Men of Faith May Issue 2018

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Editor's Notes Read this months editors note by Hurley MorganÂ


Zach Tate Learn more about author, activist, and media personality Zach Tate as RLRF interviews him about his platform for yourng men and women


Hurley's Mental Note This month Hurley Morgan asks "Do Your Finances Make You Anxious?"


We Must Be Safe From Both Internal and External Terrorists Read Mr. Brody's opinion piece about terrorists both abroad and here in the U.S. .Â


MEN OF FAITH Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Columnists Alvin C. Romer, Leroy McKenzie, Jr., Alvin L.A. Horn Navi Robbins Contributors Cheryl Lacey Donovan Richard Brody, Anastasia Kanli Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


Ask yourself what's the worse than can happen









Words from the Senior Managing Editor… Greetings We are in the season to celebrate mothers and fathers! As we know Mother’s Day is in May and as men, we have to make sure that we are doing the necessary things in our lives to be able to appropriately celebrate our mothers not only in May but throughout the entire year. Speaking of doing things that are necessary, in the month of June we celebrate the fathers…us! Not only do we need to embrace our mothers but we must also do more as men to uplift each other and hold each other accountable to be better fathers to our children, husbands to our wives….stronger foundations to our communities. One of our goals at MOF is to constantly remind you of our duty as men. Each month we strive to feature an influential individual from the community that reflects our values and goals in the community. This month we bring to you, Brother Zach Tate. Brother Zach Tate is that brother that grinds in order to not only increase his life but to ensure that he is able to bring an increase in the life of others. Brother Zach Tate is a motivational speaker, activist, humanitarian, and national best-selling author. We are honored to have the chance to spotlight Brother Zach Tate in this issue of Men of Faith Magazine. At MOF, we continue to strive to bring to you content that is very relevant to what is going on in the country today, especially those things that are important to our communities. We strive to educate, uplift, motivate, inspire, and create a magazine that is by men for men. We seek to cultivate minds with insightful and entertaining knowledge that is meant to help someone in need of food for thought. Remember…knowledge is KEY! Our mission…is to address an array of topics that men not only want to hear about but also need to hear about. We will always cater to you! Much Love! Hurley Morgan Senior Managing Editor


Since the beginning of time, God has given mankind a set of rules, or Commandments if you will, to abide by, including a sanctuary to perform them in – the Garden of Eden. It was in this setting that the terms and wherewithal of kingdom authority or dominion rule originated. The title of this essay has more to do with how we should manifest behavior patterns and cognition in God’s realm, be it in the body of Christ and the house that you proclaim to be yours. In mine, I have no choice but to serve the Lord and allow dominion to be prevalent and persevered. The house of the Lord as in the edifices that we hold truths to be self-evident, we should be aware that He called us to be His kingdom representatives on earth, to establish and maintain a righteous paradigm. It is my opinion that more authority is needed, especially when we identify the areas over which He has given us influence and commit to being agents of change in them. As such, everything we need to transform cultures relative to favor, creativity, power, wisdom, etc. I’m amazed more often than not when I fathom prayer not being part of everyone’s household in reverence to the Lord. I remember fondly teaching my children how to pray and the power of it. In my house, and the house of my father that raised me, it was a priority to pay homage to him and be ever mindful of who He was. This was also relative to why I believe that the House of God is where is where God’s heart is perpetually in (Kings 9:3). Know that God deeply cares about what’s happening in His house. So did Jesus! If I may

illustrate further, Jesus did three things in the temple what should not be conducive to ill-guided behavior. He drove out merchants, healed the sick, and advocated for the children while advocating what is basic while in His house. I mentioned the importance of prayer earlier in this piece, but the key to anything that happens in my Father’s House is a meaningful purpose to govern my life and the lives I have influence over. Imagine as you read this article you opt to adhere to a new cadence as you endeavor steps to Christ, you glorify God and enjoy Him by living each day in submission to His sovereignty by using the spiritual gifts that are given to you to extend worship in His house. The book of Ephesus tells us this profoundly from the scripture Eph. 4:16. In my Father’s House, it was there that I first learned the exposition of 1 Timothy 3:14 -16 on the relationship of the nature of the church, and the essence of church conduct. Of course, these virtues I also taught my biological children, and the ones I taught in New Member Orientation and Sunday school. I had no problem understanding the rod and my mother not sparing it when I misbehaved or found an excuse for not bowing my head. Obviously, it’s a no-brainer to think one should act in an appropriate way in my Father’s House. The same goes for any public building or edifice where respect is due. Our actions ought to reflect reverent attitudes toward what that House stands for, and

