The bulletin newspaper 7 july 2017

Page 1

Issue 135 - FREE

7 JUly 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

PJ is back on stage

Local singer, PJ Pretorius is back on The Voice SA. This came after M-NET discovered some of the contestants used tactics against the competition rules to boost their votes. These contestants used paid-for marketing efforts (boosted posts) on their social media accounts. PJ and Luke Lovemore, the most recent contestants to fall out for accumulating the least votes. They were both asked back onto the show. PJ said he was called in on Tuesday and told he could go back on the show if he wanted to. “I did not have a lot of time to make a decision,” said PJ. “I realised there is life after The Voice, but I decided to call Luke and hear if he was going back.” After he spoke to Luke they both decided to go back on the show. PJ is excited to perform with a guest artist next Sunday, but he cannot reveal who the artist is. He said he learnt a lot since being part of The Voice SA and is excited about his future. This Sunday will be the last broadcast of The Voice SA and the winner will be announced. Supporters can still vote for PJ until Wednesday night (5 July) at 22:00. You can vote by sending a SMS 07 to 33692 (a SMS costs R1-50) or vote with We Chat where you get 100 votes for free.

PJ said: “The more platforms you use the better chance I stand of owning it. “I have been out of the show and by the grace of God ended back into the finale. “I have nothing left to lose and on Sunday I gave it my all for each of you supporting me. “This is the last week of voting so from the bottom of my heart I am asking all of you for your support.” Laerskool Secunda made a video for PJ to support him. It can be seen on the school’s Facebook page or our website at www.thebulletin. and Facebook page: The Bulletin. PJ will be performing at Laerskool Secunda’s inniPark Fees on 26 August.

Support local singer, PJ Pretorius by voting for him.

The Highveld Ridge Youth Choir performed at the Rondekerk on Friday evening before leaving for their tour to Europe on Monday. Here a member of the choir plays the djembe drum. Read the full story on Page 7.



7 July 2017

Municipality restores water supply Water was finally restored by Friday last week after many residents in Secunda were without water for two days. According to Bheki Khubeka, acting head of marketing and communications of Govan Mbeki Municipality, the disruption of water was the result of a main pipe burst that supply half of Secunda houses. “The virgin soil in Generaal Kemp Street was sedimented by water pressure which was generated last week when the network was pressurised after pipe burst repair,” said Bheki. “It resulted in a minor leakage at the elbow.”

Municipal workers work on the water problems in Secunda last week.

Council migrates to new finance system

Water was restored by Friday last week.

Govan Mbeki Municipality is migrating to a new financial system in line with the municipal standard chart of accounts (Mscoa). According to Bheki Kubheka, acting head of marketing and communications at Govan Mbeki Municipality, the migration is a regulated process with the objectives to improve data quality and credibility, to achieve greater level of standardisation, to develop uniform data sets g and to standardise and align the local government accountability cycle and to improve transparency, accountability and governance through uniform recording of transactions at posting account level detail. The municipality also wants to enable deeper data analysis and sector comparisons to improve financial performance. The migration started on 1 July and Bheki apologised on behalf of the municipality for any technical glitches and slow processes.

AfriForum blus nou vure AfriForum se buurtwag op Secunda het onlangs gehelp om ’n brand te blus wat in ’n oopveld agter Paardekraal ontstaan het. Nico Venter, voorsitter van AfriForum se Secunda-buurtwag, het gesê die buurtwag het onmiddelik gereageer nadat hulle van die brand ingelig is. “In samewerking met die plaaslike

boere, het ons ingespring om te help,” het Nico gesê. “’n Voorbrand is gemaak nadat ons besef het dat ons nie die brand onder beheer gaan kry nie, en só kon ons dit stop.” As jy by die AfriForum buurtwag wil aansluit, SMS die woord BUURTWAG na 45350. ’n SMS kos R1.

Die brand wat AfriForum se buurtwag onder beheer gebring het.


7 July 2017


Baba Luke gaan dalk binnekort huis toe

Klein Luke Britz gaan dalk binnekort ontslaan kan word vanuit die hospitaal.

