Real Life Real Faith May 2018 Issue

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In the Spotlight

Dr. Brenda Arnold-Scott









Editor's Notes An editor is a person who edits or makes changes to documents.


Dr.Brenda Arnold-Scott Dr. Arnold-Scott talks about her new book 30 Days to You


Crockpot Ginger and Orange Chcken If you are in business Pierre Jean Claude says the end of the year is a perfect time for you to review your finances


We Must Be Safe From Both Internal and External Terrorists The holidays can be hectic. Especially when it comes to Relationships. In this article Liz helps us navigate these relationships.Â


REAL LIFE REAL FAITH Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Columnists Brian Ganges, Michelle Cuttino, DaPorsche Rufus, Kathy Robbins Maqsood Contributors Donna H, Richard Brody, Anastasia Kanli Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


Ask yourself what's the worse than can happen


2 0 1 8














It’s hard to find anywhere in the world that isn’t supporting the idea of a present moment or mindfulness mindset. A present moment mindset has been found useful in the treatment of chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. There are many benefits, both mental and physical, from living your life in a mindful manner. Mindfulness is a simple skill that can be learned by anyone. Keeping your mind in the present avoids two negative emotions: regret and anxiety. If your mind is in the past, you’re likely to feel regret. Allow the past the die. There’s no reason to torture yourself. Anxiety results from worrying about the future. If you’re not thinking about the future, you can’t worry about it. There are many amazing things going on around you each day. You’re just too distracted by your thoughts to notice and appreciate them. Adopting a present moment mindset will allow you to live your life to the fullest. You can appreciate the little things life has to offer. You’ll no longer be trapped living in your head. Reality is all around you.


No one is sure how the need for approval developed. Some social scientists believe that it evolved from a survival advantage that group acceptance provided. It was challenging to survive 10,000 years ago, and maybe impossible to survive alone. Those that crave acceptance had a better chance of remaining with the group and survival. Those that didn’t care about upsetting others found themselves kicked to the prehistoric curb and an early demise. In this day and age, though, approval-seeking behavior is self-sabotaging. Trying to impress others is exhausting and minimizes your own importance and individuality. Free yourself from the need to receive approval from others: 1. Give your opinion freely. One symptom of approvalseeking tendencies is the hesitance to share your opinion. You might say something that the other person doesn’t approve of. And since it was your opinion, they might not approve of you either. • Give your opinion, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Start with smaller things. Do you think it will rain? Do you prefer basketball or football? Which movie would you like to see?

2. Avoid judging others. If you’re overly critical of others, it’s only natural that you assume others are the same towards you. By avoiding this type of behavior in yourself, you’ll drop the assumption that everyone else is judging you. Allow others to be as they are. It makes life more interesting. Sit back and enjoy the differences. • Notice your thoughts. Are you constantly judging others in a variety of situations? You’ll fear the judgments of others if you continue to be judgmental. 3. Realize that disapproval can be used as a weapon. Many people use disapproval as a means of getting what they want. They may disapprove of your opinion, clothing, hairstyle, or anything else to enjoy the fruits of your submission. • Call people on their disapproval of you. Ask them to explain themselves. Remember that most negative people are looking for a victim, not a fight. When you stick up for yourself, many of the bullies disappear. • Knowing this can free you from seeking the approval of others. In many cases, they’re just in the game for themselves. 4. Be aware of what happens when someone disapproves of you. Nothing happens. We seem to be born with an intense desire to fit in. But what actually happens when someone

disapproves of you? The sky doesn’t fall on top of you. You might suffer from a little anxiety or embarrassment, but it passes. 5. Do some things for yourself. If you’re constantly seeking approval, you’re not taking very good care of yourself. Show yourself that you’re important by focusing some of your time and energy on yourself. It might be a little bit uncomfortable at first. You might even feel selfish. 6. Fill your life with things that are important. If you had to run across the street naked to save your child’s life, you wouldn’t be worried about anyone’s opinion. That’s because your child’s life is more important than your ego. But you .

don’t need a disaster to experience this • Volunteer with an organization that’s doing important work. Write a book that you believe will change lives for the better. Find ways to spend your time on things you consider to be important. • You’ll find that you enjoy more freedom in the other, less important, parts of your life. Being overly concerned about the opinions of others is damaging to your self-esteem. Each time you seek approval, you’re diminishing your own importance. You’re causing yourself pain. Your opinion matters. Allow your individuality to be seen and experienced by others.