accepting truths as the body becomes the safe and edifying place it is meant to will have a healthy effect enlarging your territory. In closing, my Father’s House was more than a sanctuary for me. It was and still is, the epitome of my life. It’s a place where I find healthy communes with good prayer, wonderful worship, transcendent training, faithful fellowshipping, and beneficial Bible study. I found early that it indeed is a great escapism for me where I’m able to offer the unsaved, as well as you, a new lease on life, offering a place to grow in your garden, to plant the seeds that you will cultivate while being transformed for a bountiful harvest. I say to you in an act of good benevolent friendship that indeed, in my Father’s House there are many dwelling places as I prepare a place for you…and If ever I should meet you in my travels, you will always be my guest as I welcome you in the brotherhood of lasting benediction, and as a true Christian – only in my Father’s House!



MOF: Brother Zach, it’s always a

music regularly along with painting

to start competitive bodybuilding

pleasure to chop it up with you…how

somewhere near a vineyard, God

again for 50 yr olds. So the

have things been going as of late?


Justalilmore brand is a priority to

Brother Zach Tate: I’m focused. The

MOF: What has been your biggest

hypertension. I also want to travel

grind has been a challenge; It ain’t

challenge that you have faced as it

and spend more time at the gun

easy trying to save the world from

pertains to your work as a



motivational speaker, activist,

really get people off diabetes and

humanitarian, and national best-

MOF: There is so much craziness

MOF: Who or what has been your

selling author? Is there any one of

going on in our country at this time.

biggest inspiration in life?

these that are more challenging than

We as men, especially men of color,

the other?

are faced with dealing with the

Brother Zach Tate: Poverty has been

discouraging events going on in

my biggest inspiration. The lack of

Brother Zach Tate: Not being a

society on a daily basis. What words

resources is a deficit to the soul. I

hypocrite. Man, do I face some

of advice can you give any man that

want to be as far removed from

challenges and I have to remind

may be going through something in

poverty as possible so while the world

myself not to be ignorant or look at

their life right now? How do you

is sleeping, I’m working.

the doo doo that’s rising up to my

manage when the going gets tough

neck. I have to remember there’s

for you?

MOF: You are a motivational speaker,

Whipped Cream in everything-

activist, humanitarian, and national


best-selling author. You also have

Brother Zach Tate: With all the craziness going on in this world I try

your own weekly talk show where you

to remember that we are Gods and

address tough topics. Of all that you

MOF: What more do you hope to

not Niggas. What is the Godly

do, what do you find the most

accomplish at this point in your life?

approach when I am faced with

pleasure in doing?

adversity? Because the challenges of Brother Zach Tate: I truly desire to be

MY life are something that

Brother Zach Tate: Writing! If I could

a leading force in television and

EVERYTHING is happening For me,

be on an island with my laptop and

movies. If Elissa Gabrielle and I could

not to me, and that comes with much

left alone for three years; I would

influence programming for an entire

responsibility. And then when all else

write the world down and never grow

network, that would be a nice journey

fails, I get into my prayer, my


to take.

meditation, and lastly call on the

MOF: You are a jack of all trades and

MOF: Are there any projects that you

have the determination of a straight

are currently working on? What do

MOF: We would love to be able to

up go-getter. What’s your motivation?

you have on the horizon? Any future

keep up with you in order to show

projects that you would like to talk

support. Tell the readers how they


can keep up with what’s going on

people who love me the most.

