Real Life Real Faith January 2019 Issue

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Editor's Notes Cheryl Lacey Donovan


Thinking of Cruising? Go Carnival Ashley Williams


Gospel Recording Artist Lekisha Earles Cheryl Lacey Donovan


Clean Eating 101 5 Tips for Eating Clean



Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Columnists Cheryl Lacey Donovan, Ashley Williams Contributors Kathy Robbins Maqsood Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


Calm your inner chaos by taking a few moments each day to sit in silence


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Editor's Note Greetings We have declared the year 2019 as #TheYearOfYou. As such we are being intentional about ding everything we can to help you live your best life authentically and on purpose. We will be providing information on self-care, living authentically, eating better, exercise, etc. From a young age, we are taught that we can be anything we set our minds to. This subtle form of encouragement is rife in children's books, movies, and television shows. However, at some point, adults began to interject this little thing called reality into our psyche. Teachers encourage young adults to deaden their interests and pursue something practical. These young adults eventually grow into individuals with a huge sense of doubt; limiting their thoughts and actions. The Danger in Limiting Thoughts Placing limits on your thoughts is forcing you into a box. This inhibits your ability to connect with others who may be different. As a result, you may judge without understanding. In addition, limiting thoughts can impede productivity. When you meet challenges, you may not have the tools you need to solve them. This could make life and work extremely frustrating. Not to mention, if you don't try new things, you will never progress. Finally, limiting your personal thoughts could damage your self-esteem. You may hold yourself back out of fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of others. Why Do We Limit Ourselves? The act of limiting yourself is learned. Although we are naturally designed with an innate sense of danger versus safety, we are not programmed to doubt. Unfortunately, doubt stems from outside influences. Perhaps your parents held you back from experiencing life. Or, maybe a teacher told you that you weren't good enough. No matter the cause, we all learn how to doubt ourselves from the opinions of others. They learned to doubt themselves from the opinions of others and so forth. This creates a vicious cycle of negativity. So, where does the cycle stop? How to Manifest the "I Can Do Anything" Mentality Since doubt is a learned behavior, self-confidence can be taught as well. In order to manifest this mentality, you have to put in a little effort. To begin, ask yourself, what do I want to accomplish? This goal could be to lose weight, to make friends, or to land your dream job. Write down your goal and post it somewhere visible. Then, figure out how you can accomplish this goal. Ask yourself, what are the steps involved? What do I need to change in order to meet this goal? Once you've outlined your plan, it will be easier for you to execute it. Cultivating an "I can do anything" mentality does not happen overnight. In fact, you will experience many obstacles during your journey that could prolong it. In order to overcome these challenges, you have to be aware of them. Much Love! Cheryl Lacey Donovan Editor-In-Chief


Stepping out of your car at the departure port is only the beginning. If you've never cruised before, get ready for a vacation of a lifetime. The excitement that builds up before you step onto the cruise ship is not as big as the excitement you get once you actually start your adventure at sea. Carnival Cruise Line definitely does a good job with keeping their guests happy and satisfied throughout the trip. The second you board the ship and place your belongings into your cabins, you're constantly greeted with warm and friendly smiles from every employee on board. If you're in need of something at any point in time, whether day or night, an employee will always be there to help you. Before the ship departs, everyone on board meets up in the theatre and goes over a safety briefing. This lets everyone know that they will not have to worry about their safety or anyone else's safety while embarking on the journey at sea. One of the best things about cruising with Carnival Cruise Line is there is always something to do. Whether it be early in the morning, middle of the day, or late at night. You may just be looking forward to getting to the ports of call, but its not just the destinations you're traveling to that are worth getting excited for, the days at sea are spectacular also. There are activities for all ages day and night, and tons of entertainment which you really get to experience during those days at sea. I mean, some crazy hilarious

