Real Life Real Faith
Glynis Albright
The Waffle Queen Healing, Enlightenment, and Renewal
09 Stop Living in the Past
34 Meet The "Waffle Queen"
43 Being a Woman Makes Me Feel Powerful
R E A L L I F E R E A L FAITH R E S T O R EH E R MAGAZINE P.O. Box 212, 45012 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438
RestoreHER is a magazine for women that is built on intention. We don't want to put any guest, article or recommendation here that doesn't have a focused intention of empowering women behind it. We're living in a moment where it's more important than ever to put yourself first therefore, we want to inspire you to unapologetically become all you were created to be while learning to care for yourself in order to better care for others. RestoreHER really wants to give women more to look at, to inspire them and to remind them that life is fun! w. Our goal is to provide women with as much inspiration as possible online and in the magazine. We pledge to provide more curated inspiration, to give our audience real stories so that our women will get great ideas on how to live authentically . And now with a legion of lovely readers, some awesome sponsors, a collection of wonderful contributors, and a huge social media followings, RestoreHER is heading into 2021 with the aim of bringing you even more thought provoking advice to ensure your transformation.
Cheryl Lacey Donovan
Terrible news happening e v e r y d a y h a s n e v e r b e e n s o wi dely broadcast. People have n e v e r b e e n mo r e d i v i d e d i n wh a t they believe in and in pro v i n g t h e ms e l v e s r i g h t , s o me t i mes reaching a point of violen c e .
A genuinely decent or 'nice' person has always been a blessing to those they come in contact with. It's an admirable quality that anybody would simply wish to have more access to, especially to balance the spite and hate that can sometimes seem to be predominant. Terrible news happening every day has never been so widely broadcast. People have never been more divided in what they believe in and in proving themselves right, sometimes reaching a point of violence. The world could really make use of some altruism and genuine kindness today. The glaring truth is, we would simply live better if there were more good-hearted people around in our midst. But when you're a good and decent person who is simply too nice to the point of excess, it can often bring you more harm than good. This falls into two parts: 1) there are always others who will take advantage of another's good nature. 2) when these 'nice' behaviors are manifest for the wrong reasons, it can be an unhealthy barrier to self-growth. There are apparent risks and hidden dangers of being excessively nice. 1. Growing resentment that you are unable to express. Being too available to others and overly generous of yourself and your time can impact your self-worth and confidence. While you're busy attending to everyone else's needs, you have most likely forgotten your own, or given them a lower priority. This may cause you to experience feelings of resentment towards situations and people. But as an overly nice person, you will be unlikely to express how you feel, as you're afraid to rock the boat. This is a very unhealthy cycle you may find difficulty getting out of. As a result, your selfesteem can suffer.
52. You can attract the wrong type of people into your life. People may come to you only when they need and want something, knowing they can easily benefit from you without you expecting anything in return. This is a sad situation to be in, but it is not so uncommon for overly nice people. The result? You end up attracting people who don't have your best interests at heart. 3. People will not trust and respect you as you expect they should. For many people, for various reasons, trust and respect are not freely given but must be earned. Sometimes, if you so generously trust others without them earning it, you'll lose your high value. These people can then disappoint you and disrespect you. They know that won't be a problem because you're too nice even to get mad. In the end, they will keep disrespecting you due to your lack of boundaries. When you are a person who trusts others easily, this can be bewildering and painful. 4. You develop unrealistic expectations of others. Being a naturally nice person can bring out the naivety in us as we may inherently believe that other people have the same regard for our welfare as we would for theirs. The truth is, it does not always work that way. Sometimes, you will need to be very transparent at communicating your expectations to make some relationships work. If not, you'll just end up resenting someone because they weren't properly briefed at the onset. 5. People will take advantage of you. People are people, and even though they may not always have bad intentions at first, many are nevertheless opportunistic. They can easily take you for granted if you do not assert yourself enough. Worse, they'll take advantage of you because you're too nice and may even use it against you. For a person who lacks malice and sees the best in others, it can seem to be a cruel world when your 'niceness' is taken advantage of, spurned, or used against you. Sadly, this is a common occurrence - and to the best of people with good intentions. Before you openly extend yourself so generously to others, make sure you practice self-love first. Being a nice person with a genuine concern for the welfare of others is a very admirable trait, but it also requires a degree of resilience. Be your best self to others, but don't blindly expect reciprocation. Always remember to respect and love yourself. Have some boundaries for people to respect. If you do this, being a nice person will better work to your advantage and happiness