Brother Zach Tate: I just have so much work to do to end poverty as

with you? What are dates, show

we know it. With the internet and

Brother Zach Tate: I write so I have

times, and locations of your current

social media; we have the ability, for

to. I’m always working, but at The


the first time in history, to send a

Imprint Mass Media we create

message instantly all over the world.

deadlines so that we can have up to

Brother Zach Tate: I’m so grateful for

That message should be to end

25 movies and teleplays done in a

you. I can be reached on all social

poverty and fix the distribution of

few months’ time. So once the stars

media platforms under the

resources so it’s easily accessible.

align, we can really excel in the

Greatzachtate name, and every

business of Hollywood.

Wednesday I will be getting under

MOF: You have so much that you are

people’s skin

doing. Sometimes we get so hungry

MOF: Outside of being a motivational and on

in life that we often want more than

speaker, activist, humanitarian,

all social media platforms.

what we are already doing…is there

and national best-selling author what

something that you would want to

else do you do to occupy your time?

MOF: Again, we thank you for

add to what you already are doing?

Any hobbies?

stopping by and having this

Brother Zach Tate: Music and

Brother Zach Tate: Brother; I have

painting art. When my wealth is

four occupations to pay the bills; I

Brother Zach Tate: I thank you for this

accumulated, I will be producing

write every chance I get and I want

opportunity and your time and effort.

conversation with us.

Hurley’sMentalNote Men of Faith Feature

Kenkyusha Manila's Rising Sun

Page 31


Exclusive interview with

As we look at the events that happen locally, nationally, and even internationally, we are often reminded that issues surrounding mental health are overlooked or cheated out of the appropriate amount of attention that is needed to be given to it. This appears to be more prominent in the African American community. The men of the African American Community want to be looked at as the foundation and protectors of the community, but in order to REALLY be able to warrant such consideration, we have to be able to become knowledgeable of ALL the needs of the community and be prepared to appropriately address them. We stay on the issues that involve politics and our entertainers, musicians, and athletes. We are now trying to look more into issues surrounding our physical health as well. Areas that seem to lack the appropriate attention, however, that we need to also consider to be vital areas that desperately need to be discussed more are areas surrounding finances and mental health. Why did I choose to put the two areas together? Its simple…there are often financial strains within our community dealing with the likes of financial resources, poverty, and higher unemployment rates just to name a few. How does this, in turn, correlate to mental health issues? The answer is simple…problems surrounding money can often lead to issues such as high anxiety.

Now, …what is anxiety? First and foremost anxiety is a form of mental illness. In the world of mental health, mental health professionals and physicians utilize The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is known in the mental health world here in the US as the Mental Health Bible. The fifth edition of this manual is now being used and it is called The DSM-V for short. This manual is used to diagnose mental disorders in the United States. This manual contains the descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing all known mental disorders. For the purposes of this article, we will narrow down anxiety to what is called generalized anxiety. The DSM-V defines generalized anxiety as excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) that occurs more days than not for at least 6 months. This anxiety or worry could come from a number of events or activities such as work or school performance, and in the case of this article stress over money. With generalized anxiety, the person finds it very difficult to control the worry. Some symptoms of generalized anxiety include: restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge; being easily




fatigued; difficulty concentrating or mind going blank; irritability; muscle tension; sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep). This anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms can go on to cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Now that you have an idea of what anxiety is defined as, what some symptoms are, and know that it is in fact a mental illness you must now see how financial woes that lead to high anxiety or worry can be detrimental to your overall health if it not tended to. The problem with mental illnesses such as anxiety is if they go untreated they will not only have a negative impact on the mind, but will also have an impact on your physical health as well. Anxiety is now being implicated in many chronic physical illnesses such as heart disease, chronic respiratory disorders, and gastrointestinal conditions to name a few. When the anxiety is untreated these types of diseases are more difficult to treat, the physical symptoms of the disease become worse, and in some cases may lead to earlier death. So it is imperative that the mental illnesses such as anxiety are treated because they can impact your health and your daily functionality. We