What makes you powerful as a

I am a solitary woman; and that I

The book was already written—I

person? Musical artist? Writer?

easily shed tears. But, don’t let the

completed the assignment in 30 days. I

Actor? Publisher?

tears fool you; I am some kind of

had all the text. I did go back and


summarize each day into one word so I could look at that to see what it says

God—the activated and working

A Legacy is something that is handed

about who I am as a person and round

presence of His Holy Spirit working

down from one period of time to

out the reason for the book

within me makes me powerful

another period of time. What legacy

so others could do the same and move

because that is what my power

do you hope to leave behind with

deeper into their purpose as well..

comes from. In and of myself, I am

your writing/music/acting?

powerless. This question takes me to

What other books have you

a place in the early years when I

The work. The work will be my Last

authored/movies have you

began to have poetic visitations. I

Will and Testament. I will leave

written/products have you created?

was driving through flooded streets in

intellectual properties- literary works,

Tell us about them.

Houston. I was caught on the road in

sound recordings, visual arts,

a rainstorm. In that moment, I gave

technological presentations, work

I have self-published: Jesus Master

birth to the work, “Today I Really

that is recorded in the United States

Teacher—Teaching How Jesus Taught;

Know.” Today, I really know, that I had

Copyright Office. I will leave a

Suiting Up for the Game: Setting Up a

no power alone; for I could not stop

thumbprint in public service where I

Texas Non-Profit Organization;

the rain…

worked for many years, creating,

Premarital Counseling: A Guide to

designing, developing, and

Christian Principles; Assessing Church

What have you realized about

overseeing programs that brought

Health: A 21 Point Healthcheck Tool;

yourself since becoming a published

quality of life to millions of working

Your God-Given Gifts; A Mighty Long


people. I leave people who

Way; The Poem.

benefitted from the things God

All these works are explanatory by their

I realized that I have my own voice. It

allows me to do. I leave them sharing


does not have to be like anybody

their testimonies about how God

Additionally, my poems have been

else’s voice. It is mine. Some people

blessed them. So much of what I do, I

published in a number of anthologies

will like it; some may not; but it is for

don’t go tell it. It would be an


who it is for. And I am okay with that.

infringement upon the receiver.

1991 and 2007.

How has your

Tell us about your

I have produced and written one poetry

environment/upbringing colored your


and music CD, “A Mighty Long Way”

My book evolved out of an

I have produced and created art and

assignment while I was in the

poetry prints, tee shirts, coffee mugs,

It has given me many stories; many

beginning stages of a

greeting cards, mousepads, PowerPoint

stories. I am a storyteller. I have so

Doctor of Ministry Program at

presentations, logos.

many of them—most very colorful,

Southern Methodist University. I had

some sad, but most ending in victory.

to turn in a

How do you as a writer find your way

30-day authentic account of my life

into a story?


When you have completed a project,

as an assignment. The objective was

how do you celebrate?

to be honest, to be yourself, be

The Spirit takes me right into it. It is not

transparent. I did. Three years later, I

a struggle for me. God gives it to me.

was praying about what I would

I am still learning how to celebrate.

publish as my entre into uninterrupted

How can others reach you?

