The bulletin newspaper 9 september 2017

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Issue 144 - FREE

8 September

the good news paper


017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845 • • 1 Kiewiet Street, Secunda (Lake Umuzi)

DA wants financial intervention

The current financial in Govan Mbeki Municipality has led the DA to request the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Des van Rooyen, to instruct the province to implement a financial recovery plan for GMM. There has been a steady decline in the liquidity of the municipality over the past months and even years according to Cllr Encee van Huyssteen DA Caucus leader for the DA in Govan Mbeki. There have been no workable measures put in place to curb the escalating debts that the municipality incurs nor has anything been done to address the Eskom issue. Eskom is now owed more than R510m and the residents are facing cuts in their electricity supply during peak hours because of non-payment by the

municipality. “During all our public meetings and interactions, one questions ring clear from everybody namely, when are we placing the municipality under administration? Everybody can see that there is no longer any financial control over this municipality and something needs to be done as a matter of urgency,” says Encee. “We, the DA have been warning the ANC-led council from 2011 that they are mismanaging the finances, but they chose to use their majority in council to steamroller over all proposals made by us,” says Encee The municipality have recently changed their billing system that led to further problems with collections. GMM have also embarked on a project to replace smart meters in


Kevin Mileham MP

Shadow Minister: Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs

Parliament of the Republic of South Africa PO Box 15 #135 Marks Building, Plein St Cape Town, 8000

Tel: 021 403 8663 Fax: 086 600 4757 Cell: 083 463 8858 Email:

29 August 2017 The Hon. Des van Rooyen MP Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs via email: Failure of Govan Mbeki Local Municipality to pay creditors According to information provided by the Govan Mbeki Municipality, the following creditors are long overdue: • ESKOM R496.3 million • Licence & Registration Office R120.2 million • Rand Water R71 million • SARS – PAYE R5.4 million • Municipal Pension Fund R2.9 million Furthermore, as at end June 2017, the total amount overdue to creditors amounted to R746 million. It is clear that Govan Mbeki Municipality is unable to meet its financial obligations. It is further evident that there is no commitment by the current council to address this crisis in its financial affairs, as no austerity measures have been implemented, nor has there been any meaningful efforts to reduce the debt. This has placed the municipality in a precarious position with regards to service delivery – especially the provision of electricity. Your attention is drawn to s139(5) and s139(7) of the Constitution of South Africa, which requires that a financial recovery plan be imposed on the municipality; and that where the Provincial Executive does not do so, or does so inadequately, places the onus on you to do so. I therefore request that you take immediate action to resolve this matter, through the appropriate intervention, as indicated in the Constitution. I look forward to your prompt response on this matter. Sincerely, Kevin Mileham MP

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GMM. “The DA has objected to this from the start as it will add costs to the consumer. The DA also believes that meters should be installed into those homes that don’t have any meters first before embarking on replacing functional meters. It will help broaden

our customer base and cut down on illegal connections,” says Encee. “Drastic times calls for drastic measures and we have to act now, if we don’t act now we may not have a municipality left in a few months’ time.”

Man dodges bullet Ronald Henriet escaped a headwound by mere millimetres on Friday night when a random bullet blasted through his car’s windshield. He was waiting for the traffic light centre to the Secunda Mall’s middle entrance to change over and was just about to pull away when a bullet shattered the windshield, ripped the dangling refresher off the rear-view mirror and shot out through the front passenger window. “I did hear the bang of a firearm, but did not see the shooter. It was about 18:20 and I had just knocked off from a 12-hour shift.” Ronald was so stunned that he drove straight home. His employer picked him up and took him to the police station. At first, a young policeman attended to them, but refused to take down a statement. “He claimed I was intoxicated,” Ronald said. A second policeman eventually listened to the story. The police inspected Ronald’s vehicle

and found the bullet jacket inside the car. Capt Bettinah Zondo, spokesperson of the Secunda Police, confirmed the police are investigating a random shooting incident, but said no one has yet been arrested.