Baba Luke Britz, ‘n vroeggebore seuntjie wat sedert sy geboorte op 14 Februarie steeds in die hospitaal is, mag moontlik binnekort huis toe gaan. Klein Luke was eers in ’n private hospitaal op Trichardt behandel en is toe later na die Ermelo-hospitaal oorgeplaas. Hy is op 31 Mei per helikopter na die Witbank-hospitaal oorgeplaas toe sy dokters breinvliesontsteking vermoed het. Luke het aanvalle gekry en dokters het eers gedink dit is epileptiese aanvalle weens breinvlies-ontsteking, maar toe sy koppie begin swel het, het hulle agtergekom die drup steek in sy kop vas. Hy was toe reeds in ‘n koma. Die kleinding het só goed op die behandeling in Witbank reaggeer dat hy reeds op 30 Junie na Evander-hospitaal oorgeplaas is. Luke was 12 weke te vroeg gebore. Hy is vanaf sy geboorte aan ’n asemhalingsmasjien gekoppel en sal met ’n masjien huis toe gaan as hy ontslaan word. Hy het 1.03kg geweeg by geboorte en weeg nou 2.1kg. Hy kan al self drink en sy ma, Hanrie gee hom deur ’n spuitjie melk. Luke gaan nou sy kursus antibiotika klaarmaak terwyl hy in Evander-hospitaal is en daarna gaan hy Steve Biko Hospitaal toe vir ’n operasie om sy drup uit te haal. Die rekening by die private hospitaal beloop tans R1.6 miljoen en die gesin het reeds R40 000 betaal. Luke se oupa, pastoor Hannes Smit, is op 1 Mei aan ’n hartaanval dood. Hy was die gesin se hoof-broodwinner. Luke se ouma, Estie Smit, reël geleenthede om geld in te samel vir Luke. ’n Kunstenaar het skilderye geskenk wat Estie gaan verkoop en sy beplan om binnekort weer ’n sanger na Secunda te bring.

New beginnings for Dean Dean Daniels (54) grew up in a neighbourhood in Durban where drugs and gangsters are part of everyday life. He joined a gang when he was only 14 years old. “Where I grew up it was normal to be part of a gang at a young age. “Peer pressure definitely played a role. All the gangsters asked me why I was not part of a gang,” said Dean. He started off with dagga and later used Mandrax and cocaine. His parents moved to a different area with the hope that it will end Dean’s involvement in gangs, but he just joined another gang in the new area. He was only 15 years old when he became a father for the first time. He has five more children by different women. Dean worked with his father as a boilermaker. He was in his 40s when he decided to quit the gangs, drugs and alcohol abuse. He saw many of his friends being brutally murdered. They were either stabbed or shot to death. “There must be a reason why I am still alive today,” said Dean. “I was in hospital many times with serious injuries during my gangster years. I was also involved in violent crimes,” Dean confessed. He was determined to quit using drugs and stayed indoors for three months. One of his ex-girlfriends supported him and helped him to

quit. Dean became a born-again believer in Jesus Christ when one of his friends died and Dean decided to re-assess his own life. “I had encounters with guys I knew were very bad and who had then completely changed. - it made me think about my life. I was thinking: I am 54 years old and still alive, how many more chances do I need from God? I decided I don’t want to live the life I used to live anymore.” He now lives at God’s Fire Ministries in Secunda and is seeking a job as boilermaker. Dean is in the process of changing his life and still carries the consequences of the bad choices he had made. “Four of my six children are not even talking to me because of the way I was living,” said Dean. There is also still a case of shoplifting against him as he stole food from a supermarket two years ago. “Things at home were tough, my mother, sister and her two children stayed in one house and everyone was unemployed. There was no food in our house.” Dean’s toolbox was recently stolen and he is trying to replace his toolbox so that he can work again. He thanked all the people who helped him until now. If you want to help replace Dean’s toolbox, contact him at 076 479 8923.

Luke se ma, Hanrie Britz, hou hom vas in die hospitaal.