That is something I am not good at. I

authorship, and I was led to publish

have had at least 5 major

the journal. As I went back at read it,;

accomplishments over the past year;

it fed my spirit and showed me that;

that are worthy of celebration.

this was not just any assignment; it;

Almost one-year later, I did have a

was a period of prophecy, revelations; 832

celebration recognizing one of those

from God, and manifestations of his


efforts, that is, recognizing 22 years


serving in ministry.

What last words of encouragement How long did it take to write your

would you like to leave with our

book/complete your music


What would readers be surprised to

project/complete your movie/create

know about you?

your product?

Be true. Be you. Be kind!



The Maldives is a tropical nation in the Indian Ocean composed of 26 ring-shaped atolls, which are made up of more than 1,000 coral islands. It’s known for its beaches, blue lagoons and extensive reefs. The capital, Malé, has a busy fish market, restaurants and shops on the main road, Majeedhee Magu, and 17th-century Hukuru Miskiy (also known as Friday Mosque) made of carved white coral.



Family Matters Establishing Healthy Boundaries as Individuals and as Couples Q: I’ve only been married for about six months.

Although it’s customary for married couples to be

Already, I’m feeling like we’re almost too close. We

together much of the time, a good marriage allows

don’t seem to have any personal privacy at all.

some time for each partner to do his/her own

Sometimes, I feel like the walls are closing in on


me — won’t I ever have any time or space for myself? I love my husband but I miss my “me

Maybe you like to do scrapbooking or yoga and he

time!” And I notice it’s getting harder and harder to

likes to putter around in the garage with his

just be me. Help! Am I in the wrong on this?

woodworking tools. Whatever the activities you each enjoyed before getting married, ensure you

A: It sounds like you and your husband love each

allow time for them now.

other but are just struggling to establish healthy limits and boundaries in your relationship. It’s wise

Q: But shouldn’t we want to be together all the

to set up those boundaries early on in your

time if we’re married?

marriage so you both can experience the profound, enduring joys that married life can

A: Actually, it’s quite healthy to want to maintain


your own sense of identity even though you’re married. There’s no reason why each of you still

You’re likely still in the adjustment phase of a new

can’t do the things you want to do. The key is

marriage, in which you’re trying to figure out how

talking with one another about when you want to

to live with each other on a day-to-day basis.

do your individual activities.

Sharing so much time and physical space with

✓ Share your need to continue with the hobbies

someone can be a bit tricky. Let’s first consider

you love. Tell him you understand he has needs

your question about having time and space for

for his beloved activities, too.


Real Life Real Faith | 16

✓ Also, look for time when you can do activities on

work on cars or do woodworking, he might stake

your own without affecting the relationship. For

out the garage as his “man cave.” Or he may want

example, maybe you get home from work in the

to set up the family room as his room to watch

early afternoon, but he doesn’t get home until

football and other sports on a big screen TV with a

later. You could spend that time doing whatever

place to prop up his feet and a well-padded chair.

you enjoy doing alone. ✓ When your husband arrives home, he might like

Remember that you’re still the individuals you

to sit down and have a glass of wine or even

were when you met, with all of your hobbies,

prepare dinner together. Later in the evening,

interests, and needs.

though, he may want to have his own time to You both have a right to continue your lives as watch the game or be out in the garage for an hour

individuals and even evolve as separate people

or so.

while the two of you work on being a loving couple.

If you discuss what you’d like to do individually and are sensitive to each other’s needs, you’ll easily

Q: I really miss spending time with my girlfriends

be able to schedule some “me” time for each of

and sister. Will I ever be able to just hang out with


them again?