8 September 2017

Duo nabbed for dealing in drugs Members of DPCI Secunda Serious Organised Crime Investigation, Secunda CI and Middelburg Serious Organised Crime Investigation nabbed two drug dealers in Secunda on Thursday, 31 August. They received information about two suspects who are dealing in drugs, and conducted a disruptive operation at a flat at 18 Blouberg Street Secunda. The suspects were caught in possession of drugs, comprising of 426 Clear zip bags of crystal meth, 131 clear small zip bag of KAT , 70 clear small zip bags of grinded KAT, 20 clear small zip of rock and uncut rock and uncut KAT weigh 109.5 grams. The cops confiscated all the drugs, as well as a scale and a white Hyundai Getz. The total value of these is R 300 000. Kingsley Nwabuike Okonkwo (42) and Cyprian Joshua Emeka (28) were denied bail by Secunda Magistrate Court on Friday for dealing in drugs. Suspects are remanded in custody and the case is postponed to 7 September for formal bail application. DPCI Provincial Head Maj Gen Zodwa Mokoena said that drugs are a thorn to our country. Young and old behave the same because of drugs. ‘The Hawks shall work day and night to educate the public about the dangers of drugs and to make sure that offenders are brought to books,” Maj Gen Mokoena said. Maj Gen Mokoena further urged the public to work together with the police by continuously giving of information.

The drugs that was seized during the operation.

Bail was denied for Kingsley Nwabuike Okonkwo (42) and Cyprian Joshua Emeka (28) who appeared in the Secunda Magistrate Court on 1 September.

Don’t fall victim to scam Secunda Police are experiencing a high volume of fraud cases being reported. Protect yourself by doing the following: 1) don’t buy on internet unless you see personally the item and when you received item then only should you pay 2) never buy anything over the phone - there are many scams out there, so be very carefully with this one 3) be careful of sharing your I’d or banking details 4) never buy a motor vehicle unless you have the right paper work. Let the

seller meet you at the police station to check this vehicle before you give any money 5) don’t give any money for a promise of a job - there is none such thing 6) don’t send money over any shop desk where you pay money to someone so they can withdraw it at same shop in their town. 7) avoid drawing money in mornings and late at night 8)remember most ATM cards are stolen on pay day 9) put a bank limit on ATM card Remember you are responsible for your own safety

TO ADVERTISE CALL: Hannelie 082 789 2529 or Clive 082 724 5165

Langamed South Services together with Mr Dirk van Heerden and Chaplain Brad Blake recently donated a tank full of petrol to the Highveld Ridge SPCA.

Granny Ivy turns 103 Granny Ivy Range celebrated her 103rd birthday on 29 August. A small function was held on Saturday 2 September at Kriel that was attended by some of her family and close friends. Granny Ivy was born in 1914 in Knysna, as Ivy Elizabeth Stanley, where she grew up until her marriage to Hercules Almera Range in 1933. After a short stay in Johannesburg the couple moved the then Rhodesia where they farmed with cattle. She qualified as a seamstress and eventually worked as a buyer for the Greaterman’s Group. She also became the proud mother of six children whilst still in Rhodesia. She is currently Grandmother to 16 Grandchildren, 21 Great Grandchildren and 13 great great grandchildren. She came from a family of 6 sisters and 3 brothers. When the Rhodesian war broke out in the 80’s the family decided to move back to South Africa. Granny Ivy is still in good health, except for a little hearing loss. The only medication that Granny Ivy takes is blood pressure tablets and her Hibiscus Flower tea. Sweet potatoes and “Mielie Pap” is on her favourite food list. GG, as some of her family calls her affectionately, have never smoked and never used alcohol. Granny Ivy is loved by all her family and friends. When asked about her secret to a long life she replied: “I

suppose I was always good to people”. Her whole family confirmed it also and said: GG shared a little part of her with each and every one of us. - Hannelie de Jager


PROPERTIES eiendomme

8 September 2017

Granny Ivy Range recently celebrated her 103rd birthday.