For more news, photos and video clips, visit our website at or our Facebook page: The Bulletin



7 July 2017

Gru meets his twin

The mischievous Minions hope that Gru will return to a life of crime after the new boss of the Anti-Villain League fires him. Instead, Gru decides to remain retired and travel to Freedonia to meet his longlost twin brother for the first time. The reunited siblings soon find themselves in an uneasy alliance to take down the elusive Balthazar Bratt, a former 1980s child star who seeks revenge against the world. Win tickets To be in the draw to win two movie tickets from Secunda SterKinekor, answer the following question correctly: What is the name of the former

Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.


child star turned villain in the movie Despicable Me 3?

30 June – 22 July

cunda dise at Se play ra a P r te Win now w slope, s e Ice Age Mall. Sno th f o r animals area and R60 per session fo . n n re io d chil exhibit d R40 for end an n a r e d ri e. S a full age of thre d. under the okings@snowworl o b e-mail to .za to book. co

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fie-klub se Fotogra y die ld e v ë o H b Die koms vind se byeen y die Sasol-klub b Scrum Inn gin om 18:30 en e b it D . s a elkom om pla ndes is w oon. Die e ll te s g n la w be koms by te raaf, GB g dié byeen sport to fo = bekende die beoordeelaar is , n a a rd Jo r inligting r. Vir mee an by e k re p s n a e rre Jord skakel Pie 5 0248. 4 082 6

15 Julie

edag Cuppa famili Kansa bied ’n Plaas aan. Dit by Holfonein 3:00 0 en sal tot 1 begin om11:0 kos R120 per s duur. Kaartjie R20 per kind en e volwassen dom van vyf. bo die ouder s en vermaak Sop, broodjie ie prys. Die d is ingesluit by aan Kansa. Vir n aa g opbrengs g, skakel meer inligtin . 2 017 631 857

26 July

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Ephesians 5:17

Thank you to Leon Pelser who sent us this photo of a worker battling to get the herd back to the kraal before dark on a farm just outside Kriel. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.

Send your answer along with your name and contact details to admin@

annual have their 7:30 l il w A C P Bethal S eeting (AGM) at 1 e general m t the Gereformeerd t e a for 18:00 itso Sibanyoni Stre ll ib a s Kerk in T The SPCA invites g in Bethal. attend this meetin to e ts n th e n resid strengthe in order to etween the SPCA ill ip b relationsh lic. The meeting w b re u o p m e r p. Fo and th up of sou e SPCA at c a h it w end t th n, contac informatio 7 647 5360. 01


7 July 2017



Plaaslike pianis leef haar droom uit Mart-Marie Snyman (27), klassieke en jazz-pianis wat sangers soos Anna Davel begelei en saam met verskeie musiekgroepe optree, bied sedert begin vanjaar klavierlesse op Secunda aan. Sy leer haar studente, wat kinders en volwassenes insluit, klassieke-, kontemporêre musiek en jazz. “Kinders wil nie net klassieke musiek doen nie, hulle wil leer om self te komponeer en saam met hulle vriende musiek te maak,” het sy gesê. “Dit is fantasties om te sien hoe hulle hul eie kreatiwiteit ontdek en die wonders wat dit vir hulle selfbeeld doen.” Mart-Marie begelei sedert 2014 die bekende sangeres Anna Davel en in 2016 het sy haar internasionale debuut gemaak tydens die ‘Week van de Afrikaanse Roman’ in Nederland en België. “Ek was bevoorreg om Karin Hougaard te kon begelei. “Ons het tien vertonings gelewer en elke oomblik was ’n belewenis. “Karin is ’n ongelooflike musikant en ek het gesien wat dit beteken om álles in ’n vertoning te gee.” Mart-Marie, wat in Pretoria grootgeword het, was maar vyf jaar oud toe haar ma haar klavierlesse laat neem het. “Ek was selde lus vir oefen en daar was baie gevegte voor die klavier. “Vandag is ek natuurlik bly daaroor.”

