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Free - Take One Mesquite !VAILABLE AT .EWSSTANDSRichardson IN Garland,Rowlett& E.Dallas VOL.8 NO. 21 Mesquite FEBRUARY 19, Richardson 2020 & E.Dallas

Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 Volume X- Issue 243 August 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00


By Cheryl Smith Publisher

Wanna feel better?

What a year 2019 was. If folks didn’t learn anything, the world is in bigger trouble than anyone could have ever imagined. You’ve heard that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Well, things can’t stay the same. They just can’t! And you may be or have to become the change we need. Readers have been sharing their thoughts on things that can’t stay the same. Here are just a few of the things folks had issues with in 2019; in no specific order: 1. Voting 2. Don’t ask for support because you are Black if you don’t support other Black institutions or businesses 3. Trying to get hook ups 4. Gossiping 5. People who won’t pay back things they borrow 6. Tired of looking at sagging pants and underwear 7. Leave bedroom shoes home 8. Teach our young girls to treasure their bodies 9. Teach our young men to treasure their bodies 10. Millennials, GenXers, and others - you could learn by listening 11. Our young men need to use condoms 12. Elders, act like you know and teach these young boys and girls 13. Stop being afraid to parent our youth, even those you didn’t bring into the world 14. Know what you are talking about 15. Make your word matter See MY TRUTH, page 4

Nation Building


F r o m S t a ff R e p o r t s E d u c a t io n a d v o c a t e S e n . R o y c e W e s t (D -D a lla s ), c o m e d ia n R o y W o o d J r. f r o m t h e D a ily S h o w w it h T r e v o r N o a h , a n d N a t io n a l A s s o c ia t io n o f B la c k J o u r n a lis t s (N A B J ) P r e s id e n t D o r o t h y T u c k e r w e r e ju s t a fe w o f t h e v is it o r s a t P a u l Q u in n C o lle g e la s t week. T h e r e ’s q u it e a b it o f a c t iv it y a t t h e o n ly  H is t o r ic a lly  B la c k C o lle g e in t h e C it y o f D a lla s  a n d t h e fi r s t U r b a n W o r k C o lle g e in t h e c o u n t r y . In a d d it io n t o h o s t in g t h e N A B J B a s ic s B o o t c a m p , fe a t u r in g jo u r n a lis t s a n d s t u d e n t s f r o m a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y ; t h e r e ’s t h e 2 0 2 0 F o u n d e r ’s D a y C e le b r a t io n o f t h e 1 0 t h E p is c o p a l D is t r ic t o f t h e A f r ic a n M e t h o d is t E p is c o p a l C h u r c h a n d t h e r e o p e n in g o f t h e R ic h a r d A lle n C h a p e l. T h e R e v . D r. R a lp h D . W e s t o f C h u r c h W it h o u t W a lls in H o u s t o n , T X ; a n d t h e R e v . D r. F r e d e r ic k D . H a y n e s See PAUL QUINN, page 12

By Norma Adams-Wade

God’s not making more land S e n . R o y ce W e s t s ig n s h is to ric b e a m th a t w ill b e p a r t o f th e Tra m m e ll S . C ro w L iv in g a n d L e a rn in g C e n te r a n d H e a lth a n d W e lln e s s C e n te r. P h o to : M a u rice W e s t

Dallas Alumni Kappas celebrate 85th anniversary Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc was founded by 10 African American male students in 1911 on the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington. It is the 2nd oldest existing collegiate Greek Letter Organization and 1st fraternity incorporated as a national body with over 800 chapters throughout the U.S. See KAPPAS, page 11

Higher Levels Educational Group provides fully comprehensive educational services to maximize organizational performance

Levatta L. Levels is a 30-year veteran educator in which she has been an elementary teacher, assistant principal, principal, bilingual specialist, director, assistant superintendent and superintendent. Currently, Ms. Levels is the Chief Executive Officer of Higher Levels Educational Group, Adjunct Professor, Author, Advocate, and Professional Mentor. As the CEO, Ms. Levels provides professional development and mentoring throughout the country.

For the inaugural implementation of the Delta Teacher Efficacy Campaign, Ms. Levels served as an Academy Facilitator, in which she served as an online instructor for the Teacher Efficacy Academy – TEA I and TEA II. She managed participants in the TEA-assigned region strengthening teacher effectiveness. She furthered her work with DTEC by collaborating with the Texas Team advocating for the implementation of the Every

L e v a tta L . L e v e ls

See LEVELS, page 3

A n d e rs o n B o n n e r Some say writer Mark Twain said it. Others say entertainer Will Rogers said it: “Buy land. They’re not making it anymore.� Dallas businessman Robert Pitre has acquired more than 130 acres of commercial land in Dallas County over the last 50 years. Pitre remembers that his grandfather Harvey Forward gave him that advise when Pitre was a young boy in Beaumont, Texas. Ministers later gave the saying a higher authority. “Buy land, ‘cause God’s not making anymore,� preachers said. Whoever said it first and best, it’s solid advice. Land is a highlypursued, valuable commodity. I was just thinking.... Were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. See THINKING, page 5


FEBRUARY 19, 2020



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MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR editor@myimessenger.com


The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

St. Andrew United Methodist Church to host 12th Annual Prom Closet St. Andrew United Methodist Church is hosting the 12th Annual Prom Closet, Feb. 18, 19, 20 (Tues.-Thurs., 4-8 p.m.) and Feb. 22 (Saturday, 9 a.m. – noon), in the Smith Worship Center at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, 75093. (The Prom Closet is closed on Friday, Feb. 21.) Girls from ANYWHERE in need of a prom dress are invited to come select a dress and accessories, all at no cost. This year there are 3,534 available dresses ranging in sizes from 0 to 28, many of which have never been worn. The only requirement is that girls must be present to select their dresses/accessories. “Last year we served 1,339 shoppers from 251 schools,” said Devra Helffrich, an original organizer of the Prom Closet. “Obviously, we could not do this without the support of the community, church members, and volunteers, including all of those who donate to this annual program. We collect dresses, shoes, jewelry, wraps, handbags, and other accessories year ‘round, and we can’t thank the community enough for helping so many girls’ prom dreams come true. Every year we hear girls happily say, ‘Now I can go to my prom.’ “ The Prom Closet has grown to be an extraordinary way to reach out and help the community.”


FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Jarvis Christian College Senior, Honour Adewumi Honour Adewumi recently published two original peerreviewed research articles in The iMedPub Journal and The Journal of Bioresearch Communications. A senior, Honour is the first student in Jarvis’ history to publish research articles. Her work on cancer research Honour Adewum i will pave the way to treating breast cancer and other cancers that are especially devastating. Every year in the USA, there are more than 266,000 new diagnoses of breast cancer. Honour's research was supported by grants from The National Science Foundation (NSF) and The Welch Foundation -- both of which were awarded to Jarvis Christian College. Dr. Shakhawat Bhuiyan (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Glendora Carter (Co-Principal Investigator) played a huge role in guiding, supervising and funding this research. Read Honour's published articles via the links below: Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles Induce Apoptosis in MCF-7 Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells Curcumin Downregulates the Expression of p44/42 MAPK and CausesCaspase-mediated Cell Inhibition in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells Honour was born in the Republic of Benin, a French colonized country in West Africa. She grew up speaking French and English. At the age of 16, she moved to the United States to pursue her education at Jarvis Christian College located in Hawkins, Texas. She is pursuing a major in chemistry and biology with a minor in mathematics. Active on campus, she has served as a research mentor on various research projects to multiple students. In addition to all other extracurricular activities, Ms. Adewumi currently serves as the Student Government Association President.

After graduating in May 2020, Miss Adewumi intends to pursue a Ph.D. in bioengineering.

