The bulletin newspaper 9 june 2017

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Issue 131 - FREE

09 JUNE 2017

the good news paper

017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

Fire alert! This fire started near Skyhill and spread to the field behind Extension 22. The fire department were at the scene and controlled the fire. The local fire department controlled a fire on Sunday (4 June) that ignited near Skyhill and ran all the way to the open field behind Extension 22. Their main concern was to keep it away from the houses. One of the firemen said a fire always has two points and they usually focus on fighting the veld fire at the point where it is most critical. More veld fires and house fires occur in the winter. Bheki Khubeka, Head of Marketing and Communications at Govan Mbeki Municipality, said people caught

starting fires, can be fined with as much as R5 000. He urged residents not to throw rubbish over their walls into the field or to start fires in their yards in order to burn rubbish. According to him, the most common cause of house fires is people who forget tto turn off their stoves. “People must also test that their heaters and electrical blankets work properly. “Check the heater’s wiring before using it and make sure your electrical blanket does not have any tears before using it,” said Bheki.

Oil heaters are safer to use. Gert Kuun, Chairman of the Highveld East Fire Protection Association (HEFPA) said it is crucial for farmers to make firebreaks. “It is determined by law.” Gert said effective firebreaks on your property borders will protect your property and prevent a fire from spreading to neighbouring properties. Other tips to follow when making a firebreak are: • Warn your neighbours if you plan to burn firebreaks. • Plan your firebreaks programme with

your neighbours • Insist on your neighbours presence when firebreaks on boundary belts are being made. • Ensure that weather conditions are acceptable for burning firebreaks. • Burn firebreaks early. • Do not light fires in the open air if you cannot control it. • Do not leave a fire unguarded before it is properly extinguished HEFPA has meetings on a regular basis, to join them or for more information, contact Gert at 082 084 6921. - Jana Oosthuizen



9 June 2017

Court sends rapists to prison Brian Dlamini (39) was sentenced in the Secunda Regional Court in May to 20 years’ imprisonment for rape and seven years for attempted rape. Dlamini raped a 9-year-old girl in eMbalenhle in 2014.He apparently lived with the girl’s family at the time.

On one occasion the girl and her friend were at home and Dlamini send the friend to the shop and proceeded to rape the girl. In another case, Veli Joseph Twala (55) was sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment for rape, one year for

assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm and one year for damage to property. Twala raped a 76-year-old disabled woman in Leslie in 2013. He was sentenced in the Secunda Regional Court in May.

This car was involved in an accident in Nelson Mandela Street on Monday (5 June). The driver lost control and the vehicle rolled. He was taken to hospital.

Teens claim kidnap scare According to the social worker at Evander High School, a group of pupils of this school were nearly kidnapped on Monday, 29 May. A white Nissan van allegedly stopped near the school as the group was walking from the school to a nearby

shop. The van approached the pupils, slowed down and the driver rolled down the windows. The pupils screamed and the driver of the van drove away. The kids went to the police station to seek help.

Police nabs drug dealer Mafika Malaza was arrested for possession of dagga last week. Members of the crime prevention unit and Bethal Police worked together on an operation and they stopped and searched the man and found blue plastic bags wrapped in

newspaper in his possession. “The accused had more than 20 packs of dagga and we managed to confiscate the dagga,” said Const Eugene Nkala. To contact any crimes or suspicious activities, contact the police at 017 647 9930.

Const Zakhele Ntshalintshali and Const Eugene Nkala with the suspect.


9 June 2017


Equip your child to deal with bullies

With Child Protection Week celebrated from 27 May to 2 June, Capt Lizzie Koekemoer of the Sexual Offence, Child Protection and Family Violence Unit, gave some tips on school bullying. One can never fully ‘bully-proof’ a child, but you can empower your child against bullying. According to Capt Koekemoer, the most effective way of protecting children from being bullied and from becoming bullies, is to make sure they grow up in loving relationships rather than relationships n which power or force is used to control them. She gave the following tips: • Be your child’s ‘go-to’ person or confidant. Make sure your child always feels safe and free to tell you about ncidents with the other parent, siblings,