Op hoërskool het Mart-Marie vir Charl du Plessis, Nataniël se pianis en stigter van die Charl du Plessis Trio, ontmoet en ná skool haar BMus-graad onder sy leiding voltooi. Charl en Mart-Marie is van die min Suid-Afrikaanse pianiste wat in beide klassieke musiek en jazz spesialiseer. Mart-Marie het by verskeie teaters in

Mart-Marie Snyman is ’n klassieke en jazz pianis. Sy is ook deel van die musiek-groep, Foxtrot.

Pretoria opgetree, dikwels as musikale direkteur. Sy geniet dit wanneer die adrenalien op die verhoog pomp, maar sê dit word voorafgegaan deur ure se swoeg met musikale verwerkings en oefen, oefen en oefen. Sy komponeer graag en het gesê: “Ek wil kreatief wees en sonder enige grense skep.” Dis die liefde wat Mart-Marie na Secunda laat verhuis het, maar sy tree nog gereeld in Gauteng op, meestal saam met haar musiekgroepe FOXTROT en Duologues. “FOXTROT is ’n electronic kontemporêre groep en hulle skryf al hul liedjies self. Hulle is in die proses om hul eerste CD te maak en dié groep kan op 6 Augustus by Eish!! gesien word. Duologues is ’n world-music duo wat uit Mart-Marie en die kitaarspeler Rynier Prins bestaan. Dié groep het onlangs by die Wakkerstroom Musiekfees opgetree. Mart-Marie se projek ‘Help a Child Learn Piano’ lê haar na aan die hart. Hiérmee daag sy

ondernemings uit om klaviere of klawerborde te borg wat sy kan gebruik om kinders wat deur trauma is te leer klavier speel. “Dit is verstommend hoe musiek jou met jou liggaam in voeling kan bring en jou kan help om trauma te verwerk en heel te word.” Mart-Marie tree graag by troues en ander geleenthede op. Vir meer inligting, skakel haar by 082 574 6064 of besoek haar webwerf,

PROPERTIES eiendomme

Local business women enjoy summit The South African Council for Business Women held their annual summit at Leriba Hotel in Centurion this weekend. Several members of the Secunda branch attended the summit. Ancois van Zyl from Secunda is the SACBW national president. She said the summit included networking, business exhibitions, discussion panel and keynote speakers. The panel discussion was about

mistakes small businesses make and on correcting these mistakes. The speakers included Annie Malan, Dawie Roodt, Mavis Ureka, Vusi Sindane, Abigail Khuluse, Chris Ledden and Matthys Potgieter as moderator. “The panel shared their experience and mistakes we as business owners should prevent or avoid,” said Ancois. They touched on topics including finance, marketing, labour, law, emotions in business.

The first keynote speaker was Winda Austin-Loeve (AHi vice president). She spoke on the topic of Business and Economic Growth. The second keynote speaker was Lizelle Grobler from Nelspruit, who is the SACBW 2016 Business Woman of the Year award winner in the professional category. She shared her journey during and after the competition. The 10 Business Woman of the Year finalists for 2017 were also introduced.


Cansa volunteers receive training vakatures Volunteers at Cansa’s office in Secunda received training on Tuesday, 27 June. Here are Ilse Cooper. Jan Ackerman, Charne van der Merwe, Kate Marais, Nadia Swiegers, Martie Zerwick and Ansie van Marle.

Verkope van enige produkte teen sakpas pryse

7 July 2017


Sell any products at affordable prices



To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165




Dié dansers van die Elite Acro-klub op 17 Junie aan ’n kompetisie deelgeneem en presteer. Hulle is (voor) Arné van der Westhuizen en Simoné Stemmet. Agter is Gunter du Plessis, Gretchen du Plessis en Cézanne Carroll.

