Real Life Real Faith February magazine

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Editor's Notes An editor is a person who edits or makes changes to documents.


Renee Beavers These gumdrop coolies will definitely become the star of the show at any Christmas gathering. A delight to make


Crockpot Ginger and Orange Chcken If you are in business Pierre Jean Claude says the end of the year is a perfect time for you to review your finances


We Must Be Safe From Both Internal and External Terrorists The holidays can be hectic. Especially when it comes to Relationships. In this article Liz helps us navigate these relationships.Â



Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Columnists Brian Ganges, Michelle Cuttino, DaPorsche Rufus, Kathy Robbins MAqsood Contributors Donna H, Richard Brody, Anastasia Kanli Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


Ask yourself what's the worse than can happen


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Take a moment to think about life. We’re not talking about life in the “big picture” sense. Instead, we’re talking about regular, everyday life. You know, the routine, the usual, even the humdrum. What is it that ties every day of living together? What is it that every normal day shares? What is the one thing in life that is predictable and unchanging? The answer to each of these questions is risk. We don’t often like to think about life in terms of the risks that it poses. However, if you look at existence realistically, you will soon realize that the simple act of being alive is fraught with risk. Every choice that you make during the average day, even the most mundane of choices, comes with a potential benefit and a potential detriment. Life as we know it is essentially one long gamble. Each of us are patrons at a cosmic casino. We stand at the craps table of life, dice in hand, taking chances, big and small, against the odds. As long as we keep winning, we get to keep playing. However, like all casinos, the long odds are stacked in favor of the house. Sooner or later, every one of us rolls a seven and craps out. Now, to many people, this may seem like an extremely nihilistic and negative point of view. That’s because, to many people, honestly looking at the risks that come from living is intolerable. To see the world as full of potential dangers, any one of which could instantly snuff out our existence, can be a terrifying experience. That’s why some people prefer to insulate themselves from the reality of risk by pretending that risk doesn’t exist. However, willfully ignoring the fact that risks are inherent and bound up in every activity that we undertake, does nothing to lessen those risks. For example, take driving in a car. This is an extremely risky activity, How risky? Well, every day more than 3,000 people die in car accidents. Over 95,000 people are seriously injured in vehicle collisions every day. Over the course of a year that’s a lot of carnage. Yet, every day, quite a number of us blithely get into cars and drive. Why? Well, for many of us, driving is a necessity. We must drive in order to work, shop and socialize. So, we unconsciously weigh our need to drive against the potential for serious injury or death because of driving and decide to get behind the wheel. In essence, we roll the dice with our lives and futures, We do this because we instinctively know that the odds are in our favor. We also have a set of stored memories that reinforces our instincts. In other words, we know that driving is risky. However, we accept that risk and decide to reap the rewards that come from the activity. In short, we dare to dare. Take a moment to think about life. We’re not talking about life in the “big picture” sense. Instead, we’re talking about regular, everyday life. You know, the routine, the usual, even the humdrum. What is it that ties every day of living together? What is it that every normal day shares? What is the one thing in life that is predictable and unchanging? The answer to each of these questions is risk. We don’t often like to think about life in terms of the risks that it poses. However, if you look at existence realistically, you will soon realize that the simple act of being alive is fraught with risk. Every choice that you make during the average day, even the most mundane of choices, comes with a potential benefit and a potential detriment. Life as we know it is essentially one long gamble. Each of us are patrons at a cosmic casino. We stand at the craps table of life, dice in hand, taking chances, big and small, against the odds. As long as we keep winning, we get to keep playing. However, like all casinos, the long odds are stacked in favor of the house. Sooner or later, every one of us rolls a seven and craps out.


There is nothing worse than feeling like a failure. Some people simply cannot stomach the thought of being unable to live up to their own expectations or the expectations of others. One setback can sometimes send a sensitive person reeling for days, even years, and sink them into a deep depression. However, there is nothing more defeating than allowing yourself to stay stuck in the mindset of believing that a plan didn’t work out because you or your planning process was inherently flawed. When we circle the blame onto ourselves, again and again, it can take us years to recover from the abuse we are heaping onto our psyche. You are not worthless because a plan you attempted to put into action hasn’t succeeded yet. You are courageous for putting in the effort at all. Just because something didn’t work out taking one course of action, that doesn’t mean that you are doomed to fail eternally. It simply means that it is time to regroup and fall back on plan B. Or C. Or D. You could go through as many variations of your plan as many times as you need to. The important thing is that you never give up. You could go through the entire alphabet again and again until you figure out what works to make your dream a reality. If it means enough to you, then don’t stop believing that success is possible. This can be easier said than done. Bouncing back after a setback can seem impossible at first, but the first

