Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith Jan/Feb 2019 Issue

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Start the New Year on the Right Foot Alvin C. Romer


Meet James C. Gardner Hurley Morgan


Hurley's Mental Note Hurley Morgan


Chasing the Impact 2019 Leroy McKenzie, Jr.



Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Columnists Leroy McKenzie Alvin C. Romer Hurley Morgan Bryant Lewis

Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


Editor's Note

Words from the Senior Managing Editor… Hello 2019 & Greetings Everyone! A new year brings about new opportunities. Whether you are headed into new journeys, new relationships, new careers, or new anything under the sun…your success is in the palms of your hands. In this New Year we at Men of Faith Magazine will strive to bring you bigger and better content that will be entertaining, thought-provoking, educational, and enlightening. That is our promise to you…the reader! We will strive to touch on societal issues and concerns, mental and physical health issues and concerns, emotional and spiritual food for the soul, entertainment and sports news, business and employment tips, and an array of other issues and topics for men. We at MOF want to bring you content that is relevant and speaks to the men. We want to encourage change and a sense of responsibility to our communities. We seek to feature men in our magazine that add value to our communities instead of taking away…Lord knows we don’t need anything else taken from our communities. This issue’s feature is no different. We are pleased and honored to bring to you Brother Jimmie C Gardner, who was wrongly accused and prosecuted for sexual assault, robbery, burglary, and assault during the commission of a felony. Learn about how Brother Gardner overcame this life altering event by fighting for his exoneration and becoming a motivational speaker that now shares his message of positive thinking and resilience. At MOF, in 2019, we will continue to strive to cultivate minds with insightful and entertaining knowledge that is meant to help someone in need of food for thought. Remember…knowledge is KEY! Our mission continues to be one to address an array of topics that men not only want to hear about but also need to hear about. We will always cater to you! Much Love! Hurley Morgan

Senior Managing Editor

A MESSAGE FOR THE NEW YEAR USING GRATITUDE AS A FRAME OF REFERENCE Alvin C. Romer Here we are again, same place, same resolve, and same channel. Another year has come and gone and all of you, if the Lord spare you, will reach yet another birthday if you haven’t done so already. I want to address your attention to what’s in store for you for the New Year. I admit that I’m like most people, where I often welcome each New Year with at least a couple of resolutions, or things that I MUST complete, either to make amends or come to fruition. It may be things that just didn’t work out for me the past year and better days of reckoning must be made. I truly understand as you do, that New Year’s resolutions are always well-intended but generally are forgotten as the year progresses. So much so that around 80 % of them are doomed for failure. Instead of offering ideas for life-altering promises why not just live the life God wants you to live? Therein, you will find my unique way of doing just that. For starters, the Lord gave me the idea for this article reflected in Titus Chapter 2 verses 2 & 3, and in the fourth chapter of Ephesians to illustrate moving forward. To set the stage here, Titus was concerned about the senior citizens in the church and how they should be treated, as well as a template for how they should conduct their lives. Let me quote to you what was said in earnest: "Older men are to be wise and temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, and in perseverance. Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossipers, not enslaved abiding in much wine, teaching what is good." Now obviously, the message is subjective in nature, where if you look at it with conventional wisdom it would be something that should be heeded as you’re reading this. Even though it mentions wine, it’s my hope in a


sober manner that you are indulging in the right Spirit as opposed to the former. It’s indeed a milestone, or a blessing even, when you are afforded another day of life where death is delayed but not denied. But there is some reality to this getting old analogy that is perhaps not quite as humorous, but having quite a bit to do about going forward adhering to being better. There's a certain sadness in it when you’re relegated to not being as you remember you were during your heyday. We're glad we know what we know as we get older, but we wish we had youth to express it…to go out and be as demonstrative as you want to be. As someone said, “It's a shame that youth is taken for granted by people so young, when they are not mindful of how wit and wisdom is wasted.” There are negative aspects to getting old, that's true, but positive vibes from up on High when you allow someone bigger than you champion your cause. You become creatures of somewhat formidable and unbreakable habits when you can see bigger pictures hanging on the walls not crooked. And the longer you tarry, the harder it is receiving God’s blessings. Sometimes even our sins become so much a part of the fabric of our lives that even recognition of them becomes difficult, especially if you don’t correct them. Sometimes human nature and status quo allow us to get a little bit unyielding in our attitudes, and a little bit stubborn. Sometimes we think we know more than we do know; and sometimes we think age equals wisdom, and it doesn't. It SHOULD bring wisdom, albeit in the right setting, but it may not be the same thing if good intent doesn’t allow you to see God as you fathom advocating change in the New Year.