Congresswoman Johnson recognizes 2020 as International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Congressman David P. Joyce have introduced a House resolution recognizing 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, as designated by the World Health Organization in honor of the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, a founder of modern nursing. The House of Representatives recognizes and celebrates the essential contributions that nurses and midwives provide to the workforce, research, and the health of this nation. Senators Jeff Merkley and Roger Wicker have introduced a companion resolution in the Senate. “The World Health Organization has rightfully recognized the incomparable contributions of nurses and midwives to the advancement of health care in our country and across the globe. As the first registered nurse elected to Congress, I am proud to lead this bipartisan resolution honoring 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “This resolution will honor the four million nurses in the United States and twenty million nurses across the world, and it acknowledges their tireless efforts to continually provide high-quality transformative health care in all communities, including rural, underserved, and vulnerable areas.” “As the Co-Chair of the Congressional Nursing Caucus, and as the proud husband of a nurse, I am honored to introduce this resolution alongside Congresswoman Johnson to recognize 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife,” said Congressman Joyce. “There’s a reason why nursing is the most trusted profession in America. With more than four million registered nurses in the United States, nurses are the lifeline of our nation’s health care system. I’m proud to

help lead the bipartisan effort to thank these hardworking men and women for their dedication to America’s patient population and celebrate their essential contributions to the health of our nation.” “As the largest group of health care professionals in the U.S. and the most trusted profession, nurses are with patients 24/7 and from the beginning of life to the end. Nurses practice in all healthcare settings and are filling new roles to meet the ever-growing demand for health and health care services,” said American Nurses Association President Ernest J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN. “Despite the major role nurses play in health care delivery and community outreach, there are opportunities to increase understanding of the value of nursing in order to expand investment in education, practice and research, as well as increase the numbers of nurses who serve in leadership positions. The Year of the Nurse is a launch pad for greater recognition and appreciation of the nursing profession in every segment of healthcare as they lead, excel and innovate wherever they practice or work.” “As a nurse educator, I have been privileged to help prepare future generations of nurses and have seen the positive impact nurses have in healthcare delivery throughout the country, especially in rural and underserved areas,” said Dr. Ann Cary, Chair of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Board of Directors. “I would like to thank Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Congressman David Joyce, along with the bipartisan original cosponsors, for recognizing the vital contributions nurses and nurse educators provide to our patients, our communities, and the health of our nation. “As the voice of academic nursing, AACN recognizes the central role nurses play in ensuring that all Americans have access to high-quality, patient-centered care,” said Dr. Deborah Trautman, AACN President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are honored to see the House of Representatives acknowledge this work by introducing this resolution, and we look forward to joining them as we celebrate the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.”


continued from front page Student Succeed Act across the state. Working with the Texas Education Agency, she provided training and mentoring to principals throughout the state of Texas over the last 10 years. Known for her “leadership abilities” she has worked with many schools towards improving student academic achievement and building principal leadership capacity. She has served many professional and civic organizations, including Delegate to the Texas Democratic Convention representing Senate District 23, DeSoto Chamber of Commerce Board, Leadership Southwest Board, Big Brothers Big Sisters Southern Region Board, Uni-versity of North Texas Exes Board, and the University of North Texas Advisory Council. She is active with the Texas Association of School Administrators, National Council of Negro Women, Parent Teacher Association, UNT Trailblazers, Texas Counseling Association, Texas Association of Black School Educators, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., and the Zeta Eta Alumnae Association. Ms. Levels is a Doctoral Student at Texas A&M University-Commerce. She earned both her Bachelor of Science and Master of Education with a focus on Education Administration from the University of North Texas and completed the Superintendent Certification program with the University of Houston-Victoria. She is most proud of her two children Leah and Lofton, and granddaughter London.

Dallas ISD Board on resignation of Internal Chief Auditor Otis Steven Martin The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees acknowledged and accepted the resignation delivered today from Chief Auditor Otis Steven Martin. We cannot comment on the personal motivations of Mr. Martin for this decision. Mr. Martin became the Chief of Internal Audit in January 2019 and reported solely to the Board, which has sole authority over the Internal Audit function. More than two years ago and prior to Mr. Martin’s hiring, the district discovered potential overpayments made by the District to outside vendors for construction projects completed in 2015 and 2016.

When these potential overpayments were discovered more than two years ago, the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent made sweeping changes that included the dissolution of the Capital Improvement Department that oversaw these transactions, a peer review of the Purchasing Department, the formation of a Procurement Compliance Committee to review and bring forward new purchasing policies and procedures, and a number of other proactive compliance initiatives. These measures were publicly disclosed at that time. The comprehensive review that brought about these changes was conducted by outside legal counsel, and those results and recommendations

were presented to the Audit Committee and to the Board in 2018. The findings were also turned over to federal law enforcement. The Audit Committee and the Board have met with the Compliance Committee throughout 2019 and 2020 and are working jointly to review and implement significant changes to the District’s purchasing policies and procedures. The Board requested that Mr. Martin investigate and calculate the amount of any potential overpayments on the relevant contracts, in part to determine the viability of recovering those funds through negotiations or other means. The board has since received serious allegations regarding the validity of the Internal

Auditor’s methodology and the accuracy of the calculations. To clarify, Mr. Martin did not discover the overpayment issues with these contracts and was not being prevented from investigating them. Because these matters are under investigation, further comment is not appropriate. The District and the Board remain committed to the highest standards and practices in procurement and contracting, to integrity and professionalism in every aspect of the District’s operations, and to the most efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars and to fully and completely investigate these issues.



FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Hair discrimination is alive and well THE LAST WORD DR. JULIANNE MALVEAUX

Andrew Johnson, a high school wrestler, was forced to submit to the humiliating act of having his dreadlocks shorn or have his New Jersey team forfeit their match to the opposing team. A gleeful white woman seemed too pleased to invade the young man’s person, and his team won, but at what price? When this happened in December of 2018, there was a national outcry, and the referee was suspended. A year later, DeAndre Arnold, a senior at Barbers Hill High School in Mont Belvieu, Texas was told that he would not be able to graduate unless he cut his hair. He’s been growing his dreads for more than five years, often wearing them in a bun so that they did not violate the school rule that hair could not touch the collar. This is part of a pattern of policing Black hair in our nation’s high schools and workplaces. And these dress codes are an attack on Black people, designed by white people and for white people. Hostility toward natural hair, locs and twists is really unvarnished hostility toward Blackness and its manifestation. It is an insistence that Black people conform to Eurocentric norms. Andrew Johnson and DeAndre Arnold

MY TRUTH, continued from front page 16. Respect even when you are being disrespected 17. Walk away from unhealthy relationships 18. Life is too short to be unhappy and unhealthy 19. Be someone who others are not happier to see leaving than coming 20. Make each day matter And this brings me to my truth. In my classes, I do mini interviews where I ask a series of questions to get to know my students. I end my exercise with, “Tell me something interesting about yourself.” I get all types of answers and in

made headlines, but many cases do not. Often, the “code” is subtle, and the backlash painful and undeniable, but never spoken. So many women are told that their hair is “too wild” or “ungroomed” as if bone straight hair is the only way to wear it. And perhaps it is not said so much as hinted. And Black women (and men) have the choice of playing the game or stalling their careers. This doesn’t happen so much on the coasts, in California, New York and the District of Columbia. But it happens enough that activists have worked to outlaw hair discrimination. On July 3, 2019, California became the first in the nation to outlaw discriminating against natural hair. The CROWN Act, or Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. A few days later, New York State passed a similar law, as did New Jersey. A few cities and counties, like Cincinnati, OH and Montgomery County, Maryland, have also followed suit. A dozen or so other states and municipalities have explored, and even introduced legislation that prohibits discrimination against those who wear natural hair, braids, locs, or twists. Despite