ANC pushes CFO appointment After an unsuccessful attempt at the extraordinary council meeting held on 15 August to appoint a Chief Financial Officer, the ANC-led Govan Mbeki Council finally appointed its new CFO, BB Sithole on 29 August. Opposition parties objected on 15 August to the contravention of 2 of the Council Rules, as well as sections 14, 16 and 17 of the regulations on the appointment and the conditions of employment of senior managers. The Democratic Alliance proposed that the appointment be dealt with on the following meeting, as documents about the candidates’ particulars for the position were not made available at the time. The documents were provided on the meeting of 29 August, but suspicions once again arose when Mr Sithole was rated in his assessments as containing “Basic competency” for the position. The Democratic Alliance once again objected on the basis of the gross contravention of the standing orders and the regulations on appointment and conditions of employment of senior managers, as well as the documentation that was provided

relating to the competency, screening and psychometric assessments of Mr Sithole. The DA’s proposals were to refer the recruitment process for investigation to the Municipal Public Accounts Committee and to immediately make the candidates’ documentation available to councillors. Their view is that it appears these rules were contravened to the benefit of someone’s personal and financial gain. The Economic Freedom Fighters also objected on the basis of the candidate’s competency and requested that the council be given more time to properly peruse documents and candidates related to the CFO appointment. Following hefty debates, the council voted and the ANC majority won the vote with counter proposals to accept the appointment of the CFO as is. The ANC asked the council not to “judge a book by its cover” concerning the assessment particulars of Mr Sithole, and hopes that the new CFO will contribute towards improving Govan Mbeki’s detrimental financial position. The motorist lost control over his car and drove through a fence in Lanzarac Street, Secunda over the weekend. Fortunately no injuries were reported. According to Langamed South Services the past weekend had shown a steep increase in vehicle accidents. The public is advised to take extra caution while on the road. Photo by Langamed South Services.

TO ADVERTISE CALL: Hannelie 082 789 2529 or Clive 082 724 5165




8 September 2017

Sasol sponsors Eisteddfod Wie is ons / who are we: 017 631 1903 / 017 631 1845

Bemarking / Advertising 017 631 1845 Hannelie de Jager 082 789 2529 Clive Singh 082 724 5165

Produksie / Production Kerry Bird 017 631 1903

Finansies / Finances Elmarie van Huyssteen 017 634 8312

Waar druk ons / printing done at Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk in Johannesburg. Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers in Johannesburg.

Sasol is proud to announce that it will again sponsor the Govan Mbeki Municipality (GMM) Eisteddfod competition this year as part of its arts and culture sponsorship strategy. The company first sponsored Eisteddfod in 2015, thereby enabling around 3 000 local entrants to participate in the competition. The objective of the Eisteddfod society is to discover and develop young local talent and provide a platform to showcase it. This aligns with Sasol’s commitment to developing and enhancing arts and culture in local communities through supporting such initiatives. Not only are learners empowered through Eisteddfod, but their teachers and trainers are also upskilled and mentored through workshops and

coaching manuals. The Eisteddfod Committee further pays for the participation of all previously disadvantaged and special needs schools as well as learners from rural areas. These learners are transported to competition venues to ensure they can partake in this unique talent development initiative. “This year the Eisteddfod has received 4 250 entries, inclusive of individual and group participants, with an estimated 11 288 learners competing,” said Rethabile Ndjibu, Senior Manager: Communication, Brand & Events, Secunda Chemicals Operations. “Many of the participating learners come from schools in informal settlements within the Govan Mbeki municipal area. We are also Die Bulletin het verlede week berig oor Louis Trichardt wat een van die top 100 finaliste in die Sanlam Portrait Awards 2017 was. Louis het goedgunstiglik ‘n skildery ter waarde van R4 000 aan die Bulletin geskenk. Hierdie skildery kon gewen word deur een van ons lesers deur ‘n enkele vraag te antwoord. Baie geluk aan Janet Pretorius van Secunda wat die geraamde skildery wen. Baie dankie aan al ons lesers wat deelgeneem het. Die skildery kan by Mopani Photography & Framing, Lake Umuzi, afgehaal word. Skakel die Bulletin vir kontakbesonderhede

