die kinders gaan uitdeel,” het Liza gesê. “Dit het my gelukkig gemaak om hul gesigte te sien en ek het vir Zandre gesê ek wil dit meer dikwels doen.” Sy en Zandre het sedertdien al verskeie kere Lighthouse Tehuis besoek en tyd met die kinders bestee. Hulle het ook toiletware, kos en klere vir die tehuis ingesamel en uitgedeel. “Van die meisies daar moes een pakkie sanitêre doekies deel tussen drie. “Ons het vir die meisies sanitêre doekies ook ingesamel.” Liza wil nou elke kind in die tehuis se verjaarsdag spesiaal maak en hulle bederf met kolwyntjies en lekkers. Liza se vriendin, Carla Kruger

Carla Kruger en Liza van der Westhuizen tydens ’n besoek aan Lighthouse Tehuis.

Liza van der Westhuizen bestee tyd met die kinders van die Lighthouse Tehuis. het ook gehelp met die projek. Die naam Kids with Capes het gekom toe Liza besluit het die projek moet ’n naam kry en sy glo al die kinders in die tehuis is spesiaal en superhelde in hul eie reg. Liza is nog nie seker wat sy wil doen wanneer sy klaar is met matriek nie, maar sy sal daarvan

hou om iets kreatiefs te doen. In haar vrye tyd maak sy Doendit-jouself-artikels of verf of oefen in die gimnasium. Sy het Liezel Erasmus, voorsitter van die Femmy-klub by Hoërskool Secunda, bedank. Lede van die klub brei serpe en samel geld in vir Kids with Capes.




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30 June 2017

Students graduate



To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165




Gert Sibande TVET College held its Diploma Graduation ceremony on Thursday, 15 June, at Kruik Conference Centre. A total of 85 students graduated with 49 of them from business related fields and 36 from engineering fields. The college CEO and principal, Nick Balkrishen, spoke about the continuous improvement of academic results highlighting that the class of 2016 has achieved the best results in the history of the college. The college introduced agriculture at the newly established Perdekop Campus. Government bursaries made it possible for students from the rural community to enrol at the college. Nick emphasised the strategic importance of partnerships between the college and businesses, industries and employers which ensures that the college curriculum is aligned with the needs of industry. The College was grateful for the support it received from various business partners. “Gert Sibande TVET College prides itself in producing high quality students as this enhances opportunities for students,” said Nick. A total of 14 electrical engineering students were offered the opportunity to go to China on a 12 monthlearnership programme funded by MerSETA and the Chinese and South African governments. “These students will get the opportunity to study at top Chinese universities and also get practical experience in the Chinese manufacturing companies,” said Nick. The key note address was delivered by Dr Beeka. He inspired the graduates by sharing his journey which culminated in him achieving a doctorate in education and also qualifying as an advocate. He also shared essential advice on how graduates could become successful leaders.

Graduates celebrate their success at Kruik Conference Centre.

For more news, photos and video clips, visit our website at

30 June 2017




30 June 2017

Car enthusiasts enjoy Extreme Festival Round 6 of the Extreme Festival was recently held at Zwartkops Raceway near Pretoria with a motorsport extravaganza of races. The event was held over two days ensuring that the motorsport enthusiast have more than enough events to choose from. Sasol Global Touring Car brigade was Friday’s top pick with plenty of action as the top six cars jostled for position. With not one car giving an inch it was a tight race to the finish. Race two saw a restart as one of the BMW’s landed in the sand trap. The restart also saw two cars leaving the tarmac, but fortunately it did not result in a restart. See the race results at www.zwartkops. The two days saw various events including motorcycle races, Supercars and Legends of the 9th hour. All of which had their own special bit of excitement. From the high speeds of the Thunderbikes to the slow speeds of the legends, to the superior handling of the Supercars to the sliding of the legends. And above all the roar of engines as the cars and bikes come racing past. The marshals did an excellent job of keeping the track clean and between races the track was a beehive of activity as they scrambled to remove any rub-

ble and oil spills. Zwartkops had a carnival-like atmosphere with live entertainment and a number of stalls selling all kinds of things to eat as well as catering for the motorsport enthusiast. The racetrack at Zwartkops is 2,4km long and circulated in a clockwise direction. The design was done to FIA/FIM International standards to accommodate all categories of racing vehicles with the exception of Formula One and Moto GP. Zwartkops has a rich history in motorsport and is doing a lot to keep the sport alive and entertaining and is definitely worth a day trip to experience the excitement and thrills of motorsport racing. - Encee van Huyssteen.