every class, someone is going to say something like, “There’s nothing interesting about me.” Well, I don’t believe them and I tell them so. I give a mini lecture and then I tell them that before the class is over they need to come back with something! I begin my lecture by snapping my fingers continuously, while asking, “what is happening?” They never have an answer for me, so I answer, “Someone just died. And another. And another.” They look at me stunned. “That’s right,” I say. “People are continuing to die and you are still here. Why are you here? You need to find out why you are here, what’s your

legislation, hair discrimination is alive and well. The text of the California legislation explores the history of hair discrimination. It reads in part, “The history of our nation is riddled with laws and societal norms that equated ‘blackness,’ and the associated physical traits, for example, dark skin, kinky and curly hair to a badge of inferiority, sometimes subject to separate and unequal treatment.” The bill goes on to say, “Professionalism was, and still is, closely linked to European features and mannerisms, which entails that those who do not naturally fall into Eurocentric norms must alter their appearances, sometimes drastically and permanently, in order to be deemed professional.” The fact that a diversity of hairstyles needs to be addressed through legislation speaks to the intransigence of white supremacy, the need white supremacists have to require Black people to conform to their standards. Even as the population of people of color grows in our nation, white supremacists are holding on, strong, to their racist norms. Some of them don’t even

purpose, and then you will never tell another person that there’s nothing interesting about you!” Usually my message is tempered with a few more choice words and some personal stories about how when you have no love for or faith in you; it’s hard for you to value your life and realize your greatness. When that time comes, you will be a respectful and lovable person. Now everyone you encounter is not going to be respectful or loving, but that’s their issue. You are clueless about what is going on in another’s world so you can’t take on their baggage, garbage or issues. If you understand who and whose you are and the “little” things that cause you

think they are racists. They are, indeed, “nice” people. They speak of neatness, wildness and their own discomfort with “different” hair. They think that folks should go through having their hair fried to make other people comfortable. I really don’t care how people wear their hair. It, truly, is a matter of choice. And hair does not have to be political. But hair choices must be respected and discrimination against natural hair, braids, twists, and locs cannot be tolerated. Intolerance about natural hair is intolerance against Black people. It is, at best, unacceptable. Kudos to California State Senator Holly Mitchell for starting the ball rolling. Congratulations to those who worked with her to pass this important legislation. And shout out to the others who have embraced her legislation by introducing it in other states. Hair discrimination is not the most egregious injustice that Black people experience, but it is an injustice nonetheless. Just ask DeAndre Arnold, who won’t be able to march with his peer graduates because he wears dreads, or the wrestler, Andrew Johnson, whose locs were shorn because a racist referee had neither intelligence nor tolerance. Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author, media contributor and educator. Her latest project MALVEAUX! On UDCTV is available on youtube.com. For booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit www.juliannemalveaux.com

stress or irritate you; life will seem so much more enjoyable. Even some of the items listed may seem like a waste of time and energy. You decide. Years ago, I had road rage. I remember getting out of the car in the snow and running up to the car in front of me at the light and banging on a window. Damn I was tripping! But at the time, all I could think of is that the idiot almost ran me off the road! Today, I’d never! Instead I try to rationalize for why a driver is driving too fast or slow; why they won’t yield or let me merge into traffic; or why they are still sitting at the light when it has changed. It’s amazing how better you will feel about life when you stop sweating

the small things. I believe everyone has something great in them. Sometimes, however it appears to be easier for the not-sogreat things to surface and dominate our lives. I guess it’s time for us to spend more time getting to know and becoming more comfortable with ourselves. Sometimes it only took one class period for a student to come back with an answer to my query. Once many of them knew they had a caring ear, they opened up and shared very interesting tidbits. It’s amazing how you can make another feel good about themselves, but first you have to feel good about yourself ! Vote, you’ll feel better!


FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Plantation Politics in Minority Broadcasting Thinking, States. In 2014, I was BY contacted by former PLURIA MARSHALL JR. FCC Chairman Dick Wiley about a PRESIDENT / CEO MARSHALL BROADCASTING GROUP potential opportunity to partner with Nexstar Media When I tell you that you can Group to acquire one or more TV count the number of African stations. American commercial TV station As a longtime media executive, owners in the U.S. on one hand, I naturally expressed my interest. I mean it literally. There are only After several meetings with five – and I’m one of them. Nexstar executives, Nexstar agreed Less than 1% of the nation’s to an FCC-imposed mandate to 1,400-plus commercial television guarantee a $60 million bank loan stations are owned by African so I could acquire three TV stations Americans – a shocking and in Texas, Louisiana and Iowa. shameful reality in a nation that Why did Nexstar agree to purports to be the world’s example guarantee the loan? Because they of a free and diverse press. Minority had a $500 million acquisition media ownership is a fundamental on the table that was going to part of our commitment to create be rejected unless they helped a and support an educated and minority business owner get into well-informed society because it the TV business (simultaneously allows news and information to be helping the FCC honor its diversity presented by different (and often mandate). ignored) perspectives. And that’s not just me talking Earlier this month in Congress, – that’s exactly what then-FCC the House Committee on Energy Chairman Tom Wheeler told and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Nexstar: Help a Black man get into Communications and Technology TV broadcasting – by providing the will hold a hearing, “Lifting Voices: loan guaranty and other assistance Legislation to Promote Media – or the FCC will not approve Marketplace Diversity,” to shed your transaction. Without MBG’s light on the challenges uniquely help, then, Nexstar’s $500 million faced by minority broadcasters and acquisition would have never been close the loopholes that allow huge approved. What’s more, Nexstar corporations to put these minority would have forfeited millions of voices down. This hearing couldn’t dollars in fees and deposits. come at a more urgent moment In theory, Nexstar’s longas the 2020 election cycle is well term commitment was to help underway, giving broadcasters and MBG get a secure footing in station owners enormous influence broadcasting, acquire more TV over the content and information stations and, ultimately, become that voters receive. a thriving minority broadcaster My own experience as in its own right. In reality, it was an African American media something else. Before the ink on broadcast owner is a case study in the agreement was dry, Nexstar how our system is not supposed reneged on most of its obligations to work. I am president and CEO under the FCC agreement. of Marshall Broadcasting Group Notwithstanding that, Nexstar did (MBG), a television broadcasting call in its marker for FCC approval company that owns three full power of a larger, unrelated transaction. television stations in the United Once Nexstar’s larger deal was

approved, it took active measures to sabotage MBG and run us out of business. They overcharged us for stations, interfered with our operations, imposed oppressive fees for shared services, withheld working capital, and eventually caused us to default on our credit facility. This is not how companies that claim to be committed to media diversity should treat their minority broadcast partners. In my opinion, it represents the calculated scheme of a predator who exploits and manipulates the system to subsidize its own interests and ventures – all with U.S. tax dollars and blessing. The biggest failure was our system – set up by Congress and run by the FCC – that lacks the accountability, follow-up and protections to not only encourage minority broadcasters, but to support us as we grow and thrive. In fact, even when these abuses were brought to the FCC’s attention in the form of a complaint, the FCC ignored them and rewarded Nexstar with approval of an even larger merger, allowing them to purchase Tribune; a company previously denied to Sinclair for similar abuses. The only thing worse than our government turning a blind eye to minority broadcasters is when government officials actually do something to assist media diversity, only to have those efforts thwarted by the disingenuous actions of corporations like Nexstar. Starting with the recent hearing – but not ending until we’ve leveled the playing field – let’s demand that Congress take the necessary steps to support minority broadcasters who want to grow and enrich our media landscape, unshackled to bad actors like Nexstar. I’m proud to be a pioneering African American broadcast owner, but our country would be much better off if I was one of many.

