RestoreHER Magazine by Real Life Real Faith Media

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Real Life Real Faith




Healing, Enlightenment, and Renewal

CONTACT US REAL LIFE REAL FAITH RESTOREHER MAGAZINE P.O. Box 212, 45012 Houston, Texas 77245 832-427-4438

WELCOME Beloveds, Restoration is defined as the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. In life, we often find ourselves packing and over time we carry baggage that we have packed over the years. Baggage can include things. Things can include thoughts, actions, behaviors and even ideas. In the meantime, we never take a moment to consider that packing wasn’t necessarily things that belonged to us to begin with. We are then left to wander aimlessly with a heavy load to bear of the things that were never meant to be our burdens.So, what happens when we begin to unpack? We release burden. We travel light. We become anew. We see life and all of its complexities from a new perspective. Those things are viewed with a new lens. More focus. Better vision.To be restored is return to a former place. But in this case, with the RestoreHer Movement created by Cheryl Lacey Donovan, returning to a place we once knew and becoming who we once were in doing so by way of renovation, rejuvenation, reactivation and realignment. We become anew by considering everything in the past, releasing the burdens that once confined and confounded us, and only taking into our newly restored selves that by which has made us stronger, wiser and better.Peace replaces being in pieces. Joy replaces misery. Restoration means that you are no longer so filled with despair and agony. Restoration means that you know that there are so many other viable options.You see, everything that has ever happened to us, has indeed prepared us for all the moments yet to come. While nothing is in vain, the RestoreHer Movement helps to identify a new, beautiful you and clearly contrasts what needs to be left with your former self by celebrating, acknowledging and accepting the new, improved, blessed, abundant and better version of you.We look forward to this new and exciting journey with you as you prepare to become restore, whole and complete. Love & Light, Elissa Gabrielle, CHS, CLC, CNHP, CMP



CONTRIBUTORS Laura Shroeder Gini Cunningham Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez Kathy Maqsood Rian Donatelli Ashley Williams Mitch Deason Shalini M Mags Whyler


EDITOR'S NOTE RestoreHER is a magazine for women that is built on intention. We don't want to put any guest, article or recommendation here that doesn't have a focused intention of empowering women behind it. We're living in a moment where it's more important than ever to put yourself first therefore, we want to inspire you to unapologetically become all you were created to be while learning to care for yourself in order to better care for others. RestoreHER really wants to give women more to look at, to inspire them and to remind them that life is fun! Â w. Our goal is to provide women with as much inspiration as possible online and in the magazine. We pledge to provide more curated inspiration, to give our audience real stories so that our women will get great ideas on how to live authentically . And now with a legion of lovely readers, some awesome sponsors, a collection of wonderful contributors, and a huge social media followings, RestoreHER is heading into 2020 with the aim of bringing you even more thought provoking advice to ensure your transformation.





It recognizes the strength and power of women.

For many years, women weren’t acknowledged in historical texts. This isn’t because women weren’t in the midst of important discoveries or helping out with important conquests. It’s mainly because men wrote the majority of historical documents for thousands of years. In March, we dig deep to uncover many of the important roles women have played throughout history.

It’s easy to get caught up in the grind of daily life, but this month is an excellent opportunity to put a spotlight on all of the major things women accomplish each and every day. From domestic chores and carrying babies to fighting wars and governing countries, women are pretty darn amazing.

We haven't attention




Women are inspirational Learning about women who have stood up for their rights and fought for what they believe is fantastic motivation. We all have the power to influence the direction our world is headed in, and National Women’s History Month reminds us of that.



STRUGGLING TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS? MAYBE YOUR COMFORT ZONE IS THE REASON. It’s true that nothing ever happens in our comfort zone. It’s the place that keeps us in the “someday” mode of pushing our goals to the side until the time is right, for another day or when you have more skills, money, and time. CHERYL LACEY DONOVAN

We all have high aspirations. However, it can be hard to turn those dreams and goals into a reality. The truth is many of us struggle to reach our goals. The reason frequently involves our apprehension about step out of our comfort zone. It’s true that nothing ever happens in our comfort zone. It’s the place that keeps us in the “someday” mode of pushing our goals to the side until the time is right, for another day or when you have more skills, money, and time.. Unfortunately, “someday” never happens. Eventually the life you dreamed of becomes a memory, a wish-I-would-have thought. Our fear of trying something different, putting ourselves out there and going for it keeps us from taking action. We let our comfort zone keep us safe. Your

comfort zone keeps you paralyzed from attempting what you desire. You may have goals and dreams but are afraid of the what-if’s that might happen when you do try. Instead, it’s safer to stay where you’re comfortable instead of getting hurt or humiliated by attempting your goal. Maybe you’re afraid of speaking to a large group of people so you don’t go after the next level in your career, even though it is what you desire. You keep to yourself and stay in your current position instead where you’re comfortable. Maybe you don’t go after your desire to start your own business because you’re afraid of failing. You stay in a job that you hate instead. Maybe you don’t try new adventures

because you have an aversion to meeting new people and looking foolish. So you stay at home in your comfort zone. Some of the reasons you stay in your comfort zone might be from: Fear of the unknown, uncertainty Anxiety over change Negative mindset, pessimistic outlook Lack of clarity and focus Fear of failing (or succeeding) No matter what it looks like, your comfort zone is keeping you trapped. You stop advancing professionally. You don’t grow and develop personally. You eat the same way, live in the same place, drive the same kind of car, and associate with the same people. Your comfort zone lets you willingly passing up important opportunities.

REstoreHER| March 2020

Because of this, you might lose touch with your relationships, your health may begin to have serious problems, and you end up living a life of mediocrity. Your unwillingness to take action and step out of your comfort zone for whatever reason directly impacts your goals. If you are afraid to take the next step, and never do, you’ll stay where you’re at. If you worry what will happen if you go for you goal so you end up not going for it, then you won’t ever reach it. When you see yourself struggling to achieve your goals it’s often because you are stuck in your comfort zone. You are afraid of change, of doing things differently and being someone different.


"People will stare. Make it worth their while."

R E S T O R E H E R |



Unblock Your Money There are many sources of money blocks. Many of them might be a surprise to you. Understanding the many sources of money blocks will show you how long you’ve been struggling with them. It will also demonstrate the importance of keeping yourself aware of when you may be facing a potential new money block. FAMILY UPBRINGING Family upbringing. Everyone has money blocks, including your parents. You may have many of the same money blocks they do. Unless you were incredibly fortunate to be born with parents that had a minimal number of money blocks, you have some work to do. RELIGION Many religions, intentionally and unintentionally, consider money as bad. The poor are held in rather high regard. LOW SELF ESTEEM Feelings of self-worth and self-esteem aren’t always easy to come by. Unless you were successful as a child and had parents that made a point of building these qualities in you, you could probably use a boost.