Let’s reflect on your past year a bit, there’s a message here for you. As a matter of fact, I’ve named this piece, ‘A Message for the New Year Using Gratitude as a Frame of Reference.’ But in order to begin a New Year, you must first make peace with your past and the relationships that have been broken through unforgiving attitudes. The question is, how forgiving are you? I’m sure it crosses your mind every so often of some people, be it family, friends or otherwise that haven’t been gracious or fair to you. Thank God that because of Jesus Christ, and the fact that He is reaching out to us with His love, whatever has happened to you personally in the past can be put behind you. And today I want to talk about an absolute must if you are to recover and go on to become all that God wants you to be in your life. It’s about restoring broken relationships, and knowing God is in the driver’s seat and you are His passengers. If something happened to you in your youth or in your past, or in some other relationship and it continues to hurt in your heart, then that resentment, that hurt, that brokenness is in control of your life; and it is on your back like a heavy burden that weighs you down. But thank God the Bible talks about how to get yesterday in your rear view mirror. As we look at what God's Word has to say, let's look at Ephesians 4:31-32. Paul talks about getting yesterday off your back and what a word this is to us about recovery! He also gives a subtle homily we all can attest to. Valentine’s Day back in February is but a distant memory, where I hope you received tokens of love from friends and family; Resurrection Day, (some still refer to it as Easter) was a time in which we celebrated the rise of our Lord and Savior with intent on saving mankind; Mother’s Day perhaps gave you a time reflecting on your childhood when your mother nurtured you…or even those of you who birthed your own children; Father’s Day will always remind us men that we are Kingdom Men and dominion of over families; Thanksgiving, a time of goodwill, familial order and harvest where the seeds of harmony is all about sharing…hopefully you were party to that; not least of all, but ever so important just recently we celebrated Christmas, the real reason for the season. All of the aforementioned are instances where gratitude is displayed. Now comes the time for resolutions and promises of purposeful perseverance. Can we sustain without procrastination? I mention these holidays because no matter the celebrated verve, each day is a holiday, a time to rejoice knowing that the Lord has a plan for each and every one of us, a plan of redeeming value. It’s yours to claim to institute gratitude if you deem the Lord as your Lord and Savior. It’s not too late! Life is not so dim where you can’t see the illumination of hope before you. As such, my sentiment rests with you individually and collectively as you contemplate how Grace has endowed you to reap what has, and will been sown. I remember as a child how and why I’ve grown to be what I am today. You see, I sought and savored the company of wise old men, and the safe haven of women who had much more than mother’s wit to share. They took me and rendered me close to their bosoms. Respect was given to them to me because I listened and learned. The neighborhood back then was truly a village, duly enfranchised and with a sense of togetherness, which you don’t see today. I mention all of this because respect is due to you as well. I’m going to sing praises unto you now. I would imagine that if the younger generation come to you desiring to talk, that you wouldn’t turn them away, that you would allow your experience to generate a new generation of inspired talk. In your lifetime up to now, I’m sure you have given legacies and lessons that shouldn’t go unnoticed. Being gracious has a lot to do with not allowing the traditional habit setting resolutions, or perhaps doing things a bit different from the previous year. We often mean well, but somewhere down the road the rubric changes and we’re back to square one. What happened? Why don’t we stay the course? Many New Year’s resolutions focus on what we want to change in our lives but not persevering or preserving an adhesive resolve. If goals for 2019 are more what we want to change in our lives there won’t be any peace in the valley, or mountaintop experiences to brag about. It is my mindset that all is needed for meaningful activism is to think out of the box, broaden your horizons by letting go and let God…by being thankful beyond your immediate periphery. The remedy is simple – GRATITUDE! Why gratitude? Gratitude is simply concept with powerful benefits. The first gratitude breakthrough might leave you feeling a little calmer being able to think problems out using moderate action prompts. Turn that into sustained habits and you’ll start to see increased health and modicums of happiness. It’s a process where sticking to a plan augments purpose. Your stress levels are lowered, your physical well-being improves and you build better relationships. Thus, in order to cash in on starting the New Year off right, one must truly understand exactly why what I mentioned earlier, along with it being paramount to changing old habits. When you use a sense of humbleness acknowledging the goodness that has come your way in tangible and intangible ways, the experience of being favored and flavored in God’s eyesight is awesome, and then some! I was asked most recently by students in my graduate level Psychology class, “How can you practice gratitude, Mr. Romer?” It didn’t take long for me to share my deepest feelings on the subject. I told them that journaling and making appropriate mental notes through transition are popular and serene ways embracing the gratitude habit. It works for me because it’s reflective where you record thought patterns not to allow wrong choices to spur ill-will. Moreover, it is my most successful motive because it makes me achieve more progress toward my goals fueling optimal influences. This may not work for everyone, but routinely listing what you have gratitude for on a daily basically can actually rewire your brain so that you start to see the world through positive lens which leads to increased anticipation personally,