continued from front page

and others correct when they tied lack of land ownership to the overwhelming problems that plague AfricanAmericans today? In one public appearance in the mid-1960s, Dr. King spoke about the link between land ownership and freedom: “In 1863, the Negro was told that he was free...But he was not given any land to make that freedom meaningful... The nation, through...Congress, (also) was giving away millions of acres of land in the west and mid-west...(to) white peasants from Europe...Not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges...,” Dr. King is quoted as saying. During Black History this month, panels, lecturers, professors and organizations across the nation are exploring myriad aspects of life of the African diaspora. Land ownership or the lack of it, is a viable topic for them. In January, I wrote about Dallas businessman Robert Pitre who spoke about his passion for owning land. Pitre and his lovely wife, Pennie, of course, own the 90-acre Skyline Ranch at 1801 E. Wheatland Road, off Houston School Road at I-20 in Oak Cliff/Southern Dallas. The entrepreneur/philanthropist also owns other enterprises including a car dealership in the South Dallas/ Fair Park area. Pitre’s zeal for landownership is reminiscent of a Dallas pioneer African-American landowner. Anderson Bonner was born into slavery and came into his own during Reconstruction about a decade after slavery ended. His first land deal was purchasing more than 60 acres in Far North Dallas County in the 1870s. Ultimately, he owned about 2,000 areas mainly along White Rock Creek before he died in the 1920s at approximately age 82. (Bonner did not know his exact birth date.) Medical City Dallas Hospital on Forest Lane near Richardson sets on

land he formerly owned. Bonner is largely forgotten now, but is a compelling story unto himself. Clarence Glover Jr., known as “Professor Freedom,” is a historian of African-American culture, an educator, minister, community advocate, and youth mentor. He grew up on farm land and has studied the impact of land and agriculture on the African diaspora during and after slavery and today. Glover, who vigorously promotes community and home gardens and re-evaluating the virtues of cotton, says descendants of Africa in America have thrown out the baby with the bath water when it comes to honoring land. “Land is the fundamental resource needed to live on, grow food on, and provide other resources,” Glover said. “When we do not have land or choose not to be a part of the agrarian system, we abdicate that resource to others.” He said a modern trend called the Green Movement is capturing attention of Millennials of various races who are pointing their children toward nurturing the ground on which we walk. There is potential bounty in African descendants re-evaluating land and the value of owning it, advocates say. Afterall, said one, do not discount a divine presence in tow as these song lyrics suggests: “My Father is rich in houses and land, He hold(s) the wealth of the world in His hands. ...rubies...diamonds...silver and gold. He has riches untold ...(and) I’m a child of the King.” Norma Adams-Wade is a veteran, award-winning journalist, graduate of UT-Austin and Dallas native. She is also one of the founders of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and was inducted into the NABJ Hall of Fame.


FEBRUARY 19, 2020


Black History Month Recurring Events

Feeding The Needy, hosted by: "Hollywood Hernandez Live" 1691 Corsicana St., Dallas. 3-5p. Sundays. The Kinsey African American Art & History Collection, at the African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. now-3-1 Comerica Bank Prom Dress Drive, All sizes, shoes, purses, and accessories welcome. Drop Off locations & Info: Comerica.com/promdress from 2-1 to 29th. Free Job Training, Jobs in the Low Voltage Field, at Frazier House 4600 Spring Ave. 7:30a-3p. This is 4-week program. Info: Jasmine Anderson, jasmine.anderson@zwhjcoc.org. Free Tax Help at Dr. MLK, Jr. Branch Library, 2922 Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. Thursdays 11a-3p. Feb. 1st - April 15th. To Be Young Gifted and Black, at Jubilee Theatre, 506 Main St. Ft. Worth. Times Vary, Tickets: jubileetheatre.org. Funny You Don’t Like A Negro, at Theatre Three, 2800 Routh St. Ste. 168. Times Vary, Tickets: 214-871-3300. 2-20-3-15-20. A Raisin in the Sun, Featuring: Durant Searcy at Theatre Arlington, 305 W. Main St. Tickets and times: 817-275-7661. 2-14-3-8-20.

FEBRUARY 19 1853 The first YMCA was started in Washington, D.C. 1940 soul singer William “Smokey” Robinson was born.

Happy Birthday to Team Member and a great lady La Donna Castro The Dr. MLK Fresh Produce Distribution Center, Bldg. A 2929 Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. 10a-1p. Special Exhibition Opening, host Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum 300 N. Houston St. 6-8p. Tickets: dallasholocaustmuseum.secure.force.com

BOB Networking Mixer, at Foundation Room House of Blues, 2200 Lamar St. 6-9p. Honoring Black History Month with our Youth in Mind, Saltlight Station, 1501 S. Greenville Ave. Free Eventbrite.com. Good Conversation Reception at The Tower Club, 1601 Elm St. 48th Fl. 5:30-10:00p. Listening Series with Chief Hall and Councilwoman Carolyn King Arnold at Becky Saner Rec. Center. 6-8p.

FEBRUARY 21-22 Charles Perry’s Vocal Masterclass Experience, host Connect Church Plano, 2200 Los Rios Blvd. 7-10p. & 10a-6p. Register: www. connectchurchplano.com.

FEBRUARY 21-23 The Black Academy of Arts & Letters Festival of Dance, The Rhythm and Soul of the People, at TBAAL 1309 Canton St. Times Vary. Info: www.AtlantaDanceConnection.com

FEBRUARY 21 1965 Black Nationalist leader Malcolm X was shot to death at Audubon Ball Room in Harlem, NY.

20th Anniversary Destiny Award Luncheon: A Conversation with Taraji P. Henson, St Phillips School, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. In Conversation with Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. & Charlotte Jones Dallas Cowboys, St. Luke Community UMC, 5710 R.L. Thornton Fwy. 7p. Diaper Day, Dallas WIC, 2229-B Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd. 9:30-11:30a. Info: 214-670-8418. Frederick Douglass Elementary School's 30th Year Anniversary in Pleasant Groove!, Frederick Douglas Elementary Cafeteria, 226 N. Jim Miller Rd. 6p. Joe McBride Live at Chocolate Secrets, 3926 Oak Lawn Ave. 7:30- 11p. Tickets: Eentbrite.com. Jam for Jesus at Friendship-West Baptist Church. 7-9p Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

CRES Presents Dr. Khalil Muhammad – Condemnation of Blackness, host TCU African American Studies at Neely School of Business, 2900 Lubbock Ave. Ft. Worth 6-7:30p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Tillotson Luncheon Speaker Series w/ Councilman Casey Thomas at Maggiano’s, 205 North Park Center. 11:45a-1p. Tickets: jotformpro.com.

Small Business of Brand Building at DEC RedBird 3662 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. 6-8p. Free Eventbrite.com

Paul Quinn College Founder’s Day 2020 at Paul Quinn College 3837 Simpson Stewart Rd. 7-8:30p. Info: 214-379-5546

FEBRUARY 20 1927 Sidney Poitier, actor, born in Miami, Fl.

Plano Parks & Rec., TLAC (Think Like A Cop) NOW , Carpenter Recreation Center, 6701 Coit Rd. 6-8p. Info: www.tlacnow.com .

FEBRUARY 22 1732 President George Washington was born.

Red Alert, host Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae Chapter-Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2525 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. 7-11p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Queenish Black Dolls Showcase, host Quinnie Nichols founder of Queenish Professional Womens Club at Lancaster Senior Life Center, 240 Veterans Memorial Pkwy. 11a-6p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Sadiaa Black Beauty Mixer Vol. 2, Theme: Curls and Crowns. AODI, 211 N. Ervay St. 2nd. Fl. 7-10p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Genesis Young Leader Masquerade 2020, Midnight in Monte Carlo, 6500 Dallas. 8p. Info: genesisshelter.org/masquerade.

UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, host Honorable Eric Johnson, Hyatt Regency, 300 Reunion Blvd. 7p. Contact: UNCF 972-234-1007. Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame 2020 Induction Luncheon, African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. 11a. Tickets: Carol Huntley Little at 214-565-9026, ext 326.

