The Backcast - May 2014

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Vol 41 No 5

The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters

May 2014


May 2014

What’s inside Bob Homer, President Derrick Dietz, Vice President Cheryl Alexander, Secretary Lee Tschetter, Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Terms expire in 2015: George Axlund, Joe Meyer Terms expire in 2016: Lee Wilson, Kelly Kukes Terms expire in 2017: Bob Fischer, John Yost, Spencer Amend The Backcast is the monthly newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters, an affiliate club of the Wyoming Council of Trout Unlimited, the Nature Conservancy and the Federation of Fly Fishers. Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, board or members of the Wyoming Fly Casters. Annual dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership or $450 for a life- time family membership. Visit the club website at www. To pay dues or contact the club, write to P.O. Box 2881, Casper, WY 82602.

4-5 2014 Spring banquet 6-7 elk hair caddis




Front Cover : Photo by Lee Wilson, 2014; Back Cover : Photo by Kelly Kukes, 2014


If you haven’t already, call Joe Meyer at 307-235-1316. He’ll give you pointers and advice to make sure you catch The big one!

The deadline for submission of information for each issue is a week before the end of the month. Make contributions to the next issue by e-mailing material to the Backcast editor at or call (307) 2671903.

Mission Statement:

The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) documents. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger.

The Wyoming Fly Casters club was formed in 1974. The membership currently consists of approximately 160 members. The WFC was organized by a group of dedicated fly fishermen and since the club’s inception the Wyoming Fly Casters have strived to further the sport of fly fishing through conservation and education.

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Conservation of our water resources is one of our primary goals and in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department we have and will continue to carry out worthwhile projects for the benefit of Wyoming fisheries. In addition to conserving Wyoming’s water resources we encourage conserving the fish themselves. A fish safely released today will live to give sport to others.

In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a request to In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub- scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses.

The mission of the Wyoming Fly Casters is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.


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Wyoming Fly Casters


President’s letter As we move into the month of May, and hopefully warmer temperatures, we all look forward to many good fishing days ahead. However, before we look too far forward, we must look back and congratulate the Banquet Committee on a job well done. We thank Matt Stanton, Kelly Kukes, and Cheryl Alexander and the other committee members for a job well done. We also commend Bill Mixer for his outstanding work as a Master of Ceremonies. Thank you all! Looking forward, we have several outings and activities to plan for. June 7th is the Youth Fishing Day at Yesness Pond. We are looking for volunteers for a day or half day. This is a great experience for the young fisherman. Watch for sign-up sheets to help with this program. We are also committed to a highway clean-up out at Alcova. If we have enough people, it is a small job, but it is a lot of work for only a few workers. So please, help out when the time comes. Watch for the announcements. We are working on a fishing outing to Blue Downey Park. This will be a lot of fun and we can see how our money is being spent. I remind you to save the date of the first weekend in August. This is the Tensleep Fishing Outing in the Big Horn Mountains and it is truly a good time to go camping, fishing, spending time with nature, along with making new fishing friends and renewing old friendships. Watch for details. Also, we remind those who have not paid their annual dues to please get them sent in. Keep a tight line,

Bob Homer


May 2014

Wyoming Flycaster 2014 Spring Banquet On April 5th, we came together as a club to celebrate, raise money, and have fun. We had a great meal provided by the Ramada Plaza, and there was no shortage of laughter. The evening was a great success and I want to thank everyone who helped make it a great evening, from the people on the committee who helped pull it together, to the generous bidders and donations to the club. I’m happy to say that we were able to raise over $12,000 this year for our conservation projects and club activities! The Spring Banquet is the club’s largest fundraiser of the year, and I am very glad we were able to make this happen. The project on the front of our agenda is the Blue Downey Park project with the game and Fish. Successful banquets and fundraisers such as this help fund current projects as well as future conservation efforts. I felt a true sense of commaradery that evening, where new and old members all joined for a common cause. Thank you all for coming to help us make it such a wonderful evening!

Wyoming Fly Casters

Wyoming Flycaster 2014 Spring Banquet



May 2014

Elk Hair Caddis The Elk Hair Caddis is meant to imitate a fluttering adult caddis, though it will also work as a spent adult. Looking not unlike a stonefly, cricket, even a small hopper and several other insects, this dressing also makes an effective searching pattern. I found this pattern on the Fly Fisher’s Republic website among many others- You can find this pattern and more at www.flyfishersrepublic. com. This pattern was tied by Mr. Raif Killips. HISTORY: This pattern was designed by Pennsylvanian, Al Troth, devised to fish the caddis hatches in Montana. It first came to public attention in The FlyTyer Quarterly, 1978, though he'd been tying it for some time by then. While all its component parts, including the hair wing, can be seen in earlier patterns, it was Troth who came up with this unique design to imitate an adult caddis. VARIATIONS: By varying the size of hook, and by varying the colour of body, hackle and wing you can imitate just about every species of caddis.

