Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith January/February 2018

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Editor's Notes


Cover Feature Jesse the Gospel and A.J. Love


Do Money Issues Make You Anxious?


Do We Really Have to Pray for Our Enemies

| JAN/FEB 2018


Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Executive Art Director Racquel Charles Columnists Leroy McKenzie, Jr.Bryant Lewis Alvin Romer Contributors Richard Brody, Chief Photography Editor Racquel Charles Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES 14419 Campden Hill Houston, Texas 77045 (832) 827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438 P.O. Box 4510121, Houston, TX 77245, Real Life Real Faith is published by Elissa Gabrielle.

“There is no real enlightenment in life if there is no transparency and truthfulness”

Editor's Note

Words from the Senior Managing Editor… Hello 2018 & Greetings Everyone! Happy New Years to you all! A new year brings about new opportunities. Whether you are headed into new journeys, new relationships, new careers, or new anything under the sun…your success is in the palms of your hands. In this New Year, we at Men of Faith Magazine will strive to bring you bigger and better content that will be entertaining, thought-provoking, educational, and enlightening. That is our promise to you…the reader! We will strive to touch on societal issues and concerns, mental and physical health issues and concerns, emotional and spiritual food for the soul, entertainment and sports news, business and employment tips, and an array of other issues and topics for men. We at MOF want to bring you content that is relevant and speaks to the men. We want to continue to encourage change and a sense of responsibility to our communities. We seek to feature men in our magazine that add value to our communities instead of take away…Lord knows we don’t need anything else taken from our communities. This edition of MOF features Brother Bryant Lewis’ interview of The Jersey Boys, Jesse the Gospel and AJ Love. Get to know these two Men of Faith while enjoying the contributions of our talented contributors. This year, I am proud to say that we have Brother Bryant Lewis and his expertise moving forward to assist with making MOF magazine bigger and better. At MOF, in 2018, we will continue to strive to cultivate minds with insightful and entertaining knowledge that is meant to help someone in need of food for thought. Remember… knowledge is KEY! Our mission…is to address an array of topics that men not only want to hear about but also need to hear about. We will always cater to you! Much Love! Hurley Morgan Senior Managing Editor


BOUNCING BACK FROM SETBACK cheryl lacey donovan There is nothing worse than feeling like a failure. Some people simply cannot stomach the thought of being unable to live up to their own expectations or the expectations of others. One setback can sometimes send a sensitive person reeling for days, even years, and sink them into a deep depression. However, there is nothing more defeating than allowing yourself to stay stuck in the mindset of believing that a plan didn’t work out because you or your planning process was inherently flawed. When we circle the blame onto ourselves, again and again, it can take us years to recover from the abuse we are heaping onto our psyche. You are not worthless because a plan you attempted to put into action hasn’t succeeded yet. You are courageous for putting in the effort at all. Just because something didn’t work out taking one course of action, that doesn’t mean that you are doomed to fail eternally. It simply means that it is time to regroup and fall back on plan B. Or C. Or D. You could go through as many variations of your plan as many times as you need to. The important thing is that you never give up. You could go through the entire alphabet again and again until you figure out what works to make your dream a reality. If it means enough to you, then don’t stop believing that success is possible. This can be easier said than done. Bouncing back after a setback can seem impossible at first, but the first thing you need to do is to remember to breathe. If you panic, nothing good will come of it. Your best course of action is to approach the situation with a cool and level head, and although that may be hard to do at first, you are more than capable of it! Next, give yourself a little bit of time to regroup and process what has happened. Why did your plan fail? What was it that got in the way? How could those issues have been avoided? What could you do better in the future when making a more foolproof plan B? Finally, take some time to consider just what you have learned from the process of failing. Failure is not permanent. It is simply a stage that we go through during the evolution of a plan or an idea. Failure means that there are more complications than we anticipated, and we are learning more and more with every little mistake that we make. By the time we succeed, we are so steeled against setbacks that the next goal we attempt to accomplish may seem to come much easier to us because the setbacks are not so devastating. We can turn our setbacks into gems of truth and a will of steel, or we can let it defeat us. But nobody has ever mastered their destiny by giving up. To become a great achiever, you keep going until you have achieved your goal at all costs!