DFWJAMSESSION Presents Open Mic, Sandaga 813, 813 Exposition Ave. 9p-1a. Tickets: rcandthegritz.com. Women of the West Bible Study, Friendship West Baptist Church 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. Wed. 7p.


Coffee & Politics 101, Voter Dilution in McKinney at African American Museum, 3536 Grand Ave. 10-11a.

1902 World-renowned opera singer Marian Anderson is born.

Volunteers in Patrol Training at Bexar St Sub-Station, 5400 Bexar St. Contact:: 214-671-3015.

Connect Dallas Mobility Fair and Symposium hosted by the City of Dallas at Briscoe Carpenter Center in Fair Park. 4-7p.

Census Ambassador Training at 148 N. Washington 11:45a-2p. Free Lunch. Contact:: kara@texasnewera.org.

Arlington Black Chamber February General Meeting at Brickhouse Lounge of Arlington, 2525 E. Arkansas Ln. #253. 6-8p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Municipal Court: Warrant Pop-Up Events, Nash-Davis Rec. Center; 3710 Hampton, Sat. 10a-1p. Umphress Rec. Center, 7616 Umphress. Sun. 10a-1p. Contact: 214-6703311.

Brown Lady “We want you in our Network”, Business Lounge Dallas, 13740 Midway Rd. Suite 528. 12-2p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

Badu Birthday Yoga, Urban Hippie Oak Cliff 833 W. 7th St. 2:30-3:30p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

FEBRUARY 23 1868 Educator, Civil Rights leader and author W.E.B. DuBois is born.

A Night of a 1000 Laughs, with comedian Ronni B, at The Island Spot, 2661 Midway Rd. 6-9p. Mardi Gras Oak Cliff Parade, host Go Oak Cliff. The parade route runs along Davis St. from Nova into the heart of Bishop Arts. 4-6p. Info: gooakcliff.org. The Guiltless Brunch: Mardi Gras Edition, in Dallas location after you RSVP: Website: www.itsguiltless.com 1-4p.

FEBRUARY24 1864 Rebecca Crumpler becomes the first Black Woman to receive a M.D. Degree.

Southern Dallas Community Briefing, The DEC at RedBird, 3662 Camp Wisdom Rd. 6:30- 8p. Free. The History of Civil Rights in America, The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, 2719 Routh St. 6:30-8:p. Tickets: 35468audhosting.com.

FEBRUARY 25 1870 Hiram R. Revels becomes the first Black U.S. Senator

Positive Reflection Ministries Free Groceries, Pleasant Zion M.B.C. 1910 N. St Augustine Rd. 10a-1p. Info: 214208-5536. A Fat Tuesday Gathering, Tipsy Tuesday Daiquiri Shoppe, 2457 N. Hampton Rd. DeSoto. 6-9p.

FEBRUARY 26 1869 15th Amendment proposed in Congress, giving former slaves the right to vote. 1928 R & B singer “Fats” Domino is born.

Black History Youth Program at Ideal Family Church, 1000 E. Redbird Ln. 7-8:30p.

Black History Month Mixer, host North Dallas Suburbia at Blends Daiquiri Lounge, 2810 E. Trinity Mill Rd. #145. 6:30-11p. Join the Small Business Expo, host WERE Community at Kaye Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S. Griffin St. 10a-5:30p. Eventbrite.com. Intuit Black Business Panel at Intuit. 5601 Headquarters Dr. Plano 5:30-8p. Free Eventbrite.com.

FEB 28 - MARCH 1 The Melanin MANIFESTival at 4 The Culture Studio, 115 N. Carroll St. Times Vary. Tickets: Eventbrite.com.

FEBRUARY 28 1984 Michael Jackson wins record 8 Grammy awards for his best-selling album Thriller.

DeSoto Arts Commission presents-The Dallas Black Dance Theatre, DeSoto High School-Eagle Stadium, 700 Eagle Dr. 7-9p. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. Ladies First Monthly Mixer at One Love Lounge, 2315 S. Cooper St. Arlington. 7p-12a. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. I Am Africa Art Show at WrightArt, 830 Exposition Ave. 7-10p. Tickets: wrightarttwinse.bigcartel.com. Black History Month Event at Restland Funeral Home, 13005 Greenville Ave. 3-4p.

FEBRUARY 29 1940 Hattie McDaniel becomes the first African American Woman to win an Oscar for “Gone with the Wind”.

Chris Tucker, at The Theatre Grand Prairie 1001 Performance Pl. 8p. Tickets: AXS.com. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's-DFW Joint Founders Day Luncheon, Sisterhood: The Call…The Journey…The Destination… Irving Convention Center, 500 West Las Colinas Blvd. 11a. WAYO & City of Dallas Casey Thomas/Homeless Expo 2020, Crozier Hall2218 Bryan St. #105. 9a-1p. Hidden History Tour - Black History Alive and Well, Dart Transit Center, 1423 J.B. Jackson, Jr. Blvd. 9a. Book Tour: https://www. hiddenhistorydfw.com/

FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Nobody should live in a health care desert.

Yet, many African Americans have inadequate access to hospitals in this country. Some communities have only one doctor in the area. Others don’t even have a local hospital. Let’s call this what it is: institutional racism. When African Americans don’t have access to health care, it perpetuates cycles of oppression and marginalization. Health care should be a human right afforded to everyone. It’s time to ensure African Americans have access to quality, affordable health care. I will fight for this fundamental right. Join us to increase hospital access in your community. PAID FOR BY TOM STEYER 2020



FEBRUARY 19, 2020



The terms used to describe hairstyling for the deceased is Desairology, Eternal Grooming, or Make Ready. The Funeral Home Business is a billion dollar industry. Someone dies everyday. The last grooming service for a loved one is most often done by a licensed cosmetologist, barber, braider, or wig stylist. If the family would like the fingernails of their loved one polished, this service may also be done by the professional. If there is damage, cuts, or discoloration to the hands, the morticians may cover the hands with a bible, scarf, or handkerchief. In the U.S. alone, there are thousands of Funeral Homes and growing. In Texas, there are numerous Funeral Homes. The Texas Prepaid Fund has grown to approximately $17 million. PreNeed Counseling Services are available to consumers to lighten the burned during a difficult time of transition of a a loved one. Everything is in writing, and the price is locked in for expenses, however other expenses may be required, such as flowers, limousine service, or grave site digging, just to name a few. The family has choices including: an organ donor, donate their body to science, cremation, casket, mausoleum, or pine box. Furthermore, Dr. Terry S. Masters, Funeral Director of Bethesda Funeral Homes in Mexia and DeSoto, TX shared info about ‘Personalized Funerals’...also called ‘Lavish Funerals.’ These type of funerals are popular globally per the families request. One example, Dr. Masters shared, a man wanted to be laid to rest in his car...so the family granted his wish. The motor was removed prior to lowering the car into the oversized grave. Another example includes a reality TV show. Golden Gate Funeral Home, Dallas, TX began a Reality Television Show on the TLC Network, showcasing ‘Personalized Funerals’ under

the head-ing “The Best Funeral Ever.” I have watched this program, observing a casket made in the shape of a barbecue pit, yet the body was never shown. The Owner, John Beckwith confirmed that the body is never shown in televised segments. In addition, in other countries such as Ghana, India, etc, custom caskets may be ordered according to a person’s profession. Dr. Doris Whitaker, who works at Grimes Funeral Home, Houston, TX said family members need to be aware of choosing the right garment for a loved one. If it is a female, make sure the garment is not low cut in the neckline area. If it is too low cut, they will add a scarf or cloth insert in that area to conceal cuts, scars, incisions, etc. Do not bring hanging earrings... studs are preferred. Retired National Beauty Culturist’s League Instructor of Desairology Dr. Dorothy Ward shared some valuable information for beauty professionals, who offer this service. 1)Protect yourself. Use gloves, gowns, a mask and covered shoes. A)You will need the following Implements: combs, brushes, chips, hairpins, sheen and holding hair spray, oil, gels, colors, color rinses, rollers, thermal combs and irons, thermal stove, blow dryer, shears, clippers, and head rest. If you use a flat iron, use a disposable kind, not one that you use daily on your clients. The reason is, the embalming fluid affects the heating mechanism, therefore it will not get as hot you will notice on other clients...even after cleaning it. 2) Some funeral homes will have the hair already shampooed, however, if you are required to shampoo the hair, remember these hazards. Test the water to make sure it is not hot. Hot water will cause hair removal. Be sure to rinse thoroughly all-foreign matters from the hair and scalp before proceeding with a service. Be sure to test curlers-hair is easy to burn as well as the hairline skin can burn easily. Hair is in a very dry state and very easy to lift from the scalp due to various causes of death and conditions. Be cautious around the hairline also with hair colors.