New V-Strom 650XT motorcycle is here The V-Strom 650XT offers exactly what a rider wants - more of a good ride! This new V-Strom has increased engine performance and great fuel economy while achieving world-wide emission standards. It is a touchstone motorcycle balanced with a natural riding position, comfortable seat and a flexible engine character that produces stress-free riding during brief daily use or a high-mile adventure. The V-Strom 650 is renowned for its reliability, versatility and value and has attracted many riders who use it

for touring, commuting, or a fun ride when the spirit moves them. While the litre-class adventure segment has long been stacked with a multitude of strong contenders, the Suzuki V-Strom 650 has faced far less opposition and enjoyed much success within the middleweight ADV ranks. Coinciding with the announcement of a pair of fresh litre-class Suzuki V-Stroms comes the ADV-inspired V-Strom 650 and V-Strom 650XT models. Unlike the comparatively moderate revisions given its larger sibling,

these middleweight Stroms have received a multitude of performance and styling updates that qualify them as something just shy of an all-new platform. These updates include weight savings, a thinner chassis, and some adventure-ready extras that has resulted in a V-Strom that is more versatile, more controllable, and more accessible to elevate its total performance so it’s simply “More V-Strom” This bike is available at Magnum Motorcycles, contact them at 017 632 2303.

30 June 2017




30 June 2017

Hoërskool Secunda se eerste netbalspan het die afgelope naweek derde in die Mussanetbalkampioenskap geëindig. Hulle sal in Augustus aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Netbalkampioenskap deelneem.

Dié leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is vir die Mpumalanga-netbalspan gekies. Hulle is Amanda Mussa, Lunè Meyer, Tsebisi Senoamadi, Elizma Booysen, Simonè Nortjè, Lanè Coetzee, Danè Pretorius, Lehanka Coetzer, Anastacia de Bruin, Faith Chivaviro, Hlengiwe Mthethwa en Nicole Lindeque.

Hoërskool Secunda se o.14-netbalspan is die afgelope naweek as die Mpumalangakampioene vir Grootskole kampioene gekroon. Hulle sal in Augustus aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Netbalkampioenskap deelneem.

Chezelle Brand en Gabriella Stemmet van Laerskool Secunda onder die Top 10-leerlinge geëindig in die Mpumalanga ATKV Redenaars-kompetisie.

These pupils of Highveld Ridge Primary School were the winners at the Astroquiz and was the only team to get full marks. They will take part in round 2. They are Phindo Malinga, Lesego Dibakwane, G. Raath (coach), Masindi Necubvi and Ashlini Budharam.

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Goedehoop het op Vrydag, 9 Junie aan die tweede ronde van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie op Middelburg deelgeneem en presteer. Hulle is Karli van Schalkwyk (agtste), Cayla Rossouw (sewende) en Chizelle Rossouw (agtste).

Marna Ernst van Privaatskool Hoëveldrif is een van ses CVO-leerlinge wat gekies is om in die Junie-skoolvakansie op ’n jeug-uitruilprogram na Duitslnad te gaan. Sy het ’n nasionale tweede plek in die keuringsproses behaal.

Dié leerlinge van Privaatskool Hoëveldrif is gekies om vanaf 29 Junie tot 1 Julie aan die Winterspele by die CVO Gromar op Groblersdal deel te neem. Hulle is (voor) Madison Daneel, Gert Lategan, Walter Ernst en Marietjie Lategan. Agter is Lisa Schoeman, Christian Ernst, Wilma Ernst, Mathilda de Gouveia en Sophia Pieters.