pleased that we have 24 studios, 19 mainstream schools as well as four special needs schools affiliated with Eisteddfod.” Ndjibu congratulated all the leaners participating in the competition and thanked the teachers and members who voluntary run Eisteddfod in their spare time.

Veterane ontbyt Projek “Kolgans”, die SA Weermagvereniging se landswye Militêre Veterane-ontbyt, is daarop gemik om die kameraderie tussen al sy lede en hul families te hernu en te bevorder. Sektore regoor die land reël ‘n ontbyt op die eerste of tweede Saterdag van elke maand waarby alle militêre veterane en hulle families kan inskakel. Sektor 1 – Kosmos se ontbyt word elke tweede Saterdag van die maand gehou by die Kruik Kafee, Secunda. Dit is ‘n instelling waarby almal sonder uitnodiging kan inskakel. Die maand se ontbyt vind plaas op Saterdag, 9 September, om 09:00 en die koste bedra R30. Sektor 1 Kosmos nooi alle militêre veterane saam met hulle familie om deel te wees van die kameraderie, solank gelede gesmelt.

WHAT’S UP Distribution: We pride ourselves in delivering a Bulletin to businesses in Secunda, Trichardt, Evander and Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute additional copies to several points of business in Kinross and eMbalenhle. Should you have a delivery enquiry or complaint, send us an email containing your name, contact details and home address to COPYRIGHT All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any amendments thereof.

Banking details: The Bulletin Absa RBB Commercial Secunda Branch code: 637256 Account number: 408 499 2285 Checque /Current account

Ek is by jou soos Ek by Moses was.

Josua 3:7

8 September. The next photography club meeting will be held at the Scrum in Sasol Club at 18h30. The judge for the evening is Christiaan Kotze and the theme of the month is Street Photography. For information contact Pierre Jordaan at 017 614 5003. 12 September. Die algemene jaarvergadering van alle lede van Kosmos Kinderhawe vind plaas by Kosmos Kinderhawe, 36 Edwill Straat, Kriel, vanaf 18h00. Rig asseblief enige navrae aan die Voorsitter, A Mulder, te epos: 15-17 September. Warriors for Christ will be hosting the Hope Men’s Conference at Holfontein Farm. For more information, contact Kosie van der Merwe at 082 524 8823 or Ockie Els at 082 774 7718. 21-28 September. Marietjie Skool se jaarlikse Lentemark vind plaas by die skool in Third Lane, Silkaatskop. Vir meer inligting, skakel Anna-Marie Kruger by 084 513 9803. 23 September. Hoërskool Secunda bied hul jaarlikse Biltong & Braai Fees aan. Vir meer inligting, skakel Paul van den Berg by 079 358 9035. 27 Oktober. Hand-marathon by die Rondekerk. Inskrywings is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar. Skakel die kantoor by 017 631 3470.

8 September 2017






8 September 2017

Well-known hospitality and gaming group, Peermont Hotels Casinos and Resorts, which contributes millions of Rands, over R42-million in 2016 alone, to the communities surrounding its business units, held its third annual CSI Awards at Emperors Palace on Friday evening, August 25. Among the recipients of an award at the event, instituted to acknowledge the schools, educators, learners, pro-jects and small businesses that make Peermont CSI community endeavors a success, was Ishmael Stene, a scholarship recipient of the Southern Highveld Development Trust (SHDT), a CSI initiative of Graceland. The young eMbalenhle resident, pictured here being congratulated at the awards ceremony by the SHDT’s chairperson, JP Mlangeni, was recognized for graduating with a B.Sc Actuarial Science degree from the University of the Witwatersrand. (Photograph by Yolanda van der Stoep)