3) Procedures: Examine the scalp in order to make sure there is not any seepage from an autopsy or abrasions of the scalp. If scalp looks OK, proceed with cleaning the scalp and hair with tepid water and shampoo, or a dry shampoo substance. Towel dry or blow-dry all excess moisture from the hair. Use careful strokes with the comb or brush so that the hair will not tangle, because the hair is easy to comb out at this point. Select a style and proceed to press the hair if it is virgin hair. Curl the hair so that it can be styled to accentuate the person’s face, since the concentration is only on the front and sides. Remember that the right side is the viewing side. Be sure you have the proper implements to achieve whatever style you wish to accomplish, such as, combs, brushes, clips, hairpins, hair sprays oils, gels, hair colors and rinses and shears and clippers. 4) The time spent for grooming depends on the stylist’s ability and expertise. Price is determined between the mortician and the stylist. The average rate is currently $50 per person and up. 5) Remember that the appearance of the body leaves an everlasting impression on the family and friends. It is always a rewarding experience when a job has been well done. One that warrants the pleasure of you receiving compliments from the family, morticians and friends. 6)Always be open-minded, compassionate, non-judgemental, responsive communicator and listen to the family’s request and desire. You will meet people of all religious denominations and all socioeconomic circumstances, who will rely upon your support, good organizational skills and knowledge of the products and services available when making funeral arrangements. Life’s journey is not always easy. We have challenges…then learn how to overcome them. Obstacles…then step or jump over it. At the end of the journey, the casket is closed forever. All questions should be directed to Dr. Linda Amerson 817 265 8854. We also invite you to join us Wednesdays at 11am-12pm CST with Ask the Hair and Scalp Doctor on www.DfwiRadio.com. Check out our social media links: www.hairandscalpesentials. com www.twitter.com/ScalpDoctor www.facebook. com/Hair-and-Scalp-Essentials


FEBRUARY 19, 2020

NTIF.org • 214-821-4173 Discount tickets for saturDay anD sunDay at tom thumb anD albertsons


FEBRUARY 19, 2020

AWE-INSPIRING SXSW EXPERIENCE By Monique “M. P.” Stone When I say last year’s SXSW was amazing, I mean it was AMAZING. SXSW has evolved to becoming the largest Festival and Conference of it's kind and it all takes place in Austin, Texas. Last year's festival ran from March 4-17. It was 14 straight days of unparalleled education, enlightenment, discovery, interaction, entertainment, connecting and networking. In conjunction with dining, partying, powerwalking, touring, shuttling, scootering, pedi-cabbing, Face-Booking, Snap Chatting, Instagram-ing, Twittering, photo-flashing, podcasting, news reporting, production crew filming and just overall amazing. SXSW possessed all the ingredients necessary to deliver the proverbial “WOW” factor. CNN described SXSW as “An annual conglomerate of conferences, screenings, parties, premieres, interactive media and music founded by Roland Swenson, Louis Jay Meyers, Louis Black and

Nick Barbaro. The purpose of SXSW is to create an opportunity to develop careers by bringing together people from around the globe to meet, learn and share ideas.” SXSW, also known as “South By” has grown from 700 registrants in 1987 to over 40,000 company and individual registrants in 2018 according to Wikipedia. Over 300,000 attendees convened on downtown Austin last year and the economic impact on the economy was 350.6 million. When I say SXSW was huge, I mean it was “HUGH” and no way to experience it all in a day or two. There were back to back and over-lapping events at the Austin Convention Center the entire time. In addition, like in previous years, hundreds of pop up events were held in houses, businesses, parks, clubs, hotels, restaurants and even vacant lots to attract people to their product, service or message. SXSW was contained mainly within a 12 by 12 block radius with shuttle services to events scheduled

a few miles away. Almost every business in the downtown Austin and surrounding areas tapped into the 33 year old Conference and Festival's popularity and shared in it's message and wealth. In summation, I was totally in awe. When I was covering the Red Carpet events, I truly felt as though I were at a Hollywood or New York film premiere, only right there in Austin. Moreover, everyone I encountered, from the SXSW staff, volunteers, convention center staff, vendors, exhibitors, partnering businesses and service providers were all extremely and genuinely friendly and helpful. However, this year’s 2020 SXSW is shaping up to be the biggest and most significant in the 34 year Conference and Festival history. The mind-blowing lineup of keynote and featured speakers include Oscar and Golden Globe winning film-makers, writers, producers, actors and Grammy Award winning musicians,



FEBRUARY 19, 2020

Have your TEXAS METRO NEWS delivered to your home! Call 214-941-0110

Kappas, continued from front page

Kappa Alpha Psi members with area youth

and international chapters around the world. Soon after the fraternity’s founding in 1911, it rapidly expanded to several undergraduate chapters followed by the chartering of Alumni Chapters across the country. The Dallas (TX) Alumni was chartered in 1935 by 11 esteemed members of the organization. For 85 years, the Chapter has adhered to its motto, “To Become The Premier Leader In Service And Community Impact.” Members have included prestigious men such as Master Educator Floyd Wilkerson, Physician Dr. Emmitt J. Conrad and Engineer/Corporate Executive James C. Mitchell, to name a few. The Chapter will serve as host of celebratory events during the week of February 28 – March 8, 2020. The Chapter is excited as it anticipates receiving and hosting hundreds of brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, and other guests from across the country for this celebration. The Dallas (TX) Alumni Chapter’s Anniversary Celebration The Aloft Hotel – Love Field, 2333 W. Mockingbird Lane is the host hotel for the Dallas (TX) Alumni Anniversary Celebration. The schedule for the week is: February 28, 2020: Community Service Project – Margaret H. Cone Head Start Center - 2919 Troy St., Dallas, TX 4:30 –6:30 pm March 1, 2020: St. Jude Sunday of Hope Worship Service - Friendship West Baptist Church - 2020 W. Wheatland Rd, Dallas, TX 75232 – 8am & 11am March 2, 2020 – Chapter Bible Study – MEMBERS ONLY 2515 Martin L. King, Jr. Blvd., Dallas, TX - 75215 – 12:30 – 2:30pm March 5, 2020 – Nupe Jazz Thursday – Sandaga 813 – 813 Exposition Ave., Dallas, TX 75226 9 – 11:30pm March 6, 2020 – Community Service Project – Trinity Heights Elem. School - 1515 Lynn Haven, Dallas, TX 75216 – 2:00 – 4:00pm March 7, 2020 – DAC presents – 85 Years of Service in North Texas: The Unmistakable Impact of the Dallas Alumni Chapter - Aloft Hotel – Love Field – 2333 W. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75235. - Presale Tickets for the event may be purchased for $50 early and $60 at the door. Attire is Semi-Formal March 8, 2020 – Chapter Worship Service St. Paul United Methodist Church - 1816 Routh St., Dallas, TX 75201 For more information and updates of Dallas (TX) Alumni Chapter’s 85th Anniversary Celebration activities, visit www.dallasalumni.org