Stop Living in The Past Have you ever been told to stop living in the past? People will often say this in an attempt to provide encouraging advice about moving on with your life. It sounds easy, but is it? Although it sounds easy enough, it can be very difficult, especially if there are deep-seated reasons behind living in the past. Significant past experiences and memories, such as the death of a loved one, a painful breakup, traumatic childhood, etc., can be contributing factors as to why you can't simply and easily move on with life. Possibly though, you may be holding on to things that are no longer relevant. If you can't let go of the past, you won't be able to fully appreciate the beauty of the present. The hardest part of any change is making the decision and starting. The first step is some quiet and healthy selfreflection. Pause for a while and contemplate on your current life and its associated feelings, compared to what they could be. Without your active effort, things may improve, terribly slowly. You can take action and make space for a new happier life. Here's how to move forward. Ways to Effectively Let Go of The Past
Stop reliving the past and move on. No matter what you do, you can't undo or remake the past, no matter how much you wish. Rather, what you can do is to make the present day the best. Live as if it's your last. You will have less time to think about the past if you actively focus on the present. If you are too fixated on previous negative happenings, there will be no room for positivity. This is entirely a choice you can and have to make - whether to continue hurting yourself or to embrace the new day, potentially full of joy. DECIDE TO LET IT ALL GO, AND DO THIS WITH CONVICTION.
To make it work, commit yourself to "move on" and "let it go." If you don't, things will continue to go in circles and could end you up getting stuck in the past, again. Make a decision that will empower you and your future, commit to it, and act.
It may be hard to forget what has happened in the past and the bad behaviors of the people involved in it. Getting past resentment and forgiving others is a vital step. More to the point, you need the healing that forgiving another brings. Forgiving doesn't necessarily mean you agree with what they did. You can recognize that they did wrong, or badly, yet still forgive them anyway. It's definitely not a sign of weakness if you do so. It's confirmation that you want to move on with life and welcome any joy the present moment brings.
Don't remain attached to an environment (including people) that keeps you trapped in your current circumstances and mindset. It is emotionally healthy to distance yourself from a situation or individual that is causing you to be depressed. Psychological or physical distance can help with the "letting go" process by virtue of not being constantly reminded of anything that hinders your progress.
Accepting your past experiences and the people that have been part of it will help you in moving on. You must remember that none of these need to define who you are. Practice the art of acceptance, remake yourself, and set yourself free.
Be accountable for your own happiness. Your feelings are yours alone; you can't blame someone for them. If you do, you're allowing someone to completely take over you, at least emotionally. You will feel a huge sense of happiness and empowerment once you take responsibility for your feelings and emotions. Your attitude plays a bigger role in this than any external elements.
EVALUATE YOUR EMOTIONS. When assessing your emotions, you need to know what are they bringing to you. Reminisce if there are happy, positive thoughts there. But if dredging the past causes negativity that will adversely affect your here and now, don't dwell on it. Replace it with a better thought. MAKE SOME CONTRIBUTIONS.
Going the extra mile to help others can make you feel warm and happy on the inside. It is one of the best ways to align with the real you. Brighten yours, and another's day by offering a smile, saying a simple hello, or giving a donation to a worthwhile cause. These simple acts of kindness can help you set your perspective on a brighter path and can have a lasting impact on others and yourself.
Hopefully this can help you with your "moving on" phase. Any effort you make will all be worth it. You can do it - cheers to a brighter present and future.
Give your mind a few minutes of peace and calm each day
From the best-selling author of "Be the Best Boss You Can Be" and "Build your Own Empire" An easy-to-follow guide on how to increase your residual income and make passive income work for you.
HO W T O T H I N K R I C H S E R I E S ( B O O K 1 ) R E V I S E D E D I T I O N
Managing COVID-19 Stress Tips on looking after yourself
Take a break from the news.
Take care of your body.
Make time to unwind.
Connect with others.
The situation may be overwhelming, but coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
KNOW WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. Meditation can help, but it's not the only solution.
Know your options and take care of yourself.
Don't skip the sunscreen Not only will tanning not improve your acne, it will cause more damage to your skin, resulting in wrinkles and increasing your chance of skin cancer.
DRINK WATER Avoid dehydration by drinking of plenty of water in between dinner and your pre-dawn meal
SELF QUARANTINE PROCEDURES Source: Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention
Stay in a designated room and use designated toilet/bathroom if possible.