Exclusive interview with

Kenkyusha Manila's Rising Sun

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Men of Faith Feature

Do Money Issues Make You Anxious? Hurley Morgan

As we look at the events that happen locally,

often financial strains within our community

nationally, and even internationally, we are

dealing with the likes of financial resources,

often reminded that issues surrounding

poverty, and higher unemployment rates just to

mental health is overlooked or cheated out

name a few. How does this, in turn, correlate to

of the appropriate amount of attention that is needed to be given to it. This appears to be more prominent in the African American community. The men of the African American Community want to be

mental health issues? The answer is simple… problems surrounding money can often lead to issues such as high anxiety. Now…what is anxiety? First and foremost anxiety is a form of mental illness. In the world of mental

looked at as the foundation and protectors

health, mental health professionals and physicians

of the community, but in order to REALLY

utilize The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

be able to warrant such consideration we

Mental Disorders (DSM), which is known in the

have to be able to become knowledgeable of

mental health world here in the US as the Mental

ALL the needs of the community and be

Health Bible. The fifth edition of this manual is

prepared to appropriately address them. We stay on the issues that involve politics and our entertainers, musicians, and athletes. We are now trying look more into issues surrounding our physical health as well. Areas that seem to lack the appropriate attention, however, that we need to also consider to be vital areas that desperately need to be discussed more are areas surrounding finances and mental health. Why did I choose to put the two areas together? It’s simple…there are


now being used and it is called The DSM-V for short. This manual is used to diagnose mental disorders in the United States. This manual contains the descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing all known mental disorders for the purposes of this article we will narrow down anxiety to what is called generalized anxiety. The DSM-V defines generalized anxiety as excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) that occurs more days than not for at least 6 months. This anxiety or worry could from

a number of events or activities such as

imperative that the mental illnesses such as anxiety

work or school performance, and in the case

are treated because they can impact your health

of this article stress over money. With

and your daily functionality. We as a community

generalized anxiety the person finds it very

must do more to educate ourselves on our overall

difficult to control the worry. Some symptoms of generalized anxiety include: restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge; being easily fatigued; difficulty concentrating or mind going blank;

health. We tend to go until it is too late before we decide to get checked out or seek professional health. The African American community has been conditioned over the years to be overly private and super prideful. It’s amazing how our numbers are so much worse than any other race in

irritability; muscle tension; sleep

many categories as it pertains to not only physical

disturbance (difficulty falling or staying

health but mental health as well. Why? As I just

asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep). This

stated…we don’t want people in our business or we

anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms can

don’t want to be portrayed as weak so we would

go on to cause clinically significant distress

prefer to not seek help that could possibly make us

or impairment in social, occupational, or

better or more importantly keep us alive.

other important areas of functioning. Now that you have an idea of what anxiety is defined as, what some symptoms are, and know that it is, in fact, a mental illness you

Now, getting back to the matter at hand. As it pertains to money and anxiety…how do you manage the stress of having money woes? First and foremost in order to manage the stress you have to understand what it is about your financial issues

must now see how financial woes that lead

that are stressing you. Are you living outside your

to high anxiety or worry can be detrimental

means? Are you unemployed? Are you

to your overall health if it not tended to.

underemployed? Do you have a lot of unexpected

The problem with mental illnesses such as

things to come up that becomes a burden to your

anxiety is if they go untreated they will not

pockets? Once you understand the why and the

only have a negative impact on the mind,

what you must then come up with a plan to get rid

but will also have an impact on your physical health as well. Anxiety is now being implicated in many chronic physical illnesses such as heart disease, chronic respiratory disorders, and gastrointestinal

of those questions. Easier said than done right? I know this, but regardless of how it looks in order to eliminate the stress you must take action. Writing out your plan or seeking free consultations from financial advisor or someone with financial expertise will be important. The over extender

conditions to name a few. When the anxiety

must learn to budget. You have to thoroughly

is untreated these types of diseases are more

access what you are spending your money on and

difficult to treat, the physical symptoms of

determine how to cut out the unnecessary

the disease become worse, and in some

spending. Dare to spend money on cheaper items.

