JULY 2019
017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)
Shocking safety blunder
The Bulletin was alerted on Wednesday, 26 July, of an accident that occurred approximately 500 m into the veld as you turn right onto the dirt road just past the Walker Park Golf Course, on the road leading from Evander to eMbalenhle (opposite Brendan Village turnoff). The casualty, a male, was stretched out on his back at the bottom of the erected scaffold, next to the pylon from where certain work was to be undertaken by the Eskom appointed contractor. Shayne van der Heever from Langamed and personnel from ER24 stabilised the patient before ER24 transported the injured to Highveld Medic Clinic. The Bulletin was informed by the spokesperson of the clinic that he was transferred to Union Hospital. Serious injuries were sustained, including a broken femur and electrical burns to one of his arms. Shayne told The Bulletin that the difficulty with identifying the seriousness of electrical burns is that most damage is not visible from the outside. The Bulletin was informed by a representative of the contractor that they were tasked with removing the aluminium cable which in the past carried high voltage current, now
redundant, from the top of the pylons from which it hanged. The removal of cable is done to curb theft and vandalism of redundant powerlines. This contract was awarded to a scrap metal dealer in the industrial area in Evander. The Bulletin could not ascertain with a hundred percent’s certainty what the root cause of this near fatal accident was, as conflicting statements as to the why and where, were made by the different parties’ representatives at the accident site. According to the Eskom representative (Erep) on site, at the time of the incident, the contractor worked on the wrong line. The Erep indicated to The Bulletin the identification numbers of the different pylons indicating the correct line for removal. The Erep was adamant that the contractor worked on the incorrect line. The contractor’s site representative indicated that the day before they removed cables from the northern line on the western side of the R546 and therefor the northern line on the eastern side of the R546 should be the same line. It is, however, alleged that the contractor did not properly ascertain that the cable in question was the one with no current flowing as indicated on
the works instruction. The Bulletin investigated the statement of the contractor’s representative by following the line to the R546. Unfortunately, our investigation revealed the lines crossed next to the road, causing a changeover of the northern and southern lines. The response from many of The Bulletin’s Facebook readers, if not all, agreed that numerous safety rules as prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993) as amended were transgressed. The Bulletin spoke to some safety practitioners to obtain their comments based on the photographs. Herewith some of the answers: no railing on the scaffold, scaffold boards were not completely installed on all landings, omission of ladders to the different landings, no kick plates, no trapdoors from landing to landing, the safety harness of the injured person was visible on the second landing of the scaffold. There was no evidence of the legally required earth device from the HT cable to earth. The following comments were based on the photographs that were taken from the accident site. Mamfedi Malose
Shongoana Irrespective the powerline was isolated from sources of supply.i.e. substation, by-pass or power station the use of proximity test is important and even after it was verified dead (powerline) the use of spike earthing must be created on the left and right to create equi-potential zone due to static charge caused by the line next door. Saif Khan Isolate all charge line near working area then deployed workmen and discharge all conductor wire by discharge stick for protect of back feed current or Induction current. Ensure height worker wear full body harness. Douglas Ngwasha Safety, safety, safety first always.He was given the go ahead to work on the line. Which means he was supposed to carry out the necessary safety checks before any person was to touch the line.Get well soon to the employee. Cornelia Peens Safety always first don›t trust anyone with safety best check yourselves before doing anything Siyemukela Ntshangase Poor people! You cannot work on overhead lines without Testing for dead and work between two portable earths. As a contractor, have approximately tester to confirm that the overhead line is indeed De-enegised. - Aart Reedijk
5 July 2019
Mariëtte 083 476 2860
snippets 15 lives lost on Mpumalanga roads over the weekend