other children at school, at sporting events or at home. • Stay connected with your child through thick and thin. Lonely children are more likely to be bullied. Keep lines of communication open no matter what. • Supervise electronic communication such as the Internet, social networking and text messages. Understand cyberbullying where children may feel helpless against what is being said or shown in pictures about them online. • Help your child think of ways to react to possible bullying incidents such as them being teased about wearing glasses. Perhaps there is a phrase they can utter to make the other person thing twice about making comments like that in future. • Coach your child to handle

teasing. Bully attacks start with verbal harassment. The manner in which the victim responds to the first verbal aggression, determines whether the bully continues to target the particular child. • Teach your child respectful selfassertion. Children need to know they can get their needs met being respectful. Build inner confidence. Teach your child how to stand up for him/herself. • Teach your child basic social skills. Bullies prey on children whom they perceive to be vulnerable. Role play with your child on how to join a game at the playground or introduce him to another child at a party. • Advise your child not to respond to possible bullying by fighting or bullying back. It can quickly escalate

into violence and trouble. Practice ‘cool down’ strategies, such as counting to 10, writing down words of anger, taking deep breaths or walking away. “If your child has already been exposed to bullying, do not hesitate to intervene,” said Capt Koekemoer. “Speak up for your child, your job as a parent is to protect your child. “That means that in addition to teaching your child to stick up for himself, you may need to call or visit the teacher or school principal. “Take it serious if you discover that the bullying is getting worse when the bully finds out that your child told you or if threats of physical harm are involved. “Sometimes it helps to approach the bully’s parents.” In most cases, teachers or counsellors are the best people to contact first.

Bethal’s crime rate drops The crime rate in Bethal dropped since the community started working with the police to fight crime. According to the station commander at Bethal Police, Lt.Col Petrus Nzima, the police revived different structures to help them. These structures include the community policing forum, businesses against crime, sector patrols with the neighbourhood watch and informers. “The community realised that the

The winners of the competition among schools are Sisanda Nkwintya, Sithembiso Mokoena, Johannes Nkosi, Mbalenhle Thabethe, Const Thomas Mogadime, Sibusiso Sithole, Evence Motha and Sakhile Maseko.

Police hosts competition The local Drug Addiction Committee (LDAC) that comprises of stakeholders and members from other government departments and non-government organisations hosted a competition among schools about crime in Bethal. The competition was based on substance abuse and the purpose was to explore the pupils’ knowledge on substance abuse. The pupils had to make presentations which was assessed. In the presentations, the pupils had to be able to convey what a drug is and what drug abuse is. They also had to present the classification of drugs, for example what is socially acceptable drugs, inhalants, over the counter drugs, prescribed drugs and illegal drugs. Pupils also had to describe the signs and symptoms of substance abuse, the effects of substance abuse and include programmes rendered for substance abuse by all departments according to the prevention and treatment for substance abuse act 70 of 2008.

More than 150 pupils and from different schools and their teachers took part in the competition Thandanani Primary School won the primary category while Lamlile Primary School finished second and Imbekezelo Primary School finished third. Ikhethelo Secondary School won the secondary schools section while AD Nkosi School finished second and eMzinoni Secondary School finished third. The top schools received floating trophies and the pupils received gold medals that were sponsored by United Motors. “As the local drug action committee, we thank all the schools for positive participation in the competition, teachers for their hard work in preparing the pupils, the pupils for their commitment towards the competition and not forgetting the organising committee for making the event a success, as well as the Bethal Hindu Community for helping us with a venue,” said Const Thomas Mogadime, spokesman of Bethal Police.

Visit our website: for more news, photos and video’s

police cannot fight crime alone and they took the initiative and started helping the police with patrols in and around Bethal and surrounding farms,” said Lt.Col. Nzima. “I want to thank the community for the support as without them we cannot win this battle against crime.” He encouraged the community to join the forums and to report crime to the police by contacting them at 017 647 9929/30 or 112.



9 June 2017 Seniorburgers het die geleentheid om elke Dinsdag ’n oefensessie wat deur ’n biokenetikus aangebied word, by Davieshof by te woon. Minette Schneider Biokinetikus bied dié diens gratis aan seniorburgers. Hiér wys Mariska Smith vir inwones watter oefeninge hulle kan doen. Die volgende oefensessie is op Dinsdag, 13 Junie om 11:00 in Davieshof se saal.

Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Redaksie / Editorial 017 631 1903 Jana Oosthuizen 076 354 9966

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Die span van Davieshof in hul tweedehandse winkel. Hulle is (voor) Cynthia Nhlapo. In die middel is Rosa Swart, Bettie Human en Marie van der Merwe. Agter is Corrie Boshoff, Antoinette Sutton, Babsie Venter en Christene Schoonbee.

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to Circulation: 10 000 copies weekly

COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

“Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29

Davieshof baat by winkel-wins Davieshof se tweedehandse winkel het sowat 10 jaar terug hul deure oopgemaak. Die inkomste wat van dié winkel gegenereer word, word aangewend vir medikasie by Davieshof se kliniek. Inwoners kan nie dieselfde hoeveelheid medikasie kry wat hulle altyd by Evander Hospitaal gekry het nie, omdat dit nie altyd beskikbaar is nie. Die publiek kan enige iets van klere en linne tot breekgoed aan die winkel skenk en belangstellendes is welkom om te gaan kyk hoe die winkel lyk.

Die winkel is oop van Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf 09:00 tot 15:00 asook die eerste Saterdag van die maand en die Saterdag na die 25ste van elke maand vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00. Die saal by Davieshof kan vir funksies soos verjaarsdae en troues bespreek word. Die saal, winkel, kliniek en die kantoor is deel van Davieshof se direksie en die gebou waar die woonstelle is behoort aan die munisipaliteit. Vir meer inligting, of om die saal te huur of iets te skenk, skakel Davieshof by 017 631 1457.

READERS PHOTO OF THE WEEK Thank you to Ian Haggerty who sent us this storm picture that was taken from a bridge of the N17. A reminder to our readers to send in their photos (see T&Cs on the Bulletin website) and stand a chance to win our monthly prize of a R300 Eish!! voucher as well as a framed copy of your winning photo to the value of R500 from Secunda Picture Framers.


9 June 2017

People enjoy Cowboy Dance


Lollos vermaak jongspan Lollos en sy vriende het Saterdagoggend vir groot opwinding by Eish!! gesorg. Die kleingoed wat die vertoning bygewoon het, het gedans, gesing en geskaterlag vir die mannewales van dié geliefde televisie-karakters. Toyville het die vertoning gereël.

Giving Hearts, a local charity organisation that helps needy families in the community, hosted a Cowboy Dance at Bushwillow Creek, Terra Nova, on Saturday night. The aim was to raise money for the organisation’s charity work. The evening was well attended and patrons seemed to have enjoyed the music by Jason Bradley.

Eish!! celebrated its third birthday on Friday, 2 June. Here is the coowner, Roelof Stander.

Jason Bradley sings country.

Mouché Nel and Reon Janse van Rensburg attended the Cowboy dance of Giving Hearts.

Davieshof hou markdag

Die dienssentrum by Davieshof vir bejaardes het Saterdag ‘n markdag gehou met allerlei stalletjies en vermaak. Baie van die inwoners van die ouetehuis het ware wat hulle self gemaak het, uitgestal.

Only 40 seats still available







Fri, Sat: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Tue, Wed: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:15 Mon: 11:40, 14:25, 17:25, 20:10 Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:15

WONDER WOMAN (3D) 10-12 PG ¸


Fri, Sat: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 Sun - Thu: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00



Fri - Thu: 18:00, 20:30


PG Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed: 09:45, 12:30, 15:15 Mon, Thu: 12:30, 15:15


10-12 PG Fri, Sat: 16:45, 19:45, 22:45 Sun: 16:45, 19:45 Mon, Tue, Thu: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Wed: 10:45, 13:45, 16:45, 19:45


PG Fri - Sun: 09:15, 11:30, 14:15




GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 10-12 PG Ç Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed: 09:00, 11:45, 15:00, 17:45, 20:45 Mon, Thu: 11:45, 15:00, 17:45, 20:45

9 June 2017

Healing Impact weekend The St Peter’s United Church will be hosting a Healing Impact weekend from 9 to 11 June at the church. This event caters for people suffering from mental health issues as well as those who support them. The idea of the weekend is to shed light and insight into mental health disorders. Rev. Paul Cameron, author, speaker and pastor, who has lived with

bipolar depression for 40 years and has more than 20 years of experience in a healing ministry, will be leading the weekend. He works from his own experience and will move people from awareness to a practical approach to pray for holistic healing. Costs for the weekend is R120 per person. For more information, contact Caroline Heimann at 017 631 1965 or 082 804 0350.