cases may lead to earlier death. So it is

You don’t always have to purchase the biggest, f

anciest, or shiniest items out there. Cook meals instead of eating out. Go green by finding ways to save on household expenses. Leave credit cards at home and only use cash when you’re out. If you spend all the money on you then that’s that…you won’t have to worry with overextending at that point. You must be honest with yourself. A lot of times we find ourselves financially stressed because we fail to plan, manage, and refrain. You have to be open to advice or seeking help when it comes to improving upon your financial situations. You have to be able to change your mind set in order to overcome the stress. Stop worrying about what the Jones’s are doing. You must learn to stop feeding your anxiety when it comes to financial stress and burdens. In closing…whatever it is that is causing any form of anxiety such as financial stresses may also require you to seek help in learning ways to eliminate them. You don’t have to go at it alone…someone will help you obtain that peace of mind.



A. J. .

These two Men of Faith has taken different paths to the same end goal, being a voice for the Lord. Jesse the Gospel and AJ Love share more than their love for the Lord, they share bloodlines, as they are cousins. As I mentioned before, the roads they’ve taken is as different as Times Square and rural Mississippi, but no less interesting. Alvin Love Jr, age 33 was born in Plainfield NJ, but his family moved Bridgeport, Connecticut to give AJ a better place to grow up. He was an athlete there, playing football and lacrosse at Central High School. While not recruited to play sports in college, he did spend six years playing semi-pro football, and considers himself still in football shape if the opportunity to put on the pads presents itself. In the meantime, AJ has decided that the youth of NJ is more worthy of his leadership right now. Meanwhile, Jesse Pringle, aka “Jesse the Gospel,” 31, Newark born, Piscataway bred, was born to sing. Having been discovered by his teacher in 4th grade, Jesse was recruited to sing in a chorus at that time, for two years. During those two years, he had the opportunity to perform at amazing places like South Africa and London to name a couple of places. His talents later on landed him on shows like The Voice, on networks like BET, and in circles with people like Chyna and Jamie Foxx. He was on the fast track to R&B stardom when his heart and his spirit took him in a different direction. AJ path took a stop in Plainfield, New Jersey and the local YMCA. He began working with the youth, and really enjoyed the impact he was having there. He loves being a role model, so much so, that he even made certain changes to be a more positive role model. “I love being around kids and having a positive influence” Love says. “For example, I stopped using swear words around them, because they are like sponges, and will soak

up habits they get from adult, so I

example, he told the story about

stopped using swear words around

being AWOL from the Navy for nearly

them.” AJ has taken the force of

a year, and had to do a 3 months

positive thinking to different venues

sentence. But what he did say was

in the form of this one man show,

“God is in the forgiving business, and

“Hidden In Plain Sight” which

will forgive as long as you don’t

discusses negative aspects of

speak badly of him.”

everyday life and learn how to turn

So for these creative talents, these

them into positives. Love has only

cousins, these Men of Faith, having

taken this to a couple of venues, but

that faith, having that belief in God,

has been working on the possibility of

that willingness to spread their belief

bringing this to youth on a wider

to those that are willing to listen is

scale, doing God’s work. When I

what will have their talents rise, be

asked about the moment he decided

appreciated by those in their

to take that Christian walk, AJ

presence, and most importantly, by

expressed that it was just that time. “I


was 30 years old, sitting outside, the next thing I know, I’m having a conversation with God and He knew that I wanted to change. Now AJ is surrounded by like-minded people, people who want to be Christian leaders, and help those who are looking God’s internal guidance. As for AJ’s cousin, Jesse says he’s been saved since birth, but as we tend to do from time to time, we wander away from home. Being on the road with his music, singing R&B, running in the circle that he was running in, just didn’t feel right to him. So he walked away from the promising R&B career and made the transition to gospel. The reason was simple, “I had a new message to give to people, and it wasn’t through R&B.” Ironically, Jesse too decided to sit outside his house one night to have a conversation with God. “All I wanted Him to do was show me a sign, any kind of sign that you’re here for me.” “Then all of a sudden, I looked up into the sky and saw a shooting star going pass the moon. I just dropped to my knees, and knew the Glory of God was upon me.” His singing gospel is his way of giving back. “For me, I’m singing about my experiences and how God has forgiven me.” “My thing is I can’t tell people how to handle things, if I’ve never experienced them myself.” Finally, he says, “I’m not perfect,” for