and professionally. Receiving gratitude is important too…learning how to accept thanks and compliments AFTER you’ve fomented change strengthening social connections and compassion. As an educator in my classrooms I make it a habit to coach the gratitude recipients to respond with nods of “thank you” instead of downplaying nice comments others give. Practicing this is essential because everyone has a chance to demonstrate appreciation and feel respected. In closing let me say this: Do not bypass a chance to let God order your steps in any given year. There’s no reason why being thankful for where God has you that you cannot pay homage for reasons moving forward being obedient and positioned. Think about where you want to be at this time next year. There shouldn’t be any resolutions if your goals are steady and succinct; you’d be already in a mode going in the right direction. You should strive for them. Break down big goals into smaller and more achievable ones. Know that 2019 is YOUR year. It has promise. It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s truly ours! What will your choices be? Are you truly ready to begin this New Year for stepping stones entering the New Kingdom? You can roll out of bed (after you’ve prayed to Him for yet, another day), you’d be gracious for dawn’s early light and the sun to set favorably on your soul. I will leave that for you to ponder.



James C. Gardner Jimmie C. Gardner is a motivational speaker who draws on the values and life lessons he acquired through his childhood, professional baseball career, and wrongful conviction to help others make the most of the challenges and opportunities granted to each of us. By sharing his story, Jimmie encourages others to live their best lives through spiritual, mental, and physical health.

Born in Dawson, Georgia, Jimmie was raised by his great aunt in Tampa, Florida. Growing up in Tampa provided numerous opportunities to excel, both academically and athletically; and Jimmie took advantage of every opportunity. One of those earliest opportunities was the chance to play with the famed Belmont Heights Little League Team. While at Belmont Heights, Jimmie would hone his skills against greats like Dwight Gooden and Gary Sheffield.

Always a good student, Jimmie self-enrolled in the academically competitive Tampa Bay Vocational Technical High School in the 11th grade. He maintained a 3.0+ grade point average while establishing himself as a standout player on the baseball, football, and basketball teams.

Upon graduation in 1984, Jimmie was drafted by the Chicago Cubs and played with them in the minor leagues for 4 seasons. Always looking forward, Jimmie enrolled in college to study business management at Tampa College during the off-season.

Jimmie’s blessed life took an extraordinary turn in 1987. That year, he was in Charleston, West Virginia playing with the Charleston Wheelers when two elderly white women were sexual assaulted. The assailant—the same person in both crimes—was described as a light-skinned black male, approximately 6 feet tall. Despite this description from both victims, over 140 Black men of various skin tones and heights were rounded up by the police. Among them were Jimmie, who is dark-skinned and 6’3”, and seven other Black baseball players for the Charleston Wheelers.

The men were fingered printed, questioned, and photographed. Their bodily fluids were collected and tested against blood and semen found at the crime scene. None of the evidence matched Jimmie’s. Nor was there a match to the bloody fingerprint found at the scene. Because of this, Jimmie was cleared and went on with his life.

Two years later in 1989, Jimmie was back in Tampa when he was arrested, extradited to West Virginia, and charged with two separate counts of sexual assault, robbery, burglary, and assault during the commission of a felony.