Dansers skitter in kompetisie Dansers van die Elite Acro-klub op Secunda, het op 17 Junie aan ’n internasionale akorbatiesedanskompetisie in Pretoria deelgeneem en goed presteer. Arné van de Westhuizen het ’n hoë silwer-toekenning in ’n solo-item behaal en ’n silwer-toekenning in ’n duet-item en Cretchen du Plessis het ook ’n hoë silwer-toekenning in ’n soloitem behaal. Gunter du Plessis het behoorlik uitgeblink en ’n goue toekenning in ’n solo-item behaal, ’n hoë silwertoekenning in ’n trio-item en hy het ook ’n spesiale toekenning vir die beste spierbeheer- en krag ontvang. Cèzanne Carroll het ’n hoë silwertoekenning in haar solo- en trio-items behaal en ’n silwer-toekenning in haar duet-item. Simoné Stemmet het hoë silwertoekennings in haar solo- en trio-items behaal asook ’n spesiale toekenning vir die netjieste danser. Asanda Skhosana het ook ’n silwertoekenning vir ’n solo-item gekry en Sisana Skhosana het ’n hoë silwertoekenning vir ’n solo-item gekry. Al agt dié dansers gaan later vanjaar aan die ‘American Dance Awards’ in Pretoria deelneem.

Steve Hofmeyr vermaak sy gehoor Donderdagaand in die Kruikteater. Hoërskool Secunda het dié vertoning aangebied.

To Advertise Call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529


7 July 2017

The Highveld Ridge Youth Choir performs at the Rondekerk on Friday, 30 June. They left for Europe on Monday.

Choir tours to Europe The Highveld Ridge Youth Choir obtained a second place for their performance in Bratislava, Slovakia in 2015. This choir left for Europe again on Monday, 3 July and they will return on 19 July. They will perform at several concerts in Italy, Austria and Germany. This choir performed at the Rondekerk on Friday evening to spoil the parents and also to have a last practice session together before leaving for Italy, the first country on their tour. The choir consists of members from Secunda, Evander, Kinross, Trichardt

and Kriel, and are mainly high school pupils and a few adults. Trinka Combrinck formed the choir in 1995 and they have been on seven tours since 2002. About 40 members will go on this year’s tour and they are ready to bring home more prizes. Trinka thanked all the choir’s sponsors and in particular Hydra Arc and Sasol. She also thanked all the parents and people helping to make this tour possible. “God told me in this week to just believe and everything will fall into place with the tour,” said Trinka.

Icy fun at Secunda Mall

Roehan Venter and Renardo Kapp enjoy the snow slope at Secunda Mall on Monday, 3 July.

Brothers Ruben and Edmund Ferreira enjoy sitting on one of the animals from the Ice Age at Secunda Mall.

Monique Bezuidenhout and DianMarie Wiese work at Snow World Winter Wonderland at Secunda Mall. An exhibition of Ice Age animals and a snow slope.

Sunel de Beer enjoys riding one of the animals at the Winter Paradise at Secunda Mall. A snow slope and an exhibition of the Ice Age animals are part of the entertainment for the holiday season.



7 July 2017

EHS unveils new classes Evander High School unveiled three new classrooms in June. These classrooms will be used for exams, mathematics, science and accounting. The school’s vision is to accommodate more pupils in the future and to build six more classrooms. Officials from the Gert Sibande Regional Department of Education


Evander High School opened three more classrooms in June.

attended the opening of the new classrooms in June. The school also upgraded their pavilion and tuck shop. It was part of the school’s projects for 2016/2017. The next six classes are part of their projects for 2018/2019. Henry Brooks, Deputy Principal of the school, thanked all the sponsors, but in particular Prommac, PPS and Komatsu.

Jim van Tonderskool se eerste rugbyspan saam met hul afrigters.Jan van Eeden en Wickus van Heerden en die skool se gelukbringer ‘Jimmy’.

Jim van Tonderskool wen liga Jim van Tonderskool se eerste rugbyspan het hul seisoen op ’n hoë noot afgesluit toe hulle op Saterdag, 24 Junie tydens die LSEN Noordvaaleindbyeenkoms as wenners uit die stryd getree het. Hulle het met Kwaggasrand kragte gemeet en hulle geklop met ’n

telling van 34-17. Dit is die eerste keer sedert 1973 wat Jim van Tonderskool se eerstes as algehele Noordvaal-wenners wegstap. Sandiwe Sibiya van Jim van Tonderskool is as die Speler van die Wedstryd aangewys.