FEBRUARY 19, 2020

All-Star Saturday Night a success once again Story and Photo By Dorothy J. Gentry

A mean-spirited budget proposal FROM THE CAPITOL

Sports Editor

All-Star Saturday Night is easily the most-hyped, most-attended and favorite of the NBA All Star festivities. Saturday night in Chicago was no exception as fans and the audience were witnesses to great competition, fantastic performances and an epic dunk battle that will go down in history as one of the best ever. The Slam Dunk Contest everyone’s favorite event – featured Orlando Magic player Aaron Gordon and Derrick Jones Jr. of the Miami Heat both former runners-up in the battle. They tied after both the finals and the tiebreaker round and had to keep on dunking in what was essentially the first OT in the event. Finally, despite Gordon dunking over 7-5 Boston Celtic player Tacko Fall, Jones was named the Slam Dunk Champion. “It feels great,” Jones Jr. said of winning the competition on what was also his 23rd birthday. “Just being able to get an achievement like this on a day like this, it’s special for me. This is a day that I’m going to tell my kids about. Just make sure that they know this is a day for me.” Before the Dunk Contest, AllStar Saturday Night opened with the Skill Challenge; a threeround, bracket-style contest where players compete head-to-head in an obstacle course featuring checkpoints that test their dribbling, passing and shooting. The finals of the competition featured the Miami Heat’s Bam Adebayo and Domantas Sabonis of the Indiana Pacers. Adebayo was named Skills Challenge winner. He dedicated the award to his mom. “It’s because all she’s been through and all the struggles


Derrick Jones Jr. Miami Heat she’s been through and what the living conditions were I had to go through,” he said. “And how she still strived to make me happy and make our house feel home, and I can’t do nothing but give her that and keep giving her every other accolade I get.” Another favorite of All-Star Saturday Night is the 3-Point Contest. Last year's champion Joe Harris of the Brooklyn Nets competed along with seven other players. Davis Bertans of the Washington Wizards, Devin Booker of the Phoenix Suns and Buddy Hield of the Sacramento Kings, reached the final round. Booker put a strong score of 26 up on the board in his final run through the course but Hield was able to make his final shot which gave him 27 points to beat Booker. “I feel great. Like I said earlier, as a shooter, this is on your bucket list. You have to come in, and you want to win a three-point shootout. With a stacked field like that, it makes it even better. Pressure is on and you’ve got to show up.”

The budget proposed recently by the Trump administration for fiscal year 2021 is meanspirited, disruptive and contains recommendations and policies that undermine working people and those in need of a safetynet to simply help them and their families survive. The $4.8 trillion plan calls for unacceptable decreases in student loan programs, Medicaid, housing assistance programs, the food stamp program, programs that protect the environment and Social Security Disability among others. It would severely harm poor people, injure the middle class, and would increase income disparities in our country. It is unacceptable and fair-minded people in Congress will do all that we can to see that it does not become a reality. During a period in which many people live in the midst of


food deserts, and are able to feed their families because they receive some assistance from the federal government, the Trump budget proposes to cut $15 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It also seeks to decrease the number of adults who qualify for the program by expanding work requirements for people who, due to no fault of their own, are unable to work. It seems that the government has little concern about whether people, including children, go to bed hungry. Sadly, in a nation in which 500,000 people are homeless on any given night, and many others live in inadequate housing, the proposed budget calls for a steep reduction in a federal rental assistance program designed to assist people who live near or below the poverty line. The budget would also

eliminate federal funding for communities that have public housing that is in need of repair. It also would require tenants who live in public housing to pay more of their income towards rental units. Many of these people are barely making it with the incomes they have. If all of this were not enough, the budget proposes demonstrative cuts in Medicaid and in financial subsidies that are available under the Affordable Care Act, while neither the administration nor its allies in Congress have come up with alternative healthcare plans for the American people. The administration is calling for cuts in vital programs while requesting an additional $460 million increase in military spending, letting everyone know its priorities are far from doing what is in the best interests of the American people.

+ Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson represents the 30th Congressional District of Texas in the United States House of Representatives where she chairs the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

continued from front page

o f F r ie n d s h ip -W e s t B a p t is t C h u r c h in D a lla s , T X w ill b e p r e a c h in g t h is w e e k . A ls o t h e F r ie n d s h ip -W e s t P r a is e Te a m , P a u l Q u in n C o lle g e C h o ir a n d t h e 1 0 t h D is t r ic t c h o ir s w ill b e p e r fo r m in g a t t h e E c u m e n ic a l N ig h t , T h u r s d a y , F e b . 2 0 , 2 0 2 0 in t h e C h a p e l a t 7 :0 0 p .m . W it h t h e r e o p e n in g o f t h e C h a p e l, w o r s h ip s e r v ic e s , g r a d u a t io n s , c o n c e r t s , c la s s e s , c o n fe r e n c e s a n d s p e c ia l e v e n t s w ill b e h e ld in s id e . B is h o p J o h n R ic h a r d B r y a n t , r e t ir e d S e n io r B is h o p o f t h e A M E C h u r c h a n d fo r m e r C h a ir o f t h e B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s o f P a u l Q u in n C o lle g e a n d fo r m e r p r e s id in g B is h o p o f t h e 1 0 t h D is t r ic t w ill b e p r e a c h in g t h e d e d ic a t io n s e r m o n o n F r id a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 2 0 , a t 7 :0 0 p .m . O n W e d n e s d a y , F e b . 2 6 , D a lla s M a v e r ic k s e x e c u t iv e s w ill jo in w it h P a u l Q u in n C o lle g e le a d e r s h ip t o u n v e il it s n e w e s t b a s k e t b a ll c o u r t . T h e c o u r t d e d ic a t io n m a r k s t h e 2 7 t h c o u r t d o n a t e d b a c k t o t h e c o m m u n it y b y e it h e r t h e D a lla s M a v e r ic k s o r t h e M a v s F o u n d a t io n . U n d e r t h e le a d e r s h ip o f P r e s id e n t M ic h a e l S o r r e ll, t h e fi r s t n e w s t r u c t u r e o n t h e c a m p u s in s e v e r a l d e c a d e s is v a s t ly b e c o m in g a r e a lit y w it h t h e n e w T r a m m e ll S . C r o w L iv in g a n d L e a r n in g C e n t e r a n d H e a lt h a n d W e lln e s s C e n t e r, w h ic h w ill in c r e a s e d o r m it o r y h o u s in g fo r s t u d e n t s a n d p r o v id e a d d it io n a l c la s s r o o m s , a s w e ll a s h e a lt h a n d w e lln e s s /r e c r e a t io n p r o g r a m s .

NABJ Secretary Cheryl Smith and comedian Roy Wood Jr. of the Daily Show with Trevor Noah sign beam at Paul Quinn College, during NABJ Basics Bootcamp, last week. Photo-Maurice West


FEBRUARY 19, 2020



Nobody’s perfect BY ALMA GILL

My husband cannot let things go – he holds grudges for way longer than the offense is worth. He brings up things that happened months/years ago to remind me of what he says are my faults. It’s not just me; he gives his sister grief for dropping him when he was one and she was three. Aside from pointing out that he’s being ridiculous when he gets going on some


part of his personality, and he ain’t gonna change. Nobody’s perfect, and if he’s been doing this with his family, it’s really just a continuation of who he truly is. Your question should be: How do I live with it? Well, remind yourself of when it didn’t bother you so much early in the relationship. Funny how things switch after many years of marriage.