entertainment such as dance offs and harry chest competitions. The activities that happen on board bring families and friends together and even help you make friends as well, that you could potentially keep in touch with for a lifetime. When your stuck on a boat for a few days with people, it's nice to make new friends that you can hang around the casino with, maybe take dance lessons with and more. And Carnival definitely makes it easy to do so. While on board, the employees try and bring people together with all of their shows, entertainment on the deck throughout the day, and so on. It's nice seeing everyone gathered around in one big area laughing and dancing together. It makes the trip that much more exciting and fun. Aside from all of the entertainment, the food on the ships are out of this world also! You are guaranteed to never be hungry during your vacation, with the pizza bar, ice cream stand, and food buffet they constantly have on the deck. It's extremely tasty food too! Also, every night there Is a timed dinner for your family and friends to enjoy and most of the time, you get your own table, depending on how many people you have and all. But the food there is amazing also. It's a three course meal that will be hard to forget! And trust me, you'll definitely leave full. Aside from the food, these dinners are a great time to share exciting events that occurred throughout your day on board, or to talk about the excursions your family and friends took part i

n that day. During this time once again, the employees will always make sure you're having a good time! Some nights they dance, sing, and get you're friends and family involved too. Every second is full of fun and laughter. When it comes to ports of call, the employees on board are there to make sure you have a great time their as well. Carnival Cruise Line has left me and many others happy with full of unforgettable memories, and has had me wanting to go back on another cruise since the day I stepped off of the ship, it also has me now wanting to work for the Cruise Line Industry at some point in the future. If you're thinking about booking a cruise at some point in the future, try out Carnival Cruise Line, so that you can leave your vacation happy and full of unforgettable memories also.


Article Source: NOMADIC | 24

xclusive Meet Gospel Recording Artist Lekisha Earles

Don't miss a thing

RLRF What drew you to the music

that God is made strong. There is

didn’t recognize it at first, it was the


liberty in Christ... and it allows you to

perfect recipe for creativity to take place.

acknowledge exactly where you are Lekisha: The power to set an

in the journey, but His love takes care

In stead of singing, I spent that 3 year

atmosphere and connect with people

of the rest. His Grace is sufficient, so

period on tour with Director Essex Branch

on such an emotional and spiritual

I have learned to allow that

of SX Branch & Co, working out my soul’s

level is very special place to me.

vulnerable authenticity to be my

salvation in the very personally relevant

I always think back to the beginning...


stage production “SomeBody Else’s

first time I found out I could sing after

Husband” Parts 1 & 2, (Part 3 is coming in

participating in a talent show. There

RLRF: Do you collaborate with others?

was something about the applause...

What is that process?

Once I had my first taste of


It was there that I was able to come to

“spotlight”, I didn’t want to give it up.

Lekisha 1 response

terms with my divorce. To be surrounded

I just knew that the stage was in my

In 2014, on my debut project “A Work

by such a phenomenally talented group of


in Progress”, I had the privilege of

people, was exactly where I needed to

working with a young producer in

be. Through the weight of the message,

On the flip side, I had no idea about

Houston, named TCharles. Because

we became each other’s support system,

the music industry. That is a whole

I’m not your traditional gospel artist, I

and it was a safe place to explore the

nother beast. The industry will suck

wanted a sound that could meet

depth of my pain and who I am to be. It

you up and spit you out dry, literally. I

people outside of the traditional

was there that I met my brother and now

have learned so many lessons, about

church; and he’s a beat maker, so it

producer Edward Williams @3Willbeatz.

people, loyalty, and even about

worked... lol. Along the journey, I had

When the tour ended in July 2018, while on

myself. You go through so much as an

the opportunity to collaborate with

a break, the music just started flowing in

artist but it’s passion, commitment,

international award winning gospel

my spirit. I called Edward and said we

and trusting the vision that God has

artist Hoszia Hinds from Barbados

gotta work. He said “I was waiting on

placed in you (faith), that keep you

and Stellar Award winning producer


pressing forward in spite of the

Phillip Carter who produced my

obstacles you face. I just knew I

testimony song “The First Shall be

We got in the studio, and my God! A

wanted to sing and I wanted the

Last”. I would have to say that it was

“Brand new” sound came forth, literally.

world to listen.