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WHEN MOM'S PRAY TOGETHER "When Moms Pray Together", written by Fern Nichols came to pass after she was the guest on a Christian radio segment. She received stories from moms who joined her group about the transformations they saw in their children after praying for them with other moms. The stories included in the collection ranged from topics of the strong willed child to medical conditions to passing away. The outcomes of the children as adults ranged from a military officer to pastor to missionary. In each case, moms had prayer partners they could confide in who committed to supporting them over a course of years. It was a way to see God's hands at work. The moms also prayed for each others, the schools, the principals and the teachers. Other results were the decline of violence in those schools.

As a young mom, I did not have a support system and it was very difficult. It would have been nice to have people to share with who would support me. Being a mom is both rewarding and challenging. We are worn out when kids are small, busy as they become active in school and worried as they become teens wanting independence. We rejoice in their successes and get help in struggles. Some of us have spouses while others are working, single parents. Even when we raise children in church, some may choose to go in other directions as they become young adults. We cling to the promise that if we train a child in the way they should go that they will return to it when they are older. As a grandmother, I will trust that God will give my children grace to be good parents and that they will remember the values we tried to instill in them. I am grateful for Christian foundation I was given at home, church and school. This is a good book to give as a gift to the mom's you know. It would be a great Mother's DayLaura present or outreach tool. Shroeder

Article Source:


Having a support group is a way to be reassured that you are not alone and to see that others share similar concerns. Including God through prayer helps us work through life's challenges.

In the end, the mom's saw that they did the best they could and their children grew up fine. In cases ending in death or mental illness, the mom's saw how God was always in control.



International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also is a day of action in support of taking action against gender inequality around the world. We all know the world couldn’t run without women (we mean, just listen to Beyoncé). This is the day to appreciate their efforts! Organizations large and small come together to show women just how valuable they are in today’s society.

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self care I S





free spirit

"Invest in your travel fund and see the world as early as you can."

Miranda Lopez

While you’re young, you should travel. You should take the time to see the world and taste the fullness of life. Walk the streets of Paris. See the Great Wall of China. Get your heart broken by the “killing fields” of Cambodia. Swim through the Great Barrier Reef. These are the moments that define the rest of your life; they’re the experiences that stick with you forever. Traveling will change you like little else can. It will put you in places that will force you to care for issues that are bigger than you. You will begin to understand that the world is both very large and very small.

5 Self-Care Rituals to Start Now As women, we lead very busy lives. Juggling work and family leaves us with little time for ourselves. Traditionally we have been taught to put others before ourselves, particularly so because we are women. However, if we are to care for others it is absolutely imperative that we care for ourselves first. We must maintain our own health and well-being if we are to care adequately for those around us, not to mention maintain responsible positions at work. Here are four simple, self-care rituals that you can work into your day, without having to take too much time away from your neverending “To do” list. Stretch In The Morning

Meditate Morning And Night

A few minutes of gentle stretching when you get up in the morning can help increase your blood circulation, improve flexibility, and reduce pain in your muscles and joints. When done on a daily basis you may be astonished by the results.

Another easily incorporated daily ritual that can help improve your sense of well-being is meditation. Meditation is known to help improve mood, deepen sleep, and develop a sense of inner peace and calm. It can reduce stress levels, decrease cortisol, and contribute to an increase in immunity and to relaxation. It can reduce high blood pressure and even aid concentration. With so many benefits for just a few minutes a day of your time, this is one selfcare ritual you don’t want to miss out on.

Try stretching your muscles to incorporate their full range of motion: Shoulder shrugs, neck rolls, wrist and ankle circles and forward/back movements, and so on. After a few weeks of daily routine, you will notice you are much more limber and can get dressed, tie your laces, reach etc. with way more ease.

Try just 2 to 3 minutes per session at first and build up gradually over time.

Drink Eight Glasses Of Water Per Day The jury is out on exactly how many glasses of water you should drink in a day, but if you aim for eight, you will avoid dehydration and keep your skin soft, smooth, and supple. Drinking this much water can help you stave off hunger pangs; in fact, feeling hungry is a sign that you are in fact, dehydrated. Next time your tummy tells you to eat, drink a glass of water first, and see how you feel. Chances are you won’t need to reach for the cookie jar! Staying hydrated keeps your kidneys working optimally and aids in healthy digestion and excretion of wastes. Smile Even if you don’t feel like it, science has discovered that if you turn up the corners of your mouth, into a smile shape, you actually start to feel happier!

Smiling releases neurotransmitters called endorphins. Endorphins make you feel happier. The brain doesn’t know how to differentiate between a fake smile and a real one; it reads the positioning of the facial muscles and acts accordingly. How cool is that? Practice smiling at others and notice the responses you get. A simple smile can help you feel better, and make others feel better too. Everybody wins! Final Thoughts Even though you are a busy woman with many responsibilities, you simply have to learn to put yourself at the very top of your list of priorities. After all, if you don’t look after yourself, how will you be able to do all that you do? By easily incorporating these few self-care rituals into your daily routine, you will feel in tip-top shape and able to carry on caring, working and living your life to the full.

Katherine Johnson (born Creola Katherine Coleman; August 26, 1918 – February 24, 2020), also known as Katherine Goble, was an American mathematician and physicist whose calculations of orbital mechanics as a NASA employee were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. crewed spaceflights.[2] During her 35-year career at NASA and its predecessor, she earned a reputation for mastering complex manual calculations and helped pioneer the use of computers to perform the tasks. The space agency noted her "historical role as one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist."Johnson's work included calculating trajectories, launch windows and emergency return paths for Project Mercury spaceflights, including

those for astronauts Alan Shepard, the first American in space, and John Glenn, the first American in orbit, and rendezvous paths for the Apollo Lunar Module and command module on flights to the Moon. Her calculations were also essential to the beginning of the Space Shuttle program, and she worked on plans for a mission to Mars. In 2015, President Barack Obama awarded Johnson the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 2019, Johnson was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. She was portrayed by Taraji P. Henson as a lead character in the 2016 film Hidden Figu.

Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project. |


Katherine Johnson

By NASA; restored by Adam Cuerden, Public Domain, | 21


meet B Smith LIFESTYLE MAVEN Who is B. Smith?

B's Diagnosis

B. SMITH is a true American success story. Born in rural western Pennsylvania and faced with what would be for most insurmountable obstacles, Barbara “B.” Smith was one of the first supermodels. She wrote three highly acclaimed cookbooks and over a 28-year period founded three successful restaurants, while also launching a nationally syndicated television show and a magazine.

In 2013, at the age of 64, Smith was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease. She and her husband Dan Gasby worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the disease and its effects on the African-American community in particular. Their book, written with Michael Shnayerson, Before I Forget (Harmony, 2016), is the story of her fight with Alzheimer’s and interweaves their narrative with practical and helpful advice. Readers learn about dealing with the day-to-day challenges of brain disease: the family realities, tensions, and ways of coping. They also learn about research that may lead to treatment in the next few years.

Home Products She is still the only African-American woman with home products distributed exclusively at Bed Bath & Beyond. She is also a recipient of numerous national and local awards for helping those in need.

"Fashion is temporary, style is forever"

By CUNY Television - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Model and Show Host

1st African American Woman on Mademoiselle A native of Pennsylvania, Barbara Elaine Smith was born August 24, 1949. She began her career as a fashion model, gracing the covers of 15 magazines and becoming one of the first African-American women on Mademoiselle’s cover in July 1976. In addition to TV commercials for Mercedes-Benz, she served as a spokesperson for Verizon, Colgate Palmolive Oxy and McCormick’s Lawry seasonings products. For nearly a decade, Smith hosted the nationally syndicated/cable television show B. Smith with Style that aired on NBC stations in more than 90% of U.S. households and in 40 countries. Her effervescent personality and creative ideas impacted national audiences via her appearances on programs such as Good Morning America and The Today Show. She and Gasby produced four specials for TV One, the lifestyle cable network for AfricanAmericans.


Smith was at the forefront of a transcultural movement. Her flair for décor, demonstrated in the ambiance of her restaurants, led to the development of her first home collection, which debuted at Bed Bath & Beyond in 2001. The B. Smith with Style Home Collection is the first line from an African-American woman to be sold at a nationwide retailer and includes bedding, tabletop and bath products. From duvets to doormats, Smith’s décor line continues to grow with a variety of pieces for entertaining and home and incorporates her signature design concepts. Today, in addition to Bed Bath & Beyond, B. Smith brand retail partners include Belk, Burlington, Home Depot, JCPenney, Kohl’s, Macy’s, and Stein Mart.



Before I Let Go A narrative with Lessons Learned, their practical and helpful advice, readers travel with them as they learn to deal with Alzheimer’s day-to-day challenges, the family tensions, and ways of coping. At its heart, though, Before I Forget is a love story: illuminating a love of family, life, and hope. Though filled with scary moments and dark days, it is ultimately an uplifting account, coming out at a time of exciting medical progress that may not help B. in time, but will ultimately help us all combat this dreaded deadly disease.


Supermodel, restaurateur, magazine publisher, celebrity chef, and nationally known lifestyle maven, B. Smith is struggling with a tag she never expected to add to that string: early onset Alzheimer’s patient.Working with Vanity Fair contributing editor Michael Shnayerson, B. and her husband, Dan, unstintingly share B.’s unfolding story. Crafted in short chapters that interweave their



happy girls are the prettiest. a public service announcement from RestoreHER.

Being True to Myself

Breeds Success affirmation and self reflection

The famous philosopher Socrates once said,

As I ponder the values and principles which make

"Know thyself." Wise words! I consciously

up who I am, I reflect upon how my

practice them in my life in order to progress

ideals have propelled me to success, both personal

further towards my goals and personal

and professional.


My honesty has nurtured strong relationships. My


work ethic has attracted promotions and raises.

Being true to myself means first knowing the values and the principles for which I stand. It also means





uncompromising as I stay true to who I truly am inside. Do I stand for fairness and equality? Am I a compassionate individual who chooses to include others, rather than exclude those who may be different than I am? What other ideals are important to me?

Issue 27 | 234

And my commitment to balance between work and play has contributed to both a fulfilling family life and respect from my peers. Today, I resolve to stay true to myself in all areas of my life. I pay attention to the areas in which I can do a better job of staying true to myself and I make note of the areas in which I am already doing just this.



What does “being true to myself” mean to me?


2. Do I know others who stay true to themselves? Who are they and how do they do this?


3. What obstacles make it difficult for me to stay true to myself? How do they interfere? What can I do to get past them?

Conversation Starter Behind the mask, who are you really? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ RestoreHER | 30

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Remove the mask and discover you!

RestoreHER | 31


Make your trips go smoother and smarter with these fun and cool travel gears.


Authentic Partnerships Empower Gini Cunningham What is an authentic partnership? While we form many partnerships throughout life, some are just temporary, some fall apart over time, but the most valuable ones, the essential partnerships are constructed for the long-term, based on mutual respect and personal regard. How important are authentic partnerships in your life? I recently attended a presentation, "Bravo Zulu". Dr. Jennifer Carson shared vast information about the relationships we form and how we value each. While she originally focused on the military, examining the various branches and what partnerships might mean to each, I found that every bit of her information was vital for any and all relationships.

The more we share and care, the stronger the bonds created. Certain elements make for a empowerment, equality, and collective capacity. These include having a genuine regard for oneself as well as other members of the partnership, focusing on shared goals and processes, and constructing interconnectedness that builds energy and trust. A shared vision, a belief in one another, decision-making that reflects the wants and needs of all, and using perspectives of self and others to determine the best steps forward. Some of the requirements to expand relationships include regular reflection and dialogue. Think about a movie you have watched where the characters are mired in confusion and mistrust. As viewers, we have often seen the multiple sides of the situation, however, the actors appear oblivious to external events. Imagine if they just talked?


strength and extending connections. They might then connect and commit to a direction that could solve problems. With conversation comes the idea of a safe place: "I shared and it was accepted; now I can speak once again." Or the opposite: "That was horrendous - time to cut and run!" When we value perspectives, ideas, and ideals, relationships grow. Diversity is respected just as commonality is enjoyed and revered. Once the communication gates are open, partners can work to keep them open, or to close them slightly or temporarily when going forward is too painfully, too close to the heart. What a difference one-on-one time makes in designing


As mentioned, relationships come in many forms: parent or guardian 1 to parent or guardian 2; parents to children; sibling to sibling; extended family to other family members. Those within this realm are often the toughest, referencing the old adage, "You can choose your friends, but your family has already been chosen." Like it or not, family is yours forever. Even moving, cutting people off, slicing the ties while adding distance, do not make individuals less related. So why not just talk? Why not try to communicate? Why not consider a relationship? Why not some authenticity? Article Source:



WOMEN'S HEALTH PODCASTS TO LISTEN TO NOW Average Episode Length | 30–60 minutes To Tune In | iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify Everyone deserves to be represented in the wellness world, and Balanced Black Girl is creating a safe space for women of color to have honest conversations about self-care, self-love, and overall wellbeing. A podcast rooted in experience and expertise, this one is hosted by personal trainer and nutrition Lestraundra “Les” Alfred. It only started in fall 2018 and the show already has a loyal fan base and raving reviews. Tune in for new episodes every Tuesday.

