Real Life Real Faith Journey to Wellness

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Understanding Energy in Your Diet








Eating clean means making sure you

nutrition, as your body needs fresh

are in season, since that’s when

choose the healthiest option in each

fruits and vegetables in order to

they’ll taste better. If you have a

food group. In order to eat clean, you

function properly. You can’t get this

garden, you can also plant some

need to know what your food is made

amount of minerals, vitamins, and

herbs and spices. This will not only

of, and if possible, making sure you

other crucial nutrients from other

provide you with a fun, new hobby,

consume it in its natural form. In case

types of food. Not to mention that

but it will also help encourage you to

you want to start living healthier, but

eating fresh produce is much

eat healthier by giving you the option

aren’t sure exactly what to change in

healthier and more natural than

to consume foods straight out of your

your diet, here are five great tips for

taking supplements.


eating clean.

Many people don’t eat as much fruits

Limit Processed Foods

Stock Up On Fresh Produce

and veggies as they should. In order

It can be pretty hard to avoid

The type of diet that you’re following

to make sure that you do, you’ll need

processed foods. Almost all of the

doesn’t really matter, you’ll always

to bring some variety into your

snacks you can purchase in your local

need to stock up on fresh produce.

dishes. The best way to do this is to

supermarket are filled with too much

This is the golden rule of proper

learn when certain fruits and veggies

fat, sodium, and sugar. Processed


foods are basically any foods that have been altered in some way, either for convenience or safety reasons. The main difference between eating processed foods and preparing something at home from scratch is that when you’re preparing something, you know how much sugar and salt you’re adding into the food. However, it’s important to note that just because a food is processed doesn’t mean that it’s unhealthy. For example, milk has to be processed (more specifically, pasteurized) in order to remove harmful bacteria from it. However, when excess fat, sugar, and salt gets added to foods in order to make them tastier and prolong their shelf life, it may cause you to develop some health problems. Consuming a large amount of unhealthy, processed foods can lead to a higher risk of heart disease or cancer. Focus On The Nutrients A lot of people make the mistake on focusing on calories instead of nutrients when they start dieting. However, you need to remember not to get caught up in the numbers game too much. Instead, focus on the nutritional value the food you’re eating holds.


Just because a certain food is low in calories doesn’t make it healthy. Although you should make sure you’re not consuming too many calories, it’s much more important to pay attention to the nutritional value of foods you’re eating. One surefire way to consume all the essential nutrients while keeping your calorie count low is to stock up on fresh produce. Don’t Be Too Strict Remember that it’s completely okay to have a cheat meal sometimes. If you’re diet is too strict, then you might end up dreading all of the meals that you eat. In order to keep them on the right track, many people take one day out of each month to indulge in some unhealthy food that they enjoy. Drink More Water Drinking water is all you need to feel better sometimes. By drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day, you will feel healthier and energized, which will motivate you to eat clean. Unfortunately, many people consider water ‘boring’ due to the extremely high number of flavored drinks that are available. However, it is an essential nutrient that should never be overlooked.


Picking the right ingredients is one of the best way you can make sure that your food turns out perfectly.

understanding energy in your diet

According to the energy balance equation, your body gains energy when you intake more energy through your diet than you expend through physical activity. That’s why the main point of most diets is to limit your energy intake through counting carbs or calories.

It seems like a few years ago all of the diets were about counting calories and now they’re all about limiting carbohydrates. But you should you limit carbs or calories? And, if they’re both units of energy what’s the difference? This article will discuss the difference between carbs and calories, how they impact your diet, and how or why you should watch them.

Calories Are Energy, Right? Yes. To set the record straight, carbs and calories are not both units of energy. We’ll start with calories and talk about carbohydrates in a little bit. Calories are the units of energy, not carbs. A single calorie is the amount of energy that it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. This is a very small amount of energy, so when you read the nutrition label on your food, what they call “Calories” (with an upper-case C) is actually the number of kilocalories (that is, one thousand lower-case c calories). That doesn’t mean that the food companies are trying to lie to you and get you to eat more calories.

They do it because it would be tedious and useless to try to count actual lower-case c calories. Don’t

worry about keeping track of whether we’re talking

When you eat whole grains, you’re not just getting

about calories or kilocalories in this article though.

carbs. You’re getting fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Because we’re talking about calories as a unit of

All of these nutrients can also be found in other

energy, it doesn’t really matter which scale we’re

foods that don’t have as many calories, like

talking about, as long as you understand what

vegetables, which often have no carbs at all.

calories are and why they’re important. Carbs Are Energy, Right? No.