Jim van Tonderskool wys elke kwartaal Superkids aan. Dié leerlinge word op grond van hul toewyding, hulpvaardigheid en uitstekende gedrag aangewys. Hulle is (voor) Kerryn Nkuna, Siyabonga Mngomezulu en Renaldo Swart. Agter is Letitia Mlangeni, Rene Henning en Thando Mokoena.

Dié 11 rugbyspelers van Jim van Tonderskool is vir die LSEN Mpumalanga-span gekies. Hulle is (voor) Lesego Matlala, Ruan Geirnardt, Thapelo Chwene, Mthunzi Madikane, Reinhard Jansen van Vuuren en Stephan Slabberts. Agter is JP van Wyk, Maxwell Nkosi, Christopher Friedlander Standiwe Sibiya en Ruben Venter. By die span is hul afrigter, Wickus van Heerden.

Nico Sauerman van Hoërskool Evander is as die o.15-Iqhawe-rugbyspan se afrigter aangewys. Dit is ’n o.15Pumarugbyspan wat onder die Mpumalanga Rugby Unie val. Dié span sal in Oktober aan die Saru-week deelneem.

Laerskool Goedehoop het vanjaar skaak in die klaskamer vir hul leerlinge aangebied. Skaak vorm deel van die kurrikulum vir die grondslagfase. Hiér is Melanie Slabbert in aksie.

Laerskool Goedehoop het vir die tweede keer hul Wiskunde Olimpiade aangebied op Woensdag, 28 Junie en twee spanne het deelgeneem. Dié leerlinge het presteer. Voor is Lana Hyman en Franco Bester. In die middel is Stephan Steyn en Tharina Viljoen. Agter is Nika Thomas, Alexis Brits, Dané Binneman en Dewald Marx.

Laerskool Goedehoop se o.11A-rugbyspan is die Mpumalanga-naaswenners. By



7 July 2017

Sasol Cricket Club awards best players Dewald Erasmus is Sasol Cricket Club in Secunda’s best cricket player of the year. He received the trophy for this prestigious achievement on Saturday evening at the club’s annual awards ceremony. Erasmus was also awarded as the Mpumalanga Bowler of the Year. Johan Scheepers received the award for the best Sasol 1 team batsman. This was the second consecutive year he has won this trophy. Dodds van Zyl’s accuracy as bowler

Dodds van Zyl (middle) received the trophy for Bowler of the Year for the Sasol 1 team.

landed him the trophy as best bowler of the first team. Sasol 2’s Bowler of the Year is Dylan Niemand and their Batsman of the Year is Werner Coetzee. Michael Hobkirk, SSCC’s deputy chairman, surprised Ignus Koekemoer, club chairman, with a special merit award for all the work he does for the club behind the scenes. The prizegiving event was shared with members of the Bulldogs Club as a joint awards evening. The two clubs have decided to

amalgamate and will be operating as one entity in the new season. The Bulldogs’ Player of the Year is Mbasa Poyana. Bowler of the Year is the captain of their last season, Francois Buys. Tesslon Crouch received the trophy as the best Batsman of the Bulldogs. The SSCC plans to start up a junior team, as well as a women’s team. Players who are interested to join the club, can contact Ignus Koekemoer on 072 765 5443. (Sasol 1 captain).

Dewald Erasmus (middle) received the award as Sasol Cricket Club’s Player of the Year. With him are Michael Hobkirk (deputy chairman) and Neil Salzmann (Sasol 1 captain).

Johan Scheepers (middle) is Sasol 1’s Batsman of the Year. With him are Michael Hobkirk (deputy chairman) and Neil Salzmann (Sasol 1 captain).

Michael Hobkirk (deputy chairman) presents Ignus Koekemoer (chairman) with a special award of merit.

Michael Hobkirk presents Werner Coetzee (middle) with the trophy for Sasol 2’s Batsman of the Year. With them is Johan Visagie (team captain).

Sasol-stoeiers ontvang nuwe klere Francois Buys and Tesslon Crouch have received the awards respectively as the Bulldog’s Bowler of the Year and Batsman of the year.