Wash your hands with soap and water. You can also use alcohol or hand sanitizer. Check your temperature at least two times a day Practice social distancing. If you need to go out, maintain at least 2m (6ft) distance from others) Watch out for other symptoms Covid-19 symptoms include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and fatigue
Prevent Self-Sabotage and Reach a New Level of Success Cheryl Lacey Donovan
Your biggest obstacle to success is yourself. The rest of the world is too busy to actively get in your way. That’s great news! If your lack of success is your fault, you can take steps to address the situation. There are a variety of ways you sabotage yourself. You procrastinate, think negatively, and have other harmful habits. As Walt Kelly once said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Be honest with yourself and look at the times in your life when success slipped through your fingers. Can you see how you are at least partly to blame? Use these strategies to put an end to self-sabotage and claim your right to success:
1. Be clear regarding what you want. One way to sabotage yourself is to keep changing your mind. You might spend months working toward one goal, only to change your mind. Indecisiveness is a success killer. Be clear about what you want and be consistent. 2. Notice how you waste time. What do you do when you procrastinate? Do you like to watch TV? YouTube videos? Go shopping? Have a snack? You can’t stop yourself from wasting time unless you can recognize that you’re wasting time. Make a list of your time-wasting behaviors and pay attention when they happen. Understand the repercussions of your behavior.
Time-wasting behaviors feel good in the short-term. That’s probably all you're considering. Turn your attention to the bigger picture. What will happen down the road if you continue to waste time? Consider the consequences. Stop negative self-talk. Isn’t life challenging enough already? You don’t have to make things even more difficult by getting in your own way. Monitor yourself. If you catch yourself speaking poorly to yourself, stop and say something positive instead.
1. Hang out with positive, supportive people. The people around you can sabotage your efforts. This is really a form of self-sabotage because you chose your friends. Make the necessary adjustments to spend time with those who support your success. 2. Learn to deal with discomfort. Selfsabotage is a strategy for dealing with discomfort. If you weren’t uncomfortable at all, you’d never sabotage yourself in the first place. Understand that discomfort is necessary if you want to change your life in a meaningful way. All roads to success lead through discomfort. 3. Visualize success. The idea of success might be more stressful than you think, especially if you’ve gotten used to failing. Part of you might believe it’s better to deal with the “devil you know.” Take a few minutes each day and visualize yourself being successful. Notice how it feels. Keep up this routine until success feels completely natural.
Think about why you might find failure appealing. What are the advantages to you of failing? 4. Avoid comparing yourself to others. We compare ourselves to the most talented people we know. Everyone is better than you at something. But we compare our weaknesses to the strengths of others. You can always improve from where you were last week. That’s the key to success. It’s not easy to notice how you get in your own way. Examine your habits and your past failures. Do you expect to succeed or do you start searching for excuses to fail before you’ve even gotten started? Success can be just as scary as failure. This is particularly true if failure has become the norm. Stop getting in your own way. You can enhance the results you’ve been experiencing and discover the joys of success, instead.
Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Good nutrition and physical activity are important parts of leading a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and promote your overall health.
Regular physical activity helps keep your brain healthy, helps you manage your weight, reduces disease, strengthens bones and muscles, and more. Getting at 30 minutes of exercise for 5 days a week can really boost your system.
Adults and children need to consume water everyday as it benefits overall health. With zero calories, it lubricates joints, helps get rid of waste, protects thhe spinal cord, and prevents dehydration.
A healthy diet not only helps you manage your weight, but also builds and strengthens your body. Focus on adding fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Getting enough sleep and rechargnig your mind is also a good way to stay healthy. Meditation, breathing techniques, and a soothing sleep environment can add balance to your mental well-being and restore your body for another day.
Meet Glynis Albright THE WAFFLE QUEEN
affirmation and self reflection
ABeing a woman means taking responsibility for the message sent to the younger generation. It means using my voice positively as an often-underestimated force.
Having the ability to bring life into the world empowers me. Being a conduit for continuity and longevity makes me value my point of view. I know that my value is greater than what is often projected by society.
It also means showing that I am just as capable as anyone else to achieve greatness. This is important in a world where many are marginalized. I have the natural instincts to uplift others and give them
blessing. It allows me to balance the facts with perspective. It prevents me from making hasty decisions based on what is in front of me. I treasure my male counterpart because I believe we come together to create a balanced existence. I offer the nurturing guidance that builds nations and incites courage.
hope and drive.