BRODY Whether one is a supporter, or opposes, President Donald J. Trump, everyone must agree, we have never, in recent memory, experienced, anyone, who has conducted himself, as he has! While he maintains the strong support of his core supporters and followers, largely because, they have bought - into his rhetorical, vision, and are motivated, and agree with his rhetoric, and vitriol, many others, feel considerably, uneasy,

because of the potential ramifications, of some of his actions, and words. Mr. Trump's closest supporters claim he focuses on broad strokes, rather than, getting involved in the details, and while, President's should not micro - manage, many believe, his lack of attention, to the details of leading a nation, are potentially dangerous, and frightening. This article will attempt to briefly review, consider, identify, and discuss, 5 cases and/ or instances.

Article Source:


1. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS/ RESPECT: Because this President, so often, appears to be changing his message, and relies, so heavily on rhetoric, vitriol, and name - calling, it appears, many are confused by his actions, and intentions! The world has, generally, sought calm, focused, consistent leaders, and Trump, to this point, has not generated that perception, and/ or image. Calling leaders by negative labels, and resorting to name calling, rarely garners the respect of others, or drives a cooperative spirit!

2. RACE/ ETHNIC RELATIONS Trump's reliance on ethnic generalities, especially towards Mexicans, Hispanics, and Muslims, has created distrust, suspicion, and a level of negativity, we haven't previously witnessed! While there are certainly many Americas, who, unfortunately, share his biases and prejudice, it is not, what many others, consider the American Way.

From his comments regarding his Wall, to the comments about the Mexican judge, to the descriptions, he's reportedly expressed, regarding certain African and Caribbean, poorer nations, we have never experienced this behavior, from someone in his position, in recent memory!

3. FREEDOMS CHALLENGED: Mr. Trump has spoken out, against the media, and press, especially those who've challenged him, in any way. His reference to Fake News, to anything which doesn't agree, challenges, our concept of freedom, of the press! He has challenged the rights of individuals to articulate any contrary or oppositional message, complaining when others, don't automatically applaud, and/ or disagree! Some may be entertained, or, even enjoy his rhetoric, and vitriol, but it does not drive our democracy, forward! Article Source:


4. BUDGETS/ DEFICITS Before he was elected, Mr. Trump claimed he could eliminate, both, current deficits, as well as cumulative ones! His support for a tax reform plan, which will add trillions to the deficit, as well as his recently proposed budget, pays no attention to these, while appearing oppositional to safety - net, items, which makes many fearful, and nervous.

5. ENVIRONMENTAL/ SUSTAINABILITY: While the rest of the world, appears, to realize the needs, and has begun to focus on environmental concerns, President Trump, has often articulated, a message of denial of Climate Change! Appointing Scott Pruitt, as the Secretary of D.E.P., has clearly indicated, he, either doesn't feel attention is needed, or doesn't care about protecting the sustainability of our planet, and protecting clean air, and water, as well as neglecting the future needs of generations!