Die stoeiers van Sasolstoeiklub het onlangs nuwe stoeiuitrustings ontvang. Hiér is van die stoeiers met hul nuwe uitrustings waarin hulle voortaan aan kompetisies sal deelneem.

Ouers en stoeiers van Sasol-stoeiklub het onlangs nuwe sweetpakke gekry. Hiér spog die klub met hul nuwe sweetpakke. Die klub oefen weer na die vakansie op Maandae en Vrydae om 18:00 by die hoof sportsaal by die Sasol-klub. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elma Webb by 083 333 3981.

7 July 2017






Willa Martins runs with the ball.

Sasol smashes opposition

The first and third rugby teams of Sasol Hydra Arc Rugby Club both won their respected games at the Sasol Club on Saturday. Sasol 1 beat Ferros 1 by 79-12. The main feature of the day was between the first teams. It began at a high pace with both teams attacking the defences of their opponents with vigour. The first points were scored by the home team 20 minutes into the game. Sasol dominated from hereon and started to pile up the points regularly. The scrums were dominated by Sasol

and three tightheads were won by hooker Sibi Masina. Ferros could only penetrate Sasol’s defence on two occasions (once in each half of the game) - mainly due to lapses in concentration from Sasol 1. The halftime score was 31-7 and the full-time score 79-12. Fourteen tries (12-2) have been scored during the game. Home team point scorers were Christiaan Wessels (3 tries), Juandre Kleynhans and Berty Visser (2 tries each) and a try each for Steven Jacobs, Fanie Booysen, Rian Boshoff and

replacements Willem Martin and Carlo Kleynhans. Juandre Kleynhans also converted 5 tries and one penalty. Sasol 1 have not lost any of their games this season, this includes the warm-up matches played. Sasol 3 and Middelburg 3 started with the visitors continuously attacking the goal line of the home team. Bad handling saw Sasol trailing by 13-0 in no time but then Sasol found their rhythm and started to claw their way back into the game. A late try by the visiting team saw them closing in on the home team’s score, but time ran

out for the visitors. Sasol 3 won the game 36-32 (halftime 19-13) and nine tries (5-4) were scored during the match. Point scorers for Sasol 3 were Jaco Jacobsz (2 tries) and one try each to Happy Selepe, Jaco de Vos, Karel and Pieter de Jager. Ruan Dickenson converted 4 tries and one penalty. The second team did not compete as Ferros 2 withdrew before the match. The next matches will be in two weeks when Sasol Club will host the quarter finals here in Secunda. Residents are urged to support their local teams. Encee van Huyssteen

Skippers jump at World Champs Four rope skippers of the Rize Up Skippers Club in eMbalenhle are taking part in the World Jump Rope Championships in Orlando in the United States of America this week. Keolebogile Mokolopo is the national coach of the team and is also participating as a rope skipper in the championships. Mbali Nyundu (22) and Amanda Msongelwa (16) are competing in the double under relay, as well as other items. Sonopo Tshilwane is a jumper from the Free State who is also part of Keolebogile’s team. These four rope skippers are participating in the 30 seconds speed item for teams where they must jump for 30 seconds and see how many times they can jump. Their other items include the 3 minutes speed item, individual free style and the Chinese Wheel. “I expect very good performances from my team, we have put in a lot of work in preparing for the

championships,” said Keolebogile before the team’s departure on 30 June. “We exercised more than 16 hours per week. “We are very excited to be part of the world championships.” Keolebogile was also a participant in the 2010 World Championship and Mbali took part last year and finished among the Top 30. This year she plans on coming home with a medal. “It is an honour to be a national coach and I am hoping to come home with at least one medal,” said Keolebogile. “The other countries taking part in the championships are very competitive. Their teams have an advantage because they arrived a week before the championships and had time to get used to the surroundings and to practice, while we only arrived a day before the championships.”

Sonopo Tshilwane, Keolebogile Mokolopo, Amanda Msongelwa and Mbali Nyundu left for the World Jump Rope Championships in Orlando, USA on Friday, 30 June.

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