Average Episode Length | 60–90 minutes Where To Tune In | iTunes, Stitcher, A Cast Hosted by four-time CrossFit Games athlete and medical doctor Julie Foucher, Pursuing Health is for our athletic readers who are curious to learn more about the correlation between intense fitness training and personal wellbeing. With interviews from the top Crossfit competitors, as well as professional health experts, Foucher shows listeners how physical fitness can support optimal health.

Where To Tune In | iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM Women Seeking Wellness is a podcast for women seeking to improve wellness and health. Hosted by author, chiropractor, and health & wellness expert Dr. Stephanie Maj, each episode empowers listeners to learn more about their bodies and maintain personal wellness.

The podcast also includes interviews and conversations with women’s health experts on interesting topics such as ear infections, cancer prevention, and yoga for PTSD. At only 20 minutes, each short episode is enlightening and entertaining; it’s the perfect podcast for your daily commute.


Average Episode Length | 20 minutes

The 2020 Women's History Month theme celebrates the women who have fought for woman’s right to vote in the United States. In recognition of the centennial of the 19th Amendment, we will honor women from the original suffrage movement as well as 20th and 21st century women who have continued the struggle (fighting against poll taxes, literacy tests, voter roll purges, and other more contemporary forms of voter suppression) to ensure voting rights for all.

"We Can Do It!" is an American World War II wartime poster produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric as an inspirational image to boost female worker morale.The poster was very little seen during World War II. It was rediscovered in the early 1980s and widely reproduced in many forms, often called "We Can Do It!" but also called "Rosie the Riveter" after the iconic figure of a strong female war production worker. The "We Can Do It!" image was used to promote feminism and other political issues beginning in the 1980s.



When Women Pray Prayer and/or meditation are essential to the restoration of one's Spirit Set aside time during the day to utilize these essential tools in order to restore your Spirit



ONLY 19%

Spent more than

Estimated fare for a full

Interested in suborbital

US$10,000 annually

commercial trip.

space travel.

on vacations.

THE REVIEW The Friendship Circle: "If God Is Love, Why Did Her Child Die?" by Barbara Weston


Although this book is fiction, it is based on real life tragedies that have been experienced by close friends of the author, so the story is very real and very touching. Not much makes me cry hardship, cruelty, disaster or tragedy don't really affect me, but this book brought tears to my eyes. Not from the tragedy, but from the kindness described that hinted at the gleaming of a better world. What a wonderful book, what a wonderful story! It really lifted my spirits, and gave me hope in the midst of the chaos of our world. The book deals with a young mother, Shona, who loses her 9 year old son in a

bicycle accident. Her world falls apart, and she withdraws to a quiet village, leaving even her husband behind, to try to get herself together again. The story details her road of discovery and recovery as she perceives the tender love of God as it shines through the common, struggling, kind people around her. The author herself is a very caring person: although she has perfect hearing, she learnt sign language, and for many years she did this sign language for the deaf people in her local church, so that they could also understand the sermon and what was happening in the life of the church.

The book is rich with descriptive passages of the countryside and people, that immerse you in the story and the surroundings to the extent that you wonder if you've perhaps been there before, since it makes such a vivid impression on the mind. I enjoyed letting my imagination gorge itself on the picture painting of the text, where pertinent focal points were masterfully plotted onto the canvas of my mind so that I felt I was in that room, or paddling in that stream. I experienced this type of immersion long before when I was in school reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte as a set book, and since then I've always enjoyed it.

I found the book encouraging, inspiring and even a little educational in the sense of learning how we should be living and treating each other. It showed how tragedy in people's lives can eventually result in giving life to another person who is struggling, so that something absolutely wonderful comes out of something that is abysmally tragic. It is a tale of victory coming out of tribulation, made all the more poignant by the fact that this story is only really fiction because the names and places have been changed; the events described are actually a mosaic of several actual happenings. This book is more than well worth reading - it should be read! Kindness is the one thing that could solve all this worlds problems, and this book tells you how to do it! Highly recommended!

The book reviewed above can be found on Amazon by clicking here:Â My beautiful scenic photography portfolio can be browsed on Shutterstock here:Â ource=ctrbreferral-link


VEGETARIAN RECIPES THAT WILL MAKE YOU FORGET ABOUT MEAT Adrian T. Cheng Meat is delicious. But too much in your diet can cause a plethora of health symptoms. But when it comes to fresh produce, you can never eat too much! You don't have to ditch meat altogether, just add more fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Try these delicious vegetarian recipes, they will make you forget about meat, even for a while. Soy and Sugar Fried Cauliflower What you need: 1 large head cauliflower, cut into florets 1 egg, beaten 2 scallions, thinly sliced 1 cup ice water 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, sifted 1/2 cup cornstarch 1/3 cup garlic chilli sauce 3 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 2 teaspoons sesame oil 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon Kosher salt Vegetable oil for frying

Whisk together ice water, flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt in a bowl to prepare the batter. Heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat in a pan. Working in batches, toss cauliflower in batter and fry for 4 minutes per side. Remove from heat and place in a plate lined with paper towels. Combine chilli sauce, brown sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil and ginger in a bowl. Toss fried cauliflower in the mixture, sprinkle with scallions and sesame seeds then serve. Article Source:


What you need: 1/4 kilogram Fusili pasta, cooked 3 cups Brussels sprouts, halved 2 1/2 cups whole milk 1 1/2 cups white cheddar1 cup fontina, shredded 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, divided 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup flour 1 tablespoon olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper

Arrange Brussels sprouts in a baking sheet brushed with olive oil. Season with kosher salt and ground black pepper then bake in a pre-heated oven (375F) for 30 minutes or until tender. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add flour and milk to the pan and whisk together. Season with salt and pepper then allow to simmer for 5 minutes, or until mixture has thickened. Remove from heat then stir in white cheddar, fontina and 1/2 cup parmesan. Mix until cheeses are well-incorporated in the mixture. Fold in Brussels sprouts and cooked pasta then transfer everything to a baking dish. Combine bread crumbs and remaining parmesan in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle mixture over mixture over pasta. Bake for 30 minutes in an oven (375F).

CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD Snow Driving and Prophesying

Kathy Maqsood

I awakened to snow today.Not being very experienced in driving in it, I still needed to get my hubby to work. I prayed for peace and grace to get there and back home.It reminded me of when I began prophesying 25-30 years ago. An old prophet was my pastor. The first time I prophesied I was shaking and terrified. It took about 20 minutes speaking a few words, then a sentence. All the while, he was walking back and forth praying in the Spirit. It confused me. Later he explained he was strengthening my spirit. Now, when prophesying, I let peace rule just as I am learning with snow driving. There are still times I get a little shaken.Wherever you are in the process of exercising the gift of prophesy, speak while shaking and let His peace rule in your soul and spirit! It is like serving a slice of bread. At first, you may get a little "crummy" word. Be faithful to serve this one or two words. Eventually you will gather more crumbs and begin to put them together. Before you know it, Holy Spirit will show you HOW to put those crumbs together to have an entire slice of bread. Afterall, HE is the living Bread. As you keep on submitting, one day you will be entrusted to deliver a whole loaf of bread to a group of people. It is all about learning to flow with Holy Spirit and yielding your vocal cords to Him. There is grace to be groomed and mentored by Holy Spirit and the five fold ministry whose assignment from the Lord is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.

Just because you are 50 or over doesn't mean your fashion sense has to suffer. You can still look fierce and fabulous at 50 and beyond. Regardless of your age you can still be stylish. I don't think of women 50 and over as being old, we are seasoned. And when I think of something being seasoned, I think about something having unique flavor, and that is what we have as women 50 and over, unique flavor. We are not old, we are seasoned, and we are amazing! And what you wear can make you look great and feel great. There is a such thing as aging gracefully and your style plays a big part in that. How? Have you seen clothing that you would love to wear but you are worried about what people will say? Maybe it's a sexy animal print or a piece of bold jewelry, or maybe it's a pair of hot red heels. Whatever it is you may love it, but you say, "I am too old to wear that." But if it makes you feel good don't be afraid to

step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Refuse to be stuck wearing boring clothes because you are worried about what people will say. Boring clothes can make you look older which works in reverse of you aging gracefully. And who cares what other people think any way? And shouldn't they be concerned about their own life and not yours? Never make style decisions based on the opinions of others. If you see something you like try it on, and if it fits good then buy it and rock it! It's your life to live so don't be afraid to live it against the expectations of others. Wearing clothes that are trendy and colorful can release the internal fountain of youth. You will feel better on the inside and that can help you to look better on the outside. I know when I feel good on the inside, I am more motivated to do a lot of things that


make me look youthful and vibrant on the outside. Now, let me be clear, wearing something trendy doesn't mean you have to go and buy something meant for a teenager, but it does mean buying something fashionable that works well for you. Something that flatters your body and enhances your beauty. And did you know that what happens in your mind affects your decisions? So, if you are thinking you are old guess what? Your wardrobe probably looks old and outdated. But it doesn't have to stay that way. So, what can you do? Well, first you need to change your mindset around being your age. Stop thinking you are old and stop thinking about how you used to be 25 years ago. That time has passed, but guess what? You can still be fabulous at your age. Our goal is not to be 25 years old again, it is to be the best us we can be today, at the age we are. And do we really

want to go back to when we were 25 years old? I certainly don't. If you are like me, you learned a lot in between then and now that has gotten you to the phenomenal woman you are today! Secondly, make a plan to upgrade your style, whatever that looks like for you. And here's a hint. You can start with just an accessory or two and go from there. You don't have to do a complete clothing overhaul overnight, that can be pricey and overwhelming. Start one step at a time and grow from there.I remember being younger and I used to think gosh 50 sounds old. Then I hit 50 and thought wow 50 is fabulous. How you look at things is totally up to you. You can look out of a window and see the beautiful sky, or you can look out of a window and see the dirt. Refuse to look at yourself in a way that does not make you feel powerful. Look at yourself in a way that makes you feel amazing, beautiful, and radiant, life is too short not to. Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is the founder of Fashionique Style Academy, where she educates and empowers women to boost their confidence and up-level their style. To find out about services please visit []. Article Source:

TALK, WEAR, TALK She is currently running her Makeup and fashion blog to keep up with the newest trends. She also helps other young ones by making a makeup video tutorial for everyone to see. She also told us to not be afraid to try new things in their life How is it like to live within the confines of social media -- and keep stylish? Ann dishes out her street style.

Available from



l a n o s a e S


Buying fresh fruit and vegetables in season is a healthy, more economical way to make the most of the best produce.

5 3




" Clean eating has made a huge difference for me."

5 Tips for Clean Eating B Y




Eating clean means making sure

following doesn’t really matter,

Many people don’t eat as much

you choose the healthiest option

you’ll always need to stock up on

fruits and veggies as they

in each food group. In order


should. In order to make sure

to eat clean, you need to know

golden rule of proper nutrition,

that you do, you’ll need to bring

what your food is made of, and

as your body needs fresh fruits

some variety into your dishes.

if possible, making sure you

and vegetables in order to

The best way to do this is to

consume it in its natural form.

function properly. You can’t get

learn when certain fruits and

In case you want to start


veggies are in season, since

living healthier, but aren’t sure


exactly what to change in your

nutrients from other types of

If you have a garden, you can

diet, here are five great tips for

food. Not to mention that eating

also plant some herbs and

eating clean.

fresh produce is much healthier

spices. This will not only

and more natural than taking

provide you with a fun, new


hobby, but it will also help

Stock Up On Fresh Produce The type of diet that you’re


amount and








that’s when they’ll taste better.

encourage you to eat healthier by giving you the option to

5 4






consume foods straight out of



food you’re eating holds. Just

your garden.

scratch is that when you’re

because a certain food is low in




Limit Processed Foods

know how much sugar and salt


It can be pretty hard to avoid

you’re adding into the food.