Q: What about when we’re both home and I want

A: It sounds like you and your husband have been

to do something other than watch sports on TV?

spending time only with each other for these past months. Of course, each of you can and should

A: This time discussion relates very closely to the

spend some time with your friends and family

space element. When your husband’s gone, for


example, you’ve got all the space you need, and vice versa. However, it makes a lot of sense for

Try talking with your husband about a time you

each of you to find a space in the house that’s “all

could regularly see your girlfriends. Establishing

yours.” This way, you have your own space to

some guidelines in this area is healthy and makes

escape to if you don’t want to watch or hear the


football games. Maybe it’s every other Thursday night for dinner ✓ For example, if you love to read where it’s quiet,

or Saturdays for lunch at your house when your

talk with your partner about setting up the spare

husband is outside working on his

bedroom as your study or den where you can have

car. It’s likely your husband will think that’s a great

good lighting, a comfortable chair or lounging

time to spend with his buddies or doing his

sofa, a side table, and a small bookcase with plenty

hobbies. Here again, the key is communicating to

of your favorites standing by.

your husband that you miss your girlfriends and want to spend time with them regularly.

✓ By the same token, if your husband loves to

Real Life Real Faith | 16










Lifestyle feature

15 Questions for Discovering Your Passion WORDS BY CHERYL LACEY DONOVAN 10. If I were to make just one radical If you’re lucky, you’ve already

Abbey in London. The streets of Hong

discovered many of your passions

Kong may be calling your name or

and get to spend much of your time

even the Grand Canyon. Can you

enjoying things that bring you

make it happen?

excitement and joy. However, maybe you’ve not yet connected with

5. What do I talk about doing but

activities, skills, and interests that

never do it? In a conversation, you

ignite your passion.

might state something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to

It takes time, soul-searching, and

take a cruise to the Caribbean.”

some life experience to identify your true passions. These prompts are

6. What are the reasons I don’t go

written to tap into your wants, needs,

after my dreams? Explore within

desires, and fantasies. Have fun with

yourself why you haven’t pursued the

them and discover what you can add

life you want. Can you do something

to your life that will fill it with delight.

differently to help bring your dreams to life?

1. What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do? Consider what would

7. How will I finish the sentence,

need to happen in order for you to

“More than anything, before I die, I

carry through with this long-sought

want to ___________?” Say it out

wish. Make a plan and get started.

loud and fill in the blank. Then, figure out a way to accomplish your wish.

2. If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?

8. What are the things in my life that I

Let your mind go. It could be

would like to get rid of? If you’re

something related to your work, your

discovering you don’t love everything

home, or simply a lark.

about your life, maybe it’s time to do some “housecleaning.” Make a list of

3. Where do I really want to live?

the ways you’d like your life to

What city and what type of


residence? Perhaps you’re already fulfilling this passion and you do live

9. Which people in my life inspire me

in your true first choice. If not, ponder

and why? It’s important to know who

the possibilities of moving to a place

inspires you so you can spend more

you’ll love.

time with them. What is it about them that lights you up so much? Decide to

4. Where would I like to visit? Perhaps

take every step to be inspired more

you’re harboring a secret yearning to


visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster

change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be? Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities. Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life. Getting more education might be a goal—plus you’ll likely make more money.

• You’ll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make 1 change.

11. How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals? Notice these feelings. You’ll no doubt want to experience them more often.

12. How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal? Awesome, probably.

13. What’s missing from my life? Answering this question requires considerable soul-searching.

14. Who are my biggest supporters? It’s wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.

15. Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals? In order to find your true passions, you might be required to disengage from those who wish to counteract your efforts.

If you take the time to thoroughly ponder each of these questions, you’ll be pleased with what you discover. Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment.