Norma Holt

as a community must do more to educate ourselves on our overall health. We tend to go until it is too late before we decide to get checked out or seek professional health. The African American community has been conditioned over the years to be overly private and super prideful. It’s amazing how our numbers are so much worse than any other race in many categories as it pertains to not only physical health but mental health as well. Why? As I just stated…we don’t want people in our business or we don’t want to be portrayed as weak so we would prefer to not seek help that could possible make us better or more importantly keep us alive. Now…getting back to the matter at hand. As it pertains to money and anxiety…how do you manage the stress of having money woes? First and foremost in order to manage the stress you have to understand what it is about your financial issues that are stressing you. Are you living outside your means? Are you unemployed? Are you underemployed? Do you have a lot of unexpected things to come up that becomes a burden to your pockets? Once you understand the why and the what you must then come up with a plan to get rid of those questions. Easier said than done right? I know this…but regardless of how it looks in order to eliminate the stress you must take action. Writing out your plan or seeking free consultations from a financial advisor or someone with financial expertise will be important. The over extender must learn to budget. You have to thoroughly access what you are spending your money on and determine how to cut out the unnecessary spending. Dare to spend money on cheaper items. You don’t always have to purchase the biggest, fanciest, or shiniest items out there. Cook meals instead of eating out. Go green by finding ways to save on household expenses. Leave credit cards at home and only use cash when you’re out. If you spend all the money on you then that’s that…you won’t have to worry with overextending at that point. You must be honest with yourself. A lot of times we find ourselves financially stressed because we fail to plan, manage, and refrain. You have to be open to advice or seeking help when it comes to improving upon your financial situations. You have to be able to change your mind set in order to overcome the stress. Stop worrying about what the Jones’s are doing. You must learn to stop feeding your anxiety when it comes to financial stress and burdens. In closing…whatever it is that is causing any form of anxiety such as financial stresses may also require you to seek help in learning ways to eliminate them. You don’t have to go at it alone…someone will help you obtain that peace of mind.

Real Life Real Faith | 16










Lifestyle feature

15 Questions for Discovering Your Passion WORDS BY CHERYL LACEY DONOVAN 10. If I were to make just one radical If you’re lucky, you’ve already

Abbey in London. The streets of Hong

discovered many of your passions

Kong may be calling your name or

and get to spend much of your time

even the Grand Canyon. Can you

enjoying things that bring you

make it happen?

excitement and joy. However, maybe you’ve not yet connected with

5. What do I talk about doing but

activities, skills, and interests that

never do it? In a conversation, you

ignite your passion.

might state something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to

It takes time, soul-searching, and

take a cruise to the Caribbean.”

some life experience to identify your true passions. These prompts are

6. What are the reasons I don’t go

written to tap into your wants, needs,

after my dreams? Explore within

desires, and fantasies. Have fun with

yourself why you haven’t pursued the

them and discover what you can add

life you want. Can you do something

to your life that will fill it with delight.

differently to help bring your dreams to life?

1. What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do? Consider what would

7. How will I finish the sentence,

need to happen in order for you to

“More than anything, before I die, I

carry through with this long-sought

want to ___________?” Say it out

wish. Make a plan and get started.

loud and fill in the blank. Then, figure out a way to accomplish your wish.

2. If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?

8. What are the things in my life that I

Let your mind go. It could be

would like to get rid of? If you’re

something related to your work, your

discovering you don’t love everything

home, or simply a lark.

about your life, maybe it’s time to do some “housecleaning.” Make a list of

3. Where do I really want to live?

the ways you’d like your life to

What city and what type of


residence? Perhaps you’re already fulfilling this passion and you do live

9. Which people in my life inspire me

in your true first choice. If not, ponder

and why? It’s important to know who

the possibilities of moving to a place

inspires you so you can spend more

you’ll love.

time with them. What is it about them that lights you up so much? Decide to

4. Where would I like to visit? Perhaps

take every step to be inspired more

you’re harboring a secret yearning to


visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster

change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be? Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities. Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life. Getting more education might be a goal—plus you’ll likely make more money.

• You’ll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make 1 change.

11. How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals? Notice these feelings. You’ll no doubt want to experience them more often.

12. How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal? Awesome, probably.

13. What’s missing from my life? Answering this question requires considerable soul-searching.

14. Who are my biggest supporters? It’s wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.

15. Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals? In order to find your true passions, you might be required to disengage from those who wish to counteract your efforts.

If you take the time to thoroughly ponder each of these questions, you’ll be pleased with what you discover. Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment.