1. Start the thread a short way behind the eye – where the front of the body will be. Catch in the gold wire on the near side of the shank. Hold the wire parallel to the shank and run the thread to the end of the shank.

2. Dub your body material onto the thread. Try and create a slightly tapered rope.

3. Wrap the dubbing rope forward to form a gently tapered body

4. Prepare and catch in a cock 5. Using hackle pliers, make two or 6. Palmer the hackle to the rear of the hackle feather from a neck cape – three wraps of hackle at the front of body. shiny convex face outermost. the body. Stroke the feather barbs toward the eye to avoid catching them with successive wraps.

Wyoming Fly Casters


7. Tie off the hackle with one or two full counterwraps of the gold wire. Once the hackle is secure continue wrapping the wire forward. Try and make one wrap of wire per wrap of hackle. Gently play the wire through the hackle with a wiggling motion as you wrap. This helps prevent flattening the hackle barbs.

8. Aim to finish the rib on the underside or to the side of the hook shank.

9. Cut away the waste hackle and wire when you’re done. Don’t cut the hackle too close at the rear. Form a smooth base of thread wraps to take the wing. Allow the thread to hang down where the first wrap of thread will go to secure the wing.

10. Hand stack or prepare a small bundle of hair with a hair stacker. Use enough hair to form the impression of wings while still allowing the body to be seen through the wing when viewed from above. To gauge the wing length offer it up to the hook – the wing should reach the outer edge of the bend or a little beyond.

11. Swap your pinch grip on the bunch of hair then hold in place over the shank at the tying in point. Click image 13 to view a layered photograph illustrating the positioning.

12. Bring the thread up between thumb and wing, then complete the loop taking the thread down the far side of the hook, between index finger and wing. Hold the wing in place firmly and pull the thread down good and tight. The thread should be near breaking point. Make another firm wrap before releasing the pinch.

thread around the hair only to gather it; otherwise, make progressively lighter wraps of thread toward the body gathering the hair as you do so.

13. When you release your pinch grip, the hair will flare slightly. If you want you can now make a single wrap of

14. Wrap the thread forward again and either make a whip finish over the hair wing; or if you’ve enough room, make the whip finish under the front of the wing.

15. Cut away the butts of the hair to leave a tuft over the eye of the hook. Add head cement to the whip finish


May 2014

Flycaster of the Month Name: Bob Wegner Where are you originally from? Cheyenne, Wyoming What is your occupation? Truck Driver Why did you join the Wyoming Flycasters? To learn how to fly fish What is your favorite fishing experience? Backpacking trips, fishing the Big Horns What is your favorite rod to use? My Sage, 9.5’ fly pole, because I have one. What advice could you give new members to the club? Attend the workshops for advice on your cast.

Are there any outings/events with the club you are looking forward to? All of them! If you could fly fish anywhere in the world, where would you go? The Big Horns, Wind River Range Besides fly fishing, what are some of your other hobbies? Backpacking, cycling, fitness activities I retired from the Casper Police Dept. in 1988 and am now driving a truck for Sinclair here in Casper. My entire family loves to get outside and explore the great areas Wyoming has to offer. We have spent most of our outdoor time backpacking the Bighorn Wilderness areas fishing along the way. I was amazed at the series of lakes, Cloud Peak lakes that are teaming with Golden Trout that snubbed my spinners and created a desire to learn how to fly fish, thus joining the flycasters club. I met Joe who got me started with my new rod and reel and plan this fall to see if I can return to the high country and catch some of those elusive Goldens

Wyoming Fly Casters

Letter from the Editor

Flycasters, I’ll keep this short, as I am short on room for this issue. There are a few things coming up that everyone needs to keep on their calendars: We will be cleaning out and organizing the sheds before the general meeting in May and June (call me or Kelly for details). The gear swap will be held before the general meeting in July. There will be a highway cleanup scheduled for June 21st- contact Kelly Kukes for details. The Ten Sleep outing will be the first weekend in August this year- I expect everyone to try get that in their calendar for this year- it’s always an amazing trip! Also, please keep in mind that the Annual Kids Fishing day will be coming up in June. Please consider volunteering when you can on that day. We will be discussing this more at the May general meeting. I will pass along a new challenge that our president, Bob Homer, challenged the board members, because I think it is an excellent idea- call one member of the club who you do not know and go fishing! Get to know one another! Thanks for reading! Cheryl