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: SALAZAR’S REVENGE (3D) 13 Ç Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed: 09:15, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15 Mon, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15


TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.




To advertise in this space call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529

17-18 June. Shekinah Prophetic Group will be hosting Hephzibah Maritz at the Shekinah building at Silkaatskop. Costs are R350 . per person and R600 per couple re mo left. For Only 20 seats= information, contact Linda at 078 188 5271 or Irene at 079 881 1984.


9 June 2017


Sasol hosts girls for a day

Sasol hosted a Bring a Girl Child to Work initiative on Thursday, 25 May where about 80 high school girls from various schools in the area had the opportunity to visit Sasol and explore the different employment opportunities at Sasol. The aim of this initiative is to offer pupils valuable information that can help them in their career choices and

also to inspire them to reach for their dreams and to grasp every opportunity to grow and develop their natural talent. Ronel Kotze gave pupils a word of encouragement. She was the first female vice president in operations at Secunda Synfuels Operations. Rethabile Ndjibu said she believes Sasol is one of the best companies to

work for. Sasol currently employs 30 100 people working in 33 countries and has a turnover of R172,9 billion. The girls were divided into groups and had 15 minutes to speak to Sasol representatives of different disciplines. These individuals shared about their work and spoke to the pupils about what they do at work every day and what exactly their jobs entails.

PROPERTIES eiendomme

KK Kebile, welder at Sasol Synfuels operations, speak to pupils at Sasol’s Bring a Girl Child to work initiative on Thursday, 25 May.

I-Chen Wu, an engineer in training at Sasol Synfuels operations, speak to pupils at Sasol’s Bring a Girl Child to work initiative on Thursday, 25 May.

Veelsydige Dano is gekies vir Duitsland Dano Sadie, ’n graad 10-leerling by Hoërskool Oosterland, blink op verskeie gebiede uit. Hy is deur die ‘Foreign Student Exchange Association’ gekies om vir ‘n maand lank as uitruilstudent in Duitsland te woon. Om vir dié uitruil-program in aanmerking te kom, moes Dano ’n CV instuur en ’n motivering skryf. Hy was sesde in Suid-Afrika op die ranglys en tweede in Mpumalanga met sy aansoek. Dano het verlede jaar eerste in die nasionale ATKV-redenaarskompetisie geëindig met sy praatjie oor die nadele vir kinders wat ver van die huis af te woon en in top spogskole is. “Dit was nogal ’n kontroversiële toespraak,” het Dano gesê. Hy het ook die eerste plek behaal in die Engelse kompetisie, Public Speaking, wat verlede jaar in Witbank gehou is. Dano het ook aan KykNet se dramakompetisie deelgeneem en is gekies om in die nasionale kompetisie teen sowat 580 ander deelnemers mee te ding. Hy en sy afrigter, Lerika Oosthuizen, ’n onderwysers by Hoërskool Oosterland, is Kaap toe vir die eindronde waar hy ‘n komedie genaamd Toe oog-afspraak, opgevoer het. Dano het Lerika in die besonder bedank vir haar hulp en ondersteuning. Hy gaan in die eindronde van vanjaar se redenaarskompetisie praat oor nog ’n kontroversiële onderwerp