In January of 1990, after a travesty of a trial with an inexperienced public defender, blatant prosecutorial misconduct, numerous trial errors, and a jury who reported to the judge that they. could not reach a decision several times, Jimmie was acquitted of all charges with regard to one victim and convicted with regard to the other. This, despite evidence that both crimes were committed by the same man. Jimmie was sentenced to 110 years in the WV Penitentiary.

Despite this complete miscarriage of justice and the seeming hopelessness of his situation, Jimmie maintained his positive attitude—always knowing that his exoneration was just around the corner. This was truly amazing given the many twists and turns his case would take before justice was served.

Jimmie continued to pursue his education, earning three associates degrees as well as numerous certificates while incarcerated. He also continued to shine athletically in softball, weight lifting, and basketball. He taught himself the law and worked tirelessly to secure his freedom, while serving as a representative for other prisoners during legal proceedings.

Three years after Jimmie’s conviction, an investigation launched by the West Virginia Supreme Court determined that the State’s key witness, Chief Forensics & DNA Expert-Fred Zain, had presented false evidence and testimony in over 140 cases. The Supreme Court ordered that those who had been convicted on the basis of Zain’s falsified evidence and testimony were entitled to a hearing to determine if they were eligible for release or retrial. Despite this ruling, six repeated petitions, and the 13 different lawyers assigned to his case, Jimmie was denied a hearing or any other relief for the next 23 years.

1n 1995, Zain was indicted and tried for perjury for giving false testimony. The trial ended in a mistrial. Later, in 1998, Zain was indicted for his actions in Jimmie’s case and those of two others. He was also charged with knowingly obtaining money under false pretenses. The case went to trial in September 2001. After the events of September 11, 2001, the case ended in mistrial. Zain was to be retried but died before his victims could see justice done. Through all of this, Jimmie remained in prison.

Finally, after reviewing a motion

Jimmie wrote and filed himself, the US District Court for the Southern

District of West Virginia held that Jimmie’s conviction was a total miscarriage of justice and that he had been held in legal purgatory for 27 years. The court vacated the conviction and he was released from custody on April 1, 2016. It would take another five months, but prosecutors formally dropped all charges against Jimmie on September 7, 2016.

Since his release, Jimmie C. Gardner has become an advocate for other wrongfully imprisoned and overincarcerated men and women. He is an advocate for criminal justice reform and inmate rights. One of Jimmie’s passions is the development of Gardner House, a reentry home designed to help returning citizens who might not have the family support and resources necessary to make a successful return into society.

As a motivational speaker, Jimmie has shared his message of positive thinking and resilience with students in secondary school and college, sports teams, churches, and community organizations. Jimmie also visits prisons, offering insight, hope, and encouragement. Additionally, while the Innocence Project did not secure Jimmie’s release, he has become active with the organization, participating in their annual conference and the National Exonoree March and serving as a mentor to recently exonerated persons who are adjusting to their new lives.

Jimmie continues to live life to the fullest. He recently married US District Court Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner and joined the illustrious brotherhood of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity.

Jimmie C. Gardner's positivity and endurance are a testament to his faith, his upbringing, and his unconquerable spirit. He sees everyday as a blessing from God and lives his life to help others attain the spiritual, mental, and physical health that are the keys to happiness and success in life

For more information, please visit

Real Life Real Faith | 15

interview with james c. gardner MOF: We are thrilled to have you come through Men of Faith. How are things going for you these days? Brother Gardner: All is well. I’m staying busy on various projects relating to my career as a motivational speaker and other business ventures. I continue to share my life story by speaking to as many people as possible. Specifically, I’m still speaking to various prisons, jails, churches, youth homes, organizations, colleges, universities, sports teams, etc. I’m blessed to stay active and continual in my pursuit to bring awareness and equality throughout the judicial system. MOF: I am a huge Chicago Cubs baseball fan and I see that you played baseball for the Cubs. Are you still involved with baseball on any capacity? Brother Gardner: I was blessed with the opportunity to play professional baseball in the Chicago Cubs Organization for four seasons back in the mid 1980’s. Unfortunately, I am not involved in any form of athletics for any organization at this time. I look forward to eventually becoming more involved in athletics as a youth coach and in community leagues. Time simply has not afforded me the opportunity to be more athletically involved. God willing, this new year of 2019 will bring about that positive change for me. MOF: Your story is not only intriguing due to your resiliency but also uplifting because you were able to accomplish something that many people that continue to be in jails today across this country wrongly accused and convicted of crimes dream of. I know that the whole process must have been mentally, emotionally, and spiritually draining for you…what kept you going during the dark hours of being wrongly accused and convicted of a crime you didn’t commit? Brother Gardner: First and foremost, I give praise to God. Without my Higher Power (God), I most certainly would not have been able to sustain and stay the course. There were many challenging days, months and years throughout my false incarceration. The love and support of my family and loved ones was also essential. My parents, siblings, friends and family were pivotal in my stability. I had a special friend named Ms. Sheila Renae Lewis, in Charleston, WV, that was simply God sent for me. The love and support that she provided throughout almost three decades of false incarceration was truly magnificent. Further, I treated everyone whom I came in contact with good. I made it my duty to be respectful and considerate to all. In return, I was always blessed by others with help and assistance of some sort. Ultimately, my determination to prove my innocence and return home safely were the constant factors that kept me going. I decided early in my false incarceration that nothing or no one was going to deter me from my goal to return home to my family.