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Fifteen lives were lost over the weekend in road crashes that occurred on various roads across the province. Most of the deadly crashes happened on Saturday. On the R546 Road between Charl Cilliers and eMbalenhle, four lives were lost when two sedans collided head on. The crash happened at around 06h00 on Saturday. Three of the victims died at the scene while the fourth person succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment at the
hospital. In a head on collision that also took place on Saturday around 18h30, two drivers were killed on the R545 Road near Kriel. Three passengers were seriously injured and were rushed to nearby hospitals. Another head on collision took place on the R555 Road between Middelburg and Stoffberg. The collision, which occurred around 19h00 on Saturday, claimed seven lives on scene. The seven included the driver and six passengers in the bakkie. Indications are that the trailer which was towed by one of the vehicles, got off the hook. The trailer allegedly went into oncoming traffic colliding with the bakkie. The driver of the bakkie seemingly lost control and the bakkie collided head on with the truck. On the R544 Road between Kriel and Bethal, two people were killed when the bakkie they were travelling in collided with two articulated trucks. The crash happened at around 19h30 on Saturday and the deceased included the driver and a passenger of the LDV. The investigation into these crashes is underway. Mpumalanga MEC for Community Safety, Security and Liaison, Ms. Gabisile Shabalala, is once more calling on motorists to obey the rules because most of these crashes, she believes, could have been avoided had greater care been taken by some of those involved. She says the fact that most of these crashes were head on collisions, is an indication that most of the crashes were likely caused by human errors. “Motorists should refrain from behaving dangerously on the road as this endangers their lives and that of other innocent road users. We have pleaded many times with motorists to be patient on the road but our calls are seemingly unheard. We believe that with a change of attitude by most motorists many lives will not be needlessly lost due to deadly road crashes especially on weekends,” the MEC said. According to the MEC, it remains the responsibility of each and every driver of a vehicle to ensure their safety and those of the people they are transporting. She adds that passengers must not keep quiet when they see that their driver is getting out of hand. “Passengers must not keep quiet when their lives are put in danger. We cannot have so many deaths in one day because many families are left devastated,” she says. The MEC meanwhile sends condolences to the families of the of the deceased and wishes a speedy
recovery to the injured. Praying woman raped again Friday, 28 June, a case of robbery and rape was opened at eMbalenhle police station. This was after a pastor from a local church ordered a woman to go and pray in a river. The woman and the male went to Bracken Mine river, between eMbalenhle and Leandra (Kwamtariyane), to pray when they were attacked by a Sotho speaking male. This male demanded money from the victims. Upon failure to get money, they were ordered by the suspect to hand over their bank cards and pins, the victims did not carry any of the above mentioned with them. That was when the male victim was tied with shoe laces and he witnessed the woman from church being raped. Police would like to warn the community to refrain from walking on private roads, be it day or night, as the cases of theft and rape are on the rise between eMbalenhle and Evander. “The police urge anyone who might have passed by and witnessed the incident or have any information about the culprit to help the police with information that may lead to arrest of the suspect,” said Miss P Monagane, Family Violence and Child Protection Department at Govan Mbeki Municipality. Police recover stolen Totoya Quantum For the latest in breaking newson go Friday,21 to About 13h30 June, a call came through a lot of channels as well as Govan Mbeki traffic alert (WhatsApp) of a Toyota Quantum hijacked in Witbank and was driving towards eMbalenhle. Police were notified and mobilised to be on the lookout for a brown Toyota Quantum that was driving with excessive speed towards Leandra. When the eMbalenhle crime prevention task team were doing their routine patrol, they spotted a brown Toyota Quantum similar to the one previously reported in Mandela section eMbalenhle. They went to investigate, only to find out that there was no one inside the car and they continued to the RDP house where the car was standing and found four people inside the house, no one had an answer to who the car belonged to. The police searched them and discovered a key of a Quantum and a 9mm pistol (serial number wiped) with four rounds.Four people were arrested on the spot. Police were applauded for their work.