DAPORSCHA'S SEEDS OF DaPorscha Rufus HOPE Aren’t YOU glad that you don’t look like what you’ve been through? Lord, I know I am! Just think about it! After all the trials, tribulations, and tests thanks be unto God that we don’t look like what we’ve been through. Shout hallelujah! Now if it’s one thing that I can attest to is the fact that, I AM A SURVIVOR! I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR! I AM AN OVERCOMER! I can declare ALL of this NOT because of my righteousness (or shall I say UN-righteousness) BUT HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! GLORY! When I peel back the pages of my past I realize and recognize how GOD SNATCHED ME out of the enemy’s hand. Has God ever snatched you out of something that was meant to devour you? Oh yes, my brothers and sisters, when Satan said YES! I got her/him right where I want them, GOD STEPPED DOWN from eternity into time to reverse the curse of your circumstances! When Satan said YES, God said NOT SO! When I ponder on all the things that could’ve gone wrong, should’ve gone wrong, BUT DIDN’T go wrong ESPECIALLY when I wasn’t acting right all I can do is give Him thanks for His Infinite Grace, Mercy and Unconditional love which endureth forever! When I think about His Goodness and all He’s done for me both seen and unseen I dwell on one of my all-time favorite Bible verses, Psalm 40:2. It reads: “He pulled me out of a dangerous pit, out of the deadly quicksand. He set me safely on a rock and made me secure”. - Good News Translation My, my, my, sweet baby Jesus of Bethlehem what a Word from The Lord! Not only a Word but an Eternal Promise from an Everlasting God given freely to all of His Children! Including YOU AND ME! REPEAT AFTER ME: I, (YOUR NAME HERE) AM A SURVIVOR. I SURVIVED everything that tried to kill me. I SURVIVED everything that was sent out to destroy me. I SURVIVED even though I had to crawl, kick and even cry sometimes yet, I am still standing. I am still strong simply because I SURVIVED. SHOUT HALLELUJAH! Seriously, folks, I can go on and on for forever and a day about the battles I’ve SURVIVED and WON against the in-n-er me and the en-e-my! What about you? What are some things that you thought you could not or would not make it through and yet you did? What are some situations that attempted to drown you, but God helped you to stay afloat even when your head could barely stay above the meniscus? Or what about all the times that sickness, dis-ease, depression, fear, guilt and shame plagued your mind heart and spirit from sunrise to sunset day in and day out? But look at you Beloved; you’re still here not only as a survivor but a thriver! Now that you and I have survived the miry clay, let’s talk about how YOU and I are MORE THAN CONQUERORS, shall we? Looking back over your life, how many times have you come out on top? How many times has God placed and positioned you from the back of the line and put you in the front of the line? How many times have people criticized you, ostracized you, stabbed you in the back while you watched, YET GOD allowed you to triumph over every adversary and avenger? You see, when Satan desires to sift you as wheat in an attempt to prey on you The God of all gods stepped right in and prayed for you! Oh yes, my brothers and dear sisters when the enemy comes in like a flood, attacking from all areas and arenas The Lord WILL rise up and allow you to walk on water. SHOUT HALLELUJAH! Stop what you’re doing and make this BOLD declaration ALOUD: I, (YOUR NAME HERE) AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR! Every Goliath that was set out before me was slain, with the guidance and assistance of God. After all the trials, setbacks and tests I CONQUERED THEM ALL! Now that you’ve realized that you are a survivor and MORE than a conqueror let us talk about how much of an overcomer you are. You overcame that heartbreak that made you never want to love again. You overcame that addiction that should’ve consumed you, but didn’t. You overcame lack and poverty and made a name for yourself. You overcame the spirit of depression and low self-esteem that made you feel like you were less than when in reality YOU WERE MORE THAN. I can go on and on, but you catch my drift, right? Of course, you do! Beloved, the next time you feel like quitting or giving up remind yourself of WHO YOU ARE AND WHOSE YOU ARE! Selah. AUTHOR of " The Best- Seller " YOUR BOOK From: God", 366 Days of Inspiration, Spiritual Guidance, Anointed Prayers and Heartfelt Poetry, Contributor for Real Life, Real Faith, " Porscha's Seeds of Hope" Writer 4 RUBY Magazine, "Messages of Faith" Scribe/ Blogger for The Litish #StayWoke Column, Columnist for Good Deeds Magazine, On-Air Personality for DFWiGospel Radio " Good Ideas and Dreams ONLY Radio!"

