Division 3W August Newsletter
Table of Contents: 3| LTG Letter 4| District Updates
Key Club V o l u m e
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I s s u e
Au gust
Newslett er
6| Governor's Project 8| Service Project Ideas 9| Picture Recap 10| Recruitment 12| Icebreakers 14| Fall Training Conference 16| Preferred Charities 20| Contact Information
Quote of the Month
No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
Key Club Pledge I pledge on my honor, To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school and community; To serve my nation and God; And to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions
Division 3W Remind 101 Text @div3w to 81010 to get reminders and updates from me! Stay updated on the latest happenings of 3W.
Letter From LT.G
Division 3W, Hello to you all! These past few months have flown by, and I cannot believe that school has started already. However, this only means that your year will get better, as members are back in town and ready to serve! I would like to formally invite you to Region 12’s Fall Training Conference on September 26th! It’s got forums on officer positions as well as Key Club 101. We’ve put a lot of work into making this a fantastic experience and to get you motivated about service. Look inside for more info on FTC! If you ever need anything, please just let me know! I’m here for vid-chats, phone calls, and text messages! Yours in Service, Cheryl Li
District Updates Monthly Reports due on the 5th MONTHLY REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS, AND ARTICLES ARE ALL DUE ON THE FIFTH. Make sure to mail a physical copy to District Secretary Crystal Loh and email a digital copy to me, your Kiwanis Sponsor, and regional adviser Judy PomorMail them to: ski. If you have any questions, I’m just a call away!
701 Walnut Bend Drive, Mansfield, TX 76063
Key Leader NOVEMBER 13-15 AT PINEY WOODS CAMP IN WOODLAKE, TX. Get ready for a weekend of learning about service leadership and helping others succeed! There are team-building activities, as well as large and small group workshops, all which will help you succeed! Head to keyleader.org to register.
Important Dates September 5th– monthly reports and October 17th– DCM newsletters due October- TOTFU Month September 25th– Fall Rally Payment November 1st– Early Bird dues due due November 31st– All Dues due September 26th– FTC December 6th– Club Forum October 3rd– Fall Rally Application for DCON due October 15th– YOY Applications Due 4
District Updates Fall Rally! October 3rd at Six Flags in Arlington Actual time of rally: 10:30AM 11:30AM
one, K-fam, regular fam, etc. Schools should only turn in 1 check in total
„ Registration form is on Cost: $35/person– open to any- tokeyclub.com
Youth Opportunity Fund What: A $100-$2,000 grant for Key Clubs. One of the coolest benefits of being a Key Club member. Why: Sometimes, the only thing standing between you and an awesome service project is the funding for supplies/other materials. YOF is here to help. Who: You. Your club. Any Key Club member! How: All applications are due by OCTOBER 15! Go to keyclub.org to apply
Club Forum Applications Ever wondered what it would be like to teach a forum? Now is your chance! As in the past, we have always invited clubs to apply for their convention attendees to share their unique knowledge and perspective by teaching a forum at district convention. This year is no different, your club could potentially teach a forum at DCON 2016. If selected, clubs will be working closely with the Convention Liaison, Megan Reynosa, to ensure their forum will be the best it can be. 5
Governor’s Project Cy-Fair Kiwanis Club Foundation Cy-Fair Kiwanis Club Foundation is holding joint fundraisers with Kroger and Amazon. When you shop AmazonSmile, make sure to choose Cy-Fair Kiwanis Foundation as your charity of choice. This money allows them to better serve the children and people of the world! These Kiwanians are the backbone of our clubs!
Joint K-Fam Interclubs Hold a K-Fam event with Builder’s, K-Kids, and any other member of the Kiwanis Family. At the luncheon, they mentioned that they would love to come to your service projects also. Make sure to let them know when/where they are, so that you can build a relation with some amazing people. Fall Rally is a great time to bond, because any member of the K-family can come! A ticket is only $35, so spread the word!
Disaster Backpacks At the Kiwanis DCON a couple weeks ago, Rachel received over 200 disaster backpacks, which we can help fill. These backpacks will go towards families who have been affected by natural disasters. You can either collect materials to be placed in those backpacks or fundraise money to pay for backpacks.