Fat, on the other hand is far scarcer in our diet and its benefits cannot be found elsewhere. We

As mentioned above, the carbohydrate is not a

usually don’t think of fat as being good for us, but

unit of energy like the calorie is. The carbohydrate

it’s in every cell of our bodies and is very important

is a class of nutrient, along with proteins, fats,

to the nervous system. While some fats are better

vitamins, minerals, and water. Carbohydrates,

than others and you should be careful about how

proteins, and fats are all called “energy-yielding

much you get of each kind, carbs are simply more

nutrients” because the body can break them all

expendable in our diets.

down to release calories. Hopefully, this article has helped you to Of the energy yielding nutrients, proteins and

understand the difference between carbs and

carbohydrates both release one 4 calories per

calories, as well as why most diets these days have

gram, while fat releases nine calories per gram.

you counting carbs. Remember, however, that a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is better for

So Why Are Carbs So Special?

you than a diet that tries to eliminate fats or carbs

You might be wondering, if fat contains more than

or calories and promises a quick solution.

twice the calories per gram, why do all of these diets have us watching carbs? And that’s a good

While a good conclusion is an important ingredient


for newspaper articles, the immediacy of a deadline environment means that copy editing

The first reason is that the average person has

often takes the form of deleting everything past an

much more carbohydrates than fat in their diet.

arbitrary point in the story corresponding to the

We tend to think of carbohydrates as coming from

dictates of available space on a page. Therefore,

grains, like pastas and breads. These are sources

newspaper reporters are trained to write in

of carbohydrates, but carbohydrates also come

inverted pyramid style, with all the most important

from sugars. Grains are a source of complex

information in the first paragraph or two. If the

carbs, which your body breaks down over time.

less vital details are pushed towards the end of

Sugars are a source of simple carbs that your body

the story, then the potentially destructive impact

doesn’t have to break down.

of draconian copy editing will be minimized.

Sugars are naturally occurring in sources like fruits,

Quoted references are also helpful. These can be

but they’re also added to just about everything. If

made through written accounts of interviews.

you put a store-bought sauce on your pasta, you’re putting carbs on carbs. If you put jam or jelly on your bread, you’re putting carbs on carbs. And don’t even get us started on sources like soda and junk food.





Are you frazzled whenever it is time to pay bills? Do you wonder how those bills are going to get paid and feel like you are living paycheck to paycheck? If you have these feelings, it may be time to get your finances in order. When you do, you will have the money you need to make those payments on time and even have some left over. The first step is to create a budget. This is something many people avoid doing. However, those that create a budget and stick to it learn to live within their means and are happier because of it. There is less stress when you have a budget. You need to figure out your inflows and outflows of cash. When your outflows are greater than your inflows, you will need to find ways to lower the outflows or increase your inflows. Often, the best approach is to do both. NOMADIC



GET IN THE HABIT OF EXERCISING MOST PEOPLE DREAD EXERCISING, AND WITH GOOD REASON. IT TAKES A GOOD AMOUNT OF EFFORT AND A LONG TIME BEFORE SEEING ANY RESULTS. And, this is for people who stick with an exercise program. For everyone else, a few weeks (or days) of exercise and all their efforts are for naught. One of the biggest problems for most people is their belief that they need to exercise like professional athletes. Remember, professionals must exercise aggressively. It’s the nature of their profession. If they don’t, they won’t be able to compete and won’t do well.

FOR THE REST OF US, WE DON’T NEED HIGHINTENSITY WORKOUTS. Adopt the mindset that any movement is better than none. Start out by walking for five minutes per day. Do this on your block. Go down the street for ¼ of a mile and then come back. You have just walked for a ½ mile.

Do this at least three days per week. After you get used to ¼ of a mile, start increasing your distance. Walk ½ mile and back. You will now be walking one mile per session. Also, if you are walking three days a week, increase that to four days. Once you get into the habit of exercising, you will want to do more. The reason is exercise increases your endorphins which is what gives you that good feeling you get after a good workout. After a while, you’ll be walking two or more miles per day and won’t even think anything of it. You can step up your exercise routines by adding weights into your workout. You can buy single weights at a nearby sports store. As you are walking, use the weights to build up your arms and your stamina. These sports stores also sell wraparound weights that you can put on your legs. These




THE BEST can help you build up strength in your legs while you are walking. You will hear people quote the phrase, no pain no gain. But, you should be careful with advice like this. If you are experiencing pain and it is consistent, you may want to get it checked out. It could be an indication that you have damaged your muscles or some other problem. The best way to get started is to start small but stay consistent. Working out for three days per week for fifteen minutes is better than a two-hour session once a week.