naamlik die mag wat sport in skole besef dit is onrealisties,” het hy gesê. beklee en die nadeel wat dit op die Dano doen ook gereeld saam met leerlinge het. sy ouers opheffingswerk in die Dano blink nie net uit op die gemeenskap en besoek ’n kinderhuis kultuurgebied nie, maar is ook ’n in eMbalanhle waar hy saam met die kranige sportman. kinders sokker speel en tyd saam met Sokker is sy gunsteling sportsoort, hulle bestee. hoewel hy dit net sosiaal oor naweke beoefen. Hy speel vir Hoërskool Oosterland se eerste hokkiespan en neem ook jaarliks aan atletiek deel. Hy maak maklik pêlle as hy sy sokkerbal orals heen saamneem omdat sokker ’n wêreldwye sport is en almal dit ken. Dano het meer in sokker begin belangstel ná die Sokkerwêreldbekertoernooi wat in 2010 in Suid-Afrika gehou is. Hy blink op akademiese gebied ook uit en is jaarliks eerste op sy skool se akademiese Top 10-presteerderslys. Hy het nog elke jaar akademiese ere-kleure verwerf en hy sit baie tyd in sy leerwerk vóór eksamens. Dano speel viool en het ’n onderskeiding hiervoor in sy Unisa-eksamen behaal. As hy nie voor sy boeke sit, sy redenaarspraatjies oefen of sokker speel nie, bestee hy graag tyd in die gimnasium. Hy wil ná skool studeer om ’n aktuaris, rekenmeester of ingenieur te word. “Dit is eintlik my droom om ’n Dano Sadie is veelsydig en blink uit in sokkerspeler te word, maar ek het sport, kultuur en op akademiese gebied.





To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

Sell any products at affordable prices

9 June 2017

Marinus takes over as principal Marinus Strydom started as the new principal of Highveld Ridge Primary School on 1 April. He has been working as a history and Afrikaans teacher at this school for the past 26 years and became Head of Department in 2007. The former principal, Frank van Papendorp, retired, but is still working at the school until the end of this year. “It is a big privilege to still have Frank here until the end of this year,” said Marinus. “He is helping me take over the reigns as principal.

“I have learned a lot from him while I was his Head of Department.” Frank retired at the end of March and he wants to expand his swimming classes when he has more time on hand. He gives swimming lessons to children and will soon also include adults. Marinus’vision for the school is to achieve excellence through motivation. “You can only reach excellence if you can motivate people to be the best they can be.”




Verkope van enige produkte teen sakpas pryse

Marinus Strydom recently took over the reigns from Frank van Papendorp as Highveld Ridge Primary School’s new school principal.


TO ADVERTISE CALL: Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se o.11-netbalspan is die Gert Sibande-wenners vir klein skole. Hulle speel Saterdag, 10 Junie in die eindronde van die Mpumalanganetballiga. Die span bestaan uit (voor) Madelein Erasmus, Sonika Kotze en Anje van der Merwe. Agter is Imke Venter, Abby Botha, Wilanie van Staden, Izel Janse van Rensburg en Chrizanne Joubert.

9 June 2017

Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Goedehoop is vir die Puma-rugbyspan gekies in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe. Hulle is (voor) Tyrone Moolman, Luhan Lottering, Nathan Matthee, Tian de la Rey en Handré Hattingh. Agter is Divan Venter, Jean Lock, Ignus Ferreira en Drico Marx.

Laerskool Hoëveld se o.12A-netbalspan het deurgedring na die Gert Sibande A-liganetbalkampioenskappe wat op Saterdag, 27 Mei op Standerton plaasgevind het. Die span bestaan uit (voor) Thando Ngwenya en Nzama Hlatshwayo. In die middel is Amber Timothy, Sphumelele Nilakazi, Jessica Nkaki, Thando Sekgoto, Jasmyn Skosana en Megan Martin. Agter is die afrigters, Annalie Erasmus en Mia van Zyl.

Laerskool Hoëveld se o.13A-netbalspan het deurgedring na die Gert Sibande A-liganetbalkampioenskappe wat op Saterdag, 27 Mei op Standerton plaasgevind het. Die span bestaan uit (voor)Busanathi Nyaba, Emuhle Kumalo en Asanda Hlophe. Agter is Anuschkha Ponting (afrigter), Aphiwe Nhlengelka, Nkowazi Nyandeni, Zama Malhanga, Reneilwe Mapota en Adri Bezuidenhout (afrigter).