5 July 2019
Local economic development summit Local economic development is an integral part in the community. It helps the local economy grow and is seen as one of the most effective ways to combat poverty. On Thursday, 27 June, Govan Mbeki Municipality hosted their Local Economic Development Summit at Lillian Ngoyi Centre. The welcoming was done by Govan Mbeki Municipality’s Municipal Manager, MR MF Mndebele and the keynote address was delivered by the Executive Mayor, Cllr T Ngxonono. The main themes of the summit were: industrialise, diversity, incubate and
educate for economic prosperity. To industrialise a local economy will enable companies to hire more people locally and ensure they have the necessary skills to empower themselves. Diversity will bring the community together to ensure that the local economy grows and new skill sets can be brought into the economy. To incubate the local economy will ensure that local business owners have a support structure to ask for advice should the need be there. Educating the local community and young business owners is of paramount importance. The young
Annalie 082 906 0546
business owner is the key to local economic growth. Most of the speakers present on the day were not local and this frustrated the community. The summit erupted at one point. The community stood up and said that they should rather be presenting than the people who know nothing about the local economic structure in the area. This enraged the community even more. Cllr Ngxonono spoke to the enraged crowd and tried to calm them down. She was met with contempt and the crowd stood their ground. – Ané Prinsloo
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“For their never-ending endeavours to obtain or retain wealth, countries desperately need companies, because they—unlike most human beings—have the means of production and human beings, because they—unlike all companies—have the means of reproduction.” Mokokoma Mokhonoana
So is die lewe
• 017 631 1903 • 017 631 1845 WIE IS ONS / WHO ARE WE: REDAKSIE / EDITORIAL 017 631 1903
Encee van Huyssteen 082 554 7589 Ané Prinsloo 082 576 8279
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PRODUKSIE / PRODUCTION Kerry Bird 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845
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Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to admin@thebulletin. COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof. Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account
5 July 2019
Ds Marius Britz VIA-kanaal het deesdae ‘n program wat op ‘n vreemde manier my aandag trek. Eerstens omdat ek nie eintlik enige programme van daardie aard kyk nie, maar tweedens het hierdie een my aandag gevang, ‘n program oor ‘n sogenaamde “siener” wat spoke kan aanspreek, bose geeste uit huise kan dryf, en ook mense se aura in ‘n kristalbal kan lees. Vele van die persone wat in die program verskyn, getuig dan inderdaad ook dat die siener wat, sonder dat hy enigiets van hulle weet, hulle situasie en verlede presies korrek kan opsom. Die geesteswêreld is ‘n komplekse begrip. Daar word in vele navorsing, letterkundige geskrifte, en selfs musiek geskryf oor spoke en geeste. Dink maar aan Ghost riders in the sky van Willie Nelson, Op die pad na Nooitgedacht van Koos Doep en Anton Goosen se Spookmeisie van Uniondale. Piet Botha het na sy televisiereeks oor die grafte van bekendes selfs ‘n album opgeneem met die naam Spookpsalms. Verwysings na ‘n ander dimensie van bestaan kom lank reeds voor. Shakespeare vertel hoe Hamlet met die skedel van sy pa in sy hand sit toe hy na die rede vir sy pa se dood soek. Selfs die Bybel vertel op verskeie plekke van die onderwêreld (die sogenaamde sheol) en beweging van bose geeste. Saul besoek die Heks van Endor om die gees van Samuel op te roep. Jesus vertel in Lukas 16 van die ryk man en Lasarus, en hulle bestaan in die hiernamaals. Paulus vertel van ons stryd wat nie teen vlees en bloed is nie, maar teen die bose magte in die lug. Ook Openbaring het verskeie verwysings na ‘n onderwêreld waarin daar verskeie aktiwiteite is ná die binding van Satan. In Afrika word daar ‘n groot status in sommige godsdienste aan voorvadergeeste gegee, en verskeie voorskrifte voorgeskryf word oor hoe om hulle gelukkig te hou, sodat volgelinge van