Obviously, I am not a supporter of this President, but, for the common good, would hope, he achieved, for the best interests of the nation, and the planet! However, anyone who fails to consider and address ramifications, is not behaving in a responsible manner, which we need, and deserve! Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

Article Source:


Do We Really Have to Pray for Enemies

Lesson written, prepared and edited by Deacon Alvin Romer adapted from the upcoming book, ‘Righteous Apples and Other Spiritual Gems: Finding Purpose in QualitymLiving’

The short answer is yes: as difficult as it can be,

miracles it creates is emotional and mental clarity

each of us must take special care to pray for our

on the part of the one praying. Praying for your

enemies. In fact, if there is anyone in this world for

enemies creates in you that clarity, that wisdom,

whom you really should make a point of praying,

that perspective you're often otherwise lacking.

it’s your enemy. Here are some reasons why: 4. It relieves stress. This one’s connected to #3. As 1. Jesus unequivocally told us to. In Matthew 5:44,

these days it’s safe to say everyone knows, stress is

Jesus says, “But I tell you: Love your enemies, and

positively lethal. Being angry is one of the most

pray for those who persecute you … .” And in

stressful things you can do to your body. Really

Luke 6:27-28, Jesus says, “But I tell you who hear

want to irk someone with whom you’re in conflict?

me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate

Pray for their health and well-being. You’ll end

you, bless those who curse you, pray for those

up being healthier and living longer. That’ll show

who mistreat you.” So. There it is.


2. We’re supposed to do unto others as we would

5. You want to be a good example of Christianity.

have them do unto us. (Matthew 17:12 : “So in

Anyone can have a great personality when things

everything, do to others what you would have them

are going well for them. It’s when things go

do to you, …. ”)

sour that a person's character really shows. NonChristians -- and especially non-Christians with

3. It greatly enhances your understanding of the

whom you’re in conflict -- will notice every

situation between you and your “enemy.” For

measure of discrepancy between your professed

reasons and in ways we mortals will never

values and what you actually do and say. Praying

understand, prayer creates miracles. One of the

for your enemy allows the Holy Spirit to figure


into your relations with the person you’re praying

another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over

for, which then allows you to behave toward that

all these virtues put on love, which binds them all

person in a way that will mark you as someone they

together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ

can, at the very least, respect. More importantly, it

rule in your hearts, since as members of one body

allows Christ to see you as someone he’s proud to

you were called to peace. And be thankful

have to represent him here on earth. The way

(Colossians 3:13-15). And when you stand praying, if

not to let Christ down is to pray for your enemies.

you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so

As the Bible has it: Bear with each other and forgive

that your Father in heaven may forgive you your

whatever grievances you may have against one

sins. (Mark 11:25)Â





What does the 2018 "You" Look like? LEROY MCKENZIE JR.

Here we are at the start of 2018 and the beginning of an exciting New Year. I know many of you have put together your list of resolutions and goals that you want to achieve this year and made promises of being and doing better in 2018 than in 2017. Well, this article will hopefully give you some insights and motivation to not only have resolutions and goals but to go beyond and develop assignments and a mission that will develop you into a better man in 2018 then you were in 2017. To get you in the right position to be a better man in 2018 I am going to give you a few keys to look at in order to put a plan of action together that will ensure that you will be a better man in December 2018 then you were in December 2017. So, let’s begin with the question…..WHAT DOES THE 2018 YOU LOOK LIKE? I don’t just want you to answer this question with a quick and easy response, I want you to look at where you want to be in 2018 from these different perspectives: -Mentally -Physically -Relationally -Spiritually These perspectives will give you the thinking points from which you will become a better man. I cannot go into full detail about each of these perspectives in this article but what you should do is take time to think about each of these aspects of your life and develop a plan of action that focuses

on becoming better in each of them. Before you take on that task though, I want you to take on what I call the F.E.A.R. FACTOR MINDSET when it comes to approaching these ideals. You should have a FACING EVERY ASSIGNMENT RELENTLESSLY MINDSET. When you take on this mindset then you begin to approach everything that you do this year with an I am UNSTOPPABLE ATTITUDE!!!! Once you understand how to breakdown your assignments you can then begin to form a list of at least 10 assignments that you want to achieve this year. Using your 10 assignments you should begin to develop your plan of action for how you will complete and accomplish them. Being better men in 2018 is what I want for all of us. The time has come for us to hold each other accountable for being better, doing better and achieving better. This all starts from this day forward. There are no more excuses and we cannot accept any more excuses for not being where we are supposed to be. We must begin to move to the next level in our mentality, our physicality, relationships, and spirituality and the only way that this will happen is if we begin to do the work that is needed. I challenge you in 2018 to be on a mission to do the work!!!! I promise you that if you do the work you will not be the same man in December 2018 that you were in 2018. Let’s go because we are #ONAMISSION2018


For many people, especially

and treatments that can help

the elderly, arthritis is a

you manage your daily

debilitating illness. Arthritis

arthritis symptoms and

causes increased

mobility issues.

inflammation around the joint that can lead to immobility


and pain.