These pupils of Hoërskool Secunda were selected for the U/14 Mpumalanga boys hockey team. They are Siphamandla Hlope, Jason Baay, Fortune Mabona, Kuda Gaura, Shuaib Allee and Jaydè Janse van Rensburg.

Dié leerlinge van Hoërskool Secunda is gekies vir die Mpumalanga-hokkiespanne in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe. Hulle is Andine Bouwer (o.16), Johanné Fourie (o.16), Lané Coetzee (o.18), Sanelisiwe Simelane (o.14) en Mbali Mudzusi (o.18).

Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk se junior koor het in die streeks-uitdunne van KykNet se ‘Sing in Harmonie’ meegeding en kan nog deur kykerskeuse nog in aanmerking kom om aan die eindrondte, wat in Septermber plaasvind, deel te neem.

See more news, photos and video clips on our website: and our Facebook page: The Bulletin



Erika stap nou eerder Erika Swart (59) het na jare as atleet van halfmarathon-wedlope haar hardloopskoene vir stapskoene verruil. Sy het op die ouderdom van 33 begin hardloop toe een van haar man se kollegas hom uitgedaag het om 21km te hardloop. “Ek het besluit om saam met hom te hardloop,” het Erika vertel. Dit is waar die gogga haar gebyt het en sy het daarna begin om aan 42km-wedlope, 32km-wedlope, 21km-wedlope, 10km-wedlope, 10 000m-landloop en 5 000m-landloop deel te neem. Sy het gereeld onder die eerste drie vroue geëindig en het ook al aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe deelgeneem. “Ek het aan ’n 42km-wedloop gaan deelneem en nie eers geweet hulle kies daardie dag atlete vir die SuidAfrikaanse Kampioenskappe nie,” het sy gesê. Sy het tweede geëindig en is gekies vir die Mpumalanga-span. Sy het in 2010 aan haar laaste wedloop deelgeneem, sy moes ophou hardloop weens gesondheidsredes, maar stap nou steeds daagliks. “Stap frustreer my soms, want hardloop is vinniger.” Sy doen gereeld die Parkrun en stap tussen 5- en 8km elke dag. In haar vrye tyd doen sy graag kralewerk, hekelwerk en plakboekwerk.

9 June 2017

League for kids begin The Panda Que Sport Club will be hosting a school league that will begin on 20 June. It will take place at Eish!! Upstairs at Lake Umuzi and the registration fees and coin money will be sponsored for pupils who are interested in playing. Pupils must take part in their school uniforms and pupils of any school for age group can enter. The three age categories are U/14,

U/16 and U/18. The Black Ball Junior South African Pool Championships will take place at Lake Umuzi this year in October and Mpumalanga Que Sport will enter three teams. Panda Que Sport Club is looking for U/14 que sport players to give them free coaching. For more information, contact Hendry Erasmus at 083 280 4712.

Borice Ntombela, Siyabonga Mopiyeye and Peter Nwaila will take part in the school league. Erika Swart het verskeie medaljes ingepalm toe sy nog aan landloop en langafstand-padwedlope deelgeneem het.

Sasol se stoeiers presteer

Stoeiers van Sasol-stoeiklub het in Mei aan die Brakpan-uitdaging by Brakpanstoeiklub deelgeneem en altesaam 300 stoeiers het sake op die stoeimat uitgespook. Die stoeiers wat presteer het, is Jordan Webb wat eerstge geëindig het, Reagen Meyer wat ’n trofee vir deelname ontvang het, Zak Manaia (sewende), King Xaba (sesde), Ludolph

Steenkamp (sesde) en Hein Meyer (sewende). Vier stoeiers van Sasol-stoeiklub het op Saterdag, 3 Junie aan die SentraalGauteng Ope-stoeikampioenskappe in Pretoria deelgeneem en presteer. Jordan Webb en Nico van den Berg het elk ’n goue medalje ingepalm, Wico Stans het ’n silwer medalje los gestoei en Rico Stans ’n brons medalje.

The directors of Panda’s Cue Sport are Hendry Erasmus and Timmy Vermeulen. With them is the Panda’s model and ambassador, Marizan Breedt.

Gymnasts obtain colours Rico Stans, Nico van den Berg, Jordan Webb en Wico Stans het presteer by die SentraalGauteng Opekampioenskap.