daardie gelowe voorspoedig en geseënd kan wees. Volgens diè gelowe sou dit jou duur te staan kom as jy die geeste van jou voorvaders kwaadmaak. Die geloof in die bo-natuurlike het dus ‘n bepaalde invloed op baie mense se gedrag, Ons is die afgelope tyd in Suid Afrika dikwels bewus gemaak van die groot invloed van hierdie gelowe, byvoorbeeld die rituele slagting van diere om die voorvadergeeste gunstig te stem en die bose geeste te verdryf, en die lofsanger of Umbongi wat optree wanneer die staatspresident die parlement binnegaan vir die staatsrede. Dr. Attie van Niekerk se boek “Saam in Afrika” gee lesers ‘n fassinerende blik op hierdie verborge gebruike en sluit ‘n paralelle wêreld oop wat tussen ons bestaan, maar waarvan baie min mense bewus is en wat baie van die vrae oor gebruike, tradisies en selfs politiek wat ons almal se lewens daagliks beinvloed, verklaar. Geloof in ‘n geesteswêreld wat mense se lewens kan beinvloed, kom ook onder stoere Calviniste voor en manifesteer homself in bygelowe, waarin baie van die ouer mense geglo het. Só byvoorbeeld mag jy nie ‘n sambreel in die huis oopgemaak het nie, want dit sou ongeluk oor jou gebring het. Om ‘n mes vir iemand as geskenk te gee, sou ‘n vriendskapsband afsny. Daarom moes jy geld vir die geskenkmes ruil, selfs al was dit net vyf sent. Baie mense van my geslag ken hierdie bygelowe. Jy mag nie onder ‘n leer deurloop nie, of ‘n almanak ophang voordat die nuwe jaar aanbreek nie. Die bygeloof waarmee ek persoonlik grootgeword het, het homself veral voltrek in die hewige Hoëveldse donderstorms. Wanneer die weer dreun en blits, moes ons almal in die donker kamer sit, die gordyne toegetrek en die spieëls met handdoeke toegegooi. En dan het ouma Psalm 91 gelees, en ons moes Hallelujaliedere sing. Die bestaan, al dan nie, van ‘n geesteswêreld laat mens onseker oor hoe presies jy daaroor moet dink. Ek kan sulke vreemde ervarings oproep. Ek was al talle kere hoendervleis as ek in ‘n kamer moes oorslaap terwyl ek weet dat daar iemand in gesterf het. Maar daar was ook ander ervarings. As student
het ek en ‘n paar skoolvriende in Sunnyside in Pretoria in ‘n eeuoue huis gewoon, wat waarskynlik nog uit die tyd van Paul Kruger gedateer het. Die een naweek was hulle almal huis toe, en ek het alleen in hierdie kasarm geslaap. Die Saterdagnag, wetende dat ek stoksielalleen in die huis is, het ek wakker geword van voetstappe in die gang, wat voor my deur tot stillstand gekom het. Ek het omgedraai en na die deur gekyk, wat ek seker gemaak het gegrendel en gesluit is. Die deur het nogtans oopgeswaai, en ‘n onvriendelike ou tannie in wit klere het na my gegluur in die oop deur. Toe ek die lig aansit, was sy weg. Ek het opgespring en die deur gevoel. Dit was steeds gegrendel en gesluit. Verbeelding? Dis moeilik om te sê. ‘n Ander ervaring maak my meer onseker oor hierdie
kwessie van geesteswêrelde. Langebaanweg-kerkgebou het ‘n lieflike pyporrel, waarheen ek dikwels laataand heen gegaan het, en dan Bach en Beethoven kliphard gespeel het, sodat dit oor die basis gedawer het. Die probleem was net dat die kerkgebou se ligskakelaar heel agter in die kerk was, en dan moes mens deur die donker kerk loop om by die sydeur uit te gaan. Diè spesifieke aand, nadat ek die ligte afgesit het, het ek op pad uit, in die middel van die kerk, yskoud gekry, en gevoel hoe al die hare op my lyf orent staan. Ek het omgekyk, en in die agterste bank al die mense gesien sit wat ek daar begrawe het. Ek het met ‘n groot spoed huis toe gehardloop in die donker, sonder om die kerk te sluit of terug te kyk. En ek het Hallelujaliedere gesing in die hardloop. Kliphard.