CSI awards recognises Peermont employees Leading hospitality group, Peermont, Hotels, Casinos and Resorts, hosted an awards ceremony celebrating the contributions of all those involved in making its various CSI projects a success over the last year. The event was hosted on Friday, 25 August at Emperors Palace, where attendees will were treated to an exquisite dinner in celebration of all their hard work. “The CSI Awards celebrates the important contributions of our people, who play a major role in the success of the many upliftment projects sponsored by Peermont,” says Vusi Zwane, trustee of Peermont Community Benefit Trust. “Every Peermont unit nationwide supports a CSI initiative, and this event highlights the fantastic work being done to create sustainable development for the com-munity.” Peermont’s CSI initiatives contribute millions of Rand to the communities surrounding its business units each year. In 2016 alone, Peermont invested an impressive R42 million towards the growth and development of local communities across its properties. The Peermont Children’s Trust, for example, is an after-school care programme that assists over 600 children across seven centres throughout Ekurhuleni. Beneficiaries receive nutritious meals, and space to do their homework in a safe environment, all supervised by professional care-givers. Peermont sponsors 260 learners at three Star School sites each year to help increase student pass rates for these crucial subjects. The learners are provided with extra lessons in Mathematics, English and Physical Science, and

are in turn invited to apply for a bursary through the Peermont Education Trust. To date, the Trust has celebrated 117 graduates in various fields of study, including commerce, engineering, medical technology and physics. Peermont also opened its very own hotel school at Emperors Palace aimed at upskilling young peo-ple in the Ekurhuleni area, where learners are taught theory and practical skills to pursue careers in the hospitality and tourism sectors – two of the highest-growing economic sectors in South Africa. Over 1,000 learners are expected to enrol at the school in the next three years. “Providing disadvantaged children and youth with educational tools and access to quality education remains vitally important to us,” says Zwane. “Our programmes have a natural progression and we have instituted a pipeline that starts with the school years and continues until the youth become eco-nomically active, either through full-time employment or by starting their own enterprise.” Peermont sponsors full bursaries for deserving matriculants from Ekurhuleni, offering a mentorship programme and holistic support throughout the student’s tertiary years, with a graduation rate of 85%. Along with deserving Peermont employees, four graduates will also be recognised at the CSI Awards, including Thabang Maepa, who attained a Cum Laude for his B.Sc. Mining degree. Along with a scrumptious, well-deserved celebratory dinner, the CSI Awards will include a prize-giving ceremony recognising two top business units for their community involvement and the success of their specific CSI projects.

To Advertise Call Clive: 082 724 5165 Hannelie: 082 789 2529


8 September 2017


Plants handed to motorists The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) together with the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs (DARDLEA) and the Highveld Tourism Mpumalanga Regional Tourism Organisation celebrated Spring Day on Friday, 1 September by handing over Crassula Ovata plants to motorists at various traffic intersections in Mpumalanga . The Crassula Ovata plant can absorb and store large quantities of carbon and further address the effects of climate change. It is a plant that is easy to grow and very tolerant to

drought. There is no need to over water it. As part of celebrating Spring Day, the MTPA, DARDLEA and HTMRTO officials were sta-tioned at various busy intersections in the major towns. This campaign was aimed at celebrating this special day with the various communities and creating awareness on the importance of sus-tainable tourism and to create some smiles on the first day of Spring 2017. Spring Day coincides with the official start of Tourism Month which is celebrated annually during September.

The aim of Tourism Month is to encourage South Africans to travel domestically to get a better understanding of the affordable, exciting and world class attractions that are available in the various parts of the country. Apart from Tourism Month, September is also Arbour Month and this initiative is aimed at highlighting and emphasizing the role that trees play in addressing food security, employment creation and some of the environmental concerns such as climate change which manifests itself as global warming. - Adel Smit

Osizweni Science Centre awarded Best Project to Jan Hendrik Groenewald - Laerskool Kruinpark; Alanis Medina - St Thomas Aquinas and Michian Adendorff – Hoërskool Standerton

Athol Stark from Highveld Tourism Mpumalanga Regional Tourism Organisation with the Cras-sula Ovata Plant they handed out on Friday, 1 September to celebrate Spring Day.