NEW AGE LUXURY TRAVEL Anastasia Kanli The present luxury travelers are looking for new and unique experiences. They want to learn and understand the culture and history of the places they visit. They must experience it like a local, or more aptly, a very wealthy local. The new aspect of luxury vacation, it's no longer about living in the most expensive hotels or eating off gold (or actually eating it); it's now about experiences that you'll never forget that no one else has Instagrammed. A choice that could provide you a real new experience in terms of the modern meaning of luxury traveling is a private sailing cruise on a luxury yacht. A cruise like this in the Aegean Sea and especially in the Cyclades island group can provide an authentic experience of the town, city or village you're visiting. Although there will always be "must see" tourist spots to go to, you could also live authentic and local experiences. For instance, on the islands, you are going to visit you could participate in events that locals would frequent, like local festivals with music, dance, food and drink. For those who love to shop, you'll have the opportunity to try and buy local products that you can't find anywhere else. Try amazing wines, cheeses, exceptional Hellenic products like herbs coming from the Greek earth and grown with the help of sun and salty wind. Among others, you'll have also the option of arranging with your skipper a unique experience by mixing and matching different excursions, day trips, cruises, and activities to suit your personal preferences and interests. You could visit such as archaeological sites or secret buys or even enjoy a massage or personal counseling session like Ayurvedic & Thai massages, Healing, Reiki, Aromatherapy. If you wish you could also enjoy water sports or a relaxing yoga workshop. All the above could be a memorable time of your life consisted of services planned only for you, private visits, isolated beaches, private tours, or a relaxing afternoon cycling through the Greek countryside to a vineyard where a wholesome Mediterranean meal awaits? The options are endless. Of course on a trip like this, the crew of the sailboat can ensure you a level of safety and security, a calm cruise, a safe anchor the best services in and out of the boat. Everything on a trip along these lines is designed to satisfy your peace of mind and give you the pleasure you swear by a new age luxury travel.

We Must Be Safe From Both Internal And External Terrorists While it may be, somewhat, simpler, to focus on the risks, America faces, from the outside, rather, than, realistically, considering, and objecting evaluating the needs, goals, and priorities, from within, it is, dangerous, and simplistic, to do so! In the 2016 Presidential elections, the United States of America elected a candidate, who resorted to negative rhetoric, empty promises, and vitriol, seeming to accept his tendency, to complain and blame others. Donald Trump has proceeded, as President, with the same tone, he had, while a private citizen, as well as candidate. President Trump has emphasized protecting our country from outside threats, both, by his negative rhetoric, as well as emphasis on needing a wall along the southern border, to keep danger out of our country. However, statistics indicate, within the U.S., there have been more home - grown terrorists, than foreign ones, even though, Mr. Trump, consistently places his blame, on whatever, defends his facts! With that in mind, this article will attempt to examine, and briefly discuss, both safety from internal, as well as external, potential terrorists. 1. External: We must not diminish the threats, which exist, in our present, crazy world! Excessive vitriol, and the tendency to place blame on others, rather than seeking unifying, for the common good, continues to threaten, an easing of tensions, etc! We have witnessed attacks, throughout the world, by so - called, Jihadists, ISIS, Al Quaida, etc, who, have attacked innocent individuals, to make a political statement, etc. In this country, we've seen, Lone Wolf's, who appear to subscribe to the political philosophies/ rhetoric, of some of these groups, attack Americas, and slaughter them. We must never forget the casualties of 9 - 11, when some of the foreign terrorists, attacked, and murdered, so many Americans. 2. Internal: There have been more attacks, on U.S. soil, by Americans, against their fellow citizens! It seems, the vitriol and rhetoric of President Trump, has enabled, many of the haters, such as Neo - Nazis, White Supremacists, etc. The somewhat, easy access of weapons, in this country, has also made these people, greater threats! We are the only free country, in the world, without some sort of saner, gun reform/ control/ l

aws, and, while some state, guns don't kill people (which is true), it is a fact, people with guns, do! When assault weapons are easy to access and obtain, and angry, disparaged, and even, mentally challenged individuals, can use them, we seem to continuously witness, a form of internal terrorism, not dictated by policy, but by deranged people! We deserve a nation, which is free from threats, from either, internal or external terrorists! Wake up America, and demand, your elected officials, develop and implement some sane solutions, rather than constant rhetoric! Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Â Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: Â ense4all