My power comes from embracing beauty on the inside and outside. I know that it is okay to be tough while having a tender heart and soul. Today, my womanhood is my everlasting strength. I hold strong to my existence because it is the source of my intelligence, wisdom, and kindness. Being powerful means being true to who I am and avoid allowing the world to define me.
1. As a woman, how am I challenged professionally?
2. Am I required to do anything extra to gain the respect that a man typically gains?
3. Where do I turn to for inspiration and drive?
Make your trips go smoother and smarter with these fun and cool travel gears.
What is Wholeness and Why Do You Need Chery; It? Lacey Donovan We live in a modern world where the world pretty much slices and dices us. Just take a look at how marketing and political persuasion are done. If you're trying to get some sort of political message across, you dig into the demographic of the audience you're trying to reach: their age range, gender distribution, occupation, and average level of education attainment. These are the types of questions that separate people and put them in a grid. Once you have a clear idea of this grid, you position to address these people on an emotional, personal and financial level. This makes a lot of sense. Different people with similar intersections of demographic traits do tend to share some similarities regarding political views and social, economic, and political concerns. How can they not? They see certain aspects of reality together. This can lead to the same conclusions. Again, I speak in general terms here. While there are always exceptions to the rule, this is how things normally pan out. People are, by and large, creatures of their experiences. You can never discount the impact of environment on people. While this does not necessarily mean they are totally blank slates, what one experiences through life can and does have a big impact on how that person sees the world and how that person thinks things should be done.
The same applies to marketing. Believe it or not, when you log in to Facebook, it spies on you not only by paying attention to the stuff that you like and the topics that you comment on, but also based on your ad clicks. They then start showing you ads based on its best guess of what you are interested in. This is only possible through a series of highly complicated calculations to show and to get the right ads into the right people. This is just a symptom of the fact that modern human existence, at least in the western world, is fragmented. It's rare for people to talk about other people as complete individuals. They either referred to a larger group that you're a part of, or based on what you can contribute in terms of one key aspect of your life: your ability to make money, to give of your time, or your talent. Whatever the case maybe, people don't really consider each other a complete, self-sustaining, integral and comprehensive self-enclosed being. There's a reason why anti-hypertensive, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant medications are always on the top five of legal prescription drugs year after year in the West. At some level, we are sick, as a society.
This is what wellness and wholeness tries to address. A holistic approach wellness that addresses the whole person. Human beings are unbelievably complex, it goes a long way to truly address the human condition. Isn't it time we start addressing our wellness issues from this perspective? We have to stop looking at ourselves as some flat, monolithic, one-dimensional cartoon. Unfortunately, that's how the medical industrial complex views human beings. You only need to look at drug addiction rates, drug addiction divorce, suicide and other indices of personal and social dysfunction to see that there is something fundamentally wrong. Wholeness gets to the heart of this. We need it collectively and you need it individually.l
CAN A WOMAN BECOME MORE POWERFUL? Reeny Carvotta Barron Can a Woman be more powerful and stand out in her own feminine energy and take a stand?As a woman, avoiding conflict to stay in peace is like:the nurturing mother of a childa partner of passiona flower of sweetness. But, we deny ourselves; Inability to be in the present moment. Doubt (inability to trust our abilities - always need to be perfect) Impatience (the stubbornness to refuse the present until a certain outcome is achieved) Projection of negative beliefs, values and ideals permeating onto the universe. Closing our minds to possibilities that surpass our wildest dreams. The need to control by setting limits that make us comfortable and forsake the big picture, such as time limits, physical attributes, moral imperatives, etc. An unwillingness to allow through surrender
Let's Start with Surrender Our beliefs hold us strong. Everything in our lives can be embraced. Everything in life is a lesson and our reactions can create or deny opportunity. Surrendering to actually being vulnerable takes courage. We all have a strong internal compass that keeps us focused inward keeping use safe from our perceptions of reality. Intention (the will to confidently assert your vision) Surrender (Let Go, Let God) no investment in how your dream manifests Detachment from the outcome (seeking no outward expression of the item.) Flexibility (all while still 'knowing')
By surrendering judgment, you allow others complete autonomy because you are offering radical acceptance.Surrender judgmentOf others: By allowing others to be who they are, you allow yourself to be who you are. It is impossible to be in alignment if you are passing judgement on others. Our lives carry our energy and when we are wanting a particular outcome, our feeling can leave us disconnected from what is true.Of situations: by surrendering judgment of circumstances, we insert ourselves directly into the flow of what is. This is the space acceptance without judgments and fears