thing you need to do is to remember to breathe. If you panic, nothing good will come of it. Your best course of action is to approach the situation with a cool and level head, and although that may be hard to do at first, you are more than capable of it! Next, give yourself a little bit of time to regroup and process what has happened. Why did your plan fail? What was it that got in the way? How could those issues have been avoided? What could you do better in the future when making a more foolproof plan B? Finally, take some time to consider just what you have learned from the process of failing. Failure is not permanent. It is simply a stage that we go through during the evolution of a plan or an idea. Failure means that there are more complications than we anticipated, and we are learning more and more with every little mistake that we make. By the time we succeed, we are so steeled against setbacks that the next goal we attempt to accomplish may seem to come much easier to us because the setbacks are not so devastating. We can turn our setbacks into gems of truth and a will of steel, or we can let it defeat us. But nobody has ever mastered their destiny by giving up. To become a great achiever, you keep going until you have achieved your goal at all costs!

There has to be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends and a New Year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences. Mitch Albom, author of “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” wrote: “All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” It’s a great way to look at endings in our lives. Some endings, such as the death of a loved one, will leave you sad, but if you can accept it as an entire host of good memories and eventually go on with what the new beginnings have in store for you, you’ll live a happier and more fulfilled life. Each step in your life is necessary for you to continue growing. The end of high school or college signifies the beginning of an adult lifestyle and possibly a career that you’ve studied for.

Every New Year is an opportunity for you to sit down and figure out what you want to do differently this year that will make you a better and happier person. Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking, move on to another job? Now is the time to rethink and reset your goals and make the necessary changes in your life. An ending can only come when you let go of thinking about them. When negative things get to be beyond your control, you’ve got to distance yourself and begin to make a space for the positive. Otherwise, it will interfere with the future you want to have and keep you from making the changes you need to make. Get a grip on the reality of endings. You don’t have to like all of them, but you do need to accept the reality of what they

New Beginnings and Final Endings

are. If you don’t learn to accept endings to allow for new beginnings, you could simply give up and that would mean unhappiness and a lifetime of regrets. Think about things in a new way. You may think of yourself as “set in your ways,” about certain things, but you have the right to change your mind if something occurs (such as more knowledge) to tilt your thinking another way. Sometimes it helps to gain a fresh perspective on life and let go of old beliefs. Remember, if you don’t take chances, change isn’t possible. You can hold on to the good things in your life, but if a new idea triggers excitement and fulfillment in your life, try it. If you don’t, you may regret it.




To meet and know Renee M. Beavers

building, owning and selling full

and live free from struggle and

most are inspired by how they can

service upscale salons for close to 30

conflict while truly enjoying one of

take charge to overcome issues and

years. But it wasn’t until her daughter

the most basic needs we have;

complications in their lives through

was diagnosed with an idiopathic

FOOD. She is the author of six (6)

God’s grace to understand, develop

liver disease at the age of 11 (the

bestselling books and has received

and implement the solutions of a

same age when Renee became

countless radio, television and print

healthy lifestyle that allows them to

acutely aware of her own food

media coverage. Renee and her

reach heights intended for them, but

issues) that she then made a decision

husband of 28 years, Gil, live in

initially blocked by fear and

to become a part of the solution. She

Montgomery, Alabama. They have


began to study food as it related to

one daughter, Aharon. Renee has

illnesses and took an in-depth look at

never felt healthier than she does

Renee’s roots began with

diets that claimed to provide

now; practicing what she teaches,

grandparents who clearly were

supplements. Her discovery? Diets

and that is a simple way to keep your

aware of the importance of an

don’t change your life – only lifestyles

mind, body and soul healthy without

organic, whole food and vegetarian


modern dieting.

lifestyle. At four years old, she recalls being taught the importance of

After pursuing and earning a

eating homemade, unprocessed

certificate in Nutrition & Weight

foods and developed a distinct

Management, Renee felt that her

understanding as to why pure

credentials would certainly pay off by

distilled water was essential to good

having more knowledge that would

health. Her grandmother’s rituals of

benefit her and her daughter.

