Division 3W September Newsletter
Table of Contents:
Key Club
3| LTG Letter 4| District Updates 6| Divisional Update 7| Trick or Treat for UNICEF 8| Membership Update Center 10| Recap in Pictures 12| Preferred Charities 14| Contact Information
V o l u m e
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I s s u e
Quote of the Month
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Sept embe r
New slett er
Key Club Pledge I pledge on my honor, To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school and community; To serve my nation and God; And to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions
Letter From LT.G
Division 3W, Helllllo my lovely sharks! Can you believe that we are now HALFWAY through our terms? Its incredible how fast its gone by, but you know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve had an incredible time visiting all of your clubs and seeing you guys grow as servant leaders! Thank you all SO much for coming out to our Fall Training Conference! I hope you guys had a fantastic time and learned lots! A huge shoutout for your fantastic spirit and sense of service, winning the Spirit Award as well as helping raise $250 for Eliminate Project and creating over 200 pairs of no-slip socks! You guys are all doing absolutely incredible things in your community. I can’t wat to see what comes next! Yours in Service, Cheryl Li 3
District Updates Monthly Reports due on the 5th MONTHLY REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS, AND ARTICLES ARE ALL DUE ON THE FIFTH. Make sure to mail a physical copy to District Governor RACHEL ISELIN and please CC me, Regional Ad- Mail them to: viser, Judy Pomorski, and your Kiwanis Adviser Rachel Iselin, District Governor with a copy. If you have questions, please let me 15211 Wisteria Springs Dr. Cypress, TX 77433 know!
Key Leader NOVEMBER 13-15 AT PINEY WOODS CAMP IN WOODLAKE, TX. Get ready for a weekend of learning about service leadership and helping others succeed! There are team-building activities, as well as large and small group workshops, all which will help you succeed! Head to keyleader.org to register.
Important Dates September 15th– MUC Opens
November 1st– Early Bird dues due
October 3rd– Fall Rally and DCON Theme is released!
November 30th– All Dues due
October 10th– October DCM
December 5th– Aktion Run!
December 6th– Club Forum October 15th– YOF Applications Due Application for DCON due October- TOTFU Month 4
District Updates District Secretary Application As you know, our District Secretary has resigned due to her strenuous workload. If you would like to fill the position, the application is online on tokeyclub.com. The process has multiple parts, including a sample grading as well as the Staff Candidacy forms. The forms are due to Walt Roetter and Rachel Iselin by October 12th by 11:59 PM.
Youth Opportunity Fund What: A $100-$2,000 grant for Key Clubs. One of the coolest benefits of being a Key Club member. Why: Sometimes, the only thing standing between you and an awesome service project is the funding for supplies/other materials. YOF is here to help. Who: You. Your club. Any Key Club member! How: All applications are due by OCTOBER 15! Go to keyclub.org to apply. Send them in a week early to make sure they get there on time!
Club Forum Applications Ever wondered what it would be like to teach a forum? Now is your chance! As in the past, we have always invited clubs to apply for their convention attendees to share their unique knowledge and perspective by teaching a forum at district convention. This year is no different, your club could potentially teach a forum at DCON 2016. If selected, clubs will be working closely with the Convention Liaison, Megan Reynosa, to ensure their forum will be the best it can be. 5
Divisional Shirts and Ad Want a Divisional Shirt? Buy a shirt for $10 at our next DCM or let me know! The money goes toward our divisional ad!
Divisional Ad? Help support our division by bringing some $$ to our October DCM! If every club brings $20, we can get a full page ad and celebrate our year of service at DCON! 6
Trick or Treat for UNICEF
Help make a change this holiday season! Key Club’s Trick or Treat for UNICEF funds go towards the Eliminate Project, which is in its final 7 stretch!
Collect change using the Trick or Treat boxes, or any container! Instead of collecting candy on Halloween, collect spare change and dollar bills! Challenge your members to see how much change you guys can raise.
Membership Update Center Dates to Know! Before/ On: November 1st– Early Bird Dues Before/ On: November 30th– all Dues DUE On/ After: December 1st– L A T E On/ After: February 1st– suspended On/After: ICON (July 6th)- inactive
Questions? Email treasurer@tokeyclub.com or ltg3w@tokeyclub.com for some help! 9
Club Visits
Fall Training Conference 11
Contact Information T-O District Governor: Rachel Iselin governor@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Treasurer: Emily Zhao treasurer@tokeyclub.com
T-O District Editor: Matthew Riley editor@tokeyclub.com
Convention Liaison: Megan Reynosa cl@tokeyclub.com
Technology Producer: Brendon Nguyen
Btnguyen.kc@gmail.com 14
Contact Information Lieutenant Governor: Cheryl Li ltg3w@tokeyclub.com
Cy-Fair Kiwanian: George Crowl George.h.crowl@gmail.com
Greater North Houston Kiwanian: Steve Peters petershome1@comcast.net
Houston Kiwanian: Bonita Ramirez bonita@kiwanishouston.org
Regional Advisor: Judy Pomorski judypomorski@yahoo.com
Division 3W
Cinco Ranch | Cypress Lakes | Cypress Springs | Cypress Ranch | James Taylor | Lee | Mayde Creek | Second Baptist | Spring Woods 16