Stretch beyond your comfort zone. Whether it's through personal development, spiritual practice, coaching, all of the above or anything else that helps you be more of who you are.Doing something you've never done before and finding you can do it. Even it you are not equipped, build the courage to have the confidence.Being vulnerable Stepping out of your EGO it tough. Our ego likes to keep us safe creating illusions of danger. With courage comes an inner strength and confidence - will breed success. Check out those disarming beliefs harboring your from stepping out. Are they real? Are they quantified? Even with all the actions you put into place without courage and the ability to surrender we sabotage our self worth. Imagine: a little wall flower full of potential expecting to be rescued. It can be an uphill battle(!) Free what is inside of you and step beyond. Life is too short to waste on unnecessary logic. Rewrite your reality and give yourself a reason to change. Be that person who desires more in life and business - sweeping actions without compromise!Do dare to dream bigger dreams. Trust in the wisdom and the gifts that created you. Whatever direction it may take you-you will have the courage to travel beyond.When the twilight of your life arrives, as it surely will, it will matter not whether you managed to achieve your vision, but that you had the courage to surrender and pursue it. Reeny coaches individuals who are stuck, afraid, unsure, in transition, struggling with selfdoubt, frustration, falling back to old patterns As a Soul Purpose Coach, she uses techniques to awaken your heart and open your intuitive powers guiding individuals to embrace a soul aligned path to life that will bring greater joy, freedom, success, and inner peace.Her blogs, includes inspirational articles are written for those who are seeking a new view to looking at life. Get access to her new book
Article Source:
clearing the error thoughts that block our feminine power.CourageCourage breeds success, but how do you build the confidence?You build it by building your personal resources.
DON"T GIVE UP ON YOUR HAIR Elissa Gabrielle Naturals REVIVAL Follicle Stimulating Cream is a glorious and miraculous handmade rejuvenating cream designed to strengthen weakened hair follicles with pure timehonored, organic, natural ingredients.
Don't wait another minute.Do you suffer from any of the following? Alopecia Traction Alopecia Bald Spots Thin Edges Thin Hair Balding Thinning Crown Slow Growth Who can use Elissa Gabrielle Naturals? 100% All Natural Organic Ingredients Safe And Effective For All Hair Types S DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON YOUR HAIR!
HOMESCHOOL ADVICE Plan the day with your child Even if you're following a lesson plan, it's good to brainstorm with your child about their day ahead. Give them options. Ask them what they feel about doing tasks in certain ways. Give them time to adjust to the schedule.
Keep in touch with teachers Ask the teacher if you have to strictly follow the curriculum given, or if you have the freedom to adjust the schedule. Teachers can also give you tips on how to effectively faciliate your kids' learning. They can also get you in touch with other parents.
Some tips for teaching your kids at home
Involve the family Homeschooling involves integrating your child's educational schedule with your family's regular routine. Have a chat with your family and know what their expectations are with the home school setup—and what is expected of them.
Use free resources The school will provide the lessons, but you can also make use of other resources like worksheets available online to support or expand it.
Take breaks
Be flexible
It's a simple advice - and you can't underestimate the power of breaks.
Learning from can be difficult, new, and frustrating.
Add it to your schedule and make it fun—or be spontaneous and flexible and take it when you can.
Facilitate your child's study schedule closely, but be flexible to change it up based on your child's learning tendencies and emotional state at the time.
5 Essential Tips for Managing Frustration
Written by
Not everyone knows how to manage frustration well. It’s not taught in schools (though it should be) and our parents weren’t always the best examples. Even if you’re among the fortunate few who grew up around people who never seemed frustrated, chances are we never learned how to channel our frustration into something positive or good. Managing frustration isn’t impossible. These five essential tips will help you keep your cool, even in the most frustrating of circumstances. Take a Step Back The smartest thing you should do when feeling frustrated is to take a step back. Breathe. Don’t react. Take a minute to distance yourself from the situation so you can ask what just happened and try to figure out an answer. By stepping outside of the situation, you can see things more objectively. Ask if there are pros or cons to this situation. Remind yourself if you’ve been here before, and you’ve gotten out of it unscathed. Even if this is new territory for you, chances are it wasn’t for someone else. Remind yourself you will survive this challenge. Embrace the Emotion – Then Let Go When you’re frustrated, you’re pulling a lot of emotion into a situation. Your first reaction might be to suppress these feelings. Rather than pushing down and trying to ignore them, identify what you’re feeling, then allow yourself to feel it before letting it go. That keeps emotions from controlling the situation.