Expand your life with meditation People who meditate on a regular basis, swear by it. They feel it allows them to expand their minds and explore possibilities. The Dalai Lama believes that meditation would remove violence from the world which would eventually eliminate war. Unfortunately, meditation requires a time commitment for it to be effective. Therefore, if you want to reap the benefits, you need to be patient. The beginning stages are what stop people from continuing with the practice. This is because we are wired to believe that everything should happen immediately. You need to focus on the belief that meditation will work. In fact, you should make this a habit. Before you start your meditation session, tell yourself that you believe it works. After you finish your session, reinforce your thought process with the same belief. Before you go to sleep at night, state the affirmation that you believe meditation works. Of course, there are plenty of people who believe meditation is hokum. They believe it is reserved for gurus who live on a high mountain and con others into believing the practice. These people will do everything in their power to make sure you feel the same. The only way to circumvent these people is to reinforce your belief that meditation works. One day, after keeping up with the habit of believing in your meditation, it’s going to hit you that it works. It will be an Ah-Ha moment in your life. At that point in time, all those times that you affirmed your belief in meditation would have paid off. You can then laugh at all the naysayers who tried to pick away at your belief. When you have that Ah-Ha moment, it may help you expand the possibilities in other areas of your life, too. Concepts that you thought were strange or impossible suddenly seem obtainable. You’ll consider possibilities you would never have in the past. You will open your mind and your eyes, and you will start to live in a different way, a better way. If after reading this article, you still feel meditation doesn’t work, ask yourself why do people continue to practice it? If it didn’t work, why would they spend an hour or so per day? They do this every day, and some do it multiple times per day. Think of it another way. What do you have to lose by believing? While it may seem like you are wasting time initially, when you get to that Ah-Ha moment, don’t you think that is worth the effort?

10 tips to improve your quality of life Your quality of life comprises the sum of your happiness, health, vitality, and wellbeing in all areas of your life. Improving your quality of life means boosting your wellness in one or more areas to improve your overall satisfaction and happiness. Here are our top ten tips for improving your quality of life. #10. Get plenty of exercise and walk every day. Walking 10,000 steps each day has been shown to yield positive results not just in your physical health but in your mental and emotional well-being, too. Regular exercise improves your circulation, helps your heart and brain stay healthy, keeps your muscles strong, improves your outlook and mood, and can help you stay vital for many years to come. Get plenty of exercise every day to enjoy your life and improve your well-being. #9. Meditate daily. Daily meditation is an opportunity for you to check in with yourself, review how you are feeling, and become aware of lingering problems or issues. Meditation is a wonderful practice for encouraging mindfulness, which teaches you to live in the moment. All of these enhance your emotional, spiritual, and mental wellness as well as contribute to reducing your stress, which is always good for your health. #8. Keep learning. Continuous learning engages your mind, keeps you cognitively healthy, helps you achieve new goals, and educates you about relevant topics. Learning should continue throughout your life, and it’s a great way to meet new people and enhance your existing relationships, too.

#7. Get outside. Spending time outside is great for your well-being and quality of life. Being in the sunshine gives your body the necessary Vitamin D to support healthy functions. Fresh air lowers your stress level. Being under the open sky helps you gain perspective on life. Spending time in nature has been shown to significantly improve mood and enhance overall wellbeing. #6. Connect to others. Being connected to others through strong, healthy relationships improves your quality of life in many ways. Friends can offer comfort and support, talking with others helps you feel connected and hopeful, being in a relationship improves your health, and having strong family ties can help you live longer. Commit to your relationships to enhance your life and be happier. #5. Learn to manage your time. If you want to feel more productive and less stressed, learning how to manage your time can help. Time management can help you accomplish goals and achieve your dreams, and when you can effectively manage your time, others know they can depend on you to fulfill your commitments. Time management leads to ending bad habits like yielding to distractions, procrastination, and being chronically late. #4. Get enough sleep. Too many of us neglect a vital part of our health, which is getting enough sleep. YouÂ

need at least seven hours of sleep a night to recharge, repair damage to your cells and tissues, process what you learned into long-term memory, and be ready to tackle the next day. Sleep deprivation affects your ability to think, reason, control emotions, and remain positive. #3. Take risks. Stepping out of your comfort zone to take risks is a way to achieve your dreams, build confidence, work toward difficult goals, and learn new things. Taking risks is a necessary part of learning, growth, and change. #2. Know your dreams. Knowing what makes you happy in life helps you identify goals, align your behaviors with your beliefs, and feel satisfied with your life. When you are unclear about what you are trying to accomplish, it becomes difficult to manage expectations and attain happiness. Get clear on your dreams, and you will enjoy a higher quality of life. #1. Get inspired. There is so much in this world that is inspiring. Find what motivates you, seek it out, and use it to push you toward your dreams. Inspiration can come from other people, nature, art, or just about anything. Surround yourself with inspiring images, words, and friends, and you’ll have the confidence to accomplish anything you want.


ways to use up your oranges at home ARTICLE



SPANISH SANGRIA Have the fruit, rum, wine, and orange juice well chilled. Slice the lemon, lime and orange into thin rounds and place in a large glass pitcher. Pour in the rum and sugar. Chill in refrigerator for 2 hours to develop the flavors. When ready to serve, crush the fruit lightly with a wooden spoon and stir in the wine and orange juice. Adjust sweetness to taste.

