The Big Book for Families 2022

Page 7

bbf | education notes

Podcast Interview by Janet Jefferson

in Children’s Literature


ids identify with other kids that look like them. Kids

Books selected for the Atlas Book Club must meet the following

are fascinated by kids who look just like them. Kids


with the same skin tones, hair texture and eye color. So it’s important for kids of all backgrounds to see

• Age appropriate

children of color as protagonists, because from the perspective

• Interesting and engaging

of a child, of a person of color, it’s important for kids to see

• Represents global diversity

themselves represented in books and to see themselves as the

• Tells a story showcasing diversity not just in race and culture,

main character in all sorts of books, from a fantasy novel slaying

but also diversity within race and culture.

dragons to skateboarders and detectives. To see themselves in a book gives kids that sense of belonging. Bunmi Emenanjo, founder of Atlas Book Club and Ceece Kelley,

The Georgie Dupree series from Soaring Kite Books, is actually a three book series. Georgie Dupre, comes from Louisiana and is

principal, author, and founder of Soaring Kite Books have invested

going through culture shock after moving to the DC area. She’s not

themselves and their time into bringing diversity into books.

finding children her age and she doesn’t know what to do. She’s

Atlas Book Club sends kids a box every month that guides them

only lived in one place and always had lots of friends. Through her

on a journey to a different continent. The books selected represent

hobby of being a chalk artist, Georgie is able to find friends and

different countries within the selected continent and each age

learns lessons of resilience and classroom confidence.

group engages in an educational and cultural experience exploring a different country within the continent. • BIG BOOK FOR FAMILIES 2022 • 7

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