Real Life Real Faith | 15

MOF: What advice would you give someone that is currently experiencing a similar situation that you experienced? Who can they reach out to? What resources may be available for them that they may not know about?

Brother Gardner: My advice to someone experiencing a similar situation to mine would be the following: · You must obtain a higher power (God) to serve. Be as genuine and sincere as possible in your relationship with your higher power. · Become more resilient and determined to educate yourself with the entire judicial process. You have to essentially become your own lawyer. In order to be effective in doing so, you need to read and study the law everyday of every week you’re incarcerated. Don’t put all of your trust in any attorney representing you. Become informed for yourself and be involved in your case entirely. Be respectful to your attorney, but always present yourself as an intelligent and knowledgeable person who is 100% committed to your case alongside your attorney. Don’t let your attorney sell you out or hoodwink you. It can happen… · Live healthy and understand that health is of the utmost importance. You must constantly work on being mentally, spiritually and physically healthy. One without the other is incomplete. · Take advantage of everything that the institution is offering (school, vocational education, institutional programming, working on jobs while incarcerated, and all ceremonies/events planned within the institution. · There are various organizations that individuals can write concerning help on their cases and receiving some level of support. Some helpful organizations include: · Innocence Projects throughout the country · The National Action Network · The NAACP (your local Chapter or the DC Chapter) etc. · Individuals should check their institutional libraries and write any and all organizations listed as resources or help avenues. I wrote all organizations that I came across. I wrote Senators, Congressmen, Presidents of the United States, television personalities, etc. I reached out to anyone I thought might be in the position to help me. Unfortunately, no one I reached out to provide assistance; but by the grace of God, my case was reviewed and accepted by a Federal Judge in the Southern District of WV. It took 27 years for me to be heard impartially for the first time.

MOF: As an advocate for criminal justice reform and inmate rights, what do you think needs to occur at this point to help with decreasing issues such as wrongly convicted individuals and recidivism?

Brother Gardner: I believe that we as a people need to begin challenging the laws in each and every state in the U.S. Also, alleviating the minimum mandatory sentences will help. There needs to be an

accountability factor for the judicial officers who are involved in wrongful/false convictions. Any and everyone who may have involved themselves with any portion of a false/wrongful conviction should be eligible for prosecution, outright and automatic immunity should be denied to judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and any law enforcement if it can be proven that they engaged in criminal actions of any kind. I believe that this will deter the bad actors at every stage of a case. MOF: We see that you have a love for sharing your message…what do you like most about doing this? Brother Gardner: I enjoy sharing my message because it strengthens and enriches me by doing so. I’m extremely blessed to be on the other side now and I believe that I have a duty to always inform and inspire others who may be in similar positions as I was. I absolutely love sharing my life story and bringing peace, hope, and a sense of determination to others. All praise is due to God for blessing me so abundantly. MOF: Tell us a little bit about the Gardner House. How many homes do you have and are you seeking to expand this project locally, statewide, and even on a national level? Brother Gardner: Gardner House, Inc. is a home for returning citizens located in Beckley, WV. Currently, the home is under renovation. The home is a place that will allow returning citizens the opportunity to transition back into society. It will provide clothing, shelter, food, substance abuse classes, religious services, and various therapeutic options for all residents. The plan is to open the 48-bed facility in 2019. I’m currently asking for donations from all willing to do so. I want to give back and provide a source of help to the less fortunate and those in need. Currently, The State of WV Parole Board will deny individuals parole if they have no residence to parole to. Many men are denied the opportunity to return to society due to a lack of residence or place to call home. I want to address this problem with Gardner House, Inc. God willing, once the initial House is fully established, I will expand to provide services for women.