Article Source: 661Â



A.C.T. LIKE A MAN LEROY MCKENZIE I know what you are thinking. How are you

children see us as well as how they see men in

going to tell me to A.C.T. LIKE A MAN? Who do

general. Our first impression of accountability is

you think you are stepping to me in a

what our children see us being accountable for in

magazine article, challenging my manhood? Well, I am glad that I have your attention. Now that I have your attention I am going to do exactly what you may be thinking that I am trying to do in this article. Yes, I am

life. PRINCIPLE#2- COMFORTABLE- As a man you must be comfortable and confident in who you are as a man. There is nothing more powerful then a confident and comfortable man. When you are

challenging you to A.C.T. LIKE A MAN!!! What

comfortable as a man, you are in a level of

do I mean when I say to ACT LIKE A MAN? I am

understanding of who you are as a man. No one can

talking about three principles that we as men

shake your character or your actions because you

should possess. I am going to talk about these

know that what you do is the definition of a man.

three principles and by the end of the article I

When you are comfortable as a man your family is a

hope that we are in agreement about these

priority in everything that you do. For those of you

principles and that we will incorporate them into our characters and our everyday living.. PRINCIPLE#1- ACCOUNTABLE- As men we must be accountable for our actions, works and words. If we say we are going to do something, we follow through with it. If we say something then it should mean something and if we do something it should have meaning and impact. Being accountable as men says something major about our character and who we are as men. Being accountable for our actions means that we are cognizant of the impact that our actions, words and work have on others. As men we set the example in the home for how our

that are married and have children, your life as a man becomes encompassed by making sure that your family is taken care of and that you set a clear and strong example of what manhood looks like. Being comfortable in being a man means that you make the decisions that you may not want to make but you have to make and you do it with comfort and confidence. Being comfortable doesn’t mean that you become complacent. Being complacent means that you feel that you do not have to do any kind of work in the family, relationship or the workplace. That cannot be further from the truth. When you are comfortable as a man you



understand that you will always be working on something. Whether it is your relationship with your wife, your relationship with your children, your professional relationship or your relationship with your friends. Every aspect of your life will require you to be comfortable but not complacent. PRINCIPLE#3 TRANSPARENT- The last principle in the ACT LIKE A MAN concept is being transparent. Many of us, as little boys, were told that we should not be emotional, that we are to be tough and not cry. We are weak if we show any kind of vulnerability. Being transparent is being vulnerable and that is not a bad thing when it comes to acting like a man. There have been so many misperceptions and wrong ideals that we have been taught as men and it is time that we begin to change that mindset. The new way of thinking begins now. Being transparent is not a bad thing. I believe that many of us would have less stress on us if we were more transparent. We would feel less of a burden on us if we allowed our transparency to show, when it is appropriate. There is nothing more, that shows a man’s strength, then when we are transparent and can be vulnerable enough to show it. Your manhood is not defined by being tough or by how strong you think that you are. At the end of the day what makes you a man is your ability to BE ACCOUNTABLE, BE COMFORTABLE AND BEING TRANSPARENT. When you A.C.T. Like a Man you truly define what being a man is for others. .


Zach Tate is the critically-acclaimed, #1 best-selling author of the classic novels, No Way Out, Lost and Turned Out and Johnny Hustle. He is the Maestro behind some of the best penned and most popular novels across many genres and is known as the “Ghostwriters Ghost Writer” for his ability to create authors who are living legends from his words and epic storytelling. With Gambling with Hearts, Zach is back with a healthy dose of authentic storytelling complete with everything his loyal readers have come to expect from him. Born in the Bronx, New York and raised by the hard knocks of life, he’s reemerging with a mission to bring back quality stories full of substance. A writer of screen and stage plays, poetry, songs, novels and television shows, Zach wears the crown as King of Fiction proudly. He currently resides in North America, where he is building a legacy, enjoying the fellowship of his readers and working on the next big thing.



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