30 June 2017






Kom kyk laaste liga-wedstryd Sasol Hydra Arc-rugbyklub se spanne het weer die naweek geseëvier. Sasol 1 en 2 het met Witrivier afgereken terwyl die derdes teen Ermelo gespeel het. Sasol 1 se wentelling was 53-25 en die Spelers van die Wedstryd is Fanie Booysen en Deon Greef. Die puntemakers was Jannie van der Merwe wat twee drieë gedruk het en vier drieë verdoel het, Juandré Kleynhans wat vier drieë gedruk het en Steven Jacobs, Izan Green en Ruan van der Golff wat elk een drie gedruk het. Sasol 2 se wentelling was 62-15 en die Spelers van die Wedstryd is Carlo Kleynhans en Neoi Maliehe. Die puntemakers was Kleynhans wat sewe drieë verdoel het, een strafskop deur die pale gestuur het en een drie gedruk het

en Jacobus Beyleveldt, Brandon Wienand, Ruben Lello, Steyn van der Heever, Devin Pretorius, Johan van Schaik, Xander Young en Gert Pieterse wat elk een drie gedruk het. Sasol 3 se wentelling was 22-10 en die Spelers van die Wedstryd is Pieter Odendaal en Dumisani Mashoko. Die puntemakers was Happy Selepe wat twee drieë gedruk het, Ruan Dickenson wat een drie verdoel het en Odendaal en Mashoko wat elk een drie gedruk het. Sasol speel Saterdag hul laaste liga-wedstryd vir die seisoen en sal teen die Ferros opdraf op Sasol se tuisveld. Ondersteuners is welkom om die spanne te gaan ondersteun. Sasol 3 skop om 13:30 af, Sasol 2 om 14:30 en Sasol 1 om 16:00.

Tennisspelers geniet toernooi

Altesaam 38 tennisspelers het aan die laaste tennistoernooi vir die kwartaal wat op Vrydag, 23 Junie by die Sasol-klub aangebied is, deelgeneem. Hiér is De Wet Barnard in aksie.

Juan Shreck Kotze en Ruan van der Colff van Sasol 1 in aksie op die rugbyveld Saterdag.

Taneschka is terug op ysterperd Taneschka Theunissen (18) is van kleins af gemaklik op ’n motorfiets. Haar pa, Chris Theunissen, het haar al op ’n jong ouderdom leer motorfiets bestuur en sy het haar eerste 50cc tweewielmotorfiets gekry toe sy net vyf jaar oud was. Haar pa het dit later vervang met ’n 100cc vierwiel-motorfiets. Toe sy 10 jaar oud was, was dié vierwielmotorfiets te klein en sy het toe haar eerste 125cc tweewielmotorfiets gekry. “Ek het met motorfietse groot geword omdat my pa so lief is vir motorfietse en ek het gereeld saam met hom in die veld gaan ry,” het sy vertel. “My pa het my geleer om met sy CSXR 1000cc motorfiets te ry toe ek 13 was.” Haar pa het later ’n 650cc vierwiel Bombardier gekoop en Taneschka het haar motorfietsryvaardighede op dié motorfiets verbeter. “My pa het toe vir my ’n KDX 200cc veldfiets gekoop en ek het my stokperdjie om aan motorfietskompetisies deel te neem verder beoefen. Sedertdien beoefen Taneschka steeds dié stokperdjie. Haar pa

was in 2013 in ’n ernstige motorfietsongeluk beseer en kan nie meer ry nie. Dit het Taneschka vir twee jaar van motorfietsry afgesit en het sy nie meer self

Taneschka Theunissen se pa, Chris Theunissen, is haar held. Hy was in 2013 in ’n motorfietsongeluk en kan nou self nie meer ry nie.

bestuur nie. Sy het wel saam met haar vriend, Brendon Fick, wat haar passie en liefde vir motorfietse deel, gery. Sy het in dié tyd net ná haar pa se ongeluk soveel as moontlik tyd met hom bestee en gehelp om hom te versorg. Haar pa het wonderbaarlik herstel na ernstige breinbeserings. “Pastoor Warren Davids het vir my man kom bid en hy is genees,” het Amanda Theunissen, Taneschka se ma, gesê. “Hy is ’n lewende wonderwerk, as ons nie die pad saam met God gestap het nie, sou ons dit nie gemaak het nie.” Taneschka het na twee jaar haar vrese oorkom en het nou self weer op die ysterperd geklim. Sy het ook onlangs aan haar eerste hindernis-kompetisie deelgeneem, geval en haar been beseer. Dit was egter nie lank nie toe is sy weer op die fiets. Brendon neem graag aan kompetisies deel en as die twee kans kry oor naweke gaan ry hulle graag in die veld. Die gogga het Taneschka se kleinboet, Jaundrew, ook gebyt en hy help haar en Brendon om die motorfietse te diens. Brendon gaan vanjaar aan die GXCC Northern Regionalsmotorfietskompetisies. deelneem.

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