Osizweni supports Eskom Expo The Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, an initiative supported by the Osizweni Science Centre, seeks to bring learners together to exhibit their own scientific investigations and engineering projects. The event allows learners to increase their knowledge and awareness in the wonders of Science and Engineering. They are able to explore entrepreneurial possibilities while broadening their scientific horizons. This year’s Mpumalanga Highveld Expo, with over 150 projects entered, was held on 19 August 2017 at the Lillian Ngoyi Centre in Secunda. Osizweni Science Centre is focused on uplifting Mathematics and Science in the Standerton Sub-Region of Mpumalanga. They have designed unique education programmes in an effort to ensure Grade 12 learners pass with quality results and are able to further their studies. Facilities such as a Science Centre, Science Laboratory, Computer centres, Career Guidance Centre and a Toy Library are available to the community in an effort to support the learning of Maths and Science. Osizweni has supported the Eskom Expo for a number of years. This support includes learner mentorship, Science activities and shows, prizes for projects that place gold and silver as well as the awarding of Best Projects over different grades. This year’s prestigious awards were won by Jan Hendrik Groenewald from Laerskool Kruinpark - Best Project Grade 5 to 7, Alanis Medina from St Thomas Aquinas - Best Project Grade 8 to 10 and Michian Adendorff from Hoërskool Standerton - Best Project Grade 11 to 12. A total of 11 learners from various schools in the Highveld Region of Mpumalanga will compete at the Eskom Expo International Science Fair

from 3 to 6 October 2017. They are: Jan Hendrik Groenewald - Laerskool Kruinpark, Michian Adendorff Hoërskool Standerton, Kyle Longueiria - Middelburg Primary School, Alanis Medina - St. Thomas Aquinas, Stephan Hendrik Oberholzer Hoërskool Secunda, Bihlebuzile Nhlapho - Kiriyatswane Secondary School, Khethiwe Khumalo - TP Stratten Primary School, Rameez Bhabha - TP Stratten Primary School, Themba Mngomezulu - KI Thwala Secondary School, Vusi Mhlangu - KI Thwala Secondary School, Sthembiso Ndlovu - Kiriyatswane Secondary School. “Osizweni Science Centre has been a partner to the Highveld Expo for many years as we are passionate about bringing young minds together in celebration of Maths, Science and Innovation. Eskom Expo delivers in activating the enquiring mind. The dedication and enthusiasm learners display through their projects is admirable and something to be proud of,” said Angela Stratford, Marketing and PR Practitioner at Osizweni. The following learners received Osizweni Prizes: Best Project – Grade 5 to 7 Jan Hendrik Groenewald – Laerskool Kruinpark Best Project – Grade 8 to 10 Alanis Medina – St Thomas Aquinas Best Project – Grade 11 to 12 Michian Adendorff – Hoërskool Standerton Eskom Prizes Best Energy - Michian Adendorff Hoërskool Standerton Best Energy efficiency - Jan Hendrik Groenewald - Laerskool Kruinpark Best Development - Bihlebuzile Nhlapho - Kiriyatswane Secondary School Best Female - Alanis Medina - St. Thomas Aquinas




8 September 2017

To advertise call: 017 631 1903 or Hannelie 082 789 2529 Clive 082 724 5165

This is the new student council of Evander High School. In front are Maki Tsotetsi, Mongezi Mahlangu and Nqobile Skosana. In the second row are Gugulikayise Vilikazi, Kuda Chivunga, Rose Thanjan, Whitney Mtsweni, Zizo Mdingi, Farai Chivunga, Karabo Moloi and Kamo Makgetha. In the third row are Xavier Vermeulen, Lonwabo Siphunzi, Theo Lethetsa, Nakedi Ramara, Noluthando Mahlangu, Siyabonga Mkhonza, Sthembiso Mabena and Thabile Tshoba. At the back are Mr.Nico Sauerman, Amanda Sithebe, Thandeka Gubhelo, Chanel Ullbricht, Bradley Moodley, Vuyo Jele, Nyiko Nyambi, Matimba Shikwambana, Brilliant Mahlangu, Chazelle Farmer and Mrs. Pieta Smit.