processed foods. Almost all of




Although you should make

the snacks you can purchase

Focus On The Nutrients

sure you’re not consuming too

in your local supermarket are

A lot of people make the

many calories, it’s much more




important to pay attention to

sodium, and sugar. Processed

calories instead of nutrients

the nutritional value of foods

foods are basically any foods


you’re eating. One surefire way

that have been altered in some



to consume all the essential

way, either for convenience or

remember not to get caught up

nutrients while keeping your



in the numbers game too

calorie count low is to stock up


much. Instead, focus on the

on fresh produce.









processed foods and preparing

on they

focusing start


nutritional value the

dieting. need

5 5


Don’t Be Too Strict Remember that it’s completely okay to have a cheat meal sometimes. If you’re diet is too strict, then you might end up dreading all of the meals that you eat. In order to keep them on the right track, many people take one day out of each month to indulge in some unhealthy food that they enjoy. Drink More Water Drinking water is all you need to feel better sometimes. By drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day, you will feel healthier and energized, which will motivate you to eat clean. Unfortunately,



consider water ‘boring’ due to the extremely high number of flavored drinks that are available. However, it is an essential nutrient that should never be overlooked.




When people go to a restaurant they visit for certain appealing aspects of the establishment. Some may find the food mediocre, but the ambiance brings you back. Some may also go for the food even though it's not their "scene". The physical ability to try a new place out usually depends on word-of-mouth, hoping that a friend may point out a new cool hangout. For those that don't have that source of direction they can use Yelp. Yelp is an online mobile app, or website, that let's you scale the internet for business reviews. From a car mechanic to a small diner, there will be a yelp review for it. Yelping gives everybody who owns the application the chance for them to feel like a critic. This online review data base can offer you suggestions on

places that you've been to before or places to even stay away from. Different categories of material can be reviewed as well. Say you didn't like the food, but the scenery of the restaurant was on point, you can rank the details compared to the food. Yelp also gives the consumers a chance to send messages to the company themselves, in order to share their experience and ensure that the business will see the critique. This on the other hand is making business owners very nervous. One customer with bad service can bring down your star rating and potentially stray other potential visitors away from the establishment. This is a good thing though. This gives the management not only an insight to how customersÂ

view their business but it also allows them to fix their mistakes in order to make the customers next visit go a little more smoothly. Yelping has made it not only easier to figure out where you want to bring your business but it also doubles as a directional guide to whichever business you're trying to travel to. Yelp gives the user the ability to show the closest places using location tracking in order to give the user the closest option. The age of Yelp is here and it is here to stay. With millions of users nationwide it has become the new helpful guide to helping the everyday customer get the best bang for their buck. While helping businesses gain helpful feed back and potential business yelping is consistently helping the everyday user have not only their voices heard but a piece of mind.

Article Source:



“Keep evolving, keep thinking, keep pushing yourself. Stay on top of it.” STELLA'S TOP TIPS


Stella shares words of wisdom from her years of experience as a young painter.

EXPERIMENT If you're undecided on which path to take, try several paths and then decide which one is the best fit. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”


“It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard, she said, is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about.”

WORK ON PERSONAL PROJECTS. Simeon Kondev once said, “I feel like every project I work on is a dream project, so long as I am learning.”



DO YOU LOVE YOU? How do you know if you really love yourself? Is your self-esteem healthy or unhealthy? Self-love is something that can and should be cultivated. There are many tools and techniques for developing it. After all, how can you truly love others unless you love yourself first?

You believe in yourself YES_____ NO ____

PART 1 You generally put your own needs before those of others YES_____ NO ____

You are glad to be you YES_____ NO ____

Self-care is a top priority for you YES_____ NO ____ You feel that you have valuable gifts to share with the world YES_____ NO ____ You know your own worth YES_____ NO ____

You trust your intuition and follow it - YES_____ NO ____ You know when to say “No,” and are OK with saying it YES_____ NO ____

You eat well YES_____ NO ____ You exercise regularly YES_____ NO ____ You can look in the mirror and approve of what you see - YES_____ NO ____ You are kind to yourself and others - YES_____ NO ____

You love the life you have created for you YES_____ NO ____ You feel comfortable in your own skin YES_____ NO ____ You do not dependent on the opinions of others to feel good about yourself YES_____ NO ____


PART 2 You are often self-critical YES_____ NO ____ You put yourself down and say unkind things to yourself - YES_____ NO ____ You do not like what you see in the mirror YES_____ NO ____ You eat junk food to comfort yourself when you are down YES_____ NO ____ You use drink or drugs to cope YES_____ NO ____ You isolate yourself YES_____ NO ____ You feel compassion for yourself and others YES_____ NO ____ You take time for yourself to rest, relax, and rejuvenate YES_____ NO ____ You have a network of supportive friends YES_____ NO ____ You reach out for help and support when you need it and are not afraid to ask for help YES_____NO ____ You have fun often - YES_____ NO ____ You know what you want and can take steps to accomplish it YES_____ NO ____ PART 1 TOTAL POINTS = ___________

You are a people pleaser YES_____ NO ____ You put yourself last - YES_____ NO ____ You often feel like you do not have a choice YES_____ NO ____ You feel a lot of resentment because you cannot say “No.” - YES_____ NO ____ You feel like a failure - YES_____ NO ____ You are afraid of making mistakes YES_____ NO ____ Sometimes you are too afraid to act, because of what others will say about you YES_____ NO____ PART 2 TOTAL POINTS = ___________


Test Results Calculate Your Score

ways you can learn to love yourself more.

If you score less than 8, then you probably have low self-esteem and low self-worth. You are 1. Assign 1 point to each question you answered much better than you realize! “Yes� to for both Parts 1 and 2 2 Add up your score for Part 1 Next Step 3. Add up your score for Part 2 4. Subtract Part 2 score from Part 1 score. If you scored below 15, Now is the time to make some profound inner changes and really start to Read Your Results love and care for yourself. You are the most important person in your own life! If you love If you score 15-21, then you have a healthy sense yourself deeply, then you will have so much more of self-worth. You love yourself and know how to to offer to those around you. look after yourself. Keep up the good work! Loving yourself more will help you avoid burnout If your score is between 8-15, then there is room and will help you do a better job of caring for for some improvement. You can do much more to those around you. You will feel much better about love yourself and bring more joy and contentment yourself and experience more contentment. Take into your life. You have some good foundational action now and watch your world change for the practices, but you deserve more! There are many better!