MOF: In the light of all the pain, suffering, and hate that you can see, nowadays pretty much everywhere you turn…what is it that you would like to see happen to make things better for not only African Americans but everyone? Brother Gardner: I would like to see everyone be more kind and caring to each other. I believe that giving is better than receiving. I would like to see more people in the world take this approach. In doing so, I believe that the world would be better. My concept of “The More You Give, The More You Receive” is a concept that would surely change the world positively and bring all ethnicities closer. I pray for the day… MOF: You have not only overcome a lot up to this point in your life, but you have made some amazing accomplishments…what has been your biggest accomplishment so far in your life? Brother Gardner: That’s easy. My biggest accomplishment thus far has been me finding the love of my life (Leslie Abrams Gardner) and marrying her. Nothing compares to that… I’m happy and blessed beyond imagination. God is great.

MOF: Are there any projects that you are currently working on? What do you have on the horizon? NOMADIC



Brother Gardner: I am currently in the process of writing my book and exploring the possibility of developing a podcast. I also look forward to running my own business in Albany, GA. I keep myself busy with speaking and exploring investment opportunities and other promising ventures. I’m blessed to stay busy and always remain active. MOF: You are a very busy man of God…outside of your work as a motivational speaker what else can we find you doing? Any hobbies? Brother Gardner: God is the centerpiece in my life… I’m always involved in giving back some way or the other. I’m also a Sigma Man, I believe in “Culture for Service, Service for Humanity.” I stay active in my local Chapter, always looking to be of service. As for hobbies, I work out daily. I stay on my weight lifting workout(s) regimen. Keeping myself in shape is very important to me. As stated earlier, I try to stay spiritually, mentally and physically on point. One without the other is incomplete. My other hobbies include horse back riding, golfing, dirt biking and cycling. I try to stay as active as possible.

1MOF: Of course, you know the title of the magazine is Men of Faith Magazine. With all the challenges that men face, especially men of color, what words of advice can you give any man that may be going through something in their life right now? Brother Gardner: Take advantage of every opportunity in life. Apply yourself fully and remember that, “What you put in, that’s what you get out.” Life is what you make of it. Remember, it’s all about perception. The way you think about whatever encounter or situation is exactly what it is. Make wise decisions and good choices. Every encounter is an opportunity for growth. Have the vision to see beyond what’s in front of you. Soar high, think big, and don’t let anything or anyone define you. You are as great as you see yourself, strive to be and act as if… Remember, anything the mind can conceive and believe; you can achieve. Always remember that God will not place a burden upon you greater than you can handle. Everything is purposeful…

MOF: We would love to be able to keep up with you in order to show support. Tell the readers how they can keep up with what’s going on with you? Brother Gardner: It has been an honor and please to share with the readers. Thank you “Men Of Faith” for having this venue and allowing me the opportunity to share. I would love for everyone to keep in touch, follow me on my social media sites and subscribe to me on my You Tube Channel. My social media contacts are listed below: You Tube: J.C. Gardner Speaks Facebook: J.C. Gardner Speaks Instagram: #jcgardnerspeaks Twitter: @jcgardnerspeaks Linked In: Jimmie C. Gardner My personal Facebook Page was hacked about three months ago. I have 5,000 friends that are wondering what happened to me or whether or not I blocked them from my personal Facebook page (Jimmie C. Gardner.) Please know that I didn’t block anyone, I will be back on Facebook soon with an updated page. Thank you for supporting me and keeping in touch. I look forward to saying hi to all on the above listed sites. Thank you again, Men Of Faith, for providing this opportunity. May the peace and blessings of God be upon you always. NOMADIC