You heard him during the courtship and thought it wasn’t so bad. You married him anyway, thinking, “Aww, I can handle it.” It wasn’t cute then, and it’s not cute now. old grudge, do you have any suggestions on how I can make him stop? Name withheld Dear Nameless One, News flash: You can’t change another person’s personality. Your husband didn’t start this yesterday. He was doing it before you married him. You heard him during the courtship and thought it wasn’t so bad. You married him anyway, thinking, “Aww, I can handle it.” It wasn’t cute then, and it’s not cute now. So, follow through on the decision you made when you said your vows (for better or worse) and live with it. It’s a


What wuz cute is about to get on your last nerve. All of you long time married folks know what I’m talking about. LOL. Anyway, back to my suggestion: When he gets going, leave him in his space. Meditate on things about him that make you happy. I’m sure he has many other qualities that you admire. That’s why he’s your husband. I can understand if this isn’t the answer you were looking for, but it will keep you guys united as one for many years to come. Your or my answer can’t change your husband. That Sweetie is an act only he can control. Alma

Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans over 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@ yahoo.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma.

The Valder Beebe Show roster of varied guests continue to inform our audiences on subjects that matter. Stay informed by connecting with ValderBeebeShow.com. Former Jehovah’s Witnesses speak out about sexual abuse they endured during their time with the organization in Oxygen’s investigative special…The Witnesses. I spoke with investigative journalist Trey Bundy who has been working for years to empower the public to protect children within the insular institution, reporting the stories of survivors of sexual abuse. The Jehovah’s Witnesses religion has long relied on its own governing body to set the course by which its followers live their lives. By examining the organization’s policies and practices, the special explores whether those procedures operate to conceal the identities of potential child predators. Through shocking exclusive interviews and firsthand accounts, the special follows Trey’s journey as he inches closer to unveiling dark secrets behind the institution. Former Witnesses Debbie McDaniel, Deloris Lyles, Sarah Brooks and Chessa Manion share deeply-emotional stories depicting a broken system that has failed to protect some members of the organization. Their testimonies, along with the work of attorney Irwin Zalkin, who provides legal services to victims of abuse, provide a detailed look at the flawed inner-workings of the organization’s guiding practices. “The Witnesses” highlights their search for justice, along with the growing number of former members who are speaking out to change the institution. Trey Bundy is an investigative reporter

with The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR).—Text provided by Trey Bundy’s publicists in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show VBS: As I speak with you on this FM platform that reaches across the nation, you have fascinating information about your special on Oxygen network about The Witness. Would you share with my audience what we will be viewing? TB: I started reporting on the Jehovah Witness child sexual abuse in 2015. What the viewers will see and hear is; what is a matter of policy by the organization, the policy of protecting child abusers. VBS: Over the years there have been many who were a part of the Jehovah Witness religion, who have shared in public that they believe that the Jehovah Witness organization is a cult. Stories and reports of unusual things going on with those inside the religion. Now with the Oxygen special we will hear that that is sexual abuse of minors and cover ups of these crimes? TB: Sure there has always been sexual abuse. I don’t count myself as somebody who necessarily looks at this religion as a cult. I don’t have any problem with the religion at all in terms of their belief system. The issue that we take and the reason we are reporting on this is because there are demonstrable policies in the organization going back decades that child abuse is to be kept confidential. We’ve seen proof of this in civil lawsuits and internal documents of the religion. As long as there are protected predators there are news stories……. Trey Bundy’s full interview……. YouTube.com/valderbeebeshow

Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW On-Demand video: ValderBeebeShow.com, 411RadioNetwork.com, Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow; PODCAST audio: Soundcloud.com/valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw; Broadcast:KYBS FM Y99.9, KRER FM 102.5, Streaming TV PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters; On-Demand 411 RadioNetwork.com,. – Now available on 411RadioNetwork APP . Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women media influencer consortium partner.


The Photograph Just in time for Valentine’s Day weekend, here comes the smart romantic movie, The Photograph. I call it smart because of the positive depictions of African American life and the characters in it. The main characters are Mae, played by Issa Rae, and Michael, portrayed by Lakeith Stanfield. She is a curator at the Queens Museum and he is a writer for a magazine called The Republic. The movie runs with two parallel storylines. The current story with the professional couple going through the ups and downs of a new relationship and the background story of Mae’s mother, who passed away without ever informing her daughter that she was sick. She was a photographer and a single mother with serious issues involving men and relationships. The two stories are woven together to make a very entertaining movie about a mother and daughter’s relationship and how the past has an impact on our current day life. The chemistry between Rae and Stanfield is sizzling. They heat up the big screen with an obvious love for each other, however, neither of them has the courage to go all the way in on a committed relationship. Mae fears that she is just like her mother, a

free spirit who cannot commit to an exclusive relationship and Michael is a “player” who jumps from relationship to relationship. Director Stella Meghie, who also wrote the script, does a masterful job with the talented ensemble. She gets much of the credit for making such a smart film. The rest of the cast is strong. Chante Adams as Mae’s mother gives an Oscar-caliber performance and Lil Rel Howery, as Michael’s best friend, gives the film a real comedic edge. I liked how Director Stella Meghie took the high road in her portrayal of the African American cast. This is truly a black love story but it can be enjoyed by all. The movie is rated PG-13 for some very sexual scenes (but there is no nudity) and it has a run time of 1 hour and 46 minutes. On my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” The Photograph rates a JUMBO.

14 SXSW Experience, continued from page 10

composers, songwriters and rappers. In addition to, best-selling authors and highly recognized comedians, politicians, educators, pod-casters, critics, science, interactive and tech industry rock stars. Personalities and celebrities confirmed to be in attendance this year will be Janelle Monae, Kenya Barris, Rashida Jones, Jaboukie Young-White, Jameela Jamil, Julianne Moore, Charlamagne tha God, Spike Jonez, Stephen Cobert, Michael Moore, Gayle King and many more. The

FEBRUARY 19, 2020 film screening and entertainment line up is equally as stellar. There's no doubt that there's something for everyone at SXSW. It's an experience well worth the ticket price. Deadlines for discounts are fast approaching. For more information or to experience the 2020 SXSW premier global Conference and Festival March 13-20 in Austin for yourself, log on to www.sxsw.com/attend. Join IMessenger Media's Texas Metro News and The Garland Journal as we bring you daily and live coverage of this epic event on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and online at www.texasmetronews.



FEBRUARY 19, 2020


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FEBRUARY 19, 2020

From the desk of

MIKE BLOOMBERG Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to learn about The Greenwood Initiative. As someone who has been very lucky in life, I often say my story would only have been possible in America — and that’s true. But I also know that because of the artificial barriers of discrimination, my story likely would have turned out very differently if I had been Black, and that more Black Americans of my generation would have ended up with far more wealth, had they been white. Building Generational Wealth for Black Families is Critical. That’s why I launched The Greenwood Initiative in Tulsa last month. I visited the site of the Black Wall Street Massacre, where a white mob decimated the prosperous community of Greenwood. It is to the memory of the lost lives and promise of Greenwood that we’ve dedicated The Greenwood Initiative: a plan to address the systematic bias that has kept Black Americans from building wealth.

THE GREENWOOD PLAN WILL: • Create 1 million new Black homeowners • Double the number of new Black-owned businesses • Invest $70 billion in the country’s 100 most disadvantaged neighborhoods

Fixing the System for Black Families. When I was mayor of New York, I was proud to take on the systematic inequality that held back too many New Yorkers. We increased education funding, built 650 new schools and raised Black graduation rates to record highs. We led an ambitious effort to reduce poverty and managed the largest amount of affordable housing in the nation. And as President, I will work even more aggressively to combat inequality nationwide. I understand that undoing generations of systematic discrimination won’t happen overnight, but we can make progress with a clear vision and a comprehensive plan. I’ve included a pamphlet along with this letter that lays out my plan. When I’m President, implementing The Greenwood Initiative will be a top priority.

Join me in ending the systemic inequality that has held Black Americans back for too long! Sincerely, Mike Bloomberg


For more information visit


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