Do-at-Home Service Projects Canned Food Drive/ Clothing Drive These are not only limited to Key Clubbers, but everyone! Collect food to donate to the food bank, or clothes to GoodWill/ the Salvation Army. Everyone’s got something in the back of their pantry and closet, so dig it up for a great cause!
Dog Toys Dog and other animal toys are really simple to make. Take some worn out shirts or fabric and cut them into strips. Then, tie them together and braid it; then tie the end. These dog toys can be taken to a dog shelter and given to the animals! Make sure that you check with the shelter to arrange a drop-off time. Materials needed: Scissors and fabric
Support for Troops America’s Armed Forces are always abroad, keeping us safe at home. After a meeting or at a social, take a few minutes to create some cards for our beloved soldiers. You can mail them out! You can also collect items or create paracord bracelets for them! Find more information by searching Operation Gratitude! 8
Membership Packag The T-O Membership and General Public Relations committees have been working hard to create this back-to-school package for you to use! It contains videos, graphics, and flyers that you can use to help recruit members, as well as other helpful tips and tricks!
What kind of videos are there? There’s 2! One is “Why did you join Key Club”, showing that Key Club, over time has become more than just a service organization, but is also a family, love, and support. The other is “Why did you stay in Key Club?” supporting a similar idea
ge & Recruitment
Fall Training Conference GET MAD ABOUT SERVICE Going crazy with the new school year? Well continue your rage and GET MAD ABOUT SERVICE! Come to Region 12’s Fall Training Conference this year and learn about the different officer positions, as well as everything you need to know about Key Club, from this year’s District Project to Key Leader!
CY-FALLS HIGH SCHOOL This year’s Fall Training Conference will be at Cy-Falls High School (9811 Huffmeister Road). We will begin check in at 8:45AM for members in the main commons. Carpooling and sharing rides helps more people go!
SEPTEMBER 26TH, 9AM-3PM Region 12 LTGs have been working hard to make FTC exciting! This Alice-InWonderland themed conference is bound to help you Get Lost in Service also. Remember, it’s not just for officers, but for members too! Any Key Clubber can come! We’ve also got door prizes, raffles, and LUNCH IS PROVIDED! There’s also a service project at the end, so get pumped. I look forward to seeing you all there! 14
Working Together Nickelodeon Nickelodeon joined the Kiwanis family as a 2013 Vision Partner of Kiwanis International with a focus on its Big Help initiative, which addresses issues in service, education, the environment and health. Learn more about Nickelodeon’s Big Help efforts, the Halo Awards program and Day of Play at pro-social.nick.com or nick.com/ thebighelp.
Key Club Co-Sponsor Rustic Pathways has 30 years of experience leading exceptional international education and service programs for students. With over 130 programs in 20 countries, Rustic Pathways is the global leader in its field. Recognizing our shared values, Rustic Pathways has partnered with Key Club to provide its members with the opportunity to broaden their global perspective while performing meaningful service projects in communities around the world.
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Key Club participates with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals by sponsoring fundraising events. Key Club members also participate in service projects at their local children’s hospital. March of Dimes For decades, Key Club has partnered with the March of Dimes to give every baby a healthy start. Key Club members raise thousands of dollars annually through various programs, including collecting change, holding dances and taking part in March of Dimes’ signature event, March for Babies. UNICEF Since 1994, Key Club has been Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF and over the years has raised nearly US$5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide and HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland. Now it’s 19
Contact Information T-O District Governor: Rachel Iselin governor@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Secretary: Crystal Loh secretary@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Treasurer: Emily Zhao treasurer@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Editor: Matthew Riley editor@tokeyclub.com
Convention Liaison: Megan Reynosa cl@tokeyclub.com
Technology Producer: Brendon Nguyen
Btnguyen.kc@gmail.com 20
Contact Information Lieutenant Governor: Cheryl Li ltg3w@tokeyclub.com
Cy-Fair Kiwanian: George Crowl George.h.crowl@gmail.com
Greater North Houston Kiwanian: Steve Peters petershome1@comcast.net
Houston Kiwanian: Bonita Ramirez bonita@kiwanishouston.org
Regional Advisor: Judy Pomorski judypomorski@yahoo.com
Division 3W
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