THINKING OF CRUISING? GO CARNIVAL! ASHLEY WILLIAMS Stepping out of your car at the departure port is only the beginning. If you've never cruised before, get ready for a vacation of a lifetime. The excitement that builds up before you step onto the cruise ship is not as big as the excitement you get once you actually start your adventure at sea. Carnival Cruise Line definitely does a good job with keeping their guests happy and satisfied throughout the trip. The second you board the ship and place your belongings into your cabins, you're constantly greeted with warm and friendly smiles from every employee on board. If you're in need of something at any point in time, whether day or night, an employee will always be there to help

you. Before the ship departs, everyone on board meets up in the theatre and goes over a safety briefing. This lets everyone know that they will not have to worry about their safety or anyone else's safety while embarking on the journey at sea. One of the best things about cruising with Carnival Cruise Line is there is always something to do. Whether it be early in the morning, middle of the day, or late at night. You may just be looking forward to getting to the ports of call, but its not just the destinations you're traveling to that are worth getting excited for, the days at sea are spectacular also. There are activities for all ages day and night, and tons of entertainment which youÂ

eally get to experience during those days at sea. I mean, some crazy hilarious entertainment such as dance offs and harry chest competitions. The activities that happen on board bring families and friends together and even help you make friends as well, that you could potentially keep in touch with for a lifetime. When your stuck on a boat for a few days with people, it's nice to make new friends that you can hang around the casino with, maybe take dance lessons with and more. And Carnival definitely makes it easy to do so. While on board, the employees try and bring people together with all of their shows, entertainment on the deck throughout the day, and so on. It's nice seeing everyone gathered around in one big area l

aughing and dancing together. It makes the trip that much more exciting and fun. Aside from all of the entertainment, the food on the ships are out of this world also! You are guaranteed to never be hungry during your vacation, with the pizza bar, ice cream stand, and food buffet they constantly have on the deck. It's extremely tasty food too! Also, every night there Is a timed dinner for your family and friends to enjoy and most of the time, you get your own table, depending on how many people you have and all. But the food there is amazing also. It's a three course meal that will be hard to forget! And trust me, you'll definitely leave full. Aside from the food, these dinners are a great

time to share exciting events that occurred throughout your day on board, or to talk about the excursions your family and friends took part in that day. During this time once again, the employees will always make sure you're having a good time! Some nights they dance, sing, and get you're friends and family involved too. Every second is full of fun and laughter. When it comes to ports of call, the employees on board are there to make sure you have a great time their as well.Carnival Cruise Line has left me and many others happy with full of unforgettable memories, and has had me wanting to go back on another cruise since the day I stepped off of the ship, it also has me now wanting to work for the Cruise Line Industry at some point in the future.If you're thinking about booking a cruise at some point in the future, try out Carnival Cruise Line, so that you can leave your vacation happy and full of unforgettable memories also.

Article Source:


8 Tips to Prepare for a Virtual Interview

First and foremost, it is still a "real" interview, and should be treated as such. There is a person on the other end who will be making an executive decision about your qualifications for the job, so assume it's no different than if you met this individual in person. Dress to impress! Even if they won't see your feet, dressing from head to toe in at least business casual attire is the first way to not only look professional when the camera goes live, but help you get into the right mindset. You'll be surprised how you will feel you can take on the world when you LOOK like you can.

Find a quiet and professional location for the interview. If you have a home office, this is perfect. If not, most libraries offer conference rooms free of charge, which you can reserve for yourself for the duration of the interview. There is nothing less professional than children, pets, or other household distractions infringing on your interview experience, and greatly affecting your appearance of professionalism. If you cannot get away from the home, set up at a dining room table or in a living room, and make sure everyone in the home knows you need some privacy for the allotted amount of time.

NO. 1

Try out the interview system in question before the interview. The day or night before, log on and familiarize yourself if it's a program you've never used. Even if it is something you use often, like FaceTime, double check that you have the contact info correct. Pay close attention to the time zone the interviews are conducted in. This one is SO important. With the advent of virtual interviews, corporations have opened themselves up to a huge network of individuals all over the world, and while advantageous, also likely means they operate on a different time zone than yourself. No one wants to get off on a bad foot because you missed your interview or were late because you were unsure of the time zone. If it isn't clarified anywhere in a confirmation of any kind, reach out to your recruiter or interviewer, they will be happy to give you the information, and glad that you were proactive.Try to use a laptop or desktop if at all possible, but if you have to use a Smartphone, set up a tripod system beforehand, so your hands can be free for the interview. You can even use a stack of books. What you don't want to do is hold the phone for the duration of the interview; this is a professional encounter, not a FaceTime chat with your grandma.

Like any interview, make sure you have studied up on the company and position you wish to hold. Google them. See if they have had any news lately. Did they recently merge with anyone? Or perhaps they made a branding change not long ago. In the very least, know the goods and/or services they offer, and be prepared to tell them how you could aid them in this niche if you were hired.Prepare questions. Almost always the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions, and if they have answered all of them, its fine to tell them so. However, this is your chance to have their undivided attention, and ESPECIALLY if you are offered a job directly following. You will want to have compiled a list of anything you might have wanted to know, rather than bombarding the interviewer's inbox with emails less than 24 hours after they had time set aside to make themselves available just for you. With these tips you will be well on your way to not only acing that interview, but job offers galore! Break a leg and most of all, be yourself, and let your personality shine! Co-Author Colette Pfeiffer Talent Booking Experts & Connections Consulting and Marketing Solutions team.

NO. 1 Article Source:



ONLINE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE By Shalini M Buying online offers a great shopping experience. You can enjoy lower prices and the package is delivered to your doorstep in a couple of days if not hours. Given below are a few tips that can help you enjoy a safer online buying experience. 1. Use a Secure Connection First of all, make sure your computer is free of any malicious software or your password may get stolen. Despite the risk, only a fraction of US residents protect their computers from viruses. So, it's better that you use a secure connection and keep your firewall always on. 69

2. Buy from a Reputable Merchant Buying from a reputable merchant is a must. After all, you don't want to end up compromising on the safety of your credit card details. All you need to do is do your homework before buying from a new merchant. If the store you are going to buy from is not reputable, look for a different store.