all God. From Houston, to Barbados,

On this project, I have had the privilege of

to Virginia and Maryland... God was

really allowing God to lead and

RLRF: Please explain your creative

opening doors left and right. One of

coordinate. He drops people in my spirit,


my mentors, Henry Harris, former

and I am in awe of what He’s done. Along

Stellar Awards advisory president and

with EWillbeatz, Milton Vincent McCullogh

Lekisha: My creative process...

now, founder of Strategic Music

joined in to help out on keys and even

hmmm. I think most of my music with

Parterships, helped keep me on the

features on background vocals on one of

birthed out of experience. Ive had

right path.

my favorites. I also had the honor of

suffer some things in my life. I’ve had

working with a phenomenal artist and

wins; I’ve had loses...but going

Unfortunately while my career was on

MOG in the Houston area, O’Quine

through the journey sparked a fire

track to do great things, that path

Nickles aka Urgency. There is a duet with

that fuels my need to get it out.

was derailed by a sudden

SSMG R&B Artist, K Smoove. I really can

Everything I write is based on my

unexpected shift in my personal life.

not wait for you all to hear what we’ve

failures... my struggles... the


been cooking up in the lab. This project is

challenges I’ve faced... the

really special, because I’m putting it all on

challenges we all face as human

Until recently, I was never able to

the line. There is so much “tea” spilling out

beings, and especially as Believers.

officially release that project. My

in these lyrics that I had to name the

People can identify, because I say the

world had fallen apart. I had been

project “Confessions”... “ of a Repentant

things that they want to say, but feel

through some things before, but this...

Heart”. When you hear it, you’ll know why.

they can’t, for fear of judgement and

This almost sat me down. I was angry,

Stay tuned!!!!

condemnation from others. It is seen

hurt, confused... I didn’t understand...

as a sign of weakness to say I messed

and for the last 3 years, I have been

up or to acknowledge where we

really trying to re-discover who I am.

struggle ... but it’s in our weakness

That was my journey, and though I

RLRF: What advice do you have for someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?

Lekisha: Don’t! Lol. I made a lot of mistakes, and unnecessary detours. Follow the road less traveled, and trust God, who gave you the gift, to guide you. Stay in the Word, in season and out... and don’t be distracted by the things around you. Stay the course, and the reward will be great. God is faithful.

RLRF: If you could have your fans remember one thing about you what would that be?

Lekisha: My transparency. There is power in our testimony...and if God can use somebody like me, then surely, He can use you too. I want my life to inspire people to free themselves of limitations and of the opinion of others. The very thing that you think will hold you back is the very thing God will use to propel you forward. Trust the God behind the process. He that has begun a great work in you is faith to perform it! Walk in it.

RLRF: A legacy is something you leave behind for those who come after you. What will your legacy be?

Lekisha: That I overcame, by God’s Grace. Not by my works, but by His Favor; and that I never quit even though I wanted to at times...and that a mustard seed of faith can move mountains. I am a living witness.

Article Source: NOMADIC | 24



CIRCLE OF TRUST Kathy Robbins Maqsood

As I was pondering this morning, suddenly I had a vision and read these words "Circle of Trust". I saw the dove leave Noah's ark and went out seeking for a dry leaf to bring back to the ark saying "it is safe to exit this place." The bird went out and returned and again went out and did not return releasing the message 'where I set my foot is a safe place'. I have been walking through a very deep place of facing many insecurities. My mother passed away 8 1/2 years ago and my former husband passed away eight years ago. We were her care givers and lived at the home place in the country. Raising our food from seed was a lifestyle. During those seven years God blessed this family garden and I preserved thousands of jars of food. I brought the canned food when I purchased a home in the city seven years ago. Holy Spirit told me I had been operating under the Joseph anointing. So I have been eating much food from those days because of a trying season we have been walking through financially. God had provided in advance.Six weeks ago Holy Spirit showed me to begin to pour out those older foods. Growing up around much poverty and sickness I had developed a hoarding mindset. I was zealous over that harvest of food. But He wanted me to sacrifice