utilizing herbs, teas and a holistic

Unfortunately, she became more

approach to achieving and

confused because her instincts were

maintaining a healthy lifestyle

always in conflict with the concept of

created a base for her to know that

the food pyramid. She completely

wellness was to always be a vital part

understood what she learned during

of her life.

her certification program process, but personally felt that it was out of

However, by age 11, in spite of her

balance and unnatural. When she

grandparents’ example, Renee

encountered a health occurrence

struggled with weight that included

herself, she made the decision to

serial eating and dieting. She

abandon prescription drugs, medical

experienced unhealthy personal

treatments, diets and extreme

relationships and because of it, she

workout plans. Instead, she turned to

transferred her void into another

God’s age-old principles of prayer,

unhealthy relationship; FOOD. This

fasting and a strong plant lifestyle.

lonely and painful battle lasted for

Following experts whose writings and

years. While she consciously knew

research provided a more solid

better based on her upbringing,

foundation to build and grow on, she

Renee, nonetheless, ignored her

discovered biblical principles and

teachings and resorted to unhealthy

food science on which she could

eating habits and dieting only to be

stand and teach to others.

disappointed by pointless results. Today, Renee M. Beavers has Regardless of what was consciously

transformed man-made food theory

happening with Renee, the conflict

back into the hands from which

was that she still appreciated the

principles were originally established

organic roots learned from her

- and that is, God. She’s able to

grandmother and wellness was still

weave HIS teachings on food and our

important to her. Her path took her

relationship with it into concise and

into the beauty industry. She utilized

helpful instructions so that all

her entrepreneurial talents by


Crockpot Ginger and Orange Chicken

By Donna H

What you need:Â

8 bone-in chicken thighs, skinned 1/4 cup lower-sodium soy sauce 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons light brown sugar 2 tablespoons sliced green onions for topping 1 tablespoon peeled and minced fresh ginger 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon water 5 teaspoons hoisin sauce 2 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds 1 teaspoon minced garlic




Brown chicken in a pan with sesame oil over medium-high heat. Transfer chicken to a crockpot. In a medium bowl, mix together soy sauce, orange juice, brown sugar, ginger, hoisin sauce and garlic then pour over chicken. Cover and cook for 2 1/2 to 3 hours on low. When ready, transfer to a serving plate and keep warm. Pour liquid from crockpot to a sieve over a pan and discard solids. Bring to a boil. Mix cornstarch and water then whisk into sauce. Return to a boil and cook until sauce thickens. To serve, pour sauce over chicken then top with sesame seeds and green onions.

Want to enjoy a delicious crockpot dinner? These recipes are just what you're looking for!

Donna H. is a nutrition expert. Although not professionally, she has dedicated over a decade of her life researching and interviewing licensed nutritionists to gain the knowledge she has today - all for the love of healthy eating and dieting. She is an avid slow cooker and has contributed countless of recipes to countless popular websites.

Check out helpful tips and tricks as well as easy and delicious slow cooker recipes when using a crock pot.Take out all of the black gumdrops and store for another use. Cut the remaining gumdrops into small pieces. Place gumdrops into a bowl. Add in the walnuts, raisins and 1/4 cup flour; toss to coat. Set aside.

In a mixing bowl, cream shortening and brown sugar. Add egg; beat in buttermilk, flour; stir into creamed mixture. Add gumdrop mixture and mix well. Chill for 1 hour.

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls 2-inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool .

Makes 36 cookies.

Article Source:




Protect Your Identity on the Internet and at Home The number of people who disregard warnings

cautious. Don't discard bills and letters, and so on,

and spill the beans about themselves on social

with your personal details displayed on them

Norma Holt

media and other places are looking to have their

without shredding them. Envelopes can also

identities stolen. One lady recently discovered that

contain these things.

her image was being used by a scammer to get money from victims who thought they were

When using a bank make sure there is no one

communicating with her. While this didn't affect

standing close enough behind you to copy down

her personally it allowed a crime to be committed

details, such as pin numbers, addresses, age, and so

against several people because of her.

forth. Some cab drivers in Australia have sold credit card numbers to mates overseas who have

Most people won't use a pseudonym when writing

then bought products on them. Most shops now

and publishing their stuff on-line, as they want

don't refund in cash but put the money back on

their followers to find them. While that stands

the card.

there are ways of protecting yourself and other by using old images, instead of up-to-date photos,

The institutions are trying to protect customers

posting a false birth-date, and giving little personal

from fraud but they can't cover everything. The


bottom line is that it is your identity and you are the one responsible for it.