Tannie Poppie se: Broodpoeding 10 snye ou witbrood, korsies afgesny 60 ml ongesoute botter of margarien vir smeer 60 ml appelkooskonfyt vir smeer 50 ml korente 750 ml amandelmelk 4 eiergele 125 ml suiker 2,5 ml sout Kaneel na smaak 25 ml gevlokte amandels, gerooster Italiaanse meringue 440 ml suiker 1 ml sout 190 ml water 5 eierwitte 25 ml gevlokte amandels Kaneel na smaak Amandelvla 5 eiergele 60 ml suiker ‘n knippie sout 500 ml amandelmelk Berei die poeding 1. Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C (350°F) 2. Smeer elke sny brood met die botter of margarien en konfyt 3. Sny elke sny in 4 driehoeke, pak die driehoeke langs mekaar in ‘n gesmeerde oondbak met die gesmeerde kant na bo. Strooi die korente tussenin 4. Klits die melk, eiergele, suiker en sout saam 5. Gooi die melkmengsel oor die brood. Laat die melkmengsel goed deurloop en laat die poeding 20 minute lank staan. 6. Sprinkel ruimskoots kaneel oor en strooi die amandels oor 7. Bak 30 minute lank tot die poeding gaar is en haal uit die oond 8. Verlaag die oondtemperatuur tot 150°C (300°F) Berei die Italiaanse meringue 1. Verhit die suiker, sout en water oor lae hitte en roer tot die suiker opgelos het (die mengsel moenie kook voor al die suiker opgelos het nie). 2. Kook tot die stywebalstadium (120°C of 250°F) 3. Klits intussen die eierwitte tot styf (net voor die stroop gereed is)
4. Giet die stroop in dun straaltjies oor die stywe eierwit, terwyl jy gereeld klits. Plaas die bak in ‘n kom koue water en hou aan klits tot die mengsel fatsoen behou 5. Smeer die meringue rofweg oor die gaar poeding, strooi die amandels oor die en bak die poeding nog 15 minute lank by 150°C (300°F) to bruin 6. Sprinkel ‘n bietjie kaneel oor Berei die amandelvla: 1. Klitsdie eiergele, suiker en sout saam. Roer die melk stadig by 2. Verhit die mengsel in ‘n kastrol oor baie lae hitte of in ‘n dubbelkoker terwyl jy dit gereeld roer. (Die vla is gaar wanneer dit so dik is dat ‘n lagie oor die agterkant van ‘n lepel vorm). 3. Sit die broodpoeding voor saam met die amandelvla
Die boek word deur Human & Rousseau uitgegee
5 July 2019
Kinross jeugweek nog ‘n sukses na 23 jaar Die Kinross jeugweek vind vir die laaste 23 jaar plaas en elke jaar is ‘n groter sukses as die vorige jaar. Dié jaar was geen verskil! Die jeugweek het van 26 - 30 Junie plaasgevind by die NG Kerk in Kinross. Elke oggend en middag was daar ‘n bus wat die kinders in Secunda en
Evander gaan oplaai het en veilig vervoer het na die kerk en terug na hulle ouers. In die oggende het die kinders deelgeneem aan lofprysing en dan het al die lekker aktiwiteite begin. Die kinders was in ouderdomsgroepe ingedeel en hulle ouderdomsgroepe
in spanne opgedeel. Van dié span name was te kostelik! In die spanne het die kinders punte verwerf vir positiewe en negatiewe gedrag. Positief verkry punte en met negatiewe houding word punte afgetrek. Elke dag het die kinders aan verskeie
spanaktiwiteite deelgeneem om aan die einde van die week die trofee huis toe te neem vir beste spangees! Estelle Coetzer, organiseerder en Petro Duvenhage het gesorg dat die kinders nie een oomblik van verveeldheid beleef nie deur hulle besig te hou met kunsflyt. - Ané Prinsloo
5 July 2019
Barbara brings watercolours to life
Barbara in her home studio doing what she loves most. Top: Proud Peacock
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“I love watercolours, it is my thing.” These are the words Barbara Mitton uses to describe her love for painting in watercolours. It is a notoriously difficult medium to work with but the results are rewarding and stunning. Barbara is a wellknown, local artist in the Govan Mbeki area. Drawing inspiration from several artists, she would single out Jean Haines as her single most inspiring artist. Jean lives in Britain and is a world-renowned watercolour artist. Barbara was also fortunate to attend a workshop of Jean’s in England. “My style can be described as loose”,
said Barbara, “I mainly use the wet in wet technique”. Born and bred in Johannesburg, Barbara had no real interest in art at school, although she did a lot of crafts. Her first real hobby was photography where she learned how to not only take photographs, but also to develop film in a darkroom. This love for photography is still evident today as she loves to travel, collecting photographs of new subjects to paint at a later stage. Whilst living in Bethal, 20 odd years ago, a neighbour invited her to an art class. The classes were presented by Melita Grobler and covered pencil drawings, charcoal and