Hoërskool Secunda het onlangs hul nuwe leerlingraad en hoofleiers vir 2018 aangekondig. Die hoofleiers is: Hoofseun - JF Rademeyer, Hoofmeisie - Corlia vd Bank, Voorsitter: Kultuur - Zirk du Preez, Voorsitter: Dissipline - Kobus du Toit, Voorsitter: Bemarking - Allison Lindeque, Voorsitter: Sosiaal - Dianay Maans, Voorsitter: Sport - Danè Pretorius, Voorsitter: Akademie - Eliz-Mari Sullivan.

Leerders presteer by Streeks Expo Met harde werk en deursettingsvermoë het verskeie Oosterland-leerders hulle baie goed van hul taak gekwyt en deurgedruk het om projekte van uitstaande gehalte te lewer tydens die Streeksekspo.

Janco Viljoen het ‘n goue medalje verwerf met sy projek wat die invloed van koffie op die konsentrasievermoë van leerders ondersoek het.

Marcelle Jacobs en Sjané van Aswegen het brons behaal.

8 September 2017




SPORT / School


8 September 2017

Red Star raceway hosts drag race Red Star Raceway hosted the Street Wars 2017 on Sunday 3 September. This event was previously hosted in Brakpan, but has recently moved to the Red Star Raceway close to Delmas. Street Wars 2017 offers a grand prize at the end of the year of R100k. This is an ideal event to bring the whole family along. There were stalls that sell food and Coldrinks and the definite crowd favourites were Argentinian Pork belly on a roll as well as Rory’s Prego’s. Anyone could enter their car into the races as long as certain safety criteria were met. Cars are modified just to race at these events with engine, gearbox and even body modifications. The races take place over a quarter mile distance (400m) and speeds of up to 236km/h are reached. This distance is covered in times of 8.8 seconds. Two cars or motorcycles are raced at the same time and the drivers’ reaction time at the start plays a big role in winning the heat as every hundredth of a second

count. A new class have recently been introduced to allow children to race. The ages of the children vary from 7 to 17. The children come from all over the country. The aim is to teach them the skills needed for drag racing at an early start, as well as creating a love for the sport. There are two girl race drivers aged 7 years and 13 years respectively. The cars used, are imported from the US and costs between R80K and R120K. The engine is based on a 200cc Briggs and Stratten 4 stroke engine. The engine is governed according to the drivers age and the races takes place over 200m. Safety comes first. The safety cage provides full crash protection and the drivers have to wear full safety gear that includes full Certified overalls, gloves helmets and boots. The cars are built from a Chromalloy Chassis and are built in the US. The class is still in the development faze but plans are made to broaden this class further. - Encee van Huyssteen

The kids who are racing at Red Star Raceway are (in front) Enrique du Plessis (10) and Angelica Repsold (7). At the back are Chad Carreira (15), Eldunique du Plessis (13) and Carel Victor (15)

An Interprovincial Wrestling Computation was held on 2 September at Sasol Club, eMbhalenhle. This was a first for Emba Wrestling Club. Mpumalanga, Gauteng East and KwaZulu-Natal took part in this competition that was well attended by athletes. Weigh-in took place at 07:00 on Saturday morning. Three mats were used for wrestling and the best wrestlers from the provinces took part. The spirit in the hall were not dampened by the lack of lighting. The main power supply to eMbhalenhle were severely damaged the day before when a truck crashed into one of the pylons. Emba had 6 wrestlers in the Mpumalanga team and their coach Lucas is also a coach in the Mpumalanga team.