Everything you post on-line will be available through the Search Engines. That means extreme

Norma Holt has knowledge that enables her to

caution needs to be taken. While the Internet is

understand many issues. Political, social and

only one such source of you identity you must be

behavioral problems are usually on her list for

aware of others.

discussion as well as anything to do with the Spirit of the Universe and reincarnation, which she

Garbage cans and recycling bins are places where

experienced. She is happy to hear from any of her

scammers can also get your identity if you are notÂ


Article Source:

Real Life Real Faith | 16










Lifestyle feature

15 Questions for Discovering Your Passion WORDS BY CHERYL LACEY DONOVAN 10. If I were to make just one radical If you’re lucky, you’ve already

Abbey in London. The streets of Hong

discovered many of your passions

Kong may be calling your name or

and get to spend much of your time

even the Grand Canyon. Can you

enjoying things that bring you

make it happen?

excitement and joy. However, maybe you’ve not yet connected with

5. What do I talk about doing but

activities, skills, and interests that

never do it? In a conversation, you

ignite your passion.

might state something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to

It takes time, soul-searching, and

take a cruise to the Caribbean.”

some life experience to identify your true passions. These prompts are

6. What are the reasons I don’t go

written to tap into your wants, needs,

after my dreams? Explore within

desires, and fantasies. Have fun with

yourself why you haven’t pursued the

them and discover what you can add

life you want. Can you do something

to your life that will fill it with delight.

differently to help bring your dreams to life?

1. What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do? Consider what would

7. How will I finish the sentence,

need to happen in order for you to

“More than anything, before I die, I

carry through with this long-sought

want to ___________?” Say it out

wish. Make a plan and get started.

loud and fill in the blank. Then, figure out a way to accomplish your wish.

2. If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?

8. What are the things in my life that I

Let your mind go. It could be

would like to get rid of? If you’re

something related to your work, your

discovering you don’t love everything

home, or simply a lark.

about your life, maybe it’s time to do some “housecleaning.” Make a list of

3. Where do I really want to live?

the ways you’d like your life to

What city and what type of


residence? Perhaps you’re already fulfilling this passion and you do live

9. Which people in my life inspire me

in your true first choice. If not, ponder

and why? It’s important to know who

the possibilities of moving to a place

inspires you so you can spend more

you’ll love.

time with them. What is it about them that lights you up so much? Decide to

4. Where would I like to visit? Perhaps

take every step to be inspired more

you’re harboring a secret yearning to


visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster

change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be? Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities. Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life. Getting more education might be a goal—plus you’ll likely make more money.

• You’ll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make 1 change.

11. How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals? Notice these feelings. You’ll no doubt want to experience them more often.

12. How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal? Awesome, probably.

13. What’s missing from my life? Answering this question requires considerable soul-searching.

14. Who are my biggest supporters? It’s wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.

15. Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals? In order to find your true passions, you might be required to disengage from those who wish to counteract your efforts.

If you take the time to thoroughly ponder each of these questions, you’ll be pleased with what you discover. Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment.