3. Avoid Unreasonable Offers If an offer seems too good to be true, leave it. The prices offered by a store should be fair. If the prices are unreasonably low, know that something is fishy. Often, disreputable online stores sell items at unreasonably low prices. You

you make the right choice. After all,





scammers. 4. Don't Forget to read the Terms and Conditions Before you buy a gift card, make sure that the store is legitimate. Also, you may not want to forget reading the terms and conditions. They will help you don't want to end up paying for hidden charges. 5. Don't Work with a Seller that asks for too much information When buying online, you have to provide a lot of required details like RESTOREHER |Â MARCH/APRIL

your email address, mobile number, shipping

with enough security, unlike a credit card. If

address, and payment method. However, if a

someone makes unauthorized transactions

merchant asks for additional information, close

using your credit card information, your bank

the page and walk away.For instance, if you are

will limit your liability to $50. On the other hand,

asked for your driver's license number, social

your debit card will not offer this protection. So,


you can either use your credit card or PayPal for





information, know that they are scammers.

making payments.

6. Create a Unique, Strong Password

So, make sure you follow these tips when

Often, you have to create an account when

buying online to ensure you are always on the

buying online. Typically, signing up is not

safe side. Hopefully, these tips will help you

mandatory. It's better to place your order and

enjoy a safe online buying experience.

check out without creating an account unless you are the regular buyer of the store. Even if you

If you are looking to buy Diablo 2 items online,

choose to create an account, make sure your

we suggest that you check out

password is unique and strong. 7. Use your Credit Card or PayPal It's always a great idea to use your credit card to

They offer a large collection of Diablo 2 items.

buy online. Actually debit cards don't come






Get A Younger Smoother Skin Texture Using Microdermabrasion Treatment Skin damage builds up and over time it can make your skin texture uneven and scarred, and can even make it look discolored, but you can vastly improve your skin by exfoliating. Exfoliation involves removing the old, dead skin cells on the skin's outer surface, getting rid of clogged pores, dull skin and signs of ageing. Exfoliating your skin can make it look softer, with a more even surface, helping skin treatments to work better and giving you a smoother base to apply your make-up on.

We exfoliate our face for three reasons:

A liquid exfoliator uses acids to take away dead skin cells and it works on a deeper level

To cleanse the skin by removing build-up

by dissolving the glue-like substance that

from the pores, which helps to get rid of


blackheads and white heads

products have an anti-bacterial effect which







cleans deep within the pores and some of To smooth the skin's texture, giving your

them can boost hydration, cell turnover and

skin a soft and flawless look

collagen production. The skin sheds cells daily, however, by applying products and make-up

To stimulate blood flow to the face, giving a

every day we can halt this process, but using

youthful glow

acids every day can copy this natural process.

We can exfoliate the skin in different ways:

Microdermabrasion done



treatment. is




Twice weekly exfoliation using a traditional

microdermabrasion at a cosmetic clinic is

scrub. A facial wash containing tiny, sand-like

more in-depth and goes deeper than your

particles will physically smooth away any

typical facial scrub. A precision blast of

rough areas, removing dead skin cells and

superfine crystals will smooth away fine lines,

uncovering new ones, leaving your skin feeling

and reduce pigment irregularities on the

soft and looking flawless. It's possible to

surface of the skin. This stimulates an

create your own face and body scrub by mixing

increase in cell turnover, and you'll notice more

baking soda with your facial cleanser to make

brightness to your complexion.

it an exfoliating cleanser.


Microdermabrasion is one of the most popular

Fillers and many more treatments, to help


create a younger, slimmer, more youthful




today. It's an ideal treatment for the skin

looking you !

because it uses non-allergenic crystals which is good for skin that's sensitive to chemicals.

The Selston Cosmetic Clinic is located in Selston,






Microdermabrasion is a safe non-surgical

bespoke service with a personalized touch and

treatment which doesn't present any risks

deliver high client satisfaction. We have been

when it's performed by a qualified practitioner.

involved in the cosmetic industry for over 10

This treatment can easily be done in a


lunchtime and is one which will allow you to return to your normal activities on the same

To find out more about microdermabrasion

dayIf you need help choosing a cosmetic

treatment at the Selston Cosmetic Clinic

procedure, we provide an extensive range of cosmetic procedures for the face and body:

Botox, Vaser Lipo, Lip Augmentation, Dermal

ermabrasion.php ~ Mags Whyler

Article Source:



Personal growth is the constant process of

the the best version of yourself that you

improving yourself, including working toward

possibly can. Your overall wellness is the

better wellness. Wellness is not just about

accumulation of all your daily habits that lead

your physical self but about your mental,

to your fitness and stability in all the many

emotional, and social welfare, too. Personal

areas of your life. Therefore, your personal

growth is what allows you to reach new levels

growth directly contributes to your overall

of happiness and wellness, which leads to

wellness in many ways. Here are just five ways

your general well-being and satisfaction.

your personal growth improves your overall wellness.

Indeed, the entire personal development process is dedicated to transforming parts of

Five Ways Personal Growth Can Improve Your

your life to make improvements in your


physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, or social state. It is the process that guides and

#1. Personal Growth Improves Your Self-

determines your overall wellness.



people arrive at a personal growth decision point after a critical or traumatic event, while


others merely determine over time that


improvements are necessary for their lives. By

assessment of your life to determine where

deciding to engage in personal growth and

you need to make

development, you are making a decision o improve one or more aspects of your wellbeing and happiness. Personal growth is about enhancing your habits so that you can

on you

your first

personal must


development an


better for your well-being. Personal growth is all about deciding which choices are right for you and, when needed,learning to make better ones. #3. Personal Growth is About Developing Your Strengths





development goals, you should focus not only on








strengths. where





focusing already

on have

competence, you can reach your full potential in any area of your life. Your wellness depends on these strengths to support you in healthy and productive ways. #4. Personal Growth Focuses on your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Personal growth and development focus on all aspects of being a human, including the health and well-being of your body, mind, adjustments or improvements. This process

and soul. There is nothing about your life that

forces you to get to know yourself, which

isn’t related to and could be improved by

enhances your self-awareness. By being more

personal development in some way.

aware of your habits, triggers, strengths, and weaknesses, you can determine your goals for



self-improvement and growth that will lead





to your overall wellness in the futures. When you work on improving areas of your #2. Personal Growth is About Making

life, you begin to feel more confident. This

Choices in Life

success usually leaves you feeling like you can achieve even more goals or gain new skills, the

which leads to further personal development

compilation of the daily decisions you make

goals. The more you keep developing yourself

related to your health, mental, social, and

in aspects of your life, the more confidence

emotional choices. You can make decisions


based on past habits, or you can choose to

anything you set your mind toward.






change some of those behaviors in favor of ones that are








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