Act When Calm When you think you’re outside the emotions and able to act rationally, do just that. You should make all decisions from your logical self, not the emotional one. The goal is to respond to a frustrating situation, not react. Identify What You Wanted in the First Place
Frustration tends to happen when you’re not getting something you want. What triggered this frustration? Was this a want or a need? If it’s a want, is it practical or reasonable? Or is this something you need to let go? Make a Choice In the end, frustration only leaves you with two choices: accept the status quo, even If it’s painful, or change the situation to ease the frustration. Decide which it’s going to be. If you’re going with the status quo, you have to accept the frustration as being part of this decision and learn to live with it or let it go. Managing frustration isn’t hard so long as you can stay out of the emotions of the moment. Keep a handle on yourself and take the time to think things through. Then act as needed.
Meat is delicious. But too much in your diet can cause a plethora of health symptoms. But when it comes to fresh produce, you can never eat too much! You don't have to ditch meat altogether, just add more fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Try these delicious vegetarian recipes they will make you forget about meat, even for a while. Soy and Sugar Fried Cauliflower What you need: 11 large head cauliflower, cut into florets 1 egg, beaten 2 scallions, thinly sliced 1 cup ice water 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, sifted 1/2 cup cornstarch 1/3 cup garlic chilli sauce 3 tablespoons brown sugar2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 2 teaspoons sesame oil1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon Kosher salt Vegetable oil for frying
Whisk together ice water, flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt in a bowl to prepare the batter. Heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat in a pan. Working in batches, toss cauliflower in batter and fry for 4 minutes per side. Remove from heat and place in a plate lined with paper towels. Combine chilli sauce, brown sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil and ginger in a bowl. Toss fried cauliflower in the mixture, sprinkle with scallions and sesame seeds then serve. Article Source:
What you need: 1/4 kilogram Fusili pasta, cooked 3 cups Brussels sprouts, halved 2 1/2 cups whole milk 1 1/2 cups white cheddar 1 cup fontina, shredded 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, divided 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup flour 1 tablespoon olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper
Arrange Brussels sprouts in a baking sheet brushed with olive oil. Season with kosher salt and ground black pepper then bake in a pre-heated oven (375F) for 30 minutes or until tender. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add flour and milk to the pan and whisk together. Season with salt and pepper then allow to simmer for 5 minutes, or until mixture has thickened. Remove from heat then stir in white cheddar, fontina and 1/2 cup parmesan. Mix until cheeses are well-incorporated in the mixture. Fold in Brussels sprouts and cooked pasta then transfer everything to a baking dish. Combine bread crumbs and remaining parmesan in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle mixture over mixture over pasta. Bake for 30 minutes in an oven (375F)
The extension of women’s right is the basic principle of all social rogress. progress. - CHARLES FOURIER
Women's Right Awareness 2020
What's Your Mood?
Artists often paint how they feel. They use bright colors when they feel happy or excited. Some use thick, heavy lines for when they're sad or angry. create your own mood portrait below. Use different lines, colors, and shapes and decorate the head to express how you feel.