The present luxury travelers are looking for new and unique experiences. They want to learn and understand the culture and history of the places they visit. They must experience it like a local, or more aptly, a very wealthy local. The new aspect of luxury vacation, it's no longer about living in the most expensive hotels or eating off gold (or actually eating it); it's now about experiences that you'll never forget that no one else has Instagrammed. A choice that could provide you a real new experience in terms of the modern meaning of luxury traveling is a private sailing cruise on a luxury yacht. A cruise like this in the Aegean Sea and especially in the Cyclades island group can provide an authentic experience of the town, city or village you're visiting. Although there will always be "must see" tourist spots to go to, you could also live authentic and local experiences. For instance, on the islands, you are going to visit you could participate in events that locals would frequent, like local festivals with music, dance, food and drink. For those who love to shop, you'll have the opportunity to try and buy local products that you can't find anywhere else. Try amazing wines, cheeses, exceptional Hellenic products like herbs coming from the Greek earth and grown with the help of sun and salty wind. Among others, you'll have also the option of arranging with your skipper a unique experience by mixing and matching different excursions, day trips, cruises, and activities to suit your personal preferences and interests. You could visit such as archaeological sites or secret buys or even enjoy a massage or personal counseling session like Ayurvedic & Thai massages, Healing, Reiki, Aromatherapy. If you wish you could also enjoy water sports or a relaxing yoga workshop. All the above could be a memorable time of your life consisted of services planned only for you, private visits, isolated beaches, private tours, or a relaxing afternoon cycling through the Greek countryside to a vineyard where a wholesome Mediterranean meal awaits? The options are endless. Of course on a trip like this, the crew of the sailboat can ensure you a level of safety and security, a calm cruise, a safe anchor the best services in and out of the boat. Everything on a trip along these lines is designed to satisfy your peace of mind and give you the pleasure you swear by a new age luxury travel.

We Must Be Safe From Both Internal And External Terrorists

While it may be, somewhat, simpler, to focus on the risks, America faces, from the outside, rather, than, realistically, considering, and objecting evaluating the needs, goals, and priorities, from within, it is, dangerous, and simplistic, to do so! In the 2016 Presidential elections, the United States of America elected a candidate, who resorted to negative rhetoric, empty promises, and vitriol, seeming to accept his tendency, to complain and blame others. Donald Trump has proceeded, as President, with the same tone, he had, while a private citizen, as well as candidate. President Trump has emphasized protecting our country from outside threats, both, by his negative rhetoric, as well as emphasis on needing a wall along the southern border, to keep danger out of our country. However, statistics indicate, within the U.S., there have been more home - grown terrorists, than foreign ones, even though, Mr. Trump, consistently places his blame, on whatever, defends his facts! With that in mind, this article will attempt to examine, and briefly discuss, both safety from internal, as well as external, potential terrorists. 1. External: We must not diminish the threats, which exist, in our present, crazy world! Excessive vitriol, and the tendency to place blame on others, rather than seeking unifying, for the common good, continues to threaten, an easing of tensions, etc! We have witnessed attacks, throughout the world, by so - called, Jihadists, ISIS, Al Quaida, etc, who, have attacked innocent individuals, to make a political statement, etc. In this country, we've seen, Lone Wolf's, who appear to subscribe to the political philosophies/ rhetoric, of some of these groups, attack Americas, and slaughter them. We must never forget the casualties of 9 - 11, when some of the foreign terrorists, attacked, and murdered, so many Americans. 2. Internal: There have been more attacks, on U.S. soil, by Americans, against their fellow citizens! It seems, the vitriol and rhetoric of President Trump, has enabled, many of the haters, such as Neo - Nazis, White Supremacists, etc. The somewhat, easy access of weapons, in this country, has also made these people, greater threats! We are the only free country, in the world, without some sort of saner, gun reform/ control/ l

aws, and, while some state, guns don't kill people (which is true), it is a fact, people with guns, do! When assault weapons are easy to access and obtain, and angry, disparaged, and even, mentally challenged individuals, can use them, we seem to continuously witness, a form of internal terrorism, not dictated by policy, but by deranged people! We deserve a nation, which is free from threats, from either, internal or external terrorists! Wake up America, and demand, your elected officials, develop and implement some sane solutions, rather than constant rhetoric! Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Â Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: Â ense4all Article Source: 661Â





GOD WANT'S YOUR HEART CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD Kathy Robbins Maqsood To everything there is a season, time and purpose. Each of the seasons was created for

tongue. But a loving heart produces a gracious tongue. A faithful heart produces a truthful tongue.

a time and purpose. God created seed, time

A peaceful heart produces a reconciling tongue. A

and harvest.

trusting heart produces an encouraging tongue.