watercolours. Later on, she attended classes with Belinda Wessels (local artists) as well as Christene Lamberth (local artist at the time). Courses and workshops with well-known artists such as Marion Townsend, Tony Durrheim, Willie Jacobs, Richard Rennie and Dale Elliot followed. Barbara also attended workshops with international artists such as Hazel Soan and Fabio Cembranelli. She also attended a twoweek watercolour course in Australia presented by Robert Wade and Charles Reid. As an artist, Barbara uses several mediums, but her main medium is watercolours. She loves painting animals, doors and old buildings. Her focus shifted to seascapes lately and she is producing stunning works now. In March Barbara entered 4 paintings for an exhibition in Cape Town with the International Water Colour Society of Southern Africa (IWSSA). IWSSA is a relatively new society and was formed sometime after the South African Water Colour Society disbanded a while ago. The 1st IWS South Africa International Watermedia Festival will be held in Cape Town from the 3 – 10 September. Artists from more than 20 countries could enter only two paintings for the selection process of which one only, might have been selected. Barbara entered and her painting Proud Peacock was selected for the festival. It is quite an achievement! Barbara paints mostly for her own pleasure. She lives a busy life, not only does she play tennis and loves photography, but she also works as a professional nurse at the Highveld Mediclinic. Several local artists including Barbara came together to form the Palette art group, they paint together every week and talk about paintings, techniques etc. Barbara’s paintings continue to impress art lovers all over and The Bulletin would like to wish her only good fortune in the future. – Encee van Huyssteen
5 July 2019
Zebra Lounge: The Rhythm of Africa
Photo: Carel Greyling “A classy place to relax and unwind is yet to take the Secunda community by storm,” said the guests and customers attending the grand opening of the ZEBRA LOUNGE in Secunda at Lake Umuzi. Friday evening, 28 June, will go down in history and as a success story to the management of the new place of unwinding in Secunda. The opening left many people who attended the event praising the uniqueness and the
Photo: Carel Greyling classiness of the lounge, promising that they would make this place their new found space. With the target market being young and vibrant young people, ZEBRA LOUNGE is here to shake the entertainment community. When asked about their safety standard, Rikus, one of the managers, gave the Bulletin his assurance that everyone is safe on their premises. As soon as the grand opening was
done and the video uploaded by The Bulletin onto our Facebook page the turn up was phenomenal. People came in to enjoy themselves. Who entertained the guests was the classy music played by Billy Brandt, the DJ. An upcoming artist of the Pop and RnB, Miss Fortunate Ndwandwe, performed for the guests, this rendered a special item for the event. One of the customers was very much thrilled when he was given the loyalty
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Photo: Carel Greyling
Photo: Carel Greyling
card with 10% discounts at the bar. The ZEBRA LOUNGE is the home of entertainment for all people and groups from all walks of life are encouraged to make a turn to this new kid on the block. You can book the lounge to host events such as parties, business meetings or seminars. It is very easy, you can get all the information on their website: http:www. – Sandile Mkhwanazi
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5 July 2019
SERVICES CCI Projects donate food to Zimeleni TO ADVERTISE CALL: 017 631 1903 017 631 1845 MARIËTTE 083 476 2860 ANNALIE 082 906 0546
As part the annual GMBF (Govan Mbeki Business Forum) Social Responsibility Drive, the focus this year was on older persons. CCI Engineering and Projects took part in the drive to do their part to alleviate the hardships faced in the facilities. A needs analysis was done and the current phased focused on supplying the centres with non-perishables. Of the 11 centres identified across Govan Mbeki by the forum, CCI selected to assist Zimeleni Service Centre which has 28 elderly persons that convene there daily during the week. CCI hopes that this little gesture will go a long way in ensuring that the “Gogos” are well nourished as they go about their day. Mishael Mashele Engineering Manager at CCI Engineering and Projects
A veldfire provided spectacular scenes when trees caught fire near Curro School on Sunday, 30 June.