JAZZ MAN BEN TANKARD SAYS MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH FREE MUSIC DOWNLOAD OF "SILENT NIGHT" FEATURING DONALD HAYES Nashville, TN -- The Stellar Award Honors Hall of Fame inductee and platinum-selling pioneer of Gospel Jazz has found Sunday's Best Musician! Ben Tankard launched his quest to find and inspire new talent and allow upcoming musicians an opportunity to appear on his next album. After judging entries based on presentation, professionalism, talent, and skillset fit with the style of the track he would record, Tankard selected two winners - flutist Brandon Marceal and vocalist Tracey Phipps. "All of the entries were very talented and gifted and I pray Godspeed on their career goals," says Tankard. "I hope everyone has been utilizing the self-improvement tools that were sent in response to each entry and I thank those who participated ."Brandon Marceal is an amazing freelance flutist who is creating quite a buzz by presenting a unique and refreshing voice to Contemporary Jazz, Hip Hop, Gospel, Funk, Country, and Rock music. Tracey Phipps is a rising R&B singer and songwriter whose sultry vocals and airy falsetto flow in a combination of new school R&B meet a flare of the 90s. Brandon and Tracey will perform with Tankard on his new album SHINE that will release in 2021. Tankard is preparing his SHINE album in follow-up to his award-winning album RISE. His "Rise" single climbed to #1 Billboard Smooth Jazz Airplay chart, on the Mediabase Smooth Jazz Radio Chart, and the Smooth Jazz Top 20 with Allen Kepler on In addition, "Passionfruit" remains at #1 on the Billboard Smooth Jazz recurrent chart enabling Tankard to have singles from RISE at the top of the charts for over 2-years. Tankard is blessed to continue to celebrate musical successes. To thank his fans and followers, he is offering a FREE Christmas music download of "Silent Night" featuring saxophonist Donald Hayes.
"Christmas this year may be somewhat different (and in some ways a little 'silent') for many of us who have experienced the loss of loved ones due to COVID-19," says Tankard. "I wanted to share an instrumental rendition of the old Christmas melody Silent Night that we all love. I pray that it will trigger fond memories of those loved ones and recreate a musical backdrop for meditation on God's grace and love for us as we navigate through this season with hope for the future.""Silent Night" can be downloaded and enjoyed for FREE at "Special thanks to my friend Donald Hayes who provided the sax solo on Silent Night," Tankard expresses. "Merry Christmas from the Tankard family and the Hayes Family!"
Booking Contact: 615-907-0185 Media Requests:
BE SMART. BE SAFE. Lower the risk of danger by drinking moderately.
SEARCHING FOR FREEDOM THROUGH SELF-CARE By Chastity Sonier Having positive energy around you is a one of the key elements to
positive mind frame will help you
affirmations in your daily life. Now, how does the conscious mind stay in a posture where positive energy surrounds you daily? You do it by developing self-awareness, reducing stress levels, and managing internal and
emotions. The important factor is understanding your triggers. Being knowledgeable of what makes you feel good or bad 82
can truly help increase positive energy and eliminate negative energy in your life. As an individual you have to teach yourself how to provide self-care to your everyday life. You have to consciously learn how to cultivate being mindful of your desires. When cultivating your desires, you have to also consider your emotions and allow yourself to go through the process of feeling those emotions. When you worry and stress yourself about certain situations you tend to spend at least 50% of your day lost on that situation,
which tends to turn into negative energy.
When you are mindful of positive energy around you then you have the power to eliminate the distractions of negative energy, which decreases the percentage that you use to spend on negative energy.
One thing I tell individuals is that you must declare a place of freedom in your life. When dealing with freedom
you have to know what freedom feels like to you,
what freedom looks like for you, and then be able to embrace the freedom that you desire. You have to understand what you are thinking, feeling, and doing in your daily life. Once you become mindful and aware of what is making you happy or sad, then you are able to change the negative energy surrounding you. You are also in control to transform that negativity into positive energy. You have to be able to release the past events and the future events, because these are things you cannot change or control; you lose your awareness and freedom when you place your mind hostage on past and future events.
How do you release the emotion bondage? Easy, right? Through prayer or mediation and acceptance. When you see that these emotions are triggering based on past or future situations, then you have to consciously have a self-talk with yourself regarding accepting the situation in which you cannot control. Know that it is okay to surrender to your emotions, but it is your choice on how you react to these emotions. Freedom is manifest by how you handled your emotions. Your goal to embracing your freedom is to take control and not feed negative emotions. As an individual we have a choice to allow negativity or positivity to filter in your life. Now, I am not telling anybody not to feel a particular
yoemotion, but I will advise that it is a choice that you make to hold onto the negative or positive emotions. Please note this take practice for you to be mindful of who you desire to be as a person. I guess the question that you should ask yourself is do you truly know who you are and how much do you allow your circumstance take control of your emotions?
Overall, the goal is to be able to have self-control over your emotions. The best solution is to handle the emotion before you speak or act on the situation. If you are able to ignore the action that is directed to you and turn the other cheek this is the best signs of self-control, but if you decide to act on your emotion know that you have the ability to stop that behavior and not continue to feed the situation. Please know that the concept of self-control can bring positive energy into your life and turn away the negative energy, but the choice is up to you. Stay mindful…Always love…
Beauty is power.