The heart is a seed bed from which spring

Your heart is a storage container. It contains

forth the issues of life. It was created to

treasures. Jesus instructed in Luke 6:45 that "a good

cultivate the seed of the Word of God. Each of

man out of the good treasure of his heart brings

God's promises is to produce a harvest in your heart at a particular time. It is to reflect the kingdom of his righteousness producing the fruit thereof. Your WORDS will reflect what is filling your heart.

forth good. Out of the evil treasure of his heart will bring forth evil. It is out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." What are you feeding your heart? Fill your heart with words of grace from the Bible. Think on these things so when you speak you project light and not dark, life instead of death. Relationship takes place in the heart. Luke 10:27

The heart has the ability to think.The thoughts do

"You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your

not originate in the brain but the heart. All of life

HEART, and with all your soul, and with all your

flows from this one source. For as a man THINKS in

strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor

his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) Another way to say

as yourself."

it is whatever you think about is what you will become. It will affect the core of your being. This is

A lot is at stake in what we say today. “Death and life

where strongholds originate. Why? Your heart will

are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs

produce a root system and it will reach into your

18:21).Tongues include hands that write, type, paint,

mind, will and emotions and eventually effect your

or sign. The Power of the Tongue. People die

health. A critical heart will produce a critical tongue.

because of something said. Tongues can be

A self-righteous heart will produce a judgmental

weapons of mass destruction.

tongue. A bitter heart will produce a sharp tongue. An ungrateful heart will produce a grumbling

The world is full of words of death. 1 John 5:19 "The




whole world lies in the power of the evil one" who "was a murderer from the beginning...and is the father of lies".(John 8:44) We are from God and believe in His Son who is "the Word" (John 1:1), "truth and life" (John 14:6). He alone "has the words of eternal life" (John 6:68). “And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up” (Acts 20:32). This word filling your heart will root out the evil works of the devil. When sin entered the world so too entered deceptions and false teachings of the kingdom of darkness. The roots of seeds sown run deep in the heart of the earth even as do the seeds in the heart of man. This produces the fruit of weed-seed attitudes and beliefs that do not promote righteousness but the unfruitful works of darkness. They produce a form of godliness through the power of religion which cannot promote relationship with God. What each heart is truly seeking is intimacy with God. Holy Spirit unites with the Word of God and severs between the soul and spirit, joints and marrow, thoughts, intents and purposes of your heart. Allow the fire of Holy Spirit to consume all that is sabotaging your relationship with God, our Father and Jesus Christ so your mouth becomes a "fountain of life" (Proverbs 10:11) As the season changes in the natural, look to see the freshness of your heart that has been plowed deeply in this season and the seeds of the Word of God cultivated deep within.


Kathy Robbins-Maqsood is a native and lives in Asheville, North Carolina. She is a teacher, speaker, prophetess, psalmist, and missionary. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Reflections of Hope Ministries and Reflections of Hope-Pakistan. Kathy may be reached at


Renee M. Beavers, WPPB Lifestyle Advocate

It takes 21 days to form a new habit; one can try out

Communicator who is already known for evoking

the 21day journey of the plant-based

high-flying deeds in the area of healthy living and

cookbook and experience an improved living.

lifestyle proudly announces the availability of 21-

Renee M Beavers WPPB Cookbook is very

day WPPB Journey Cookbook with messages which

affordable, it contains nutritious and delicious

are aimed at providing hope, freedom, and liberty

plant-strong meals and the biblical principle of

to individuals who have been trapped in unhealthy

putting God and his word first which are the

relationships with the foods they eat.

gateway to experiencing Gods’ designed life. Renee honors all invitation for women's

“If we continue to do the same thing, eat the same

conferences, magazine, television, radio, health

foods, we obviously don’t expect a different

fairs, panel discussion, newspaper, and interviews.

result and failure is inevitable. Our recipes are

The lifestyle brand mogul has been seen on TBN

designed to empower readers with the tools,

and also won the Atlanta Potluck and Pitch in

support, and information necessary to achieve an

September. This amazing woman is the author of

ultimate lifestyle of success. Join us on this

the 21day journey whole person plant-based

journey towards achieving a life with fewer regrets”

cookbook, Tragedy to Majesty Devotional and

said Renee M Beavers of WPPB Lifestyle

Freedom from food support group curriculum.

Movement. Click on the following links to connect to Renee on Research has shown that there are ten top killers in

social media; Facebook:

the world today of which six out of them have a direct link to the foods one eats. It is Twitter:

possible that the cure one is searching for can be

found in the cause. Without ulterior motives, the Bible is one of the best sources of information ever

For more detailed information about Renee M.

known, however; most people do not live their lives

Beavers please visit

daily as though they believe that truth.



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