that which was good that had become an enemy of the best He has for me. I felt faint in my soul as I have been sacrificing before the Lord the thousands of hours of time and energy and the monies used to preserve the harvest. So many prayers were prayed over those fields. I did not give it to others for I was uncertain of the quality of the food at this time. You cannot hoard FAITH.Faith is active. It is a daily walk with God and receiving from Him. Man cannot live by bread alone BUT by every WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God. He is teaching us to come and receive from HIS table DAILY what is needed for life, health and godliness. I had poured my soul into that garden. Day and night, rain, wind, sun, lightening- I worked those fields grown from a seed. I gathered the harvest all hours of the day and night by flashlight and turned it to intercession and prayed over God's garden and harvest fields worldwide. Six days a week I was up until the early morning hours canning. We opened this garden to family, church and the community at large. But the season changed. Just as it does in your life. To everything there is a season, a time and a purpose for it. I have washed hundreds of jars and was reminded about gathering the vessels to contain the oil for the provisions for the widow woman. When she had no more vessels to fill




the oil stopped. So I am parabolically walking out something in the spirit. If the things you are holding onto have their roots in fear, doubt and unbelief and pride, POUR IT OUT out before the Lord. This sacrifice has cost me much. Allow Holy Spirit to wash you in the water of the word preparing you for a re-filling and re-firing. Get in His presence and receive your healing deep within and let faith arise. This fruit is by the power of Holy Spirit and will be rooted deep in love which is driving out ALL fear. Thus, the fruit you pour into others will not be defiling but instead will draw others to the Lord to taste and also to see that He is good. It is time for the fruit in our lives that is steeped in traditions and in the wrong belief systems from early childhood to be completely removed. It has a bitterness connected with it. God is not condemning us but searching our hearts that He may remove those things that do not bring fulfillment and are rooted in fear, doubt and unbelief. Instead, He will fill up those empty places with Himself and His fruit. His fruit is eternal and He promised to satisfy our souls with fresh grain, fresh oil and new wine which is the Kingdom of God.




Pasta, Spinach, Shrimp and Leeks Don't have much time cooking for dinner? Get your hectic day a little less stressful by following these quick and easy cooking recipes without breaking the bank Article Source:

Pasta with Shrimp, Spinach, and Leek is a recipe rich in vegetables and protein. This will make your meal both light and full of nutrition in just 20 minutes. Make sure to wash everything before cooking. Here is how to prepare it

By Debora J. Reckley

What you need:Â

Short Pasta Unsalted Butter Leeks Salt Black Pepper Shrimps Lemon Cream Spinach.




Preparation: First, cook the pasta. Always follow the package directions. After they are cooked, drain the water.

Heat the unsalted butter over a medium heat pan. Add the leeks, salt, and the pepper. Stir them occasionally.

Now, add the shrimps and the lemon. Cook it until the shrimp is opaque. Add the cream and salt to the pasta in the pot and cook them together. Add the shrimp mixture and the spinach too. Stir to combine.

Article Source:

Article Source: NOMADIC | 24


Eating clean means making sure you choose the healthiest option in each food group. In order to eat clean, you need to know what your food is made of, and if possible, making sure you consume it in its natural form. In case you want to start living healthier, but aren’t sure exactly what to change in your diet, here are five great tips for eating clean. Stock Up On Fresh Produce The type of diet that you’re following doesn’t really matter, you’ll always need to stock up on fresh produce. This is the golden rule of proper nutrition, as your body needs fresh fruits and vegetables in order to function properly. You can’t get this amount of minerals, vitamins, and other crucial nutrients from other types of food. Not to mention that eating fresh produce is much healthier and more natural than taking supplements. Many people don’t eat as many fruits and veggies as they should. In order to make sure that you do, you’ll need to bring some variety into your dishes. The best way to do this is to learn when certain fruits and veggies are in season since that’s when they’ll taste better. If you have a garden, you can also plant some herbs and spices. This will not only provide you with a fun, new hobby, but it will also help encourage you to eat healthier by giving you the option to consume foods straight out of your garden.