ORANGE GLAZED CARROTS Place carrots in a shallow saucepan, and cover with water. Boil until tender. Drain, and return carrots to pan. Pour orange juice over carrots, and mix well. Simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Stir in brown sugar, butter, and salt. Heat until butter and sugar melt.

ORANGE CREAM FRUIT SALAD In a medium mixing bowl, combine pudding mix, milk, and orange juice concentrate. Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed for 2 minutes. Mix in sour cream. In a large salad bowl, combine fruits. Gently mix in orange dressing. Cover, and refrigerate for 2 hours.






imperfections So, stop striving for perfection! Instead, embrace your imperfections. What Causes Women to Strive for Perfection? To embrace and love your glorious imperfections you must first understand what's driving your strive for perfection. In a word: fear.

Whew. That's a loaded topic. Especially, if you're busy professional women trying to do it all

After all, every woman knows that if she does everything right and is perfect in all ways that she'll be deserving of love and get the love she wants. Hogwash!

As women, in general, and busy professional women particularly, the number one fear that drives our strive for perfection is the fear of not being good enough.

Being perfect will not get you loved. In fact, trying to be perfect makes you irritable. It makes it challenging for other people to be around you. And that makes you one of the most difficult people to love.

The judgment from others of not being good enough as a: Mom. Business owner.Career woman. Wife. Sister. Daughter. The judgment of self as not being good enough as a: Person! Yikes! For many women, the fear of not being good enough came from people we loved or looked up to who wanted us to be, do, or have more. Although seemingly innocent and clothed in the 'sheep's clothing' of good intentions, the wolf at our heels frayed our selfconfidence and germinated our distrust of self and others. For other women, being self-confident was neither modeled nor valued. As a result, being 'perfect' meant being like someone else they heard praised for their perfection. Either way, "The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects," as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an impossible ideal.

Why Being a Perfectionist Is Bad for You You miss out on RREP&A. That's rest, recovery, ease, peace and acceptance. As busy professional women, we need RREP&A. Without it, we are: R stands for restless, R stands for relapse into poor health, feel E stands for embarrassed, become P stands for panicked and have A stands for anxiety.

"The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects,"Â When that happens, we experience Adrenal Fatigue, hormonal imbalances and become ugly to others.

Three Steps to Embrace Your Beautiful Imperfections Step 1: Love yourself. The first step is the hardest. It is the step that cracks open any resistance you have to the following steps.


First, love yourself. You simply must. There's no beating around the bush about it. So, I'll come straight down the center about this: without self-love, there's no love. I know. That's a big one to swallow. Here's how you do it: One afternoon, curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a pad of paper and your favorite pen. Begin making a list of all the things you've accomplished in your life. List everything great and small. Wow! Right? Look at how much you've accomplished! It's pretty awesome! Now, re-read the list and acknowledge all you've accomplished. Let it sink in. The first step to embracing your beautiful imperfections is first love yourself. Step 2: Take care of your love. What the heck does that mean? It means to respect and honor your body and emotions. And to take time to treasure and honor the body and emotions of special people in your life. Your significant other, children and dear friends are all to be cherished.


Step 3: Love your imperfections. The heart of this article is to realize that your imperfections are, in actuality, your own personal, unique perfections. They're what make you who you are. They are as individual as snowflakes and as precious as diamonds. Embrace your diamonds and snowflakes. Your imperfections are your lessons. Think of them as guides along your path of accomplishments. Here's how you do it: Remember that list you made in Step 1? Look over that list. Pick out five that you are proud of accomplishing. Write them down on five separate pieces of paper. Then, list the 'mistakes' you made along the way that caused you to achieve your accomplishments. See? Each 'mistake' was merely a stepping-stone toward your amazing accomplishments. Love your imperfections. Embrace them. Honor them for how they've helped you to become the self-confident professional woman that you know yourself to be. Loving your perfections is freeing. It gives you permission to take the pressure off yourself and relax a little. Follow these three steps and embrace your imperfections now. It will free you to soar within a loving inner space. Nicole Dennison is a Certified Holistic Health Consultant providing education, guidance, and mentoring primarily to women ready to holistically heal their body and emotions. If learning about self-improvement to live a vibrant life is important to you, visit:

Here's how to do it: Nourish your body with good food, trust your intuition, Sign up for her FREE speak your truth and honor the truth of video course, "Three Days to Your Vibrant Health." others, respect one another's body, and lovingly support one another in meeting needs in healthy ways. Article Source:

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