A smile is its sword. - JOHN RAY
Singlehood is my choice
Elissa GAbrielle NAturals
Give your hair some love
Why Leaders Must UNIFY Others? Richard Brody
Since, there are so may aspects, involved, in
1. Urge; urgent; useful; unity/ united; usual/
unusual; utmost: Great leaders must be ready,
willing, and able, to urge others, to be united, in
and is
their quest, for the greater good! They must
aspects, etc! After, over four decades of
consider carefully, and, prioritize urgent issues,
involvement, in nearly, all areas of leading,
and provide useful leadership, and direction! It
from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, as well as being
organizations, I have come to believe, one of the most important of these requirements, may be, they must UNIFY their group, as well as all stakeholders (existing, past, and potential ones), in order to benefit the common good, by inspiring and motivating others, to reach a meeting - of - the - minds! With that in mind,
takes the ability to handle, both, the usual, as well as unusual challenges, and, to always, proceed, forward, with the intention, of offering their utmost efforts! 2. Needs; nerve; nuances; niche: A true leaders, proactively, addresses the needs of his group, and stakeholders, and has the inner strength, and nerve, to take decisive actions, in a well considered, relevant way! He must, also,
this article will attempt to, briefly, consider,
address, both, the group's specific nuances,
and realize/ recognize the niche, the specific
mnemonic approach, what this means, and
group, fits - into!
represents, and why it matters.
3. Ideas; inspire; integrity; informs;
innovate; imagine: Will you be able, to imagine the needs, etc, in a relevant, sustainable manner, and bring forth, ideas, which, might inspire your constituents, to greater caring, and personal involvement? Remember, you must maintain absolute integrity, or why should anyone, trust you, and, thus, follow? Great leaders inform others, with clarity, of reality, relevant, and sustainable possibilities, options, and alternatives! 4. Face facts; future; furnish; fruition: It's essential to face the facts, and consider, ramifications, of every action taken (or avoided), in terms of the future sustainability of the group! A great leader will furnish meaningful leadership, ideas, and a strategic, and action plan, and take these, to fruition!5. Yes; you/ your: One must be willing, to say, yes, to taking the best steps, forward, and accepting, you have personal responsibility, to demand your utmost degree of personal excellence, instead of good enough!Are you willing, to proactively, UNIFY others, for the greater good? Do you have, what it takes, to be a real leader? Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook Article Source:
feels good to be the center of other people’s
You may have agreed theoretically that forgiving and forgetting is possible, but is it really? Absolutely - with time, patience, and grace. Having a forgiving nature may not be a natural state of being but it can become part of your relationships tool kit. Before we look at how to forgive, let’s look at why people don’t forgive: It feels unfair- It feels unfair to forgive someone who seemingly might be getting away with doing a very bad thing. It doesn’t match up with the idea of justice to not hold someone accountable and require restitution for their offense. It feels like your pain isn’t valid or important enough and that the offender is going to go without truly understanding the impact their actions have on you and others. It feels good- The only reason someone holds onto negative feelings is that they are getting something out of it. Holding a grudge and being hostile feels good. It feels good to know someone owes you for their transgression. It
sympathies and caring inquiries. Though it’s not socially fashionable to admit it, sometimes there is a weird celebrity to being a victim.
So, is forgiving and forgetting really possible? If you are ready to let go of the weight that comes from staying stuck in the unfairness and victimhood, it is entirely possible to forgive. It is possible to forgive and forget when these things come into play: You can see more than one angle to situationIn rare cases, the families of murder victims have found it in their hearts to offer forgiveness to people who have taken their loved ones. Looking past the offense and examining the circumstances in totality, they are able to humanize the offender and find it in their hearts to forgive and, in some cases, build a relationship that transcends the situation.
You can see a bigger picture- From knowing it is in your best interest physically and emotionally, to knowing that it’s ultimately best for others, forgiveness can come when you see a bigger picture. This holds true in divorce. Pain can be set aside for the benefit of children or extended family; forgiveness is key to co-parenting and harmony. Your wisdom overrides your emotions- Emotions should not rule the roost. When wisdom dictates, forgiveness will happen. Wisdom sees the benefits despite the perceived loss. When wisdom nudges emotions to consider moving on, forgiveness is possible. Forgiveness is always possible when the acuity of the situation dies down and the bigger picture comes into play. Give yourself time, patience, and grace, and you can find forgiveness.