Die stoeiers wat aan die Brakpanuitdaging deelgeneem het, is (voor) Reagen Meyer, Zak Manaia en King Xaba. In die middel is Hein Meyer, Jordan Webb en Ludolph Steenkamp. Agter is Nathan Webb en Elma Webb.

Gymnasts of the Sasol Rhythmic Gymnastics Club obtained their provincial colours at the Mpumalanga trials in Nelspruit on 25 and 26 May. They will now take part in the second round of trials in Ermelo this weekend. These gymnasts are Nicole Parrott, Amber van Buuren, Quinzell Bisschoff, Amelia and Katelyn Shaw, Henro Fourie, Steyn le Roux,

Damian Bisschoff, Rikes and JeanPierre de Villiers, Wian Nel, Kian van der Linde, Neline Botha, Mariska Steenkamp, Mieke van Jaarsveld, Danae Enslin, Cassidy Amsterdam, Ashlynn Bester, Lianke Obermeyer, Eunice Botha and Mareli Orsmond. The Sasol Rhythmic Gymnastics Club exercises on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Sasol Club. For more information, contact Esmerelda Nienaber-Kozma at 082 337 5312.

These gymnasts of Sasol Rhythmic Gymnastics Club took part in the Mpumalanga trials. With them are their coaches, Esmerelda NienaberKozma and Denise O’Donovan.

9 June 2017






Sasol 1 klop Nelspruit, Sasol 2 verloor

Brendon Wienand van Sasol 2 in aksie met die bal.

Sasol Hydra Arc Rugbyklub se eersteen tweede spanne het die naweek met Nelspruit kragte gemeet in Nelspruit. Sasol 1 het Nelspruit geklop met ’n telling van 37-19. Die Spelers van die Wedstryd was

Lourens Basson en Izan Green. Jannie van der Merwe was een van die puntemakers. Hy het twee drieë gedruk, drie drieë verdoel en twee strafskoppe deur die pale gestuur. Die ander puntemakers was HJ

Neethling, Rian Boshoff en Steven Jacobs wat elk een drie gedruk het. Sasol 2 het in die stof gebyt en verloor met 9-43. Gert Peterse het een drie gedruk en die drie verdoel. Die Spelers van die Wedstryd was

Jacobus Beyleveldt en David Viljoen. Sasol 1 en 2 het hierdie naweek ’n rusnaweek terwyl Sasol 3 op hul tuisveld met eMbalenhle kragte meet. Die wedstryd begin om 15:00 en almal is welkom om die span te ondersteun.

Dominator’s Den fighters excel at Fight Star 24 Cedric ‘The Dominator’ Doyle, owner of Dominator’s Den ,obtained a first place in the South African Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (SABJJF) Championships that was held in Springs on 27 May. Doyle is a blue belt fighter. Two of his students, Kerwin de Waal and Paul ‘Piksteel’ Ronge, both white belt fighters, finished second and third respectively. Rudolph ‘Bizkit’ Pretorius and Ronge took part in the Fight Star 24 competition held in Germiston on Satuday and excelled. Ronge won the first round with a rear naked choke and Pretorius won in the second round with a total knock out. Doyle said Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the best of all the traditional martial arts. “We focus on ground fighting, either submitting your opponent or choking him out,” said Doyle. He reckons this type of martial arts is the best way of unarmed self defense. He invited parents to send their high school boys with aggression or addiction problems to a practice

session. “We thank God for keeping us save in this amazing sport,” said Doyle. “Even though it is a dangerous and

violent sport, I still believe I can take God to every area of my life.” He thanked the club’s sponsor, Roman Alarms, for the support.

Paul ‘Piksteel’ Ronge, Cedric ‘The Dominator’ Doyle and Kerwin de Waal won medals at the SABJJF Championships in Springs on 27 May.

Dominator’s Den offers different classes every day. For more information, contact Andries Lee at 072 335 4442.

Paul ‘Piksteel’ Ronge, Cedric ‘The Dominator’ Doyle and Rudolph Bizkit Pretorius went to the Fight Star 24 competition in Germiston on 3 June.

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