Web M.D. recommends hydrotherapy as a form of

While there are conventional

exercise for those with

medical treatments that are

arthritis. Hydrotherapy is

available for people with

similar to exercise and a pool,

arthritis, many wonder what

however, the pool tends to be

can be done along with

warmer than a traditional

medication to help improve

swimming pool. With

mobility with their arthritis. In

hydrotherapy, participants can

fact, there are many natural

get all of the benefits of

methods to help manage pain

regular exercise without any

and improve mobility.

of the impact on joints.

This article will show you five

This may be especially

different alternative therapiesÂ

beneficial to those withÂ

arthritis because the joints are

The Cleveland Clinic

particularly affected. Having an

recommends all arthritis

option for exercise that has

sufferers participate in range of

zero impact on the joints can

motion exercises. The range of

increase mobility as well as

motion exercises typically

range of motion. Many times

includes stretching and

hydrotherapy is considered a

extending the joints to their

form of physical therapy and

full ability. Some range of

may be covered by insurance.

motion programs may include yoga or tai chi.

Range of Motion Exercise Many sufferers of arthritis keep

Lose Weight

the affected joints in a

Because arthritis causes pain

tightened position to alleviate

and immobility many sufferers

pain. Unfortunately, this has

of arthritis have excess weight.

the unintended side effect of

The excess weight increases

increasing pain because it

pressure and damage on the

shortens ligaments and muscles

joints. The increased pressure

around the affected joint. This

and damage on the joints

means that instead of

increases pain which causes

decreasing pain over the long-

decreased mobility. It becomes

term keeping the joints in a

a never ending cycle of

tightened position will increase

increased pain and decreased



Mayo Clinic recommends that if you


have arthritis, you maintain a

The arthritis foundation notes that

healthy body weight. If you’re

one of the most beneficial

currently overweight and have a

treatments for mobility in arthritis

difficult time moving a healthy body

patients is massage. Massage can

weight can be maintained through

help increase range of motion

proper diet.

simply by relieving tension on stiff muscles and ligaments that

A meeting with a dietitian can help

surround the arthritic joints.

you start a healthy diet if you are

The arthritis foundation says that

not sure where to begin. The

the best types of massage for people

dietitian or nutritionist may also

with arthritis are either deep tissue

have ideas on foods that can help

massage or Swedish massage. If you

decrease inflammation in the body

are having a high amount of pain

and reduce pain from your arthritis.

deep tissue massage may be difficult to tolerate because of how

Hot and Cold Therapy

deep into the muscle massage

One of the benefits of hot and cold therapy is that it can be done at

therapist will go. Either way,

home. The second benefit to hot

massage therapy is an easily

and cold therapy is that it is very

accessible treatment to help

inexpensive. Heating pads and ice

increase your range of motion when

packs are easy to have on hand and

you have arthritis.

don’t cost a lot of money. Healthline suggests that arthritis sufferers try

While arthritis will not go away no

alternating hot and cold therapy to

matter how well you take care of

affected joints to decrease pain.

your body, you can manage your

You may find that some days cold

symptoms and stop the progression

therapy works the best on your

of the disease. If you combine

arthritic joints while other days a

medication with these holistic

heating pad may be better. Having

approaches to treatment, you are

both on hand to use is going to be

sure to have a happier and pain-free

the best way to ensure that this


therapy is effective at increasing your mobility and decreasing your pain.

A news article discusses current or recent news of either general interest (i.e. daily newspapers) or of a specific topic (i.e. political or trade news magazines, club newsletters, or technology news websites).


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