5 July 2019
New statue symbolises hardship Standerton is only one of many RSA places where there are graves that bear witness in their serene silence to a part of our history that still is today, to say the least, controversial. This was Lord Kitchener’s “Scorched Earth” policy. A so named military strategy? Maybe, were his intentions to deprive the Boers from anything that might be useful in their resistance towards the English, during the Anglo Boer War, a military strategy? This as history reveals, was not the case, women and children were crowded together like cattle in these concentration camps. The living conditions in these camps were, to say the least, miserable. The combined deaths in the 126 concentration camps are staggering. One such family was Magrietha Swart’s kinfolk, eight of her children died within a week during their incarnation in the Standerton camp. This tragedy was remembered on 15 June when a sculpture, by renowned artist Jaco van Niekerk, was unveiled. The Bulletin spoke to Jaco to elucidate the meaning of his artwork. “The statue compliments the architecture of the chapel situated in the centre of the concentration camps with many nameless tombstones identified graves.” Ouma Swart’s statue greets and/or confronts you as you enter this sombre area, where she stares concentrated and emotionless at you, the visitor. The child at her side gazes into a different direction, depicting the separation of their paths, staring over the grave identifying tombstones, one
of which could be his. The perilous conditions can be seen in the rags he is dressed in, arms powerlessly hanging at his side and ouma’s hand on his back in a motherly and comforting gesture” he said. We must, however, be aware that the black persons who worked on the farms were likewise subjected to these atrocities. They also suffered severely as result of the British “scorched earth policy” during which those who lived on White farms were removed to concentration camps. “The rural economy was destroyed as crops were ravaged and livestock butchered. Displaced and captured civilians were forced into ‘refugee camps’, a total misnomer, because more often they did not seek refuge in the camps, but were rounded up by the British forces and forced into the
camps, which soon became known as ‘concentration camps’. Field-Marshal Lord Roberts had an ulterior motive in putting Blacks into camps, namely to make them work, either to grow crops for the troops or to dig trenches, be wagon drivers or work as miners once the gold mines became partly operational again. They did not receive
rations, hardly any medical support or shelter and were expected to grow their own crops. The able-bodied who could work, could exchange labour for food or buy mealie meal at a cheaper price. The British, along racial lines, separated the White and Black camps.” Quoted from South African History on Line. - Aart Reedijk
Secunda, Mpumalanga – On Thursday, 27 June, Sasol handed over Winter Warmer Drive 2019 donations to the elderly in eMzinoni, Bethal. The aim of this annual initiative is to make the harsh Highveld winter a bit more bearable for the most vulnerable sector of society in the Govan Mbeki Municipality. Through Sasol for Good, our employee volunteering programme, we were able to donate to this worthy cause.
In the past Sasol contributions have benefited orphans and vulnerable children as well as the senior citizens around the Govan Mbeki Municipality. This year’s focus is on the elderly that operate from older persons Community-Based Service Centres. Non-perishable food, sporting equipment and lap/knee blankets were donated to the Masakhane Older Persons Centre in Emzinoni, Bethal. The programme of the day included
interactive games for theelderly as part of physical exercise. Mashudu Ndou, Senior Manager Sasol Social Investment, in her speech mentioned Betty Friedan‘s quote ”Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” Therefore the older persons must continue to take part in sporting activities to keep themselves healthy and look forward to network with others.
Sasol handed over Winter Warmer Drive 2019 donations to the elderly
5 July 2019
MTN Joyous Celebration 23 tour makes its way to the province where the sun rises Middelburg, in Mpumalanga, will come under a fiery of celebration, dance and worship when the 2019 SAMA Award-winning Gospel ensemble delivers its 23rd album instalment, live at the Steve Tshwete Banquet Hall on Saturday, 06 July 2019. Following shortly after the Cape Town leg of the Joyous 23 tour, patrons at the Middelburg show will be in for a treat for one night only, in a form of exhilarating performances from their sought-after latest offering. MTN Joyous Celebration 23 is driven by creative and adventurous musical direction from two young powerhouses, Mnqobi Nxumalo and Sphiwe Ngcobo. The cast members will also don outfits designed by up-and-coming fashion designers, in line with the MTN Joyous Celebration commitment to empower young people with life-changing opportunities, ensuring that the performer’s impressive offerings are complemented by eye-catching stage wear. Pastor Jabu Hlongwane says: “We are excited that once again the people of Mpumalanga have an opportunity to watch us live in concert. Every stop we make on the tour gives us the rare opportunity to engage directly with our fans.” He adds: “The album mirrors previous MTN Joyous Celebration’s acclaimed works in that it captivates fans’ hearts, inspires those that need hope, celebrates those that have conquered testing times and brings new fans to praise and worship through song. This is also testament to our commitment to ensuring that our music continues to touch as
many people as possible in a way that changes or betters their lives.” The Joyous 23 album is a mix bag of nostalgic songs that have been augmented with contemporary sounds and rhythms, traditional church songs sung in Afro-centric or customary churches; and those chanted in charismatic churches. It caters for the young and old, as well as for all musical tastes from upbeat to mellow tempos. All songs from the album are masterfully blended to give fans an incomparable musical experience. MTN and Joyous Celebration have - over the years of their partnership – also stashed away 20 exclusive songs, which fans can access exclusively on MTN MusicTime! or they can download MTN Joyous Celebration CallerTunez for an opportunity to win tickets to the show. “This is MTNs way of ensuring that true to its #WeGotU promise, customers and fans are brought closer to their passions, enabling greater access, engagement and connectivity to the things they love most,” says Jacqui O’Sullivan: Executive for Corporate Affairs at MTN SA. Mr Lindelani Mkhize concludes: “With the high standards we have set for ourselves in the past, it is only befitting that our fans are blessed with the very best of what we can offer. We promise a long night of never-ending singalongs, high-spirited performances and energetic dancing for everyone in attendance.” Tickets are available at Computicket and Shoprite/Checkers starting from R220 per ticket. Patrons are encouraged to buy tickets early to avoid disappointment.