Robert E. Person Limit Processed Foods It can be pretty hard to avoid processed foods. Almost all of the snacks you can purchase in your local supermarket are filled with too much fat, sodium, and sugar. Processed foods are basically any foods that have been altered in some way, either for convenience or safety reasons. The main difference between eating processed foods and preparing something at home from scratch is that when you’re preparing something, you know how much sugar and salt you’re adding into the food. However, it’s important to note that just because a food is processed doesn’t mean that it’s unhealthy. For example, milk has to be processed (more specifically, pasteurized) in order to remove harmful bacteria from it. However, when excess fat, sugar, and salt gets added to foods in order to make them tastier and prolong their shelf life, it may cause you to develop some health problems. Consuming a large amount of unhealthy, processed foods can lead to a higher risk of heart disease or cancer. Focus On The Nutrients A lot of people make the mistake of focusing on calories instead of nutrients when they start dieting. However, you need to remember not to get caught up in the numbers game too much. Instead, focus on the nutritional value the food you’re eating holds. Just because a certain food is low in calories doesn’t make it healthy. Although you should make sure you’re not consuming too many calories, it’s much more important to pay attention to the nutritional value of foods you’re eating. One surefire way to consume all the essential nutrients while keeping your calorie count low is to stock up on fresh produce. Don’t Be Too Strict Remember that it’s completely okay to have a cheat meal sometimes. If your diet is too strict, then you might end up dreading all of the meals that you eat. In order to keep them on the right track, many people take one day out of each month to indulge in some unhealthy food that they enjoy. Drink More Water Drinking water is all you need to feel better sometimes. By drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day, you will feel healthier and energized, which will motivate you to eat clean. Unfortunately, many people consider water ‘boring’ due to the extremely high number of flavored drinks that are available. However, it is an essential nutrient that should never be overlooked.

Real Life Real Faith | 16

The Year of You Changing Your Attitude to Change Your Life Life hasn’t gone the way you had hoped. You are in your same dead-end job, in a career you thought had some promise. But it didn’t turn out as planned. You believe it just isn’t on your cards to have that dream life. However, what could be the problem is not having the right kind of attitude. You may want to explore changing your attitude and see if that doesn’t result in the changes you need for the better. The first step is to figure out if your attitude could use some adjusting. Do you find people trying to avoid you? Do you find that you get set off by the smallest incidents? You may have just ignored what people have told you about you having a bad attitude. The next time you are involved in some incident that goes bad, ask yourself this question. Is this something that was my responsibility? Go through the scenario from the perspective of an outsider observing you. Is there anything you could have done differently that would have changed the result? Think back to what you said and see if you were the one responsible. You shouldn’t take the blame for everything. If you reach within and discover that others were responsible, then hold them to it. Just make sure that you have ruled out yourself as the culprit before doing this. If there are some gray areas, be willing to give in a bit. When you go through this exercise, you will find you are in the wrong more often than you realized. Once you come to this realization, you can take steps to change yourself. Don’t focus only on negative aspects of your life. Accept both the good and bad. Be proud of the good aspects and be willing to work on the negative ones. Changing your attitude is a process. As such, it will take some time to readjust your thinking. You identify that you are not always right and will try to do what is necessary to avoid those activities again. When you do avoid them in the future, make sure you recognize that as an achievement as this is an important part of the process. Expect others to recognize your changes when you commit to making them. Your attitude will change for the better just by going through the process described. You will live a happier life, and you will make friends much more easily. You should also expect your job to change for the better as your management will notice these changes as well.

We All Scream for Ice Cream!