Hurley's Mental Note Be An Anchor

Men…may I have your attention for a minute. It’s a new year, which means in with the new and out with the old. With that being said…how are you all feeling right about now? Are you taking care of your mental self? One last question for now…how many of you would admit to being depressed or find yourself very sad on more than a few occasions through the run of a month? As men most of us would not admit that there is anything wrong with us, especially when it comes to our mentality. We are often wired with a prideful personality that will not allow us to admit to having weaknesses. While I have your attention on this matter I would like for each of you to think about what you have seen around you throughout your life as it pertains to people and their emotional states. Also think about all the stories that you now see on the news, read in the newspapers or magazines, and/or conversations that you find yourself in or have been in earshot of that deal with someone snapping and shooting up innocent people, overdosing on drugs or taking their own lives in some other way, or turn to drugs and/or alcohol to ease the pain from the struggles and hardships that their lives have brought them. What do you think is wrong with these people? Are they just weak people that can’t handle the stresses of life? We all know that life is challenging and everyone has been faced with some sort of stress in their life. Even those that are well off have to deal with the emotional and mental stress of someone dying in their lives that they are very close to. So, whether you want to admit it or not…everyone has had to deal with something that has made us sad. Some of us are walking around right now as we speak depressed not willing to admit that fact. Personally, I have no problems with admitting that I suffer from depression. I don’t like having to deal with it…but, I have to face the fact that depression is very real in my life. As someone that works in the mental health field I have learned a lot about mental illnesses, what causes them, and what needs to happen to manage them. But the biggest thing I have learned along the way is what happens when you don’t do anything about the mental illnesses. You may ask yourself why did I just say mental illness and I am talking about depression. Fact of the matter is things such as depression and anxiety are labeled as forms of mental illnesses. Let me educate you. Mental health professionals and physicians utilize The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is known in the mental health world here in the US as the Mental Health Bible. The fifth edition of this manual is now being used and it is called The DSM-V for short. This manual is used to diagnose mental disorders in the United States. This manual contains the descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for

diagnosing all known mental disorders. There are many types of mental health disorders that people are not aware are even considered disorders. That is why it is critical for people to become more aware of themselves and the people around them. Many people are not aware that issues such as anxiety and bereavement are listed in this manual as mental health disorders. Depression is another common disorder that is often observed in people that tends to get overlooked. There is a very thin line when determining if disorders such as anxiety, bereavement, depression, etc. are problematic in the lives of the people that are affected by this. This is typically determined by how long symptoms caused by these disorders last; how much people change from their usual self when dealing with these disorders; and how severely the symptoms caused by these disorders affect the lives of the people dealing with these symptoms. When dealing with mental health and mental illnesses it is a must to look at how much the symptoms affect daily living (family involvement, work, engaging in normal everyday activities, etc.). Now that you have read the above information about depression, again I ask you…how many of you would admit to being depressed or find yourself very sad on more than a few occasions through the run of a month? Let me help you out in being able to self-evaluate yourself for those that may not know what the symptoms of depression are or those of you that just may be in denial. ·

Hurley's Mental Note Be An Anchor

The following are some symptoms of depression: · Feeling sad or "empty" · Feeling hopeless, irritable, anxious, or angry · Loss of interest in work, family, or once-pleasurable activities, including sex · Feeling very tired · Not being able to concentrate or remember details · Not being able to sleep, or sleeping too much · Overeating, or not wanting to eat at all · Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts · Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems · Inability to meet the responsibilities of work, caring for family, or other important activities. Now that you see these symptoms…how many of you have ever felt more than one of these symptoms at one time or currently feel more than one of these symptoms now? I will be the first to say that it is perfectly ok to admit it. So… what happens if we don’t seek help for depression? Risks of not treating depression: · Prolonged personal suffering - Untreated depression produces personal distress of varying levels of intensity. · Worsening of symptom - With untreated depression you stand the chance of it becoming worse. Depression can go from mild depression to major depression…and yes there are different levels of depression! · Risk of suicide - Yes…depression causes some people to contemplate suicide and for some they follow through with the thoughts of suicide with actual attempts at suicide. It was discovered through my reading that international research in various countries has repeatedly shown that almost 80% of people who have committed suicide have had uncontrolled depressive illness at the time of their death. This illness is very serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Damage to relationships - Relationships become strained when depression becomes untreated for a variety of reasons such as the person becoming more withdrawn, more irritable, less able to do their normal tasks, and usually markedly less interested in normal sexual activity. · Damage to children - Children are sponges. They take in what’s in their environment. There is widespread research to indicate increased risks of anxiety, poor selfesteem and other physical and psychological symptoms in the children of parents who are depressed, including young babies whose mothers have untreated post-natal depressive illness. If you don’t get help for yourself, at least think about your children or grandchildren. ·