WFC Board Contact List Bob Homer: Derrick Dietz: Lee Tschetter: Cheryl Alexander:

Wyoming Flycasters April Board Meeting April 16, 2014 Call to Order: 7:01 p.m. Members Present: George Axlund, Joe Meyer, Bob Homer, Derrick Dietz, Spencer Amend, Lee Tschetter, Lee Wilson, Lee Tschetter, Matt Stanton, Bob Fischer, John Yost, Kelly Kukes, and Cheryl Alexander Spencer moved to approve the meeting minutes from March. George Seconded. All in favor, none opposed. The Blue Downey Park project will start late summer/early fall 2014. We will plan a club outing after the project is complete. There are still people that need to pay their dues. If you have not paid your dues, contact Lee Tschetter or Matt Stanton ASAP. The Treasurer will start making monthly deposits. Spencer moved to approve the Treasurer report, Lee seconded. All in favor, none opposed. We will plan to do the first highway cleanup of the year on June 21st. The highway department will provide vests, bags, etc. A motion was made to make Kelly Kukes a board member, and will be the event coordinator. She will work with the stream keeper of each event to coordinate. We are working on a new member packet, which will include information on the club, information on tying flies, tying knots, fly rods, gear, and also a few flies to get them started. This will be in addition to a hat (which are being made), and a sticker. We will be looking into getting some more signs for the club, and vinyl banners. Derrick motioned for Matt to look into getting signs. Cheryl seconded. We discussed adding more club outings this summer and next, to start. There are a few in the works, and we will have more information out as soon as plans are made. If there are any outings that club members would like to see happen, contact any board member. We will plan a shed clean out before the general meeting in May and in June. There will be a gear swap before the general meeting in July. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.


Fishing Highlights

Spencer Amend with a nice trout caught on the Healing Waters Outing in late April

May 2014

I will have more fishing highlight pictures in next month’s newsletter, including highlights from the Healing Waters Outing!

This is Patty Jones's first fish on a Fly Rod it was a 17inch Rainbow Trout. Patty and I would like to thank Joel from Fly Casters for taking us out fishing and for showing us the ropes

WFC Treasurer’s report March 2014 Date Vendor/Item Income 3/19/14 Deposit - Jan/Feb/March raffles 3/19/14 Deposit - Xmas banquet 3/19/14 Deposit - Banquet tix 3/27/14 Deposit - Membership 3/27/14 Deposit - Banquet tix 810, Membership 20 3/31/14 Deposit - March Interest Total

$287.75 $440.00 $270.00 $110.00 $830.00 $0.38 $1,938.13

Expenses 3/7/14 3/12/14 3/12/14 3/12/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/27/14 3/27/14 Total

$180.00 $194.73 $1.89 $30.66 $1,047.00 $156.92 $50.00 $29.35 $600.00 $338.54 $44.91 $300.00 $18.50 $2,992.50

#4288 City of Casper - Cabin fever rent #4289 Ugly Bug - Feb 102.61 & March 92.12 raffles #4290 Office Max - Ballot Copies #4291 Joe Meyer - Lying/Tyin material #4292 Great American Ins - Liability ins #4293 AMBI - Jan/Feb Backcast #4294 Wy Wildlife Fed - Affiliate membership #4295 Merback awards - Banquet engraving #4296 Platte River Trails Trust - 2014 mile marker #4297 Matt Stanton - Accounting software, PO Box rent (signed by Kelly Kukes) #4298 Kelly Kukes - Banquet supplies #4299 IWLA - Jan/Feb/March/April rent Checks ordered from RFCU




Wyoming Fly Casters

Check out Artisan Alley, here in Casper in June. They will be doing the piece pictured to the left. Call for your reservations today- spots fill up fast! This would be a great project for Father’s Day! 307-265-0991



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Treadmill for sale. Contact Joe Meyer for details! 235-1316

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Scott Novotny 307-315-3534


May 2014



A look ahead: • The Youth Fishing day will be held on June 7th. • Highway Cleanup June 21st • The annual Ten Sleep Outing will be held the first weekend in August.

Wyoming Fly Casters P.O. Box 2881 Casper, WY 82602

May 2014

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