Grillin' Burgers SLIDERS Working on a piece of parchment paper, pat 1 1/4 pounds ground beef chuck into a 6-by-8-inch rectangle. Cut into twelve 2inch squares; refrigerate at least 20 minutes. Season with 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt, and pepper to taste. Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat; add 1 tablespoon butter and let melt. Cook the patties until a crust forms, about 2 minutes per side

STUFFED Pack 2 tablespoonfuls of shredded cheese into the middle of each ball. Shape the


meat around the cheese and gently form into 3/4-inch-thick patties. Chill at least 30 minutes. Preheat a grill to medium high and oil the grates. Season the patties with salt and pepper and grill 5 to 6 minutes per side.

THIN Season 1 pound ground beef chuck with salt and pepper; form into 4 balls and set on the pan. Cover the meat with parchment and flatten with another baking sheet. Chill 1 hour. Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat and brush with oil. Cook the patties until a crust forms, 2 to 3 minutes per side; continue cooking until browned, 1 more minute per side, topping with cheese during the last minute, if desired.





RELEASING UNFORGIVENESS TOWARD GOD CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD Kathy Robbins Maqsood Corporate Word for body of Christ : Will you forgive ME for the intensity of the fire

Kathy Robbins-Maqsood is a native and lives in Asheville, North Carolina. She is a teacher, speaker,

in this season? Some hearts have become

prophetess, psalmist, and missionary. She is the

embittered at the process through which I

Founder and Executive Director of Reflections of

have brought you. But it has been necessary

Hope Ministries and Reflections of Hope-Pakistan.

for you to be a carrier of My glory. Whatever

Kathy may be reached at

you bind on earth in your heart will be bound in heaven. So release your pain and lack of understanding to ME and let Me do a supernatural healing EVEN NOW. For I am ready to move in might and power but first accept My healing LOVE. It has been because I so love YOU that I have hidden Myself in clouds and darkness even as you have wept and cried aloud with fastings and prayer. I am sweeping through here with healing love as you release and receive from Me. I have protected you as the enemy has made accusations against you because of the power of the blood of My Son. I see you through that cleansing blood. Simply let it all go and just receive of ME. For there is nothing that can separate you from My love.





This book presents a 30-day journaling exercise by the writer that emerges as her inaugural entrance into the next chapter of her life as an author. She shares her day-to-day concerns, thoughts, vulnerabilities, and struggles. But more than that, she opens herself up to visiting the places in her mind and heart where God lives. In these places, she hears from God. The most mindboggling revelation in this book was recorded on May 29, 2014, where she speaks prophetically about publishing this journal. Three years later, it has come to fruition. She also shares her deep desire to complete a long process of learning. Three years later, she emerges as Dr. Brenda Arnold-Scott, having completed all doctoral work. This journal is written to encourage the "whosoever’s" to take 30 days to write their hearts; that they might determine their new starts!



ways to use up your oranges at home ARTICLE



SPANISH SANGRIA Have the fruit, rum, wine, and orange juice well chilled. Slice the lemon, lime and orange into thin rounds and place in a large glass pitcher. Pour in the rum and sugar. Chill in refrigerator for 2 hours to develop the flavors. When ready to serve, crush the fruit lightly with a wooden spoon and stir in the wine and orange juice. Adjust sweetness to taste.

ORANGE GLAZED CARROTS Place carrots in a shallow saucepan, and cover with water. Boil until tender. Drain, and return carrots to pan. Pour orange juice over carrots, and mix well. Simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Stir in brown sugar, butter, and salt. Heat until butter and sugar melt.

ORANGE CREAM FRUIT SALAD In a medium mixing bowl, combine pudding mix, milk, and orange juice concentrate. Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed for 2 minutes. Mix in sour cream. In a large salad bowl, combine fruits. Gently mix in orange dressing. Cover, and refrigerate for 2 hours.



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