stay inspired From Fridge to Forever Keep your little ones’ artwork forever . . . without the clutter! BY ANN LEVELLE
t starts when they’re so little—kids
door reaches critical mass, and the piles
creating loads of adorable toddler
of artwork soars ever higher, urging you to
“artwork,” from tiny handprints pressed
purge it all and never look back? It means
into clay to abstract finger paintings.
it’s time to organize. And while that seems
Before you know it they amass scribbled
daunting, there are quite a few options on
drawings of trucks and dinosaurs, rainbows
that front these days that can help you hold
and cats. They beam with pride at every
onto the memories without wasting space.
picture of their house and portrait of the
artwork that you already have. I have done
something equally heart melting. At times
this several times, and because I’ve amassed
the amount of artwork that the kids produce
so much, it was relatively easy to get rid of
seems endless, especially during their
some of the less-than-amazing items that I had
preschool years, when each and every piece
saved on the day they first came home. Then,
of artwork is nothing short of precious.
get out your phone and get to work.
But what happens when the refrigerator
Your first chore is to dig through the piles of
family, often titled “I Love My Family” or