JG van Niekerk en Tlotlo Mongale van Laerskool Kruinpark het op Woensdag, 29 Augustus, aan die “Public Speaking” en “Unprepared Readingwat deur die Departement van Onderwys by Li-falethu Primary School aangebied is, deelgeneem. Albei het as wenners weggestap. JG van Niekerk het ‘n eerste plek behaal in die Public Speakingkategorie en Tlotlo Mongale het ook ‘n eerste plek behaal in “Unprepared Reading”.

Phumlani Maphumula from Bethal against Phillip Watkins from Gauteng east.

Ruben Gleeson van Laerskool Goedehoop is op 16 Augustus vir die Puma 7’s -rugbyspan gekies. Hulle neem in September aan die Interprovinsiale toernooi in Bloemfontein deel.


Power did not hamper wrestling

8 September 2017








Gold Cup countdown begins

The countdown to the fifth edition of the Gold Cup, SA Rugby’s flagship three-nation Champion League for non-university clubs, has begun in earnest with all 20 participating teams now confirmed. The tournament kicks off next Saturday, 9 September, with eight matches in the first of five rounds of the pool stages being staged simultaneously across South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe, in Windhoek, Harare, Rustenburg, Cape Town, East London, Welkom and Orkney. Sasol Hydra-Arc falls in

pool A together with the defending champions and will play their first game on Saturday 9 September in Welkom against Human Auto Welkom. Last Saturday, George-based Progress Rugby Club became the 20th and final team to qualify when they ousted reigning SWD champions Evergreens 24-15 in the Eagles Premiership final in front of 10,000 fans at Outeniqua Park. Gold Cup Champions Newrak Rustenburg Impala, who won their second title in three years in 2016 when they beat WP champs DirectAxis False

Bay 48-24 in a pulsating final in the Platinum Belt, will kick off the defence of their crown with a tough home fixture against Cheetahs Champions Recall Security Bloemfontein Police, while False Bay host newly-crowned Boland champions Roses United in what promises to be a mouth-watering WP-Boland derby in Cape Town. Fellow newcomers Human Auto Welkom and Speedy Car Sales Vaal Reefs host Sasol Hydra-Arc Rugby and Northam Platinum Rhinos in the mining towns of Welkom and Orkney

respectively. The Welkom match is once again part of a club-province doubleheader festival day, with the Griffons hosting the SWD Eagles in a First Division match afterwards. Raiders and Go Nutz College Rovers will get their campaigns underway when they travel abroad for historic matches in Harare and Windhoek against Old Georgians and debutants Western Suburbs respectively. Full article, pool list and fixtures for Saturday will be on our web page www.

Plaaslike skut presteer in Frankryk Hendrik Engelbrecht, voorsitter van TEKS-skietklub het vanaf Maandag 28 Augustus tot Saterdag 2 September aan die Wêreldskietkampioenskap in Frankryk deelgeneem. Hy het Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig in die Senior Span (Bo 50’s). Hendrik is 26ste

geplaas uit 98 seniors. Hy is dan ook 194ste uit 455 geplaas as al die dissiplines saamgetel word. Die 18de IPSC Handgun World Shoot 2017 was by die nuutgeboude “National Shooting Center” in Châteauroux in Frankryk

gehou. Meer as 1500 skuts van 67 lande het deelgeneem aan die kompetiesie en die SuidAfrikaanse skuts het hulle baie goed van hulle taak gekwyt. By hierdie World Shootbyeenkoms was daar 5 gebiede met 6 skietafdelings elk. Die 5 gebiede het dan 5 vastelande uitgebeeld naamlik Afrika, Asië, Amerika, Aus-tralië en Europa. Die skietafdelings is dan versier om die baan mooier te maak en ook die vasteland waarin sy groep is uit te beeld.

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