Loss of work or study - The World Health Organization estimates that by the Year 2020, depressive illness will be second only to heart and blood vessel disease in the illnesses that cause marked loss of productivity in human society. Depression that goes untreated can lead to a drastic decrease in one’s ability to work, study, or carry out their home duties. · Increased chances of relapse - If untreated, prolonged and severe symptoms most certainly increase one’s risk of relapsing into future depressive states. Untreated depression has at least a 50% chance of returning based on studies. · Risk of other illnesses - Other illnesses such as heart disease becomes risks if depression is untreated. Research in recent years has confirmed that an episode of depression is as dangerous as smoking in causing heart disease and heart attacks. And if you have a heart attack and develop depression before or after your heart attack, your risk of dying in the next twelve months is doubled! · Brain Damage - Recent research using MRI scans of the brain has come up with disturbing findings. When people suffer depression, a part of their brain known as the hippocampus shrinks in size. When they recover, the hippocampus returns to normal size. However, if depression is left untreated, or poorly treated, for long, the brain fails to recover, and the person is at increased risk of permanent illness, or frequent attacks of depression. I hope that by reading this article you will, if you have not already have, realize that not seeking help

for depression can change your life for the worse. This illness is very serious and from reading the above it is common sense to do something about it. We must get out of the mindset that seeking help for our mental illnesses will have people looking negatively about you or that people will look upon you as weak. In today’s society with all that is going on, it will say more about your character if you don’t seek help.



CHASING THE IMPACT IN 2019 LEROY MCKENZIE, JR. We are just four weeks into this year so you still

yourself direction and a destination. Every great

have time. Time for what you say? I am glad that

person had a vision for where they were going

you asked. You have time to put together your

and where they were leading those who would

fulfillment strategy program for 2019. Your

follow them. If you cannot see it first then you

fulfillment strategy program is a program that

have no idea of where it is that you are trying to

will get you to where you want to be in 2019.

get to. Your vision gives you purpose.

Where is it that you would like to be as an

Once you have your vision you then must have

individual by the end of 2019. In 2019, it’s all about the impact and the impact that you want to have on your life as well as others. This article is all about getting you the reader in the right mindset to take on 2019 with reckless abandonment and unshakable determination. This year will only be as successful as you plan for it to be. In order for us to maximize our impact we must first begin with our vision. Where is it that you see yourself being Mentally,

a plan for how you will bring that vision to reality. That means that you will have to map how you will get from point A to point B. Take each aspect of your life that I mentioned above and begin to map out where it is that you want to be by the end of 2019 in that particular area of your life. I promise you that if you are consistent with working your plan you will far exceed your expectations of being a better you

Physically, Relationally, Spiritually, Financially

by the end of 2019. You will not only be better

and Culturally? If you do not work on the

but I believe that those that are attached to you

complete person then you will find yourself

will also be better because of their connection

being unproductive in those areas that you do

with you.

not focus on. When you have vision you give

The third thing that you must do in order to



chase the impact in 2019 is 10.3to implement your strategies that you will write down in order to achieve your assignments. It does you no good to have a vision and a plan and do nothing with it. It does you no good to have one or 2 of these fulfillment strategies and not the third one. If any of them are missing then it will be very difficult to achieve your end of year goal. So, what must be done to make your 2019 as successful as possible…..well, take a deep look within and ask yourself this question. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? How bad do you want to take your life to the next level? How bad do you want to shift your financial position from where it is to where you want it to be? How bad do you want to be in a better mental state by the end of 2019 then you are right now? How bad do you want to be in better relationships this year, whether it is professional or personal? Well, only you know the answers to these questions. You are the only one that has to look you in the mirror and like what you see. 2019 is the year of IMPACT. The challenge that I put to you is this: HOW MUCH OF AN IMPACT DO YOU WANT TO HAVE? If your answer is have a big impact then we got work to do. So, let’s get ready to CHASE THE IMPACT IN 2019…..I’M READY HOW ABOUT YOU? #ChasingtheImpact2019 #BeUnstoppable


Real men pray

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