Laerskool Goedehoop se VCSV-beweging kon, in samewerking met Goedehoop ouers en leerlinge, 238 swartsakke vol klere vir die Kriel Kinderhuis insamel! Baie, baie dankie aan elke ouer en vriend wat dit moontlik gemaak het vir die maatjies van Kriel Kinderhuis om warm te wees hierdie winter. Goedehoop gee REGTIG om!
Laerskool Kruinpark het die grootste Landsdiens groep in Mpumalanga met amper 600 kinders. 13 van Laerskool Kruinpark se leerders is vir Nasionaal gekies asook 3 as reserwes. Baie geluk Kruinparkers.
Hoërskool Oosterland se leerlinge na Nationaal
Die volgende 19 leerders van Hoërskool Oosterland is gekies om die Nasionale kamp by te woon: Nompumelelo Sibanyoni (Provinsiale Onderleier), Wynand Dreyer, Niki van der Merwe, Eruc Claassen, Marli Wolmarans, Matshepo Lethale, Tshepang Lethale, Leche Oelofse, Gugu Khumalo, Thobile Nxumalo, Janco Viljoen, Wikus Chiole, Ophelia Khumalo, Theuns Kruger, Nathen Mostert, Adèle Wolmarans, Marinda Luies, Nthabiseng Mashele, Simone Barnard. Reserwes: Lindiwe Sebolela, Danu Kies, Morney Botha. Geluk aan elkeen van hulle!
5 July 2019
Hoërskool Secunda spog met vakansie sport Hoërskool Secunda se O/15’s wen teen Oosterland se O/16’s 2-1 & Wen Generaal Hertzog se O/16’s 2-1. Hoërskool Secunda se O/16’s wen 4-0 teen Hoërskool Nelspruit en speel Gelykop 2-2 teen Middelburg Hoërskool. Hoërskool Secunda se 1ste Span wen
Highveldpark 1-0 en speel gelykop 2-2 teen Middelburg Hoërskool. Die o/15’s en 1ste Span is tweede in hul Poel. Die o/16’s is Eerste in hul Poel. Al drie spanne kwalifiseer om 13 Julie in die Semi- en Finale rondte deel te neem by Hockey Farm in Witbank.
Baie geluk aan Tiaan Naude, Elgin Botteril en Gerdus Alberts wat gekies is vir die Nasionale Bokkiespan vir S/O 15 hokkie
0/15 span: Voor vlnr: Thabo Mtshweni, Elgin Botterill (C), Zander du Preez, Gerdus Alberts, Wilko Jv Vuuren, Nico Nel. Agter (vlnr) Vusi Gamede, Biaan van Coller, Marnus Alberts, Tondani Rasoesoe, Tian Naude, Xander Naidoo, Gideon Thomas, Corne van Zyl.
Baie geluk aan Jp Booysen, Dian Landman en Fana Lombard wat gekies is vir die 0/17 SA Rhino’s wat later die jaar in Ierland gaan toer.
Jason Baay en Unathi Khumalo
Baie geluk aan Anandes van Der Walt (middle) wat gekies is vir die SA Bokkie span.
Ahoy Highveld Sailing Club The third regatta in a series of four has been completed. Everyone enjoyed the occasion, on and off the water. 9 Boats sailed on Saturday in the pleasant weather but Sunday made for difficult sailing. There was no wind! Wayne proved to be a master of sailing in the light wind. The rest of the competition battled it out with final positions that kept on changing up to the end line. Francois and the Commodore decided to rather test the temperature of the water and overturned their boats. Peter decided to hug a buoy for a couple of minutes. The spring regatta and the last one for the year, will take place on the 28 and 29 September. The Nationals will take place at TCC in Bronkhorstspruitdam during 9,10 and 11 August. The usual Saturday night get together proved to be the most enjoyable. Keep the wind in your sails!