2019 • RLRF |




LIVING WITHIN YOUR MEANS CHERYL LACEY DONOVAN Living within your means is not as difficult

people to get out of the situation. By refinancing to a

as most people make it out to be. It takes

lower and fixed interest, you will be able to get

some discipline but it can be well worth the

yourself out of that situation. Just don’t use credit

effort. At the very least, you will be able to

excessively after you have refinanced. Otherwise,

sleep at night knowing you aren’t burdened with a heavy debt load. If you have struggled with debt before, especially credit card debt, consider cutting up those cards and canceling the accounts.

you’ll make the situation worse. If you cannot obtain a consolidation loan, consider hitting up your family for the loan. This is not ideal as it can cause tension in the family. But, it is better than having huge interest charges added to your balance each and every month. As long as you

This is the surest way to make sure you don’t

show your family members a willingness to pay

get yourself into trouble with spending more

them back consistently, you shouldn’t run into too

than you make.

many problems. Do make an effort to pay them back

Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses. Just because your neighbor is driving a new sports car and is always buying the latest and greatest gadgets, doesn’t mean you need to follow along. What many people don’t realize is that those neighbors are not living within their means. They will eventually run into trouble as they have the wrong money mindset. If you happen to be straddled with a lot of

quickly, however. You still need to live, and that may require purchasing higher end appliances when the old ones break down. This is why you should always set aside some cash each month as an emergency fund. Try to accumulate six months worth of cash for this. For high ticket items that aren’t needed right away, consider using layaway plans. Many retailers have brought this feature back, knowing that people are overextended with consumer debt. When you are shopping for necessary items, you

debt, consider consolidating all of it into one

should not look just for the cheapest items available.

lower payment. The interest on credit cards

You should look at the highest quality that you can

can be wicked and makes it almost

afford. When people struggle financially, they tend

impossible for most

to look for items that are going to last rather than the lowest prices.


While we all have dreams and aspirations, few of us are fully aware of our own potential. It can be hard to see the truly good and admirable traits in ourselves, just like it is our faults. However, believing in your own potential is a crucial part of developing your self-confidence. In order to achieve all, you’re capable of, you have to believe in the potential you have. It can help you to try new things, challenge yourself, and take risks that could all lead to success. We’ve come up with a few ways you can determine if you believe in your potential. Spend Time in Self-Reflection The first way to determine if you believe in your own potential is to spend time in self-reflection. Ask yourself what you are capable of; what are your strengths and admirable qualities. This time spent determining your potential is valuable to who you are as a person and achieving your full potential. During this time, try to focus on the following: ● What is your potential? ● What do you want to achieve? ● Do you truly believe you can achieve it? ● What can you do with this potential?

Focusing on these things and answering these questions will help you to identify your potential and believe in it more strongly. Write Down What You See As Your Full Potential Now that you’ve had time to reflect on what your potential is, you can list the qualities and skills that entails. This will help you affirm what your potential is and your belief in it. Study this list and keep it with you, being sure to look at it whenever you feel yourself doubting your potential. This will help you keep your potential in the forefront of your mind and helping you to truly believe in your potential. Prove Your Potential to Yourself For some to truly believe in something, they need to see it. This even extends to what they believe about themselves. A great way to truly believe in your potential is to prove to yourself you have it. Act on it; challenge yourself by pushing the limits of your potential. This challenge can be career-, hobby-, or relationshiporiented, so long as it challenges you and forces you to showcase your full potential. Once you’ve achieved the goal you set for yourself and fully showcased your potential, you’ll not only have a well-earned sense of accomplishment and confidence, but you’ll also fully believe in your potential without doubts.

Surround Yourself with People that Believe in Your Potential We all like to think we don’t let others affect us, but the reality is that the people around us, especially those close to you, do have an effect on us and our emotions. If those close to you doubt your potential, you’re likely to do the same. You don’t need that negative influence in your life. Instead, surround yourself with people that believe in your potential and encourage you to achieve all you can. Their positive influence will provide you with encouragement and help you to see and believe in your potential.

We all have a river of potential inside us, but few people truly recognize and believe in that potential. Believing in your own potential is an essential part of your confidence and success. If you believe you are capable of accomplishing something, you’re far more likely to actually accomplish it.

However, believing in your own potential may not come as easily for you as it does for others. It’s often something we have to work on and prove to ourselves before we believe it. We hope we’ve helped you to see and believe in your potential.








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